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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interesse e razão : de Kant a Habermas

Augusto, Suzete Motta, 1948- 13 February 1992 (has links)
Orientador : Zelico Loparic / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-14T02:44:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Augusto_SuzeteMotta_M.pdf: 23468377 bytes, checksum: a63609a53385f8cc994ce0a0959e81da (MD5) Previous issue date: 1992 / Resumo: Não informado / Abstract: Not informed. / Mestrado / Mestre em Filosofia

A ação educativa na perspectiva da teoria do agir comunicativo de Jurgen Habermas : uma abordagem reflexiva

Longhi, Armindo Jose 23 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Pedro Laudinor Goergen / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T16:21:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Longhi_ArmindoJose_D.pdf: 948708 bytes, checksum: 33dc15e56ec6069a41d2775148c8f3ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: O presente trabalho pretende examinar a ação educativa na perspectiva da teoria do agir comunicativo e tem como objetivo identificar o tipo de ação produzida pela interação professor-aluno no contexto da instituição escolar. O estudo é resultado de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e o referencial teórico é a obra de Jürgen Habermas. Busca analisar o conceito de agir comunicativo sob o aspecto da linguagem e do discurso. Define competência comunicativa. Analisa a linguagem como o meio gerador do agir comunicativo, o entendimento como o meio gerador do consenso e as pretensões de validade. Explicita o conceito de discurso e a sua legitimidade é obtida mediante o uso de regras procedimentais. Pretende aplicar o referencial teórico na análise da ação educativa. Busca localizar simbolicamente a instuição escolar na inter-relação entre os conceitos de sistema e mundo da vida. Apresenta uma tipologia das ações educativas realizadas nas instituições sociais. Descreve os contextos de interação das relações funcionais, das interações entre os membros adultos da instituição escolar, das interações entre adultos e alunos, e das interações entre os próprios alunos. Expõem as relações entre os tipos de ações realizadas na escola e o saber neles materializado, a forma de argumentação utilizada, o modelo de racionalidade existente e o modo como se manifestam nos contextos educacionais. O agir comunicativo comprende aquelas ações orientadas para o entendimento e o agente é o sujeito competente lingüisticamente para agir na busca do consenso. A ação educativa compreende as ações intencionais cuja finalidade (imediata ou futura) é a formação do aluno, segundo os critérios de uma teoria crítica da educação e os agentes são os profissionais integrantes da comunidade escolar. A interação professor-aluno é assimétrica e deve estar intencionalmente orientada para a formação do aluno. A escola, entendida como um contexto social e historicamente determinado, por um lado, cumpre a função sistêmica quando realiza ações orientadas para o produto e, por outro, cumpre a função simbólica quando realiza ações orientadas para o entendimento / Abstract: The present work intends to examine the educational action in the perspective of the theory of acting talkative having as objective to identify the kind of action produced by the interaction teacher-student in the context of the teaching institution. The study is the result of a bibliographical research and the theoretical referencial is based on Jürgen Habermas work. It looks for to analyze the concept of acting talkative on the aspect of the language and of the speech. It defines talkative competence. It analyzes the language as the generator way of the acting talkative, the understanding as the generator way of the consent and the validity pretenses. It explicit the speech concept and its legitimacy is obtained with of the use of proceeding rules. It intends to apply the theoretical referencial in the analysis of the educational action. It looks for to locate by symbols the school institution in the interrelation between the concepts system and world of the life. It presents a typology of the educational actions accomplished in the social institutions. It describes the contexts of interaction of the functional relationships, of the interactions among the adult members of the school institution, of the interactions among adults and students, and of the interactions among the own students. It exposes the relationships among the types of actions accomplished in the school and the knowledge in them materialized, the way of argumentation used, the model of existent rationality and the way as they show in the educational contexts. It acting talkative comprehends those actions guided for the understanding and the agent is linguistically the competent subject to act in the search of the consent. The educational action embraces the intentional actions whose purpose (immediate or future) is the student's formation, according to the criteria of a critical theory of the education and the agents are the school community's professionals members. The interaction teacher-student is asymmetric and must be intentionally guided to the student's formation. The school, understood as a social and historically determinated context, on one side, executes the systemic function when it accomplishes actions guided for the product and, for other side, it executes the symbolic function when it accomplishes actions guided for the understanding / Doutorado / Historia, Filosofia e Educação / Doutor em Educação

Critique et herméneutique : Adorno, Gadamer, Habermas / Critic and hermeneutics : Adorno, Gadamer, Habermas

Dubouclez, Pauline 07 April 2012 (has links)
Le célèbre débat qui, dans les années soixante, opposa l’herméneutique à la Théorie critique, par l’intermédiaire de leurs principaux représentants respectifs, H.-G. Gadamer et J. Habermas, met en scène une alternative tranchée entre « conscience herméneutique » et « conscience critique » (P.Ricoeur). L’histoire de la Théorie critique montre cependant que sa volonté de s’immerger dans lacrisis qu’est l’histoire, son refus de se constituer en « science traditionnelle » l’amènent à tisser avec l’herméneutique des relations plus complexes qu’il n’y paraît. Ainsi Adorno érige-t-il« l’interprétation » en paradigme de la réflexion philosophique. La théorie habermassienne, dans sa volonté d’assurer à la critique ses fondements de droit, marque une rupture avec un tel paradigme, au profit de celui de la reconstruction. Mais ce tournant, qui vient bouleverser la Théorie critique dans sa conception initiale, n’a-t-il pas pour prix une approche moins pénétrante des phénomènes de domination ? La question est posée par A. Honneth, qui, pour pallier ce déficit critique, élabore une philosophie sociale moins soucieuse de la question de la fondation philosophique et plus hospitalière au thème herméneutique.Cette interrogation ouvre la possibilité d’une relecture de la pensée adornienne, attentive aux accomplissements critiques dont peut se prévaloir la singulière « herméneutique allégorique » qu’elle met en oeuvre. / In the Sixties took place a famous debate setting against each other hermeneutics, represented byGadamer, and Critical theory, represented by Habermas. It embodied a deep-seated antagonismbetween « hermeneutical conscience » and « critical conscience » (P. Ricoeur). However, its historyshows that Critical theory’s decision to merge within history, conceived as crisis, and its refusal of« traditional science » lead it to establish complex connections with the hermeneutical trend. ThusAdorno sets up « interpretation » as a paradigm for philosophical thinking. Because he is concernedwith giving Critical theory its philosophical foundation, Habermas breaks with this paradigm, followinginstead the path of reconstruction. This turn undermines the initial conception of Critical theory; andone might ask - as does A. Honneth - if it does not weaken its ability to detect social dominationphenomena. In order to remedy to the critical shortcomings of habermasian theory, Honneth worksout a social philosophy which is less concerned about the question of philosophical foundation andmore open to the hermeneutical motives.This questioning opens the way for a new reading of Adorno’s philosophy, focused on the criticalachievements of « allegorical hermeneutics ».

Razón y normatividad. El debate entre Jürgen Habermas y Niklas Luhmann

Casanova Brito, Mauricio January 2014 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Filosofía mención Epistemología / La controversia entre JürgenHabermas y NiklasLuhmann estuvo vigente durante aproximadamente tres décadas. El punto de inicio fue una obra conjunta publicada en 1971 (Teoría de la sociedad o tecnología social). El desenlace, el fallecimiento de Luhmann en 1998. Durante este periodo, la obra de ambos autores se mantuvo en constante diálogo, adquiriendo la relevancia de debates tan recurridos como el efectuado entre Karl Popper y Theodor Adorno. En esta investigación pretendemos mostrar que esta controversia (inserta en el contexto no tanto de la filosofía sino de las ciencias sociales) no es ajena al pensamiento filosófico, sino que representa una instancia de renovación de las principales ideas filosóficas en torno a la modernidad, inauguradas por Kant y Hegel. Nuestra postura es que en Habermas y Luhmann se confrontan dos posibilidades de iniciar el pensamiento filosófico y teórico, como algo apriorístico o como un resultado.

Brown Baby Jesus: The Religious Lifeworlds of Canada's Goan and Anglo-Indian Communities

Carriere, Kathryn F. M. January 2011 (has links)
Employing the concepts of lifeworld (Lebenswelt) and system as primarily discussed by Edmund Husserl and Jürgen Habermas, this dissertation argues that the lifeworlds of Anglo-Indian and Goan Catholics in the Greater Toronto Area have permitted members of these communities to relatively easily understand, interact with and manoeuvre through Canada’s democratic, individualistic and market-driven system. Suggesting that the Catholic faith serves as a multi-dimensional primary lens for Canadian Goan and Anglo-Indians, this sociological ethnography explores how religion has and continues affect their identity as diasporic post-colonial communities. Modifying key elements of traditional Indian culture to reflect their Catholic beliefs, these migrants consider their faith to be the very backdrop upon which their life experiences render meaningful. Through systematic qualitative case studies, I uncover how these individuals have successfully maintained a sense of security and ethnic pride amidst the myriad cultures and religions found in Canada’s multicultural society. Oscillating between the fuzzy boundaries of the Indian traditional and North American liberal worlds, Anglo-Indians and Goans attribute their achievements to their open-minded Westernized upbringing, their traditional Indian roots and their Catholic-centred principles effectively making them, in their opinions, admirable models of accommodation to Canada’s system.

The invisible woman : a feminist critique of Habermas's theory of communicative action

Travers, Ann January 1990 (has links)
Feminist theory is a vast area of discourse and, while the differences between the many tendencies are extremely interesting, it is beyond the scope of this thesis to engage in such an inquiry. I have chosen to conduct a critique of Habermas's theory of communicative action from a perspective informed for the most part by postmodern/poststructural feminism. I hope that my reasons for working within such a framework will become evident in the following chapters but, in my view, a postmodern/poststructural feminist perspective sharpens the critique of Habermas's theory precisely because it stands in such contrast to it. For the purposes of this thesis, my critique will focus upon Habermas's most recent work - The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume I: Reason and the Rationalization of Society (1984), and Volume II: The Critique of Functionalist Reason (1987). Other works by Habermas will not be specifically addressed although references will be made to them as necessary to clarify his positions on various issues. / Arts, Faculty of / Sociology, Department of / Graduate

To know the place for the first time : reading and writing my workplace through Habermas

Shapiro, Lorna Patricia 11 1900 (has links)
The genesis of this research initiative is situated in a very challenging and troubling period in my career as an associate dean in a public post-secondary educational institution - a time during which I led our first significant initiatives into costrecovery program delivery. This mission gave rise to contentious issues about our values as educators and about bureaucratic norms that were being challenged. The issues cried out for discourse and values based decision making about what and how we "ought" to be as an institution. Instead, too often, power differentials and bureaucratic imperatives played the central roles in decision-making processes about this new form of programming. Fundamental questions of goodness and justice were left unresolved and often even un-discussed. The events of my practice form the "object of study" in this research as I seek both an understanding of why the experience was thus and also how it might have been otherwise. Through the work of Jiirgen Habermas I explore the difficult problem of achieving social order, grounded in moral agency, in a world characterized by divergent values and perspectives. I discover hope and potential promise in his conceptually proceduralistic approach to the task of social coordination. Examining my experiences in light of Habermas' notions of social coordination, I find some possible explanations for these events and some concepts that offer hope for new approaches to governance and administration. There remain, however, very real and complicating barriers to the ideal posited by Habermas - barriers located in the complexities of human behaviour and interpersonal relationships. Seeking better ways of understanding those barriers and of responding to their impact, I turn to Hannah Arendt and Susan Bickford whose work provides insight into the personal and interpersonal dimensions of human action in creating just communities. Examining my practice experiences through their conceptualizations yields additional insights about what occurred and why, offers guidance about my own actions, and affords a new appreciation of my own complicity in the events as they transpired. The result is new ways of understanding power, discourse, and moral agency - and therefore of understanding my role in educational leadership. / Education, Faculty of / Educational Studies (EDST), Department of / Graduate

Samtalets förutsättning och funktion

Höglund, Fredrik, Wemmert Lundin, Lotta January 2011 (has links)
AbstraktFredrik Höglund och Lotta Wemmert Lundin (2010)Samtalets förutsättning och funktion mellan specialpedagog och rektor (The condition and function of the conversation between special pedagogue and headmaster)Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Malmö högskolaSyftet med denna studie har varit att ta reda på vilken förutsättning och funktion samtalet mellan specialpedagog och rektor har. Detta har vi gjort genom att använda tre delfrågor; vad samtalar specialpedagog och rektor om? När uppfattar specialpedagog/rektor att samtalen varit bra? Samt vad efterfrågar specialpedagog/rektor för att göra samtalet bättre? Undersökningen var utpräglat kvalitativ och vi använde oss av intervjuer med såväl specialpedagoger som rektorer. Inom ramen för detta tar vi upp en fenomenologisk metodteori vilken framförallt får fungera som organiserande princip. Från början var vår avsikt inte att belysa specialpedagogens yrkesroll utan enbart ha fokus på samtalet och dess innehåll. Det var dock omöjligt att bortse från yrkesrollen, då resultat visade att rektors syn på denna är avgörande för såväl samtalets innehåll som genomförande. Sammanfattningsvis har vi i vår studie nått slutsatsen att anledningen till att specialpedagog och rektor samtalar, beror på vilken funktion specialpedagogerna har på sin arbetsplats samt rektors syn på det specialpedagogiska uppdraget. Nyckelord: fenomenologi, giltighetsanspråk, Habermas, intentionalitet, intervju, kommunikativt handlande, rektor, samtal, specialpedagog, uppfattning, yrkesroll

Social and Political Discourse in America: The Civil Republican Revival in American Legal Theory and the Critical Theory of Jurgen Habermas

Hope, Daniel January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

A critical inquiry into the grounding of the concept of distorted communication in the context of the mass media /

Oka, Kai Walter. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

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