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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Mechanics of Imperialism in the Ancient World

Mohr, Kyle A. 12 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The Southwest : a study of regional identity in material culture and textual sources during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 C.E.)

Elias, Hajnalka Pejsue January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation studies examples of social and cultural memory and identity manifested in the art of the southwest, present-day Sichuan province, during the Eastern Han dynasty. Through the study of the southwest's material culture, considered special for its distinct artistic style and content by scholars in the field of Chinese art, combined with analysis of early textual sources, it highlights a number of important findings associated with the region's social make-up, economic activities, burial practices, education and governance, all of which contributed to the formation of a distinct regional identity. The southwest's geographical isolation and its great distance from the Central Plains; the difficulties and dangers of road and river transport from all directions; its multi-ethnic make-up and the engrained cultural prejudice from the north, especially from the capital's governing elite and literati, were all factors that contributed to a sense of regional separation that manifested itself in a distinct material culture and is hinted at in early textual sources. The main sources of material culture examined in the dissertation are pictorial brick tiles and stone reliefs discovered in stone and brick chamber tombs; decorated stone sarcophagi placed in the region's cliff tombs; and commemorative and ancestral stelae erected for the governors of Shu and Ba commanderies. In its methodology, the dissertation employs Western theories on social and cultural memory and identity. It also bridges two fields of study, cultural and art history, which are often pursued separately due to their distinct specialisations. The dissertation's findings aim to contribute to our knowledge of the southwest and to the study of regional identity in early imperial China.

The development of Gongyang scholarship in the Han Dynasty

曾智勇, Tsang, Chi-yung. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Chinese / Master / Master of Philosophy

Investigating morden studies of Han shu (Yang Shuda's Han shu kui guan in particular) using Han bamboo slips of Zhangjiashan = Cong Zhangjiashan Han jian kan jin ren "Han shu" yan jiu : yi Yang Shuda "Han shu kui guan" wei zhong xin / Investigating morden studies of Han shu (Yang Shuda's Han shu kui guan in particular) using Han bamboo slips of Zhangjiashan = 從張家山漢簡看近人《漢書》研究 : 以楊樹達《漢書窺管》為中心

Wong, Yin-chiu, 黃彥超 January 2014 (has links)
Han Shu is our first history book which narrates the story by dynasty. It carries a lot of valuable information of the Han dynasty, both historically and literarily. However, because of the long-ago history, a lot of language, pronunciation, naming system, names of officials and places are now difficult to read and understand. Throughout the history, a number of people had analyzed Han Shu. These people have solved a lot of queries. Yang Shuda has high achievements in analyzing Han Shu. He is not only good at etymology and phonology but also analyzing parts of speech and sentence patterns. In terms of the use of materials, not only does he compare different versions of literature, but also uses inscriptions and even cultural data such as marriage and death for analysis. All these contribute to his unique analysis. The analysis of Han Shu has opened up a new field as more and more materials are excavated. Bronze, lacquer and even lute and currency are used in research. This has broadened the academic horizons and solved many mysteries. In 1983, in Hubei province, a lot of Han bamboo slips were excavated, which have provided tremendous help to our understanding of the medicine, law, mathematics and others of the Han dynasty. By the time when current books of Han analysis such as Yang Shuda’s Han Shu Kui Guan were punished, bamboo clips of Zhangjiashan were not yet unearthed. It is unable to invoke this important information, resulting in some doubtful content. I hereby try to make use of these bamboo slips to supplement previous comments, provide new research directions, or affirm previous results. This dissertation is divided to six parts. Each uses the notes of current analysts as the starting point while incorporating Zhangjiashan Han bamboo slips. My analysis is based on Yang Shuda Han Shu Kui Guan, together with the analysis of some current analysts. / published_or_final_version / Chinese Language and Literature / Master / Master of Arts


宋昌基, SONG, CHANG-JI Unknown Date (has links)
男女愛情問題方面,東洋古來鮮有公開研究。東西方文化之差異,此為其中一原因。 余在此論文主研討中國古代男女關係─亦可謂女性倫理觀─、以便了解中國文化之特 質及其生成。不但中國、即受儒家思想影響的韓國李朝,亦頗有關係。今試分析評價 男尊女卑思想,為將來中國與韓國之社會前途作一參考並有所展望,此固吾之所願也 。 第一章緒論:論及本論文寫作之目的。在於研討中國支代婦女在中國文化發展上之役 能,地位與男性關係之變遷。換言之,亦即探求所謂「三從四德七出」之形成背景, 以其結果,以展望以後之男女與夫婦關係。 第一節中國倫理觀 一、中國倫理觀之特質: 二、中國倫理之起源:(一)由於對自然之敬畏。(二)由於對死亡之恐懼。(三) 人性之發展。(四)行動之節制。 第二章先秦時代之倫理觀 第一節三皇五帝之傳說時代:推想當時,母權社會、在女尊男卑之觀念之下,男女之 關係,只屬異性關係。 第二節首述歷史初期─夏殷─之男女關係:據地下材料,例如仰韶、龍山及甲骨等 之資料,可推想當時倫理,即為(1) 家族制度業已確立。(2) 男女有別。(3) 有尊重 婦女之風俗。(4) 有孝親敬老之風俗。(5) 有互助合群之美俗。男女之間強弱之關係 。 第三章漢代女性倫理觀 第一節、政治社會及宗教思想與婦女倫理觀之影響。 第二節、劉向列女傳之女性倫理觀。 第三節、班昭女誡之女性倫理觀。 第四節、後漢書列女傳之女性倫理觀。 第五節、漢代女性倫理觀之實況。 第四章結論:中國婦女向以順服於丈夫,盡事於舅姑為己務,只為維持中華傳統, 鞏固宗法社會與政治組織。因而中國婦女不得不百般忍受而成政治上之犧牲。中國男 女平等權之獲取雖較西歐為晚,但中國婦女以柔順、貞靜、遵禮之態度協助男性創造 中原大一統之國,人口繁衍,民族愛好和平與中庸,不可分裂,進而形成中華五千年 之傳統文化。若中國婦女未耐於如上所述之政治犧牲,至今不能產生如此偉大民族。 /


黃美玉, HUANG, MEI-YU Unknown Date (has links)
有唐近三百年,是詩歌大放異彩的黃金時代.對於題材的選取,可謂包羅萬象;自應 制宴遊、風花雪月,以至靈異鬼怪等均有.其中關於詠史懷古的題材,每為詩人墨客 所取用,他們常將個人存在的意識,融入作品當中,將朝代的興亡,與自然永恆不變 的定律互相對照.或嘆王者偉業的徒勞,或憐美人命運的坎坷.期望依循歷史腳步的 探索,得到心靈的激盪與迴響. 漢唐兩代,是同為中國人引以為傲的偉大時代,迄今「漢學」、「唐人」,猶為光榮 的稱號,得以聞名於世.然此兩大帝國建立的徹會型態,均呈現出禮法較為疏闊的情 形.因此,女主臨朝,獨斷擅行者有之;女性離婚、再嫁者亦不以為諱.漢唐有如此 相近的時代背景,自亦影響於詩歌的流衍.是以欲借唐人以漢代婦女為主題詩歌的研 究,以探求唐代歷史的部分真貌. 本研究以文獻法為主,從全唐詩中蒐羅提及漢代婦女,如王昭君、陳皇后、班婕妤、 李夫人、趙飛燕、戚夫人等之詩作,計有四百六十餘首.其中援引以為主題者,約有 一百六十餘首之多.進而分析此一百六十餘首詩歌的內容、作者、歷史故實;繼而探 討唐代相關的歷史,蹦尋繹其中的脈絡,加以綜合歸納.期能一窺這些詩歌與唐代歷 史的關係,對中國文學、歷史的研究,提供若干參考. 本文共分五章.第一章蓄論.第二章漢唐婦女生活的異同.第三章唐人借漢代婦女為 主題以突顯和親政策的詩歌.第四章唐人借漢代婦女為主題以突顯后妃得寵怨棄的詩 歌.第五章結論.論詩部分重其大意,而略於技巧與風格.至於作者部分,則多參考 前賢成說,間中有所發明者,則稍作補充.

《漢書・十志》研究 = A study of the "Han shu, Shizhi"

彭敦, 01 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Alternatives to monism and dualism: seeking yang substance with yin mode in Heshanggong's commentary on the Daodejing

Tadd, Misha 22 January 2016 (has links)
This project is a close study and translation of Heshanggong's Commentary on the Daodejing. The text, attributed to the "Old Man by the River" (Heshanggong) and dating from the Eastern Han (25-220 CE), remains one of the most historically influential readings of the Daoist classic the Daodejing. However, in modern times it has received little attention, being dismissed as a superstitious interpretation of the original. This dissertation seeks to amend contemporary scholarship and address the underlying theoretical categories responsible for this situation. These problems largely originate from a common scholarly view of Chinese civilization as foundationally monistic. Because of this bias, any hints of transcendence found in the commentary are read as later "religious" distortions of the original "philosophical" holism of the Daodejing. Rather than engaging with debates over whether Daoism is monistic or dualistic, philosophical or religious, this dissertation shifts focus away from those Western constructs. It instead draws on different binaries found within the commentator's own writings. In particular, the categories of yin and yang become central to a native reading of this tradition. Furthermore, I argue that Heshanggong's approach rests on subdividing both yin and yang into a causal relationship of mode and substance. I use this fourfold conceptual framework to analyze the key themes of the commentary, including cosmology, body, and state. So doing reveals the novelty of Heshanggong's responses to a range of conceptual and historical issues in Early China (6th century BCE-3rd century CE). First, the mode-substance reading of yin-yang challenges depictions of early Daoism as having a solely "correlative cosmos": uncreated, relativistic, and perfectly united through spontaneous resonance. Instead, it suggests a single cosmic substance originating from a first cause, the yin mode of the Way (that includes stillness, emptiness, darkness, and softness). Second, this means that contrary to the often-asserted historical split between monistic "philosophical" Daoism and dualistic "religious" Daoism, one finds a continuous tradition that seeks Heavenly spirit (yang substance) through stillness (yin mode). By excising monism and dualism from the discussion, a greater awareness of historical progression and cosmological nuance appears.

Formation et premiers développements de la commanderie de Dunhuang sous les Han occidentaux (IIème et Ier siècle av. J.-C.) / First steps to office of the Western Han commandery of Dunhuang (2nd – 1st century BCE)

Bertrand, Arnaud 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne l’histoire, l’archéologie et la géographie historique de la Chine ancienne. Elle porte sur les formations des commanderies impériales formées aux frontières de la dynastie des Han occidentaux (206 av. J.-C. – 9 apr. J.-C.). À la charnière des IIe et Ier siècles av. J.-C., le maintien des territoires conquis passait par une stratégie impériale complexe allant d’une phase d’occupation militaire jusqu’à la mise en place d’une politique migratoire de populations civiles issues du centre de l’empire. En nous concentrant sur Dunhuang (province du Gansu), la plus lointaine des commanderies formées aux marches occidentales du territoire, nous suivons localement ces stratégies d’acquisition et d’occupation. L’analyse se fonde sur les missions de terrain menées par l’auteur, sur la relecture des Histoires dynastiques, la prise en compte des données matérielles issues des fouilles et prospections archéologiques et l’exploitation de sources épigraphiques inédites. Par le biais d’une nouvelle méthodologie, nous parvenons à individualiser son développement au sein d’un territoire situé au carrefour commercial et diplomatique avec les royaumes et cultures centre-asiatiques. De la mise à jour de sa cartographie antique et de sa chronologie, il résulte une révision complète des premières phases de développements des principaux centres administratifs militaires et civils de Dunhuang. / This dissertation centers on the history, archeology and historical geography of Early China. It examines the steps of establishment of the imperial commanderies founded in the vicinity of the Western Han dynasty boundaries (206 BCE – 9 AD). At the turn of the second and the first centuries BCE, the imperial strategical efforts made to stabilize of newly conquered territories passed through a complex system. Starting from the military occupation il lead to the migration of populations from the center of the empire. Focusing on Dunhuang (Gansu Province) – the westernmost commandery established with the Empire borders – we follow at regional scale those strategies of conquest and occupation. In addition of various fieldwork performed by the author, this research is based on a different approach of the Dynastic Histories, the use of archaeological data and the exploitation of untrodden epigraphic material. By using a new methodology, we have managed to individualize its development within a territory located at the crossroads of commercial and diplomatic highways with the Central-Asian kingdoms and cultures. As a result of its cartography and chronology being put up to date, we have obtained a complete revision of the first steps of organization of the main military and civilian centers of Dunhuang.

Research on the institutions of law on the The laws and decrees of the second year"¡Bthe Bamboo Slips of Zhangjiashan in the Eary Han Dynasty

Zhou, Mei-hwa 22 February 2010 (has links)
In this paper, to write, mainly based on Hubei Jingzhou Han Tomb No. 247 of The laws and decrees of the second year"¡Bthe Bamboo Slips of Zhangjiashan in the Eary Han Dynasty Empress Lu years (186BC) promulgated the "The laws and decrees of the second year". And these systems, do in depth. While many of these systems inherited from Qin, but also in the history of the early Han dynasty and the associated changes in state policy, under which such an amendment and gain. In addition to the time of the early Han Dynasty inherited the Qin, " Registration of Residents " and " The System of Granting Homestead ", but also because of the unified emerging empire, no longer need to use Qin "of dollars in the first grant Jue," The System of Granting Homestead, but to set the succession after the system, military medals Jue system has become extremely important to establish the household registration system supporting measures. So, the early Han Dynasty all the people's economic rights and social well-being, they are all related and the title of nobility class. In addition, even the preparation of the results of Wu is not only related to people, security and home management, also affected the litigation system, and even to sit, and even the limits of regional action. A number of related management measures, they must meet for us. Rather special is that the "The laws and decrees of the second year"Lane set a lot of bearing on women's rights law, women enjoy a number of special treatment; even the servants, there are also benefits in the slave girl slave components. "The laws and decrees of the second year" domain inside the official system should not only permit the " Shiwu System " the existence of, and its importance in the history of philology, but also presents the official system, the superiority of the domain. This with the "Shuo Wen Jie Zi ¡E order" than right, more found that "The laws and decrees of the second year".

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