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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ADHD och ätstörning : Behandlare inom ätstörningsvårdens erfarenheter och reflektioner

Diez Werme, Alma January 2024 (has links)
Antalet människor som har diagnostiserats med ADHD respektive med ätstörning har ökat i jämförelse med tidigare år. Det har påvisats en koppling mellan dessa, en samsjuklighet mellan ADHD och ätstörning. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ätstörningsbehandlares erfarenhet och reflektioner kring samsjukligheten mellan ADHD och ätstörning. Det genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma ätstörningsbehandlare. Utifrån tematiseringen av intervjuerna framkom fyra teman. De identifierade temana var: likartade symtom vid ADHD som vid ätstörning, ADHD som en (bort)förklaring, ADHD påverkar behandlingen och Behandlarnas utbildningsbehov. Resultatet visade bland annat att behandlarna upplevde svårigheter att identifiera samsjukligheten mellan ätstörning och ADHD. I linje med tidigare forskning kan denna svårighet resultera i utmaningar vid bedömning av omvårdnadsdiagnostik vilket är ett hinder för att upprätta en korrekt individuell vårdplan. Ätstörningsbehandlarna uppmärksammade även ett behov av utbildning av samsjukligheten mellan ADHD och ätstörning i syfte att underlätta arbetet med den typen av patientgrupp.

Perception of Health Care Workers (HCWs) towards early antenatal booking in Fiji: A qualitative study

Maharaj, R., Mohammadnezhad, Masoud 04 December 2022 (has links)
Yes / Early booking or registration into Antenatal Care (ANC) can be defined as initiation of ANC before 12 weeks of gestation and is important for the best health outcome of the mother and the baby. Delayed initiation of ANC has been linked to increased rate of maternal and fetal mortality. There is international consensus that ANC should begin within first trimester yet pregnant women delay initiation of ANC. Health Care Workers (HCWs) understanding of reasons for this can improve patient provider relationship. Objectives: This study aims to explore the perception of the HCWs in Fiji towards early antenatal booking. Methods: A qualitative study was employed using four Focus-Group Discussions (FGDs)with the HCWs who provide health care service for pregnant women in Ba Mission Hospital (BMH) in 2020. Each group comprised of medical officers, mid-wives and registered nurse who were chosen purposively. A semi-structured open ended questionnaire was used to guide the discussion. Data was transcribed and analyzed manually using thematic content analysis using the following process: familiarization, coding, identifying themes, reviewing and refining, integration and interpretation. Results: There was a total of 18 HCWs for the FGDs. The mean age of the participants was 37.4±11.8years. The three themes identified were: knowledge of HCWs on early booking, their perceived barriers and perceived enabling factors to early antenatal booking. The FGDs identified that the HCWs had adequate knowledge on early initiation of ANC and that there were a range of barriers to early initiation of ANC. The HCWs also suggested factors that could enable women to book early. Conclusion: Based on the study it can be concluded that the HCWs have a positive perception of early antenatal booking, however, there are various factors that contribute to delayed antenatal booking. The barriers to early ANC are both an opportunity and a challenge to strengthen and review the maternal services offered. The enabling factors should be reinforced from an individual level to the health system and the general context. The implications of the barriers and enabling factors identified in this study is to implement evidence-based policies to improve early antenatal booking in Ba, Fiji.

"Road traffic injury could be minimized when individual road users take more responsibility for their safety and the safety of others": Perception of healthcare workers in Vanuatu

Fanai, S., Mohammadnezhad, Masoud 08 August 2023 (has links)
Yes / Around 1.35 million deaths are caused by Road Traffic Injuries (RTIs) each year. This study aimed to explore the perceptions of Vanuatu's Health Care Workers (HCWs) regarding the existing preventative strategies for RTI. Materials and methods: In 2020, this study used qualitative approaches to collect data from HCWs using Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Study participants were self-identified Ni-Vanuatu HCWs who had been serving for more than 6 months in three main hospitals where the study was conducted and purposive sampling was used to gather the study participants. To guide the FGDs, a semi-structured open-ended questionnaire was created. Thematic analysis was used to processed the data obtained, based on predetermined themes that were based on theory while also enabling the data to determine new themes. Result: From 5 FGDs with 22 HCWs who were emergency nurses, doctors and public health officers, data saturation was reached. The study yielded five main themes and sixteen subthemes. The relevance and trends of RTI, barriers to effective care, pre-hospital management capacity, barriers to pre-hospital care and addressing RTI were among the key subjects. The findings suggest that addressing health institutional leadership and resources will improve prevention of RTIs. Conclusion: Prevention of RTIs is hindered by the lack of health institutional capacities in terms of leadership and resources that include emergency equipment, financial and trained human resources. The health sector should consider developing stronger leadership in road safety to be an essential part of its core business. / We acknowledge with gratitude the Vanuatu Government through the Training and scholarship units under the Ministry of Education, for the financial support towards this study.

Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojų požiūris į vakcinaciją / Attitudes to vaccination of lithuanian health care workers

Beliauskienė, Rita 09 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojų požiūrį į vakcinaciją. Metodika. Kad įvertinti Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojų požiūrį į vakcinaciją, buvo atliktas paplitimo tyrimas. Buvo apklausta 1693 respondentai, dirbantys asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Duomenys apdoroti SPSS (13) kompiuterine programa. Analizei taikytas Pearson‘o χ2 testas ir statistiniam išvadų tikrinimui pasirinktas reikšmingumo lygmuo 0,05. Rezultatai. Anketinė apklausa parodė, kad Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai teigiamai žiūri į vakcinaciją. Nors skiepijasi 54,8% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 55,9% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 51,6% slaugytojų, visgi jie nurodė, kad vakcina žymiai efektyvesnė ir mažiau kainuoja nei kitos medicininės paslaugos – 67,0% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 69,1% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 60,3% slaugytojų ir kad skiepai duoda žymiai daugiau naudos nei žalos (84,9% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 87,5% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 71,7% slaugytojų). Iš dažniausiai nurodytų nesiskiepijimo priežasčių, dauguma respondentų nurodė, kad nesiskiepija nuo gripo dėl to, kad saugosi nuo gripo stiprindami sveikatą (19,3% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 18,9% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 15,8% slaugytojų), niekada gripu neserga (20,0% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 17,0% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 15,2% slaugytojų), įgyjamas natūralus imunitetas (22,2% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 8,0%... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective: To determine the Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination. Methods: In order to determine the Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination spread research was performed. Were polled 1693 respondents working in health care institutions. The data was analysed using SPSS computer program. There was used Pearson Chi-Square test and to check statistical reliability was choose the difference statistically insignificant 0,05. Results: Questionnaire date shows positive Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination. Even though only 54,8% of common practice physicians, 55,9% therapeutists and other specialists and 51,6% nurses were vaccinated themselves but they indicated that vaccination is more effective and less expensive than other medical service – 67,0% of common practice physicians, 69,1% therapeutists and other specialists and 60,3% nurses and that vaccination is more useful than harmful (84,9% of common practice physicians, 87,5% therapeutists and other specialists and 71,7% nurses). The major reason why the respondents are against vaccination, especially against influenza virus, is that they strengthen their health to protect themselves against virus (19,3% of common practice physicians, 18,9% therapeutists and other specialists and 15,8% nurses), never have flu (20,0% of common practice physicians, 17,0% therapeutists and other specialists and 15,2% nurses), and acquire natural immunity... [to full text]

Stress bland vårdpersonal : en intervjustudie

Kongha, Sirilak January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka stress på arbetsplatsen bland vårdpersonal och vad de anser kan vara åtgärder för att minska stressen på sin arbetsplats. Undersökningens datainsamling utfördes genom en kvalitativ metod, fem intervjuersom bestod av tio intervjufrågor. Dataanalysen genomfördes genom att innehållsanalys tillämpades. Analysen resulterade i två teman och genom dessa presenteras resultatet. Det framkom att stressorsaker bland vårdpersonalen var konflikter mellan personal, tidsbrist för vissa arbetsuppgifter och vård vid livets slutskede. Det som vårdpersonalen ansåg skulle kunna minska stressen var en bättre relation mellan personalen och att arbetsplatsen måste ha mer resurser. Slutsatsen av undersökningen är att mycket av det som beskrivits som negativt i resultatet skulle kunna bli bättre om det fanns riktlinjer, något som saknas i nuläget. / The purpose of this study was to explore and describe workplace stress among healthcare workers in a community based nursing home for elderly, dement individuals and what they considered could be measures to reduce stress at their workplace. The method used was a survey made by a qualitative interview with five respondents, consisting of ten interview questions. The data analysis was performed through content analysis. The emerging results showed that causes of stress among the nursing staffwere conflicts between staff members, lack of time for tasks and palliative care. The nursing staff identified that ways to reduce stress could be a better relationship between the staff members and that the work place needs more resources, for example in the form of more personnel. The conclusion of the study was that the work place needs guidelines as to how they should solve problems, and the presence of guidelines at the work place will most probably help to reduce stress among the staff.

Yrkesbehörighet i hemtjänsten : Två yrkeskategorier om utbildningens betydelse i hemtjänsten

Karagic, Armin January 2016 (has links)
In accordance with the Social Services, all Swedish municipalities work to ensure that older people should be given the opportunity to live independently in safe conditions. For that reason they offer them extra help and support in their own homes. This help and this support is provided by the home care and their health care workers in form of assistant nurses and orderlies. The National Board of Health and Welfare emphasizes in several of its investigations that competence in elderly care is one of the major challenges in the future. They consider this a must to meet the needs that come with an aging population and to meet the current lack of quality in health care. According to The National Board of Health and Welfare, competence development is the main element to ensure quality in elderly care. Therefore they establish that all health care workers should as a minimum have basic professional skills for their work in elderly care. The aim of this study has been to investigate whether the National Board's goal that all staff in elderly care should have the basic professional skills is relevant to professional categories: assistant nurses and orderlies in home care. The study has been based on sociological theory of professions that intend to explain the relations between occupational groups, how professional status is developed and maintained within the organization. In order to meet the aim of this study a total of twelve semi-structures and qualitative interviews have been conducted with nurses and orderlies at three different home care services. The results show us how differences between the occupational groups may affect the status and reputation of the profession when questions of competence emerges.

Health care workers' knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding prevention of smoking in gold mine workers

Govender, Vanessa Ganesegerie 14 May 2008 (has links)
Abstract Background: The high prevalence of smoking on the mines contributes significantly to the public health burden due to exposure to crystalline silica dust and high HIV and TB prevalence rates. Progressive anti-tobacco legislation that informs workplace smoking policies is in existence but there are no formal smoking interventions to achieve the objectives of such policies and to facilitate health promotion. Health care workers, in particular have a vital role to play in this regard. Objectives: The objectives of this research study were to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of HCWs regarding prevention of smoking in gold mine workers and to use this information to propose a framework for a smoking intervention programme for the mines. Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) study. Data were obtained from 69 HCWs using self-administered questionnaires, from 161 occupational lung disease (OLD) and 30 medical ward admission record reviews, and from 4 informal discussions. Results: While knowledge and attitudes about smoking was good overall and 84.1% of HCWs reported that they would routinely ask smoking status and document it, this was not done in practice. An overwhelming majority of HCWs are aware that smoking is harmful to one’s health (98.6%); is harmful to mine workers’ health (97.1%), and predisposes them to acquiring lung diseases (95.7%). Half (56.7%) of the nurses, but no doctors documented smoking history on admission and poor follow up of this advice (38.5%) is an area of concern. HCWs identified a need for support structures such as workplace and community programmes that include education, training and awareness campaigns. Conclusion: Overall, HCWS are responsive to workplace smoking interventions: they are knowledgeable, and show insight and have positive attitudes towards smoking interventions, but a more enabling environment is required to establish good workplace practices. To this end a “Proposed framework for smoking interventions on the mines, incorporating the HCW programme” has been developed and partially implemented. Awareness of this study and its preliminary findings has already demonstrated a paradigm shift in thinking about tobacco on the gold mines.

Home-Based Care in an Economically Poor Community: An Interview StudyHome-Based Care in an Economically Poor Community: An Interview Study : The different Experiences of Working within Home-Based Care for Health Care Workers in Economically Poor Communities / Hemsjukvård i ett Ekonomiskt Fattigt Samhälle: En Intervjustudie.

Jelkeby, Ellen, Krepper, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Home-based care is an important part of the health care sector globally. But there is a lack of studies of the working conditions for health care workers within home-based care. Aim: The aim of the study is to illuminate the different experiences of working within home-based care for healthcare workers in economically poor communities.   Method: A qualitative research, data was collected through six semi-structured interviews and data was analysed by content analysis. Results: Three categories and eight sub-categories was identified in the data analysis: The Community; Working Conditions in the Community, Safety in the Community & Attitudes in the Community, The Family; The Family Affects the Patient & The Family Affects the Work Tasks and The Health Care Worker; Helping Beyond the Work Tasks, Emotional Involvement & Job Satisfaction. Conclusion: The study presents different challenges such as safety- and attitudes in the community but also the love for the work in the community.

INOVAÇÃO E RESISTÊNCIA NA IMPLANTAÇÃO DO PROCESSO DE HUMANIZAÇÃO NA SECRETARIA MUNICIPAL DE SAÚDE DO MUNICÍPIO DE GOIÂNIA-GO, SOB AS LENTES DA BIOÉTICA / Inovation and Resistance Concerning the Implementation of Humanization Process in the Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Município in the city of Goiânia-GO in the light of Bioethics.

Soares, Landia Fernandes de Paiva 03 January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:55:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Landia Fernandes de Paiva Soares.pdf: 483046 bytes, checksum: f24a51c0d461e46cb58c2b77fe0c9589 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-01-03 / Over the last two decades, the ethical problems of Medicine and Biological Sciences blew up in our society with great intensity, which constituted a challenge to contemporary ethics to provide a common moral standard for solving controversial issues coming from biomedical sciences and high technologies applied to health with the lack of care by life-care workers. Facing such matters, the Health Ministry has developed the Hospital Humanization National Program which is based upon a change of behavior between workers and the health system users, as a change in the service given to the user, aiming at rescuing the care which is the essence of human being. Based on this, our study investigates the impact of the humanization program in the everyday life of health workers in the city of Goiânia. 218 questionnaires were given to higher educated workers who work in the unities implementing the humanization process. Correlations among satisfaction with performed activities, workplace, working time, workload, earnings and religion with the humanized care were analised. We have also investigated the information workers have concerning the health humanization program and their participation as actors in this process. We have noted that they are in favor of the humanization process, but their adherence was not significant, in spite of all effort shown in the implementation of such process. We have discussed that humanizing theory is being assimilated only as a model of service, without the understanding of social changes proposed by this program. / Nas duas últimas décadas, os problemas éticos da medicina e das ciências biológicas explodiram em nossa sociedade com grande intensidade, constituindo um desafio para a ética contemporânea providenciar um padrão moral comum para a solução das controvérsias provenientes das ciências biomédicas e das altas tecnologias aplicadas à saúde com a falta de cuidado por parte de profissionais que lidam com a vida. Mediante tais problemas o Ministério da Saúde desenvolveu um Programa Nacional de Humanização Hospitalar que se baseia em uma mudança de postura entre profissionais e usuários do Sistema Ú nico de Saúde, como mudança no acolhimento e atendimento ao usuário, buscando resgatar o cuidar que é essência do ser humano. Com base nesse quadro, este estudo investiga o impacto do Programa de Humanização no cotidiano dos profissionais de saúde do Município de Goiânia. Os participantes foram 218 profissionais de nível superior que trabalham nas unidades piloto de implantação do processo de humanização. Foram analisadas as correlações entre satisfação com as atividades desempenhadas, local de trabalho, tempo de serviço, carga horária trabalhada, remuneração e religião com o cuidar humanizado. Investigou-se, também, as informações que os trabalhadores tem a respeito do programa de humanização da saúde e a sua participação como atores deste processo. Constatou-se que eles são favoráveis ao processo de humanização, mas a adesão dos trabalhadores não foi significativa, apesar de todo o empenho realizado na implantação de tal processo. Discute-se que a teoria da humanização está sendo assimilada apenas como modelo de atendimento, sem a compreensão acerca das mudanças sociais que são propostas por este programa.

Factors associated with the psychological response of nurses’ victims of inpatients violence in a psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability in cape town

Gingi, Pelisa January 2012 (has links)
Background and Research Problem: It is well-known that nurses around the world are exposed to various forms of violence at their workplaces. In psychiatric facilities, many of these incidents are perpetrated by patients against nurses. There is a perception that the current legislation and regulations in the country do not adequately protect psychiatric nurses (health care workers in general) against workplace violence. The preliminary literature suggested that most quantitative studies on workplace violence in psychiatric facilities have concentrated on secondary and tertiary psychiatric hospitals looking at the prevalence, the association between demographic factors and violence behaviour, nurses‟ therapeutic responses, and the impacts on the quality of care. Studies on workplace violence in a psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability in the country are limited. Secondly, it appeared from the preliminary literature review that similar studies have not looked at this phenomenon from the individual resilience perspective.Therefore, this study will seek to determine the factors associated with the psychological response of nurses‟ victims of inpatient violence in a psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability in Cape Town.Aim: To determine factors associated with the psychological response of nurses‟ victims of in-patient violence in a psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability in Cape Town. Objectives: To describe the (1) individual resilience of nurses working at a psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability; (2) psychological response of nurses‟ victims of in-patients‟ violence at a psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability; and (3) association between the individual resilience characteristics and the psychological responses of nurses victims of in-patients‟ violence in a psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability.Methodology: Descriptive-exploratory design using a quantitative approach was used.All categories of nurses (professional nurse, enrolled nurse and enrolled nursing assistance) working at the psychiatric facility for adults with intellectual disability were eligible for the study. Convenient sampling was conducted to select 127 participants who met the inclusion criteria. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. Data was analysed using the SAS V9.3 computer programme. Ethical clearance was obtained from University as well as approval from the management of the psychiatric facility prior to approaching the study participants. Results: The results of the study showed high level of resilience among nurses on Assessment of Resilience Scale (82.9%, n=104); nurses psychological responses to violence were equally distributed between avoidance (mean =4.65 and SD=1.36), intrusion (mean= 4.55 and SD=1.50), hyper arousal (mean=4.46 and SD=1.60) resulting in total mean of 13.67 (SD=4.14) on the revised Impact of Event Scale (IES-R). Measure of association between resilience and the impact of violence on the psychological wellbeing of nurses showed that nurses with high resilience score (82.9%, n=104) fitted the symptoms of PTSD on the IES-R. Spearman Rank correlations (r) analysis showed the total scores of IES-R (r=0.04, p=0.68), avoidance (r=0.01, p= 0.34), intrusion (r=0.08,p=0.34), and hyper-arousal (r= -0.002, p=0.97). Further research looking at the nurses‟ reliance and their responses using resilience theory is needed. / Magister Curationis - MCur

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