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Respostas de pêlos radiculares de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) submetidos a estresse por pH baixo e hipo-osmolaridade / Response of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic stressElissena Chinaglia Zabotto Sardinha 30 November 2010 (has links)
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção vegetal. A toxicidade por alumínio, que ocorre apenas a pH baixo, tem sido extensamente investigada, enquanto o estresse causado pelo pH baixo tem recebido pouca atenção. Os estudos nesta área quase sempre presumem efeitos aditivos, e portanto independentes, da toxicidade por Al3+ e H+. Este provavelmente não é o caso, sendo que o pH baixo pode ser um fator de predisposição das células ao Al3+. As evidências indicam que o pH baixo causa desarranjos na parede de células em crescimento, gerando estresse que pode comprometer a sua funcionalidade e integridade. É provável que a susceptibilidade a este estresse deve ser dependente da pressão de turgor. Por sua vez, o metabolismo oxidativo e a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) na parede celular podem modular a sua extensibilidade por romper ou criar ligações dentro ou entre cadeias de polissacarídeo. Há grande interesse em se conhecer se, à semelhança do que ocorre em leveduras, as células vegetais possuem um sistema de percepção e resposta a estresse da parede. Os pêlos radiculares em crescimento são sensíveis a pH baixo e estresse hipo-osmótico e constituem um bom modelo experimental para estes estudos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) Otimizar um sistema experimental para o estudo de pêlos radiculares de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom); b) Avaliar as respostas dos pêlos radiculares ao estresse por pH baixo e hipo-osmolaridade; c) Examinar o papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular nestas respostas; e d) Avaliar a resposta de diferentes mutantes hormonais de Micro-Tom a estes fatores de estresse. Os principais parâmetros avaliados foram a taxa de alongamento (µm.min-1) e a freqüência de rompimento dos pêlos. Tanto o estresse por pH baixo quanto choques hipo-osmóticos resultaram em taxas de alongamento significativamente diminuídos e o rompimento de pêlos radiculares, mas os efeitos dos tratamentos hipo-osmóticos foram mais marcantes. Uma curva de resposta frente à osmolaridade da solução externa revelou que a taxa de alongamento aumentou com a diminuição da osmolaridade até alcançar um limiar em que houve redução drástica da taxa de alongamento e começou-se a observar o rompimento de pêlos. Também se observou uma interação entre hipo-osmolaridade e pH baixo. O emprego do inibidor difenileno iodônio não forneceu evidências do envolvimento de NADPH oxidases da membrana plasmática na resposta de pêlos radiculares a choque hipo-osmótico ou pH baixo. Já no caso do inibidor ácido salicilhidroxâmico, encontrou-se evidências do envolvimento de peroxidases da parede. Nos mutantes hormonais dgt (pouco sensível a auxina) e epi (super produtor de etileno), mas não em not (deficiente em ácido abscísico), os pêlos radiculares apresentaram uma melhor resposta de ajustamento a choque hipo-osmótico do que Micro-Tom, reduzindo o alongamento e o rompimento dos pêlos. Este trabalho fornece fortes evidências de que os pêlos radiculares possuem um mecanismo de percepção e resposta a estresse da parede visando à manutenção de sua integridade e que apresentam bom potencial como sistema modelo nesta linha de pesquisa / Soil acidity is a major factor limiting plant growth worldwide. Aluminum toxicity, which occurs only at low pH, has been extensively studied, whereas low pH stress has received much less attention. Studies on Al3+ and H+ toxicity make the underlying assumption that the effects of these stress factors are additive, and, therefore independent of each other. However, this is most likely not the case and low pH may be a factor which increases susceptibility to further injury by Al3+. There is evidence that low pH causes disruption in cell wall structure of growing cells, which might jeopardize cell wall functionality and integrity. It is likely that turgor pressure plays an important role in cell wall stress caused by low pH. The apoplastic metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can modulate cell wall extensibility by making or breaking bonds within and between cell wall polysaccharides. A major question is whether, similarly to yeast, plant cells have a cell wall integrity signaling and response system. Growing root hairs are sensitive to low pH and hypo-osmotic stress and are potentially good experimental systems for such investigations. The objectives of this study were: a) Optimize an experimental system to examine tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) root hairs; b) Examine the response of root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic stress; c) Examine the role of oxidative modulation of the cell wall in these responses; and d) Evaluate the response of different hormonal mutants of Micro-Tom to these stress factors. Root hair elongation rates (µm.min-1) and the frequency of cell bursting were the major experimental parameters which were evaluated. Both low pH and, more markedly, hypo-osmotic stress caused significant reductions in elongation rates and the bursting of root hair tips. In a response curve to varying osmolarities of the external medium, root hair elongation rates increased with decreasing osmolarities until a threshold was reached and elongation rates decreased drastically and the bursting of root hairs began to be observed. Interactions between low pH and hypo-osmolarity were observed. The use of the inhibitor diphenylene iodonium (DPI) did not provide evidence for the involvement of plasma membrane NADPH in the response of root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic shock. However, a role for cell wall peroxidases was provided by use of the inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM). Root hairs of the hormonal mutants dgt (low sensitivity to auxin) and epi (ethylene super producer), but not not (deficient in abscisic acid), displayed a more effective response to hypo-osmotic shock than Micro-Tom, by decreasing elongation rates and cell bursting to a greater degree. This study provides strong evidence to suggest that root hairs have a cell wall integrity response system and that root hairs are potentially good cell model systems for such research
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Ausgewählte Eigenschaften des Sporopollenins der KieferBohne, Guido 27 February 2007 (has links)
Gegenstand der Arbeit sind Zusammenhänge zwischen physikochemischen Eigenschaften und Funktionen der Exine bei Ausbreitung, Bestäubung und Befruchtung. Dabei bewährte sich der Einsatz der 3-kammrigen Sporopolleninkapseln (Zentralkapsel und Sacci) in der Permeationschromatographie. Sowohl kinetisch bedingte chromatographische Dispersion kleiner Moleküle als auch Konzentrationsänderungen von Zuckern und Dextranmolekülen im Medium wurden zur Bestimmung von Permeabilitätskoeffizienten der Nexine genutzt. Die Wasserabsorptionskapazität von Exinefragmenten und die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit der Nexine wurden anhand von Konzentrationsänderungen ausgeschlossener Dextranmoleküle ermittelt. Das Tectum der saccalen Sexine ist eine Mikrofiltermembran mit scharfer Trenngrenze im Submikrometerbereich; daher werden an den Sacci nur Hydrokolloide mit Stokes''schen Radius über 100 nm (z.B. aus nativem Dextran) ausgeschlossen. Die Nexine ist eine nicht-ideale Umkehrosmose-Membran, die in Zucker- und Salzlösungen hohe Reflexionskoeffizienten zeigt; zusätzlich besitzt sie wenige große Poren, die den Austausch von Zuckern und selbst kleinen Polymermolekülen ermöglichen. Die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit der Nexine liegt im Größenbereich derjenigen von Plasmamembranen (0,39-0,48 µm s-1 MPa-1); die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Exine weder die Nährstoffaufnahme des Sporoplasten aus der lokulären Flüssigkeit noch dessen rasche Rehydratation in der Mikropyle behindert. Die Einfaltungen der distalen Nexine (oberhalb der Sacci) und die Omega-Faltung der Exine zwischen den Sacci (Leptom) bieten beim Quellvorgang Schutz vor zu schneller Flächenausdehnung der Plasmamembran. Der Corpus kann mit konzentrierten Elektrolytlösungen beladen werden. Beim anschließenden osmotischen Schwellen in Wasser reißt die Exine, und der Sporoplast wird mit anhaftender Intine ausgeschleudert. Wasser und andere polare Flüssigkeiten adhärieren stärker als hydrophobe Flüssigkeiten an Sporopollenin. Die Sporopolleninmatrix weist eine hohe Feststoffdichte auf, ist wenig quellfähig (0,18 mL g-1 TM) und deformationsstabil. Dies ermöglicht die Pulverbildung beim Trocknen. / Subject of this thesis are relationships between physicochemical properties and functions of the exine concerning propagation, pollination and fecundation. Here the application of the 3-chambered sporopollenin-microcapsules (central capsule and sacci) in permeation chromatography proved of value. Both the kinetically dependent dispersion of small molecules and changes in concentration of sugars and dextran molecules in the medium were analysed to determine permeability coefficients of the nexine. The water absorption capacity of exine fragments and the hydraulic conductance of the nexine were calculated by means of changes in concentrations of excluded dextran molecules. The tectum of the saccal sexine is a microfiltration membrane with a sharp cut off in the submicrometer range; thus hydrocolloids with Stokes´radii over 100 nm (e.g. from native dextran) are excluded from the sacci. The nexine is a non-ideal reverse osmosis membrane having high reflexion coefficients in sugar and salt solutions; in addition few large pores allow the exchange of sugars and even of small polymers. The hydraulic conductance of the nexine is in the range typically for plasmamembranes (0.39-0.48 µm s-1 MPa-1); the results indicate that the exine does neither obstruct the uptake of nutrients by the sporoplast from the locular fluid nor hinder the rapid rehydration in the micropyle. When rehydrating, the distal foldings of the nexine (above the sacci) and the omega-like folding of the exine between the sacci (leptom), provide protection for the plasmamembrane when its surface area has to increase too rapidly. The corpus can be loaded with a concentrated electrolyte solution. When subsequently transferred into water the exine rupture and the sporoplast along with the intact intine is ejected. Water and other polar liquids adhere stronger to sporopollenin than hydrophobic ones. The matrix of sporopollenin show a high density in its solid content, water absorption capacity is low (0.18 mL g-1 DM) and it is resistant to deformation. This enable the formation of powder while dehydrating.
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Caracterização e possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular em alterações na sensibilidade de células de tabaco cv. BY-2 a pH baixo durante a retomada do ciclo celular / Characterization and possible role of the oxidative modulation of the cell wall in changes in the sensitivity of tobacco BY-2 cells to low pH during restart of the cell cycleBorgo, Lucelia 28 January 2011 (has links)
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção vegetal. Apesar da toxicidade por alumínio ter sido extensamente investigada, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao estresse causado pelo baixo pH em si. Existem diferenças marcantes entre células quanto à sensibilidade ao pH baixo que dependem do seu estado de crescimento e desenvolvimento celular e que devem ser exploradas para se entender o que determina a sensibilidade e tolerância a pH baixo. Em alguns casos, a suscetibilidade a pH baixo está relacionada a desarranjos na parede de células em crescimento, chegando a causar o rompimento da célula, como já foi demonstrado em pêlos radiculares em expansão. Por outro lado, o metabolismo oxidativo e a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) na parede podem influenciar neste processo por romper ou criar ligações dentro ou entre cadeias de polissacarídeos, modulando assim a extensibilidade da parede celular. Em células de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2, há um aumento acentuado na sensibilidade ao pH baixo no final da fase lag da cultura, que ocorrre entre 12 e 24 h de cultivo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) Investigar se a mudança na sensibilidade pH baixo ocorre durante a retomada do ciclo celular e determinar, com o uso de inibidores do ciclo celular, o período do ciclo em que isto ocorre; b) verificar se o aumento da sensibilidade a pH baixo está relacionado com a expansão celular ou com alterações no potencial osmótico da célula; c) examinar o efeito da aplicação de H2O2 ou ascorbato sobre a resposta de células sensíveis a pH baixo; d) testar a hipótese de que a sensibilidade a pH baixo pode ser revertida por meio de um choque hipo-osmótico prévio; e) avaliar o possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo expostas ao choque hipo-osmótico. A retomada do ciclo celular é necessária para que ocorra a alteração de sensibilidade a pH baixo, pois a remoção de auxina (2,4-D) ou a adição de bloqueadores de canais de K+ impediu ou atrasou, respectivamente, a alteração na sensibilidade a pH baixo. O uso de inibidores do ciclo celular demonstrou que as células de BY-2 se tornam mais sensíveis a pH baixo durante o final da fase G1 mas antes do ponto de checagem da transição G1/S do ciclo celular. A aplicação de H2O2, diminuiu a suscetibilidade das células a pH baixo, ao contrário da aplicação de ascorbato. Foi demonstrado que a aplicação prévia de tratamento hipo-osmótico por 60 min reverteu a sensibilidade de células a pH baixo. A aplicação de inibidores de NAPDH oxidase da membrana plasmática e de peroxidases revelou a participação destas enzimas na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo, indicando a possibilidade de geração de ROS e de modulação oxidativa da parede. Embora já tenha sido descrito que ocorre uma explosão oxidativa com choque hipo-osmótico, ainda não havia sido demonstrado a conseqüência disto. Este trabalho fornece indícios de que uma explosão oxidativa poderia modificar a parede tornando-a mais resistente e a célula menos suscetível a pH baixo / Soil acidity is a major factor limiting plant growth worldwide. Although aluminum toxicity, which occurs only at low pH, has been extensively studied, little attention has been given to stress caused by low pH. There are marked differences in the sensitivity of cells to low pH which are contingent on the growth and developmental stage of the cells. These differences should be explored to further the understanding of the factors governing sensitivity and tolerance to low pH. In at least some cases, the susceptibility of cells to low pH is related to derangements in the wall of growing cells, which can cause ruptures or bursting of the cells, as has been clearly demonstrated in expanding root hairs. On the other hand, the oxidative metabolism and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can modulate cell wall extensibility by breaking or making bonds within and between cell wall polymers. In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2 cells, there is a sharp increase in sensitivity to low pH at the end of the lag phase of the cell culture, which occurs between 12 and 24 h of subculture. The objectives of this study were: a) determine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH occurred during the restart of the cell cycle and, by employing cell cycle inhibitors, at which points of the cycle does this occur; b) examine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH are related to cell expansion or changes in osmotic potential of the cell; c) examine how the application of H2O2 or ascorbate affects the response of cells to low pH; d) test the hypothesis that sensitivity of cells to low pH can be reverted by the previous application of a hypo-osmotic shock; e) evaluate the possible role of oxidative modulation of the cell wall in hypo-osmotic-induced reversal of the sensitivity of cells to low pH. The restart of the cell cycle was shown to be necessary for the change in sensitivity to low pH occur, since the absence of auxin (2,4-D) or the addition of K+ channel blockers prevented or delayed this change, respectively. The use of cell cycle inhibitors demonstrated that BY-2 cells become sensitive to low pH at the end of G1 but before the G1/S transition restriction point of the cell cycle. Exogenous H2O2, but not ascorbate, reduced the effect of low pH on sensitive cells. Sensitive cells submitted to 60 min hypo-osmotic treatment became insensitive to low pH. This reversal of sensitivity depended on the activity of plasma membrane NADPH oxidase and peroxidase, as evidenced by the use of DPI and SHAM, inhibitors of these enzymes, respectively. This suggests that ROS is generated and that oxidative modifications of the cell wall occur. Although hypo-osmotic treatments have been shown to generate an oxidative burst, its purpose or implication has not yet been shown. This study provides evidence that an oxidative burst might modify and strengthen the cell wall, making cells less susceptible to low pH
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Anticipatory realism : constructions of futures and regimes of prediction in contemporary post-cinematic artDernbach, Rafael Karl January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines strategies of anticipation in contemporary post-cinematic art. In the Introduction and the first chapter, I make the case for anticipation as a cultural technique for the construction of and adjustment to future scenarios. This framing allows analysis of constructions of futures as culturally and media-historically specific operations. Via anticipation, constructions of futures become addressable as embedded in specific performative and material economies: as regimes of prediction. The hypothesis is that cultural techniques of anticipation do not only serve to construct particular future scenarios, but also futurity, the very condition for the construction of futures. Drawing upon the philosophical works of, in particular, Vilem Flusser, Jacques Derrida and Elena Esposito, and the theory of cultural techniques, I conceptualize anticipation through the analysis of post-cinematic strategies. I argue that post-cinematic art is particularly apt for the conceptualization of anticipation. The self-reflexive multi-media interventions of post-cinematic art can expose the realisms that govern regimes of prediction. Three cultural techniques of anticipation and their use as artistic strategies in post-cinematic art are theorized: enactment, soft montage and rendering. Each of these techniques is examined in its construction of futures through performative and material operations in art gallery spaces. The second chapter examines strategies of enactment in post-cinematic installations by Neïl Beloufa. My readings of Kempinski (2007), The Analyst, the Researcher, the Screenwriter, the CGI tech and the Lawyer (2011), World Domination (2012) and Data for Desire (2014) propose that enactment allows for an engagement with futures beyond extrapolation. With Karen Barad's theory of agential realism, the construction of futures becomes graspable as a political process in opposition to a mere prolonging of the present into the future. The third chapter focuses on the strategy of soft montage in works by Harun Farocki. I interpret Farocki's application of soft montage in the exhibition Serious Games I-IV (2009-2010) as a critical engagement with anticipatory forms of organizing power and distributing precarity. His work series Parallel I-IV (2012-2014) is then analyzed as a speculation on the future of image production technologies and their role in constructing futures. The final chapter analyses the self-referential use of computer-generated renderings in works by Hito Steyerl. The installations How Not To Be Seen (2013), Liquidity Inc. (2014), The Tower (2015) and ExtraSpaceCraft (2016) are read as interventions in the performative economies of contemporary image production. I argue that these works allow us to grasp the reality-producing and futurity-producing effects of rendering as anticipatory cultural technique. My thesis aims to contribute to the discussions on a 'turn towards the future' in contemporary philosophy and cultural criticism. My research thus focuses on the following set of questions. What can we learn about the operations of future construction through encounters with post-cinematic art? How are futures and future construction framed in such art? What realisms do future constructions rely on? And how can anticipation as a cultural technique be politicized and democratized?
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Možnosti uplatnění metody dílčího oslabení výkonu v praxi / The Possibilities Exercise of Method Partial Weakening Operation in PractisePROKOPCOVÁ, Miloslava January 2008 (has links)
The method partial weakening operation evolves cognitive function by the children in all areas cognition: optical and acoustic sensation, cubic orientation, connecting of sensation especially optical and acoustical (intermodalita), gradual thinking from simplest to more complicated (serialita), also evolve motorial abilities, speech and communication. At the same time also evolve social relations, moral-ethic principles and administer to general evolvement children{\crq}s personality in preschool and younger school age. The graduation these is structured to chapters. The first to third chapter i. a. treats of history of method, aetiology, clinical symptoms, appearance, diagnostics and retrieval partial weakening operation. In the fourth chapter are analysed psychological characteristics preschool children. The fifth chapter reflects testing of optical disabled and auditory disabled children. The sixth chapter reflects the ethic dilemma work with children. The final chapter reflects expertly treated cases.
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Caracterização e possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular em alterações na sensibilidade de células de tabaco cv. BY-2 a pH baixo durante a retomada do ciclo celular / Characterization and possible role of the oxidative modulation of the cell wall in changes in the sensitivity of tobacco BY-2 cells to low pH during restart of the cell cycleLucelia Borgo 28 January 2011 (has links)
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção vegetal. Apesar da toxicidade por alumínio ter sido extensamente investigada, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao estresse causado pelo baixo pH em si. Existem diferenças marcantes entre células quanto à sensibilidade ao pH baixo que dependem do seu estado de crescimento e desenvolvimento celular e que devem ser exploradas para se entender o que determina a sensibilidade e tolerância a pH baixo. Em alguns casos, a suscetibilidade a pH baixo está relacionada a desarranjos na parede de células em crescimento, chegando a causar o rompimento da célula, como já foi demonstrado em pêlos radiculares em expansão. Por outro lado, o metabolismo oxidativo e a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) na parede podem influenciar neste processo por romper ou criar ligações dentro ou entre cadeias de polissacarídeos, modulando assim a extensibilidade da parede celular. Em células de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2, há um aumento acentuado na sensibilidade ao pH baixo no final da fase lag da cultura, que ocorrre entre 12 e 24 h de cultivo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) Investigar se a mudança na sensibilidade pH baixo ocorre durante a retomada do ciclo celular e determinar, com o uso de inibidores do ciclo celular, o período do ciclo em que isto ocorre; b) verificar se o aumento da sensibilidade a pH baixo está relacionado com a expansão celular ou com alterações no potencial osmótico da célula; c) examinar o efeito da aplicação de H2O2 ou ascorbato sobre a resposta de células sensíveis a pH baixo; d) testar a hipótese de que a sensibilidade a pH baixo pode ser revertida por meio de um choque hipo-osmótico prévio; e) avaliar o possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo expostas ao choque hipo-osmótico. A retomada do ciclo celular é necessária para que ocorra a alteração de sensibilidade a pH baixo, pois a remoção de auxina (2,4-D) ou a adição de bloqueadores de canais de K+ impediu ou atrasou, respectivamente, a alteração na sensibilidade a pH baixo. O uso de inibidores do ciclo celular demonstrou que as células de BY-2 se tornam mais sensíveis a pH baixo durante o final da fase G1 mas antes do ponto de checagem da transição G1/S do ciclo celular. A aplicação de H2O2, diminuiu a suscetibilidade das células a pH baixo, ao contrário da aplicação de ascorbato. Foi demonstrado que a aplicação prévia de tratamento hipo-osmótico por 60 min reverteu a sensibilidade de células a pH baixo. A aplicação de inibidores de NAPDH oxidase da membrana plasmática e de peroxidases revelou a participação destas enzimas na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo, indicando a possibilidade de geração de ROS e de modulação oxidativa da parede. Embora já tenha sido descrito que ocorre uma explosão oxidativa com choque hipo-osmótico, ainda não havia sido demonstrado a conseqüência disto. Este trabalho fornece indícios de que uma explosão oxidativa poderia modificar a parede tornando-a mais resistente e a célula menos suscetível a pH baixo / Soil acidity is a major factor limiting plant growth worldwide. Although aluminum toxicity, which occurs only at low pH, has been extensively studied, little attention has been given to stress caused by low pH. There are marked differences in the sensitivity of cells to low pH which are contingent on the growth and developmental stage of the cells. These differences should be explored to further the understanding of the factors governing sensitivity and tolerance to low pH. In at least some cases, the susceptibility of cells to low pH is related to derangements in the wall of growing cells, which can cause ruptures or bursting of the cells, as has been clearly demonstrated in expanding root hairs. On the other hand, the oxidative metabolism and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can modulate cell wall extensibility by breaking or making bonds within and between cell wall polymers. In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2 cells, there is a sharp increase in sensitivity to low pH at the end of the lag phase of the cell culture, which occurs between 12 and 24 h of subculture. The objectives of this study were: a) determine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH occurred during the restart of the cell cycle and, by employing cell cycle inhibitors, at which points of the cycle does this occur; b) examine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH are related to cell expansion or changes in osmotic potential of the cell; c) examine how the application of H2O2 or ascorbate affects the response of cells to low pH; d) test the hypothesis that sensitivity of cells to low pH can be reverted by the previous application of a hypo-osmotic shock; e) evaluate the possible role of oxidative modulation of the cell wall in hypo-osmotic-induced reversal of the sensitivity of cells to low pH. The restart of the cell cycle was shown to be necessary for the change in sensitivity to low pH occur, since the absence of auxin (2,4-D) or the addition of K+ channel blockers prevented or delayed this change, respectively. The use of cell cycle inhibitors demonstrated that BY-2 cells become sensitive to low pH at the end of G1 but before the G1/S transition restriction point of the cell cycle. Exogenous H2O2, but not ascorbate, reduced the effect of low pH on sensitive cells. Sensitive cells submitted to 60 min hypo-osmotic treatment became insensitive to low pH. This reversal of sensitivity depended on the activity of plasma membrane NADPH oxidase and peroxidase, as evidenced by the use of DPI and SHAM, inhibitors of these enzymes, respectively. This suggests that ROS is generated and that oxidative modifications of the cell wall occur. Although hypo-osmotic treatments have been shown to generate an oxidative burst, its purpose or implication has not yet been shown. This study provides evidence that an oxidative burst might modify and strengthen the cell wall, making cells less susceptible to low pH
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