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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La dépendance à l'héroïne dans ses dimensions générationnelles et transgénérationnelles / Heroin dependency in its generational and transgenerational dimensions

Dagher, Hoda 23 January 2017 (has links)
La dépendance à l’héroïne pose des problèmes graves, vu sa propagation parmi les jeunes et son lien avec l’autodestruction, la transgression et la délinquance. Depuis des années, les perspectives psychanalytiques et systémiques, malgré leurs différences conceptuelles, se rejoignent sur l’importance des facteurs familiaux chez les jeunes qui développent des conduites de dépendance à une substance, notamment l’héroïne. La dépendance à l’héroïne semble comporter une prévalence de familles dysfonctionnelles avec des mandats familiaux destructurants, des carences ou des excès dans les fonctions maternelles, des défaillances majeures des fonctions paternelles, ainsi que des conflits familiaux et parentaux, dont les causes dépassent le présent et trouvent leurs racines dans des transmissions transgénérationnelles. Les comportements de dépendance perçus sous l’angle du générationnel et du transgénérationnel n’ont pas été étudiés dans l’expérience libanaise. Il nous semble que les jeunes libanais dépendants à l’héroïne tentent de résoudre, à travers des prises de drogue, une dépendance qui les relie à un passé envahissant et reflète par leur dépendance des histoires familiales, non résolues, qui se répètent d'une génération à une autre. De ce fait, discerner les problématiques de la dépendance à l’héroïne au Liban, étudier le rôle central des relations précoces que vivent les héroïnomanes et mettre en évidence les caractéristiques transgénérationnelles du génogramme familial, peuvent fournir des pistes importantes dans le discernement des pathologies de l’addiction et permettent aussi de mieux viser les interventions thérapeutiques. / Addiction to Heroin poses serious problems, given its spread among the youth and its relationship to self-destruction, transgression and crime.For years, and despite their conceptual differences, psychoanalytic and systemic perspectives concur on the importance of family related factors in young people who develop addictive behaviors to substances, including Heroin.Addiction to Heroin appears to be prevalent in dysfunctional families where parenting roles are destructive, the maternal functions being deficient or excessive and the paternal functions showing major failures, as well as familial and parental conflicts that can be traced to causes that are beyond the present and rooted in transgenerational transmission.Addictive behaviors seen under the generational and transgenerational angles have not been studied in the Lebanese experience. It seems to us that the Lebanese youth addicted to Heroin are trying to resolve, through their drug intake, a dependency that is connected to a pervasive past and is reflective of an unresolved family history which repeats itself from one generation to another.Thereby discerning the problematics of Heroin addiction in Lebanon, examining the central role of early relationships experienced by heroin addicts, and highlighting the generational characteristics of the family genogram can provide important clues in understanding the addiction’s pathologies and also allow a better targeting of therapeutic interventions

美沙冬使用者抑制缺損初探 / Inhibitory deficits of methadone users

郭綺苑, Kuo,Chi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在於探討美沙冬的使用者是否具有抑制控制能力缺損、對海洛因相關刺激是否具有注意力偏誤,以及是否有彈性認知轉換能力上的問題。 研究使用的是Noel等人(2005,2007)發展出來的Go/No-Go作業,並使用海洛因圖片與中性圖片為作業刺激,分別測量受試者在作業中的反應正確率、反應遺漏數、反應犯錯數、平均反應時間、決定偏誤與區辨度,並且使用依賴嚴重度量表,以了解受試者對海洛因的依賴嚴重度與Go/No-Go作業各指標之間的相關。   美沙冬組樣本選取自八里療養院土城門診部之接受美沙冬治療者,共17人,經由網路招募之健康控制組十九人,受試者一共三十六人。共變數分析之結果顯示在Go/No-Go作業的正確率、遺漏數、區辨度和決定偏誤等指標上,發現組別與情境轉換之交互作用,顯示使用美沙冬之受試者具有彈性認知能力上的缺損,因此在有轉換的區段之中,無法快速地適應新的作答規則。此外,Go/No-Go作業結果未發現美沙冬使用者之抑制缺損與對海洛因相關圖片之注意力偏誤之現象。   依賴嚴重度與Go/No-Go作業的指標相關研究則發現,其依賴嚴重度越高,其在非轉換情境中對海洛圖片的犯錯數越低、決定偏誤越高,顯示美沙冬使用者似乎在沒有情境轉換的區段中,會將其注意力資源分配在海洛因圖片上,忽略非海洛因圖片,顯示其注意力較具選擇性。 / The goal of this study is to explore the inhibitory deficits、attentional bias towards heroin-related cues and cognition flexibility of current methadone users. The Go/No-go task used here was previously developed by Noel et al. (2005, 2007). Heroin-related pictures and neural pictures were presented as targets or non-targets. Accuracy rate、omission、commission、average reaction time、decision bias(C) and discrimination (d’) were being measured individually. The relation between the severity of heroin dependence and task performance was also investigated. The 17 subjects in methadone group were currently methadone maintenance treatment patients from Bali psychiatric center, and the 19 control group subjects without a drug using history were recruited by internet advertisement. The covariance analysis revealed interactions of group and shift/non-shift condition on accuracy rate、omission、decision bias(C) and discrimination (d’), indicating a cognitive flexibility deficits in methadone users. They had difficulty adapting to new rules in shifting conditions. No inhibitory deficits or attentional bias were found so far in this study. The relation between heroin dependence and Go/No-go task performance revealed that the more dependent the methadone subjects were, the less commission errors they made, the higher decision bias score they got towards heroin pictures in non-shifting conditions. It seemed that the methadone users were prone to allocate more attention resource to heroin-related pictures in non-shifting conditions, suggesting a more selective attention process.

Rôle du noyau subthalamique dans les processus motivationnels et décisionnels et ses dysfonctionnements chez le rat / Role of the subthalamic nucleus in the motivational and decisional processes and its dysfunctions in the rat

Breysse, Emmanuel 10 July 2015 (has links)
Considéré pendant très longtemps uniquement pour son rôle moteur, dans les deux dernières décennies le noyau subthalamique (NST) a fait l'objet d'études portant sur son rôle dans les processus cognitifs et motivationnels. Nous avons étudié les effets de la lésion du NST sur la prise de décision et le jeu pathologique. Nous avons observé, que la lésion du NST diminuait la prise de risque lors de choix incertain ou lors du jeu pathologique. Nous avons trouvé que la lésion du NST diminuait les comportements compulsifs lorsqu’un choix était mis en jeu. Enfin, nous avons observé que la lésion de la zona incerta avait des effets opposés à celle du NST sur la prise de risque. Nous avons montré que la SHF du NST bloquait le processus de ré-escalade de prise de d’héroïne. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons effectué des enregistrements électrophysiologiques dans une tâche comportementale. Nous avons montré que différentes populations de neurones codaient les différentes récompenses, quel que soit leur nombre ou leur nature. De plus, nous avons montré que : lors du remplacement d'une récompense, les neurones du NST se réorganisaient pour coder différemment une même récompense en fonction du contexte, répondaient spécifiquement aux erreurs dans la réalisation de la tâche spécifiques de la récompense attendue et enfin que les neurones du NST étaient capables de coder l’omission de la récompense. L'ensemble de ce travail apporte un éclairage sur l'implication du NST dans les processus motivationnels et décisionnels en en faisant notamment une cible potentielle dans le traitement de la dépendance aux drogues d’abus, au jeu pathologique et des troubles obsessionnels compulsifs. / Considered for a long time only for his motor role in the last two decades the subthalamic nucleus (STN) has been studied for its role in cognitive and motivational processes. We studied the effects of the STN lesion in decision making and pathological gambling. We observed that the lesion of STN decreased risk taking during uncertain when choosing or pathological gambling. We found that the lesion of STN decreased compulsive behaviors when a choice was put in. Finally, we observed that the lesion of shingles incerta had the opposite effect to that of the STN on risk taking. We have shown that STN HFS blocking the process of re-escalation of taking heroin. Thirdly, we performed electrophysiological recordings in a behavioral task. We showed that different populations of neurons encode different rewards, regardless of their number or nature. In addition, we showed that: when replacing a reward, the STN neurons reorganized differently to encode the same reward depending on the context, specifically meet the errors in the implementation of the specific task of the expected reward and finally STN neurons were capable of encoding the omission of reward. This work highlights the involvement of the STN in motivational and decision making process in particular a potential target in the treatment of addiction to drugs of abuse, pathological gambling and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Distribucija opijatnih alkaloida u mozgu / The distribution of opiate alkaloids in brain

Đurendić-Brenesel Maja 01 March 2008 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je uspe&scaron;no izvr&scaron;eno izolovanje&nbsp;opijatnih alkaloida iz humanih biolo&scaron;kih uzoraka (moždanog&nbsp;tkiva, krvi, urina i žuči) kao i biolo&scaron;kih uzoraka&nbsp;<br />eksperimentalnih životinja (moždanog tkiva i krvi) primenom&nbsp;postupka čvrsto-tečne ekstrakcije (SPE-Solid Phase Extraction).&nbsp;Modifikovan je postupak za kvalitativnu i kvantitativnu GC-MS&nbsp;(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) analizu biolo&scaron;kih&nbsp;<br />uzoraka.&nbsp;Utvrđena je distribucija opijatnih alkaloida: morfina, kodeina,&nbsp;acetilkodeina, 6-acetilmorfina i heroina u humanim biolo&scaron;kim&nbsp;uzorcima moždanog tkiva (moždanoj kori, moždanom stablu,&nbsp;amigdali i bazalnim jedrima), pri čemu je najveći sadržaj&nbsp;<br />opijata određen u moždanoj kori i bazalnim jedrima,&nbsp;podjednako kod mu&scaron;kih i ženskih osoba.&nbsp;Utvrđena je distribucija opijatnih alkaloida: morfina, kodeina,&nbsp;acetilkodeina, 6-acetilmorfina i heroina u biolo&scaron;kim uzorcima&nbsp;moždanog tkiva (moždanoj kori, moždanom &nbsp;stablu, amigdali i&nbsp;bazalnim jedrima) i krvi eksperimentalnih životinja (pacova), u&nbsp;<br />različitim vremenskim periodima (5, 15, 45 i 120 minuta) od&nbsp;tretiranja životinja heroinom.&nbsp;Najveći sadržaj opijata je određen u moždanoj kori i bazalnim&nbsp;jedrima, podjednako kod mužjaka i ženki pacova ali u različitim&nbsp;vremenskim periodima. U uzorcima krvi je najveći sadržaj&nbsp;opijata određen u istom vremenskom periodu kod životinja oba&nbsp;pola, pri čemu su kod mužjaka određene znatno veće vrednosti&nbsp;koncentracija, &scaron;to ukazuje na bržudistribuciju opijata iz krvi u&nbsp;mozak kod ženki u &nbsp;odnosu na mužjake pacova.&nbsp;Utvrđeno je da je distribucija opijata u humanom moždanom&nbsp;tkivu kod pripadnika suprotnih polova kao i moždanom tkivu&nbsp;mužjaka i ženki pacova (nakon 120 minuta od tretiranja&nbsp;heroinom), identična.&nbsp;Ispitivanjem uticaja opijata &nbsp;na markere oksidativnog stresa u&nbsp;jetri eksperimentalnih životinja suprotnih polova, utvrđeno je&nbsp;smanjenje aktivnosti enzima: katalaze (CAT), glutation-peroksidaze (GSH- Px), peroksidaze (Px) i ksantin-oksidaze&nbsp;(XOD).</p> / <p>Opiate alkaloids were successfully isolated from human biological samples (brain tissue, blood, urine, and bile) as well as from biological samples of experimental animals (brain tissue and blood) by applying procedure of solid-phase extraction (SPE). A modified procedure was worked out for qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The distribution of opiate alkaloids:morphine, codeine, acetylcodeine, 6-acetylmorphine, and heroine in human biological samples of brain tissue (cortex, brain stem, amigdala and basal nuclei) was established, showing the highest content of opiates &nbsp; in the cortex and basal nuclei, equal with male and female persons. It was established how the opiatealkaloids: morphine codeine, acetylcodeine, 6-acetylmorphine&nbsp; and heroine are distributed in biological samples of brain tissue (cortex, brain stem, amigdala and basal nuclei) and blood of experimental animals&nbsp; (rats) in different time periods (5, 15, 45 and 120 min) after the animal treatment with&nbsp;heroine. The highest content of opiates was found in the cortex and basal nuclei,&nbsp;equal in the male and female rats, but in different time periods. In blood samples, the highest content of opiates was measured in the same period with animals of both sexes, the concentration in the males being significantly higher, indicating a faster passage of the opiates from blood to brain in the female compared to male rats.&nbsp;Identical distribution of opiates was found in human brain tissue of both male and female subjects as in rats of both sexes (120 min after treatment with heroine).&nbsp;Study of the effect of opiates on the markers of oxidative stress in the liver of tested animals of opposite sexes showed a lowered activity of the following enzymes: &nbsp;catalase (CAT), glutathion-peroxidase (GSH-Px), peroxidase (Px) and xanthine-xidase &nbsp;(XOD).</p>

Long-Term Follow-Up of Orally Administered Diacetylmorphine Substitution Treatment

Frick, Ulrich, Rehm, Jürgen, Zullino, Daniele, Fernando, Manrique, Wiesbeck, Gerhard, Ammann, Jeannine, Uchtenhagen, Ambros January 2010 (has links)
Background: To assess the long-term course of the feasibility and safety of orally administered heroin [diacetylmorphine (DAM)] tablets in substitution treatment of severely addicted opioid users. Design: Open-label, prospective cohort study with 2 non-randomly assigned treatment arms: DAM tablets only (n = 128) or DAM tablets combined with injected DAM and/or other opioids (n = 237). The average duration of the observation period was 62 months. Study endpoints were the time to discharge from treatment and the number of serious adverse events. Results: Both patient groups had a higher than 70% retention rate after the first 48 months of treatment, with similar long-term retention rates (after 8 years both groups had retention over 50%). The physician-verified rate of serious adverse events was 0.01 events per application year among the exclusively oral substitution group (intention-to-treat analysis) during the last year of observation, and 0.005 events per application year in the other group. Conclusions: Because of their feasibility and safety over years, DAM tablets may be a valuable long-term therapeutic alternative. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

United States counter-narcotics policies towards Burma, and how the illegal myanmar regime is manipulating those policies to commit ethnic genocide.

Hochstedler, Robert. 06 1900 (has links)
US counter-narcotic policies towards Burma have possessed a singular-focus. In other words, they have been based on the traditional bilateral triumvirate strategies of eradication, education, and interdiction. Eradicate the crops used to produce illicit narcotics, interdict the flow of illicit drug traffickers, and educate the general population on the dangers of continual drug usage. In the country of Burma though, there are other US policies which also have a singular focus, which have undermined the effectiveness of these policies. Since the Burmese military regime's brutal suppression of the pro-democracy movement in 1988, the US has severed all economic relations with the country. The Burmese economy, which was already far from stable, fell into a downward spiral as a result of these US-led policies. This did not result in a democratic transition. Over seventeen years since these economic sanctions have been in place, the US has not achieved a peaceful regime change in Burma. Furthermore, the attempts to remove the significant flow of illicit narcotics from the country have failed as well. The reason these two singular-oriented policies have failed is that they are targeted at a country much more complex than these strategies have been designed to handle. First of all, there are 135 ethnicities in Burma, while only a small portion of the Burman population maintains political and economic control. Although this would result in ineffective policies with little collateral impact, the ruling Tatmadaw regime has manipulated these policies to commit ethnic genocide upon the ethnic minorities within their territory. Unless a re-assessment of these policies is undertaken by the US and its allies, the only result of their policies will be the elimination of millions of ethnic minorities in this totalitarian state. Therefore, the US must re-assess its position of isolating the Myanmar regime, and focus on a policy of engagement. Only if a structured and progressive incentive policy of economic development is created in conjunction with the regime, can the separate triumvirate policies of counter-narcotics against the ethnic minorities in Burma become effective. / US Navy (USN) author.

Opioid Use Disorder: The Ugly Return and Treatment Effectiveness of Heroin Use

Drayton, Antwana L 01 January 2018 (has links)
Relationships among demographic, socioeconomic and person factors and Opioid Use Disorder diagnosis, treatment, and recidivism were explored. Data from a sample of 4,860 adults with substance use difficulties were analyzed. A program evaluation was conducted on Gateway Community Services to explore the use of Medication Assisted Treatments (MATs) and Psychosocial (PS) treatments to address Opioid Use Disorder. Using archival data, a chi-square analysis and independent sample t-test was performed. The results expressed that a relationship among race, type of substance use diagnosis, and treatment type and recidivism rate was found. While White/Non-Hispanics adults were more likely to use heroin than any other racial/ethnic backgrounds, gender differences were also found. Finally, frequency and duration of a combined treatment (PS + MAT) were negatively related to recidivism with no determination of previous prescription opioid use to be examined at this time. Keywords: medication assisted treatment, recidivism, psychosocial, opioid

A Descriptive Study of the Elderly in California Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Berenschot, David 01 June 2017 (has links)
As gerontologists may know, there are a great deal of studies and a variety of academic literature on the misuse of alcohol and prescription medication amongst the elderly population. While there is a plethora of information on alcohol and prescription misuse, there is little reported data about the prevalence of other substance misuse experienced by this population. This study aims to help to fill that gap in the data by using quantitative methods to describe the scope of substance abuse of individuals 55-years or older. This study utilizes data from the Treatment Data Set Admission (TEDS-A). The TEDS-A is a public data set which includes admissions data from multiple substance abuse treatment facilities associated with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA). This is a regional study, therefore this study focuses only on individuals 55-years or older who have been admitted into substance abuse treatment facilities in the state of California in the year 2014. The TEDS-A is a data set that is supported and conducted by members of SAMHSA. Most of their public data sets, including the TEDS-A, can be accessed on their website (https://www.datafiles.samhsa.gov/study/treatment-episode-data-set-admissions-teds-2014-nid16949). The data available in the TEDS-A involves a number of admission questions, including demographic data, reasons for intake, primary through tertiary substance concerns, questions regarding social status, information on medical insurance, and more. This study looks at the descriptive frequencies of the use of alcohol, crack/cocaine, marijuana/hashish, heroin, other opiates & synthetics, methamphetamine, and other substances. The study includes 13,512 cases, of which 9966 (73.8%) of cases were male, 3539 (26.2%) were female, and 7 (0.1%) were missing and/or invalid. The results of the data suggests that, while alcohol abuse is a problem, those over 55 are admitted into substance abuse clinics for many other reasons, not just alcohol abuse.

Tough on Dope: Crime and Politics in California's Drug Wars, 1946-1963

Siff, Sarah Brady January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Women with Addictions' Experience in Music Therapy

Dunlap, Amy L. 13 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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