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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The missile design bureaux and Soviet manned space policy, 1953-1970

Barry, William Patrick January 1996 (has links)
The Soviet manned space programme is one of the most impressive and mysterious legacies of the Soviet Union. Evidence that has come to light since 1989 throws considerable doubt on earlier Western understanding of the Soviet space effort. One of the more puzzling aspects of the new data is the claim that the Chief Designers of several missile design bureaux played a pivotal role in the making of Soviet manned space policy. This claim contradicts much of what was thought to be known about the Soviet space programme, their research and development system, and Soviet politics generally. This dissertation is an empirical study that seeks to answer four interrelated questions. 1. What major manned space projects did the Soviet Union engage in during the 1960s, and how were these projects authorised? 2. Did the Chief Designers play an influential role in the promotion, selection, approval, and implementation of these projects? 3. What were the overall objectives and purposes of the Soviet manned space programme? 4. What does the example of Soviet space policy tell us about the Soviet political system? The examination of institutions, individuals, and the policymaking process has led to the following conclusions. The Soviet manned space programme was an extremely limited state undertaking until 1964. Prior to Khrushchev's ouster, the Soviet Union began several manned lunar space programmes designed to upstage the US Apollo moon landing effort. When all of these efforts failed by 1969, Soviet manned space policy was re-directed toward orbital space stations. One Chief Designer, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, played a central role in establishing the Soviet manned space programme. However, the ability Chief Designers to influence space policy was systematically restricted after 1960. The manned space programme was essentially a political programme. Throughout the 1960s, it was effectively controlled by a handful of top party leaders to achieve their domestic and international political objectives.

Musique et hermétisme après le concile de Trente: Astrologie et canons énigmes

Wuidar, Laurence 21 May 2007 (has links)
Etude des relations entre musique et astrologie par (1) un panorama européen de la présence de l’astrologie dans les traités de théorie musicale de la fin du 15ème siècle au début du 18ème siècle (Burzio, Gaffurio, Finck, Zarlino, Mersenne et l’horoscope du parfait musicien, Bartolus, Werckmeister) et dans les « Accademie » italiennes (l’Academia Ortolana d’Antonfrancesco Doni et l’Academia dei Gelati de Bologne), (2) l’étude des écrits astrologiques manuscrits et édités de compositeurs Italiens du 17ème siècle (Zacconi, Osio, P. F. Valentini) et (3) le décodage de l’astrologie dans un corpus de partitions musicales (analyse de Milleville, « Madrigali », 1617 ; Strozzi, « Elementorum », 1683 ; des sonates « Zodiacus Musicus »…). Lue en parallèle avec les énigmes musicales et « canoni enigmatici » italiens du 17ème siècle étudiés sous l’angle de l’expression de l’hermétisme et de l’ésotérisme musical. Les fonctions sociales, sacrées et symboliques de cette forme musicale ainsi que des caractéristiques esthétiques et herméneutiques propres au 17ème siècle se dégagent de l’analyse des sources (analyses détaillées des œuvres de Romano Micheli, du manuscrit de canons de P. F. Valentini et du manuscrit des « Hiéroglyphes musicaux » de Zacconi ; présentation des manuscrits de canons énigmes conservés au Museo Civico Musicale de Bologne (Nanino, Agostini, Costanzo Porta, Milanta, Martini, Mattei) et analyse des énigmes dans les messes romaines, Anerio, Soriano, Agostini…). Plus de 80 sources manuscrites (Venise, Pesaro, Milan, Bologne, Rome, Vatican, Londres) et de 120 sources anciennes (Agrippa, Bruno, Cardano, Ficino, Kircher ; Banchieri, Cerreto, Liberati, Rodio, Steffani…), 44 reproductions hors texte.

Criação de arquivo epistolar do neurofisiologista Prof. Dr. Miguel Rolando Covian: um registro histórico-contextual / Creation of epistolary file of neurophysiologist Miguel Rolando Covian: a historical-contextual registration

Damasceno, Eneida Nogueira 01 March 2013 (has links)
Criação de arquivo epistolar do neurofisiologista Miguel Rolando Covian: Um registro histórico-contextual. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. Eneida Nogueira Damasceno - Departamento de Psicologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo - USP - SP Marina Massimi (orientadora) - Departamento de Psicologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo - USP - SP Miguel Rolando Covian (1913-1992) foi um neurofisiologista argentino, discípulo de Bernardo Houssay, que chegou ao Brasil em 1955 para dirigir o Departamento de Fisiologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. À frente deste Departamento, projetou-o como um dos mais renomados centros de investigação científica da América Latina, elevou-o a um reconhecimento de nível internacional, um centro de excelência em pesquisa no Brasil e no mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho é organizar e catalogar a correspondência epistolar e institucional do Professor Doutor Miguel Rolando Covian. Essa correspondência, contendo um total de 1.546 cartas, foi encontrada na sala de Covian depois de sua morte e guardada. A realização desta pesquisa levou-nos à descoberta de um testamento, deixado por Covian revelando sua vontade de que o material pertencesse à Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto após sua morte. Este trabalho consiste em: 1) classificar e organizar por assunto tal correspondência, de modo a assegurar sua conservação e preservação enquanto documentos históricos ainda protegidos pela Legislação Federal, cuja acessibilidade estará a cargo da instituição que a guarda. 2) Evidenciar a variedade de assuntos contidos nestas missivas, concernentes a diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, principalmente as relativas à História das Ciências, com destaque para a História da Psicologia, da Medicina e da Educação. Isso nos leva a contribuir para a pesquisa disponibilizando fontes primárias devidamente classificadas, catalogadas e preservadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, na qual se utilizou o método descritivo, sendo a narrativa o estilo da escrita. A escolha do modo narrativo é justificada pelo fato de permitir uma amplitude de informações que não seria possível em uma descrição pontual. Essa opção nos levou a um cuidado com a fidelidade da narração, de forma que a transposição da linguagem não alterasse significativamente a forma original do diálogo contido nas cartas. No decorrer do trabalho observou-se a necessidade de oferecer uma síntese do contexto histórico do período no qual se deu essa correspondência (1955-1985), para este fim procedeu-se a uma pesquisa com a utilização do método histórico, que resultou em capítulos contendo sínteses contextuais relevantes para o entendimento do conteúdo das missivas, assim como uma breve biografia de Covian e outra de seu mestre Bernardo Houssay, a pessoa com quem ele mais se correspondia. Considerando que a correspondência de Miguel Rolando Covian está sendo entregue higienizada, organizada e catalogada, como base para sua preservação; que a descrição em forma de narrativa dos assuntos contidos sinaliza particularidades de acontecimentos relatados, bem como sentimentos e emoções demonstradas nos textos originais; que as apresentações biográficas e a contextualização apresentam o universo relatado nas correspondências e que este material encontra-se agora passível de ser arquivado, preservado e disponibilizado de acordo com as regras estipuladas pela Legislação vigente e pela instituição que o guarda, concluímos que nossos objetivos foram alcançados. / Miguel Rolando Covian (1913-1992) was an argentine neurophysiologist, disciple of Bernardo Houssay, that came to Brazil in 1955, in order to direct the Department of Physiology of Ribeirão Preto\'s Faculty of Medicine. Ahead of this department, he projected it as one of the most distinguished centers of scientific investigation of Latin America, rising it to a international level of acknowledgment, an excellence research center in Brazil and in the rest of the world. The aim of this work is to organize and catalog Professor Miguel Rolando Covian PhD\'s epistolary and institutional correspondence. These letters, of a total of 1546, were found in Covian\'s office after his death and they were preserved. The attainment of this research led us to the discovery of a testament, let by Covian, revealing his will that the material would belong to Ribeirão Preto\'s Faculty of Medicine after his death. The present work consists in: 1) to classify and to organize by subject such correspondence, to assure its conservation and preservation as historical documents yet protected by the Federal Law, reiterating its accessibility to the post of the custody institution. 2)To point out the variety of subjects in this letters, concerning to many areas of human knowledge, specially relating to the History of Sciences, emphasizing the History of Psychology, Medicine and Educational School. That led us to contribute to researches making primary sources available, properly classified, cataloged and preserved. This is a documental research, in which we used the descriptive method, being the narrative the style of writing. The choice of narrative mode is justified by the fact that it allows an amplitude of information that wouldn\'t be possible with a punctual description. This option led us to handle carefully and be faithful to the narratives, in a way that the transposition of the language wouldn\'t alter significantly the original shape of the dialogs in the letters. In the progress of the work, we observed the need to offer a synthesis of the historical context in which the correspondence took place (1955-1985). For such an aim, we proceeded with the utilization of the historical method, which resulted in chapters containing contextual synthesis relevant to the understanding of the matter of those letters, as well as a brief biography of Covian\'s and another of his master Bernardo Houssay, the person with which he mostly wrote to. Considering that Miguel Covian\'s correspondence is being hygienized, organized and cataloged, for its preservation; the description in the shape of narrative of the subjects in the letters signalizes particularities of stated happenings, as well as feelings and emotions demonstrated in the original texts; the biographical presentations and contextualization presents the universe stated in the letters and that this material is now proper to be filed, preserved and available according to the rules prescribed by the present Legislation and by the institution that holds this correspondence, we conclude that our goals were reached.

Criação de arquivo epistolar do neurofisiologista Prof. Dr. Miguel Rolando Covian: um registro histórico-contextual / Creation of epistolary file of neurophysiologist Miguel Rolando Covian: a historical-contextual registration

Eneida Nogueira Damasceno 01 March 2013 (has links)
Criação de arquivo epistolar do neurofisiologista Miguel Rolando Covian: Um registro histórico-contextual. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. Eneida Nogueira Damasceno - Departamento de Psicologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo - USP - SP Marina Massimi (orientadora) - Departamento de Psicologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo - USP - SP Miguel Rolando Covian (1913-1992) foi um neurofisiologista argentino, discípulo de Bernardo Houssay, que chegou ao Brasil em 1955 para dirigir o Departamento de Fisiologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto. À frente deste Departamento, projetou-o como um dos mais renomados centros de investigação científica da América Latina, elevou-o a um reconhecimento de nível internacional, um centro de excelência em pesquisa no Brasil e no mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho é organizar e catalogar a correspondência epistolar e institucional do Professor Doutor Miguel Rolando Covian. Essa correspondência, contendo um total de 1.546 cartas, foi encontrada na sala de Covian depois de sua morte e guardada. A realização desta pesquisa levou-nos à descoberta de um testamento, deixado por Covian revelando sua vontade de que o material pertencesse à Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto após sua morte. Este trabalho consiste em: 1) classificar e organizar por assunto tal correspondência, de modo a assegurar sua conservação e preservação enquanto documentos históricos ainda protegidos pela Legislação Federal, cuja acessibilidade estará a cargo da instituição que a guarda. 2) Evidenciar a variedade de assuntos contidos nestas missivas, concernentes a diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, principalmente as relativas à História das Ciências, com destaque para a História da Psicologia, da Medicina e da Educação. Isso nos leva a contribuir para a pesquisa disponibilizando fontes primárias devidamente classificadas, catalogadas e preservadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, na qual se utilizou o método descritivo, sendo a narrativa o estilo da escrita. A escolha do modo narrativo é justificada pelo fato de permitir uma amplitude de informações que não seria possível em uma descrição pontual. Essa opção nos levou a um cuidado com a fidelidade da narração, de forma que a transposição da linguagem não alterasse significativamente a forma original do diálogo contido nas cartas. No decorrer do trabalho observou-se a necessidade de oferecer uma síntese do contexto histórico do período no qual se deu essa correspondência (1955-1985), para este fim procedeu-se a uma pesquisa com a utilização do método histórico, que resultou em capítulos contendo sínteses contextuais relevantes para o entendimento do conteúdo das missivas, assim como uma breve biografia de Covian e outra de seu mestre Bernardo Houssay, a pessoa com quem ele mais se correspondia. Considerando que a correspondência de Miguel Rolando Covian está sendo entregue higienizada, organizada e catalogada, como base para sua preservação; que a descrição em forma de narrativa dos assuntos contidos sinaliza particularidades de acontecimentos relatados, bem como sentimentos e emoções demonstradas nos textos originais; que as apresentações biográficas e a contextualização apresentam o universo relatado nas correspondências e que este material encontra-se agora passível de ser arquivado, preservado e disponibilizado de acordo com as regras estipuladas pela Legislação vigente e pela instituição que o guarda, concluímos que nossos objetivos foram alcançados. / Miguel Rolando Covian (1913-1992) was an argentine neurophysiologist, disciple of Bernardo Houssay, that came to Brazil in 1955, in order to direct the Department of Physiology of Ribeirão Preto\'s Faculty of Medicine. Ahead of this department, he projected it as one of the most distinguished centers of scientific investigation of Latin America, rising it to a international level of acknowledgment, an excellence research center in Brazil and in the rest of the world. The aim of this work is to organize and catalog Professor Miguel Rolando Covian PhD\'s epistolary and institutional correspondence. These letters, of a total of 1546, were found in Covian\'s office after his death and they were preserved. The attainment of this research led us to the discovery of a testament, let by Covian, revealing his will that the material would belong to Ribeirão Preto\'s Faculty of Medicine after his death. The present work consists in: 1) to classify and to organize by subject such correspondence, to assure its conservation and preservation as historical documents yet protected by the Federal Law, reiterating its accessibility to the post of the custody institution. 2)To point out the variety of subjects in this letters, concerning to many areas of human knowledge, specially relating to the History of Sciences, emphasizing the History of Psychology, Medicine and Educational School. That led us to contribute to researches making primary sources available, properly classified, cataloged and preserved. This is a documental research, in which we used the descriptive method, being the narrative the style of writing. The choice of narrative mode is justified by the fact that it allows an amplitude of information that wouldn\'t be possible with a punctual description. This option led us to handle carefully and be faithful to the narratives, in a way that the transposition of the language wouldn\'t alter significantly the original shape of the dialogs in the letters. In the progress of the work, we observed the need to offer a synthesis of the historical context in which the correspondence took place (1955-1985). For such an aim, we proceeded with the utilization of the historical method, which resulted in chapters containing contextual synthesis relevant to the understanding of the matter of those letters, as well as a brief biography of Covian\'s and another of his master Bernardo Houssay, the person with which he mostly wrote to. Considering that Miguel Covian\'s correspondence is being hygienized, organized and cataloged, for its preservation; the description in the shape of narrative of the subjects in the letters signalizes particularities of stated happenings, as well as feelings and emotions demonstrated in the original texts; the biographical presentations and contextualization presents the universe stated in the letters and that this material is now proper to be filed, preserved and available according to the rules prescribed by the present Legislation and by the institution that holds this correspondence, we conclude that our goals were reached.

The foreign policy of Anwar Sadat : continuity and change, 1970-1981

Kassem, Madjdy January 2013 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine both continuity and change in Egyptian foreign policy between 1970 and 1981. The overarching question of this work is: Why and how did President Sadat affect changes in foreign policy? More specifically, the thesis examines the evolution of Egyptian foreign policy in three concentric circles: the Superpowers, the Arab world, and Israel. The broader aim of the thesis is to provide a detailed study of Egyptian foreign policy in this period, which witnessed a multitude of watershed events. The topic is important because Egypt is a leading state in the Arab world, a core actor in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and a strategic ally of the superpowers during the Cold War. The thesis offers a detailed chronological account of Egyptian foreign policy during the 1970s. It advances a revisionist interpretation of the early Sadat years, arguing that there was much greater continuity with the foreign policy of Gamal Abdel-Nasser than is commonly believed. The account ends in 1981, with the assassination of Anwar Sadat and the succession of Hosni Mubarak. It is argued that Sadat not only managed to reverse Nasser’s radical path in foreign policy, but that he also succeeded in institutionalising his most significant policy changes: peace with Israel and the removal of Egypt from the Arab-Israeli conflict. The methodology of the thesis is principally empirical and qualitative in nature. The thesis is based on extensive archival research, recently declassified official documents, memoirs of policymakers in English and Arabic, and oral histories in the form of interviews and transcripts of discussions with former Egyptian policymakers.

Revolução científica e nascimento da ciência experimental em Alexandre Koyré / Scientific revolution and the birth of experimental science in Alexandre Koyré

Barbosa, Mohana Ribeiro 30 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2014-09-08T13:42:22Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Mohana R Barbosa.pdf: 539532 bytes, checksum: 57beaeb1d45ba9a4985699e40a245922 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-08T13:42:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao Mohana R Barbosa.pdf: 539532 bytes, checksum: 57beaeb1d45ba9a4985699e40a245922 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work aims to understand the definition given by Alexandre Koyré for the experimental science of the seventeenth century, exploring the importance of this concept within the historiography of science. Assuming that the opposition made by Koyré of Auguste Comte’s positivism, theoretical conception dominant in the history and philosophy of sciences in the first half of the twentieth century, engenders a new meaning for science and its course. In his work as a historian of science, developed primarily between 1930 and 1961, Koyré formulates precise concepts for various elements considered essential to the history and philosophy of sciences, such as: scientific revolution, experimentation, tools and instruments. I intend to demonstrate the intellectual trajectory and epistemological debates present in the formation of these concepts. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo compreender a definição atribuída por Alexandre Koyré à ciência experimental do século XVII, explorando a importância deste conceito no interior da historiografia das ciências. Entende-se que a oposição feita por Koyré ao positivismo de Auguste Comte, concepção teórica dominante na história e filosofia das ciências na primeira metade do século XX, engendra um novo significado para a ciência e seu curso. Em seus trabalhos como historiador das ciências, desenvolvido fundamentalmente entre 1930 e 1961, Koyré formula conceitos precisos para vários elementos considerados essenciais para a história e filosofia das ciências, tais como: revolução científica, experimentação, instrumentos e ferramentas. Procuro demonstrar a trajetória intelectual e os debates epistemológicos presentes na formação desses conceitos.

Les sociologies de la connaissance de Norbert Elias & Günter Dux comme outils (re) constructifs du concept de psychogenèse : pour une critique socio-historique de la notion de « nature créatrice » / The sociologies of knowledge of Norbert Elias & Günter Dux as (re) constructive tools of the concept of psychogenesis : for a socio-historical critique of the notion of "creative nature"

Sierra, David 02 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail propose un ensemble d’analyses sociogénétiques et psychogénétiques, fondées sur les sociologies de la connaissance de Norbert Elias et Günter Dux, portant sur les conséquences qui découlent de l’utilisation de causes premières dans l’explication des phénomènes du monde. L’enjeu de l’analyse, en termes généraux, a consisté en rendre visible le fait que la structure de la logique, en tant que produit des processus psychogénétiques, et lorsqu’elle n’a pas été réorganisée en termes systémiques par les transformations sociogénétiques de la modernité, a conduit dans le passé de nos sociétés à revêtir les causes premières de caractéristiques subjectives. Le concept de « nature » dans l’Allemagne du XVIIIe siècle, forgé et utilisé par la philosophie et le naturalisme, en est un exemple clair. Nous illustrons à travers nos analyses le fait que, grâce à la structure de la logique, la « nature » était « créatrice » dans la vision du monde des membres de la société allemande de l’époque, c’est-à-dire, une entité dotée d’intentionnalité et de capacité d’action.À la croisée de la sociologie de la connaissance et de l’épistémologie historico-génétique, l’enquête porte, dans un premier temps, sur la place occupée par le concept de « nature » dans les systèmes philosophiques d’Emmanuel Kant et de Johann Herder, afin de retrouver son fondement subjectiviste et les limitations qu’il imposait, à l’époque, à la construction de l’explication séculaire de l’esprit. Puis, dans un deuxième temps, nous illustrons quelques transformations importantes de la structure de la logique, tant dans la théorie biologique et psychologique du XIXe siècle que dans la psychologie et la sociologie du XXe siècle, ayant conduit à l’exploration systémique de la cognition à travers le concept de « psychogenèse ». Ces éclaircissements instaurent la possibilité, selon nous, d’envisager la construction de modèles scientifiques ayant comme but, entre autres, de surmonter l’opposition « nature/culture » qui affecte de nos jours la théorie de la connaissance. / This work proposes a set of socio and psychogenetic analyzes, based on the sociologies of knowledge of Norbert Elias and Günter Dux, on the consequences that arise from the use of primary causes in the explanation of the phenomena of the world. Our challenge, in general terms, has been to make visible that the structure of logic, as a product of psychogenetic processes, has led in the past of our societies to invest primary causes of subjective characteristics, when it has not been reorganized into systemic terms by modernity’s sociogenetic transformations. The concept of "nature", forged and used by philosophy and naturalism in eighteenth-century Germany, is a clear example. We illustrate through our analyzes that, due to the structure of logic, "nature" was "creative" in the world view of the members of the German society of the time, that is to say, an entity with intentionality and ability to act.At the crossroads of historico-genetical epistemology and the sociology of knowledge, the inquiry begins with the place of the concept of "nature" in the philosophical systems of Emmanuel Kant and Johann Herder, in order to find its subjectivist foundation and the limitations it imposed, at the time, to the construction of a secular explanation of the mind. Then, in a second step, we illustrate some important transformations in the structure of logic, as much in the nineteenth-century biological and psychological theory as in the psychology and sociology of the twentieth century, leading to the systemic exploration of cognition through the concept of "psychogenesis". These clarifications establish the possibility, in our opinion, of considering the construction of scientific models whose aim, among other things, is to overcome the opposition "nature / culture" which affects today the theory of knowledge.

Paracelso - pioneiro, plural, polêmico: Traduzir para resgatar uma personalidade histórica marginalizada / Paracelsus - pioneering, plural, polemic: Translating in rescue of a marginalized historical personality

Wagner, João Joakim Thoren 28 June 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe a elaborar uma tradução comentada de um tratado médico de Paracelso, importante ator na individualização de diversas áreas modernas de conhecimento a partir da Alquimia. A imagem geralmente associada a ele se mostra marcada pelas campanhas difamatórias havidas que, provavelmente, facilitaram que a influência de suas ideias fosse progressivamente diminuída e posta de lado. Especificamente na esfera da língua portuguesa, a disponibilidade de textos seus é limitada, sendo, essencialmente, restrita a algumas (poucas) traduções indiretas. O corpus para a tradução propriamente dita compõe-se de três versões, num corte diacrônico, do tratado Von den ersten drei Essentiis: a edição de 1589, pouco após a morte de Paracelso, a edição de 1930, ainda em Frakturschrift e muito parecida com a de 1589, e a edição de 1965, apresentada já em alemão moderno e em fonte Antiqua. No cotejo destas edições observaram-se diferenças sugestivas da existência de propostas (escopos) individuais para cada edição. A primeira como texto técnico, a segunda como texto de divulgação, de cunho histórico, e a terceira, de cunho também histórico, mas voltada para o público moderno. Para a chamada Skopostheorie, o escopo ocupa posição central numa tradução e em seu redor, e diretamente condicionadas por ele, gravitam todas as decisões tradutórias. Por esta valorização dada ao escopo, que, para este trabalho, foi diverso daqueles apresentados no corpus, optou-se pela Skopostheorie como balizamento teórico dos trabalhos. Assim, o escopo regeu a definição das soluções propostas para os diversos desafios de tradução encontrados. Dentre eles estão as mudanças linguísticas decorrentes da passagem do tempo, a presença de elementos do latim no texto-fonte (na forma de palavras e presença de declinação) e os variados recursos que Paracelso empregou para contornar limitações linguísticas impostas pelo Frühneuhochdeutsch (tais como neologismos e germanizações, com diferentes graus de preservação e incorporação efetiva no alemão moderno). / This paper proposes to elaborate a commented translation, from German to Portuguese, of a medical treatise of Paracelsus, an important actor in the individualization of several modern areas of knowledge from Alchemy. The image usually associated with him is strongly influenced by defamatory campaigns moved against him by his contemporary peers and that have made it easier for the influence of his ideas to be progressively diminished and set aside. Specifically in the sphere of the Portuguese language, the availability of his texts is limited, being essentially restricted to (a few) indirect translations. The corpus for the translation itself consists of three versions, in a diachronic section, of the treatise Von den ersten drei Essentiis: the 1589 edition, shortly after the authors death, the 1930 edition, still in Fraktur type font and very much like the one of 1589, and the edition of 1965, already presented in modern German and Antiqua font. In the comparison of these editions, were found differences suggestive of the existence of individual purposes (scopes) for each edition. The first one as a technical text, the second as a text of divulgation, of a historical nature, and the third, also historical, but aimed at the modern public. Within the chosen theoretical framework, known as Skopostheorie, the scope occupies a central position in a translation and around it, and directly conditioned by it, gravitate all the translation decisions. This importance attached to scope was decisive as the scope for this work, was different from the others presented in the corpus. Thus, the scope governed the definition of the solutions proposed for the various translation challenges encountered. Among them are linguistic changes deriving from the passage of time, the presence of Latin elements in the source text (in the form of words and presence of declination) and the varied resources that Paracelsus used to circumvent language limitations imposed by the Frühneuhochdeutsch (such as neologisms and germanizations, with different degrees of preservation and effective incorporation into modern German).

Protestantism and public life : the Church of Ireland, disestablishment, and Home Rule, 1864-1874

Golden, James Joseph January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the hitherto undocumented disestablishment and reconstruction of the Anglican Church of Ireland, c.1868-1870, and argues that this experience was formative in the emergence of Home Rule. Structurally, the Church’s General Synod served as a model for an autonomous Irish parliament. Moreover, disestablishment and reconstruction conditioned the political trajectories of the Protestants initially involved in the first group to campaign for a federal Irish parliament, the Home Government Association (HGA). More broadly, both the HGA and the governance of the independent Church—the General Synod—grew from the bedrock of the same associational culture. The HGA was more aligned with the public associations of Protestant-dominated Dublin intellectual life and the lay associational culture of the Church. Although the political vision advocated was different from the normal conservatism of many of its Protestant members, culturally it was entirely grounded in the recent Anglican experience.

Apport d'une activité d'apprentissage intégrant l'histoire des sciences à l'enseignement de la physique au niveau collégial

Pelletier-Boudreau, Pascal January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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