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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolutionary origin of the human pair-bond – the adaptive significance of male-female relationships in wild Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis), Thailand

Haunhorst, Christine Barbara 10 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Identities through Words : Analyzing character positioning in Richard Yates’s Revolutionary Road

Ghassan Karlsson, Halla January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyze how the discourse between the two main characters in Richard Yates’s novel Revolutionary Road implies complex power dynamics concerning identity formation. The analysis has been conducted by the use of positioning theory as well as the critical lens of the Heterosexual Matrix in order to discuss positioning findings in relation to gender formation. The results show that the positionings in discourse between Frank and April reveal great and detrimental power dynamics entrenched in social and cultural practices as well as predetermined ideas of gender identity. This thesis has also addressed how the knowledge of such complexity in discourse can be analyzed in the Swedish EFL classroom. This has been argued for by demonstrating the use of the discursive tool of positionings and the gender critical lens of the Heterosexual Matrix in the classroom to validate the use of Revolutionary Road as a source to raise awareness of gender consciousness and encourage students to become conscious gender actors in their social life.

The Lived Experience of Gay Male College Students After Coming Out to a Heterosexual Roommate in a Residence Hall: A Phenomenological Investigation

Burton, Shawn R. 15 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Att arbeta med heterosexuella män utsatta för våld i nära relationer : amerikansk hjälppersonals tankar och upplevelser / Working with heterosexual men exposed to violence in intimate relationships : thoughts and experiences by American help personnel

Almersson, Camilla, Karlsson, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund Sedan 1970-talet har studier visat att män och kvinnor utövar våld i nära relationer till liknande grad. Även senare år har studier genomförts som visar att både män och kvinnor kan utöva och vara utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Män som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer söker hjälp både hos informella resurser som familj och vänner, samt hos formella resurser som hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal och hjälporganisationer. Männen upplever att de har blivit hjälpta till olika grad. Majoriteten av de män som sökt hjälp från olika hjälporganisationer upplever att organisationerna inte alls varit hjälpsamma, och många gånger har männen upplevt att de blivit dåligt bemötta. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva hur amerikansk hjälppersonal arbetar med heterosexuella män utsatta för våld i nära relationer samt deras tankar och upplevelser runt våldet. Metod Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes, varav en exkluderades. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant. Materialet analyserades med metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat Hjälppersonalens arbete med heterosexuella män utsatta för våld i nära relationer, samt deras tankar och upplevelser runt våldet resulterade i tre övergripande teman. Tema ett handlar om de män hjälppersonalen kommer i kontakt med. Tema två behandlar hur hjälppersonalen förhåller sig och arbetar i kontakt med män utsatta för våld i nära relationer samt hur de arbetar med ämnen runt männen. Tema tre handlar om hjälppersonalen som arbetar med männen, deras tankar och upplevelser om våldet samt om samhället och heterosexuella män utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Slutsats Hjälppersonalen mötte män som upplevde olika typer av våld, reagerade och hanterade våldet på olika sätt. Deras arbete med heterosexuella män som utsatts för våld i nära relationer bestod av direkt arbete med männen utifrån deras behov och administrativt arbete för att på diverse sätt underlätta männens hjälpsökande. En annan del av hjälppersonalens arbete bestod av att nå ut till samhället och dess olika professioner. Arbetet påverkade hjälppersonalen på varierande sätt, bland annat kunde arbetet vara givande. Starka barriärer uppgavs vara extra viktigt för att inte påverkas negativt av sitt arbete.

Benevolent Sexism, Perceived Fairness, Decision-Making, and Marital Satisfaction: Covert Power Influences

Brown, Monique January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Samkönad tvåsamhet : vardagsliv och heteronormativa praktiker / Same sex couples : Everyday life and heteronormative practice

Norberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
This study explores how same sex couples in Sweden, a country with strong gender equality policies and discourses understand their lives and relationships. Central to the study is the analysis of the tensions between a public discourse favoring openness for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals and a lack of acknowledgment of non-heterosexual family practices; as well as the tensions between gender equality policies and discourses and the specific construction of same sex couples. The study is grounded in a feminist and queer perspective and inspired by narrative analysis. Furthermore, it uses an intersectional perspective in which different axes of power are seen as mutually constituted. Interviews were conducted with same sex couples, both individually and together, in which the following topics were addressed: intimacy, division of household labor, domestic decision-making, conflict resolution, and the social context in which the couples live. One part of the study analyzes the economic foundations upon which the couples live and how income and possessions are organized within their relationship. This study shows that income and status are key questions for studying equality within same sex couples. The analysis is concerned with the tensions generated by the partners' class position as well as the negotiations which occur between the couple. It becomes apparent that the equality as an ideal is difficult to attain in practice. Even same sex partners are forced to relate to household labor as gendered practices. The interviewees describe their couple relationship and everyday life within heteronormative discourses. Through their stories, the interviewed couples give a view of the way in which everyday experiences of heteronormative confrontations affect the construction of their relationship. This study also indicates that same sex couples are neither more equal nor less conflict laden than heterosexual couples, even if they position themselves in relation to heterosexual couples as anti-role models. When the interviewees position themselves in relation to heterosexual couples they simultaneously embody the ideal of the gender equality discourse and the norms of being an ideal couple.

The construction of intimacy in heterosexual, longterm relationships in a South African farmworker community

Adams, Arlene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Current mainstream theories of intimacy were derived from studies with primarily White, middle class participants living in developed countries. However, as social contexts shape people’s definitions, meanings and behaviours, it cannot be assumed that mainstream intimacy conceptualisations would apply to other populations. Studies of intimacy should be located in its social and historical context. Previous South African studies of Black and Coloured couples mainly emphasised HIV/Aids, interpartner violence and gender inequality, and neglected to investigate positive aspects of intimate lives of poorer communities. A lack of such context-specific data on how South African men and women construct and experience intimate relationships hinders appropriate and effective interventions. This study addressed this research gap by exploring intimacy experiences of long-term heterosexual adult Coloured couples living in a low-income semi-rural community. The objective of this qualitative study was to gain an understanding of how the participant couples expressed and experienced intimacy. The participants were 15 couples (i.e. 30 participants), between the ages of 23 and 66 years, who had been married or living together for a minimum period of two years. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore: (i) how couples understand intimacy, and (ii) how intimacy is expressed and experienced in committed adult heterosexual relationships. Theoretically, this study was informed by social constructionism and interviews were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis method. The following themes were identified: (i) closeness means being together, (ii) sex and intimacy (iii) closeness in talking (iv) expressions and experiences of intimacy/closeness through acts of care, (v) alcohol disrupts closeness (vi) family of origin and the constructions of intimacy; and (vii) community constructions and norms. Although much of the international literature suggests that mutual self-disclosure is the foundation for intimacy, self-disclosure did not feature prominently in the narratives of this study’s narratives. Closeness was expressed through sharing in practical and tangible ways. Gender was pertinent to these couples’ experiences and gender roles were fundamental to their intimacy perceptions and behaviours. Despite some contestations of hegemonic masculinity and femininity constructions, most of the participants did not demonstrate an active awareness or resistance regarding learned gender roles. They did not seem to consider these gender roles as problematic, limited or limiting, nor did they indicate alternative gender ideas. This was attributed partly to poverty and low education levels, which constrain people’s access to alternative gender perspectives. Religion and community influences also play an important role in their understanding of their role as partner. Although Christianity endorses traditional gender ideas, the participants themselves felt that their religious beliefs and practices facilitated intimate experiences, and prevented alcohol abuse and domestic violence. In conclusion, implications for policy and practice in terms of gender inequality and alcohol abuse are discussed, as are the limitations of the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidige hoofstroom teorieë van intimiteit is afgelei van studies met hoofsaaklik Wit, middelklas-deelnemers. Aangesien sosiale konteks mense se definisies, betekenis en gedrag met betrekking tot intimiteit vorm, kan dit egter nie aanvaar word dat die hoofstroom konseptualisering van intimiteit ook van toepassing sal wees op ander bevolkingsgroepe nie. Studies van intimiteit moet geleë wees in die sosiale en historiese konteks. 'n Gebrek aan sodanige konteks-spesifieke data oor hoe verskillende groepe Suid-Afrikaanse mans en vroue intieme verhoudings verstaan en beleef, kan toepaslike en effektiewe verhouding ingrypings belemmer. Verder het vorige Suid Afrikaanse studies oor Swart en Kleurling paartjies hoofsaaklik gefokus op HIV/VIGS, paartjie geweld en geslags ongelykhede en het nagelaat om positiewe aspekte van die intieme lewe van paartjies in arm gemeenskappe te ondersoek. Hierdie studiehet hierdie navorsing leemte aangespreek deur te verken hoe hoe langtermyn, heteroseksuele, volwasse paartjies in 'n lae-inkomste semi-landelike gemeenskap intimiteit verstaan, beleef en uitdruk. Die deelnemers was 15 paartjies (d.w.s 30 deelnemers), tussen die ouderdomme van 23 en 66 jaar, wat getroud was of saamgewoon het vir 'n tydperk van ten minste twee jaar. Kwalitatiewe semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer om die volgende te verken: (i) hoe paartjies intimiteit verstaan, en (ii) hoe intimiteit betoon en ervaar word in toegewyde volwasse heteroseksuele verhoudings. Die studie is teoreties geskoei op sosiale konstruktiwisme en onderhoude is ontleed met behulp Braun en Clarke se tematiese analise metode. Die volgende temas is geïdentifiseer uit die onderhoude: (i) nabyheid beteken om saam te wees, (ii) seks en intimiteit, (iii) nabyheid deur gesels (iv) uitdrukkings en ervarings van intimiteit deur dade van sorg, (v) alkohol ontwrig saamwees, (vi) die invloed van die familie van oorsprong op die konstruksie van intimiteit, (vii) gemeenskap konstruksies en norme. Alhoewel die internasionale literatuur aandui dat wedersydse selfonthulling die grondslag vir intimiteit vorm, het self-onthulling nie prominent in die deelnemers se vertellings voorgekom nie. Nabyheid is eerder beleef en betoon deur praktiese en tasbare dade en gebare. Geslagsrolle was fundamenteel in paartjies se belewing en uitvoering van intimiteit. Ten spyte daarvan dat sommige individuele deelnemers hegemoniese geslagsrolle bevraagteken het, het die meerderheid deelnemers nie ‘n aktiewe bewustheid of weerstand getoon rakende geleerde geslagsrolle nie. Hulle het skynbaar nie hierdie geslagsrolle as problematies, of beperkend gesien nie. Hulle het ook nie aangedui dat hulle alternatiewe geslagsrol idees het nie. Dit word gedeeltelik toegeskryf aan armoede en lae vlakke van onderrig wat mense se toegang tot alternatiewe geslagsrolle en perspektiewe beperk Godsdiens en gemeenskap invloede speel ook 'n belangrike rol in hul begrip van hul rol as lewensmaat. Alhoewel Christenskap tradisionele geslag idees onderskryf, het die deelnemers gevoel dat hulle godsdienstige oortuigings en praktyke intieme ervarings fasiliteer, asook die misbruik van alkohol en huishoudelike geweld verhoed. Dit impliseer dat godsdiens bydra by tot die skepping en instandhouding van manlikheid en vroulikheid idees in hierdie gemeenskap. Ten slotte, is implikasies vir beleid en praktyk in terme van geslagsongelykheid en alkoholmisbruik bespreek, asook die beperkinge van die studie.

On Objects and Affections: Contemporary Representations of the Gay Man/Straight Woman Dyad in Popular Film and Television

Pillion, Owen L. 12 1900 (has links)
This project explores the representational strategies used to depict a gay male/straight female dyad across a variety of popular media. The study problematizes and critically evaluates how the narrativization of the dyad both challenges and reinforces stereotypes of gay men and at the same time circulates a troubling image of femininity in the figure of the straight woman. This line of argument is extended to the context of "Lifestyle Television" to demonstrate how the dyad implicitly structures two particular programs. It is suggested that the prevalence of the dyad is in part indicative of an assimilation of a particular gay identity into mainstream culture. The ideological implications of the dyad are discussed throughout this thesis.

Charakteristické odlišnosti v očekávané, přijímané a poskytované sociální opoře u mužů a žen v partnerských vztazích / Characteristic differences in expected, accpected and offered social support between men and women in romantic relationships

Lacka, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the characteristics of gender differences in the anticipated and received social support in long-term heterosexual relationships. The author first created the theoretical basis for the issue of social support for subsequent empirical part. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve adult respondents and on their basis was performed a qualitative analysis of the data. Interpretation of the data suggests that women and men were very similar in anticipated and received social support. The results were discussed in the light of studies on social support in relationships and gender differences. Keywords: Gender, gender differences, health psychology, heterosexual relationships, qualitative research, romantic relationships, social support.

Att spela heterosexuell : En studie av konstruktioner av genus och sexualitet i tv-spelen <em>Prince of Persia</em> och <em>Fable II</em> / The heterosexual play : a study of the construction of gender and sexuality in the videogames <em>Prince of Persia</em> and <em>Fable II</em>

Chorin, Anne January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate how gender and sexuality are made in the videogames <em>Prince of Persia</em> and <em>Fable II</em>, and more specifically to look at possibilities and limitations for the construction of gender and sexuality in these games. I understand videogames as an interactive media form that differs from other types of media like film and literature. It is a media form that depends on a player to be played. At the same time it is constituted by rules of how it can be played. I have analyzed my material by a method called close-playing. I ask questions about the conditions for play in terms of avatar design, ways of acting in and moving through the game by using Judith Butler’s notion of the heterosexual matrix and Gayle Rubin’s sex value system. I have found that <em>Prince of Persia</em> does not offer the player any possibilities to contribute to the making of gender and sexuality of the avatar. <em>Fable II</em> on the other hand provides a range of options that shape gender and sexuality. But at the same time the game rewards the player if he or she shapes the gender and sexuality of the avatar in a way that fits the heterosexual matrix. I argue that <em>Prince of Persia</em> carries rules for how you <em>can </em>shape gender and sexuality, and <em>Fable II</em>, carries rules for how you <em>should </em>shape it.</p>

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