Spelling suggestions: "subject:"high pressure"" "subject:"igh pressure""
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Neutron diffraction of hydrogen inclusion compounds under pressureDonnelly, Mary-Ellen January 2017 (has links)
When ice is compressed alongside a gas, crystalline 'host - guest' inclusion compounds known as gas clathrate hydrates form. These compounds are of interest not only for their environmental and possible technological impact as gas storage and separation materials, but also for their ability to probe networks not readily adopted by the pure `host' water molecules, and to study the interactions between water and gas molecules. Despite the pressure dependent crystal structures being fully determined for a large variety of `guest' gas species there is still relatively little known about the crystal structures in small guest gas systems such as H2 hydrate. The majority of structural studies have been done with x-ray diffraction and report a number of conflicting structures or hydrogen contents for the four known stable phases (sII, C0, C1 and C2). As this is a very hydrogen rich system the most ideal method to study the structure is neutron diffraction, which is able to fully determine the location of the hydrogen atoms within the structure and would allow a direct measurement of any hydrogen ordering within the host structure and the H2 content. In this work the phase diagram of the deuterated analogue of the H2-H2O system is explored at low pressures (below 0.3 GPa) with neutron diffraction. In the pressure/temperature region where the sII phase is known to be stable, two metastable phases were observed between the formation of sII from ice Ih and that this transition sequence occurred in line with Ostwald's Rule of Stages. One of these metastable phases was the C0 phase known to be stable in the H2-H2O system above 0.5 GPa, and the other is a new structure not previously observed in this system and is dubbed in this work as C-1 . Prior to this work the C0 phase has been reported with various structures that were determined with x-ray diffraction, and here the crystal structure and H2 content at low pressure are determined with neutron diffraction. The C0 phase was found to form a similar host structure to those of the previous studies with spiral guest sites but is best described with highly mobile H2 guests and a higher symmetry space group which make it the same structure as the spiral hydrate structure (s-Sp) recently observed in the CO2 hydrate system. In addition to this structure being determined at pressure a sample of C0 was also recovered to ambient pressure at low temperature and its structure/H2 content is presented as it was warmed to decomposition. The crystal structure of the C-1 phase was determined to be similar to ice Ih and a sample was recovered to ambient pressure to study its decomposition behaviour. Evidence for a similar structure in the helium hydrate system at low pressure is also reported here. This work was then extended to higher pressures with the recent developments of a hydrogen-compatible gas loader and large-volume diamond anvil cells. Several test experiments on gas-loaded Paris-Edinburgh presses are described on systems that are similar to hydrogen-water like urea-hydrogen and neon-water. And a further preliminary high pressure study on the deuterated analogue of the H2- H2O system in a diamond anvil cell between 3.6 and 28 GPa shows decomposition behaviour as pressure was increased.
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High pressure synthesis and neutron diffraction studies of new magnetic manganitesMcNally, Graham Michael January 2018 (has links)
With the discovery of appreciable room temperature magnetoresistance (MR) in high Curie temperature (Tc) ferrimagnetic double perovskites such as Sr2FeMoO6, research surrounding other materials of this type has expanded. Most ferrimagnetic double perovskites of the formula A2BB'O6 have non-magnetic A-site cations, such as Sr2+, Ca2+ or Ba2+. Replacing non-magnetic cations with magnetic variants offers further possibilities to tune magnetic effects. This thesis focuses on the substitution of non-magnetic A-site cations with relatively small magnetic Mn2+ cations. This substitution is made possible through the use of high-pressure/temperature (P/T) synthesis, and the characterisation of structural and magnetic properties of new phases discovered through these syntheses. The first of these new phases to be reported herein is Mn2FeReO6, which can be described as the Mn analogue of the well-known ferrimagnetic double perovskite Ca2FeReO6. These materials are well ordered with Fe3+/Re5+ on B-sites and crystallise in a P21/n structure. Mn2FeReO6 shows a high Tc of 520 K due to ferrimagnetic Fe/Re magnetic order above RT, and a large saturated magnetisation of 5.0 μB, which peaks at 75 K. Interestingly, the A-site Mn2+ (3d5) magnetic order has the effect of causing a spin reorientation of the Fe/Re sublattice observed by neutron powder diffraction (NPD) at temperatures below ~75 K. This causes the MR to exhibit the expected negative intergrain tunnelling behaviour above the transition and colossal positive behaviour below. Also reported are a series of perovskite related structures with formulae CaxMn2- xFeReO6 (x = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5). Of particular note among these is CaMnFeReO6, which exhibits 1:1 A-site ordering of Ca/Mn and adopts the P42/n space group. This material belongs to a family of newly discovered 'double double' perovskites, in which Ca/Mn order in columns pointing along the c-axis and Mn has alternating tetrahedral and square planar coordination environments. MR in this material remains negative down to 20 K, potentially due to the presence of Ca disrupting magnetic interactions between Mn2+ cations and suppressing the spin transition. Alternating coordination environments in the double double perovskite structure type were exploited in the synthesis of Ca(Mn0.5Cu0.5)FeReO6. This material also crystallises in the P42/n structure and is well ordered on B-sites, as evidenced by X-ray powder diffraction. Neutron diffraction yields, in addition to columnar order, a slight preference for Cu to occupy the square planar sites and for Mn to occupy tetrahedral sites. This doping of square planar sites with Cu has the effect of enhancing magnetic properties compared to CaMnFeReO6, increasing the saturated magnetisation, raising the ferrimagnetic ordering temperature of the B-sites from 500 to 560 K, and also having a profound effect on the observed MR effects, as a switch in the sign of the MR is observed in this material through a magnetic transition. Finally, B-site substitution has been experimented with in the synthesis of CaMnMnReO6. This also possesses the combined A and B-site orders observed in CaMnFeReO6 and an unusual magnetic structure, with perpendicular A and B-site magnetism due to frustration, deviating greatly from the magnetic structures of materials with B-site Fe/Re. In summary, this thesis compiles the synthesis and analysis of a series of new double perovskites, double double perovskites and a new 'triple double' five-fold cation ordered structure with a general formula of AA'0.5A''0.5BB'O6. These materials show that new types of structural ordering can be used to increase the number of degrees of freedom available for tuning the interplay between many different magnetic cations in different coordination environments.
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Effect of guest uptake and high pressure on Zn- and Zr- metal-organic frameworksHobday, Claire Louise January 2017 (has links)
Porous materials are essential to our everyday lives, for example as an effective catalyst in the cracking of crude oil, or as water softeners in washing powder. When developing novel functional porous materials, it is necessary to fully understand their structure-property relationships to maximise their ability to be used in industrially relevant settings. This thesis aims to understand the mechanical and adsorption properties of a class of porous solids metal-organic frameworks (or MOFs), which have many potential applications owing to their tuneable structures. Due to the inherent 3-D crystalline structure of MOFs, a wide range crystallographic techniques were used to determine structure-property relationships. To achieve maximum in-depth structural knowledge, both classical and quantum theoretical approaches were also applied to complement the understanding of both the energetics and structural details. Chapters One and Two begin with an overview of the state of the art studies carried out on MOFs, focusing on the use of high-pressure crystallography to understand their properties. In addition, there is emphasise on the importance of complementary computational methods that are used in the characterisation of MOFs. In Chapter Three, an isostructural series of MOFs (zeolitic imidazolate frameworks, or ZIFs) were studied for methanol adsorption by employing both experimental and molecular simulation techniques. These frameworks are gating materials, where the imidazole linker rotates upon adsorption of guest, and it was found that through ligand substitution the gate opening angle and onset pressure to gating could be tuned. By using high-pressure Xray crystallography the structure of the ZIFs were studied upon the uptake of guest and the degree of ring rotation quantified. In combination with periodic DFT and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations the energy barrier to rotation and energies of adsorption could be calculated, respectively. Chapter Four focuses on one ZIF in particular, ZIF-8 ((Zn6(MeIm)12, MeIm = 2- methylimidazole) and details the adsorption of a selection of gases into the pores. The experimental method of cryogenic gas loading into a diamond anvil cell in this chapter is novel to MOFs. This method, in combination with molecular crystallography, is used to determine the structural response of the framework to guest-uptake as well as the crystallographic positions of the adsorption sites. In combination with in silico methods, the adsorption energies of guest-sites could be calculated, detailing which interactions drive the gating behaviour. The method of cryogenic loading highlighted how extreme conditions can be used to extract useful information about structural behaviour of MOFs on uptake of gas molecules into the pores, and when used in combination with computational methods, we have a powerful tool to analyse both positions and energies of adsorption sites. With this information, progress can be made in developing MOFs to maximize favourable interactions and lead to the development of MOFs with better selective gas storage properties. Chapter Five focuses on the synthesis and characterisation of the physical properties of a series of Zr-containing MOFs, called UiO-MOFs. The high valency of Zr(IV) and 12-fold coordination of the metal cluster in these materials, are associated with high shear and bulk moduli, which surpass those of other MOFs. A combination of single-crystal nano-indentation, high-pressure X-ray diffraction studies, density functional theory (DFT) calculations, and first-principles molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to determine the compressibility, elasticity and hardness of these materials, whose mechanical robustness was correlated to their different structural features, in-particular, how using non-linear linkers between the metal clusters stabilises the framework to compression. Chapter Six expands upon the series of Zr-MOFs in Chapter Five, and looks at how the mechanical properties of these MOFs are affected upon increasing the linker length. The experimentally determined elastics modulus of one of the frameworks, UiO-sdc (Zr6O4(OH)4(sdc)6 where sdc =4,4’-stillbene dicarboxylate), was found to lie above those of other highly porous MOFs. In addition, the elastic modulus was found to decrease linearly as a function of increasing the linker length, extending the structure-property relationships determined in Chapter Five.
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Desenvolvimento e avaliação da atividade antifúngica de nano partículas lipídicas sólidas contendo óleo de copaíba e alantoínaSvetlichny, Gregory January 2014 (has links)
Alguns decênios atrás, o advento da nanotecnologia abriu perspectivas inovadoras permitindo alcançar novos alvos. Na área farmacêutica, as nanopartículas abriram alternativas ineditas de acesso para tratar órgãos e tecidos. Dentre as diversas nanopartículas existentes, este trabalho assentou sobre as nanopartículas lípidicas sólidas porque elas permitem a utilização de substâncias naturais, que representam um interesse cada vez maior devido às suas potencialidades diversificadas e comprovadas. Assim, foram escolhidos o óleo de copaíba e a alantoína devido às suas propriedades farmacológicas. Da mesma maneira que existem vários tipos de nanopartículas, existem várias técnicas para produzi-las. Neste estudo, o método por homogeneização à alta pressão foi selecionado devido às diversas vantagens. Para validar essas opções tecnológicas e caracterizar as nanopartículas, análises morfológicas, físico-químicas e térmicas foram realizadas. O segundo propósito desta pesquisa foi a avaliação do potencial antifúngico das nanopartículas contra fungos leveduriformes e filamentosos multirresistentes, devido às diversas propriedades microbiológicas do óleo de copaíba. Consequentemente, diversos ensaios micológicos foram feitos a fim de determinar onde e como essas nanopartículas agiram sobre esses fungos. Os resultados mostraram que a produção de nanopartículas lípidicas sólidas homogêneas e estáveis físico-quimicamente foi possível. Além disso, essas nanopartículas, compostas por substâncias naturais, demonstraram atividade antifúngica contra fungos multiresistentes, fato que não ocorreu com as matérias-primas isoladas. A nanotecnologia foi fundamental e levou a desenvolver suspensões antifúngicas. / Some decades ago, the advent of nanotechnology has opened new perspectives allowing reaching new targets. In the pharmaceutical area, nanoparticles have opened new ways for treating organs and tissues. Among the various existing nanoparticles, this work was based on solid lipid nanoparticles because they permitted the use of natural substances which represent a growing interest due to their diverse and proven strengths. So, copaiba oil and allantoin were chosen. Just as there are several types of nanoparticles, there are several techniques to produce them. In this study, the method of high pressure homogenization was selected because of several advantages. To validate these technological options and characterize nanoparticles, morphological, physico-chemical and thermal analysis were performed. The second purpose of this research was to evaluate the antifungal potential of nanoparticles against multiresistant yeasts and filamentous fungi due to various microbiological properties of copaiba oil. Consequently, many mycological tests were performed to determine where and how these nanoparticles acted on these fungi. The results showed the production of homogeneous and physico-chemically stable solid lipid nanoparticles is possible and, moreover, these nanoparticles produced with natural substances demonstrated their antifungal activity against multiresistant fungi, which did not happen with isolated raw materials. The nanotechnology was fundamental and led to develop antifungal suspensions.
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Active encapsulation of diclofenac sodium into liposomes for ophthalmic preparationsAlonjang, Evelyne Nguelweh January 2018 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Liposomes as a drug carrier in the pharmaceutical industry has gained currency since its
discovery in 1965 by Bangham A. D. Liposomes have been shown to improve bioavailability
as they can be delivered to target sites and possess sustained release properties which could
be used to mitigate certain weaknesses associated with current diclofenac sodium eye drops.
Diclofenac sodium (DNa) eye drop is a sterile Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug
(NSAID) with diclofenac sodium as its active ingredient. It is indicated for the lessening of
ocular pain, prevention of miosis in eye operations, easing of postoperative inflammation and
cystoids macular edema. The residence time of eye drops after application has been found to
be 1-2 minutes as a result of continuous production of tears diluting the active ingredient,
draining the eye drops into the nasolacrimal path, and eliminating it during blinking. As a
result of the active ingredient not residing at the target site for the required duration, more
frequent administration and medication is required and the risk of non-compliance is
Given the aforementioned potential of liposomes to redress the above weaknesses of current
eye drops (dosage form) available for diclofenac sodium ophthalmic application, this study
sought to encapsulate diclofenac sodium into liposomes for ophthalmic application.
The main components of liposomes (cholesterol and phosphotidylcholine) and incubation
time were set as the independent variables while percentage encapsulation, polydispersity
index (PDI) and drug release profile constituted the dependent variable. Using analysis of
variance (ANOVA) and t-test statistics, the interaction between the independent variables and
their effect on the dependent variables were tested.
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Laminar burning velocity of mixtures of air with indolene, isooctane, methanol and propaneMetghalchi, M. (Mohamad) January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Sc.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Mohamad Metghalchi. / Sc.D.
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Determinação da viscosidade de misturas assimétricas em alta pressão usando regras de mistura / Determination of viscosity of asymmetric mixtures at high pressure using mixing rulesLuciana Loureiro de Pinho Rolemberg de Andrade 30 September 2010 (has links)
O conhecimento de propriedades de transporte de misturas a diferentes pressões e temperaturas é importante em projetos, operação, controle e otimização de processos industriais. Nestes processos, frequentemente, o fluido é uma mistura binária ou multicomponente de hidrocarbonetos, como fluidos de petróleo. Propriedades experimentais de misturas, especialmente, a viscosidade absoluta como função de temperatura e pressão, podem fornecer importantes informações sobre o comportamento do fluido em diferentes composições e são usadas no desenvolvimento de modelos e correlações e na caracterização de misturas complexas. Diversas regras de mistura têm sido propostas na literatura para cálculo de viscosidade de misturas. Estas regras de mistura preveem o comportamento da mistura à pressão atmosférica usando propriedades dos componentes puros. Porém, em diversas aplicações é necessário estimar a viscosidade de misturas a altas pressões. Neste estudo, foram avaliadas regras de mistura comumente usadas como Refutas, Fator de Mistura, Índice de Mistura, Grunberg e Nissan, Kendall-Monroe e Eyring bem como Aditividade Molar, usando dados de viscosidade experimental de misturas em altas pressões. Inicialmente, foram realizadas medidas de viscosidade absoluta para a mistura altamente assimétrica de ciclohexano e n-hexadecano na faixa de temperatura entre (318,15 a 413,15) K e pressões até 62,053 MPa e, para este sistema, um modelo foi proposto para cálculo dos componentes puros para dada temperatura e pressão. Além disso, dados experimentais de viscosidade de trinta misturas cujos componentes diferem em forma, tamanho ou flexibilidade foram selecionados na literatura e modelados empregando-se regras de mistura. As viscosidades das misturas foram estimadas a partir de dados de viscosidade experimental dos componentes puros medidos nas mesmas temperaturas e pressões. A altas pressões, Refutas, Fator de Mistura e Índice de Mistura apresentaram os melhores resultados para todos os sistemas estudados. Mesmo para moléculas bastante assimétricas, Refutas, Fator de Mistura e Índice de Mistura podem ser usados. / The knowledge of transport properties of mixtures at different pressures and temperatures is important in design, operation, control and optimization of industrial process. In these processes, often, the fluid system is a binary or multicomponent mixture of hydrocarbons such as petroleum fluids. The experimental properties of mixtures, specially, the dynamic viscosity as a function the temperature and pressure, can provide valuable information about the fluid behavior at different compositions and are useful in developing models and correlations and in the characterization of complex mixtures. Several mixing rules have been proposed in the literature for calculating viscosity of mixtures. These mixing rules predict mixture behavior mainly at atmospheric pressure using pure component properties. However, in several important applications it is necessary to estimate the viscosity of blends at high pressures. In this work, were evaluate the performance of several commonly used mixing models like Refutas, Factor Mixing and Index Mixing, Grunberg and Nissan, Kendall-Monroe and Eyring as well as linear Molar Additivity, using experimental viscosity data of mixtures at high pressures. Initially, the absolute viscosities for the highly asymmetric mixture of cyclohexane and n-hexadecane were measured in the temperature range of (318.15 to 413.15) K and pressures up to 62.053 MPa and for this system, a satisfactorily model is proposed for calculating of pure components viscosities for given temperature and pressure. Also, viscosity data of thirty mixtures, whose components differ in molecular shape, size or flexibility, were selected and were modeled employing mixing. The mixture viscosities were estimated by all the mixing rules using experimental viscosity of pure components measured at the same temperature and pressure. At high pressures, Refutas, Factor Mixing and Index Mixing showed the best results for all systems studied. For very asymmetric systems, Refutas, Factor Mixing and Index Mixing can be used.
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Controle de mudanças estruturais sob altas pressões e altas temperaturas da esmectita saturada em potássioCarniel, Larissa Colombo January 2013 (has links)
O manto litosférico é depletado em elementos incompatíveis como potássio, rubídio e estrôncio, confinado sob altas condições de pressão e caracterizado por uma composição e mineralogia específicas: espinélios anidros e/ou granada lherzolitos e harzburgitos. Esta região pode ser hidratada e enriquecida em elementos incompatíveis (ex. potássio) através de processos de subducção, onde a placa oceânica subductada leva consigo material pelágico composto de argilominerais e filossilicatos. A transferência de massa entre a placa subductada com os sedimentos e a cunha mantélica ocorre primeiramente através da liberação de fluidos aquosos gerados pela devolatilização de minerais hidratados. Neste contexto, a esmectita destaca-se como um dos mais importantes minerias responsáveis pelo enriquecimento do manto litosférico em água e elementos incompatíveis, quando sua estrutura é desestabilizada. Com o aumento da pressão e temperatura, esmectitas perdem sua água interlamelar, ao mesmo tempo em que se transformam em camadas mistas esmectita-ilita. Nestas condições de desidratação, e com o aumento da pressão, mudanças estruturais ocorrem e, havendo potássio disponível no sistema, o argilomineral evolui para uma mica muscovita. Considerando este contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar o comportamento estrutural da esmectita saturada em potássio modificando as variáveis pressão e temperatura: (1) sob pressão atmosférica em diferentes temperaturas (100º a 700ºC); (2) sob pressão de até 11.5 GPa sem temperatura - Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC); (3) sob diferentes pressões com aplicação de temperatura: 2.5GPa (400º a 700ºC) e 4.0GPa (200º a 700ºC). Os resultados das técnicas de análise de Difração de raios X, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET) e Espectroscopia por Infravermelho (FTIR) sugerem que, sob uma pressão de 2.5 GPa, que é cerca de 75km de profundidade no manto, e a aproximadamente 500ºC, a esmectita transforma-se em muscovita, enquanto sob a pressão de 4.0 Gpa, equivalente a cerca de 120 km de profundidade, a mesma transformação ocorre a 400ºC. Estes resultados contribuem significativamente para o entendimento de como a desidratação do sedimento pelágico ocorre em um processo de subducção, bem como o comportamento da esmectita sob a influência do aumento de pressão e temperatura. / The lithospheric mantle is depleted regarding to incompatible elements as potassium, rubidium and strontium, confined under pressure conditions and characterized by a specific mineralogy and composition, basically as anhydrous spinel and/or garnet lherzolite and harzburgite. This region can be hydrated and enriched in incompatible elements (e.g. potassium) through subduction processes that bring pelagic material, composed of clay minerals and other phyllosilicates, together with the hydrated subducted oceanic slab. A mass transfer from the subducted slab plus sediments into the mantle wedge occurs primarily through the release of aqueous fluids produced by devolatilization of hydrated minerals. In this context, smectite stands out as one of the most important minerals responsible for enriching the lithospheric mantle with water and incompatible elements when its structure is destabilized. By pressure and temperature increasing smectite lose its interlayer water, at the same time that it transforms into a mixed-layer illite-smectite. In this condition of dehydration and with increasing pressure, structural changes occur and, having potassium available on the system, the clay mineral evolves into a muscovite mica. Considering this context, we verified the structural behavior of potassium saturated smectite modifying variables pressure and temperature: (1) under atmospheric pressure at different temperatures (100º to 700º C); (2) under pressure up 11.5 GPa without temperature - Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC); (3) under different pressures with temperature application: 2.5 GPa (400º to 700º C) and 4.0 GPa (200º to 700º C). The results of the analysis techniques of X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), suggest that under the pressure of 2.5 GPa, which is about 75km depth in the mantle, and at around 500ºC smectite transforms into muscovite, while under the pressure of 4.0 GPa, equivalent to around 120km depth, the same transformation occurs at 400ºC. These results contribute significantly to understanding how pelagic sediment dehydration occurs in a subduction process, as well as the behavior of smectite under the influence of increasing pressure and temperature.
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Crystallisation studies of biodiesel at extreme conditionsLiu, Xiaojiao January 2017 (has links)
Whilst biodiesel has many advantages as a renewable-energy fuel and as a substitute source of petroleum diesel, it suffers from poor performance at both low temperatures and high pressures. Not only does biodiesel crystallise at low temperatures below ~0 °C, but it also crystallises under the high pressures experienced in common-rail and injector systems within diesel engines. Crystalline solids induced by temperature and pressure can clog filters and injectors in the diesel engine, thereby causing engine failure. This thesis focuses on developing an enhanced understanding of the behaviour of biodiesel using a range of spectroscopy and diffraction techniques. The crystallisation behaviour of biodiesel at high pressure (0.1 GPa to 4 GPa) or low temperature (0 °C to -40 °C) was studied in this work. Structural phase transitions of the components of biodiesel induced by both temperature and pressure were observed. On account of the complex nature of biodiesel, it proved difficult to characterise these changes in biodiesel itself. Instead, one of the main components, methyl stearate, was therefore investigated. The crystallisation behaviour of methyl stearate is temperature-sensitive. A new polymorph of form II was successfully characterised by single crystal diffraction - by growing crystals from a saturated carbon disulfide solution at room temperature while data collection was conducted at 120 K. Form III was obtained by crystallisation from melt followed by slow cooling. Structural characterisation using single crystal diffraction showed disordered packing behaviour of the molecules in this form. The crystal structure of form IV was obtained using a combination of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction and high resolution neutron powder diffraction. It was crystallised from the melt by quench cooling at low temperature. The thermal expansion behaviour of this form was also investigated in this work. Furthermore, a phase transition from form IV to form V was observed in neutron diffraction experiments for a fully deuterated sample, but no evidence for this transition was observed in X-ray diffraction studies. Due to the complexity of methyl stearate and the limitations of the experimental data, the crystal structure of form V was not solved. In addition to the temperature studies, the crystallisation behaviour of methyl stearate under variable pressure conditions was investigated in this work. A diamond-anvil cell was employed to generate high-pressure environments. Synchrotron high-pressure X-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy showed that pressures of as little as 0.1 GPa can induce form IV of methyl stearate to convert to form II. Four phase transitions in the pressure range of 0.1 GPa to 6.3 GPa were also observed. The phase behaviour of methyl stearate induced by pressure is reversible and form II was recovered when the pressure was released. The structure of these high-pressure phases of methyl stearate have still to be determined. High-pressure neutron powder diffraction experiments have also been conducted with form IV of methyl stearate using a Paris-Edinburgh Press. Fluorinert (FC-87) was employed as pressure-transmitting medium to generate hydrostatic condition. No evidence of a phase transition was observed in the pressure range up to 3.31 GPa.
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Desenvolvimento de metodologia para monitorização terapêutica da azatioprina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência-UV (HPLC-UV) em transplantados renais / Development of a methodology for therapeutic drug monitoring of azathioprine by high performance liquid chromatography-UV (HPLC-UV) in renal transplant recipientsPacheco Neto, Maurilio 24 June 2010 (has links)
A azatioprina (AZA) é um imunossupressor utilizado no tratamento de doenças autoimunes como lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, doença de Crohn, doença inflamatória intestinal e contra a rejeição em transplantes de órgãos sólidos. Após mais de 40 anos de uso a AZA continua exercendo um papel central nos regimes imunomoduladores, devido ao fato de combinar eficácia, segurança e baixo custo. Sabe-se que a atividade da tiopurina metiltransferase pode determinar, pelo menos em parte, a eficácia clínica da AZA. Esta enzima apresenta polimorfismo genético co-dominante e a distribuição dos alelos variantes é significativamente diferente entre as populações. A grande variabilidade farmacocinética no metabolismo AZA justifica a sua monitorização terapêutica. Neste trabalho otimizou-se uma metodologia para a quantificação dos metabólitos da AZA, 6-TGN e 6-MMP, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC/UV-Vis), utilizando-se um detector de ultravioleta-visível em um único comprimento de onda, após a amostra passar por uma desproteinização ácida simples e ser aquecida para a conversão dos metabólitos em suas respectivas bases livres. Os valores destes metabólitos foram determinados em uma população de 124 pacientes transplantados renais. Para adequarmos o processo às legislações locais e internacionais, foram seguidas orientações da Anvisa, FDA e CLSI. A separação foi realizada em coluna de fase reversa, sendo a fase móvel A fosfato de potássio e a fase móvel B metanol. A detecção da 6-TGN e da 6-MMP foi realizada em 342 m (UV-Vis). O estudo da linearidade da 6-TGN variou entre 0,30 e 89,71 mol/L e da 6-MMP entre 0,30 e 93,86 mol/L. As recuperações, de 95,08 a 100,80% para 6-TGN e 95,38 a 105,06% para 6-MMP. Os CV da repetibilidade, de 0,04 a 5,06%, enquanto os CV da reprodutibilidade de 4,88 a 12,73% para 6-TGN e 6-MMP. Para ambos os metabólitos o LD e o LQ foram de 0,30 mol/L e 0,13 mol/L. Os eritrócitos lavados e as amostras tratadas, prontas para a injeção no HPLC, foram armazenadas abaixo de -5°C até a análise. Nesta temperatura estiveram estáveis durante 8 semanas e 1 dia, respectivamente. Os valores das concentrações de 6-TGN e 6-MMP encontrados nas amostras dos pacientes variaram entre não detectável a 1569 mol/8 x 108 RBC (mediana de 200,50) e não detectável a 113057 mol/8 x 108 RBC (mediana de 5166), respectivamente. As correlações entre os níveis de 6-TGN ou 6-MMP e as variáveis sexo, tempo pós-transplante, número de transplantes e dosagem de AZA (mg/kg) foram examinadas em diferentes grupos. O método proposto apresenta boa relação custo-benefício, é simples, preciso e rápido na determinação das concentrações intraeritrocitárias de 6-TGN e 6-MMP em pacientes sob terapia com AZA. O método validado permite que o laboratório forneça dados farmacocinéticos úteis e precisos para o ajuste do tratamento do paciente e pode ser facilmente adaptado para a análise rotineira destes metabólitos. Os resultados das amostras dos pacientes estão de acordo com os encontrados em outros estudos, atestando a utilidade dessa ferramenta analítica no acompanhamento dos pacientes / Azathioprine (AZA) is an immunosuppressant used in autoimmune pathologies like lupus erythematosus, Chrons disease, inflammatory bowel disease and against rejection in solid organs transplant. After more than 40 years of use, AZA continues exerting a central role in immunomodulatory regimens, due to the fact that it combines effectiveness, safety and low cost. It is well known that thiopurine methyltransferase activity may determine, at least in part, the clinical efficacy of AZA therapy. This enzyme exhibits codominant genetic polymorphism and the distribution of these variant alleles differs significantly among populations. The considerable pharmacokinetic variability in AZA metabolism justify the therapeutic drug monitoring of this drug. In this work a methodology was improved to quantify the metabolites of AZA, 6-TGN and 6-MMP, by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC/UV-Vis) with an ultraviolet-visible detector, using a single wavelength reading, following a simple acid deproteinization and heating to convert the metabolites into their respective free bases. The values of these metabolites were determined in a population of 124 renal transplant recipients. To adequate the process to international and local legislation, Anvisa, FDA and CLSI guidelines were followed. Separation was achieved on a reversed-phase column; mobile phase A potassium phosphate and mobile phase B methanol. Detection of 6-TGN and 6-MMP was performed at 342 m (UV-Vis). Assay linearity for 6-TGN ranged from 0.30 to 89.71 mol/L and from 0.30 to 93.86 mol/L for 6-MMP. The recoveries were 95.08, 97.76 and 100.80% for 6-TGN and 104.79, 95.38 and 105.06% for 6-MMP. Repeatability CV were 3.50, 5.06, 1.09 and 0.04, 0.35, 1.58%, while reproducibility CV were 8.65, 7.18, 8.44 and 12.73, 6.40, 4.88% for 6-TGN and 6-MMP, respectively. LOQ and LOD of 6-TNG and 6-MMP were respectively 0.30 mol/L and 0.13 mol/L for both metabolites. The washed erythrocytes and the samples treated and ready for injection into the HPLC system were stored below -5 °C until analysis, at this temperature the samples were stable for 8 weeks and for 1 day, respectively. 6-TGN and 6-MMP patient analysis values ranged from non detectable to 1569 mol/8 x 108 RBC (median of 200.50) and non detectable to 113057 mol/8 x 108 RBC (median of 5166), respectively. The correlations between 6-TGN or 6-MMP levels and variables sex, time post-transplant, number of transplants and AZA dosage (mg/kg) were examined in different groups. The proposed HPLC method has a good cost-benefit ratio, is straightforward, precise, accurate and fast at the determining 6-TGN and 6-MMP concentrations in red blood cells of patients under AZA therapy. The validated method is good enough to enable the laboratory to routinely provide useful and accurate pharmacokinetic data in time to adjust patient regimens. It can be easily adopted for routine analysis of these drug metabolites. The results of patient samples are in agreement with others studies, thus certifying the usefulness of this analytical tool in monitoring of patients
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