Spelling suggestions: "subject:"histochemistry."" "subject:"imunistochemistry.""
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Estudo das aferências imunorreativas ao hormônio concentrador de melanina (MCH) do núcleo accumbens, no rato Long-Evans (Rattus norvegicus). / Study of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) immunoreactive inputs of nucleus acumbens, in rats Long-Evans (Rattus norvegicus) .Carlos Alexandre dos Santos Haemmerle 14 September 2010 (has links)
O MCH é um neuropeptídeo sintetizado preferencialmente no hipotálamo que exibe projeções para todo o neuroeixo, podendo modular vários processos fisiológicos, como a ingestão aguda de alimento. Um alvo de suas projeções é o núcleo accumbens (Acb), componente do estriado ventral envolvido na recompensa de estímulos hedônicos. Nossa contribuição visa mapear as células imunorreativas (ir) ao MCH responsáveis pelas aferências do Acb, onde também investigamos aposições entre os sistemas MCH, GABA e ChAT. Utilizaram-se os métodos de simples e duplas imunoperoxidases e combinação de imunofluorescência e captação de traçadores retrógrados. A maior densidade de fibras ir-MCH ocupa a parte shell do Acb (AcbSh); as aferências ir-MCH partem, por exemplo, da área hipotalâmica lateral e área perifornicial. Controles anterógrados foram obtidos a partir da LHA. Observaram-se aposições entre terminais ir-MCH e células ir-GABA e ir-ChAT, no AcbSh. Assim, sugere-se que os territórios hipotalâmicos que contém MCH inervem o AcbSh e contatem outros sistemas neuroquímicos no Acb. / MCH is a neuropeptide synthesized preferentially in the hypothalamus that shows projections throughout neuraxis, and may modulate various physiological processes such as food intake. One target of its projections is the nucleus accumbens (Acb), a component of the striatum involved in reward of hedonic stimuli. Our contribution aims to map immunoreactive (ir) cells responsible for the MCH inputs of the Acb, and to investigate appositions between MCH fibers, GABA and ChAT cells. We used the single and double immunoperoxidase methods and immunofluorescence combined with retrograde tracer. The highest density of fiber MCH-ir occupies the shell part of the Acb (AcbSh); MCH-ir inputs are mainly from lateral hypothalamic and perifornical areas. Anterograde controls were obtained from the LHA. We have founded appositions between MCH-ir terminals and GABA- and ChAT-ir cells at AcbSh. Thus, is suggested that hypothalamic areas containing MCH innervate the AcbSh and contact other neurochemical systems systems in the Acb.
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Análise estrutural e ultra-estrutural dos músculos esternomastóideo e cleidomastóideo de ratos wistar adultos e idosos. / Structural and ultrastructural analysis of the sternomastoid and cleidomastoid muscles of the adults and aged Wistar rats.Adriano Polican Ciena 21 March 2011 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar estrutural e ultra-estruturalmente os músculos EM e CM adultos e idosos empregando métodos de microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Os resultados revelaram os feixes de fibras colágenas que constituem o endomísio, perimísio e epimísio presentes no tecido muscular. Nos capilares dos músculos adultos observou-se a presença de pseudópodos endoteliais projetando-se para o lúmen capilar; a referida estrutura não foi encontrada nos capilares dos músculos idosos examinados. A reação histoquímica de NADH-tr permitiu a identificação dos tipos de fibras: Oxidativa (O), Glicolítica-oxidativa (GO) e Glicolítica (G) nas regiões superficial e profunda dos músculos EM e CM de animais adultos e idosos. Todavia, constatou-se aumento da área de secção transversa das fibras O, GO e G. Paralelamente, os dados mostraram diminuição da densidade total das fibras, revelando a plasticidade e atrofia muscular nos músculos de animais com envelhecimento. / The aim of the present study was to analyse structural and ultrastructure of SM and CM of adults and aged animals employing light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy methods. The results revealed the bundles of collagen fibers which constituted the endomysium, perimysium and epimysium in the muscle tissue. In the capillaries of the adults muscles observed the presence of endotheliais pseudopod projected to the capillary lumen; this structure do not found in the capillaries of the examined aged muscles. The histochemical reaction of NADH-tr, allowed to identify three types of fibers: Oxidative (O), Oxidative-Glycolytic (OG) and Glycolytic (G) in the surface and deep regions of the SM and CM muscles of adult and aged animals. However, may observed an increased areas of the cross-section the fibers O, OG and G. Parallely, the data showed decreased total density of the fibers, revealing the muscle atrophy and plasticity of aging animals.
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Caracterização histoquímica das fibras do músculo gastrocnêmio de ratos Wistar submetidos à tenotomia e tenorrafia / Histochemical caracterization of gastrocnemius muscle fibers in Wistar rats submitted to tenotomy and tenorrhaphyPaulo Henrique de Matos Alves 10 November 2010 (has links)
As lesões tendíneas são uma das mais comuns que ocorrem nos esportes, sua freqüência é de 10 a 55% de todas as lesões ocorridas. A cabeça medial do músculo gastrocnêmio (GCm) é constituído por duas regiões bem distintas: uma região profunda \"vermelha\" e uma região superficial \"branca\". Dada essa característica de distribuição dos tipos de fibras, torna-se possível determinar se, no mesmo músculo, a tenotomia afeta as fibras de maneira diferente, dependendo do tipo de fibra predominante em cada região. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da tenotomia e tenorrafia experimental na GCm. Foram usados 38 ratos Wistar machos pesando aproximadamente 300 g divididos em três grupos: Controle (C), Tenotomizado (T) e Tenorrafiado (R), avaliados aos 14 e 21 dias pós-cirurgia. Os animais foram mantidos sob as mesmas condições de alojamento, alimentação, temperatura umidade e luz. No grupo T, o tendão calcâneo do membro pélvico esquerdo foi dissecado e seccionado transversalmente no terço médio. No grupo R, este mesmo tendão foi imediatamente submetido à sutura de Kessler modificada após a tenotomia. Foram realizadas seções de 10 µm de espessura em criostato e, em seguida, estas secções foram submetidas às técnicas da hematoxilina e eosina, picro-sirius, NADH-tr e para análise em microscopia eletrônica de transmissão A significância estatística das diferenças inter-grupos foi determinada pela análise de variância, (ANOVA) e foi aceito p <0,05. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos C, T e R. Observou-se uma grande variação no tamanho e formato das fibras musculares e, ainda, uma desorientação e degeneração das miofibrilas e desorganização dos sarcômeros nos animais do grupo T. Ambos os grupos, T e R, apresentaram diminuição da área de secção transversa e comprimento da GCm. / Tendon injuries are one of the most commonly occurring in sports, its frequency is 10 to 55% of all injuries. The medial head of gastrocnemius muscle (GCm) consists of two clearly distinct regions: a deep region \"red\" and, a superficial region \"white\". Because of that characteristic distribution of fiber types, it becomes possible to determine if the same muscle tenotomy affects differently, depending on the predominant fiber type in each region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of experimental tenotomy and tenorrhaphy on GCm. We used 38 male Wistar rats weighing approximately 300 g divided into three groups: control (C), tenotomized (T) and Tenorraphized (R). They were evaluated at 14 and 21 days after the surgery. Animals were kept under the same conditions of accommodation, feeding, temperature, humidity and light. In T group, calcaneal tendon of the left pelvic limb was dissected and sectioned in the middle third. In R group, the same tendon was immediately submmitted to the modified Kessler suture after tenotomy. Sections were performed in 10 µm thick in a cryostat and they were then stained according to hematoxylin and eosin, Picrosirius, NADH-tr methods and they were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. The statistical significance of inter-group differences was determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and was accepted p<0.05. Significant differences were found between C, T and R groups. There was a wide variation in size and shape of muscle fibers and also a disorientation and degeneration of myofibrils and disorganization of sarcomeres in T group. Both T and R groups showed a decrease in cross-sectional area and length of the GCm.
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O modelo desmielinizante do brometo de etídio (be): estudos morfológicos em camundongos C57BL/6 normais e knockout para conexina 32 / Ethidium bromide (eb) demyelinating model: morphologic studies in C57BL/6 normal and CX 32 knockout miceRamos, Adriano Tony 14 December 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Light and ultraestructural changes of central and peripheral nervous system lesions in mice KO for connexin-32
and submitted to the ethidium bromide gliotoxic demyelinating model are described. Their KO condition was tested with PCR and a negative connexin-32 labelling was performed by immunofluorescence. The experimental animals were C57BL/6 normal mice and C57BL/6 KO for connexin-32. For all groups the animals were maintained in cages of 5 individuals within a temperature controlled room and had ration and filtered water ad libitum. A single local injection of either 0,1% ethidium bromide in normal saline (5 μl in the brainstem and 1 μl in the sciatic nerve) or normal saline was performed as described for Wistar rats. The injected mice were observed daily until euthanasia was performed at 24, 48 hours and 3, 7, 15, 21 and 30 days after injection. The mice were perfused through the heart with either neutral 10% formalin or 2,5% glutaraldehyde. Histochemical, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopic methods were used to analyze the development of the lesions after differentiated processing. Hematoxylin- eosine, luxol fast blue and toluidine blue methods and immunolabelling with anti-GFAP, anti-CNPase, anti-S100 protein and anti-OSP,
anti Cx32 and anti Cx43 antibodies were used. Within the CNS the lesions showed an acute degenerative phase
with disappearance of glial cells, and myelin sheaths were withdrawn by a scant number of macrophages. In KO
mice some granulocytes were detected within the lesions in tight contact with decaying myelin sheaths. Remyelination was carried out by oligodendrocytes since no Schwann cells were seen during the regenerating process of KO mice. Occasional remyelinating Scwann cells were seen in normal mice. For the sciatic nerves, Schwann cells initially showed signs of intoxication and rejected their sheaths; after seven days, some thin newly formed myelin sheaths with uneven compaction and redundant loops (tomacula) were conspicuous. Mast cells degranulated or not were seen in all BE- induced lesions and after saline injection. It is concluded that the repair of the CNS demyelinated lesions differs from the observed in normal and immunosupressed rats because Schwann cells remyelination was absent; the absence of connexin-32 may have caused that absence. The
regeneration of lost myelin sheaths within the PNS followed the pattern already reported for this model in other species. It is suggested that the absence of connexin-32 determined the different repair of the myelin sheaths within the CNS whereas for the PNS, the normal pattern of tissue response might be due to the early age of the injected mice. / São descritas as alterações de microscopia de luz e ultra-estruturais induzidas pelo brometo de etídio no sistema
nervoso central e periférico de camundongos KO para conexina 32. O genótipo KO foi testado por PCR e
confirmado por imunofluorescência negativa para conexina 32. Os animais dos experimentos foram camundongos C57BL-6 normais (controles) e KO para conexina 32. Todos os camundongos foram mantidos em gaiolas de 5 indivíduos em sala climatizada e receberam ração e água à vontade. Uma única injeção de BE 0,1% em salina 0,9% ou de salina 0,9% (5 μl na cisterna basal e 1μl no nervo ciático) foi realizada como descrita em ratos Wistar. Os camundongos eram observados diariamente até ser realizada a eutanásia às 24 e 48 h, 3, 7, 15, 21 e 30 dias após a injeção. Os camundongos foram perfundidos através do coração; um grupo com glutaraldeído 2,5% visando o processamento para microscopia eletrônica; um outro grupo com solução salina
com EDTA e posterior fixação em metacarn para inclusão em parafina. As amostras incluídas em parafina foram
analisadas através dos métodos de hematoxilina e eosina, luxol fast blue e azul de toluidina. Foram realizadas
imunoistoquímica e imunofluorescência visando a marcação de GFAP, CNPase, OSP, S100, e Cx43 e Cx32,
respectivamente. As lesões do SNC eram discretas e tiveram uma fase ativa com desaparecimento das células
gliais; os debris celulares e de mielina foram retirados por um reduzido número de fagócitos. Nos camundongos
KO foram vistos granulócitos em estreito contato com bainhas de mielina em degradação. A remielinização dos
axônios desmielinizados foi realizada exclusivamente por oligodendrócitos nos camundongos KO; nos
camundongos normais, ocasionais células de Schwann podiam ser encontradas remielinizando axônios do SNC.
No nervo ciático, as células de Schwann intoxicadas rejeitaram seus internodos de mielina; após sete dias, finas
bainhas reparadas eram encontradas, com compactação irregular da mielina e alças redundantes (tomacula).
Mastócitos, desgranulados ou não, eram vistos nas lesões do BE e após a injeção de solução salina. Conclui-se
que o reparo das lesões do SNC difere do observado em ratos normais e imunossuprimidos devido à ausência de
remielinização por células de Schwann; a falta de expressão da Cx 32 e o tamanho reduzido das lesões podem ter
contribuído para essa ausência. A regeneração das bainhas perdidas no SNP obedeceu ao padrão descrito para
esse modelo em outras espécies. Sugere-se que a ausência da Cx 32 não afetou o reparo do SNP devido à idade
precoce dos animais.
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Lipides intramyocellulaires (IMCL) et exercice. Evaluation par la technique histochimique dans les champs d’application : effet de l’exercice aigu de très longue durée : effet de l’entraînement chez les sujets âgés et les sujets en surpoids / Intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) and exercise. Estimation by histochemical assay in practical applications : effects of very long lasting exercise : effects of exercise training in ageing and overweighting subjectsNgo, Kim Tu An 13 December 2013 (has links)
Le métabolisme lipidique est stimulé lors de l'exercice musculaire. La contribution énergétique des lipides s'accentue pendant l'exercice d'endurance d'intensité modérée de longue durée (40% à 60% de VO2max). Outre les acides gras circulants, les réserves de lipides intramyocellulaires (IMCL) sont sensées être utilisées pendant des performances dépassant 4 heures. Devant le manque de preuves expérimentales jusqu'à ce jour, une 1ere étude a été entreprise sur 10 sportifs (40 ± 6 ans) lors d'une course de 24h. Les résultats obtenus sur le muscle vaste externe ont montré une baisse significative d'IMCL de 56% et 45% dans les fibres de type I et IIA respectivement, alors que le glycogène n'a diminué que dans les fibres I. Ces données indiquent un catabolisme d'IMCL plus efficace que celui du glycogène dans les fibres rapides lors de l'exercice d'ultra endurance, dont le mécanisme reste à déterminer. IMCL s'accumule lors du vieillissement ou de l'obésité et peut constituer un risque de résistance à l'insuline (RI). Un entraînement combiné en endurance (EE) et en résistance (ER) de 14 semaines a été mené sur des sujets âgés (73 ± 4 ans) et d'autres en surpoids (58 ± 5 ans). Dans les deux groupes IMCL a augmenté (p<0.05) dans le muscle vaste externe (après EE) mais est resté stable dans le muscle deltoïde (après ER) et s'est accompagné de l'augmentation (p<0.05) de la capacité enzymatique de la β-oxydation après EE. Les céramides musculaires, une classe de lipides impliquée dans RI, ont été diminués (p=0.052) par EE et non par ER. Ces résultats confirment que l'augmentation d'IMCL n'est pas un facteur de risque métabolique et que EE se traduit par une diminution des céramides et de RI / Lipid metabolism is involved during muscle exercise. Energetic contribution of lipids increases during long lasting endurance exercise of moderate intensity (40% à 60% of VO2max). As well as circulating free fatty acids, intramyocellular lipid storages (IMCL) are postulated to be used during performances longer than 4 hours. Due the the lack experimental evidences untill today, a first study was undertaken on 10 athletes (40 ± 6 yrs) during a 24h running. Results obtained on vastus lateralis muscle showed a significant 56% and 45% decrease of IMCL in type I and IIA fibres respectively while glycogen decreased only in type I fibres. These data indicate a more efficient catabolism of IMCL than those of glycogen in fast twitch fibres during ultra endurance exercise, of which mechanism remains to be explored. IMCL accumulates during ageing or overweighting and may constitute a risk of insulin resistance (IR). A combined 14 weeks endurance (ET) and resistance (RT) training was followed by older (73 ± 6 yrs) and overweighted (58 ± 5 yrs) subjects. In the two groups IMCL increased (p<0.05) in vastus lateralis muscle (after ET) but remained stable in deltoidus muscle (after RT) and was linked to an increase (p<0.05) of β-oxydation enzymatic capacity after ET. Muscle ceramides, a category of lipids implicated in IR, decreased (p=0.052) after ET and not after RT. These results confirm that increase in IMCL is not a metabolic risk factor and that ET induces a decrease of both ceramides and IR
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Biologia da polinização e reprodução de Elleanthus C. Presl. (Orchidaceae) na Mata Atlântica do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo / Pollination and reproduction biology of C. Elleanthus Presl. (Orchidaceae) in the Atlantic Forest of the Serra do Mar State Park, São PauloNunes, Carlos Eduardo Pereira, 1986 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marlies Sazima / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T10:40:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Nunes_CarlosEduardoPereira_M.pdf: 3075640 bytes, checksum: 8c8e6ebb163696132631f8d237a31037 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Neste trabalho foi estudada a biologia da polinização e da reprodução de duas espécies de orquídeas do gênero Elleanthus. A fenologia reprodutiva de Elleanthus brasiliensis e E. crinipes é anual. As flores de E. brasiliensis apresentam sépalas de coloração rosada, pétalas e labelo brancos com duas manchas lilases no labelo, ao passo que as de E. crinipes possuem pétalas e labelo de coloração creme e a antera operculada lilás - ambas abrem seqüencialmente e duram de dois a quatro dias. O néctar destas espécies é produzido nos calos do labelo em volumes que variam de 1 a 6 ?L, a concentração de açúcares é de ca. de 20% e a análise do néctar mostrou a presença de sacarose, glicose e frutose, com predominância de sacarose. Estas espécies apresentam protandria caracterizada pela mudança de posição dos elementos reprodutivos, são autocompatíveis, mas dependem de polinizadores para reprodução. Os principais polinizadores são os beija-flores Ramphodon naevius e Thalurania glaucopis. Vários dos atributos florais destas espécies são característicos para polinização por beija-flores. Em E. brasiliensis, estudos histológicos evidenciaram a natureza secretora dos calos apresentando uma epiderme papilosa secretora com uma cutícula fina e um parênquima também secretor. Os estudos histoquímicos mostraram a presença de pré-néctar nas células da epiderme e do parênquima dos calos. É interessante ressaltar que a histologia desses nectários não é conhecida para a tribo Sobralieae e se distingue da de nectários de orquídeas polinizadas por aves. É sugerido que demais espécies ornitófilas desta tribo apresentem glândulas nectaríferas com histologia semelhante. Além disso, a ocorrência de calos nectaríferos é pouco conhecida em Orchidaceae, não havendo registros para espécies ornitófilas / Abstract: This study presents the pollination biology and the breeding system of two Elleanthus (Orchidaceae) species from the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. The flowering phenology of the species is annual; its flowers open sequentially and last two to four days. Elleanthus brasiliensis flowers present pinkish sepals, while the petals and the lip, which has two lilac spots, are white; in E. crinipes flowers, besides the rose-colored sepals, the petals and the lip are creamy and the operculate anther is lilac. The nectar of these species is produced in the lip calli in volumes ranging from 1 to 6 ?L and sugar concentration is approx. 20%. Nectar analysis detected the presence of sucrose, glucose and fructose, with sucrose prevailing. The species are protandrous which is characterized by the different positions of the reproductive elements during anthesis time. Both are self-compatible, but depend on pollinators for reproduction. The main pollinators are the hummingbirds Ramphodon naevius and Thalurania glaucopis. Several floral traits of these species are characteristic for plants pollinated by hummingbirds. In E. brasiliensis, histological studies revealed the secretory nature of the calli, which is composed of a secretory papillous epidermis with a thin cuticle and a secretory parenchyma. Histochemical studies showed the presence of prenectar in the epidermis and parenchyma cells. It is worth mentioning that the histology of these nectaries is not known for the tribe Sobralieae and it is different from nectaries of other bird pollinated orchids. It is suggested that nectar glands of other ornithophilous species of this tribe present similar histology. Furthermore, the occurrence of nectariferous calli is little known in Orchidaceae, with no records for ornithophilous species / Mestrado / Biologia Vegetal / Mestre em Biologia Vegetal
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Aspects of the Innate Immune System in the Caribbean Octocoral Swiftia exsertaMenzel, Lorenzo P. 12 November 2013 (has links)
The immune systems of cnidaria are important to study for two reasons: to gain a better understanding of the evolution of immune responses, and to provide a basis to partially redress the precipitous world-wide die-offs of reef corals, some of which have been attributed to diseases and stress. Many immune responses share ancient evolutionary origins and are common across many taxa.
Using Swiftia exserta, an azooxanthellate ahermatypic local octocoral, as a proxy model organism to study aspects of innate immunity in corals and cnidaria allows us to address both of the reasons listed above while not using endangered species. Utilizing a coral that does not contain symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) simplifies the system by restricting the source of proteins to a single genome. The lack of zooxanthellae in Swiftia exserta also allows the animal’s simple adaptation to lab settings.
This study of the innate immune system of an octocoral demonstrates: 1) a novel understanding of the microanatomy of octocoral tissues; 2) that Swiftia exserta has at least two cell types that function as constitutive immunocytes; and 3) the presence of two potent antibacterial peptides, one with a mass between 4694 and 4696 Daltons. My report on the microanatomy of the coenenchyme, the tissue between polyps, advances the understanding of octocoral anatomy by systematically comparing histology sections with electron micrographs. Applying various techniques of enzyme histochemistry, coupled with cryo-preservation, to the coenenchyme I have identified at least two populations of constitutive immunocytes in Swiftia exserta. Two antibacterial proteins are identified by protein purification and antimicrobial testing techniques. The more active protein is partially characterized with modern hyphenated mass-spectrometry techniques, and can be the focus of future study.
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Efeitos agudos da sinvastatina sobre células-tronco neoplásicas em modelo murino de carcinoma mamário invasivo induzido por 7,12-Dimetil-Benz(a)Antraceno (DMBA) / Acute effects of simvastatin on neoplastic stem cells in murine model of invasive breast carcinoma induced by 7,12 Dimethyl-Benz(a)Athracene (DMBA)Costa, Monalisa Nogueira, 1985- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: André Almeida Schenka / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T23:14:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Costa_MonalisaNogueira_M.pdf: 3298749 bytes, checksum: ed49b381d19bdf264ab8c172dee5e277 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A sinvastatina pertence à classe das estatinas, drogas capazes de inibir a enzima 3-hidroxi-3-metil-glutaril-coenzima A redutase (HMG-CoA redutase), interferindo desse modo com a síntese intracelular e os níveis plasmáticos de colesterol no organismo. Embora tradicionalmente utilizadas na prevenção primária e secundária de doenças cardiovasculares, as estatinas vêm sendo testadas nas últimas décadas como possíveis drogas antineoplásicas em estudos experimentais pré-clínicos. Parte da ação antineoplásica demonstrada até o momento parecer estar relacionada a um efeito inibitório sobre as chamadas células-tronco neoplásicas (CTNs), que representam uma pequena subpopulação celular emleucemias e tumores sólidossendo consistentemente associadasa(1) potencial metastático, (2) à resistência a quimio- e radioterapias, e (3) a pior prognóstico. Estudos realizados por este grupo de pesquisa confirmam os efeitos antitumorais e anti-CTN da sinvastatina quando esta é administrada cronicamente, em dosesrelativamente baixas (i.e., comparáveis às doses antidislipidêmicas, em humanos). Contudo, até o presente momento, não há registros na literatura sobre a existência de efeitos antineoplásicos ou anti-CTN agudos, utilizando-se o referido fármaco em doses altas. Em outras palavras, não existem evidências de que a sinvastatina poderia ser utilizada com sucesso em um esquema posológico intermitente de alta dosagem (quimioterapia clássica em ciclos). Assim sendo, o objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi confirmar e caracterizar a ocorrência de efeitos antineoplásicos e anti-CTN com o uso de sinvastatina em regime agudo e de alta dosagem. Para tanto, ratas Sprague-Dawley portadoras de carcinomas mamários invasivos induzidos por 7,12-dimetil-benz-(a)- antraceno (DMBA) foram tratadas com uma dose única intragástrica de sinvastatina (250mg/kg; n=6) ou de seu diluente (óleo de soja; n=6), sendo os efeitos sobre a morte celular, atividade proliferativa e expressão imunoistoquímica de marcadores CTN clássicos avaliados 24h depois. Observou-se que o tratamento com sinvastatina promoveu agudamente uma redução do índice de proliferação celular (de cerca de 54%; p=0.037), associada a uma diminuição nas expressões de alguns marcadores CTN, tais como ALDH1 (74%, p=0.004) e OCT3/4 (72%; p=0.036). Em contrapartida, não observamos alterações na frequência de células CD44+, CD133+, EPCAM+, CD24-/CD44+ ou CD133+/EPCAM+ (p>0.05), tão pouco no número de células em apoptose (células positivas para caspase 3). Paradoxalmente, encontramos um aumento na frequência relativa de células CD24+ de cerca de 17X (p=0.010). Em conclusão, pode-se afirmar que a sinvastatina em dose alta apresenta precocemente (agudamente): (1) ação antineoplásica do tipo citostática (já que reduz a proliferação celular, sem causar morte) e (2) anti-CTN limitada (isto é, restrita a células que expressam ALDH1 e OCT3/4) / Abstract: Simvastatin belongs to a group of pharmacological agents called statins ¿ drugs that inhibit 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase), thus interfering with the intracellular synthesis and serum levels of cholesterol in the organism. Although traditionally used in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, statins have been tested in the last decades as putative antineoplastic drugs, in pre-clinical (experimental) studies. Part of the antineoplastic action so far demonstrated seems to be related to an inhibitory effect on the so-called cancer stem cells (CSCs), a small cell subpopulation of leukemias and solid tumors, which are consistently associated to (1) metastatic potential, (2) chemo- and radiotherapy resistance, and (3) worse prognosis. Accumulated evidence provided by this group confirm the anti-tumoral and anti-CSC effects of simvastatin, when it is given chronicallyand in relatively low doses (i.e., similar to antidyslipidemic doses, in humans). However, up to the present moment, there are no records in the literature describing the existence of acute antineoplastic or anti-CSC effects using the mentioned drug in high doses. In other words, there is no evidence that simvastatin could be used successfully in an intermittent high-dosage schedule (classic cyclic chemotherapy). Therefore, the main goal of the present study was to confirm and characterize the antineoplastic and anti-CSC effects of an intermittent single high-dosage schedule of simvastatin.In order to do so, female Sprague-Dawley rats bearing invasive carcinomas previously induced by 7,12-dimethyl-benz-(a)- anthracene (DMBA) were treated with a single intragastric doseof simvastatin (250mg/kg; n=6) orofits diluent (soy oil; n=6), and the effects oncell death, proliferation activity and immunoexpression of classic CSC markers were assessed 24h later. Treatment with simvastatin resulted, acutely, in a reduction of proliferation index (of approximately approximately 54%, p=0.037), associated to a decrease in the expression of some of the CSC markers, such as ALDH1 (74%, p=0.004) and OCT3/4 (72%; p=0.036). On the other hand, there were no significant alterations in the frequency of CD44+, CD133+, EPCAM+, CD24-/CD44+ or CD133+/EPCAM+ cells (p>0.05), nor in the number of apoptotic cells (caspase 3+ cells). Paradoxically, we found an 17-fold increase in the frequency of CD24+ cells (p=0.010). In conclusion, high-dose simvastatin presents acutely (early) with: (1) a cytostatic antineoplastic action (since it reduces cell proliferation but not cell death) and (2) a limited anti-CSCeffect (i.e., restricted to ALDH1+and OCT3/4+ cells) / Mestrado / Fisiopatologia Médica / Mestra em Ciências
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Objemově regulované aniontové kanály u astrocytů - in vitro and in situ analýza / Volume-regulated anion channels in astrocytes- in vitro and in situ analysisHarantová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Astrocytes need to preserve constant volume in the face of osmolarity perturbations to function properly. To regain their original volume after hyposmotically induced swelling, they extrude intracellular electrolytes and organic osmolytes, such as inorganic ions, excitative amino acids or polyols, accompanied by osmotically driven water. This process is termed regulatory volume decrease and is ensured by various ion channels and transporters. Recently, much attention has been focused on the ubiquitous volume-regulated anion channels activated by cell swelling. VRACs are moderately outwardly rectifying with intermediary conductance, permeable to inorganic anions and organic osmolytes and sensitive to broad-spectrum anion channels blockers. Using patch-clamp technique we aimed to characterize VRACs in cultured cortical astrocytes isolated from neonatal Wistar rats and to elucidate the effect of intracellular Na+ on VRAC activity. In addition, we also intended to characterize these channels in situ in brain slices of 10 - 12 days old rats, focusing mainly on hippocampal astrocytes. To induce astrocytic swelling, we exposed astrocytes to hypotonic solution (250 mOsm). In agreement with previous findings, we showed that cultured cortical astrocytes activate VRAC currents upon exposure to hypotonic stress, which...
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Histological evaluations of mesenchymal stem cell therapy in a preterm IVH rabbit model. / Histologiska evalueringar av mesenkymal stamcellsterapi i en prematur IVH-kaninmodell.Tordebrand, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy has shown neuroprotective effects and improvement on recovery from neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). This study focused on histological evaluations of human amniotic fluid MSC therapy during early prenatal life in a preterm IVH rabbit model. IVH was diagnosed at 24 h of age with ultrasound and animals were randomized into subgroups with confirmed IVH and an IVH negative control group. Animals with confirmed IVH received vehicle only or MSCs at two different doses via intraperitoneal administration. The animals were sacrificed at 48 h post administration. The severity of IVH was histologically analyzed via staining of endogenous peroxidase activity in cryosections and the distribution of red blood cells and cell-free hemoglobin was scored. Primary antibodies targeting human epitopes were validated in IHC assays of frozen MSC pellet. An anti-human nuclear mitotic apparatus (hNuMA) antibody labeled the majority of cells in the MSC pellet and did not cross-react with rabbit NuMA when tested in the nontreated rabbit brain. Significant levels of red blood cells and cell-free hemoglobin were found in the IVH confirmed group, whereas the control group showed no hemorrhage. The MSC therapy groups showed similar scoring results as the IVH-vehicle group. Anti-hNuMA immunolabeling did not detect any cells in the brain of MSC treated rabbits. However, extracellular (nonnuclear) immunolabeling was detected, located in the midbrain of the animals that received MSCs, indicating the presence of MSC nuclear debris. The preterm rabbit model was proven successful for inducing IVH, whereas MSC treatment did not affect the degree of hemorrhage. To increase the possibility to detect the MSCs post administration, future studies should include prelabeling of the MSCs with a suitable cell tracker and analyses at time points closer to the administration of MSCs. / Human mesenkymal stamcellsterapi har visat neuroprotektiva effekter samt förbättring av återhämtning efter neonatal intraventrikulär blödning (IVH). Denna studie fokuserade på histologiska utvärderingar av stamcellsterapi med humana mesenkymala stamceller (MSC) från fostervatten under tidigt prenatalt liv i en prematur IVH-kaninmodell. IVH diagnostiserades med ultraljud vid 24 tim. ålder och djuren delades slumpmässigt in i undergrupper med konfirmerad IVH och en IVH-negativ kontrollgrupp. Djur med konfirmerad IVH mottog endast bärmedel eller MSC i två olika doser via intraperitoneal administration. Djuren avlivades 48 tim. post administration. Graden av IVH analyserades histologiskt genom färgning av peroxidasaktivitet i kryosnitt av hjärna och distributionen av erytrocyter samt fritt hemoglobin graderades. Primärantikroppar riktade mot humana epitop validerades i immunhistokemiska analyser av fryst MSC-pellet. En anti-human nukleär mitotisk apparat (hNuMA) antikropp märkte majoriteten av cellerna i MSC-pelleten och korsreagerade inte med kanin-NuMA under försök i obehandlad kaninhjärna. Signifikanta nivåer av erytrocyter och fritt hemoglobin påvisades i gruppen med konfirmerad IVH, medan kontrollgruppen inte visade någon blödning. Samtliga IVH-grupper; IVH-vehicle och de som mottog MSC- terapi, visade liknande blödningsgrad. Anti-hNuMA-immuninmärkning kunde inte detektera några celler i de MSC-behandlade kaninhjärnorna. Dock detekterades extracellulär (icke-nukleär) immuninmärkning lokaliserad i mitthjärnan hos de djur som mottog MSC, vilket indikerar närvaro av nukleär MSC-debris. Den prematura kaninmodellen bevisades vara framgångsrik för induktion av IVH, men MSC-terapi påverkade inte blödningsgraden. För att öka sannolikheten att detektera MSC efter administration, borde framtida studier inkludera förmärkning av MSC med en lämplig cellmarkör samt analyser vid tidpunkter närmare administrationen av MSC.
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