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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh vytápění pro třípatrový řadový dům / A space heating system for a three-story row hose

Aulehla, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This master`s thesis describes the design alterations that lead to a reduction in heat loss of the house, an extension of living space in the attic and the subsequent reconstruction of the heating system. The first is presentation of the house. After that, there is calculation heat loss of the house. The next step contains design of a reconstruction for every room and calculation modified heat loss. Another point this work is design the reconstruction of the heating system, extension heating system to the attic floor, calculation pressure losses and selection condensing gas boiler. After that is designed regulation with central control unit and electric thermostatic radiator valve. The last part of master`s thesis is focused on benefit assessment changes, budget and return of investment. The drawings are listed in the appendix.

Návrh otopné soustavy s tepelným čerpadlem vzduch-voda a zdrojem na tuhá paliva pro vytápění rodinného domu / Design of a space heating system with a heat pump air-water and solid fuel source for heating the family house

Španihelová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design the heating system for the house, including the design and calculating the required quantity of heat for hot water. The specified heat sources are the heat pump air to water and solid fuel boiler. The task was to design the heating system to the fastest possible return on investment. The initial investment in a heat pump is high so it is necessary to design the heating system as efficiently as possible. The thesis contains a complete project of calculating heat loss of the building, the design of heating surfaces and their heat-technical calculation. There is included the design of the pipe system, the calculation of pressure loss and its regulation. The thesis also includes design of safety equipment, temperature regulation and drawings. On the basis of calculated data was processed economic assessment, which determines the return on investment to the heat pump. Compared to the gas condensing boiler the return on investment will ideally be after five years.

Návrh otopné soustavy a ohřev teplé vody pro rodinný pension / Design of a space heating system and hot water heating for family guest-house

Nykl, František January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the detailed design of heating and hot water heating for a family quest-house. At first the reader is introduced to the designed building, its design and construction elements. The thesis presents the calculation procedure and design of the heating system. This consists of designing radiators, the heat source, the circulating pumps, regulations of the heating system and the design of its security elements. The thesis also describes the design of the heat exchanger for hot water and security. In conclusion, an evaluation of operating costs with the recommended solution for their reduction. The thesis also includes drawing documentation of structural drawings, heating and unrolled schema that is mentioned in the attachment.

Regionální energetické využití odpadů / Regional energetic waste exploitation

Krňávek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with technologies for energy utilisation of waste with annual treatment capacity approximately from 10 to 50 kt/year and their application in regions of the Czech Republic. In the first part of the thesis the results of heat consumption analysis in seven regions of the CR are introduced while in two selected regions a production of waste was analyzed too. The main part deals with the design of technological solution of waste-to-energy plant with medium capacity and its integration to specific conditions of the two selected regions. Alternatives of combined heat supply were assessed from waste-to-energy plant as well. A basic economic analysis that contains the estimates of incomes and capital expenditures and operating expense is a part of this thesis too.

Návrh vytápění a vzduchotechniky pro dvoupatrový rodinný dům po rekonstrukci / Design of heating and ventilation system for two-storey family house after renovation

Potočník, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the design of the reconstruction of a house built in the 70s of the last century. Part of this work is an introduction with the current state of the object and calculation of the appropriate heat losses. In the next step, renovations containing building insulation, replacement windows and doors, replacement of the heating system and the installation of air conditioning are made. Based on the design of the adjustments are again calculated heat losses and a comparation of energy savings is made. Another part of the proposal focuses in detail on heating system and its regulation. The final chapter deals with the design of the ventilation device using heat recovery. Attachments contain detailed calculations and necessary documentation.

Värmeåtervinning ur ventilationsluft i äldre flerbostadshus : En jämförande studie av centralt FTX- och FX system / Heat recovery from ventilation air in older apartment buildings : A comparing study of heat recovery between a counterflow heat exchanger and an exhaust air heat pump

Medina, Jean Pierre, Abdulla, Zjikar January 2013 (has links)
En jämförelsestudie har genomförts mellan två värmesystem. Analysen har genomförts med ett flerbostadshus som referensfasighet. Fastigheten är lokaliserad i Södertälje kommun. Analysen går ut på att bestämma vilket värmesystem som är fördelaktigt vid renovering av äldre flerbostadshus med avseende på energi och kostnad. De systemen som har behandlats är ett centralt värmesystem med motströmsvärmeväxlare och ett centralt värmesystem med frånluftsvärmepump. Det centrala värmesystemet (Eq aggregat) är ett centralt från- och tilluftssystem med återvinning (FTX system). Systemet använder en motströmsvärmeväxlare för överföring av värmeenergi mellan från- och tilluften. Det centrala värmesystemet (Energi well) är ett frånluftssystem (FX system) med en ny teknisk lösning. Systemet återvinner värme ur frånluften med hjälp av kondenserande frånluftsvärmpumpar. Värmepumparna finns i en frånluftskammare på vindsvåningen. Den återvunna värmen förs sedan vidare till undercentralen för att värma upp varmvattnet. Analysen har genomförts med hjälp av teoretiska energi- och kostnadsberäkningar, intervjuer och faktainsamlingar.  Energiberäkningarna har bestått av en energibalansberäkning för att få fram den köpta energiförbrukningen. Kostnadsberäkningar har bestått av en livscykelkostnads kalkyl och en kostnads beräkning per producerad värmeenergi. De resulterande värdena för båda värmesystemen har sedan jämförts med varandra. Resultatet visade att värmesystemet Energy well var mest fördelaktig ur både energi och kostnad perspektiv. Den årliga köpta energiförbrukningen var                          lägre än värmesystemet (Eq aggregat) med en motströmsvärmeväxlare. Driftkostnaden var  lägre än Eq aggregat, installations-kostnaderna var  lägre än Eq aggregat och slutlig var livscykelkostnaden  lägre än värme-systemet (Eq aggregat) med motströmsvärmeväxlare. Men underhållskostnaden var  högre än värmesystemet Eq aggregat. Slutsatserna för de teoretiska undersökningarna gav bättre värden för värmesystemet Energy well. Vilket innebär att Energy well är mest fördelaktig utifrån energi- och kostnads perspektiv. Däremot ger värmesystemet med motströmsvärmeväxlare en lägre risk att ett driftfel inträffar i verkligheten. / A comparing study between two different heating systems has been accomplished. The analysis has been conducted with an apartments building as a reference project. The building is located in the municipality of Södertälje. The goal of the analysis is to determine which of the heating system is beneficial for older apartment buildings in terms of energy and cost. The systems that have been treated are a central heating system with a counterflow heat exchanger and a central heating system with an exhaust air heat pump. The central heating system (Eq unit) is a central exhaust- and supply air system with heat recovery. The system uses a counterflow heat exchanger to transfer the heat energy between the exhaust- and supply air. The central heating system (Energy well) is the latest technical solution of a central exhaust air system. The system recovers heat from exhaust air by condensing exhaust air heat pumps. The heat pumps are in an exhaust air chamber and it´s placed on the attic floor. The recovered heat energy sends then to the mechanical room to heat up the water system. The analysis has been accomplished by using theoretical energy- and cost calculations, interviews and data collection. The energy calculations are based on an energy balance equation to determine the bought energy consumption. The cost calculation is based on a life cycle cost equation and a cost equation per produced heat energy. The results of both heating systems have been compared with each other. The results showed that the heating system Energy well was most beneficial in both energy and cost perspective. The annual consumption of bought energy was                          lower each year than the heating system (Eq unit) with a counterflow heat exchanger. The operating costs of the system were  lower than Eq unit, the installation costs were  lower than Eq unit and final was the life cycle cost  less than the heating system (Eq unit) with counterflow heat exchanger. But the service cost was  higher than the heating system Eq unit. The conclusion of the theoretical investigations gave better values ​​for the heating system Energy well. This means than Energy well is most beneficial from the energy and cost perspectives. Contrariwise has the heating system with counterflow heat exchanger a lower risk of an operational failure to occur in reality.

Simulering av off-grid-lösning till flytande småhus : En undersökning av möjlig självförsörjning

Qvicker, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Det här arbetet gjordes i samarbete med organisationen Stockholm Tiny House Expo. Syftet med arbetet var att försöka ta fram en fungerande off-grid-lösning för uppvärmning och elproduktion, för en specifik typ av småhus med två våningar. Femton småhus kommer placeras på en flytande plattform i vattnet utanför Kastellholmen i Stockholm till en utställning år 2022. Simuleringarna utfördes på ett sådant hus under premissen att en eventuell lösning skulle vara applicerbar på samtliga småhus. Det var på förhand inte givet att en fullständig lösning skulle påträffas, eller vilken metod som skulle vara mest lyckad. Off-grid-lösningen undersöktes genom simuleringar i programvaran IDA Indoor Climate and Energy. Arbetet innefattade dimensionering av husets klimatskal, värmesystem samt system för elproduktion och energilagring. Först konstruerades en enkel modell av huset. Två olika värmesystem undersöktes. Den ena modellen använde en pelletspanna för värmeproduktion och den andra modellen använde en värmepump med sjövärme som värmekälla. I båda modellerna arbetade värmeproducenterna mot en ackumulatortank, vars vatten värmdes och sedan försåg husets tre radiatorer med varmvatten. Båda modellerna använde ett kompletterande FTX-system för uppvärmning. Målet med uppvärmningen var att på årlig basis förse huset med värme motsvarande dess effektbehov, för att hålla en jämn inomhustemperatur. Båda modellerna lyckades upprätthålla en medelinnetemperatur nära förvald temperatur på 21℃ _under höst och vinter. Ingen hänsyn togs till kylning av huset vilket resulterade i att innetemperaturen steg under sommaren. För elproduktion dimensionerades en solcellsanläggning som kompletterades med energilagringskapacitet från ett solcellsbatteri. Målet var att förse huset med en elenergi motsvarande en normal årsförbrukning för hus av den storleken samt elenergi för att driva ventilationssystemets fläktar. I värmepumpmodellen behövde även värmepumpen förses med elenergi vid drift. När hänsyn togs till energibalansen under ett år kunde ingen av modellerna förses med elenergi under hela vinterhalvåret. Detta berodde på att elförbrukningen var större än vad solcellsanläggningen tillsammans med batterilager tillförde systemet under samma period. Pelletsmodellen klarade av att vara off-grid under cirka åtta månader av året, med undantag för årets två första och sista månader. Värmepumpmodellen klarade endast av att vara off-grid under vår och sommar.

Využití nízkoteplotních zdrojů energie pro vzduchotechnické systémy v obytných budovách / Using Low Temperature Energy Sources for Ventilation Systems in Residential Buildings

Adam, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The theoretical part deals with three “ventilation systems” (VS). The first VS uses a ground/well temperature potential as a energy source for preheating or cooling fresh ventilation air. It was found out that energy savings can be achieved. In the winter, when the air flow volume was considered 150 m3/hr and ground temperature 4 and 8 ° C, the energy savings are in the range of 227-359 kWh. The electricity increase is 6 kWh of energy. In the summer, the energy savings are 17 to 38 kWh, with the electricity increase 8 kWh of energy. The second VS, i.e. system combining ventilation a solar systems, the calculation was carried out in TRNSYS computer program for two objects - a “low-energy house” (LEH) and “two-floor house” (TFH) - and 6 different solar systems modifications. The energy gains at the LEH for the 3 solar modif. are 49, 59 and 46 kWh per year (yearly consumption for heating is 2622 kWh). The energy gains at the TFH for the 3 solar modif. are 86, 134 and 129 kWh (yearly consumption for the heating is 8988 kWh). The third VS is a residential VS with liquid circuit with two compact “heat exchangers” (HE) at the inlet and outlet air. The results shows (compared to VS without heat recovery) that with the air flow volume 150 m3/h the energy savings in the winter are 1761-3148 kWh (16-hour and 24-hour operation mode). The electr. increase is 173 to 262 kWh of energy. In the exp. research the measuring section for the HE measuring was built. Then the conventional materials HE was measured. Is was found out that the selected HE is suitable for installation of the theoretically proposed systems. Its efficiency is in the range 58 - 82 % (with the air flow volume 570-55 m3/h). Measuring section was optimized and measured various hollow fibre HEs. Their efficiency are in the range 38-63 % (with the air flow volume 300-900 m3/h). Results of CO2 measurements shows that CO2 concentration is close to the value of 5000 ppm. It is much higher than max. allowed value 1200

Golvvärme eller radiatorer : Vattenburna värmesystem i flerbostadshus / Underfloor heating or radiators : Waterborne heating systems in apartment blocks

Tanik, Ahmet, Schedin, Richard January 2017 (has links)
I flerbostadshus är radiatorer det vanligaste uppvärmningssystemet. Inte alls många har golvvärme i deras lägenheter. I dagens nyproduktion av flerbostadshus bygger man för det mesta husen med radiatorer och har elburen golvvärme som komfortvärme i badrummen. I villor är det däremot mycket vanligare att man använder sig av vattenburen golvvärme över större delen av huset. Detta examensarbete undersöker varför det inte används golvvärme lika mycket i flerbostadshus, det undersöker även intresset för privatpersoner att ha golvvärme i lägenheter samt om dessa personer isåfall hade kunnat tänka sig betala mer pengar om de fick vattenburen golvvärme installerat vid nyproduktion.Resultaten har fåtts fram genom en enkätundersökning samt intervjuer där vi intervjuat kunniga inom området. Våra resultat visar att nästan 40% av de enkät intervjuade hade velat ha endast golvvärme som uppvärmningssystem medan ungefär 55% hade velat ha både radiatorer och golvvärme som ett gemensamt uppvärmningssystem. De flesta hade då velat ha golvvärme i bland annat toalett, badrum, hall, kök, vardagsrum och sovrum. Resultaten visar även att nästan hälften av de enkät besvarande hade kunnat tänka sig betala mer för en bostad med golvvärme medan den större delen av den andra hälften var osäkra och förmodligen behövde mer tid för att tänka. Resultaten gällande varför man inte använder vattenburen golvvärme i lägenheten lika ofta som man använder radiatorer visade sig variera lite mellan de intervjuade vilket vi tror har med erfarenheter att göra men att ett golvvärmesystem var installationsmässigt dyrare än ett radiatorsystem verkade vara huvudsaken. / In prefabricated apartment blocks the most common thing people have in their homes is radiators as their waterborne heating system but very few have underfloor heating in their apartments. Nowadays the most usual thing to do is to install radiators and have underfloor electric heating in the bathrooms. Most residentials however usually have waterborne underfloor heating across the bigger part of the house. This report digs into why underfloor heating isn’t being used as often in apartment buildings, it also investigates people’s interest to have underfloor heating in apartment buildings plus if they then would be interested in paying more for a new apartment with waterborne underfloor heating.The outcome from our results has been achieved through a survey and interviews where we have questioned competent persons within the sector. Our results show that 40% of the people in the survey would like to have only underfloor heating as their waterborne system while 55% of the people would like to have a combined system with both radiators and underfloor heating. Most of them preferred to have underfloor heating in their toilets, bathrooms, entrance hall, kitchen, living room and bedroom. The results also show that almost half the persons in the survey could pay more money for a place with underfloor heating while the bigger part of the other half weren’t sure and probably needed more time to think. Our outcome on why waterborne underfloor heating in apartment buildings isn’t being used as often as radiators showed to differ between the interviewed persons which we assume have to do with their different backgrounds and experience but the main reason seemed to do with the part that a waterborne underfloor heating system in an installation point of view is more expensive than a radiator system.

Smart Localized Heating Control System With Human Movement Tracking

Choi, Sung In January 2016 (has links)
According to the U.S. energy consumption survey in 2012, about 25% of the commercial and 42% of the residential building energy were used for heating. Despite the development of new and more efficient Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems over the years, the high energy consumption in heating is still one of the major energy efficiency issues. Studies showed that decreasing HVAC operating temperature set points by 4°F will result in energy savings of 15% or more. Thus, the smart localized heating control (SLHC) system was designed and prototyped to provide localized heat directly to a person so that HVAC can run at a lower temperature set point. SLHC detects human movement and delivers the heat based on the result of the target location estimation and temperature measurement feedback. To detect the human movement, image processing techniques were used; image segmentation, mass center detection, background subtraction using the Mixture of Gaussian model, and human feature detection. In SLHC, a near-infrared heater and a tracking function were used to provide an instant and a direct heat to the person in order to minimize wasting energy. The SLHC system is divided into the sensing and processing (SP) and the heating and regulating (HR) subsystem. The SP’s primary function is to process captured video images and measured temperature data. SP also generates and sends the heater operating signal to HR. HR purposes to control the heater’s direction and power based on the signal. The communication between SP and HR was established through Wi-Fi enabled development platform. The SLHC prototype successfully processed the sensing data and transmitted the control signal. The result shows that it detected human movement and estimated the person’s location in 3D space within 10% margin of error. Also, it delivered the focused heat to the surface of the human body and increased the temperature by 10.0°F in 3 minutes at the distance of 1.5m away from the heater. This cost-effective, wireless, and localized heating system demonstrates the potential to improve energy efficiency in buildings. / Electrical and Computer Engineering

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