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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leveransalternativ inom E-handel : Vilka faktorer påverkar konsumenters val av leveransalternativ vid onlinehandel i Sverige? / Delivery options in E-commerce : What factors influence consumers' choice of delivery option when online shopping in Sweden?

Kouweik, Kai, Mrika, Jaouad January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, the requirements for last mile deliveries have increased and therefore it has become important for e-commerce companies to offer their customers different delivery methods to meet their requirements. Because of these increasing demands and requirements, suppliers are given stronger reasons to evolve their delivery methods to achieve a balance between customer satisfaction and efficiency. Therefore, it is important that suppliers know what their customers are asking for. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the factors that lie behind and influence consumers' choice of delivery options when shopping online in Sweden. To answer the purpose, two questions were formulated. The first question concerns the factors that influence customers' choice of delivery options when shopping online. The second question concerns which delivery option among home delivery, pick-up points and in-store pickup e-commerce customers prefer, and the reason behind that. In order to answer the purpose and the questions, the collection of relevant information from previous research has taken place where a theoretical overview of the chosen topic was created. Two focus group interviews were also carried out, which were then analyzed and connected with previous research. The study's findings show that the factors that often underlie customers' choice of delivery options are time, convenience, price, previous experience with delivery failure and, in some cases, Word of Mouth. It was also found that the most preferred delivery option is pick-up points. The reason is that delivery points are often considered to be the convenient option. According to customers, it is also a safe method as the risk of failed deliveries is lower. In addition, it contains an innovation, smart parcel boxes that are appreciated by several customers. / I takt med e-handelsutvecklingen, har kraven på sista milen leveranser ökat och därför har det blivit viktigare att erbjuda kunder olika leveranssätt som uppfyller deras krav. På grund av dessa krav som ökar, får leverantörer starkare skäl att utveckla sina leveransmetoder för att uppnå en balans mellan kundnöjdhet och effektivitet. Därför är det viktigt att leverantörer känner till vad e-handelskunder efterfrågar. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka faktorer som ligger bakom och påverkar konsumenters val av leveransalternativ vid onlinehandel i Sverige. För att besvara syftet formades två frågeställningar. Den ena frågeställningen handlar om vilka faktorer som påverkar e-handelkunders val av leveransalternativ när de handlar online. Den andra frågeställningen handlar om vilket leveransalternativ bland hemleverans, utlämningsställen och hämtning i butik e-handelskunder föredrar, och vad anledningen är till detta. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna har insamling av relevant information från tidigare forskning skett där en teoretisk överblick om det valda ämnet skapades. Det utfördes även två fokusgruppsintervjuer som därefter analyserades och kopplades ihop med tidigare forskning. Studiens resultat visar att faktorerna som ofta ligger bakom e-handelkunders val av leveransalternativ är tid, bekvämlighet, pris, tidigare erfarenhet av leveransmisslyckande och i vissa fall, Word of Mouth. Det konstaterades även att det mest föredragna leveransalternativet som oftast används av e-handelskunder är utlämningsställen. Detta eftersom att utlämningsställen ofta anses vara det bekväma alternativet. Det är enligt kunderna även ett säkert alternativ då risken för misslyckade leveranser är mindre. Dessutom innehåller det en innovation, paketboxar som uppskattas av flera kunder.

Nästa generations e-handel : En kvantitativ studie om hemleverans av skönhetsprodukter via Q-commerce / Next generation of e-commerce

Åberg, Johanna, Ericson, Charlotte January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på vilken påverkan tillgänglighet, bekvämlighet och tid har på konsumenters köpintention vid köp av skönhetsprodukter via q-commerce. Undersökningen baseras på teorier utifrån konsumentbeteende, köpintention och konsumentens köpprocess som har föranlett utvecklingen av q-commerce. Tillsammans med tidigare forskning gällande digitalutveckling, mobilshopping och leveransservice presenteras teorier för att skapa en förståelseför vad som påverkar konsumenter till köp via q-commerce. Studien genomfördes med hjälp aven webbaserad enkätundersökning via sociala medier samt ett allmänt anslag via en lärplattform i Högskolan i Borås. Det som framgår av studiens resultat är att samtliga hypoteser kan accepteras gällande att ju högre konsumenter värdesätter tillgänglighet, bekvämlighet och snabb leveranstid, desto större är sannolikheten att de väljer att genomföra köp av skönhetsprodukter via q-commerce. Det kan förklaras av att respondenterna värdesätter en lättillgänglig, bekväm och snabb köpprocess, vilket har påverkat utvecklingen av q-commerce samtidigt som skönhetsprodukter anses vara en produktkategori som är efterfrågad i kontext till q-commerce. Resultatet som presenteras i den här studien går inte att generalisera till en större population. Dock ger resultatet en indikation på ett konsumentbeteende som fördelaktigt kan ligga till grund för framtida forskning gällande utvecklingen av q-commerce inom skönhetsbranschen men även för applicering på andra branscher med liknande attribut. Då qcommerce är ett nytt forskningsområde finns det relativt lite forskning om ämnet, vilket gör att framtida forskning bör ta hänsyn till en större population samt kontrollera konsumenters faktiska beteende. Vidare bör framtida studier förslagsvis använda sig av andratillvägagångssätt genom att granska utifrån ett företagsperspektiv samt bredda avgränsningen och inte bara fokusera på köp av skönhetsprodukter. / The focus of this study is if availability, convenience and time have an impact on consumers’ purchase intentions when purchasing beauty products through q-commerce. The survey is based on theories that describe consumer behavior, purchase intention and the consumer's buying process that have influenced the development of q-commerce. Together with previous research regarding digital development, mobile shopping and delivery service, theories are presented to create an understanding of what influences consumers to buy through q-commerce. The study was conducted with a web-based survey through social media and the platform of University of Borås. The results of the study emerge that all hypotheses can be accepted regarding the fact that the more customers value availability, convenience and fast delivery, the greater the probability that they choose to make purchases of beauty products through q-commerce. This can be explained by the fact that the respondents value a buying process that is accessible, convenient and fast which has affected the development of q-commerce and that beauty products are considered a product category that is in demand in the context of q-commerce. The results that are presented in this study cannot be generalized to a larger population due to the sampling method that has been used. However, the results give an indication of consumer behavior that can advantageously be used in the beauty industry for future research regarding the development of q-commerce, but also in other similar industries. Since q-commerce is a new research area, there is minimal existing research on the subject, which means that future research should take a larger population into account and control consumers' actual behavior. Furthermore, future studies should suggest using other approaches by examining from a company perspective and broadening the boundaries and not just focusing on the purchase of beauty products.

Servicio de venta y delivery de alimentos para el hogar “HOMMIE MARKET”

Dávalos Prudencio, Luis Alberto, Diaz Rea, Raul Anderson, Huamaní Díaz, Jessy Soledad, León Jiménez, Nadia Lizeth, Piñella Gómez, Dennis Alexander 06 December 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, el perfil del consumidor de Lima Moderna ha cambiado, adoptando nuevos estilos de vida y mostrando un incremento en la preferencia de la compra online, específicamente, en el rubro de alimentos. En este contexto, nace Hommie Market, un emprendimiento de venta de alimentos y productos de primera necesidad online con servicio de delivery, dirigido a las familias de los distritos de Jesús María, San Isidro y Magdalena, de los niveles socioeconómicos AB, quienes no cuentan con el tiempo suficiente para realizar esta actividad. Hommie Market está orientada a ofrecer una plataforma e-commerce fácil de usar, con productos y marcas de buena calidad, con un servicio de entrega en un máximo de 48 horas y, cuidando la experiencia del cliente en todo el proceso de compra. Por otro lado, el análisis económico- financiero del proyecto comprende un horizonte de 5 años comenzando en diciembre 2020, como mes de inversión y los flujos de caja del periodo 2021 al 2025. El valor de inversión inicial del proyecto es de S/. 106,250.00 soles. La ganancia estimada del proyecto es de S/. 1’797,865.00 soles a un costo del WACC de 9.17% anual, mientras que la ganancia de los inversionistas por su aporte será de S/.1,865,216.00 soles, a un costo del COK de 7.15%. Finalmente, se proyecta un crecimiento promedio anual 1.10% respecto a la utilidad neta, estableciéndose como un objetivo a cumplir. / In recent years, the consumer profile of Modern Lima has changed, achieving a new lifestyle and showing an increase in the preference for online shopping, specifically in the food retail sector. In this context, Hommie Market was born, a startup that sells food and essential products online with a delivery service, aimed at families from the districts of Jesús Maria, San Isidro and Magdalena, of the AB socioeconomic levels, who do not have with enough time to do this activity. Hommie Market are focus on offering an easy-to-use e-commerce platform, with good quality products and brands, with a delivery in a maximum of 48 hours and, taking care of the customer's experience. On the other hand, the economic-financial analysis of the project includes a 5-year horizon starting in January 2021. The initial investment value of the project is S /. 106,250.00 soles. The estimated profit of the project is S/.1'797,865.00 soles at a WACC cost of 9.17% per annum, while the profit of investors for their contribution will be S/.1,865,216.00 soles, at a COK cost of 7.15%. Finally, an average annual growth of 1.10% is projected concerning net income, an established objective to be met. / Trabajo de investigación

Dynamics in the Swedish Grocery Retail Industry : The current landscape, challenges and levers in distribution for Swedish grocery retailers / Marknadsdynamiken i svensk dagligvaruhandel

Kayhan, Erhan, Rönnbäck, Leo January 2019 (has links)
There is a significant transformation taking place in today’s retail landscape with the increasing adoption of digital technologies in society. Customers are finding new purchasing habits and retailers are exploring different channels to serve customers in. Observations indicate that the industry is heading towards an omni-channel landscape where retailers aim to provide customers with a unified shopping experience across channels and touchpoints as e-commerce rapidly penetrates the market. Currently, all growth for durable goods is attributable to online sales in Sweden, yet Swedish online grocery retailing has been lagging and still only constitute 2 percent of the total market share. A qualitative study was conducted to map out the challenges and levers for Swedish grocery retailers in distribution . Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 18 store managers from the three largest grocery store chains in Sweden. The study elicits a framework for firm controlled factors which define customer experience: price, promotion, merchandise, supply chain and location. / Det sker en betydande omvandling i dagens detaljhandelslandskap. Konsumenter hittar nya köpvanor och återförsäljare undersöker olika kanaler för att betjäna kunder i. Iakttagelser indikerar att branschen är på väg mot ett omni-kanal landskap där återförsäljare söker att ge kunderna en enhetlig shoppingupplevelse genom alla försäljningskanaler. Idag är all tillväxt för sällanköpsvaror hänförlig till onlineförsäljning i Sverige, men den svenska dagligvaruhandeln på nätet har legat efter och utgör fortfarande bara 2 procent av den totala marknadsandelen. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes för att kartlägga utmaningar och möjligheter i distribution för svenska dagligvaruhandlare. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 18 butikschefer från de tre största livsmedelskedjorna i Sverige. Studien använder ett ramverk som kapslar in faktorer som kan kontrolleras av företaget och som tillsammans formar kundupplevelsen: pris, kampanjer, sortiment, logistikkedja och plats.

Sistemas de informação em saúde: o seu uso no acompanhamento de pacientes hipertensos e diabéticos: um estudo de caso do sistema remédio em casa utilizado no município do Rio de Janeiro / Health information systems: their use in monitoring patients with hypertension or diabetes: a case study of the system at home remedy used in Rio de Janeiro

Bastos, Maria Pappaterra January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / Os Sistemas de Informação em Saúde são importantes para o conhecimento do perfil epidemiológico da população, subsidiando os tomadores de decisão na elaboração de programas de prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde. Além disso, favorecem o monitoramento e a avaliação das intervenções realizadas. Para analisar a efetiva utilização desses sistemas no controle da hipertensão arterial e do diabetes mellitus, que são os principais fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares, foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso, de caráter descritivo exploratório, do Sistema Remédio em Casa utilizado no município do Rio de Janeiro. A investigação consistiu em uma pesquisa qualitativa, baseada em análise documental, observação e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Foram entrevistados cinco profissionais ocupantes de cargo de gerência e coordenação, nos três níveis de gestão municipal. Os resultados do estudo indicam que o município não utiliza seu sistema de informação, destinado ao acompanhamento dos pacientes hipertensos e diabéticos, de maneira satisfatória, não permitindo o gerenciamento e a avaliação dos Programas de Hipertensão Arterial e Diabetes de forma efetiva. Além disso, não envia seus dados ao Cadastro Nacional de Portadores de Hipertensão e Diabetes Mellitus, definido pelo Ministério da Saúde. Conclui-se, portanto, que algumas mudanças devem ser realizadas no Sistema de Informação do Rio de Janeiro, de forma que sejam atendidas as demandas específicas do município e, também, aquelas solicitadas pelo nível federal, necessitando de uma maior articulação entre as duas esferas de governo. / Health Information Systems are essential to provide adequate knowledge of the population’s epidemiological profile, besides supporting decision-makers in planning disease prevention and health promotion programs. They also facilitate monitoring and evaluation of interventions. To analyze the actual utilization of such systems in the control of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus (the principal risk factors for cardiovascular diseases), a descriptive, exploratory case study was performed in the Home Delivery Medication System used in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The research consisted of a qualitative study based on document analysis, observation, and semistructured interviews. Five professionals were interviewed, occupying management and coordination positions at the three levels of municipal administration. The study’s findings indicate that the city fails to satisfactorily use its information system for monitoring hypertensive and diabetic patients, thus not allowing the effective management and evaluation of the Programs on Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes. The city also fails to send its data to the National Registry of Patients with Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus, as established by the Ministry of Health. In conclusion, several changes are needed in the Health Information System in Rio de Janeiro in order to meet the city’s specific demands as well as those from the Federal level, a process that requires greater linkage between the two spheres of government.

Vers une organisation globale durable de l’approvisionnement des ménages : bilans économiques et environnementaux de différentes chaînes de distribution classiques et émergentes depuis l’entrepôt du fournisseur jusqu’au domicile du ménage / Towards a global sustainable organisation of housholds

Ayadi, Abdessalem 26 September 2014 (has links)
La logistique urbaine, et celle du dernier kilomètre notamment, est un sujet de préoccupation majeure pour les villes d’aujourd’hui. Pour répondre à cette préoccupation, nous avons établi dans le chapitre introductif un historique de la problématique de la logistique urbaine pour mieux comprendre son développement au fil des années, permettant ainsi de déduire qu’il est fondamental d’étudier la globalité de la chaîne de distribution dans ce travail de thèse pour mieux résoudre la problématique de la logistique urbaine. En revanche, nous étions confrontés à un sujet redoutable par sa complexité et l’absence de données complètes et fiables. De plus, nous assistons dans les dernières années, à une multiplication des schémas logistiques que ce soit pour la livraison des magasins à partir des entrepôts des fournisseurs ou pour l’approvisionnement des clients à partir des surfaces de vente.De ce fait, nous avons fixé comme objectif d’identifier toutes les organisations logistiques existantes et émergentes en France et ailleurs (deux séjours d’un an en Angleterre et en Suisse). Pour ce faire, nous avons déterminé dans le deuxième chapitre les paramètres de différenciation des modes d’organisation en amont (de l’entrepôt du fournisseur à la surface de vente) et en aval de la chaîne (de la surface de vente au domicile du client). Or il n’existe pas aujourd’hui de bilan économique et environnemental complet permettant d’arbitrer entre différentes formes de distribution classiques et à distance en tenant compte des particularités des familles des produits (non alimentaires, secs, frais, surgelés) et de la diversité de leurs modes de livraison.Face à ces contraintes de taille, nous avons eu recours aux enquêtes de terrain dans ce travail de recherche, qui ont été l’occasion de nouer de très nombreux contacts avec les acteurs de la grande distribution, permettant ainsi de recueillir des données techniques et économiques de première main et inédites jusqu’ici. En plus de la résolution du verrou empirique dans le troisième chapitre, ce travail de thèse a permis également de lever des verrous méthodologiques relatifs à la reconstitution et à l’évaluation des coûts et des émissions logistiques (pour les entrepôts de stockage et les plateformes de transit en amont ; et pour les surfaces de vente et les plateforme de mutualisation en aval) et des coûts et des émissions des véhicules de transport (des articulés et des porteurs en amont ; et des VUL, voitures particulières, transports publics, deux roues, et marche à pied en aval). Enfin, ce travail de thèse a permis d’aboutir à la construction d’une base de données et la mise au point d’un outil d’aide à la décision permettant ainsi de déduire, dans le quatrième chapitre, les bilans économique et environnemental de la globalité de la chaîne depuis l’entrepôt du fournisseur jusqu’au domicile du ménage. Cet outil devrait se révéler très utile pour les politiques publiques, les stratégies futures des grands distributeurs et leurs prestataires logistiques afin de privilégier les modes d’organisation économes et durables, et même pour le client final afin d’estimer les coûts et les émissions de ses actes d’achat dans les différentes alternatives de vente classique et à distance. / Urban logistics and the last mile in particular, is a major concern for cities today. To address this concern, we have established in the introductory chapter a history of the problem of urban logistics. This allows a better understanding of its development over the years, and deducing that it’s essential to study the supply chain in its entirety to better solve the problem of urban logistics. However, we were faced with a daunting task: the lack of comprehensive and reliable data. In addition, there has been a multiplication of distribution channels in recent years. This includes the delivery from warehouses to stores and further to households from the retail space.Therefore, we intended to identify all existing and emerging logistics organizations in France and beyond (one year exchange stay in England and Switzerland for research purposes). To do this, we established in the second chapter certain parameters that differentiate the logistics modes of various organizations upstream (from manufacturers to retail stores) and downstream (from retail stores to households). Unfortunately, there does not exist any economic and environmental assessment to settle between different forms of traditional and modern electronic distribution, by taking into account the various characteristics of different products families (non-food, dry, fresh, frozen) and the diversity of their delivery modes.Faced with constraints of such size, we conducted surveys with different actors of distribution channels, which provided the opportunity to make contacts, thus collect firsthand and so far unpublished technical and economic data. In addition to the resolution of empirical inadequacy in the third chapter, this research also helped to develop a methodological approach related to the reconstruction and evaluation of logistics costs and emissions (in warehouses, transit platforms, retail stores and shared platforms) and also the costs and emissions of vehicles (trucks, delivery van, cars, public transport, bikes, motorbikes and walking).Finally, this research has lead to the construction of a database and the development of a decision support tool to infer, in the fourth chapter, the economic and environmental appraisal of the entire supply chain from the supplier's warehouse to the final customer. This tool can be useful for public policy, future strategies of retailers and Third-Party Logistics providers to focus on efficient and sustainable modes of organization, and even it will benefit the customer to estimate the costs and emissions of its acts of purchase in classic and e-grocery shopping.

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