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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Umírání osob bez přístřeší na Českokrumlovsku / Death throes of homeless people in the Český Krumlov region

GLOSEROVÁ, Zdeňka January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problem of homeless people dying in the region of Český Krumlov. It focuses on homelessness, the causes of homelessness and also the posibilities of help. Further, the thesis encompasses information about dying and death, including the death of homeless people.Their death is connected to statements about organising social funerals, including available information from the Municipality of Český Krumlov and how many social funerals were organised between the years 2014-2018. A very often used technique at work is a semi-structured interview with social workers from the social department of the Municipality of Český Krumlov, Kaplice and Vyšší Brod and the caretaking personnel of the Hospital Český Krumlov, ltd. The individual testimonies are compared between each other. The testimonies of the respondents go allong the whole thesis where there is an effort of confrontation of information from professional literature and the interception of reality from experience. Another key source for this thesis is the evaluation of data from questionnaires given to people without a home that stay arond the area of Český Krumlov and focused on finding out their opinion on death and dying. The topic is accompanied by many ethical contexts. Firstly the fact of surviving as a homeless person, secondly the level of help that is provided by the state and what are the limits of the help possibilities. And last but not least, how this help is acutaly used and perceived by the homeless people.

Viver em situação de rua: experiência de mulheres que utilizam o albergue para pernoitar / Living on the streets: womens experience who use the shelter to spend the night

Biscotto, Priscilla Ribeiro 14 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: morar na rua é um problema global tanto de nações desenvolvidas como das que estão em desenvolvimento, situação esta ancorada principalmente em centros urbanos de médio e de grande porte. Objetivo: compreender a experiência de mulheres que vivem em situação de rua e utilizam o albergue para pernoitar. Método: estudo fundamentado na fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz, realizado com dez mulheres em situação de rua que pernoitam em um albergue de um município de Minas Gerais. Para obtenção dos depoimentos, foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista com questões abertas: como é para você viver em situação de rua? O que faz a mulher buscar o albergue para pernoitar? Além do Albergue, a quem você recorre para ajudá-la? Quais suas expectativas, considerando que você está vivendo em situação de rua? A organização e análise foram realizadas seguindo os passos preconizados por estudiosos da fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com seres humanos da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, sob o Parecer nº 952.239, de 09 de fevereiro de 2015. Resultados: a mulher que vive em situação de rua e utiliza o albergue para pernoitar traz em sua experiência os conflitos familiares que se mostram propulsores para a sua condição. Tem como dificuldades do dia a dia nas ruas a falta de infraestrutura para higiene e descanso, a vulnerabilidade para o uso de drogas, o convívio com situações de violência, a prostituição, o sentimento de culpa e solidão. Procura ajuda de estranhos e familiares, assim como de instituições beneficentes, equipamentos governamentais e não governamentais. Aponta o albergue como principal suporte para suprir suas necessidades básicas de alimentação, higiene e repouso. Espera sair das ruas, conseguir um emprego, se livrar das drogas, da prostituição e resgatar a família, contudo se mantém na situação de rua por falta de trabalho remunerado, facilidade de ganho financeiro no tráfico de drogas e na prostituição, além da liberdade que a vida nas ruas lhe proporciona. Considerações Finais: os achados deste estudo permitem refletir que, apesar do crescimento de políticas voltadas para as questões que envolvem a população de rua, na prática, ainda se observa a necessidade de investimentos governamentais e não governamentais que possam coibir a violência urbana e melhorar as condições de vida dessa população. As vulnerabilidades identificadas a partir da experiência de viver nas ruas do grupo social estudado remetem à necessidade de a Enfermagem e demais profissionais da saúde buscarem mecanismos para prover um cuidado apoiado a estas mulheres, atuando sobre os riscos que as envolvem cotidianamente. Cabem intervenções interdisciplinares na mediação e/ou criação de estratégias que vão ao encontro das expectativas levantadas neste estudo, viabilizando perspectivas não vislumbradas no presente vivido e que sustentam a decisão das mulheres por manterem-se em situação de rua. / Introduction: living on the street is a global problem not only for developed nations but also for those that are under development, a situation which is anchored mainly in urban centers of medium and large size. Objective: To understand the womens experience living on the streets and using the shelter to spend the night. Method: study based on social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz, carried out with 10 women under street situation who stay in a shelter of a municipality of Minas Gerais. In order to obtain the testimonials, an interview script with open questions was used: how is it for you to live on the streets? What makes a woman look for the shelter to spend the night? In addition to the, shelter to whom do you turn to help you? What are your expectations, considering that you are living on the streets? The organization and analysis were carried out following the steps professed by scholars of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee on Research with human beings, of the School of Nursing (University of São Paulo), in the Opinion nº 952 239 of February 09th 2015. Results: the woman who lives on the streets and uses the shelter to spend the night brings in her experience family conflicts that show themselves as propelling to her condition. She faces difficulties of everyday life on the streets, such as lack of infrastructure for hygiene and rest, vulnerability for the usage of drugs, living with situations of violence, prostitution, guiltiness and loneliness. She seeks help from strangers and family, as well as charitable institutions, governmental and non-governmental equipment. The woman considers the shelter as the main support to supply their basic needs for food, hygiene and rest. She hopes to get off the streets, get a job, get rid of drugs and prostitution, and rescue the family, however this woman remains in the situation of street because of the lack of paid work, financial gain facility in drug trafficking and prostitution, as well as the freedom which street life gives her. Final Thoughts: The findings of this study allow us to reflect that, despite the growth of policies aimed at the issues surrounding the homeless population of the streets, in practice it is still observed the need of governmental and non-governmental organizations which can restrain urban violence and improve the conditions of life of this population. The vulnerabilities identified from the experience of living on the streets of the studied social group refer to the need of the Nursing and other health professionals seek mechanisms to provide a care based upon these women, acting on the risks that involve them on the everyday life. Interdisciplinary interventions are necessary on the mediation and / or creation of strategies that will meet the expectations raised in this study, offering glimpsed perspectives that were not reached up to the present moment and which support the decision of women to remain on the streets.

Políticas públicas e direitos humanos : o histórico de inserção da população em situação de rua no disque direitos humanos

Furtado, Calvin da Cas January 2017 (has links)
Os processos que compõem as políticas públicas marcam um movimento próprio de “fazer o Estado” na prática. Em relação ao Estado, é possível enquadrá-lo enquanto um projeto permanentemente incompleto, visto que se constitui e se renova gradualmente, isto é, produz efeitos na realidade, o que permite a eclosão de novas subjetividades, novos atores sociais, novos sujeitos políticos a serem incorporados. O presente estudo articula um referencial teórico da área das políticas públicas e da antropologia social e tem como objetivo analisar a inserção da população em situação de rua nas políticas públicas do Brasil a partir da interface entre as políticas públicas e os direitos humanos. Para isto, propõe uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a evolução do tema dos direitos humanos, a elaboração de uma narrativa que reconstitua este histórico de inserção a partir da perspectiva vivencial de lideranças nacionais do Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR). Analisa-se o efeito da linguagem dos direitos humanos na prática destes sujeitos, bem como, o efeito de Estado a partir de técnicas de produção de legibilidade e inscrição política de populações. Apresentam-se os dados produzidos pelo Disque Direitos Humanos e as implicações de uma denúncia de violação de direitos humanos realizada em Porto Alegre, com a intenção de ilustrar a dramaticidade destas tramas sociais. / The processes that compose public policies mark a movement of "doing the State" in practice. In relation to the State, it is possible to frame it as a permanently incomplete project, since it is gradually constituted and renewed, that is, it produces effects in reality, which allows the emergence of new subjectivities, new social actors, new political subjects that need to be incorporated. The present study articulates a theoretical reference of the area of the public policies and the social anthropology and aims to analyze the insertion of homeless people in the public policies of Brazil from the interface between public policies and human rights. For this, it proposes a bibliographical revision on the evolution of the theme of human rights, the elaboration of a narrative that reconstructs this history of insertion from the experiential perspective of national leaderships of the Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR).The effect of the language of human rights in the practice of these subjects is analyzed, as well as the effect of the State from techniques of production of legibility and political inscription of populations. We present the data produced by the Disque Direitos Humanos and the implications of a report of human rights violations in Porto Alegre to illustrate the drama of these social networks.

Titel: ”Det ska inte vara något jävla fyllställe där man släpar hem folk och grejer” : En studie om hemlösa missbrukares syn på socialtjänstens gruppboenden i Gotlands kommun

Johansson, Markus, Jakobsson, Mats, Kotz, Jane January 2006 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte har varit att få kunskap om hemlösa klienters syn på sin boendesituation. Samt att få fördjupad kunskap om klienternas upplevelse av möjlighet till förändring och hur de beskriver att de bemöts och behandlas på Beroendeverksamhetens gruppboenden. En kvalitativ metod har använts för att besvara syftet. Det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer med sju personer som för närvarande bor på ett kommunalt gruppboende. Tolkningsramen har utgjorts av teorier och forskning kring förändringsprocesser och strategier för att motverka hemlöshet. Rollteori har också använts för att ge en djupare förståelse för interaktionen mellan individer och mellan individ och organisation.</p><p>Resultaten visar att det är svårt att trivas på en institution. Det har mycket att göra med den maktstruktur som präglar en sådan inrättning. I studien framkom att det skapas motståndsstrategier för att värja sig i en sådan situation. Resultatet visar också att motstånd skapas när man inte känner sig delaktig i sin egen förändringsprocess. Det är viktigt för de boende att kunna påverka sin boendesituation. Boende som tycker de får hjälp på boendet anser att de kan använda vistelsen till något positivt.</p><p>Personalens roll inskränker sig för de boendes del till att vara behjälpliga med praktiska saker, ett slags yttre förändring. Någon tycker att personalen även kan vara ett socialt stöd i en inre mening, att hjälpa de boende med strategier som gör att de kan fortsätta att leva ett drogfritt liv. Studien visar vidare att man både önskar mer av socialt stöd samtidigt som några upplever att man själv är det bästa verktyget i en förändringsprocess. Resultatet visar slutligen att institutionens strikta regler blir en viktig förändringsfaktor i klienternas liv. Kravet på drogfrihet gör att de boende får upp ögonen på ett alternativt sätt att leva. Slutsatsen är att institutionen bidrar till att förmedla känslan av att en förändring är möjlig.</p> / <p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Title: ”It’s not supposed to be a bloody hangout where you bring people and stuff” A study on how homeless clients feels about living in communal group homes provided to them by the social services.</p><p>The purpose of this paper has been to gain knowledge about homeless clients view on their housing situation. And also to learn more about how clients perceive the possibility to change and how they feel they are being treated at the social services collective housing facilities. A qualitative approach has been used in order to answer these questions. The empirical material consists of seven interviews with people currently staying at the communal homes mentioned above. The study’s frame of interpretation has consisted of theories and research about changing processes and strategies to counteract homelessness. Role theory has also been used in order to provide a deeper understanding of the interaction between individuals and between individual and organisation.</p><p>The results in general show that it is hard to feel at home in an institutional setting. This has mainly to do with the unequal power structure that exists in such places. The study shows that under such circumstances oppressed people develop resistance strategies in order to cope. Furthermore the results points to the fact that resistance is more likely to occur when you’re feeling that you have no influence on your own future life situation. It is vital for the residents’ well being to be able to have an active part in their living situation. Those who feel they get adequate help in the institution are most likely to see the stay as a positive experience.</p><p>The role of the staff is primarily limited to helping out with practical things. This can be seen as a way of helping the residents to adapt to society’s rules. Someone thinks that the staff also can function as a social support that helps them rethink their attitude towards their drug abuse. The results are somewhat ambiguous in that respect. The clients do want more of social support from the staff. At the same time they emphasises that the best agent in a successful changing process is the own self. The results finally show that the strict rules of the institution turn out to play an important role as a changing factor in the lives of the clients. The demand for total abstinence from drugs and alcohol helps in demonstrating for the clients an alternative way to live. The conclusion of this is that the institution contributes in conveying the message that change is in fact possible.</p>

Titel: ”Det ska inte vara något jävla fyllställe där man släpar hem folk och grejer” : En studie om hemlösa missbrukares syn på socialtjänstens gruppboenden i Gotlands kommun

Johansson, Markus, Jakobsson, Mats, Kotz, Jane January 2006 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att få kunskap om hemlösa klienters syn på sin boendesituation. Samt att få fördjupad kunskap om klienternas upplevelse av möjlighet till förändring och hur de beskriver att de bemöts och behandlas på Beroendeverksamhetens gruppboenden. En kvalitativ metod har använts för att besvara syftet. Det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer med sju personer som för närvarande bor på ett kommunalt gruppboende. Tolkningsramen har utgjorts av teorier och forskning kring förändringsprocesser och strategier för att motverka hemlöshet. Rollteori har också använts för att ge en djupare förståelse för interaktionen mellan individer och mellan individ och organisation. Resultaten visar att det är svårt att trivas på en institution. Det har mycket att göra med den maktstruktur som präglar en sådan inrättning. I studien framkom att det skapas motståndsstrategier för att värja sig i en sådan situation. Resultatet visar också att motstånd skapas när man inte känner sig delaktig i sin egen förändringsprocess. Det är viktigt för de boende att kunna påverka sin boendesituation. Boende som tycker de får hjälp på boendet anser att de kan använda vistelsen till något positivt. Personalens roll inskränker sig för de boendes del till att vara behjälpliga med praktiska saker, ett slags yttre förändring. Någon tycker att personalen även kan vara ett socialt stöd i en inre mening, att hjälpa de boende med strategier som gör att de kan fortsätta att leva ett drogfritt liv. Studien visar vidare att man både önskar mer av socialt stöd samtidigt som några upplever att man själv är det bästa verktyget i en förändringsprocess. Resultatet visar slutligen att institutionens strikta regler blir en viktig förändringsfaktor i klienternas liv. Kravet på drogfrihet gör att de boende får upp ögonen på ett alternativt sätt att leva. Slutsatsen är att institutionen bidrar till att förmedla känslan av att en förändring är möjlig. / ABSTRACT Title: ”It’s not supposed to be a bloody hangout where you bring people and stuff” A study on how homeless clients feels about living in communal group homes provided to them by the social services. The purpose of this paper has been to gain knowledge about homeless clients view on their housing situation. And also to learn more about how clients perceive the possibility to change and how they feel they are being treated at the social services collective housing facilities. A qualitative approach has been used in order to answer these questions. The empirical material consists of seven interviews with people currently staying at the communal homes mentioned above. The study’s frame of interpretation has consisted of theories and research about changing processes and strategies to counteract homelessness. Role theory has also been used in order to provide a deeper understanding of the interaction between individuals and between individual and organisation. The results in general show that it is hard to feel at home in an institutional setting. This has mainly to do with the unequal power structure that exists in such places. The study shows that under such circumstances oppressed people develop resistance strategies in order to cope. Furthermore the results points to the fact that resistance is more likely to occur when you’re feeling that you have no influence on your own future life situation. It is vital for the residents’ well being to be able to have an active part in their living situation. Those who feel they get adequate help in the institution are most likely to see the stay as a positive experience. The role of the staff is primarily limited to helping out with practical things. This can be seen as a way of helping the residents to adapt to society’s rules. Someone thinks that the staff also can function as a social support that helps them rethink their attitude towards their drug abuse. The results are somewhat ambiguous in that respect. The clients do want more of social support from the staff. At the same time they emphasises that the best agent in a successful changing process is the own self. The results finally show that the strict rules of the institution turn out to play an important role as a changing factor in the lives of the clients. The demand for total abstinence from drugs and alcohol helps in demonstrating for the clients an alternative way to live. The conclusion of this is that the institution contributes in conveying the message that change is in fact possible.

A profile and longitudinal evaluation of multiple risk factors, protective factors, and outcomes for suicidal and non-suicidal out-of-home adolescents who applied for the independent youth benefit (IYB) : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Massey University

Dawson, Narelle January 2005 (has links)
This research contributes new knowledge to those working in the areas of welfare, child and adolescent safety, and suicide prevention. The aim of this thesis was to succinctly provide clinicians, government and community agencies, researchers and policy advisors, with a snapshot profile of 2029 welfare seeking young people who were homeless and frequently discouraged by negative life events. The research aim was to identify risk and protective factors that impact life outcomes for those seeking the Independent Youth Benefit (IYB), and particularly, to scrutinize salient factors that led a vulnerable group of IYB applicants to die by suicide. It was further aimed that by documenting comments from 200 young adults from this population across a span of seven years, both gaps within the IYB process, as well as useful resources, could be identified in order to improve life outcomes for other homeless youth. For those who attempted suicide and survived, file records and interviews have indicated the triggers and life histories that potentially impacted their decision to try to end their pain of life, and factors that influenced survival and recovery. Four separate studies were included in this thesis. Study 1 profiled 2029 IYB applicants and determined the most potent risks that led to the granting of the IYB. Study 2 revealed the salient factors that related to the suicide of 6 IYB applicants. Study 3 investigated the outcomes for those who were granted or declined a benefit across the variables of education, employment, income, adverse life circumstances, wellbeing, and family relationships. Study 4 examined a psychological construct, termed cynical distrust, which appeared to be a characteristic trait in welfare seeking youth. Conclusions from this research provided indicators of youth who will usually be granted an IYB, they are, those who report bullying, abuse, parent psychopathology, single parent homes, a parent on a benefit and foster placement. Applicants who reported suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts and had contact with Police and Child Youth and Family Services also were more likely to be granted an Independent Youth Benefit (IYB). If the applicants were Maori and had previously seen a counsellor for a mental health problem, they also were more likely to receive the IYB. However, when applicants were referred to Family Reconciliation Counselling (FRC), there was a statistically significant association between benefit application and benefit declined. A unique finding from this population related to the association of 'unknown fathers' with suicide. Absent father literature is now extensive, however, little research has been conducted into the effects of 'unknown fathers', particularly for Maori youth who place much of their strength and wellbeing in their genealogy. Other salient factors leading to suicide for IYB applicants included, previous suicide attempt, co-morbid disorder, unresolved anger, no identified caring adult, foster placement and an impending legal or disciplinary event. Maori males with such factors posed the greatest risk for suicide. Counsellors, psychologists, families and policy analysts need to acknowledge that IYB applicants who attempted suicide, show cynical distrust, and were declined a benefit, had extremely poor life outcomes. The New Zealand youth welfare system could be functioning far more efficiently if documented recommendations become realities.

Políticas públicas e direitos humanos : o histórico de inserção da população em situação de rua no disque direitos humanos

Furtado, Calvin da Cas January 2017 (has links)
Os processos que compõem as políticas públicas marcam um movimento próprio de “fazer o Estado” na prática. Em relação ao Estado, é possível enquadrá-lo enquanto um projeto permanentemente incompleto, visto que se constitui e se renova gradualmente, isto é, produz efeitos na realidade, o que permite a eclosão de novas subjetividades, novos atores sociais, novos sujeitos políticos a serem incorporados. O presente estudo articula um referencial teórico da área das políticas públicas e da antropologia social e tem como objetivo analisar a inserção da população em situação de rua nas políticas públicas do Brasil a partir da interface entre as políticas públicas e os direitos humanos. Para isto, propõe uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a evolução do tema dos direitos humanos, a elaboração de uma narrativa que reconstitua este histórico de inserção a partir da perspectiva vivencial de lideranças nacionais do Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR). Analisa-se o efeito da linguagem dos direitos humanos na prática destes sujeitos, bem como, o efeito de Estado a partir de técnicas de produção de legibilidade e inscrição política de populações. Apresentam-se os dados produzidos pelo Disque Direitos Humanos e as implicações de uma denúncia de violação de direitos humanos realizada em Porto Alegre, com a intenção de ilustrar a dramaticidade destas tramas sociais. / The processes that compose public policies mark a movement of "doing the State" in practice. In relation to the State, it is possible to frame it as a permanently incomplete project, since it is gradually constituted and renewed, that is, it produces effects in reality, which allows the emergence of new subjectivities, new social actors, new political subjects that need to be incorporated. The present study articulates a theoretical reference of the area of the public policies and the social anthropology and aims to analyze the insertion of homeless people in the public policies of Brazil from the interface between public policies and human rights. For this, it proposes a bibliographical revision on the evolution of the theme of human rights, the elaboration of a narrative that reconstructs this history of insertion from the experiential perspective of national leaderships of the Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR).The effect of the language of human rights in the practice of these subjects is analyzed, as well as the effect of the State from techniques of production of legibility and political inscription of populations. We present the data produced by the Disque Direitos Humanos and the implications of a report of human rights violations in Porto Alegre to illustrate the drama of these social networks.

Casa da Solidariedade: lugar de afirmação da vida / House of solidarity": place of affirmation of life

Sonia Ambrozino da Silva 11 February 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a vida de alguns Moradores de Rua no encontro com a Casa de Apoio Casa da Solidariedade ACASO, percebendo o que dessas vidas pode servir como analisador de nossas próprias vidas, analisando também a produção de assistencialismo, não autonomia e outros efeitos que uma prática deste tipo pode vir a causar. Em tempos de biopoder como estamos vivendo nos dias de hoje, em que a vida vale como uma mercadoria e Moradores de Rua são desqualificados como pessoas e estão sendo expulsos e vitimados pela força bruta do Estado, ousamos afirmar que a vida vale por si mesma. Esta tese também pretende analisar a Política para a Inclusão da População em Situação de Rua e enfrentar o tema da criminalização da pobreza, bem como a produção de vitimização desta população. Partindo dos conceitos de biopoder em Michel Foucault e Peter Pál Pelbart, bem como o de desfiliação em Robert Castel, analisa as tramas dos que escolhem a rua como lar. Um importante aspecto, também ressaltado pela tese, é a forma como a ACASO exerce suas práticas através da religião como forma de cuidado e acolhida ao diferente e àqueles e àquelas que se encontram excluídos da sociedade de consumo. Outro importante viés desta tese é a discussão de dois estereótipos da vida dos Moradores de Rua que os marcam cotidianamente, o de vítima e de criminoso / This research aims to analyze the lives of some homeless citizens, and their encounter with the "House of Solidarity" Support House ACASO, realizing what of these lives can serve as analyzers of our own lives, and also analyzing the production of welfare dependency, non-autonomy and other effects that this type of practice may cause. In times of bio-power, as the ones we are living today, in which life is seen as a commodity, and where Homeless People are disqualified as human beings and are being expelled and victimized by the State violence, we dare to affirm that life is worthwhile in itself. This thesis also intends to analyze the Policy for the Inclusion of the Street Population and address the issue of the criminalization of poverty, as well as the production of the victimization of this population. Based on the concepts of bio-power in Michel Foucault and Peter Pál Pelbart, as well as the concept of disaffiliationin Robert Castel, this thesis analyzes the stories of those who choose the street as a home. An important aspect, also emphasized by this thesis, is how ACASO performs its practices through religion as a form of care and receptivity to the different and those who are excluded from the consumer society. Another important aspect of this thesis is the discussion of two stereotypes that are constantlyfixed on Street dwellers, being the victim and the criminal

Sociální práce s osobami bez přístřeší s příznaky duševního onemocnění / Social work with mentally ill homeless people

CARBOVÁ, Terezie January 2018 (has links)
There are a lot of people with mental illness among the homeless. Mental illness is one of the many causes of homelessness and homeless people are more likely to have mental health problems compared to the general population. Currently, the system of social work with homeless people and people with mental illness in the Czech Republic is sophisticated. This diploma thesis focuses on social work with clients suffering from these health and social issues. The theoretical part of the thesis defines homeless people, people with mental illness and social work, as perceived by the contemporary academic literature. It deals with the current state of social work with mentally ill homeless people. The aim of the thesis is to determine reference points that are used by the social workers working with mentally ill homeless people. A qualitative research strategy was used to carry out the research part of the diploma thesis, which was conducted by a survey method using the technique of a semi-structured interview. Data analysis was evaluated using elements of grounded theory. The research group consisted of six communication partners who carry out social work in the following areas: shelter, night shelter, day centre and field social work. The research has shown that based on their own experience, social workers create a vision of social work. Obstacles to meeting these visions are massive barriers that are mostly systemic. The principle of indirect correlation applies here if the level of the system is higher, the barrier is less easy to influence, but it has a more devastating impact on the client. Significantly fewer barriers come from people. The social workers can influence these barriers to a certain extent. The disparity between barriers and support in social work related to a working vision is threatening, but social workers mobilize their power of defence and a "pointless" way to the vision in the area of barriers that can be influenced. The results of the thesis can provide feedback to the work of the communication partners. In addition, the thesis can be inspiring for experts as well as the general public as it points to a lack of health and social care for mentally ill homeless people related to big legislative contradictions in protecting the clients' freedom and their best interest.

Viver em situação de rua: experiência de mulheres que utilizam o albergue para pernoitar / Living on the streets: womens experience who use the shelter to spend the night

Priscilla Ribeiro Biscotto 14 December 2015 (has links)
Introdução: morar na rua é um problema global tanto de nações desenvolvidas como das que estão em desenvolvimento, situação esta ancorada principalmente em centros urbanos de médio e de grande porte. Objetivo: compreender a experiência de mulheres que vivem em situação de rua e utilizam o albergue para pernoitar. Método: estudo fundamentado na fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz, realizado com dez mulheres em situação de rua que pernoitam em um albergue de um município de Minas Gerais. Para obtenção dos depoimentos, foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista com questões abertas: como é para você viver em situação de rua? O que faz a mulher buscar o albergue para pernoitar? Além do Albergue, a quem você recorre para ajudá-la? Quais suas expectativas, considerando que você está vivendo em situação de rua? A organização e análise foram realizadas seguindo os passos preconizados por estudiosos da fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com seres humanos da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, sob o Parecer nº 952.239, de 09 de fevereiro de 2015. Resultados: a mulher que vive em situação de rua e utiliza o albergue para pernoitar traz em sua experiência os conflitos familiares que se mostram propulsores para a sua condição. Tem como dificuldades do dia a dia nas ruas a falta de infraestrutura para higiene e descanso, a vulnerabilidade para o uso de drogas, o convívio com situações de violência, a prostituição, o sentimento de culpa e solidão. Procura ajuda de estranhos e familiares, assim como de instituições beneficentes, equipamentos governamentais e não governamentais. Aponta o albergue como principal suporte para suprir suas necessidades básicas de alimentação, higiene e repouso. Espera sair das ruas, conseguir um emprego, se livrar das drogas, da prostituição e resgatar a família, contudo se mantém na situação de rua por falta de trabalho remunerado, facilidade de ganho financeiro no tráfico de drogas e na prostituição, além da liberdade que a vida nas ruas lhe proporciona. Considerações Finais: os achados deste estudo permitem refletir que, apesar do crescimento de políticas voltadas para as questões que envolvem a população de rua, na prática, ainda se observa a necessidade de investimentos governamentais e não governamentais que possam coibir a violência urbana e melhorar as condições de vida dessa população. As vulnerabilidades identificadas a partir da experiência de viver nas ruas do grupo social estudado remetem à necessidade de a Enfermagem e demais profissionais da saúde buscarem mecanismos para prover um cuidado apoiado a estas mulheres, atuando sobre os riscos que as envolvem cotidianamente. Cabem intervenções interdisciplinares na mediação e/ou criação de estratégias que vão ao encontro das expectativas levantadas neste estudo, viabilizando perspectivas não vislumbradas no presente vivido e que sustentam a decisão das mulheres por manterem-se em situação de rua. / Introduction: living on the street is a global problem not only for developed nations but also for those that are under development, a situation which is anchored mainly in urban centers of medium and large size. Objective: To understand the womens experience living on the streets and using the shelter to spend the night. Method: study based on social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz, carried out with 10 women under street situation who stay in a shelter of a municipality of Minas Gerais. In order to obtain the testimonials, an interview script with open questions was used: how is it for you to live on the streets? What makes a woman look for the shelter to spend the night? In addition to the, shelter to whom do you turn to help you? What are your expectations, considering that you are living on the streets? The organization and analysis were carried out following the steps professed by scholars of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee on Research with human beings, of the School of Nursing (University of São Paulo), in the Opinion nº 952 239 of February 09th 2015. Results: the woman who lives on the streets and uses the shelter to spend the night brings in her experience family conflicts that show themselves as propelling to her condition. She faces difficulties of everyday life on the streets, such as lack of infrastructure for hygiene and rest, vulnerability for the usage of drugs, living with situations of violence, prostitution, guiltiness and loneliness. She seeks help from strangers and family, as well as charitable institutions, governmental and non-governmental equipment. The woman considers the shelter as the main support to supply their basic needs for food, hygiene and rest. She hopes to get off the streets, get a job, get rid of drugs and prostitution, and rescue the family, however this woman remains in the situation of street because of the lack of paid work, financial gain facility in drug trafficking and prostitution, as well as the freedom which street life gives her. Final Thoughts: The findings of this study allow us to reflect that, despite the growth of policies aimed at the issues surrounding the homeless population of the streets, in practice it is still observed the need of governmental and non-governmental organizations which can restrain urban violence and improve the conditions of life of this population. The vulnerabilities identified from the experience of living on the streets of the studied social group refer to the need of the Nursing and other health professionals seek mechanisms to provide a care based upon these women, acting on the risks that involve them on the everyday life. Interdisciplinary interventions are necessary on the mediation and / or creation of strategies that will meet the expectations raised in this study, offering glimpsed perspectives that were not reached up to the present moment and which support the decision of women to remain on the streets.

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