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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUIS ALBERTO PECHE PUERTAS 15 June 2005 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese estudamos as propriedades físicas de materiais fortemente correlacionados e desordenados, usando Hamiltonianos modelos para descrevê-los. A tese está dividida em duas partes. Na primeira, estudamos o modelo de Anderson periódico para descrever as propriedades de um isolante Kondo. Em particular tomamos o composto de Ce3Bi4Pt3 como paradigma deste tipo de materiais caracterizados por apresentar um pequeno gap(da ordem dos meV ). Na presença de pequenas concentrações de impurezas metálicas como íons de La substituindo os de Ce, como é o caso da liga (Ce1-xLax)Bi4Pt3, sofre uma transição metal-isolante. O Hamiltoniano de Anderson periódico é resolvido a partir da solução de um único sítio atômico que logo é embebido numa rede de Bethe. Este modelo consegue explicar qualitativamente os resultados experimentais como a resistividade em função da temperatura para diferentes concentrações de íons de La, assim como as propriedades óticas do sistema puro. A influência da localização de Anderson nesta transição é analisada a partir do estudo da condutividade elétrica do sistema. A segunda parte está dedicada ao estudo das propriedades de sistemas descritos pelo Hamiltoniano de Falicov- Kimball, largamente utilizado para estudar fenômenos como a transição de valência e metal- isolante, também em compostos de Metais de Transição e Terras Raras. Neste modelo, o caráter destas transições ainda não está bem estabelecido já que o resultado é muito dependente da aproximação utilizada. Utilizamos o Hamiltoniano de Falicov-Kimball sem spin onde a banda de condução é tratada de forma exata já que mostramos a sua equivalência com o problema de uma liga. Os estados f são resolvidos em forma aproximada a partir da equação de movimento, aproximação que chamamos de Aproximação do Estreitamento Dinâmico(AED). Estudamos as propriedades eletrônicas como a ocupação dos estados localizados em função da energia local. Também neste caso, analisamos um sistema desordenado estudando o contraponto entre a correlação eletrônica e a desordem. As diferentes fases que aparecem no sistema como, metálica, isolante de Anderson e de Mott são investigadas em função dos parâmetros que definem o sistema. / [en] In this thesis we study the properties of strongly correlated and disordered materials, using model Hamiltonians to describe them. The thesis is divided in two parts. The first one studies the periodic Anderson model used to describe the properties of a Kondo insulator. In particular we take Ce3Bi4Pt3 as a paradigmatic compound, characterized by a small gap(of the order of meV ). For small concentration of metallic impurities, ions of La substituting Ce, the alloy (Ce1-xLax)Bi4Pt3 suffers a metal- insulator transition. The periodic Anderson Hamiltonian is solved using the atomic solution that is embedded into a Bethe lattice. This model explains the experimental results as the resistivity as a function of temperature for different concentrations of ions of La, as well as, the optical properties of the pure system. The Anderson localization is analyzed studying the electric conductivity of the system. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to study the property of a system described by the Falicov- Kimball Hamiltonian. This Hamiltonian has been used to study the valence and metal-insulator transitions in Transitions Metal and Rare Earth compounds. In this model, the character of these transitions is still not well understood, since it is very dependent of the approximation used. We study the Falicov-Kimball Hamiltonian without spin. The conduction band is exactly described since we show its equivalence with the problem of an alloy. The f states are studied using the equation of motion for the Green functions, decoupling them in a way defined as the Dynamic Narrowing Approximation(DNA). We study the occupation of the local states as a function of energy and other electronic properties. For an alloy the interplay between the electronic correlation and disorder is analized. The different phases that appear in the system, as metallic and Anderson and Mott insulating, are investigated as a function of the parameters that define the system.

Interactions entre la supraconductivité et la criticité quantique, dans les composés CeCoIn5, URhGe et UCoGe / Interactions between Superconductivity and Quantum Criticality in CeCoIn5, URhGe and UCoGe

Howald, Ludovic 11 February 2011 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est l'analyse du second champ critique supraconducteur (Hc2) ainsi que l'interaction entre la supraconductivité et les points critiques quantiques (PCQ), pour les composés CeCoIn5, URhGe et UCoGe. Dans le composé CeCoIn5, l'étude par résistivité du domaine de liquide de Fermi a permis la localisation précise du PCQ a pression ambiante. Cette analyse permet d'invalider l'hypothèse d'une coïncidence entre Hc2(0) et le PCQ. Dans une deuxième partie, l'évolution sous pression de Hc2 est analysée. Le dôme supraconducteur de ce composé est non-conventionnel avec deux pressions caractéristiques différentes: à ~1.6GPa, la température de transition supraconductrice est maximum alors que c'est à ~0.4GPa que la plupart des grandeurs physiques (maximum de Hc2(0), maximum de la pente dHc2/dT, maximum du saut de chaleur spécifique DC/C, ...) suggèrent la présence d'un PCQ. Nous expliquons cet antagonisme par l'importance des processus de brisure de pairs liés a la proximité du PCQ. Ces deux observations nous permettent de proposer un nouveau diagramme de phase pour CeCoIn5. Dans une troisième partie, les mesures de conduction thermique sur les composés URhGe et UCoGe sont présentées. Elles nous permettent dans un premier temps d'obtenir la transition "bulk" supraconductrice et de confirmer la forme in-habituelle de Hc2 observée en résistivité. La dépendance en températures et en champs de la conduction thermique nous permet d'identifier une contribution non-électronique au transport de chaleur jusqu'aux plus basses températures. D'autre part, nous identifions deux différents domaines supraconducteurs a bas et hauts champs appliqués selon l'axe b. Ces deux domaines sont compatibles avec un modèle de supraconductivité multigaps. Suivant ces observations et des mesures de pouvoir thermoélectrique, nous proposons un modèle de transition de Lifshitz pour ces deux composés. / The subject of this thesis is the analyze of the superconducting upper critical field (Hc2) and the interaction between superconductivity and quantum critical points (QCP), for the compounds CeCoIn5, URhGe and UCoGe. In CeCoIn5, study by mean of resistivity of the Fermi liquid domain allows us to localize precisely the QCP at ambient pressure. This analyze rule out the previously suggested pinning of Hc2(0) at the QCP. In a second part, the evolution of Hc2 under pressure is analyzed. The superconducting dome is unconventional in this compound with two characteristic pressures: at 1.6GPa, the superconducting transition temperature is maximum but it is at 0.4GPa that physical properties (maximum of Hc2(0), maximum of the initial slope dHc2/dT, maximum of the specific heat jump DC/C,... ) suggest a QCP. We explain this antagonism with pair-breaking effects in the proximity of the QCP. With these two experiments, we suggest a new phase diagram for CeCoIn5. In a third part, measurements of thermal conductivity on URhGe and UCoGe are presented. We obtained the bulk superconducting phase transition and confirmed the unusual curvature of the slope dHc2/dT observed by resistivity. The temperatures and fields dependence of thermal conductivity allow us to identify a non-electronic contribution for heat transport down to the lowest temperature (50mK) and probably associated with magnon or longitudinal fluctuations. We also identified two different domains in the superconducting region, These domains are compatible with a two bands model for superconductivity. Thermopower measurements on UCoGe reveal a strong anisotropy to current direction and several anomaly under field applied in the b direction. We suggest a Lifshitz transition to explain our observations in these two compounds.

Thermoélectricité des composés fortement corrélés sous conditions extrêmes / Thermoelectricity of strongly correlated compounds under extreme conditions

Palacio Morales, Alexandra 07 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sous l'étude sous conditions extrêmes (basse température, fort champ magnétique et haute pression) des composés fortement corrélés du type fermions lourds. Trois composés ont été analysés UCoAl, UGe$_2$ et CeRh$_2$Si$_2$, en utilisant principalement de mesures thermoélectriques; une technique récente et très sensible dans le domaine des fermions lourds. À cette fin, de nouvelles dispositives de mesures de pouvoir thermoélectricité sous pression ont été développés au cours de cette thèse.Concernant le composé d'UCoAl, notre étude a permis d'analyser précisément la transition metamagnétique, induite par le champ magnétique, entre la phase paramagnétique (PM) et la phase ferromagnétique (FM) ainsi que, son évolution sous pression. Ainsi, nos mesures ont permis de compléter le diagramme de phase $(T,P,H)$ et notamment, de mettre en évidence la structure magnétique originale qui apparaît sous pression en forme de ```wings" pas des mesures thermoélectriques.Une fine analyse de la surface de Fermi de la phase FM$2$ d'UGe$_2$ a été réalisée grace à l'observation des oscillations quantiques du pouvoir thermoélectrique. Les résultats obtenues ont été comparés aux études conventionnelles des oscillations quantiques comme de ``de Haas-van Alphen" (dHvA) et de ``Suhbnikov-de Hass" (SdH) effets. Une très bonne accord entre les trois techniques a été constatée. % et montre les avantages d'utilisation des mesures du pouvoir thermoélectrique pour analyser les paramètres microscopiques des fermions lourds.% Les inconvénients de cette technique sont aussi présentés.Finalement, dans le système CeRh$_2$Si$_2$, la suppression du domaine antiferromagnétique (AF) sous champ magnétique $H_c sim 26$T et sous pression $Psim 1$GPa a été étudiée. Un très fort changement de la surface de Fermi à $H_c$ correspondant à la transition de l'ordre AF vers une phase paramagnétique polarisée (PPM), a été observé. Sous pression, des fluctuations magnétiques et une reconstruction de la surface de Fermi apparaissent autour de $P_c$. Ces fluctuations cachent la nature de la suppression de l'ordre AF vers un ordre paramagnétique (PM). L'étude du diagramme de phase $(T,H,P)$ révèle que les phases PM et PPM sont différentes, cependant des points en commun demeurent. / Thermopower is a technique whose importance is related to the possibility of directly measuring electronic properties of the systems, as it is sensitive to the derivative of the density of states. In this work, the low temperature regime of strongly correlated electron systems has been studied using this technique. For that, a new pressure-field thermopower device was developed, and used, to determine $(T,P,H)$ phase diagrams of the itinerant ferromagnets UCoAl and UGe$_2$, and of the weak antiferromagnet CeRh$_2$Si$_2$.For example, in the case of UCoAl, this same technique was used to analyze the metamagnetic transition from paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) phases and to study its evolution towards the quantum critical end point. The existence of exotic magnetic excitations in the ground state and around the critical end point were also evidenced.On the compound CeRh$_2$Si$_2$, the suppression of the antiferromagnetic (AF) order by magnetic fields and pressures was explored. A strong change of the Fermi surface at $H_c$, the field at which the suppression of the AF into the paramagnetic polarized (PPM) phase, was observed. We show that under pressure, the magnetic fluctuations around the critical pressure $P_c$ masked the Fermi surface reconstruction of the AF phase into the PM phase. The analysis of the $(T,P,H)$ phase diagram revealed that the non-ordered phases of this compound (PM and PPM) are different, therefore pressure and field behave as different suppressor mechanisms.In the UGe$_2$ compound, the analysis of its Fermi surface by thermopower quantum oscillations was performed as a last example of the utility and of the importance of this technique. To the best of the author knowledge, this is the first time that this technique was used in heavy fermion systems. A comparison to traditional probes such as de Haas-van Alphen and Shubnikov–de Haas effects was done. We observed a good agreement between them and we explain the advantages and the disadvantages of thermopower quantum oscillations technique over the traditional probes.

Electrical resistivity of YbRh2Si2 and EuT2Ge2 (T = Co, Cu) at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature

Dionicio, Gabriel Alejandro 31 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This investigation address the effect that pressure, p, and temperature, T, have on 4f-states of the rare-earth elements in the isostructural YbRh2Si2, EuCo2Ge2, and EuCu2Ge2 compounds. Upon applying pressure, the volume of the unit cell reduces, enforcing either the enhancement of the hybridization of the 4f-localized electrons with the ligand or a change in the valence state of the rare-earth ions. Here, we probe the effect of a pressure-induced lattice contraction on these system by means of electrical resistivity, from room temperature down to 100 mK. At ambient pressure, the electrical resistivity of YbRh2Si2 shows a broad peak at 130 K related to the incoherent scattering on the ground state and the excited crystalline electrical field (CEF) levels. At T_N = 70 mK, YbRh2Si2 undergoes a magnetic phase transition. Upon applying pressure up to p_1 = 4 GPa , T_N increases monotonously while the peak in the electrical resistivity is shifted to lower temperatures. For p < p_1 a different behavior is observed; namely, T_N depends weakly on the applied pressure and a decomposition of the single peak in the electrical resistivity into several shoulders and peaks occurs. Above p_2 = 9 GPa, the electrical resistivity is significantly reduced for T < 50 K and this process is accompanied by a sudden enhancement of T_N. Thus, our results confirm the unexpected behavior of the magnetization as function of pressure reported by Plessel et al. The small value of the magnetic ordering temperature for p < p_2 and the strength of the mechanism that leads to the peaks and shoulders in the electrical resistivity suggest that the f-electrons are still screened by the conduction electrons. Therefore, the observed behavior for pressures lower than p_2 might be a consequence of the competition of two different types of magnetic fluctuations (seemingly AFM and FM). Furthermore, the results suggest that a sudden change of the CEF scheme occurs at pressures higher than p_1, which would have an influence on the ground state. Additionally, a comparison of the pressure dependent features in the electrical resistivity of YbRh2Si2 with similar maxima in other isostructural YbT2X2 (T = transition metal; X = Si or Ge) compounds was performed. For the comparison, a simple relation that considers the Coqblin-Schrieffer model and the hypothesis of Lavagna et al. is proposed. A systematic behavior is observed depending on the transition metal; namely, it seems that the higher the atomic radii of the T-atom the smallest the pressure dependence of the maximum in the electrical resistivity, suggesting a weaker coupling of localized- and conduction-electrons. It is also observed that an increase in the density of conduction electrons reduces the pressure dependence of the characteristic Kondo temperature. The mechanism responsible for the sudden enhancement of T_N in YbRh2Si2 at about p_2 is still unknown. However two plausible scenarios are discussed. The Eu-ions in EuCo2Ge2 and EuCu2Ge2 have a divalent character in the range 100 mK < T < 300 K. Therefore, these systems order magnetically at T_N = 23 K and T_N = 12 K, respectively. The studies performed on EuCo2Ge2 and EuCu2Ge2 as a function of pressure suggest that a change to a non-magnetic trivalent state of the Eu-ions might occur at zero temperature for pressures higher than 3 GPa and 7 GPa, respectively. A common and characteristic feature on EuCo2Ge2 and EuCu2Ge2 is the absence of a clear first order transition from the divalent to the trivalent state of the Eu-ions at finite temperature for p > 3 GPa and for p > 7 GPa, respectively. In other isostructural Eu-based compounds, a discontinuous and abrupt change in the thermodynamic and transport properties associated to the valence transition of the Eu-ions is typically observed at finite temperatures. In contrast, the electrical resistivity of EuCo2Ge2 and EuCu2Ge2 changes smoothly as a function of pressure and temperature. The analysis of the the electrical resistivity of EuCo2Ge2 suggest that a classical critical point might be close to the AFM-ordered phase, being a hallmark of this compound. The overall temperature dependence of the the electrical resistivity of EuCo2Ge2 changes significantly at 3 GPa; therefore, it seems that the system suddenly enters to a T-dependent valence-fluctuating regime. Additionally, the pressure-dependent electrical-resistivity isotherms show a step-like behavior. Thus, it is concluded that discontinuous change of the ground state might occur at 3 GPa. The electrical resistivity of EuCu2Ge2 at high pressure is characterized by a negative logarithmic T-dependence in the pressure range 5 GPa < p < 7 GPa for T > T_N and by a broad peak in the pressure dependent residual resistivity, whose maximum is located at 7.3 GPa. The first behavior resembles the incoherent scattering process typical for an exchange coupling mechanism between the localized electrons and the ligand. This and the peak effect in the local 4f susceptibility observed in NMR measurements are consistent with such a coupling mechanism. Thus, it would be for the first time that a dense Eu-based compound like EuCu2Ge2 show such a behavior. Combining the results of the experiment performed at high pressures on EuCu2Ge2 with the studies performed in the EuCu2(Ge1-xSix)2 series, a crossover from an antiferromagnetically ordered state into a Fermi-liquid state for pressures higher than 7.3 GPa may be inferred from the analysis. Therefore, it may be possible that the sudden depopulation of 4f-level occur mediated by quantum fluctuation of the charge due to a strong Coulomb repulsion between the localized-electrons and the ligand. This phenomenon would explain the broad peak in the residual resistivity. To our knowledge, this would be the first Eu-based compound, isostructural to ThCr2Si2, that show such a transition as function of pressure at very low temperatures.

Wechselspiel von Magnetismus und Supraleitung im Schwere-Fermionen-System CeCu2Si2 / Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in the heavy-fermion system CeCu2Si2

Arndt, Julia 27 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das Auftreten von Supraleitung in Systemen mit schweren Fermionen, erstmals entdeckt in CeCu_2Si_2, wird mit der Nähe zu einem quantenkritischen Punkt in Verbindung gebracht. Daraus ergibt sich ein komplexes Zusammenspiel von Magnetismus und Supraleitung, das in der vorliegenden Arbeit durch Messungen der spezifischen Wärme, der Wechselfeldsuszeptibilität und durch inelastische Neutronenstreuexperimente an verschiedenen Einkristallen von CeCu_2(Si_{1-x}Ge_x)_2 untersucht wird. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der genauen Charakterisierung des magnetischen Anregungsspektrums von CeCu_2Si_2 des S-Typs. Die Ergebnisse der Neutronenstreumessungen implizieren stark, dass die Kopplung der supraleitenden Cooper-Paare durch überdämpfte Spinfluktuationen vermittelt wird, die in der Umgebung eines Quantenphasenübergangs gehäuft auftreten. Unter Substitution einiger Si- durch Ge-Atome in CeCu_2Si_2 stabilisiert sich die magnetische Ordnung, und die Supraleitung wird zunehmend unterdrückt. Neutronenstreumessungen ergeben, dass dies bei 2 % Ge-Substitution dazu führt, dass sich Magnetismus und Supraleitung gegenseitig verdrängen, während sie bei 10 % Ge-Substitution mikroskopisch koexistieren. - (Die Dissertation ist veröffentlicht im Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland, http://www.logos-verlag.de, ISBN: 978-3-8325-2456-2) / The occurrence of superconductivity in systems with heavy fermions, discovered for the first time in CeCu_2Si_2, is often linked to the vicinity of a quantum critical point. This results in a complex interplay of magnetism and superconductivity, which is studied by means of specific heat and ac susceptibility measurements as well as neutron scattering experiments on different single crystals of CeCu_2(Si_{1-x}Ge_x)_2 in the present thesis. The focus is put on the detailed characterisation of the magnetic excitation spectrum in S-type CeCu_2Si_2. Neutron scattering results strongly imply that the coupling of superconducting Cooper pairs is mediated by overdamped spin fluctuations, which accumulate in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition. By substituting Si by Ge atoms in CeCu_2Si_2 magnetic order is stabilised and superconductivity successively suppressed. Neutron scattering experiments demonstrate that 2 % Ge substitution leads to magnetic order being displaced by superconductivity on decreasing temperature, whereas both coexist microscopically in the case of 10 % Ge substitution.

Étude des aimants quantiques et supraconducteurs non conventionnels

Prévost, Bobby 12 1900 (has links)
Une première partie de ce mémoire portera sur l’analyse des états fondamentaux ma- gnétiques de deux composés isolants et magnétiquement frustrés SrDy2O4 et SrHo2O4. Une étude de la chaleur spécifique à basse température sous l’effet de champs magné- tiques de ces échantillons a été menée afin de détecter la présence de transitions de phases. L’utilisation d’un composé isotructurel non magnétique, le SrLu2O4, a permis l’isolement de la composante magnétique à la chaleur spécifique. Les comportements observés sont non conformes avec les transitions magnétiques conventionnelles. De plus, le calcul de l’entropie magnétique ne montre qu’un recouvrement partiel de l’entropie associée à un système d’ions magnétiques. En second lieu, une analyse des oscillations quantiques de Haas-van Alphen a été effectuée dans le LuCoIn5, composé apparenté au supraconducteur à fermions lourds CeCoIn5. Les résultats obtenus montrent une topologie de la surface de Fermi très différente comparativement aux CeCoIn5 et LaCoIn5, ayant un comportement beaucoup plus tridimensionnel sans les cylindres caractéristiques présents chez les autres membres de cette famille. Finalement, le montage d’un système de détection PIXE a permis l’analyse nucléaire d’échantillons afin de déterminer la concentration de chacun des éléments les constituant. L’analyse a été effectuée sur une série d’échantillons YbxCe1−xCoIn5 dont le changement de concentration a des effets importants sur les propriétés du système. / The first part of this thesis consist of the analysis the magnetic ground states of two magnetically frustrated insulator compounds SrDy2O4 and SrHo2O4. A study of the low temperature specific heat in magnetic fields has been carried on in order to detect phase transitions. The magnetic contribution to the specific heat has been determined using the isostructural but non magnetic compound SrLu2O4. The observed behaviour does not conform with conventional magnetic phase transitions. Also, the calculated magnetic entropy shows only a partial recovery of the entropy normally associated with magnetic ions in the systems. In the second study, I measured and analyzed de Haas-van Alphen quantum oscil- lations in LuCoIn5, a compound related to the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5. The obtained results show a Fermi surface topology greatly differing from the CeCoIn5 and LaCoIn5, having a much more tridimensional behaviour, compared to the characteristics cylinder exhibited by the other members of this family. In the last part of my thesis, I’m am describing the set up of a PIXE detection system used for the nuclear analysis of thick samples in order to calculate the concentra- tion of each element present. The analysis has been carried on a series of samples of YbxCe1−xCoIn5, where the variation of concentration has major repercussions on the electronic and magnetic properties of the system.

Elektronenspinresonanz in Yb-basierten Kondogitter-Systemen

Wykhoff, Jan 27 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Elektronenspinresonanz (ESR) untersucht die im quasistatischen Magnetfeld resonante Absorption eines an die Probe angelegten Mikrowellenmagnetfeldes. Es wurde das System Yb1-w A1-w (Rh1-x Cox)2 (Si1-y Gey) 2 mit A=La, bzw. Lu, sowie das System YbIr2Si2 mittels ESR untersucht. Unter Kondo-Wechselwirkung vieler Leitungselektronen mit einem lokalen 4f-Moment des Kondo-Ions bildet sich ein nicht-magnetisches Grundzustands-Singlett, was zur Abschirmung des magnetischen Moments führt. YbRh2Si2 ist das erste Schwere-Fermionen-System mit Kondo-Ionen, das ohne Dotierung zusätzlicher ESR-Sonden ein ESR-Signal unterhalb der Kondo-Temperatur aufweist. Es zeigt sich, dass das ESR-Signal nicht mittels gängiger ESR-Theorien konsistent beschrieben werden kann. Die Messungen, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit angestellt wurden, flossen in die Entwicklung von weiterführenden Theorien (z.B. [1], [2]) ein. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit des ESR-g-Faktors konnte damit erfolgreich beschrieben werden, womit erstmals der Nachweis einer Kondo-Wechselwirkung in Kondo-Gitter-Systemen mittels ESR gelang. Ferner konnte die Bedeutung von ferromagnetischen Fluktuationen für eine kleine, beobachtbare Linienbreite beschrieben werden. Der ESR-Methode ist somit die Kondo-Spindynamik direkt zugänglich. Dieser Zugang ist neu und einzigartig, denn andere Methoden (NMR, inelastische Neutronenstreuung) charakterisieren die Kondo-Spindynamik auf indirekte Weise. [1] P. Wölfle und E. Abrahams. Phenomenology of esr in heavy-fermion systems: Fermi-liquid und nicht-fermi-liquid regimes Phys. Rev. B, 80(23): 235112, 2009. [2] B. I. Kochelaev, S. I. Belov, A. M. Skvortsova, A. S. Kutusov, J. Sichelschmidt, J. Wykhoff, C. Geibel und F. Steglich. Why could electron spin resonance be observed in a heavy fermion kondo lattice? Eur. Phys. J. B, 72(4): 485, 2009.

Efeito Kondo e magnetismo em uma rede Kagome

Silva Junior, José Luiz Ferreira da January 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos o modelo da rede de Kondo em uma rede kagome, buscando uma maior compreensão dos efeitos da frustração geométrica em sistemas de férmions pesados. Para tanto, fizemos uma aproximação de campo médio no hamiltoniano do sistema que serve para todas as fases do sistema. Analisamos inicialmente o caso não magnético. Obtemos neste limite as energias eletrônicas e as funções de Green necessárias ao cálculo numérico autoconsistente das ocupações e do parâmetro de Kondo. Os resultados encontrados estão em concordância qualitativa com trabalhos publicados em outras geometrias. A seguir analisamos o caso magnético, onde introduzimos uma aproximação suplementar, a qual é compatível com a de campo médio já considerada e, em princípio, existente apenas em sistemas com frustração geométrica. Realizamos cálculos autoconsistentes através de somas sobre as frequências de Matsubara. Os resultados mostram que não há coexistência entre ordem magnética e efeito Kondo, além de haver a supressão do antiferromagnetismo com o aumento de temperatura e variações no preenchimento de bandas. / In this work we study the Kondo Lattice model for the kagome lattice, in order to understand better the effects of geometrical frustration in heavy-fermion systems. In this context, we consider a mean field scheme valid for all the system’s phases. Firstly, we analyzed the nonmagnetic case. In this approximation the electron energies and spectral functions are reachable, then we use the density of states to calculate the occupations selfconsistently. Our results are qualitatively compared with previous works in other geometries. In the second part we introduce an approximation for magnestism, which takes into account the mean field scheme considered and the presence of geometrical frustration. Self-consistent calculations are done through the frequencies summation method. Our results show that the magnetism is supressed when the temperature is increased or the band filling deviates from half-filling. Besides, the coexistence of magnetic order and Kondo effect is not observable.

Efeito Kondo e magnetismo em uma rede Kagome

Silva Junior, José Luiz Ferreira da January 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos o modelo da rede de Kondo em uma rede kagome, buscando uma maior compreensão dos efeitos da frustração geométrica em sistemas de férmions pesados. Para tanto, fizemos uma aproximação de campo médio no hamiltoniano do sistema que serve para todas as fases do sistema. Analisamos inicialmente o caso não magnético. Obtemos neste limite as energias eletrônicas e as funções de Green necessárias ao cálculo numérico autoconsistente das ocupações e do parâmetro de Kondo. Os resultados encontrados estão em concordância qualitativa com trabalhos publicados em outras geometrias. A seguir analisamos o caso magnético, onde introduzimos uma aproximação suplementar, a qual é compatível com a de campo médio já considerada e, em princípio, existente apenas em sistemas com frustração geométrica. Realizamos cálculos autoconsistentes através de somas sobre as frequências de Matsubara. Os resultados mostram que não há coexistência entre ordem magnética e efeito Kondo, além de haver a supressão do antiferromagnetismo com o aumento de temperatura e variações no preenchimento de bandas. / In this work we study the Kondo Lattice model for the kagome lattice, in order to understand better the effects of geometrical frustration in heavy-fermion systems. In this context, we consider a mean field scheme valid for all the system’s phases. Firstly, we analyzed the nonmagnetic case. In this approximation the electron energies and spectral functions are reachable, then we use the density of states to calculate the occupations selfconsistently. Our results are qualitatively compared with previous works in other geometries. In the second part we introduce an approximation for magnestism, which takes into account the mean field scheme considered and the presence of geometrical frustration. Self-consistent calculations are done through the frequencies summation method. Our results show that the magnetism is supressed when the temperature is increased or the band filling deviates from half-filling. Besides, the coexistence of magnetic order and Kondo effect is not observable.

Efeito Kondo e magnetismo em uma rede Kagome

Silva Junior, José Luiz Ferreira da January 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos o modelo da rede de Kondo em uma rede kagome, buscando uma maior compreensão dos efeitos da frustração geométrica em sistemas de férmions pesados. Para tanto, fizemos uma aproximação de campo médio no hamiltoniano do sistema que serve para todas as fases do sistema. Analisamos inicialmente o caso não magnético. Obtemos neste limite as energias eletrônicas e as funções de Green necessárias ao cálculo numérico autoconsistente das ocupações e do parâmetro de Kondo. Os resultados encontrados estão em concordância qualitativa com trabalhos publicados em outras geometrias. A seguir analisamos o caso magnético, onde introduzimos uma aproximação suplementar, a qual é compatível com a de campo médio já considerada e, em princípio, existente apenas em sistemas com frustração geométrica. Realizamos cálculos autoconsistentes através de somas sobre as frequências de Matsubara. Os resultados mostram que não há coexistência entre ordem magnética e efeito Kondo, além de haver a supressão do antiferromagnetismo com o aumento de temperatura e variações no preenchimento de bandas. / In this work we study the Kondo Lattice model for the kagome lattice, in order to understand better the effects of geometrical frustration in heavy-fermion systems. In this context, we consider a mean field scheme valid for all the system’s phases. Firstly, we analyzed the nonmagnetic case. In this approximation the electron energies and spectral functions are reachable, then we use the density of states to calculate the occupations selfconsistently. Our results are qualitatively compared with previous works in other geometries. In the second part we introduce an approximation for magnestism, which takes into account the mean field scheme considered and the presence of geometrical frustration. Self-consistent calculations are done through the frequencies summation method. Our results show that the magnetism is supressed when the temperature is increased or the band filling deviates from half-filling. Besides, the coexistence of magnetic order and Kondo effect is not observable.

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