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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie kring sambandet mellan Honesty-humility och Agreeableness

Blobecq, Peter, Gunnarsson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund. Forskning har visat att personlighetsdimensionerna Honesty-humility från HEXACO samt Agreeableness från Big Five är viktiga indikatorer på oönskat beteende på arbetsplatsen. Det finns mycket forskning kring Honesty-humility respektive Agreeableness, dock är sambandet mellan dessa två personlighetsdimensioner, så vitt vi vet, sparsamt utforskat. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur sambandet mellan Honesty-humility och Agreeableness ser ut. Material och metod. Enkäten Riks-SOM från 2018 användes för att studera sambandet mellan Honesty-humility och Agreeableness. 3500 personer i åldersspannet 16-85 blev slumpmässigt utvalda ur registret för totalbefolkningen. Multipel regressionsanalys med 5000 bootstrapiterationer användes för att studera sambandet under kontroll för bakgrundsvariabler, med ett underlag om 1635 personer. Resultat och slutsats. Studien visade på ett positivt samband mellan Honesty-humility och Agreeableness även efter att sambandet kontrollerats för ålder, kön och utbildning. / Background. Research has shown that the personality dimensions Honesty-humility from HEXACO and Agreeableness from the Big Five are important indicators of Counterproductive workplace behavior (CWB). There is a lot of research on Honesty-humility and Agreeableness, however, as far as we know the relationship between these two personality dimensions is sparsely explored. The purpose of this study was to research the relationship between Honesty-humility and Agreeableness. Material and method. The Riks-SOM survey from 2018 was used to study the relationship between Honesty-humility and Agreeableness. 3500 people between the ages of 16-85 were randomly selected from the register for the total population. Multiple regression analysis with 5000 bootstrap iterations was used to study the relationship while controlling for background variables, with a sample of 1635 subjects. Result and conclusions. The study showed a positive relationship between Honesty-humility and Agreeableness even after controlling for age, sex, and education.

Personality and interpersonal aspects of the work environment

Swiden Wick, RoseAnn 01 May 2013 (has links)
Workplace arrogance has emerged as a research focus area for many industrial-organizational psychologists. Employees who demonstrate arrogance tend to demonstrate poor job performance, executive failure and poor overall organizational success. The present study investigates arrogance measured by the Workplace Arrogance Scale (WARS: Johnson et al., 2010) in relation to the Honesty Humility facet of the HEXACO Personality Index-Revised (HEXACO PI-R: LEE & Ashton, 2004). A total of 273 participants completed the WARS and HEXACO PI-R Honesty-Humility Facet of the HEXACO. Results show significant, strong negative correlations between the Honesty-Humility subfacets and the overall Honesty Humility facet score with the WARS scores. These findings indicate that workers high in arrogance lack important honesty-humility characteristics. Once we fully understand the complex mixture of personality traits that make up workplace arrogance, we can begin to screen for it in the hiring process and develop ways to better address it in the workplace.

The Relationship Between Honesty-Humility And Social Desirability: High-Stake Versus Low-Stake Situations

Koepke, Lena, Marten, Julia Katharina January 2018 (has links)
Faking in applications was found to be an important issue in which social desirability plays a relevant role. The present study brings Social Desirability Responding, Honesty-Humility, and different stakes of situations into relation. Social Desirability Responding, i.e. Communion Management and Self-Deceptive Enhancement, operationalized by the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) and Honesty-Humility (HEXACO-60) are analysed regarding their relationships and differences in and between high-stake, low-stake, and high-stake-low-framed situations. Relationships between Honesty-Humility and Communion Management were significantly positive, while no relationship between Honesty-Humility and Self-Deceptive Enhancement was found. There were also no significant differences in the constructs across situations. It was further investigated whether individuals scoring low in Honesty-Humility show different responding behaviour dependent on situational frames compared to individuals scoring high in Honesty-Humility. No significant differences were found. Results imply that Social Desirable Responding scales do not measure what they intent to, hence further research is needed. The tested high-stake-low-framed situational instruction did not significantly reduce faking. However, exploring the option of framing application situations is recommended for organizations. Further, the problematic nature of measuring Social Desirability Responding is considered.

Personality and Organizational Justice Effects on Counterproductive Work Behavior

Drabish, Alec C. 02 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Antecedents of Leader Empowering Behaviour : a Leader Self-Concept Perspective

Mohebbinia, Ladan 12 1900 (has links)
L’intérêt quant à l'habilitation des employés persiste étant donné les nombreux avantages associés à un personnel habilité. Les recherches empiriques démontrent que les employés psychologiquement habilités sont plus performants (Ahearne et al., 2005), s'engagent à des comportements extra- roles (Den Hartog & De Hoogh, 2009; Raub & Robert, 2010), sont plus satisfaits (Vecchio et al., 2010), sont plus intrinsèquement motivés (Chen et al., 2011; Zhang & Bartol, 2010), et sont plus engagés envers leur travail (Hassan et al., 2012; Konczak et al., 2000; Mare, 2007; Tuckey et al., 2012). Malgré les résultats positifs de l’habilitation des employés, les interventions ne parviennent pas à atteindre les résultats attendus. De plus, rares sont les recherches qui examinent l’habilitation du point de vue des leaders. Donc, employant la perspective des leaders, cette étude tente de combler cette lacune en élucidant les facteurs qui contribuent à mieux comprendre pourquoi certains dirigeants habilitent les employés tandis que d’autres ne le font pas. À cette fin, les facteurs relationnels et de personnalité des leaders, ainsi que contextuels au travail et leur relation avec les practiques d’habilitation ont été examinés sur un échantillon de dirigeants au sein de sept ministères gouvernementales d'une province canadienne. Il a été constaté que plus le leader se définit par un concept de soi inclusive dans ses relations au travail, plus il/elle a tendance à habiliter ses subordonnés. Les attributs de personnalité, soit de l'honnêteté-humilité (positivement), d’identité morale (positivement) et le désir de dominer (négativement) ont également servi à prédire le comportement d'habilitation du leader. L'insécurité positionnelle s’est avéré prévoir négativement les comportements d’habilitation des leaders. En outre, il a été constaté que les dirigeants avec un sens de pouvoir plus élevé sont plus susceptibles d’habiliter leurs employés, contrairement à ce que prédit la littérature sur le pouvoir, perçu comme une force corruptrice (Kipnis, 1972; Maner & Mead, 2007). À l'inverse aux attentes, le trait d’implication de la culture organisationnelle s'est avéré non lié au comportement d’habilitation des leaders. Cette constatation correspond aux recherches sur le pouvoir et sa suppression des influences contextuels en faveur des traits internes du leader (Galinsky et al., 2003). En effet, le sentiment de puissance et le concept de soi collectif sont apparus comme les deux variables étudiés les plus importantes pour prédire le comportement d’habilitation des leaders. Cette étude a des implications considérables pour le domaine du leadership. Pour une main d’oeuvre plus habilitée, il est recommandé que les programmes de leadership tentent à développer un concept de soi plus inclusive chez leurs leaders, pour ensuite leur céder accès au pouvoir. / Interest in employee empowerment persists given the wide range of positive individual and organizational outcomes associated with an empowered workforce. Psychologically empowered employees perform better (Ahearne et al., 2005), undertake extra-role behaviour (Den Hartog & De Hoogh, 2009; Raub & Robert, 2010), are more satisfied (Vecchio et al., 2010), are more intrinsically motivated (Chen et al., 2011; Zhang & Bartol, 2010), are more committed (Hassan et al., 2012; Konczak et al., 2000; Mare, 2007), and are more engaged (Tuckey et al., 2012). Despite these positive outcomes communicated to leaders, interventions fail to reach the expected results. Yet, existing research rarely examine empowerment from the view of the leader. This study attempts to fill this gap by elucidating on factors that contribute to our understanding of why certain leaders empower whereas others don’t. To that end, relational, personality and situational variables and their relationship with leader empowering behaviour were examined on a sample of leaders within seven ministries of a Canadian provincial government. It was found that the more inclusive the leader self-defines in his/her relationships at work, the more likely he/she is to empower subordinates. The personality attributes of honesty-humility (positively), moral identity (positively), and desire for dominance (negatively) were also found to be associated to leader empowering behaviour. Positional insecurity was found to negatively predict leader empowering behaviour. Furthermore, results reveal that leaders with a higher sense of power are more likely to empower, in divergence with the literature on power as a corrupting force (Kipnis, 1972; Maner & Mead, 2007). Also, contrary to expectation, the involvement trait of organizational culture was found to be unrelated to leader empowering behaviour. This finding is consistent with the research on power and it’s suppressing of contextual influences in favour of more internal traits to the leader (Galinsky et al., 2003). Leader sense of power and collective self-concept emerged as the two most important variables predicting leader empowering behaviour. This study has significant implications for the field of leadership. For a more empowering organization, it is recommended that leadership programs work to develop a more inclusive self-concept in their leaders, following which, they can be entrusted with more power.

Socio-demographic and psychological determinants of water conservation behavior / evidence from Germany and Jordan

Zietlow, Kim J 04 February 2016 (has links)
Wasser ist eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen. Jedoch schätzt man, dass sich das globale Wasserdefizit schon im Jahr 2030 auf ca. 40 Prozent belaufen wird. Klimawandel, veränderte Lebensweisen, und Bevölkerungswachstum verstärken das Nachfrage-Angebot-Defizit. Als Konsequenz leiden immer mehr Regionen unter Wasserknappheit. Eine reduzierte Wassernachfrage bedingt durch verstärktes Wassersparen kann das Problem verringern. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, zu einem besseren Verständnis der sozio-demographischen und psychologischen Determinanten von Wassersparverhalten beizutragen. Basierend auf drei Datensätzen aus Deutschland und Jordanien wurden die verschiedenen Facetten von Wassersparverhalten und deren Determinanten beleuchtet. Das Verhältnis zwischen Wassersparen und Umwelteinstellung, einem latenten Konstrukt, das kooperative, prosoziale und sogar moralische Tendenzen widerspiegelt, wurde konzeptionell untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde Wassersparen in Deutschland als ein Repräsentant für moralisches Verhalten verwendet. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Umwelteinstellung und der Persönlichkeitsfaktor Ehrlichkeit-Bescheidenheit auf ihr Vermögen hin verglichen, moralisches Verhalten vorherzusehen. Eine ausführliche Analyse zur Bewertung einer Kampagne zur Förderung des Wassersparbewusstseins hat detaillierte Informationen zu ihren tatsächlichen Effekten gezeigt. Eine weitere Analyse hat sich auf die Determinanten von Wassersparverhalten in Jordanien konzentriert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Wassersparverhalten nicht durch Alter, Bildungsgrad und Einkommen beeinflusst wird, sondern eher durch die Ausprägung der Umwelteinstellung. Diese Dissertation liefert wertvolle Informationen für Forscher und Politiker. Die detaillierte Untersuchung von verschiedenen Wasserspardeterminanten birgt großes Potenzial für ein verbessertes Wassermanagement. / Water is one of the most important resources. However, the global water deficit was estimated to reach about 40% by 2030. Climate change, changing lifestyles, and population growth increase the supply and demand gap further. As a consequence, more and more regions experience water scarcity. In that context, reduced household water demand due to enhanced water conservation could alleviate the problem or, at least, reduce the pressure on water resources. Thus, this thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of the socio-demographic and psychological determinants of water conservation behavior. Based on three distinct datasets from Germany and Jordan, the manifold facets of water conservation and its determinants were examined. From a conceptual perspective, the relationship between water conservation and environmental attitude, a latent construct representing cooperative, prosocial, and even moral tendencies, were investigated. Furthermore, water conservation in Germany was used as a proxy for moral behavior. In that respect, environmental attitude and the personality factor Honesty-Humility were compared in order to determine, which factor constitutes the better predictor of moral behavior. Using original data from Jordan, a comprehensive impact evaluation of a water conservation awareness campaign revealed detailed information on its actual effects. Another analysis focused on a wide variety of water conservation determinants in Jordan. The results indicate that water conservation does not differ with respect to age, education, and income, but rather with different levels of environmental attitude. This thesis provides valuable information for researchers and policy makers alike. The detailed examination of various water conservation determinants offer a great potential for an improved management of household water demand.

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