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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un vote sans voix : la réforme des technologies et rituels de vote au Chili (1823-1920) / A vote without voice : reforming vote´s technologies and rituals in Chile (1823-1920)

Jara, Rene 24 June 2016 (has links)
Alors que la démocratie électorale chilienne commence à se défaire lentement de l’héritage du régime de Portales, la modernisation des techniques et rituels de vote devient une question centrale. La réforme électorale de 1874 est ainsi désignée comme le point de départ de la démocratisation du vote. Cependant, l’ampleur des incertitudes qui s’ouvrent avec les modifications que cette réforme introduit nous obligent à remettre en question les rapports, très souvent présupposés, entre innovations technologiques et démocratisation. Afin d’examiner en détail cette problématique, notre thèse explore les transformations successives du cadre légal, des discours et des représentations iconographiques du vote, à partir de la démarche employée par la sociologie historique. La restitution des controverses, des débats et les différentes représentations de l’acte de vote contribuent à mieux nous faire comprendre les limites que la technologie du vote imposent à l‘expression d’une voix politique, dans une période où le système politique est en train de s’institutionnaliser et les métiers politiques en train de se professionnaliser. / While Chile’s electoral democracy slowly starts to forsake its Portalian stamp, the question about the reforms on vote’s rituals and techniques become crucial. Electoral Reform in 1874 is usually quoted as the first step of democratization rule. Nevertheless, the long list of doubts that opens up alongside with innovation, oblige us to question the relationship, typically presumed, between technological and democratic innovation. In order to examine this problematic issue, our thesis explores the successive transformation of the legal frame, the iconic discourse and the general representation of vote, through a historical-sociological point of view. The study of controversies in this field, the debate and the different representations of the act of vote, help us to deeply understand the limits impose by vote`s technologies to the expression of a political voice, in a time where political system are in process of becoming institutions and to become a politician evolves into a professionalization process.

Selling race and God during GE13 : a discourse-historical analysis of editorials and columns in mainstream Malay- and English-language newspapers during the 13th General Election in Malaysia

Mohamad Jamil, Siti Nurnadilla January 2018 (has links)
This thesis conducts a critical analysis of editorials and columns in mainstream newspapers during Malaysia's 13th General Election (GE13) campaign. In a country that practises parliamentary democracy but simultaneously observes a close cooperation (Mustafa, 2010, p. 51) between the ruling party and the mainstream press, this study explores the links between the two. The thesis demonstrates the continuing power of the mainstream press in the country. It also explores how a so-called parliamentary democracy can lead to authoritarian rule, as well as the role of the press in this process. Adhering to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) principles, the thesis describes and explains how particular relations of power are enacted, reproduced and legitimized within government-owned media, in this case Malaysia where control is institutionalized. This study specifically focuses on the discursive strategies of legitimation in editorials and columns, and how they present particular narratives or arguments in the interests of the powerful. The thesis offers a greater understanding of the deep ideological structures of mainstream newspapers and, in particular, their construction and (de)legitimisation of the government and opposition during the GE13 campaign. This investigation draws on various methods, from quantitative content analysis to the Discourse-historical Approach (DHA), and insights from a range of disciplines, to examine the discursive features of mainstream newspapers discourse during the GE13 campaign. The main contributions of the thesis are on theoretical, methodological and empirical grounds. It contributes to the body of knowledge on political communication research by focusing on the Asian-Malaysian context and moving away from Western-centric models that often overlook the key element of culture. The application of the DHA provides a novel and valuable contribution to the understanding of Malaysian election communication discourse through its interdisciplinary methods and analyses. The empirical investigation provides conclusive evidence that revolves around the issues of the perversion of developmental journalism, race/ethnicity, Islam and its abuses, as well as change and time. This thesis also reviews and reveals the extent to which the press in Malaysia is controlled, dominated and manipulated, thereby challenging those, including the ruling elite, who have claimed that Malaysia is a democratizing nation state.

Emergence de la dimension environnementale de la RSE : une étude historique franco-québécoise d'EDF et d'Hydro-Québec / Emergence of the environmental dimension of CSR : A France-Québec historical study of EDF and Hydro -Québec

Berrier-Lucas, Céline 24 October 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la dimension environnementale de la RSE. Les enjeux actuels que pose la soutenabilité nécessitent de déconstruire le concept le RSE pour révéler les sous-jacents qui structurent le champ académique Business & Society. Au travers d’une approche historique et comparative, cette recherche suit les traces que les enjeux socio-environnementaux laissent dans les controverses qu’ils déploient, dans les relations qu’ils nouent et dans les compromis qu’ils établissent auprès des humains et des non-Humains lors de la construction de quatre aménagements énergétiques en France (le barrage hydroélectrique de Tignes et l’usine marémotrice de la Rance) et au Québec (le barrage hydroélectrique de Bersimis et la centrale nucléaire de Gentilly) durant les années 1945 jusqu’aux années 1970. Dans la lignée des travaux qui développent une compréhension non dichotomique de la nature et de la culture en prenant comme point d’appui le refus de l’ontologie Moderne (Latour ; Descola ; Gladwin, Kennely et Krause ; et Banerjee etc.), elle éclaire les associations/dissociations réalisées au sein de collectif d’alliés hétérogènes et revisite la catégorisation des années 1970 dite de « tournant environnemental », grâce à l’analyse précise de l’ouvrage du père fondateur de la RSE, Howard R. Bowen Social Responsibilities of the Businessman (1953), en éclairant ses héritages théoriques. Cette thèse vise trois contributions. D’abord, elle affine l’approche « naturaliste » ou « Moderne » selon deux perspectives empirique et cognitif et selon deux modes de relation au collectif le réalisme et le nominalisme. Puis, elle inscrit la littérature de la RSE dans l’ontologie Moderne en montrant des filiations théoriques dans le courant conservationniste de la wilderness. Enfin, elle mobilise l’approche relationnelle pour analyser les enjeux socio-environnementaux et propose une autre appréhension de la RSE fondée sur une vision dynamique et relationnelle de la responsabilité où les frontières classiques de l’environnement des entreprises sont éclatées au profit de réseaux socio-environnementaux. / This dissertation studies the environmental dimension of CSR. Current issues raised by sustainability need to deconstruct the concept of CSR to reveal the underlying structure of the Business & Society academic field. Through historical and comparative approaches, this research follows the trail that socio-Environmental issues leave in the controversies they deploy, in the relationships they forge and in compromises they establish with human and non-Humans through the construction of four energy facilities in France (Tignes’ hydroelectric dam and La Rance’ tidal power plant) and Quebec (Bersimis’ hydroelectric dam and Gentilly’ nuclear plant) during the 1945th until the 1970th. In the line of work that develop non dichotomous understanding of the nature and culture by taking the refusal of Modern ontology (Latour; Descola; Gladwin, Kennely and Krause, and Banerjee etc.) as a base, it sheds light on associations/dissociations performed within heterogeneous group of allies and revisits "environmental turn" thanks to the precise analysis of the work of the founding father of CSR, Howard R. Bowen Social Responsibilities of the Businessman (1953), illuminating its theoretical legacies. This research aims at making three contributions. First, it refines the "naturalistic" approach or "Modern" in two empirical and cognitive perspectives and two modes of relating to collective: realism and nominalism. Then it entered the literature of CSR into the Modern ontology by showing theoretical legacies in wilderness conservation. Finally, it mobilizes the Amodern approach to analyze the socio-Environmental issues, and proposes an alternative understanding of CSR based on a dynamic and relational view of responsibility where the traditional boundaries of the business environment are broken in favor of socio-Environmental networks.

Construction and Conceptualization of Identities in Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Speeches: Turkish Membership in the European Union (EU) as a Symbol of the Alliance of Civilizations

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: While Huntington’s (1996) theory of “The Clash of Civilizations” illuminated the concept of the gap between the Western and non-Western cultures, the framework of an opposite approach, which intensively emphasizes and strives for mutual understanding, cooperation and solidarity towards peace, has created a new and vital discursive perspective and practice through the establishment of The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). As the domain of UNAOC has not received linguistic attention yet, the goal of the current dissertation is to investigate and reveal the notions and messages conveyed in the related context of Turkey’s accession to the EU by the Turkish Prime Minister (2003-2014) and the co- founder of the Alliance of Civilizations, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It seeks answers to the following questions: How does Mr. Erdogan conceptualize Turkey, which has geopolitically bridged the Western and non-Western cultures throughout the centuries, and which borders the boiling pot of the Middle East? How does the Prime Minister construct identities in the context of the Western and non-Western countries especially in his discussion of Turkey’s accession to the EU? How does the Prime Minister further reconceptualize the urgent need for global peace and stability in the world, contributing to the UNAOC directly and indirectly? This dissertation employs a cognitive framework approach which entails speech act theory and analogical reasoning, in addition to Reisigl and Wodak’s (2001) Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) to analyze Prime Minister Erdogan’s speeches in the international context. In conclusion, the discourse of UNAOC gives rise to new discursive practices for global peace, “countering the forces that fuel polarization and extremism” (http://www.unaoc.org/about/). The discursive construction of global phenomena, events and actions as defined in Erdogan’s speeches are reconceptualized on the basis of non-Western but secular pro-Western intertextuality and perspectivization. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation English 2016

Significados de saúde para crianças de cinco anos e formação de conceitos à luz da abordagem histórico-cultural: reflexões para a promoção da saúde / Meanings of health for five-year-old children and concept formation in the light of historical-cultural approach: reflections for health promotion

Silvia Regina Baldo de Camargo 26 September 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar os significados que crianças de 5 anos atribuem à saúde, à luz da abordagem histórico-cultural. Apresenta como objetivos específicos: Identificar os significados atribuídos à saúde pelas crianças de 5 anos; Analisar tais significados no contexto da concepção teórica de promoção da saúde; Analisar a atribuição dos significados de saúde pela criança, à luz da abordagem histórico-cultural; Relacionar a atribuição dos significados pelas crianças ao processo de formação dos conceitos da abordagem histórico-cultural. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, apoiada no referencial de promoção da saúde que tem a perspectiva de engajar sujeitos na busca por um ambiente mais saudável, e com fundamentação teórico-metodológica pautada na abordagem histórico- cultural de Vigotski, cujo foco é o estudo do homem e suas funções psicológicas, destacando o pensamento e a linguagem em suas origens sociais, enfatizando a cultura como parte da natureza do indivíduo e atribuindo papel fundamental à educação, pois considera que o aprendizado entre seres humanos, imersos em uma mesma sociedade, dá o acesso aos bens produzidos culturalmente. A construção dos dados realizou-se em uma escola pública no interior do Estado de São Paulo, com 20 crianças de 5 anos, a partir do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema, em atividade individual com cada criança. Toda a atividade foi gravada em áudio, sendo as falas transcritas e os desenhos digitalizados. Os resultados foram organizados em quatro unidades de análise: O modelo biomédico/biológico da saúde; A significação da saúde como bem-estar de si e do outro; A relação entre a saúde e o cuidado; A ação do adulto ou do outro na saúde da criança. A análise indicou que há participantes que significam a saúde pela dimensão biologizante, como há os que o fazem pela perspectiva da promoção da saúde; apontam a importância do papel do adulto na saúde da criança bem como a relação intrínseca entre cuidado e saúde. As atribuições de significados pelas crianças constituem a base do processo de formação de conceitos sobre saúde, e diferentes etapas dessa construção foram identificadas. Entende-se que os significados sobre saúde aqui trazidos, bem como aspectos da formação de conceitos, podem nortear professores e profissionais da saúde nos trabalhos de educação em saúde na escola, favorecendo vivências a partir daquilo que as crianças ressignificam como seres histórico-culturais, propiciando a criatividade, a curiosidade e a crítica sobre o \"ser saudável\" e tendo em vista que o processo de significação acontece de forma contínua, na mediação do sujeito com o mundo / In this research, the main objective was to analyze the meanings that five-year-old children attributed to health in the light of historical-cultural approach, presenting the following specific objectives: To identify the meanings attributed to health by five-year-old children; To analyze these meanings in the context of the theoretical conception of health promotion; To analyze the attribution of the meanings of health by the child in the light of historical-cultural approach; To relate the attribution of meanings by children to the process of concept formation of cultural-historical approach. The study is a qualitative research, based on the concept of health promotion that aims to engage individuals in the search for a healthier environment, and with theoretical and methodological foundation guided by the cultural- historical approach of Vygotsky, whose focus is the study of the man and his psychological functions, highlighting the thought and the language in their social origins, emphasizing culture as part of the individual\'s nature and assigning a key role to education, since he considers that learning among humans, who are immersed in the same society, gives access to goods produced culturally. The construction of the data was carried out in a public school in the state of São Paulo, with 20 children of five years old using the Drawing-and-Story Procedure with theme in an individual activity with each child. Every activity was recorded in audio, the speeches were transcribed and the drawings were scanned. The results were organized into four units of analysis: The biomedical/biological model of health; The significance of health as well-being of oneself and others; The relation between health and care; The action of adults or others in the child\'s health. The analysis indicated that there are participants who meant health by biologizing dimension, as there are those who did so from the perspective of health promotion; pointing to the importance of the role of the adult in child\'s health as well as the intrinsic relationship between health and care. The attribution of meanings by children constitutes the basis of the process of concept formation about health and different stages of this construction were identified. It is understood that the meanings of health brought here, as well as aspects of concept formation, can guide teachers and health professionals in the work of health education in school, encouraging experiences from what children resignify as historical and cultural beings, providing creativity, curiosity and criticism about \"being healthy\" considering that the signification process happens continuously in the mediation of the individual with the world

Dynamique d'émergence d'une stratégie d'innovation en TPE : le cas d'une petite cave coopérative vinicole / Dynamics of emergence of an innovation strategy : the case of a small wine-producing cooperative cellar

Ceccaldi-Allian, Valérie 17 October 2014 (has links)
Maintenir durablement une activité pendant vingt-trois ans ne s'improvise pas, mais demande au contraire de savoir modeler ensemble pensée et action, contrôle et apprentissage, stabilité et changement. L'élaboration d'une stratégie, par une TPE, suit un processus qui lui est propre c'est-à-dire adapté à ses capacités technologiques et organisationnelles mais aussi lié aux opportunités que son dirigeant arrive à saisir. A l'aide de l'étude du cas d'une petite cave coopérative, nous proposons d'illustrer le processus d'élaboration d'une stratégie. Nous retenons comme fil conducteur le dirigeant qui a occupé à la fois la présidence du conseil d'administration de la coopérative et la direction managériale de la petite firme. Nous verrons que cette originalité fonctionnelle a permis à l'organisation de conjuguer innovation et pérennité sur l'ensemble de ses domaines d'activités, l'autorisant ainsi à poursuivre le développement de son industrie vitivinicole et ce malgré les problématiques fonctionnelles rencontrées ou les évolutions sur son marché. Analyser « l'innovation en train de se faire » a fait émerger l'un après l'autre les évènements-clés qui ont façonné la politique menée de 1988 à 2011 et a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des acteurs au cœur du processus d'apprentissage stratégique. / To maintain durably an activity during twenty-three years doesn't act as itself but it takes to know how to model together : though and action, control and learning, stability and change. The elaboration of a strategy, by a SME, follows a process of its own that is adapted to its technological and organizationel capacities but it must also be connected to the opportunities seized by the manager.Based one's argument on the case study of a small cooperative cellar, we illustrate the elaboration process of a strategy. We retain the story line of the manager who served as chairman of the board of directors of the cooperative and also as managing director of this small firm. We shall see that this functional originality allowed the organization to combine innovation and sustainability on all fields of activity. This helped it to continue the development of its wine industry, in spite of the functional problems or the evolutions of his Market.To study "the innovation being made" has brought to the foreground one after the other the events-keys, which shaped the corporate policy led from 1988 to 2011, and allowed to highlight the role of the actors at the heart of the process of strategic Learning.

La régénération stratégique de l'entreprise familiale : le cas des entreprises multigénérationnelles / Strategic renewal of family firms : the case of multi-generational firms

Hannachi, Mariem 23 November 2015 (has links)
L'objet de la thèse est de comprendre comment et par quels mécanismes les entreprises familiales multi-générationnelles se régénèrent. Les recherches sur les entreprises familiales, et plus généralement dans l’entrepreneuriat, répondent à des débats qui ont émergé depuis quelques années. L'ancrage théorique vient de l'imbrication dans deux corpus théoriques rarement associés, l’entreprise familiale et la régénération stratégique. Le travail s’est focalisé spécialement sur l’entreprise familiale multi-générationnelle pour ce qu’elle offre comme potentiel d’étude de la dimension familiale et l’importance de l’aspect générationnel dans le comportement stratégique. De ce fait, certains concepts clés de la régénération stratégique ont émergé conduisant à la pérennité de l'entreprise familiale. Par une approche historique et narrative, nous avons analysé les processus de régénération stratégique dans quatre entreprises familiales centenaires. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de comprendre le rôle de la famille dans le processus de régénération stratégique et de proposer un modèle intégrateur de la régénération stratégique de l'entreprise familiale / The purpose of this research is to understand how and by which mechanisms multi-generational family firms may renew and thrive across generation. The theoretical anchor just nesting in two theoretical corpus rarely involved: the family firm and strategic renewal. The work has focused especially on multi-generational family firm for what it offers as a potential study of family dimension and the importance of generational aspect in the strategic behavior. Therefore, some key concepts of strategic renewal have emerged leading to the sustainability of the family firm. By a historical and narrative approach, we analyzed the strategic renewal process in four century-old family firm. The results allowed us to understand the role of the family in the strategic renewal process and to propose an integrative model of strategic renewal of the family firm.

Discursive Construction of Chinese Women: Exploring the Multi-perception Discourses of the Reality Show Sisters Who Make Waves

Liming, Liu January 2021 (has links)
This study explores the discursive construction of Chinese women in the Chinese reality show Sisters Who Make Waves, with a special focus on the discursive shifts and their relevance to the wider discourse of and about Chinese women. The analysis is carried out on two levels: the discursive construction of Chinese women in the said reality show and its recontextualisation across other discourses including in the public sphere and semi-private opinions of Chinese women.  This research discusses the discursive construction of Chinese women in the Chinese media field and the discrepancy between “top-down” and “bottom-up” discourse. The project uses a multi-layer theoretical framework situated in media and society, gender and media representation, celebrity culture and digital labour to explore the discursive construction of Chinese women. The study applies to the reality show as the primary context, media perceptions as the recontextualising context, interviews with female employees in the Chinese internet industry as the secondary context. In order to investigate the arguments and discursive strategies in different contexts, this study employs a multilevel model of the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).  The findings discover that the said reality show focuses on the topos of age and the topos of beauty. These two main topoi cause different representations of social actors in Chinese media perceptions. As the representatives of female digital labour, the female employees in the Chinese internet industry construct three discursive strategies of self and relate their self-perception to those of other women. Furthermore, the study implies the discursive shifts in the discourse on Chinese women. This thesis contributes to understanding the discursive construction of women in the Chinese context, particularly the media and gender representations in the Chinese hybrid media system. In addition, this study stands outside the Western world and expands the understanding of the topic in a non-western setting.

Northern Sotho historical dramas : a historical-biographical analysis

Bopape, M. L. (Malekutu Levy) 06 1900 (has links)
The main aim of the study is to make a historical-biographical analysis of four selected Northern Sotho dramatic texts. Chapter one illustrates that the texts we have selected are historical dramas since they deal with the life histories of historical characters. In order to comprehend these texts, it is important to view them as evidence of oral history. The chapter also discusses the approach used by Fleischman which consists of the following parameters: authenticity, intention, reception, social function, narrative syntax and finally narrator involvement. Chapter two discusses the play Marangrang as a reflection of the consequences of Shaka's imperialism and how this affected the Eastern Transvaal in 1820. The chapter illustrates that in order to understand the life history of Marangrang, it is important to discuss it in relation to this period, popularly known as difaqane. It is clear that information about Marangrang has been deliberately distorted because of fear. Chapter three deals with the destructive consequences of Western religion on the traditional African religion. The chapter is based on the life history of Kgasane, who was murdered in 1884, allegedly for his devotion to Christianity. The chapter shows the importance of the need to make a re-interpretation of missionary writings, specifically those surrounding the Berlin Mission Society in South Africa. Chapter four focuses on the role of formal education in the destruction of the Bakgaga ba GaMphahlele history. The chapter is based on the life history of Kgosi Mmutle Ill in bringing formal education to the people of Mphahlele and how this destroyed certain traditional institutions such as chieftainship. Chapter five deals with the problems experienced by mineworkers and also shows the sufferings of Africans at the hands of the government. The chapter is based on the life of Serogole Mathobela, who once worked in the mine. Chapter six is a conclusion where the findings of the previous chapters are made. The reasons why the authors of these texts suspended certain information while highlighting other information varies from fear to propaganda. In conclusion, it is observed that in order to do justice to oral history more financial support is needed. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Ideologie v diskurzu protektorátního denního tisku / Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourse

Veselská, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourse deals with the influence of ideology in the discourse of then legally published dailies České slovo, Lidové noviny and Venkov. The theoretical part refers firstly to the historical background of the state formation Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and its political and social status within the Greater German Reich. After having depicted the demonstrations of 28th October 1939 and the events of 17th November 1939 the media character in the protectorate era is introduced, a special emphasis is put on the press. After that the concept of discourse is clarified as well as its origin, meaning and current interpretation. Besides the critical discourse analysis, its origins, aims and three major approaches are described. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the discourse-historical approach which was developed by Ruth Wodak and her colleagues from the Vienna School. The ideal procedure of this approach is outlined and the discursive strategies of nomination, predication and argumentation are explained. With their aid an analysis of four newspaper articles is carried out in the practical part of the thesis. After having summarised the textual analysis the influence of ideology around the events of 17th November 1939 is compared...

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