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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobbning på arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ studie om hur mobbning på arbetsplatsen kan ta sig uttryck och hur den utsatte individen upplevt detta

Bäcklund, Clara, Mirzakhanian Tonojan, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Bullying and abusive discrimination in the workplace is a social global phenomenon that can lead to several consequences for those who are exposed. The purpose of this study is to investigate and increase our understanding of bullying in the workplace. We intend to fulfill the purpose by finding out how bullying in the workplace can be expressed, and how the exposed individuals through a group context experienced the bullying. Previous research shows that bullying in the workplace can include being socially excluded, having importan twork-related information withheld or rumor spreading. Mental illness such as anxiety or depression, or physical ailments such as muscle tension and migraine, are also some of the consequences of bullying. The theoretical framework for the study is Norbert Elias and JohnL. Scotson’s theory of established and outsiders, and Arlie Russel Hochschild’s concept of emotional labor and feeling as clue. This study is based on seven semi-structured interviews with people who, at some point in their professional lives, have been exposed to bullying att heir workplace. The result of this study show that bullying can manifest itself through abuse of power and social exclusion, which often affects the victim to a great extent. There spondents stated that their work motivation decreased, they felt anxiety, worry and a constant lack of energy, which also led to an impact on their private life. / Mobbning och kränkande särbehandling på arbetsplatsen är ett socialt globalt fenomen som kan leda till en rad konsekvenser för den som blir utsatt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka samt öka förståelsen för mobbning på arbetsplatsen. Detta med hjälp av frågeställningarna om hur mobbning på arbetsplatsen kan ta sig uttryck samt hur den utsatte individen utifrån en gruppkontext har upplevt mobbningen. Tidigare forskning visar att mobbning på arbetsplatsen bland annat kan handla om att bli socialt utfryst, att bli undanhållen viktig arbetsrelaterad information eller råka ut för ryktesspridning. Psykiska problem i form av exempelvis ångest eller depression, eller fysiska besvär såsom muskelspänningar och migrän, är några av mobbningens konsekvenser. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien innehåller Norbert Elias och John L. Scotsons teori om etablerade och outsiders, samt Arlie Russel Hochschilds begrepp emotionellt arbete och känsla som ledtråd. Denna studie baseras på sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som någon gång under sitt yrkesliv blivit utsatta för mobbning på sin arbetsplats. Resultatet visar att mobbning kan ta sig i uttryck i form av maktutövande och social exkludering, vilket ofta påverkar den utsatte i hög grad. Respondenterna uppgav att deras arbetsmotivation minskade och att de kände ångest, oro och en allmän orkeslöshet, vilket medförde att även deras privatliv påverkades.

Effect of Stress Mindset and Adverse Childhood Experiences on College Students' Academic Success and Psychological Well-Being

Long, Alice Cathryne 14 December 2018 (has links)
Adverse life events that occur in childhood may decrease an individual’s ability to effectively cope with challenges throughout their lives. The proper management of stress is essential to avoid problems that can crop up in all areas of life. College students who employ stress management tactics are better able to achieve well-being and academic success. This study examined the potential moderating association between “from within” coping supports or internal risk factors and academic success, mental health, and resilience qualities. Using a sample of college students at a large public university in the southeastern United States, this study demonstrates that viewing stress in a negative way may increase a student’s chances of failing to cope well with difficulty. Similarly, results of the analysis demonstrate that high perceived stress increases college students’ mental health issues and may diminish their capacity to cope with the challenges of the college environment. University officials may use the results from this study to inform policy and practice to address students’ ability to cope with stress and succeed academically.

Sexual Revictimization

Vick, Janyce January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Sociologie zdraví. Zdraví a média v sociálním kontextu / Sociology of health. Health and media in the social context

Novotný, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT /ENG/ Sociology of Health Health and media in the social context Until the middle of the twentieth century, modern scientific medicine had an excellent reputation as a universally effective institution. In recent decades, however, this idea has been called into question, because the public has realised that the idealised image of medicine promised more than it could fulfil. The image of medicine over the past 50 years has changed significantly and today it is closely associated with other areas, including the environment, politics and the economy. The thesis is therefore devoted to current issues of health systems, health information and mass media as a mediator of health information. One reason why we will criticise modern medicine is that the Czech Republic can not cover all the costs associated with caring for patients; others will include lobbies in the health sector, and the general difficulty of comparing the country's quality of health care and research to other countries. For the public, the media, playing a major role in the process of the "secularisation" of medicine, has become the main source of information on health and health care. But the media also has another function: to direct our attention to health issues and...

Visualização de séries temporais multidimensionais: uma análise sobre a qualidade do ar em São CarlosSP / Multidimensional time series visualization: an analysis of the air quality in São Carlos-SP

Ortigossa, Evandro Scudeleti 17 December 2018 (has links)
Séries temporais permeiam os mais variados domínios de aplicação, sendo a análise e a compreensão da dinâmica de séries temporais um problema interessante e bastante complexo. Técnicas de visualização têm sido aplicadas com sucesso nesse contexto, pois tiram proveito das habilidades perceptuais humanas ao transformar dados abstratos em informação visual. Nesta dissertação, foi proposta uma metodologia de análise visual para séries temporais multidimensionais. A finalidade dessa metodologia é a exploração e o entendimento do comportamento de material particulado presente na atmosfera de São CarlosSP, para melhor compreender a sinergia entre a qualidade do ar, o clima e as doenças respiratórias. As características do material particulado variam consideravelmente no decorrer do tempo, assumindo diferentes padrões, a depender das condições climáticas. Isso atesta a importância de ferramentas analíticas que sejam capazes de explorar as mudanças temporais dos dados. Duas ferramentas de visualização interativas foram desenvolvidas, utilizando principalmente a linguagem de programação JavaScript com a biblioteca D3. As ferramentas são portáveis em basicamente todos os navegadores web modernos, não exigindo a instalação de softwares específicos para que os usuários acessem-nas e façam as suas pesquisas. Os resultados obtidos a partir das análises dos dados amostrados demonstram que houve uma redução nos níveis de poluentes atmosféricos ao longo dos anos. A efetividade e a utilidade das tecnologias propostas são demonstradas em estudos de caso envolvendo dados reais, validados por especialistas do domínio de interesse. / Time series data are present in a wide variety of applications, and the explorations, analysis, and understanding of time series dynamics are interesting although it is a quite complex problems. Information visualization techniques have been successfully applied in this context taking advantage of human perceptual abilities when transforming abstract data into visual information. In this master dissertation, we present a new visual analytic methodology for multidimensional time series analysis. The aim of the proposed approach is to allow the exploration of the behavior of particulate matter present in the urban atmosphere of São CarlosSP, in order to understand the synergy between air quality, climate, and respiratory diseases. Moreover, the features related to particulate matter vary considerably over time, assuming different patterns according to the weather conditions. This dynamic shows the importance of analytical tools that enable the exploration of temporal changes of the data. We developed two interactive visualization tools, mainly in JavaScript programming language and D3 library. The tools are portable and can be used in all the modern web browsers, not requiring any software installation. The data analysis results show a decrease in atmospheric pollutant level over the years. The effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed technologies are demonstrated in case studies which involve real data and it is validated by domain experts.

Lehokolo jako fenomen ve světě / The Recumbent bike as a phenomenon in the world

Müller, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Title: The Recumbent bicycle as a World Phenomenon. Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to map the situation of recumbent bicycles abroad and then to compare it with the situation in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the key differences are discussed. Methods: The thesis uses the method of quantitative data collection. The collection of data was done primarily and through half-structured questionnaires. In addition, the method of interview was applied as a supportive one. The Results: According to a qualified estimate there are about 550 - 600 thousand of recumbent cyclists. The biggest differences of both groups lie in the following aspects. Cyclists abroad possess of 21,7 % of recumbent bicycles of their own construction less (2,5 %) than the Czech cyclists do. 70 % of foreign cyclists ride their recumbent bicycles from 2 to 3 times per week or every day, the Czechs like these are of 36,4 %. 59,5 % of foreign cyclists state as a reason to ride their recumbent the health prevention. The Czechs do that only in 33,3 %. Conclusion: The research shows interesting connections between the Czech and the foreign cyclists of recumbent bicycles and, at the same time, some differences. The most interesting is the perception of the recumbent bicycle as a mean to strengthen one's health. The future...

Psykologiska och psykosomatiska hälsobesvär bland unga som bor i familjehem : Förekomst, mönster och förändring över tid / Psychological and psychosomatic health complaints amongyouth in foster care : Prevalence, patterns and changes over time

Florén, Mia January 2021 (has links)
Background: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate mental illness of young people placed in foster care inSweden, here defined as the occurrence of psychological and psychosomatic health problems. Method: The study utilizes data from Sweden using a self-assesment form filled out by 27.439 pupils in year 9of compulsory school, using data from the years 2008 – 2018. Applying various forms of regression models, thisstudy empirically evaluates the risk of psychosomatic and psychological health complaints among adolescentsplaced in foster care compared to adolescents from other family types. Results: The study found higher odds for young people in foster care compared to young people in nuclearfamilies to have five out of six psychosomatic disorders and five out of six psychological disorders. When compared to youth living with single parents the results showed higher odds for three out of six psychosomaticdisorders and two out of six psychological disorders. Conclusion: Youth in foster care is a population more vulnerable to mental illness than youth in other familytypes. Professionals working with and for adolescents living in foster care need to actively pay attention to boththe psychosomatic and psychological indicators of mental health issues.

Socialarbetarens hjälpande hand – en stjälpande hand för den egna psykiska hälsan? : En studie om socialarbetares arbetsbelastning, psykiska ohälsa samt stöd på arbetsplatser / The Social Worker’s Helping Hand – a Harmful Hand for Their Own Mental Health? : A Study of Social Workers’ Workload, Mental Health Issues and Job Support

Cöster, Moa, Nord, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan arbetsbelastning och psykisk ohälsa hos socialarbetare. Syftet var även att jämföra arbetsbelastning, psykisk ohälsa samt stöd i form av rollförväntningar, egenkontroll samt socialt stöd på arbetsplatser hos olika enheter inom socialtjänsten. Totalt deltog 69 socialarbetare från tre olika typer av enheter: ekonomiskt bistånd (n=34), bistånd Socialtjänstlagen (SoL) och Lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) (n=34) samt barn och familj (n=1). Barn och familj exkluderades utifrån låg svarsfrekvens. En korrelationsanalys visade att det fanns ett samband mellan arbetsbelastning och psykisk ohälsa och fyra oberoende t-tester visade att endast socialt stöd skiljde sig åt mellan enheterna. I diskussionen diskuteras förklaringsmodeller till resultatet utifrån krav-, kontroll- och stödmodellen, tidigare forskning och metod. / The aim of the study was to examine if there was a correlation between workload and mental health issues for social workers. The aim was also to compare workload, mental health issues and support in terms of role expectations, control, and social support in Swedish social services. A total of 69 social workers from three different kinds of units participated: economic support (n=34), support from Law of Social Welfare (SoL) and the Law of Support and Service for Persons with certain Functional Impairments (LSS) (n=34) and child welfare (n=1). Child welfare was excluded due to the low response rate. A correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between workload and mental health issues. Four independent t-tests showed that only social support differed between the units. In the discussion the results are being discussed through the Job-Demand-Control-Support Model, previous research and the method.

Young Female College Millennials' Intent for Behavior Change with Wearable Fitness Technology

Haney, Andrea Christine 01 January 2018 (has links)
Among young college-aged females, overweight and obesity, type 2 diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension, and high stress levels have increased, causing overall worse health conditions than previous generations. The use of wearable fitness technology (WFT) by young adults assists in fitness and nutrition monitoring, provides feedback in health statistics, and has shown improvements in reducing health-related issues in young college females. A wide body of literature related to physical activity, nutrition, and health issues in young college females exists; however, the experiences and intent of WFT use for behavior change by young college female millennials has not been well researched. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to examine the lived experiences of young college females' intent for behavior change with WFT. The health belief model was the theoretical framework used for this study. Ten college females, 18-25 years of age, attending colleges in northern West Virginia, who were collecting data from a WFT for a minimum of six months completed individual face-to-face interviews. Data were analyzed using phenomenological thematic analysis. Results from the study revealed young college females use WFT to increase physical activity, identify calorie intake and energy expenditure, and monitor heart rate, sleep, and stress to decrease and prevent health issues. These results can provide evidence for other researchers to address the current health inequalities in young college adults. Positive social change implications could include the value of WFT regarding the growing evidence of the importance of physical activity and nutrition by young female college students related to positive health outcomes and reducing health issues in this specific population.

Äldres upplevelser av bemötandet vid psykisk ohälsa : en litteraturstudie / Elderly patients experience with treatment of mental health issues : a literature review

Forsman, Frida, Jansson, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Psykisk ohälsa hos äldre patienter är ett stort växande samhällsproblem. Äldre patienter har en större benägenhet att drabbas av psykisk ohälsa på grund av förändringar i livssituationen. Detta växande problem kräver kunskap och adekvat utbildning hos vårdpersonalen för att bemöta dessa patienter på ett personcentrerat och värdigt sätt. Syfte Syftet är att beskriva hur äldre personer med psykisk ohälsa upplever sig bemötta i hälso- och sjukvården. Metod Denna icke-systematiska litteraturöversikt baseras på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa artiklar är hämtade från PubMed, CINAHL och PsycInfo. Alla artiklar har bedömts utifrån Sophiahemmets bedömningsunderlag för att kvalitetssäkra informationen. Resultatet bearbetades och analyserades med hjälp av en integrerad dataanalys. Resultat Tre huvudkategorier identifierades vid sammanställning av resultatet, dessa tre huvudkategorier är: Att bli lyssnad på, kommunikation och delaktighet i egen vård. Resultatet visade på vad äldre värdesätter i mötet med vårdpersonal och vilka faktorer som kan leda till att äldre inte väljer att söka vård för psykisk ohälsa. Respekt, engagemang och att bli tagen på allvar är centrala delar i mötet mellan patienter och vårdpersonal. Slutsats Äldre patienter väljer i stort utsträckning att prioritera bort behovet av att söka hjälp för psykisk ohälsa. Detta på grund av att psykisk ohälsa ses som en naturlig del av åldrandet både hos patient och vårdpersonal, samt rädsla för att bli illa bemött. / Background Mental illness in elderly patients is a major growing societal problem. Elderly patients have a greater tendency to suffer from mental illness due to lifestyle changes. This growing problem requires knowledge and adequate training on the part of healthcare professionals to respond to these patients in a person-centered and dignified manner. Aim The aim of this study was to describe elderly patients' experience of treatment of mental health issues in healthcare services. Method This non-systematic literature review is based on 14 scientific articles with a qualitative, mixed-method and quantitative approach. The articles were retrieved from the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsycInfo. Using Sophiahemmet University assessment basis, the articles have undergone a quality review to ensure scientific classification and quality. The results were processed and analyzed with an integrated data analysis. Results Three main categories were identified when compiling the results, these three main categories are: Being listened to, communication and participation in self-care. The results showed what the elderly value in the meeting with healthcare personnel and which factors can lead to the elderly not choosing to seek care for mental illness. Respect, commitment and being taken seriously are central parts of the meeting between patients and healthcare staff. Conclusions Older patients tend to deprioritize the importance of seeking help for mental illness. This is because mental illness is seen as a natural part of aging in both patients and healthcare staff, as well as fear of being treated badly.

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