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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Linking professional organisations of health care to patients' perceptions and experiences of chronic illness : a discussion of health services for type 2 diabetes in Scottish primary care

Milne, Heather January 2011 (has links)
UK Health policy over the past decade has sought to accelerate established trends of moving services for type 2 diabetes into primary care. This has aimed to make services more accessible and to enable patients to benefit from having their diabetes care incorporated into the “generic and holistic” approach of primary care. However, in 2004 the introduction of a new General Medical Services (nGMS) contract signalled a change in primary care by linking clinical targets to financial rewards on a larger scale than ever before. Diabetes is one of nineteen financially incentivised clinical areas under the nGMS contract (2006). This thesis considers how these health policies may have influenced the organisation and experience of providing and receiving care for type 2 diabetes in Scottish primary care settings. It also aims to bridge two usually separate areas of sociological interest: how health professionals interpret and implement policy, and how patients experience and perceive chronic illness and their health care. A multiple case study approach was employed in order to compare and explore the organisation and experience of type 2 diabetes care associated with three general practices of differing size and location. In each case study a period of non participant observation was undertaken and in-depth interviews conducted with health professionals and their type 2 diabetes patients. Analysis of these data shows that multiple factors influence the way diabetes care is organised and experienced in primary care. I argue that the local context of interpersonal relationships of trust, professional identities and role expectations influence both the organisation of care and the way patients interpret that organisation. Moreover, the meanings patients attribute to the local organisation of diabetes care can inform their perceptions of their condition and influence their desire to be involved in diabetes management.

Expérience de soins de patients aînés atteints de cancer à l’urgence / Health care experience of older cancer patients in the context of emergency room visits

Nguyen, Bich Lien January 2016 (has links)
Résumé: Introduction: Cette étude s’intéresse à l’expérience de soins de patients aînés de 70 ans et plus atteints de cancer entourant une visite à l’urgence. Elle repose sur plusieurs résultats d’études démontrant que ces personnes présentent des besoins spécifiques non comblés, les amenant à utiliser les services d’urgence pour y répondre. Peu d’études se sont intéressées à leur expérience de soins et encore plus rarement dans le contexte d’une visite à l’urgence. But : Mieux comprendre l’expérience de soins des patients aînés atteints de cancer entourant une visite à l’urgence. Cette étude comprend quatre objectifs soit : 1) établir le profil des patients de 70 ans et plus ayant consulté l’urgence pour un problème lié à leur cancer dans les 12 mois précédant l’étude; 2) identifier les raisons et les facteurs amenant ces patients à consulter les services d’urgence; 3) identifier les stratégies de coping utilisées avant d’aller à l’urgence et 4) décrire l’expérience de soins de ces patients à l’urgence. Méthode: Une étude à devis mixte simultané a été entreprise. Une analyse descriptive des bases de données administratives a été réalisée pour documenter le profil sociodémographique, clinique et l'utilisation des services des patients aînés atteints de cancer de 70 ans et plus qui ont visité l'urgence d'un centre hospitalier au Québec, le Canada (n = 792, Objectifs 1-2). Ensuite, des entrevues semi-structurées ont suivi (n = 11) et ont été analysées par une analyse de contenu en profondeur (Objectifs 2, 3, & 4). Résultats: Un total de 792 patients aînés atteints de cancer ont visité l'urgence pour un total de 1572 visites. Les raisons de consultation les plus fréquentes étaient de nature respiratoire (15,8%), digestive (13,4%) et les troubles cardiovasculaires (8,2%). Plus de la moitié des visites était réalisée de jour. L’anxiété, les problèmes d’accessibilité et la détérioration importante de la santé étaient des facteurs qui influençaient le recours aux services d’urgence. Les patients ont été en mesure de déployer une multitude de stratégies de coping pour faire face à leurs problèmes de santé. Par ailleurs, l’expérience de soins est un processus unique, vécu de manière très individuelle. Conclusion: Cette étude décrit l’expérience de soins de patients aînés atteints de cancer à l’urgence et souligne plusieurs domaines d’amélioration des services en périphérie de l’urgence, mais aussi au sein même du service d’urgence. / Abstract: Introduction: Older cancer patients are known to have specific unmet needs due to the complexity of their health care, leading them to use emergency services. However, it is known that emergency rooms are not well-suited to the needs of the elderly. Few studies have focused on the health care experience of older cancer patients and even less so in the context of emergency room (ER) visits. Purpose: This study aims to better understand the experience of older cancer patients in the context of ER visits for unexpected health deterioration related to cancer. We sought to: 1) establish the profile of patients aged 70 years and older who made ER visits for problems related to their cancer in the 12 months preceding the study; 2) identify the reasons and factors that motivate older patients with cancer to make ER visits; 3) identify coping strategies used by older cancer patients prior to ER visits; and 4) describe the health care experience of older cancer patients in the context of ER visits. Methods: A concurrent mixed-method design was used. Descriptive analysis of administrative databases was first conducted to document the socio-demographic, clinical, and service utilization profile of elderly cancer patients aged 70 years and older who visited the ER of a hospital in Québec, Canada (n = 792, Objectives 1-2). Semi-structured interviews were subsequently conducted (n = 11) and then analysed using in-depth content analysis (Objectives 2, 3, & 4). Results: The sample of 792 older cancer patients made a total of 1,572 ER visits. The most frequent medical reasons for ER visits were respiratory (15.8%) and digestive (13.4%) concerns, and cardiovascular conditions (8.2%). Content analysis of the qualitative data suggested that older cancer patients made most of the ER visits when experiencing high levels of anxiety, when other cancer care services were unavailable, or because of a serious life-threatening health condition. Patients were able to use a variety of coping strategies to deal with health issues. Furthermore, the care process is experienced uniquely for each individual. Conclusion: This study describes the health care experience of older cancer patients in the context of ER visits and suggests areas of improvement both outside of and within emergency services.

Upplevelser av vården hos patienter som genomgått onkologisk vård : Kvalitativ studie av patientrapporterade enkätdata

Nordvall Dässman, Saga, Andersson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: 2019 drabbades 65 956 människor av cancer. Cancersjukdomar växer globalt och rädslan av att drabbas av cancer är stor. Den onkologiska vården i Sverige ska ges utan dröjsmål och med uppföljning. Standardiserade vårdförlopp (SVF) syftar till att personer som genomgår utredning för cancermisstanke i största möjliga utsträckning får erfara en helhetsorienterad, välorganiserad och professionell vård. Patienternas upplevelser och nöjdhet med vården kan visas i mått med Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREM). Stödet från sjuksköterskor betyder mycket för patienter som genomgått onkologisk vård.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva upplevelser av vården hos patienter som genomgått onkologisk vård.Metod: En empirisk studie med kvalitativ ansats och beskrivande design. Fritextsvar från en enkätundersökning analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Huvudresultat: Övergripande temat i studien var att patienterna beskrev att deras upplevelse av den onkologiska vården var beroende av deras helhetssyn på den erhållna vården. En tillfredsställande vårdupplevelse karaktäriseras av att den består av en sammantagen vårdupplevelse med gott bemötande och förhållningssätt från vårdpersonalen, adekvat och förståelig information, att vården erhållits inom, enligt patienten, rimlig tidsram samt med god följsamhet.Slutsats: Föreliggande studie har undersökt vad patienter som genomgått onkologisk vård har för upplevelser av den erhållna vården. Resultatet visade att helhetsupplevelsen är större, detta belyser föreliggande studie. När alla dessa aspekter fungerat väl så har patienterna i stor utsträckning erfara en tillfredsställande helhetsupplevelse. / Background: In 2019 65 956 people were affected by cancer. Cancer diseases are growing globally and the fear of getting cancer is great. Oncological care in Sweden must be provided without delay and with follow-up. Standardized care processes (SVF) aim to enable people who undergo an investigation for cancer suspicion to experience a holistic, well-organized and professional care to the greatest possible extent. Patients' experiences and satisfaction with care can be shown in dimensions with Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREM). The support from nurses means a lot to patients who have undergone oncological care.Aim: The aim was to describe experiences of care in patients who have undergone oncological care.Method: An empirical study with a qualitative approach and descriptive design. Free text responses from a survey were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Main Result: The overall theme of the study was that the patients described that their experience of the oncological care was dependent on their holistic view of the care received. A satisfactory care experience is characterized by the fact that it consists of an overall care experience with good treatment and attitude from the care staff, adequate and understandable information, that the care was obtained within, according to the patient, a reasonable time frame and with good compliance.Conclusion: The present study has examined what patients who have undergone oncological care have for experiences of the care received. The results showed that the overall experience is greater, this highlights the present study. When all these aspects have worked well, the patients have to a large extent experienced a satisfactory overall experience.

Upplevelser av bemötande vid Ehlers-Danlos syndrom

Jonsson, Carolina January 2018 (has links)
Research shows that individuals who had negative encounters in healthcare had significantly less contact with healthcare. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a challenge to diagnose and treat. Studies have shown that individuals with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome for these reasons avoid healthcare with the risk of worsening of their own health, something that can depend on negative encounters. The purpose of this study is to give a descriptive overview of how people with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome experience encounters in healthcare. The research questions are “Do individuals with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome experience good access to healthcare?” and “How do individuals with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome experience encounters in healthcare?” An electronic survey was distributed through social media via Ehlers-Danlos national association in Sweden. The number of respondents was 521 of an estimated number of 814 adult individuals with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in Sweden. The results show that 477 individuals have experienced offensive or reducing behavior from treating physicians. The majority report bad encounters and low availability in healthcare. The result also shows that it takes approximately 15,28 years to diagnose the condition. / Forskning har visat att individer som upplever negativt bemötande inom vården har mindre vårdkontakt. Ehlers-Danlos syndrom är en utmaning för vården att diagnostisera och behandla vilket en studie visar fört med sig att patienterna undviker vården med sämre hälsa som följd, något som kan bero på erfarenheter av negativt bemötande. Syftet med denna studie är att ge en beskrivning av hur individer med Ehlers-Danlos syndrom upplever bemötande inom primärvården. Två frågeställningar formulerades: Upplever individer med Ehlers-Danlos syndrom god tillgänglighet av vård? och Hur upplever individer med Ehlers-Danlos syndrom bemötande inom primärvården?  En elektronisk enkät skickades ut via sociala medier till patientgrupper med Ehlers-Danlos syndrom där Ehlers-Danlos Riksförbund bistod i distribueringen. Antalet som svarade var 521 stycken av ett estimerat antal om 814 vuxna individer med Ehlers-Danlos syndrom i Sverige. Resultatet visar att 477 individer någon gång upplevt kränkande eller förminskande bemötande av behandlande läkare. Majoriteten rapporterar dåligt bemötande och låg tillgänglighet av tider till primärvården. Resultatet visar dessutom att genomsnittstiden för diagnos ligger på 15,28 år.

Migrän – En enkätstudie om upplevelser av vård och behandling / Migraine – A survey study on experiences of care and treatment

Fransson, Maja, Magnusson, Petra January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Migrän är en neurologisk sjukdom som påverkar cirka 15 % av befolkningen, orsakar omfattande påföljder, försämrar livskvalitet och arbetskapacitet samt driver upp vårdkostnader. Remiss till specialist kan hjälpa till att lindra symtom, men det finns fortfarande brister inom sjukvården gällande tillgången till adekvat vård och behandlingsalternativ. Syfte: Att undersöka upplevelser av vård och behandling bland vuxna som har migrän. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie med en kvantitativ ansats, data samlades in via en webbenkätundersökning på Facebook. Resultat: Utav 81 respondenter bekräftade 70,4% att migränen påverkade deras dagliga liv i stor utsträckning. Vidare svarande 5% att de upplevde att vårdpersonalen arbetade med en individuellt anpassad behandlingsplan. Resultatet visade att över hälften av respondenterna inte upplevde att de hade fått information om faktorer som potentiellt kan framkalla migrän. Cirka en tredjedel uttryckte att vårdpersonalen inte förstod deras beskrivna symptom. Respondenter som blivit remitterade till en neurolog uppgav oftare att deras behandling ökat deras livskvalitet. Slutsats: Resultatet belyser migränens inverkan på respondenternas vardag och påvisar behovet av en mer patientcentrerad vård samt brister inom vårdens kompetens att informera, behandla och erbjuda stöd. Det understryker vikten av utökad utbildning för både patienter och vårdpersonal gällande migränhantering. En central upptäckt är att tillgången till neurologisk expertis är betydelsefull för patienternas vårdupplevelse och livskvalitet, då de som erhållit sådan hjälp rapporterat om effektivare lindring. Studien bidrar till en fördjupad förståelse kring hur individer med migrän upplever sin vård och behandling och kan tjäna som bas för vidare forskning och utveckling inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn. / Introduction: Migraine, a neurological condition, affects around 15% of the population, leading to substantial repercussions, diminished quality of life, decreased work capacity and increased healthcare costs. Specialist referrals can ease symptoms, yet healthcare still lacks in providing sufficient care and options. Objective: To explore the care and treatment experiences of adults with migraines. Method: A cross-sectional, quantitative study collected data via a web survey on Facebook. Results: Among 81 study respondents, 70,4% confirmed that migraines affected their daily lives extensively. Additionally, 5% felt that medical staff did not offer individualized treatment plans. Over half had not received information on potential migraine triggers, and about one-third felt their symptoms were misunderstood by healthcare providers. Those referred to neurologists often noted improved quality of life through their treatment. Conclusion: The findings illustrate the significant daily impact of migraines and the necessity for patient-focused care and deficiencies in healthcare's ability to inform, treat, and support. The importance of enhanced education on migraine management for both patients and professionals is emphasized. Access to neurological expertise appears crucial for patient care experiences and quality of life, with those receiving specialist care reporting better symptom relief. This study deepens the understanding of migraine sufferers' care experiences, potentially guiding future health sector research and development.

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