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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio de la innovación en servicios mediante la transmisión de conocimiento de las redes sociales. Sector turístico

Moncho Arroyo, Ricardo 02 September 2024 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de este estudio consiste en explorar como el intercambio y la colaboración de conocimientos en las redes sociales contribuyen a la generación de ideas innovadoras en el sector de servicios, concretamente en el sector turístico. En los últimos años concretamente esta industria ha sufrido cambios globales muy importantes. Antes del COVID-19, la prosperidad económica arraigada al sector turístico suponía un papel muy importante para muchos países, incluido España. Sin embargo, tras la crisis de 2020, esta industria ha tenido que superar grandes desafíos, uno de los factores clave que ha permitido dar solución a este contexto ha sido la innovación. Por ello, esta tesis tiene como principal objetivo conocer, examinar y determinar el papel que juegan las redes sociales a la hora de transmitir conocimientos y como estos evocan nuevas ideas innovadoras en servicios turísticos. Para ello, se ha realizado una exhaustiva lectura acerca de la literatura existente que ha permitido reflexionar y contrastar estudios estadísticos acerca de la innovación, los servicios y las redes sociales, incluidos también factores determinantes en el sector turístico. A partir de este análisis, se desarrollan hipótesis contrastadas que han dado como resultado una vinculación favorable entre las variables consideradas en este estudio. Los datos obtenidos para este estudio han sido extraídos tras investigaciones previas realizadas en hoteles de cuatro y cinco estrellas, final las redes sociales contribuyen a generar y compartir ideas innovadoras dentro del sector turístico. Aquellas organizaciones cuya cultura está vinculada con la innovación, sobresalen frente a los desafíos que trae consigo un mercado cambiante y destacan en términos financieros, además, se ha detectado una mayor satisfacción entre las partes interesadas. Esta profunda investigación servirá como guía y literatura académica para todas aquellas personas y organizaciones vinculadas o no con el sector turístico, que estén interesadas en comprender, conocer y descifrar el rol tan importante que hoy en día juegan las redes sociales como herramienta de intercambio de ideas. / [CA] L'objectiu d'este estudi consistix a explorar com l'intercanvi i la col·laboració de coneixements en les xarxes socials contribuïxen a la generació d'idees innovadores en el sector de servicis, concretament en el sector turístic. En els últims anys concretament esta indústria ha patit canvis globals molt importants. Abans del COVID-19, la prosperitat econòmica arrelada al sector turístic suposava un paper molt important per a molts països, inclòs Espanya. No obstant això, després de la crisi de 2020, esta indústria ha hagut de superar grans desafiaments, un dels factors clau que ha permés donar solució a este context ha sigut la innovació. Per això, esta tesi té com a principal objectiu conéixer, examinar i determinar el paper que juguen les xarxes socials a l'hora de transmetre coneixements i com estos evoquen noves idees innovadores en servicis turístics. Per a això, s'ha realitzat una exhaustiva lectura sobre la literatura existent que ha permés reflexionar i contrastar estudis estadístics sobre la innovació, els servicis i les xarxes socials, inclosos també factors determinants en el sector turístic. A partir d'esta anàlisi, es desenvolupen hipòtesis contrastades que han donat com a resultat una vinculació favorable entre les variables considerades en este estudi. Les dades obtingudes per a este estudi han sigut extrets després d'investigacions prèvies realitzades en hotels de quatre i cinc estreles, final les xarxes socials contribuïxen a generar i compartir idees innovadores dins del sector turístic. Aquelles organitzacions la cultura de les quals està vinculada amb la innovació, sobreïxen enfront dels desafiaments que porta amb si un mercat canviant i destaquen en termes financers, a més, s'ha detectat una major satisfacció entre les parts interessades. Esta profunda investigació servirà com a guia i literatura acadèmica per a totes aquelles persones i organitzacions vinculades o no amb el sector turístic, que estiguen interessades a comprendre, conéixer i desxifrar el rol tan important que hui dia juguen les xarxes socials com a ferramenta d'intercanvi d'idees. / [EN] The aim of this study is to explore how knowledge sharing and collaboration in social networks contribute to the generation of innovative ideas in the service sector, specifically in the tourism sector. In recent years this industry in particular has undergone major global changes. Before COVID-19, economic prosperity rooted in the tourism sector played a very important role for many countries, including Spain. However, after the crisis of 2020, this industry has had to overcome great challenges, one of the key factors that has allowed to solve this context has been innovation. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to know, examine and determine the role played by social networks when transmitting knowledge and how these evoke new innovative ideas in tourism services. To this end, an exhaustive reading of the existing literature has been carried out to reflect on and contrast statistical studies on innovation, services and social networks, also including determining factors in the tourism sector. Based on this analysis, contrasted hypotheses are developed that have resulted in a favourable link between the variables considered in this study. The data obtained for this study have been extracted from previous research conducted in four and five star hotels, where social networks contribute to the generation and sharing of innovative ideas within the tourism sector. Organisations whose culture is linked to innovation excel in the face of the challenges of a changing market and excel in financial terms, and higher stakeholder satisfaction has been found. This in-depth research will serve as a guide and academic literature for all those people and organisations linked or not to the tourism sector, who are interested in understanding, knowing and deciphering the important role that social networks play today as a tool for the exchange of ideas. / Moncho Arroyo, R. (2024). Estudio de la innovación en servicios mediante la transmisión de conocimiento de las redes sociales. Sector turístico [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/208355

Sälj det nu eller aldrig : En studie om hotellbranschens kraftiga priskurvor

Polonis, Vanessa, Björklund, Per, Panek, Nathalie January 2017 (has links)
The hotel industry is characterized by perishability, which means that its services cannot be stored and saved to a later sales opportunity. In that world, a room that is not booked is lost forever. Another thing that also characterizes the industry is that it is seasonally controlled, thus the demand varies between different periods of time and occasions. As hotels tend to have high fixed costs, companies often choose to price their services higher when the opportunity that consumers pay a higher price appears. This can lead to a situation when the consumers feel fooled by the fact that the hotel itself does not create the new conditions that makes the demand rise. As a support for the interviews conducted, a research focused on the real prices has also been conducted where the prices of fifteen hotels in Stockholm were checked for three months on three occasions. To investigate the relationship between these two phenomena, seven hotel employees have been interviewed and shared their experiences of the reality and strategies within hotel industry. In order to get an overall picture, fifty consumers having profiles of potential hotel guests, have been interviewed where they answer questions about different scenarios and estimated prices for hotels of three different classes in Stockholm. The research made it possible to determine some conclusions. It appeared to be important for hotel industry to optimize prices in a way that they reflect the demand. An important tool to achieve this optimization is yield management and it confirms by the driving forces that identifies most often. The result of this reality is that the hotels experience fluctuations of prices over time, with rarely occurring stable pricing curves. Price awareness of customers tend to be raised when their experience of similar purchases is high. It has also been found that high prices do not necessarily have to lower the consumer value and that hotel guests may be willing to pay a higher price due to certain external factors. The relation between pricing and customer value was found to be complex and as there are some factors preventing the customer value to get lowered by price increase, it might be beneficial for hotels to take these factors into account. / Hotellbranschen kännetecknas av förgänglighet, vilket innebär att dess tjänster inte går att spara till ett senare försäljningstillfälle. I den världen går ett rum som inte bokas för alltid förlorad. Något som också kännetecknar branschen är att den är säsongsstyrd och därmed varierar efterfrågan mellan olika tidsperioder och tillfällen. I och med att hotell tenderar att ha höga fasta kostnader, väljer företagen ofta att prissätta sina tjänster högre när möjligheten för att konsumenter betalar ett högre pris uppstår. Detta kan leda till att konsumenterna känner sig lurade i och med att hotellet inte självt skapar de nya förutsättningarna som gör att efterfrågan stiger. Som ett stöd för de genomförda intervjuerna har även en prisundersökning genomförts där priserna på femton hotell i Stockholm under fyra månaders tid kontrollerades vid tre tillfällen. För att utreda hur relationen mellan dessa två fenomen ser ut har sju hotellmedarbetare intervjuats och beskrivit den verkligheten och de strategierna som finns. För att kunna få en helhetsbild har även femtio konsumenter, alltså potentiella hotellgäster, intervjuats där de svarar på frågor om olika scenarier samt uppskatta priser på hotell av olika klasser i Stockholm. Slutsatserna till undersökningen förblev att hotell till en övervägande majoritet använder sig av verktyg som yield management för att hantera dessa fluktuationer i efterfrågan och därmed ser också ett hotells priskurva väldigt sällan stabil ut. De potentiella hotellgästerna ställer sig kluvna i frågan om hur priset på ett hotellrum påverkar det upplevda värdet, vilket också delvis ställer det teoretiska ramverket och det empiriska resultatet emot varandra. Slutsatsen av det är att det finns en komplexitet i detta fenomen, där det finns ett flertal faktorer som erfordras att undersökas vidare för att nå en djupare och bredare förståelse.

Psychodiagnostika v personální psychologii: kompetenční přístup při výběru zaměstnanců v hotelovém průmyslu / Psychological testing in personnel psychology: competency-based selection of hospitality leaders

Šafr, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with one of the most debated topics of the Personnel Psychology - the personnel selection. The aim of the thesis is to provide an exhaustive overview of the designing process of the selection procedures with special attention being paid to the various methods of selecting employees. Attention was primarily paid to the effort that the knowledge of the otherwise common methods of selecting employees be put in the new framework and the latest ways of their application. Particular emphasis has been put upon the new approaches to the method of interview, cognitive abilities testing, detection of individual personality at work and new methods in designing assessment centers. An interesting chapter is the use of emotional factors as selection criteria and the application of the attachment theory to work. Considerable extent of the thesis is also devoted to the methods of job analysis and competency modeling, their comparison and applications. Based on the previous theoretical treatise the empirical part attempts at creating a competency model for senior executives in the hotel industry and proposes possible ways of its practical use.

Utilité et comparabilité de l'information sectorielle : application aux groupes hôteliers internationaux et à leurs analystes financiers / Usefulness and comparability of segment information : applications to the international hotel groups and their financial analysts

Demerens, Frédéric 08 July 2011 (has links)
Dans un contexte d’harmonisation comptable internationale visant à améliorer la qualité de l’information financière publiée par les groupes internationaux afin d’en assurer l’utilité, notre recherche doctorale a pour objet d’apporter une contribution à l’évaluation de l’utilité et de la comparabilité de l’information sectorielle. Cette recherche adopte une approche qualitative mono-sectorielle à travers l’étude du contenu des rapports de recommandation des analystes et des rapports annuels des grands groupes hôteliers internationaux, et une approche internationale à travers la comparaison des référentiels IAS/IFRS et US GAAP. Nous proposons en premier lieu d’étudier l’utilité de l’information sectorielle pour les analystes financiers à travers l’utilisation qu’ils en font dans leurs rapports et le lien de cette utilisation avec l’exactitude des prévisions qu’ils réalisent. Nous analysons ensuite l’évolution de la comparabilité de l’information sectorielle « normée » publiée par les groupes et la comparabilité de leurs pratiques de publication hors annexe. En raison de la diversité des pratiques de publication des firmes, l’utilité et la comparabilité de l’information sectorielle publiée par les groupes hôteliers internationaux demeurent perfectibles. / International accounting harmonization aims to improve financial reporting quality in order to enhance its usefulness. In this context, we study the usefulness and the comparability of segment information. Our research is mainly qualitative – analysis of annual reports and analysts’ reports contents - , hotel industry based and IAS/IFRS versus US GAAP focused. First, we address whether segment information is useful for financial analysts assessing usefulness through its use and its link with forecasts’ precision. Second, the research deals with the evolution of normalized segment information comparability and with the comparability of segment voluntary disclosures reported by international hotel groups. We find that, mainly because of the heterogeneity of disclosure practices, both usefulness and comparability of segment information remains incomplete and perfectible in the international hotel industry.

Assessing security measures at hotels : a case study from Gauteng

Cebekhulu, Nomsa Pride 09 1900 (has links)
This study is about assessing security measures in the hotel industry in Gauteng Province, South Africa. The researcher divided Gauteng into five regions (Mogale City; Tshwane; Central Johannesburg; Ekurhuleni; and Sedibeng). The researcher adopted the qualitative approach where one-on-one interviews were conducted with the participants. There were 20 hotels that were selected to participate in the study. From the 20 hotels, where only one participant from each was involved, the researcher conducted one-on-one interviews with twenty (20) Security Managers or anybody who was responsible for the security functions at senior level at the hotels. A semi-structured interview schedule with probing questions was used as a guide to obtain comprehensive information about security measures from the participants. Random sampling approach was used in the study. From the population of 70 hotels in Gauteng, where the sample of twenty (20) was derived, was the group within which the researcher was interested in for obtaining data. Since Gauteng Province is huge, the researcher only conducted research within the four metropolitan areas consisting of Johannesburg, Mogale City, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni. The aims and objectives of the research study are as follows: • Outline the nature of business that hotels are engaged in; • Investigate if there are security policies and procedures as part of effective security component; • Examine what important assets need to be protected at hotel facilities; • Uncover the risks facing assets in the hotel facilities; • Determine what incidents of loss took place in the hotel facilities; • Examine what assets are mainly targeted by perpetrators at hotels; • Uncover the profile and modus operandi of hotel perpetrators; • Examine the effectiveness of security measures and systems that are put in place at hotels; • Explore if security systems are integrated at hotels; • Determine the frequency of conducting risk assessment at hotels; • Check if pre and post-employment screening is conducted for security officers at hotels; • Find out if the guests inquire about security measures when making reservations; and • Find out how guests feel about security at the hotel facilities. The study revealed the following: • Hotels are business entities which attract different types of guests, nationally and internationally. Different services that are offered at the hotels which make hotels the main choice of destination to the guests are: accommodation for sleeping, leisure, and work commitments such as workshops or conferences. The study also revealed that most of the clientele comes from the corporate sector. • There are basic security measures in place in the hotels. These range from security policies, security procedures, physical security (for example, technological security such as Close Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance system, adequate security lighting, security personnel (contract or in-house), alarm systems, armed response, access control systems and security fence or walls). The security measures were also appeared to be put in place in accordance with the location of the hotel. If the hotel was surrounded by other business areas, the level of security was more focused in the inner security layer. If the hotel was standing alone, the different security layers (the inner security layer, the outer and the middle security layers) were adequately protected. • Hotels are faced with different risks such as theft, prostitution, murder and assault, among others. Theft however was found to be across the board; for example, people were stealing the hoteliers’ property or the guests’ property. • Prostitution was found to be prevalent at hotels. Prominent people from political arena, corporate environment and other guests were interested in the prostitutes. Prostitutes were said to have their own modus operandi of using drugs to their prospective clients and then rob them of their money and belongings thereafter. • Most of the assets which are targeted by hotel perpetrators were found to be: guests/hotel money, hotel goods, guests’ cars, goods in guests’ cars, televisions, home music systems and mobile devices such as laptops and cell phones. • The profile and modus operandi of hotel perpetrators. • Security assessments are conducted at hotels so as to figure out what security risks are facing the hotels. • Hotels need to be protected at all times against criminality as it tarnishes their image. • Most of the guests do enquire about the safety of the hotel before making a booking. Some of the guests mainly from the corporate sector do send their security specialists to assess the level of security at the hotel prior to making a booking. As the findings on this study were based on aims and objectives, recommendations for crime combating, proactive protection and future research were identified. The recommendations will, hopefully, also improve any inadequate security measures that may have been revealed by the study. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice)

Att överleva i av- och ombokningarnas tid : En kvalitativ studie av hur två hotell och två resebyråer anpassat sig till och hanterat effekterna av Covid-19 pandemin

Hansell, Ebba, Harbi, Wurood January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur den kris som Covid-19 pandemin skapat harpåverkat hotell och resebyråers digitala taktiska respektive planerade strategiska marknadsföring,samt den krishantering som tillämpats av företagen under denna pandemin och de lärdomar dedragit av denna kris.Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen för denna studie innefattar marknadsförings-, krishanteringsoch organisationsteori. Inom marknadsföring har SCRM samt RACE marketing planningframework modellerna tillämpats och inom krishantering har krisprocessen och kriskurvanmodellerna. Vad gäller organisationsteori har fokus varit på organisatoriskt lärande och teoriernasingle-, double- och triple-loop learning samt learning in crisis.Metod: Studien omfattar en kvalitativ undersökning av två hotell och två resebyråer grundad på ensemistrukturerad intervjumetod.Slutsatser: Covid-19 pandemin har tvingat respondenterna att vara flexibla och att göra kortsiktigaanpassningar av sina marknadsföringsmetoder. Den taktiska marknadsföringen har skett genom enökad användning av digitala kanaler som lyhört anpassats till kundernas behov av hälsa ochsäkerhet. Det var ännu för tidigt för att bedöma eventuella förändringar i den strategiskamarknadsföringen men några respondenter förväntade sig ett större fokus på värde begrepp somhälsa och trygghet. Samtliga respondenter har i praktiken ägnat sig åt krishantering och de flestarespondenterna hade någon form av förberedda krisplaner, som dock inte varit anpassade till en såomfattande och djup kris som den förevarande. Samtliga respondenter verkar ha fått en större insikti vikten av att ha en effektiv och tät intern och extern kriskommunikation. Den yttre situationen harskapat ett stort tryck på respondenterna och har givit dem lärdomar som de möjligen inte hade fåttunder normala omständigheter, inklusive att på ett flexibelt och lättrörligt sätt anpassa sig till nyaoch föränderliga situationer. Även om Covid-19 pandemin framkallat mycket stress och ångest såhar den även haft positiva effekter som kan ge upphov till mer varaktiga förändringar. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to shed some light on how some hotels and travel agenciesin the Swedish tourism and hospitality industry have adapted to and managed the effects of theCovid-19 pandemic, particularly in terms of strategic and tactical digital marketing as well as crisismanagement, and the lessons learned from this crisis.Theory: The theoretical foundations for this paper include digital marketing theories, crisismanagement and organizational theory. In marketing theory, the SCRM and the RACE marketingplanning framework models have been applied and in terms of crisis management, the crisismanagement process as well as the crisis curve models have been applied. In terms oforganizational theory, focus has been on organizational learning and the theories single-, doubleand triple-loop learning as well as learning in crisis.Method: This study is a qualitative study of two hotels and two travel agencies based on semistructured interviews.Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the Covid-19 pandemic has forced the respondents tobe flexible and to make short-term adjustments to their marketing tactics. The tactical marketinghas included an increased use of digital channels and an adaptation of their marketing to theircustomers' needs for health and safety. It was too early to assess any changes in strategicmarketing, but some respondents planned to place a greater focus on value concepts such ashealth and safety. In practice, all respondents were engaged in crisis management and most of therespondents had some form of prepared crisis plans, which, however, were not adapted to such anextensive and protracted crisis as the Covid-19 pandemic. All respondents seemed to have gainedgreater insight into the importance of having effective and frequent internal and external crisiscommunication. The external situation has put a great deal of pressure on the respondents and hasgiven them lessons that they might not have acquired under normal circumstances, including acapacity to adapt flexibly and easily to new and changing situations. Although the Covid-19pandemic has caused a lot of stress and anxiety, it has also had positive effects that could triggerchanges in their longer term strategic marketing.

Vart tog alla vägen? : En kvantitativ studie av orsakerna till att den svenskahotellpersonalen inte återvänder efter Covid-19.

Dahlqvist, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att dels utifrån ett personalperspektiv undersöka och förstå huruvida arbetsgivarattraktivitet och arbetsmotivation bidrar till personalbristproblematiken inom den svenska hotellbranschen, för att sedan utforska vilka aspekter som påverkar personalens återkomst till branschen. För att besvara syftet har studien utgått ifrån frågeställningarna ”Vilka faktorer ligger bakom att tidigare personal inom hotellbranschen inte återvänder efter COVID-19 pandemin?” samt ”Vilka arbetsrelaterade justeringar kan genomföras för att locka tillbaka kvalificerad personal till branschen?”. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar ställdes även två hypoteser, där hypotes 1 testades för att besvara frågeställning 1, och hypotes 2 för att besvara frågeställning 2. Studien grundas i tre huvudteman, vilka är arbetsgivarattraktivitet, arbetsmotivation samt kompetens och personalutveckling. Dessa teman utgör också grunden för studiens teoretiska ramverk, som kompletterats med relevanta modeller och strategier. Studien har använt sig av en kvantitativ metod där en enkätstudie har använts för insamlingen av data. Studiens vetenskapliga förhållningssätt utgörs av det kritisk realism. Utifrån hypoteserna har enkäten strukturerats med hjälp av verktyget Survey & Report. Den insamlade data har sedan förts över till SPSS, där den har genomgått en djupare analys för att komma fram till ett resultat. Resultatet visar på att det går att utläsa flera potentiella faktorer som lett till att tidigare personal inte återvänder till sektorn efter pandemin, men att de två allra tydligaste aspekterna relaterar till bristande lön och förmåner liksom bristande karriärutvecklingsmöjligheter. För att locka tillbaka kvalificerad personal till branschen krävs en kombination av åtgärder, där studien föreslår justeringar som relaterar till studiens huvudteman. Detta diskuteras närmare i studiens analys och konkluderas sedan i slutsatsen, där det avslutningsvis också ges förslag till framtida forskning. / This study aims to examine and understand, from a staff perspective, whether employer attractiveness and work motivation contribute to the staff shortage problem in the Swedish hotel industry, thereby exploring which aspects affect the staff's return to the industry. In order to answer the purpose, the study has been based on the questions "What factors are behind the non-return of former staff in the hotel industry after the COVID-19 pandemic?". and "What changes can be implemented to attract qualified staff back to the industry?". To answer the study's questions, two hypotheses were also proposed, where hypothesis 1 was tested to answer question 1, and hypothesis 2 to answer question 2. The study is based on three main themes, which are employer attractiveness, work motivation and competence and personnel development. These themes also form the basis of the study's theoretical framework, which is complemented by relevant models and strategies. The study has used a quantitative method where a questionnaire study has been the chosen approach for data collection and critical realism as its epistemological approach. Based on the hypotheses, the questionnaire was structured using the Survey & Report tool. The collected data has then been extracted to SPSS, where it has undergone a deeper analysis to arrive at a result. The results show that several potential factors can be identified that have prevented former staff from returning to the sector after the pandemic, but that the two most obvious aspects relate to a lack of pay and benefits and a lack of career development opportunities. Attracting qualified staff back to the industry requires a combination of measures, with the study suggesting adjustments related to the main themes of the study. This is further discussed in the study's analysis and then concluded in the conclusion, which also concludes with suggestions for future research.

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