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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização molecular das cepas do Vírus Sincicial Respiratório identificadas nos anos de 2001 e 2002 em unidade de transplante de células tronco hematopoéticas / Molecular characterization of strains of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Unit identified in 2001 and 2002

Adriana Freire Machado 12 November 2007 (has links)
O Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (RSV) é reconhecido como agente causador de infecção nosocomial entre receptores de pacientes de células-tronco hematopoéticas causando morbidade e mortalidade consideráveis nesses pacientes. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar as cepas do RSV isoladas de receptores de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo durante sua estação. As cepas do RSV foram tipadas (em grupo A ou B) e genotipadas. Das sete cepas analisadas dos receptores de TCTH durante o ano de 2001, somente duas pertenciam ao grupo B, as outras cinco eram pertencentes ao grupo A. Dessas sete cepas, três eram altamente relacionadas e haviam infectados pacientes que freqüentavam o ambulatório. Em 2002, das doze cepas analisadas, três pertenciam ao grupo A e as outras nove pertenciam ao grupo B. Sete cepas eram altamente relacionadas entre elas e eram também de pacientes de ambulatório sugerindo que a transmissão em hospital-dia era mais provável. Enfim, múltiplços genótipos do RSV co-circularam nas unidades de TCTH (ambulatório e enfermaria) do Hospital das Clínicas entre 2001 e 2002. A transmissão nosocomial foi mais provável ocorrer no ambulatório da unidade de TCTH quando comparada à enfermaria. Políticas de controle de infecção devem ser também implementadas em ambulatórios para evitar transmissão nosocomial do RSV e outros vírus respiratórios em pacientes de ambulatório. / Respiratory Syncytial Virus is recognized as the leading cause of nosocomial respiratory infection among recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) causing considerable morbity and mortality among theses patients. The aim this study was characterize the strains of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in recipients Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Unit (HSCT) at Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo Medical School during RSV season in symptomatic HSCT recipients at Hospital das Clínicas. The strains of RSV was typed (in group A or B) and genotyped. Of the seven strains analyzed from HSCT recipients during 2001, only two belonged to group B, the other five belonged to group A. Of these seven strains, three were closely related and were from outpatients. In 2002 , of the twelve strains analyzed, three belonged to group A and the other nine belonged to group B. Seven strains were closely related and were also from outpatients suggesting that nosocomial transmission in hospital-day was more likely. In conclusion, multiples genotypes of RSV co-circulated in the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant units (ward and dayhospital) of Hospital das Clínicas between 2001 and 2002. Nosocomial transmission was more likely to occur at the HSCT Day-hospital as compared to the HSCT ward. Infection control practices should be also implemented at Day-hospital Units to avoid nosocomial transmission of RSV and other respiratory viruses in outpatient units.

Análise da expressão gênica por microarrays de células-tronco hematopoéticas e mesenquimais de pacientes com esclerose múltipla / Gene expression profiles of hematopoietic stem cells and mesenchymal stromal cells obtained from multiple sclerosis patients and detected by microarrays.

Gislane Lelis Vilela de Oliveira 22 February 2013 (has links)
As células-tronco hematopoéticas (CTHs) e estromais mesenquimais multipotentes (CTMs) isoladas da medula óssea vêm sendo utilizadas como fonte autóloga no tratamento de doenças autoimunes, como a esclerose múltipla (EM). As CTHs dão origem a todas as células dos sistemas hematopoético e imunológico e as CTMs possuem propriedades imunomoduladoras pela liberação de fatores solúveis e interação célula-célula. Existem trabalhos que sugerem que as doenças autoimunes sejam provenientes de defeitos intrínsecos nas células-tronco precursoras da medula óssea. Com o intuito de avaliar se as CTHs e CTMs de pacientes com EM possuem alterações intrínsecas, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar o perfil de expressão gênica diferencial por microarrays de CTHs e CTMs de pacientes com EM, além de avaliar o perfil de expressão gênica de CTMs após o transplante autólogo de CTHs e a capacidade imunomoduladora in vitro das CTMs de pacientes. As CTHs e CTMs foram isoladas da medula óssea de pacientes com EM e doadores saudáveis, após consentimento informado. As CTHs foram isoladas por colunas imunomagnéticas e as CTMs foram isoladas por gradiente de densidade e submetidas à caracterização morfológica, imunofenotípica e capacidade de diferenciação em adipócitos e osteócitos. O RNA das CTHs e CTMs foi extraído e purificado e o perfil de expressão gênica foi avaliado por microarrays, utilizando hibridações em lâminas contendo 44.000 sondas. A capacidade imunomoduladora das CTMs de pacientes e controles foi avaliada por ensaios de cocultivo com linfócitos alogênicos e as citocinas foram quantificadas no sobrenadante por CBA flex e ELISA. Este estudo foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. Os resultados mostraram que as CTHs de pacientes possuem perfis de expressão gênica diferentes dos controles, com 2.722 genes diferencialmente expressos, envolvidos em vias de sinalização importantes para manutenção/proliferação das CTHs e diferenciação em linhagens específicas durante a hematopoese. Dentre essas sinalizações estão incluídas as vias da apoptose, Wnt, Notch, mTOR, PI3K/Akt e Ca/NFAT, sugerindo que as CTHs de pacientes com EM possuam alterações intrínsecas que podem estar relacionadas com a patogenia da doença autoimune. As CTMs isoladas de pacientes com EM exibiram aparência senescente e reduzida expressão de marcadores imunofenotípicos. Com relação à expressão gênica, as CTMs de pacientes possuem perfil diferente das CTMs controle, sendo detectados 618 genes diferencialmente expressos, incluindo genes relacionados à sinalização FGF, HGF, sinalização de moléculas de adesão e moléculas envolvidas nos processos de imunorregulação, como IL10, IL6, TGFB1, IFNGR1, IFNGR2 e HGF. O perfil de expressão gênica das CTMs de pacientes pós-transplante assemelhou-se ao perfil das CTMs pré-transplante. Ensaios de cocultivo de CTMs com linfócitos alogênicos mostraram que as CTMs de pacientes possuem capacidade antiproliferativa reduzida em relação às CTMs controle, e ainda, secreção reduzida de TGF- e IL-10 no sobrenadante das coculturas. Esses dados sugerem que as CTMs isoladas de pacientes com EM possuam alterações fenotípicas, transcricionais e funcionais. Embasados nesses achados, concluímos que as CTHs e as CTMs de pacientes com EM possuem alterações intrínsecas que podem estar relacionadas com a patogenia da doença. Uma vez que as CTMs sejam células com grande potencial terapêutico para controle da EM em pacientes refratários aos tratamentos convencionais, as alterações encontradas sugerem que CTMs de doadores saudáveis sejam mais adequadas em aplicações clínicas. / Bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been used as an autologous source to treat autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). HSC give rise to all hematopoietic and immune system cells, and MSCs exhibit immunomodulatory properties by releasing soluble factors and by cell-cell interactions. Evidence indicates that bone marrow stem cells obtained from patients with autoimmune diseases may present intrinsic defects. To assess whether or not HSC and MSC of MS patients have intrinsic defects, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the differential gene expression profiles of HSC and MSC from MS patients before and after autologous HSC transplantation, and additionally, to evaluate the in vitro immunomodulatory ability of patient MSCs. Bone marrow HSC and MSCs were isolated from MS patients and healthy donors. HSCs were isolated by immunomagnetic columns and MSCs were isolated by gradient density and cultured until the third passage. MSCs were characterized according to morphology, immunophenotypic markers and cell differentiation into adipocytes and osteocytes. HSC and MSCs mRNAs were extracted, purified, and the gene expression profile was evaluated by microarray hybridizations, using a platform containing 44.000 probes. The immunomodulatory activity of patient and control MSCs was assessed by coculture assays with allogeneic lymphocytes. Cytokines were quantified in coculture supernatants by ELISA and CBA flex. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto. The results showed that the patient HSCs exhibited a distinctive gene expression profile when compared to healthy HSCs, yielding 2.722 differentially expressed genes, involved in essential HSC signaling pathways for maintenance, proliferation and differentiation into specific lineages during hematopoiesis. Among these signaling pathways were included, apoptosis, Wnt, Notch, mTOR, PI3K/Akt and Ca/NFAT, suggesting that patient HSCs have significant intrinsic transcriptional alterations that may be associated with MS pathogenesis. Regarding MSCs isolated from MS patients, they exhibited senescence appearance, decreased expression of immunophenotypic markers, and also exhibited a distinctive gene expression profile in relation to healthy MSCs, yielding 618 genes differentially expressed genes, included in FGF and HGF signaling pathways, adhesion molecules, and genes involved in immunoregulation processes, such as IL-10, IL-6, TGFB1, IFNGR1, IFNGR2 and HGF. Coculture assays of control or patient MSCs with allogeneic lymphocytes showed that patient cells exhibited reduced antiproliferative activity as compared with controls, and also exhibited reduced secretion of TGF- and IL-10 cytokines in coculture supernatants. These data suggest that MSCs isolated from MS patients have phenotypic, functional and transcriptional defects, highlighting genes related to MSC maintenance, adhesion and immunomodulatory effects. According to these results, we concluded that patient HSCs and MSCs have intrinsic defects that may be associated with the disease per se. Considering that MSCs exhibit great therapeutic potential to control MS patients refractory to conventional treatment, the major MSCs alterations observed in this study indicate that healthy MSCs may be more suitable for MS cell therapy.

Papel de Notch e NF-kB na regulação de fatores de transcrição durante a diferenciação in vitro de células T a partir de células progenitoras hematopoéticas CD34+ / Role of Notch and NF-kB in the regulation of transcription factors during in vitro differentiation of T cells from CD34+

Josiane Lilian dos Santos Schiavinato 01 April 2011 (has links)
Em estudos anteriores desenvolvidos por este grupo de pesquisa uma expressão mais elevada de alvos transcricionais e componentes da via NF-kB, bem como altos níveis de NOTCH1, foi identificada em células-tronco hematopoéticas (CTH) CD34+ de sangue de cordão umbilical (SCU) quando comparadas às CTH CD34+ de medula óssea (MO). Este grupo verificou ainda, por comparação das células CD34+ com as CD133+ (mais primitivas) que diversos fatores de transcrição (FT) envolvidos com o potencial de hemangioblasto, com a autorenovação das CTH, e com a diferenciação linfóide; como: RUNX1/AML1, GATA3, USF1, TAL1/SCL, HOXA9 e HOXB4 apresentaram-se mais expressos em células mais primitivas. A potencial participação das vias Notch e NF-kB na regulação destes FT tem importância conceitual e prática no entendimento da biologia das CTH, e dos processos envolvidos na diferenciação destas células. Com isto em vista, este projeto teve como objetivo, estudar o papel da via NF-kB e da via Notch na regulação destes FT. Para isso, um modelo experimental in vitro, de diferenciação de CTH CD34+ em linfócitos T, foi utilizado e a influência de fatores agonistas e inibidores farmacológicos destas vias, foram avaliados por citometria de fluxo e PCR em tempo real. Nossos resultados evidenciam o papel da via Notch na regulação transcricional de HOXB4 e GATA3 em células-tronco hematopoéticas CD34+ humanas, o que foi confirmado com base na expressão dos alvos diretos de Notch (HEY1 e HES1). Notamos ainda, que a expressão dos transcritos HES1, GATA3 e HOXB4 é prejudicada pela síntese protéica das CTH, uma vez que quando empregamos o prétratamento com a droga CHX há aumento da transcrição dos mesmos. Também podemos inferir que a ação do TNF- é positiva sobre esses transcritos, já que quando o utilizamos há elevação do nível de expressão desses transcritos, com exceção a HES1. Em relação ao cocultivo das CTH com as células estromais de camundongos, verificamos que apenas a linhagem OP9-DL1 detém a capacidade de promover a diferenciação celular T, e isso foi comprovado pelo surgimento de células comprometidas com a linhagem linfocítica T, através da presença dos marcadores de superfície específico CD7+ e CD1a+. Esses resultados auxiliarão na compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares de regulação transcricional envolvidos não apenas na diferenciação de linfócitos T, mas também na manutenção de um estado mais primitivo das CTH. Este conhecimento pode vir a contribuir com o desenvolvimento ou otimização de protocolos laboratoriais visando à expansão de CTH ou geração de células T para usos terapêuticos. / In previous studies by this research group a higher expression of transcriptional targets and components via NF-kB, as well as high levels of NOTCH1, was identified in hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) CD34 + cells from umbilical cord blood (UCB) compared to CD34 + hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow (BM). This group also found, by comparing the CD34 + cells with CD133 + (more primitive) that several transcription factors (TF) involved in the potential of hemangioblast, with self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells and to differentiated lymphocytic; as Runx1 / AML1, GATA3, USF1, TAL1/SCL, HOXB4 and HOXA9 were more expressed in more primitive cells. The potential involvement of Notch signaling pathways and NF-kB in the regulation of FT has conceptual and practical importance in understanding the biology of HSC, and the processes involved in differentiation of these cells. With this in mind, this project aimed to study the role of NF-kB pathway and Notch signaling in the regulation of FT. For this, an experimental model in vitro differentiation of CD34 + hematopoietic stem cells into T lymphocytes, was used and the influence of pharmacological agonists and inhibitors of these pathways were evaluated by flow cytometry and real-time PCR. Our results highlight the role of Notch signaling in the transcriptional regulation of GATA3 and HOXB4 in hematopoietic stem cells CD34 + human, which was confirmed based on the expression of direct targets of Notch (HES1 and HEY1). We also note that the expression of transcripts HES1, GATA3 and HOXB4 protein synthesis is hampered by the HSC, since when we use the pre-treatment with the drug there CHX increased transcription thereof. We can also infer that the action of TNF- is positive about these transcripts, since when we use it for raising the level of expression of these transcripts, except the HES1. In relation to the HSC coculture with stromal cells of mice, we found that only the line-DL1 Op9 has the ability to promote T cell differentiation, and this was evidenced by the appearance of cells committed to the T lymphocyte lineage, through the presence of specific surface markers CD7 + and CD1a +. These results will help understand the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation involved not only in the differentiation of T lymphocytes, but also in maintaining a more primitive state of HSC. This knowledge may contribute to the development or optimization of laboratory protocols aimed at the expansion of HSC or generation of T cells for therapeutic use.

Importância das disparidades genéticas nos genes HLA e KIR na resposta de pacientes submetidos ao transplante alogênico de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas para o tratamento de doenças onco-hematologicas = Importance of genetic differences in HLA and KIR genes in the response of patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treatment of onco-hematological diseases / Importance of genetic differences in HLA and KIR genes in the response of patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for treatment of onco-hematological diseases

Cardozo, Daniela Maira, 1984- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Cármino Antonio de Souza, Jeane Eliete Laguila Visentainer / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T17:20:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cardozo_DanielaMaira_D.pdf: 3033896 bytes, checksum: b4696b2dc5fc0ec422091c74289aed9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: No organismo humano, as moléculas HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigens) são proteínas expressas na superfície da maioria das células nucleadas e são codificadas por genes localizados no braço curto do cromossomo 6 na região do Complexo Principal de Histocompatibilidade (CPH). Essas proteínas são caracterizadas pelo alto grau de polimorfismo, e também faz a ligação com receptores KIR (Immunoglobulin-like Receptors), expressos nas células Natural Killer. Os receptores KIR, que reconhecem moléculas do complexo HLA de classe I, estão entre os principais receptores inibidores dos linfócitos NK. Células infectadas por vírus e células tumorais perdem ou têm diminuída a expressão de moléculas HLA de classe I e, por isso, são eliminadas pela ausência de ligação entre moléculas HLA e receptores KIR inibitórios. Atualmente, muitos estudos têm destacado a importância dos genes KIR e HLA no Transplante de Células Progenitoras Hematopoiéticas (TCPH). O TCPH é o tratamento de escolha para muitas doenças hematológicas e dependem de vários fatores incluindo o estágio da doença, o regime de condicionamento, a fonte de células, o grau de identidade HLA entre doador e receptor e o desenvolvimento da doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH). Estudos recentes indicam que a presença de células NK alorreativas no enxerto representa um fator favorável à recuperação de pacientes, uma vez que essas células têm a capacidade de eliminar células tumorais residuais pela ausência ou diminuição da expressão de moléculas HLA e sem a indução da DECH. Também outros fatores podem estar envolvidos na resposta pós-transplante, como a presença e ausência de determinados alelos HLA e genes KIR, os quais podem estar ligados à melhor ou pior resposta pós-transplante. O primeiro ensaio investigou a associação entre HLA e a ocorrência da DECH aguda e crônica em pacientes que receberam transplante de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas HLA-idêntico, aparentados. No total, foram 176 pacientes que receberam o primeiro transplante entre 1997 e 2009. DECH aguda foi positivamente associada ao HLA-A10 (P = 0.0007), HLA-A26 (P = 0.002), B55 (P = 0.001), DRB1*15 (P = 0.0211) e DQB1*05 (P = 0.038), enquanto que HLA-B16 (P = 0.0333) foi mais frequente em pacientes sem DECH aguda. DECH crônica foi positivamente associada com HLA-A9 (P = 0.01) e A23 (P = 0.0292) e negativamente associada com HLA-A2 (P = 0.0031) e B53 (P = 0.0116). HLA-B35 (P = 0.0373), B49 (P = 0.0155) e B55 (P = 0.0024) foi alta em pacientes com DECH aguda grau 3 ou mais, do que os outros pacientes. Nos pacientes com DECH crônica extensa, HLA-A9 (P = 0.0004), A24 (P = 0.0059) e A26 (P = 0.0411) foi maior do que nos outros pacientes, enquanto HLA-A2 foi baixo (P = 0.0097). O objetivo do segundo ensaio foi avaliar as possíveis interações dos genes KIR e HLA com o curso clínico do transplante HLA compatível, aparentado e não depletado de linfócitos T, particularmente na doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH) aguda e crônica, recaída, sobrevida global e sobrevida livre de evento. A maioria dos doadores (78%) apresentaram o haplótipo B do KIR enquanto que 22% apresentaram o haplótipo A. Dos pacientes que receberam o haplótipo A do doador, 90% tiveram DECH, aguda ou crônica, comparados com os que receberam o haplótipo B (58%) (dados não estatisticamente significantes). Não houve diferença significativa para recaída entre pacientes que receberam os haplótipo A ou B (27% vs 23%). Não houve diferença no desenvolvimento da DECH e recaída para os pacientes homozigotos (C1C1 ou C2C2) e heterozigotos (C1C2) e nem para aqueles com HLA-Bw4 presente e ausente. Também, a sobrevida global não foi diferente para os grupos de pacientes analisados. No entanto, houve forte correlação entre o grupo de pacientes heterozigotos para HLA-C (C1C2) e a incidência de DECH aguda e recaída. A SLE foi maior nos pacientes heterozigotos que não desenvolveram DECHa (p<0,0001). Resultados mostraram que as variantes de HLA podem influenciar na ocorrência de DECH em transplante alogênico, com doadores relacionados, HLA-idênticos, tanto como fatores de proteção, quanto como fatores de susceptibilidade. Ainda, a interação KIR/HLA tem impacto significante no resultado dos transplantes relacionados, HLA compatível, sem depleção de linfócitos T, influenciando na incidência de recaída e na ocorrência da DECH. Resultados mostraram que para o grupo heterozigoto (C1C2) a maioria dos pacientes não desenvolveu DECH aguda e apresentou maior SLE, sugerindo um possível efeito protetor para esse grupo / Abstract: In the human organism, the HLA (human leukocyte antigens) are proteins expressed on the surface of most nucleated cells and are encoded by genes located on the short arm of chromosome 6 in the region of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). These proteins are characterized by a high degree of polymorphism, and also make the connection with KIR (Immunoglobulin-like Receptors), expressed in Natural Killer cells. KIR receptors that recognize HLA molecules of class I are among the major inhibitory receptors of NK-cells. Virus infected cells and tumor cells have lost or diminished expression of HLA class I molecules and therefore are eliminated by the absence of binding between HLA molecules and inhibitory KIR receptors. Currently, many studies have highlighted the importance of KIR and HLA genes in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT). HPCT is the treatment of choice for many hematological malignancies and depends on various factors including stage of disease, the conditioning regimen, the source of cells, the degree of identity between donor and recipient HLA and development of chronic graft-versus-host (GVHD). Recent studies indicate that the presence of alloreactive NK cells in the graft is a factor aiding the recovery of patients, since these cells have the ability to eliminate residual tumor cells by the absence or diminution of expression of HLA molecules and without inducing GVHD. Also other factors may be involved in response post-transplant, as the presence or absence of certain HLA genes and KIR, which can be connected to a better or worse response after transplantation. The first trial investigated the association between HLA and the occurrence of acute and chronic GVHD in patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplant HLA-identical related. In total, 176 patients who received a first transplant between 1997 and 2009. GVHD was positively associated with HLA-A10 (P = 0.0007), HLA-A26 (P = 0.002), B55 (P = 0.001), DRB1 * 15 (P = 0.0211) and DQB1 * 05 (P = 0.038), while that HLA-B16 (P = 0.0333) was more frequent in patients without acute GVHD. Chronic GVHD was positively associated with HLA-A9 (P = 0.01) and A23 (P = 0.0292) and negatively associated with HLA-A2 (P = 0.0031) and B53 (P = 0.0116). HLA-B35 (P = 0.0373), B49 (P = 0.0155) and B55 (P = 0.0024) was high in patients with acute GVHD grade 3 or more, than the other patients. In patients with extensive chronic GvHD, HLA-A9 (P = 0.0004), A24 (P = 0.0059) and A26 (P = 0.0411) was greater than in the other patients, whereas HLA-A2 was low (P = 0.0097). The objective of the second test was to evaluate the possible interactions of KIR and HLA genes with the clinical course of the transplant HLA compatible related and not depleted of T lymphocytes, particularly in chronic graft versus host disease (GVHD) acute and chronic relapse, survival overall and event-free survival. Most donors (78%) presented the KIR B haplotype while 22% were haplotype A. Of the patients who received the donor haplotype A, 90% had GvHD, acute or chronic, compared with those who received the haplotype B (58%) (data not statistically significant). There was no significant difference in relapse between patients who received the haplotype A or B (27% vs 23%). There was no difference in the development of GVHD and relapse for patients homozygous (C1C1 or C2C2) and heterozygous (C1C2) and not for those with HLA-Bw4 present and absent. Also, the overall survival was not different for the groups of patients studied. However, there was strong correlation between the group of patients heterozygous for HLA-C (C1C2) and the incidence of acute GVHD and relapse. The SLE was higher in patients who did not develop GVHD heterozygotes (p <0.0001). Results showed that the HLA variants may influence the occurrence of GVHD in allogeneic transplantation with related donors, HLA-identical, both as protective factors, such as susceptibility factors. Furthermore, the interaction KIR / HLA has a significant impact on the outcome of transplantation related HLA-compatible, without depletion of T cells, influencing the incidence of relapse and the occurrence of GVHD. Results showed that for the heterozygous group (C1C2) most patients did not develop acute GVHD and showed higher SLE, suggesting a possible protective effect for this group / Doutorado / Clinica Medica / Doutora em Clínica Médica

Les dilemmes de l'allogreffe de sang placentaire explorés au travers de deux alternatives thérapeutiques : le sérum anti-lymphocytaire in vivo, l'interleukine-7 in vitro / The dilemmas of the allograft of placental blood explored through two therapeutic alternatives

Pascal, Laurent 19 December 2014 (has links)
Le greffon de sang placentaire permet d’accéder aux indications de l’allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) en l’absence de disponibilité d’un donneur non apparenté compatible. De part ses propriétés intrinsèques, cette source n’expose pas à un risque plus élevée de réaction de greffon contre l’hôte (GVH) au regard des incompatibilités qu’elle autorise ni à un taux plus élevé de rechutes. En revanche, elle comporte un risque supérieur de non prise de greffe et une reconstitution immunologique post‐greffe retardée responsable d’une morbidité et d’une mortalité liées aux infections. L ‘expansion homéostatique périphérique des lymphocytes T du sang placentaire est un facteur déterminant de l’évolution bénéfique ou défavorable de l’allogreffe de CSH de sang placentaire. Dans les premières semaines post‐greffe, la prolifération homéostatique des cellules T joue un rôle critique par son implication dans l’immunité anti‐tumorale et antiinfectieuse. Cette dualité qui a été le fil conducteur de ce travail de thèse est délicate à maitriser car elle concerne des cellules T dont les propriétés sont tout à fait singulières. Il s’agit de cellules T naïves pour la plupart fraichement émigrées du thymus, leur nombre est limité et elles contiennent un contingent non négligeable des cellules T régulatrices.Dans ce contexte, l’impact d’une lymphodéplétion profonde engendrée par l’utilisation du sérum anti‐lymphocytaire (SAL) est encore largement méconnu et tout particulièrement dans le cadre de l’allogreffe de sang placentaire.La première partie de nos travaux comprend deux études rétrospectives évaluant l’impact du sérum anti‐lymphocytaire dans les greffes de sang placentaires après conditionnement myéloablatif et après conditionnement atténué. Les résultats de ces deux études concordent : le SAL est responsable d’une lymphodéplétion profonde chez le receveur qui diminue le taux de GVH aiguë de grade II à IV sans améliorer notablement la prise de greffe. En revanche, il est associé à une altération de la survie globale en aggravant sévèrement la 6 mortalité liée à la procédure. Dans ces deux études, nous avons retrouvé une augmentation du taux de complications infectieuses chez les receveurs qui ont bénéficié d’un conditionnement avec SAL. Au travers des données recueillies, nous avons également observé que les cellules immunocompétentes présentes dans le sang placentaire sont souvent très altérées : en moyenne, seulement 40% d’entre elles sont viables et vont donc pouvoir participer activement à la reconstitution immunitaire post‐greffe.La constatation de cette fragilité des cellules T de sang de cordon nous a conduit à son évaluation in vitro. L’analyse de la viabilité des lymphocytes T démontre qu’elle est globalement médiocre mais variable en fonction des cordons au cours des tous premiers jours de culture sans que les conditions de recueil ou de stockage ne puissent être incriminées. Cette viabilité peut être améliorée par l’exposition quotidienne des cellules T à de faible dose (100 pg/mL) d’interleukine‐7 (IL‐7) sans potentialiser la réponse allogénique. Le risque in vivo d’augmenter significativement l’alloréactivité en utilisant l’IL‐7 avec des greffons non‐manipulés ne peut être occulté. Toutefois, les résultats obtenus in vitro lors de la stimulation allogénique des cellules T de sang de cordon en présence d’IL‐7 montre qu’à faibles doses, celle‐ci améliore préférentiellement la viabilité des lymphocytes quiescents, non engagés dans la réponse alloréactive.L’ensemble de ces résultats souligne l’intérêt d’une connaissance précise non seulement de la quantité mais aussi de la qualité des cellules T de sang de cordon infusées lors de l’allogreffe. Les thérapeutiques actuelles et à venir bloquant leur réactivité ou au contraire potentialisant leur viabilité doivent intégrer cette donnée pour mieux maitriser leur action potentielle et l’adapter au cas par cas. / The placental blood graft provides access to indications for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (CSH) in the absence of availability of a compatible unrelated donor.

Effet du stress prolifératif sur la fonction des cellules souches hématopoïétiques : rôles des gènes Scl, E2A et Heb

Rojas-Sutterlin, Shanti 02 1900 (has links)
Le système hématopoïétique est un tissu en constant renouvellement et les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSHs) sont indispensables pour soutenir la production des cellules matures du sang. Deux fonctions définissent les CSHs; la propriété d’auto-renouvellement, soit la capacité de préserver l’identité cellulaire suivant une division, et la multipotence, le potentiel de différenciation permettant de générer toutes les lignées hématopoïétiques. Chez l’adulte, la majorité des CSHs sont quiescentes et l’altération de cet état corrèle avec une diminution du potentiel de reconstitution des CSHs, suggérant que la quiescence protège les fonctions des CSHs. La quiescence est un état réversible et dynamique et les réseaux génétiques le contrôlant restent peu connus. Un nombre croissant d’évidences suggère que si à l’état d’homéostasie il y a une certaine redondance entre les gènes impliqués dans ces réseaux de contrôle, leurs rôles spécifiques sont révélés en situation de stress. La famille des bHLHs (basic helix-loop-helix) inclue différentes classes des protéines dont ceux qui sont tissu-spécifiques comme SCL, et les protéines E, comme E12/E47 et HEB. Certains bHLHs sont proposés êtres important pour la fonction des cellules souches, mais cela ne fait pas l’unanimité, car selon le contexte cellulaire, il y a redondance entre ces facteurs. La question reste donc entière, y a-t-il un rôle redondant entre les bHLHs d’une même classe pour la fonction à long-terme des CSHs? Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse visaient dans un premier temps à explorer le lien encore mal compris entre la quiescence et la fonction des CSHs en mesurant leurs facultés suite à un stress prolifératif intense et dans un deuxième temps, investiguer l’importance et la spécificité de trois gènes pour la fonction des CSHs adultes, soit Scl/Tal1, E2a/Tcf3 et Heb/Tcf12. Pour répondre à ces questions, une approche cellulaire (stress prolifératif) a été combinée avec une approche génétique (invalidation génique). Plus précisément, la résistance des CSHs au stress prolifératif a été étudiée en utilisant deux tests fonctionnels quantitatifs optimisés, soit un traitement basé sur le 5-fluorouracil, une drogue de chimiothérapie, et la transplantation sérielle en nombre limite. Dans la mesure où la fonction d’un réseau génique ne peut être révélée que par une perturbation intrinsèque, trois modèles de souris, i.e. Scl+/-, E2a+/- et Heb+/- ont été utilisés. Ceci a permis de révéler que l’adaptation des CSHs au stress prolifératif et le retour à l’équilibre est strictement contrôlé par les niveaux de Scl, lesquels règlent le métabolisme cellulaire des CSHs en maintenant l’expression de gènes ribosomaux à un niveau basal. D’autre part, bien que les composantes du réseau puissent paraître redondants à l’équilibre, mes travaux montrent qu’en situation de stress prolifératif, les niveaux de Heb restreignent la prolifération excessive des CSHs en induisant la sénescence et que cette fonction ne peut pas être compensée par E2a. En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse montrent que les CSHs peuvent tolérer un stress prolifératif intense ainsi que des dommages à l’ADN non-réparés, tout en maintenant leur capacité de reconstituer l’hématopoïèse à long-terme. Cela implique cependant que leur métabolisme revienne au niveau de base, soit celui trouvé à l’état d’homéostasie. Par contre, avec l’augmentation du nombre de division cellulaire les CSHs atteignent éventuellement une limite d’expansion et entrent en sénescence. / The hematopoietic system is constantly replenished by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are essential to sustain mature blood cells production. Two key functions characterize HSCs; their capabilities to self-renew, i.e. maintenance of cellular identity following cell division, and their multipotencies, i.e. their potentials to generate all hematopoietic lineages. In adults, most HSCs are quiescent and alterations to this state correlate with decreased reconstitution potential, thus suggesting that quiescence protects HSC functions. Quiescence is a reversible and dynamic state, and genetic networks controlling these characteristics are poorly described. Recent evidence suggests that during steady-state hematopoiesis, genes controlling HSC functions are highly redundant, whereas stress conditions may reveal their specific roles. Transcription factors of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLHs) family include tissue-specific subclasses (e.g SCL) and more ubiquitous E proteins (e.g. E12/E47 and HEB). Several bHLH members have been described as important for HSC functions, however this question is still highly debated in the field due to functional redundancies. How different bHLHs from a same subclass can uniquely affect long term HSC functions is still an open question. The work presented in this thesis aimed to address the question how three bHLH transcription factors specifically Scl/Tal1, E2a/Tcf3 and Heb/Tcf12 control HSC functions after an important proliferative stress to eventually re-establish steady state conditions typified by quiescence in adult HSCs. . To this end, we used three converging approaches, at the cellular level, by imposing a proliferative stress on HSCs, a genetic approach, by deleting genes of interest and genome-wide transcriptomics. More precisely, HSC resistance to proliferative stress has been evaluated under two extreme conditions; i.e. by consecutive treatments with the chemotherapeutic drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), mimicking a clinical situation in cancer chemotherapy, and by serial transplantation assays with limited cell numbers. Moreover, to test if a genetic network regulates HSCs functions, we also used three mouse models, i.e. Scl+/-, E2a+/- et Heb+/-. Using these tools, we showed that HSC adaptation to proliferative stress and return to steady state is strictly regulated by Scl expression levels that restricts ribosomal gene expression. Moreover, despite some degree of redundancy within this network, Heb expression levels restrain the excessive proliferation of HSC upon stress conditions by inducing senescence, a function that cannot be compensated for by E2a. To conclude, our results show that HSCs can tolerate both proliferative stress and unrepaired DNA damages without affecting their primary function to replenish the hematopoietic system. This is especially true if their metabolism can come back to basal levels. However, with increased numbers of cell divisions, HSC will sooner or later reach their expansion limit and enter senescence.

Jun Kinases in Hematopoiesis, and Vascular Development and Function: A Dissertation

Ramo, Kasmir 06 July 2015 (has links)
Arterial occlusive diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries and represent a huge economic burden. The extent of the native collateral circulation is an important determinant of blood perfusion restoration and therefore the severity of tissue damage and functional impairment that ensues following arterial occlusion. Understanding the mechanisms responsible for collateral artery development may provide avenues for therapeutic intervention. Here, we identify a critical requirement for mixed lineage kinase (MLK) – cJun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling in vascular morphogenesis and native collateral artery development. We demonstrate that Mlk2-/-Mlk3-/- mice or mice with compound JNK-deficiency in the vascular endothelium display abnormal collateral arteries, which are unable to restore blood perfusion following arterial occlusion, leading to severe tissue necrosis in animal models of femoral and coronary artery occlusion. Employing constitutive and inducible conditional deletion strategies, we demonstrate that endothelial JNK acts during the embryonic development of collateral arteries to ensure proper patterning and maturation, but is dispensable for angiogenic and arteriogenic responses in adult mice. During developmental vascular morphogenesis, MLK – JNK signaling is required for suppression of excessive sprouting angiogenesis likely via JNK-dependent regulation of Dll4 expression and Notch signaling. This function of JNK may underlie its critical requirement for native collateral artery formation. Thus, this study introduces MLK – JNK signaling as a major regulator of vascular development. In contrast, we find that JNK in hematopoietic cells, which are thought to share a common mesodermally-derived precursor with endothelial cells, is cellautonomously dispensable for normal hematopoietic development and hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal, illustrating the highly context dependent function of JNK.

Le rôle des cellules souches mésenchymateuses médullaires dans la leucémie myélomonocytaire chronique / The Role of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia

Jego, Chloé 30 October 2019 (has links)
La leucémie myélomonocytaire chronique (LMMC) est une hémopathie myéloïde rare du sujet âgé. Les caractéristiques cliniques, génétiques et moléculaires de la maladie sont bien connues. L’expression très hétérogène de la maladie ne peut être expliquée par la seule hétérogénéité génétique du clone leucémique. Les altérations épigénétiques jouent manifestement un rôle important. Le rôle de facteurs extrinsèques issus du microenvironnement est plus obscur. La niche hématopoïétique est le siège d’interactions entre cellules. Deux schémas non-exclusifs d’altération primaire ou secondaire de la niche sont proposés. Le premier implique que l’émergence d’un clone hématopoïétique modifie son environnement. Le second postule que le premier évènement dans l’émergence d’une hémopathie clonale est une altération de l’environnement. Mon travail de thèse a étudié les altérations du microenvironnement médullaire chez les patients et leur impact sur la physiopathologie de la maladie selon 2 axes: 1) la mise au point d’un modèle murin de reconstitution de la niche hématopoïetique humaine et 2) la caractérisation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses des patients. Dans une première partie, j’ai transposé un modèle rapporté en 2016 à l’étude de la LMMC. Ce modèle de greffe de cellules médullaires humaines chez la souris immunodéprimée s’est avéré difficilement reproductible. Dans la seconde partie, j’ai analysé les cellules souches mésenchymateuses de patients atteints de LMMC. J’ai identifié la production excessive d’IGFBP2 (Insuline-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2), conséquence probable d’une dérégulation épigénétique. Le séquençage des CSM à l’échelle unicellulaire a révélé une restriction de l’hétérogénéité de ces cellules dont une fraction seulement produit IGFBP2. Finalement, j’ai montré qu’IGFBP2 favorise la différenciation des progéni-teurs myéloïdes vers la lignée monocytaire. IGFBP2 pourrait donc contribuer à amplifier la monocytose caractéristique de cette maladie.En conclusion, la LMMC s’accompagne de modifications des cellules de la niche hématopoÏétique dont certaines produisent des quantités excessive d’IGFBP2. La recherche de l’origine de ce dérèglement et de son importance dans la progression de la maladie permettra d’évaluer l’intérêt potentiel d’une neutralisation de cette cytokine à des fins thérapeutiques. / Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML, is a rare myeloid hemopathy of the elderly. Clinical, genetic and molecular characteristics of the disease are well-known. The highly heterogeneous expression of the disease can’t be solely explained by genetic heterogeneity of the leukemic clone. Epigenetic alterations obviously play an important role. However, the role of extrinsic factors from the medullar microenvironment in CMML physiopathology is still poorly understood. The hematopoietic niche hosts a lot of bi-directionnal interactions between cells. Two non-exclusive schemes of primary and secondary alterations of the niche can be proposed. First postulate implies that the emergence of a hematopoietic clone alters its environment. The second one supposes that the first event causing the emergence of a clonal hemopathy is an alteration of the environment. My PhD work consisted of studying medullar alterations in patients and their impact on CMML physiopathology upon 2 axes: 1) to set up a murine model of human hematopoietic niche reconstitution 2) to caracterise mesenchymal stem cells from CMML patient ex vivo. During the first part of my PhD, I adapted a model published in 2016 to CMML. This model of human MSC graft in immunodeficient mice proved to be hardly reproducible. During the second part, I analysed of CMML patients MSC. I identified an excessive production of IGFBP2 (Insuline-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) probably secondary to an epigenetic disregulation. Single cell RNA sequencing revealed a restriction of MSC heterogeneity of which only a fraction produces IGFBP2. Finally, I showed that IGFBP2 favors myeloid progenitors differenciation towards monocytic lineage. IGFBP2 could therefore contribute to the amplification of CMML characteristic monocytosis.To conclude, CMML goes along with modifications of hematopoietic niche cells, some of which produce excessive amounts of IGFBP2. Investigation on the origin of this alteration and its significance in disease progression should allow to evaluate the potential interest of its neutralization for therapeutic strategies.

The stimulatory role of ICOS in the development of CD146+CCR5+ T cells co-expressing IFN-γ and IL-17 during graft-versus-host disease

Liu, Liangyi January 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains the major complication after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), resulting from immunological attack on target organs such as gastrointestinal (GI) tract, liver and skin from donor allogeneic T cells. The most common treatment for GVHD is immunosuppressive drugs such as corticosteroids, which may result in many side effects including the loss of the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect and increased infection rates. However, GVHD-specific drugs have yet to be implemented. Here we show that by targeting on a novel pathogenic CD4+ T cell subpopulation that our lab previously found in patients with GI GVHD, we can develop new avenues to treat GVHD. This novel population is characterized as CD146+CCR5+ T cells, co-expressing IL-17A and IFN-γ. We found that the inducible T-cell costimulator (ICOS), which has been reported to be important for human Th17 differentiation in vitro, is critical for the development of this nonconventional T Helper 1 (Th1*)-polarized CD146+CCR5+ conventional T cells (Tconvs) population. Furthermore, we found that ICOS can induce the generation of Th1*-polarized CD146+CCR5+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) population, lowering the frequencies of phenotypic markers of functional Tregs. Our data also showed that inhibiting the major transcriptional factor of Th17, RAR-related orphan receptor gamma t (RORγt), could prevent the development of CD146+CCR5+ Tconvs in vitro. Our results demonstrate how pathogenic CD146+CCR5+ T cells are induced through ICOS or RORγt, suggesting new targets for GVHD treatment. We anticipate our assay to be a starting point for the development of novel GVHD-specific drugs. For example, the treatments that focus on inhibiting RORγ would have fewer side effects than general immunosuppressive drugs that GVHD patients use today and inhibit GVHD while sparing the GVL effect. Furthermore, we expect the CD146+CCR5+ Tconvs and/or Tregs can be used as GVHD biomarkers. These biomarkers may guide preemptive treatments such as RORγt inhibitor.

Eicosanoid Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Function

Hoggatt, Jonathan G. 21 July 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are routinely used to reconstitute hematopoiesis after myeloablation; however, transplantation efficacy and multilineage reconstitution can be limited by inadequate HSC number, or poor homing, engraftment or self-renewal. We have demonstrated that mouse and human HSC express prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) receptors, and that short-term ex vivo exposure of HSC to PGE2 enhances their homing, survival and proliferation, resulting in increased long-term repopulating cell and competitive repopulating unit (CRU) frequency. HSC pulsed with PGE2 are more competitive, as determined by head-to-head comparison in a competitive transplantation model. Enhanced HSC frequency and competitive advantage is stable and maintained upon multiple serial transplantations, with full multi-lineage reconstitution. PGE2 increases HSC CXCR4 mRNA and surface expression and enhances their migration to SDF-1α in vitro and homing to bone marrow in vivo and stimulates HSC entry into and progression through cell cycle. In addition, PGE2 enhances HSC survival, associated with an increase in Survivin mRNA and protein expression and reduction in intracellular active caspase-3. While PGE2 pulse of HSC promotes HSC self-renewal, blockade of PGE2 biosynthesis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) results in expansion of bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC). We co-administered NSAIDs along with the mobilizing agent granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and evaluations of limiting dilution transplants, assays monitoring neutrophil and platelet recoveries, and secondary transplantations, clearly indicate that NSAIDs facilitate mobilization of a hematopoietic graft with superior functional activity compared to the graft mobilized by G-CSF alone. Enhanced mobilization has also been confirmed in baboons mobilized with G-CSF and a NSAID. Increases in mobilization are the result of a reduction of signaling through the PGE2 receptor EP4, which results in marrow expansion and reduction in the osteoblastic HSC niche. We also identify a new role for cannabinoids, an eicosanoid with opposing functions to PGE2, in hematopoietic mobilization. Additionally, we demonstrate increased survival in lethally irradiated mice treated with PGE2, NSAIDs, or the hypoxia mimetic cobalt chloride. Our results define novel mechanisms of action whereby eicosanoids regulate HSC and HPC function, and characterize novel translational strategies for hematopoietic therapies.

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