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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Domiciano e Hispania. El proyecto domicianeo de construcción pública en la península ibérica

Sánchez Martínez, Patricia 25 September 2023 (has links)
Llevada a cabo por el emperador Domiciano en las provincias hispanas y determinar cuáles fueron las obras públicas construidas a raíz de dicha actividad. Para ello hemos procedido a analizar distintos epígrafes que nos permiten vincular determinadas obras públicas con este Emperador, así como algunos de los restos arqueológicos pertenecientes a aquellas, partiendo de la bibliografía existente sobre ellas. A estas construcciones de carácter público debemos sumar aquellas otras que también fueron levantadas durante el gobierno del Princeps en la península Ibérica y de las que tenemos constancia gracias tanto a las fuentes epigráficas como a las fuentes arqueológicas, pero que fueron financiadas a partir del evergetismo privado. Además, hemos analizado un conjunto de obras públicas que fueron construidas por el Emperador flavio y que tras su muerte sufrieron la aplicación de la damnatio memoriae que fue decretada contra él, de modo que podemos comprobar que todas ellas fueron desvinculadas de la actividad edilicia domicianea y ligadas a la figura del sucesor de Domiciano, el emperador Nerva, y sobre todo a la figura del hijo adptivo y sucesor de este último, el emperador Trajano. Con el fin de entender el decreto de la damnatio memoriae y las causas que pudieron llevar a que aquella fuera aplicada en las distintas obras públicas estudiadas hemos analizado también la información que las fuentes clásicas aportan sobre los distintos aspectos de la figura y del gobierno de Domiciano, así como la información que los historiadores contemporáneos aportan al respecto.

Salvação e Juízo Final na Alta Idade Média hispânica : o Comentário ao Apocalipse do Beato de Liébana /

Parmegiani, Raquel de Fátima. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Ruy de Oliveira Andrade Filho / Banca: Ivan Esperança Rocha / Banca: Giulia Crippa / Banca: Ana Paula Tavares Magalhães / Banca: Leila Rodrigues da Silva / Resumo: Nosso trabalho procura investigar como o universo simbólico ligado à literatura apocalíptica cristã - mais especificamente as idéias de Juízo Final e Salvação - foi apropriado pelo Beato de Liébana na Alta Idade Média hispânica para compor seu Comentário ao Apocalipse e como, a partir desta obra, ele foi utilizado no processo de construção e divulgação de um referencial - representação - cristão de visão de mundo. Nossa pesquisa volta-se, portanto, para a relação entre o "mundo dos leitores" e o "mundo do livro", ou seja, para as práticas da leitura e da escrita que permearam a produção, a circulação e a leitura do C Ap. Coube a nos pensarmos como uma cultura que privilegiava a oralidade, como aquela da Alta Idade Média, apoiou-se neste texto escrito para, em face dele, produzir um sentido e construir uma normatização cristã do universo sócio-religioso. Por conseguinte, nosso intuito esteve em buscar os vestígios das práticas de leitura que acompanharam os destinatários do C Ap e dos indícios que eles podem nos dar da atuação deste texto enquanto discurso (processo), revelando-nos pontos de sua coerência (interação com o leitor) e sua intenção (efeito de sentido) / Abstract: Our research applies on an investigation about how the universe linked to the apocalyptic Christian - more specifically the concepts the concepts on Revelations and the Gospel of Salvation - were appropriated by the Beatus of Liébana in the Hispanic High Middle Ages to write his Commentary of Revelations and how, from this masterpiece, the ideas were used in the process of creation e dissemination of a Christian referent - representation - concerned to point of view. So, we focuses the relation between "the world of readers" and "the word of the book", that is, we highlight the reading and writing practices that permeated the production, distribution and reading of the Beatus Apocalypse. It was our duty to think how a culture that used to privilege oral records, like that one in the High Middle Ages, was supported by that written text to, before it, produce a meaning and build a Christian standardization of the social-religious universe. Consequently, our objective was regarded in looking for the traces of the reading habit that accompanied the destinations of Beatus Apocalypse and in the evidences that the revelations may give us in order to comprehend such manuscripts as speech (process), showing points of its coherence (interaction with the reader) and its intention (meaning effect) / Doutor


Jaroš, Josef January 2017 (has links)
The thesis titled "Society and Church within the Territory of the Former Western Roman Empire in the 5th to 7th century AD" focuses on relations between the society and the church, specifically within territories which, at the given period, formed the Western Roman Empire (5th century AD) and its successor states (6th to 7th century AD). The given period was chosen as it marked a turning point in the relations between the state, or the society, and the church; the further development in Europe, not limited to religion, stems from this period. The 5th century represents a sort of a prologue to the dramatic and turbulent 6th century, while the 7th century is an afterpiece during which the details of the further direction and development of the Catholic Church were refined. The aim of my thesis was to confirm or disconfirm the hypotheses that Christianity (the church) did not accelerate the fall of the Western Roman Empire or that it did not significantly contribute to it, that it was not a bearer of progress as it did not improve the general conditions, and that the church had the character of any religion serving power and was not unique in any way at the time. Attention is paid initially to political and economic situation, which is followed by the study of the relationships between the church and the...

De brignatium à gesoriacum : les amers, les navires et les ports en mare externum sous l'empire Romain / From Brigantium to Gesoriacum : the Landmarks, the Boats and the Harbours in Mare Externum under the Roman Empire

Delacroix, Barbara 08 December 2016 (has links)
La navigation sur l’arc atlantique à l’époque romaine est un sujet immense qui pâtit encore trop souvent de l’avis sceptique de chercheurs obnubilés par la Méditerranée. Il a donc fallu détricoter le mythe de l’océan infranchissable par l’étude approfondie des éléments interdépendants constitutifs de la navigation fluvio-maritime et moteurs de l’économie de l’arc atlantique, à savoir : l’amer, le navire et le port. Aussi l’étude de l’organisation du commerce atlantique sur les voies fluviales et maritimes, de La Corogne à Boulogne-sur-Mer, a-t-elle abouti à l’établissement d’une typologie « atlantique » tripartite. / Navigation in the Atlantic arc – enlarged to the English Channel and the North Sea – in Roman period, is a vast topic that, too often, still suffers from the sceptical opinion of researchers obsessed with the Mediterranean. It has been necessary to unravel the myth of the impassable Ocean, by means of a deep study of the mutually dependent elements forming the maritime and fluvial navigation and driving force of the Atlantic arc economy: the landmark, the vessel and the harbour. Moreover, the study of the organization of the Atlantic trade through the maritime and fluvial routes, from A Coruña to Boulogne-sur-Mer, have result in the establishment of a three-party ‘Atlantic’ typology.

Pratiques économiques et monétaires entre l'Èbre et la Charente (Ve s. - Ier s. a.C.) / Economic and monetary practices between the Ebro and the Charente (5th – 1st century B.C.)

Hiriart, Eneko 17 September 2014 (has links)
Du Ve s. au Ier s. a.C., l’espace transpyrénéen compris entre l’Èbre et la Garonne, reliant la Méditerranée à l’Atlantique, se situe au carrefour de différentes aires culturelles : la Gaule celtique, la péninsule Ibérique, l’Aquitaine, les cités grecques, mais aussi Rome. En raison du manque de sources littéraires ou de l’insuffisance des données archéologiques, notre connaissance des populations indigènes demeure fragmentaire. Cette lacune ne peut être comblée que par l’étude des vestiges matériels qu’elles nous ont laissés. Aussi, la monnaie peut fournir des données cruciales car elle représente non seulement un témoin privilégié des relations entre communautés protohistoriques, mais constitue également, du fait de sa valeur symbolique, le reflet même de ces sociétés. Il a semblé nécessaire d’aborder le fait monétaire sous un œil nouveau et de se démarquer des approches numismatiques traditionnelles (souvent cloisonnées à des considérations iconographiques et typologiques), dont les interprétations débouchent généralement sur un discours déconnecté des réalités humaines et historiques. La monnaie étant la manifestation d’un état social, ce travail propose d’appréhender sous un angle transdisciplinaire (archéologique, économique, numismatique, statistique et anthropologique) la complexité et la variété des pratiques monétaires. L’une des questions primordiales reste liée à l’apparition du monnayage. Dans cette perspective, il s’est avéré essentiel de déterminer les rythmes, les modalités, et les agents de sa diffusion. Répondant à des origines plurielles, l’introduction de la monnaie dans les échanges implique toute une série de changements structurels dont nous essayons de mesurer l’impact social, économique et politique. D’autre part, une analyse des différents monnayages, nous a mené à caractériser les réalités ethniques, les flux commerciaux, les changements politico-culturels, ainsi que les influences provenant d’environnements plus éloignés. Cette approche a également permis de distinguer des tendances historiques, ainsi que des domaines culturels singuliers. Plus largement, la réflexion se centre sur la place de la monnaie au sein de ces sociétés protohistoriques : quel est son rôle, son importance ? À qui et à quoi sert-elle ? Ces interrogations ont pour objectif de mieux saisir les modalités d’échanges au second âge du Fer. Pour la première fois, ce travail esquisse un panorama monétaire et économique intelligible entre l’apparition des premières espèces monnayées et la mise en place du système monétaire romain. / From the fifth to the first century b.C., the space between the Ebro and the Garonne, which joins the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, is located at the crossroads of various cultural areas : the Celtic Gaul, the Iberian Peninsula, the Aquitaine, the greek cities, as well as Rome. Due to the lack of literary sources and archaeological data, our knowledge of indigenous peoples remains limited. This gap can be filled by the study of archeological materials. Among them, the coinage can provide crucial data because it represents a strong evidence of relations between the different protohistoric communities. In addition to that, owing to its symbolic value, money becomes a genuine expression of protohistoric societies. It seemed necessary to study the coinage in a new light so as to stand out from traditional numismatic approaches often restricted to iconographic and typological considerations. Those interpretations generally lead to a discourse too far from human and historical realities. The coins represent an evidence of a social reality. This work proposes a transdisciplinary point of view (archaeological, economic, numismatics, statistical and anthropological) to learn more about the complexity and the variety of monetary practices. One of the main issues remains the emergence of coinage. In this perspective, it was essential to define rhythms, modes, and also agents involved in its circulation. From various origins, the insertion of money within trade involves a series of structural changes : we try to measure their social, economic and political impacts. On the other hand, an analysis of different coinages drove us to characterize together ethnic realities, trade flows, political and cultural changes, as well as influences coming from more or less distant areas. This approach has also led us to distinguish historical trends and singular cultural fields. More generally, this approach focuses on the role of money in these protohistoric societies : which role does it play, what is its weight? What is it used for and whom does it serve? These questions aim to understand the features of trade during the second Iron Age. For the first time, this work outlines a monetary and economic panorama from the first coining to the advent of the Roman system.

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