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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing sustainable household waste management : a Local Authority approach to zero waste

Cole, Christine January 2014 (has links)
This project was a case study with a Local Authority (Charnwood Borough Council, Leicestershire) to research the options in response to the challenges of managing household waste. This research focused on establishing and analysing methods of improving the sustainability of household waste management operation within a Waste Collection Authority, where the interaction with a variety of external and internal stakeholders meant a holistic approach was needed. Waste management practices and performances in Charnwood were evaluated and benchmarked against national standards and the demography of a semi-rural Borough. Waste management practices nationally were also reviewed. The performance of the LA was quantitatively compared with other UK LAs where higher recycling performances are achieved. Differences were separate food waste collection and treatment; a larger proportion of urban housing and the university with a transient population. Other differences included strategy and operational practices for garden waste, the storage, collection, transportation and treatment of waste. A time series statistical model was modified and applied to investigate long term waste generation trends from the Boroughs official waste data returns to Defra. These were used to assess the success of interventions undertaken. This statistical model was able to differentiate interventions that were able to achieve lasting improvements in either waste minimisation or recycling. The declaration of a Zero Waste Strategy was to capture the public imagination. A series of focus groups and public consultations were held to judge public reaction and develop and refine the strategy. These were used to adapt the Zero Waste idea to suit the local conditions. A major conclusion was that householder involvement would be crucial for successful implementation of the further separation of waste that would be required.

Análise da composição gravimétrica dos resíduos domiciliares de São Carlos (SP) / Analysis of the gravimetric composition of household waste in São Carlos (SP)

Kim, Viviane Jin Hee 26 March 2019 (has links)
O aumento da população nas áreas urbanas associada ao crescimento e mudança no padrão de consumo resulta numa maior geração de Resíduos Domiciliares (RD). A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos prevê a obrigatoriedade dos municípios elaborarem Planos Municipais de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos, os quais devem ter como um dos conteúdos mínimos a caracterização física dos RD. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi atualizar a gravimetria do município, para dar suporte à elaboração do Plano e identificação de potencialidades e fragilidades na gestão de resíduos sólidos. Além disso, este trabalho usou uma metodologia baseada na NBR 10.007 e normas internacionais para realizar a caracterização física dos RD no aterro sanitário. As análises para verificar a influência do clima e da presença de coleta seletiva foram feitas pelo teste Mann-Whitney, enquanto que a relação da gravimetria com aspectos socioeconômicos foi feita pela correlação de Spearman. Por fim, realizou-se a análise de agrupamento hierárquica aglomerativa para formar grupos de setores similares, e assim, estimar a gravimetria do município considerando um setor de cada grupo formado. A estimação da gravimetria de São Carlos em 2018 foi: 37,48% de Matéria Orgânica; 5,13% de Papel; 4,59% de Papelão; 6,51% de Plástico filme; 7,25% de Plástico rígido; 3,10% de Vidro; 1,73% de Metais; 1,46% de Embalagem longa vida; 4,72% Têxteis, couro e borracha; 0,68% Resíduo eletroeletrônico; 0,99% Medicamentos, curativos e embalagens de medicamentos e cosméticos; 0,47% Embalagens de tintas, esmaltes, aerossóis e inseticidas; 25,89% de Rejeitos. Concluiu-se que houveram mudanças no padrão de consumo da população se comparada com estudos anteriores e que a coleta seletiva se encontra em uma situação regular no município. Também constatou-se que não há evidências estatísticas de diferença da gravimetria entre as estações climáticas e entre os setores com e sem coleta seletiva. Contatou-se também que é possível estimar a gravimetria por menos e que a combinação ideal variou com a estação da coleta de dados. / The population growth in the urban areas associated to the increase and change in the consumption pattern results in a greater generation of Household Waste (HW). The National Solid Waste Policy foresees the obligation of the municipalities to elaborate Municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Plans, which should have as one of the minimum contents the gravimetry of the HW. In this way, the objective of this work was to update the municipality\'s gravimetry, aiming the elaboration of the Plan and identification of potentialities and weaknesses in solid waste management. In addition, this work used a methodology based on NBR 10.007 and international standards to perform the physical characterization of HW in the landfill. The analyzes to verify the influence of the climate and the presence of selective collection were done by the Mann-Whitney test, whereas the relation of gravimetry with socioeconomic aspects was made by the Spearman correlation. Finally, agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to form groups of similar sectors, and in sequence make combinations considering one sector of each group, to propose a set of reduced sectors to facilitate monitoring or to determine future gravimetrics of the municipality. The estimation of the gravimetry of São Carlos in 2018 was: 37,48% of Organic matter; 5,13% Paper; 4,59% Cardboard; 6,51% Soft plastic; 7,25% Hard plastic; 3,10% Glass; 1,73% of Metals; 1,46% of Multilayers packaging; 4,72% Textiles, leather and rubber; 0,68% Electronic waste; 0,99% Medicines, packaging of medicines and cosmetics; 0,47% Packaging of paints, enamels, aerosols and insecticides; 25,89% of Rejects. It was concluded that there were changes in consumption pattern of the population compared to pasts studies and that the selective collection is in a regular situation in the municipality. It was also verified that statistically there is no difference evidence of the gravimetry between the climatic seasons and between the sectors with and without selective collection. In relation to gravimetry estimation by less sectors, it was verified that it is possible and that the ideal combination varied with the climatic season that the data was collected.

Biogas Production from Household Wastes : A Quantitative Feasibility Study for Student Apartments in Albano

Önder, Deniz January 2013 (has links)
Biogas is an environmentally friendly energy source with great importance for sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of setting up a biogas plant at the student housing area planned at Albano in Stockholm. The possibility of attaining self-sustainability in Albano is also investigated. After compiling the processes for converting household waste into biogas through a literature study, a quantitative feasibility study of setting up a biogas plant is carried out. The usable amount of household waste is determined through an empirical study. Investment costs of comparable biogas production facilities are obtained from companies working in the biogas field. The producible biogas amount and rates of conversion from biogas to heat/electricity are derived from existing data in similar studies. The energy demand is calculated based on existing data from housing companies and authorities. Four possible scenarios are created to study all the possible outcomes of establishing a biogas plant. The maximum producible biogas is determined to be 12.199 m3/year. The total energy demand in Albano is determined to be 2.931MWh/year, of which 2,4 TWh/year is heat and 531 MWh/year is electricity. This amount is not sufficient to meet the specific requirements. Recommendations for Albano were made accordingly. / Biogas betraktas som ett en miljövänlig energikälla med stor betydelse för det kommande arbetet mot en mer hållbar utveckling. Denna rapport avser behandla möjligheten till ett upprättande av en biogasanläggning vid ett planerat studentboende vid Albano, Stockholm. Vidare kommer även möjligheterna till ett mer självständigt hållbart arbete i området behandlas. Som en del i rapporten kommer en analys av omvandlingen från hushållsavfall till biogas utföras i form av en kvantitativ studie med fokus på en förstudie för upprättande av biogasanläggning. Mängden hushållsavfall fås genom en empirisk studie av författaren. Den andel energi som beräknas kunna produceras fås genom befintlig data från utförda studier på Albano. Utifrån detta fastställs energibehovet utifrån givna rekommendationer och uppskattningar utförda av företag och myndigheter. Fyra möjliga utfall är definierade i syfte att kartlägga de möjliga utfallen för biogasanläggningen. Den maximala andel producerad biogas uppgår till 12.199 m3/år. Den totala energibehov i Albano bestämdes till 2.931 MWh/år, varav värmebehovet är 2,4 TWh/år och elbehovet är 531 MWh/år. Den maximala andel producerad biogas kan användas för att tillverka 48,8 MWh/år värme och 24,4 MWh/år elektricitet. Denna mängd är inte tillräcklig för att tillgodose de bestämda kraven. Utifrån detta har olika förslag utformats.

A destinação dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares em megacidades: o caso de São Paulo / Household waste management in megacities: the case study of São Paulo

Ruberg, Claudia 09 February 2006 (has links)
A alta complexidade da destinação dos resíduos sólidos nas megacidades, como é o caso do Município de São Paulo advém, não apenas da grande quantidade de resíduos gerados, mas também da sua extensão urbana.Os dois aterros sanitários localizados na periferia da Capital paulista – Bandeirantes e São João – recebem, diariamente, doze mil toneladas de resíduos urbanos, dentre as quais quase nove mil de resíduos domiciliares. Esses aterros ocupam, respectivamente, 140 e 85 hectares e estarão esgotados até o início da próxima década. O mero afastamento dos resíduos, destinação amplamente empregada nos municípios brasileiros, tem se mostrado como uma opção pouco viável nas megacidades, principalmente devido aos problemas urbanos a ele associados. Faz-se mister reduzir, significativamente, o volume de resíduos enviados aos aterros, meta não alcançada somente com o emprego da reciclagem. Através da incineração tem-se a redução necessária, sendo essa tecnologia já utilizada em diversos países.Com objetivo de modificar a atual destinação dos resíduos domiciliares de São Paulo para um sistema de estações redutoras de volume associado ao sistema viário principal, foi elaborada a proposta de implantação de seis incineradores localizados nas imediações de um anel viário metropolitano. Em cada unidade foi previsto um buffer de vegetação com a finalidade de minimizar os ruídos e os particulados no entorno, bem como proteger visualmente a área.A distribuição de unidades de redução de volume de resíduos permitiu a montagem de um sistema mais racional de transporte, com a eliminação das estações de transferência de resíduos e a diminuição das distâncias de transporte.Essa proposta, que respeita o zoneamento e as áreas de proteção ambiental, visa diminuir a dependência de grandes áreas para aterramento dos resíduos, reduzir os problemas resultantes do deslocamento de veículos coletores, ao mesmo tempo em que minimiza os efeitos negativos ao meio ambiente. / The extreme complexity of the solid waste management in mega cities like São Paulo is caused not only by the great amount of waste the city generates, but also by its huge urban area.The two existent sanitary landfills located in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo – namely Bandeirantes and São João – receive twelve thousand metric tons of urban solid waste daily, almost nine thousand metric tons of which are originated by household waste. These sanitary landfills occupy 140 and 85 hectares respectively, and it has been prognosticated that both areas will close before the next decade. The simple waste removal to areas outside the urban perimeter, a waste management concept implemented by most Brazilian cities, has been proved inefficient when mega cities are concerned, mainly due to urban problems associated with it. It is then necessary to reduce significantly the amount of waste sent to the sanitary landfills, a goal that has not been reached by simply recycling the waste. The technology of incineration on the other hand is an alternative that promotes this reduction and has been successfully used in many countries. A proposal has been devised to change the present management of household waste in São Paulo city to a system of reduction stations of the amount of waste linked to the main metropolitan road system. This proposal consists on the implementation of six incinerators placed in the vicinity of the metropolitan ring road. Each unit includes a vegetation buffer that both reduces the noise and particulates in the surroundings, and protects the area from visual pollution. The distribution of waste reduction units allowed the implementation of a more rational system of transportation, resulting in the elimination of the waste transfer stations and the shortening of the transportation distances. This proposal pays heed to the zone division of the city and the areas under environment protection, and aims at reducing the destination of large areas to the burying of waste as well as reducing the problems caused by the flow of the collecting vehicles, at the same time that it lessens the negative effects on the environment.

A destinação dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares em megacidades: o caso de São Paulo / Household waste management in megacities: the case study of São Paulo

Claudia Ruberg 09 February 2006 (has links)
A alta complexidade da destinação dos resíduos sólidos nas megacidades, como é o caso do Município de São Paulo advém, não apenas da grande quantidade de resíduos gerados, mas também da sua extensão urbana.Os dois aterros sanitários localizados na periferia da Capital paulista – Bandeirantes e São João – recebem, diariamente, doze mil toneladas de resíduos urbanos, dentre as quais quase nove mil de resíduos domiciliares. Esses aterros ocupam, respectivamente, 140 e 85 hectares e estarão esgotados até o início da próxima década. O mero afastamento dos resíduos, destinação amplamente empregada nos municípios brasileiros, tem se mostrado como uma opção pouco viável nas megacidades, principalmente devido aos problemas urbanos a ele associados. Faz-se mister reduzir, significativamente, o volume de resíduos enviados aos aterros, meta não alcançada somente com o emprego da reciclagem. Através da incineração tem-se a redução necessária, sendo essa tecnologia já utilizada em diversos países.Com objetivo de modificar a atual destinação dos resíduos domiciliares de São Paulo para um sistema de estações redutoras de volume associado ao sistema viário principal, foi elaborada a proposta de implantação de seis incineradores localizados nas imediações de um anel viário metropolitano. Em cada unidade foi previsto um buffer de vegetação com a finalidade de minimizar os ruídos e os particulados no entorno, bem como proteger visualmente a área.A distribuição de unidades de redução de volume de resíduos permitiu a montagem de um sistema mais racional de transporte, com a eliminação das estações de transferência de resíduos e a diminuição das distâncias de transporte.Essa proposta, que respeita o zoneamento e as áreas de proteção ambiental, visa diminuir a dependência de grandes áreas para aterramento dos resíduos, reduzir os problemas resultantes do deslocamento de veículos coletores, ao mesmo tempo em que minimiza os efeitos negativos ao meio ambiente. / The extreme complexity of the solid waste management in mega cities like São Paulo is caused not only by the great amount of waste the city generates, but also by its huge urban area.The two existent sanitary landfills located in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo – namely Bandeirantes and São João – receive twelve thousand metric tons of urban solid waste daily, almost nine thousand metric tons of which are originated by household waste. These sanitary landfills occupy 140 and 85 hectares respectively, and it has been prognosticated that both areas will close before the next decade. The simple waste removal to areas outside the urban perimeter, a waste management concept implemented by most Brazilian cities, has been proved inefficient when mega cities are concerned, mainly due to urban problems associated with it. It is then necessary to reduce significantly the amount of waste sent to the sanitary landfills, a goal that has not been reached by simply recycling the waste. The technology of incineration on the other hand is an alternative that promotes this reduction and has been successfully used in many countries. A proposal has been devised to change the present management of household waste in São Paulo city to a system of reduction stations of the amount of waste linked to the main metropolitan road system. This proposal consists on the implementation of six incinerators placed in the vicinity of the metropolitan ring road. Each unit includes a vegetation buffer that both reduces the noise and particulates in the surroundings, and protects the area from visual pollution. The distribution of waste reduction units allowed the implementation of a more rational system of transportation, resulting in the elimination of the waste transfer stations and the shortening of the transportation distances. This proposal pays heed to the zone division of the city and the areas under environment protection, and aims at reducing the destination of large areas to the burying of waste as well as reducing the problems caused by the flow of the collecting vehicles, at the same time that it lessens the negative effects on the environment.

Enkätundersökning om attityder gentemot källsortering bland invånarna i Kiruna centralort

Axiotou, Anna-Maria January 2017 (has links)
Recycling is one of the most significant action we can do to reduce the environmental impactof waste. More efficient use of natural resources and the reduced greenhouse gas emissions is two major environmental benefits. The people that live on this planet have a key role in increasing recycling by sorting their household waste. Therefore, residents must take a responsibility for their consumption and the use of the planets resources. People's attitudes tosort waste is therefore essential for understand recycling behaviour and intensions. This study aims to examine waste recycling behaviour, with a focus on attitudes and factors that affect the recycling behaviour among residents in Kiruna, the northern most municipalityof Sweden. 97 inhabitants in the central part of Kiruna participated in the survey. It was found that lack of recycling stations and curbside collection were factors that affected people to recycle. The study also showed that the residents had a positive attitude to recycle because ofthe level of knowledge about the benefits of recycling.

SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION OF A WASTE-FIRED CFB BOILER : Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares Regression modeling (PLS-R)

Hassling, Andreas, Flink, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Heat and electricity production along with waste management are two modern day challenges for society. One of the possible solution to both of them is the incineration of household waste to produce heat and electricity. Incineration is a waste-to-energy treatment process, which can reduce the need for landfills and save the use of more valuable fuels, thereby conserving natural resources. This report/paper investigates the performance and emissions of a municipal solid waste (MSW) fueled industrial boiler by performing a system identification analysis using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS-R) modeling. The boiler is located in Västerås, Sweden and has a maximum capacity of 167MW. It produces heat and electricity for the city of Västerås and is operated by Mälarenergi AB. A dataset containing 148 different boilers variables, measured with a one hour interval over 2 years, was used for the system identification analysis. The dataset was visually inspected to remove obvious outliers before beginning the analysis using a multivariate data analysis software called The Unscrambler X (Version 10.3, CAMO Software, Norway). Correlations found using PCA was taken in account during the PLSR modelling where models were created for one response each. Some variables had an unexpected impact on the models while others were fully logical regarding combustion theory. Results found during the system analysis process are regarded as reliable. Any errors may be due to outlier data points and model inadequacies.

Diagnóstico e sistematização de estratégias para a gestão dos resíduos domiciliares aplicáveis a políticas de planejamento urbano. / Diagnosis and systematization of strategies for the management of household waste applicable to urban planning policies.

Tierno, Ricardo 04 April 2017 (has links)
No início deste século são inúmeros os desafios que tangem à gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos nos municípios brasileiros. Os índices de geração aumentam a cada ano, os serviços de coleta e transporte não são universalizados, os índices de tratamento e valorização ainda são incipientes e muitos municípios utilizam formas ambientalmente inadequadas para a disposição final dos resíduos sólidos, mesmo depois do Decreto Federal nº 7.404/2010, que regulamentou a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos. As cidades, como principais polos atratores do consumo de insumos e geradores de resíduos sólidos urbanos, constituem, por sua vez, o ambiente principal onde se realiza grande parte das atividades inerentes ao gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. Portanto, as condições de desenvolvimento urbano, estabelecidas pelas políticas urbanas e seus instrumentos, influenciam diretamente na qualidade, desempenho e eficiência do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, principalmente daqueles de origem domiciliar. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi desenvolver uma abordagem integrada entre o planejamento urbano e os serviços de gerenciamento de resíduos domiciliares, investigando e analisando elementos e aspectos comuns, para propor estratégias sistematizadas no âmbito dos instrumentos urbanísticos, com vistas à eficientização e qualificação desses serviços e dos espaços urbanos utilizados. Após realizar a caracterização das etapas do gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, identificou-se oito estratégias que poderiam ser introduzidas no âmbito do planejamento urbano. Em seguida, procedeu-se a um estudo de caso, uma área urbana sujeita à adensamento populacional e verticalização, localizada no bairro do Belenzinho, zona leste do município de São Paulo, onde, por meio da construção de cenários, simulou-se a aplicação das estratégias de planejamento urbano. Por fim, pode-se concluir que, em função das estratégias propostas, seria possível alcançar benefícios em relação à gestão dos resíduos domiciliares, justificando, portanto, a aplicabilidade dessas diretrizes em políticas de planejamento urbano aplicáveis a situações urbanas similares. / There are, today, numerous challenges regarding the management of solid waste in Brazilian cities. Regarding household waste, which is the subject of this study, generation rates increase each year, collection and transportation services are not universalized, treatment and valuation rates are still incipient, and many cities use environmentally inappropriate forms for final disposal of the waste, even after Federal Decree No. 7,404 / 2010, which regulated the National Policy on Solid Waste, established by Federal Law No. 12,305 of August 2, 2010. Cities, as the main poles attracting consumption of inputs and generators of solid waste of household origin, constitute the main environment where great parts of the solid waste management activities are carried out. Therefore, urban development conditions, established by urban policies and their instruments, directly influence the quality, performance and efficiency of waste management. The main objective of this study was to develop an integrated approach between urban planning and solid waste management services, investigating and analyzing common elements and aspects, proposing systematized strategies within urban planning instruments, with a view to the efficiency and qualification of these services and urban spaces used. After characterizing the stages of urban solid waste management, eight (8) strategies were identified that could be introduced in urban planning. The next step refers to a case study that took place in an urban area with population densification and verticalization, located in the neighborhood of \"Belenzinho\", in the eastern zone of the city of São Paulo, where urban planning strategies were simulated through the construction of specific scenarios. Finally, we can conclude that, according to the proposed strategies, it would be possible to achieve benefits regarding the management of household waste to justify the applicability of these strategies in urban planning policies applicable to similar urban situations.

Estudo da geração de resíduos sólidos domiciliares no município de São Carlos, SP, a partir da caracterização física / Study of the generation of the solid household waste in the city of Sao Carlos, SP, from the physical characterization

Frésca, Fábio Rogério Carvalho 13 September 2007 (has links)
O desenvolvimento tecnológico, o crescimento industrial, o acelerado processo de urbanização e o crescimento populacional transformaram o espaço geográfico brasileiro. Somado à mudança de hábitos e de consumo acarretou e vem acarretando diversos problemas ambientais. O incentivo à troca e o investimento em produtos descartáveis, levaram a um aumento significativo da geração de resíduos sólidos. Tratar e dar um destino adequado à grande quantidade de resíduos tem sido um grande desafio às autoridades brasileiras. Para que haja melhor gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos é preciso conhecer o que tem sido gerado, ou seja, qual a quantidade e que tipo de material é descartado. Para bem conhecer essa produção, a melhor maneira é fazer um estudo da geração e composição gravimétrica dos resíduos sólidos através de sua caracterização física. Portanto, a proposta deste trabalho foi fazer um levantamento da geração dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares no município de São Carlos. Essa investigação levou em conta não apenas os resíduos que chegam ao aterro sanitário através da coleta convencional, mas também os que chegam às centrais de triagem através da coleta seletiva, utilizando-se como instrumento principal a sua caracterização física. Na coleta convencional, o número de amostragem compreendeu todos os setores, sendo a massa da amostra obtida por quarteamento. Foi feito uma caracterização no inverno e outra no verão. Destacam-se, nos resultados, o percentual de resíduos sólidos domiciliares, em massa: matéria orgânica (59,08%), papel e papelão (6,44%), tetra pak (0,94%), vidro (1,67%), metal e alumínio (1,31%), plásticos 10,47% (2,84% de plásticos rígidos e 7,63%de plásticos filmes) e outros (20,09%). Observou-se que o percentual de materiais que poderiam ser reintroduzidos no mercado e estão sendo depositados no aterro sanitário, ainda é elevado, considerando a que a coleta seletiva foi introduzida no município em 2002. Na coleta seletiva destacam-se: o papel e papelão, com 47,41%; seguido pelos plásticos, com 21,60% (rígidos - 17,95% e filmes - 3,65%); vidro, 12,25%; metal e alumínio, 7,63% (lata - 1,54% e geral - 6,10%); rejeitos, 5,79% e tetra pak, 5,30%. / The technological development, the industrial growth, the sped up process of urbanization and the population growth had transformed geographic the space brazilian. Added to the change of habits and consumption it caused and it comes causing diverse ambient problems. The incentive to the exchange and the investment in dismissable products, had led to a significant increase of the generation of solid wastes. To treat and to give an adequate destination to the great amount of wastes have been a great challenge to the brazilian authorities. So that it has better management and management of the solid wastes are necessary to know what he has been generated, that is, which the amount and that type of material is discarded. To know this production well, the best way is to make a study of the generation and gravimetrical composition of the solid wastes through its physical characterization. Therefore, the proposal of this work was to make a current survey of the generation of the household waste in the city of Sao Carlos. This inquiry will not only take in account the wastes that arrive at it fill with earth bathroom through the conventional collection, but also the ones that they arrive at the central offices of selection through the selective collection, using itself as main instrument its physical characterization. They stand out, in the results, the percentage of household wastes, in mass: organic matter (59,08%), paper and cardboard (6,44%), tetra pak (0,94%), glass (1,67%), metal and aluminum (1,31%), plastics 10,47% (2,84% of rigid plastics and 7,63% of plastics films) and other (garbage) (20,09%). It was observed that the percentage of materials that could be returned in the market and they are being deposited in the sanitary landfill, it is still high, considering what the selective collection was introduced in the municipal district in 2002. In the selective collection they stand out: the paper and cardboard, with 47,41%; following for the plastics, with 21,60% (rigid - 17,95% and films - 3,65%); glass, 12,25%; metal and aluminum, 7,63% (can - 1,54% and general - 6,10%); garbage, 5,79% and tetra pak, 5,30%.

Avfallsförebyggande arbete i Norrbottens läns kommuner : En studie om kommunal avfallshantering och avfallsdirektivets påverkan

Kevnell, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the waste management in Norrbottens municipalities in key areas such as possibilities to reach the two national waste goals, information to the public, the effect of legislation, future of waste management and differences in geographic- and demographic areas. The Waste Framework Directive (WFD) issued by the EU and incorporated into Swedish law plays a major part in waste management by defining a hierarchy in five steps how waste should be treated. Interviews conducted with each of the fourteen municipalities aimed to find out what step in the hierarchy they are at and what effect the implementation of EU-legislature into Swedish law has had. Based on the interviews a diverse range of answers was found in relation to the questions asked, generally the more populated municipalities saw a more positive future of waste management, mainly because more developed infrastructure to handle waste is already in place. However the smaller the municipality is the harder it is to allocate resources for waste management and problems arise in the form of expensive transports of waste. A few municipalities think that the WFD has had a positive effect in the form of clearer responsibility for all parties involved in waste management but in general the answers point to a greater effect on a national level rather than a local. Regarding the national waste goals 7 of 14 municipalities believe they will reach the food waste goal but only 1 of 14 believe they will reach the construction waste goal.

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