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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Har valmöjligheter ett pris? : En paneldatastudie av sambandet mellan tillgången till friskolor och bostadspriser i Sveriges kommuner

Jäderberg, Siri, Nydahl, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Under 1990-talet infördes radikala, marknadsorienterade reformer i Sverige som gav upphov till utökade möjligheter att välja andra skolor än de kommunala. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida föräldrar värderar att bo i ett område med fler skolalternativ. Vi gör detta genom att studera effekten av andelen friskoleelever i en kommun på bostadspriser i kommunen. Studien använder paneldata på kommunnivå från 2010 till 2018 hämtad från Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) och Skolverket. Det empiriska sambandet analyseras med fixed effects modeller vilket möjliggör kontroll för års- och kommunfixa effekter. Resultatet visar att det finns ett positivt men statistiskt icke-signifikant samband mellan andelen friskoleelever och huspriser. Resultatet är robust mot en rad utförda känslighetstester. Studien finner således inte belägg för att föräldrar söker sig till områden med fler skolalternativ. Detta ger vare sig stöd för fortsatt implementering av liknande reformer som främjar alternativ till den kommunala skolan eller reformer som reducerar möjligheterna till skolval. / During the 1990s radical, market oriented reforms were implemented in Sweden which allowed for increased opportunities to choose other schools than the public. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether parents value living in an area with more school options. We do this by studying the effect of the share of pupils who are enrolled in a private school in a municipality on housing prices in that municipality. The study uses paneldata on the municipality level from 2010 to 2018 gathered from Statistics Sweden and the Swedish National Agency for Education. The empirical relationship is analyzed using fixed effects models which makes it possible to control for year and municipality fixed effects. The results show that a positive but statistically insignificant relationship exists between the share of private school students and housing prices. The result remains robust for different sensitivity tests. Therefore, the study does not find support for the assumption that parents value living in an area with more school options, which neither provides basis for further implementation of similar reforms that promote alternatives to public school nor reforms that reduce school choice.

Söktermsdata som ledande indikator för bostadsmarknaden / Search Queries As Leading Indicator Of The Housing Market

Axelius, Björn January 2015 (has links)
Den här studien utvärderar potentialen i söktermsdata från Google som ledande indikator för priser på bostadsmarknaden i Stockholm. Det prediktiva innehållet i söktermsdata från Google Trends jämförs mot en mer klassisk prognosmodell byggd på makroekonomiska variabler. Genom att mäta avvikelsen i en pseudo-prognos redovisas respektive datakällas förmåga till riktiga prognoser. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att det finns resultat som styrker tesen om prediktivt innehåll i Googledata, framförallt för prognoser med horisonter upp till sex månader. Genom att använda Googledata skapas prognoser som har en mindre avvikelse från den faktiska tidsserien är vad modellen byggd på makroekonomiska variabler kan leverera. Resultatet visar på användbarheten i söktermsdata från Google som ledande indikator för priser på bostadsmarknaden i Stockholm. / This study evaluates the potential in using Google search term data as a leading indicator of prices on the real estate market in Stockholm. The predictive content of the search term data from Google Trends is contrasted against a more classic forecasting model using macroeconomic variables. The ability of each data source to generate powerful forecasts is demonstrated by measuring the deviation in a pseudo-forecast. The main finding is that the results support the hypothesis on predictive content in Google data, mainly forecasts with up to six months’ horizon. By using Google data, forecasts can be made with less deviation from the actual time series than forecasts built on macroeconomic variables. The results point to the usability of search term data from Google as a leading indicator for prices on the real estate market in Stockholm.

Avståndet till kollektivtrafiken samt befolkningstäthetens påverkan på bostadspriser / The Distance to Public Transport and the Population Densities Influence on Housing Prices

Karlsson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Rapporten undersöker hur bostadspriser påverkas av avståndet till kollektivtrafiken och sambandet det har till befolkningstätheten i området. Sedan så är det just också hur detta skiljer sig rent teoretiskt och i praktiken som skiljer det här arbetet från andra liknande arbeten då det oftast endast ett av detta och dess påverkan ligger i fokus. Insamlingen av data till arbetet har sket via den kvalitativ metod som avser att med hjälp av intervjuer, arkivdata och teorier som är anpassningsbara för att uppfylla syftet och besvara frågeställningen. Det finns några olika modeller och teorier som används som grund rent teoretiskt vid detta problem. Men stor skillnad mellan teorin och praktiken framkom snabbt då intervjuerna började då de flesta ej aktivt använde de modeller som kunde förklara avståndet till kollektivtrafikens påverkan samt befolkningstäthetens påverkan på bostadspriserna men i praktiken använde sig värderarna av marknadskännedom och ortsprismetoden vid nästan alla värderingar då de flesta ansågs att det räckte med dessa metoder för att värdera bostäder. Men så rent teoretiskt så finns det ett samband mellan avståndet till kollektivtrafiken och befolkningstäthet och det har oftast en positiv påverkan på bostadspriser men kan variera beroende på fler olika variabler som kan förekomma från fall till fall. Sedan så genom de fem intervjuer har empiriska data erhållits för att kunna koppla teorin till verkligheten. De fem respondenterna diskuterade först ifall sambandet fanns men även problematik med det, de flesta respondenter höll med att i praktiken finns det ett vist samband men att det var svårt att kvantifiera men att det ej är direkt och enbart mellan avståndet till kollektivtrafiken och befolkningstätheten då detta endast är två faktorer av väldigt många flera som påverkas tillsammans och förbättras oftast i liknande takt i följd av att det ställs högre krav och att ett område blir mer attraktivt att leva i. Slutligen så i praktiken behövs det i nuläget ej några nya modeller eller teorier för att kunna värdera bostäder med vikt på avståndet till kollektivtrafiken och befolkningstätheten, men att ifall dessa faktorer blir väldigt eftertraktade och attraktiva kan nya analyser och studier behövas göras för att marknaden ska kunna dra slutsatser om hur mycket dessa faktorer påverkar bostadspriserna. / The report examines how the housing prices get affected by the distance to public transport and the relationship it has with the population density in the area. Then it is precisely how this differs purely theoretically and in practice that separates this work from other similar work, since usually only one of this factors and its impact is in focus. The collection of data for the work has taken place via the qualitative method which intends to use interviews, archival data and theories that are adaptable to fulfil the purpose and answer the question. There are a few different models and theories that are used as a theoretical basis for this problem. But a big difference between theory and practice quickly emerged when the interviews began, as most did not actively use the models that could explain the impact the distance to public transport and the impact of population density on housing prices, but in practice the valuers used market knowledge and the local price method for almost all valuations as most considered that these methods were sufficient to value housing. But purely theoretically, there is a connection between the distance to public transport and population density, and this usually has a positive impact on housing prices but can vary depending on several different variables that can occur from case to case. Then through the five interviews, empirical data has been obtained to be able to connect the theory to reality. The five respondents first discussed whether the connection existed but also problems with it, most respondents agreed that in practice there is a certain connection but that it was difficult to quantify but that it is not directly and only between the distance to public transport and the population density as this are only two factors out of many that are affected together and usually improve at a similar rate as a result of higher demands being made and an area becoming more attractive to live in. Finally, in practice, there is currently no need for new models or theories to be able to value housing with weight on the distance to public transport and the population density, but that if these factors become very sought after and attractive, new analyses and studies may need to be done so that the market can draw conclusions about how much these factors affect house prices.

What role does uncertainty play in the housing markets of selected European Countries?

Enges, Emil, Torehov, Hampus January 2022 (has links)
In this study, we investigate the relationship between national and global uncertainty with house prices. Uncertainty is measured with the economic policy uncertainty index developed by Baker et al. (2016). The relationship is evaluated with eight SVAR-models that are Cholesky decomposed to restrict the contemporaneous relationship between variables, this is used to model the housing market. We create two models for each country, one that includes the local uncertainty and one that includes global uncertainty. The studied countries are two larger and two smaller economies in the EU, namely Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and France. We investigate the impulse response functions to establish the short-run dynamics and then compare them amongst each other. The results show that uncertainty has a negative effect on house prices and that global uncertainty hasa larger impact than local uncertainty, except for Sweden´s case. Germany is most resilient to the effect of uncertainty among the studied countries. This can be because of the size of the rental housing market in Germany. Interestingly we also find that in all cases except for Denmark our models don’t find a consistent relationship between short-term interest and housing prices in the short run, which can be an indication of a bubble. Further studies are required to investigate how different housing policies affect the volatility of the housing market that is created by uncertainty.

Do Housing Prices Affect Loan Supply? : Evidence from Sweden During the Post-Crisis Period

Åkerstrand, Hampus January 2018 (has links)
Financial intermediaries are paramount for modern society. During the last decade, however, our reliance on these institutions have been meticulously debated, especially in the aftermath of the financial crisis. This thesis contributes to this debate with a novel perspective on loan supply changes in light of the recent events in the Swedish real estate market. More specifically, it investigates what influence housing prices have on the supply of commercial and industrial loans. This is done by estimating dynamic panel data models using a quarterly panel containing balance sheet data for 68 Swedish monetary financial institutions, during the post-financial crisis period of 2009-2017. The results indicate that housing prices do not have a significant effect on commercial and industrial loan supply. However, these loans are to a considerable degree dependent on the institutes’ earlier levels of commercial and industrial loans.

Skärpta krav på amortering och effekterna på Stockholms bostadsmarknad / Tightened requirement for amortization and the effects on the Stockholm housing market

Ek, Henrik, Fjelkestam, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Hushållens skulder har under det senaste decenniet ökat fortare än vad hushållens inkomster gjort vilket inneburit en stigande skuldkvot. En alltför hög skuldkvot innebär en stor risk för enskilda hushåll och banker men också för den makroekonomiska utvecklingen och den finansiella stabiliteten. Därför införde Finansinspektionen 1 mars 2018 ett skärpt amorteringskrav som innebär ett ökat krav på amortering vid nya bolån för hushåll med höga skuldkvoter.Syftet med detta arbete är att analysera det skärpta amorteringskravet och hur det kommer att påverka bostadsmarknaden i Stockholm. Detta har genomförts med intervjuer av representanter från olika sektorer på marknaden.De viktigaste frågorna som undersökts var vilka effekter av det skärpta amorteringskravet som kommer att vara tydligast, vilken demografi det kommer påverka och huruvida regleringen är en bra åtgärd. Det visar sig att amorteringskravet sannolikt kommer sänka skuldsättningen i landet, vilket är en önskad effekt från Finansinspektionens sida. Kritiker mot kravet menar att alternativa åtgärder är bättre med motiveringen att det går att nå samma effekt utan de negativa konsekvenser det skärpta amorteringskravet för med sig. De alternativa åtgärderna handlar om mer övergripande förändringar på bostadsmarknaden istället för en enskild reglering på bolånen. Det skärpta amorteringskravet verkar vara det bästa alternativet Finansinspektionen till förfogande för att stabilisera svensk ekonomi, men det finns andra åtgärder som hade varit ett bättre alternativ för att uppnå samma effekt. / In the last few decades there has been a faster increase in household debts than household income, which meant a rising debt ratio. An excessive debt ratio represents a high risk not only for individual households and banks, but also for macroeconomic developments and financial stability. Because of this Sweden implemented a tightened amortization requirement on housing loans for households with high debt ratios. The legislation was created by Finansinspektionen and implemented on March 1, 2018.The purpose of this work is to analyze the tightening of the amortization requirement and how it will affect the housing market in Stockholm. This has been done with interviews of representatives from different sectors on the market.The most important issues examined were which effects will be most prominent from the requirement, which demographics it will affect and whether the regulation is a good measure. It turns out that the amortization requirement is likely to lower debt in the country, which is the desired effect from Finansinspektionen. Critics against the legislation claims that alternative measures are better with the argument that the same effect can be achieved without the negative consequences of the increased amortization requirement. Alternative measures are more general changes in the housing market instead of a single legislation on mortgage loans. The new amortization requirement appears to be Finansinspektionens’ best available option to stabilize the Swedish debts. However, there are other measures that would have been better alternatives for achieving the same effect.

Three Essays Examining Household Demand for Healthy Foods

Collins, LaPorchia Antoinette 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Does the Mini-Holland Programme Increase Residential Housing Prices in Outer London? : Assessing the Economic and Social Implications of Active Travel Infrastructure

Kees, Jessica January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the impact of the Mini-Holland Programme, an active travelinfrastructure intervention, on residential housing prices in Outer London boroughs.The programme, aimed at promoting walking and cycling, may have unintendedeconomic consequences. Employing a Difference-in-Differences approach and anevent study design, I analyse housing price data from 2002 to 2022. My findingsindicate a statistically significant 10% increase in housing prices in boroughs affectedby the programme, with the effect becoming evident post-announcement in 2014.These results suggest that while active travel infrastructure can enhance urbanmobility and health, it may also contribute to rising housing costs, potentiallyexacerbating socio-economic disparities. Further research at the micro-level isrecommended to fully understand the socio-economic long-term and distributionaleffects, while policymakers must aim for the benefits of improved infrastructure whilelimiting potential displacement effects on lower-income residents.

Analysis of the relationship among speculation, shortage of land and housing supply

Wong, So-ling, Sophia., 黃素玲. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning

Hong Kong property market: the correlation between the trading volume and the rate of return.

January 2000 (has links)
Lau, Chi Keung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 187-188). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgements --- p.iii / Table of Contents --- p.iv / List of Chosen Samples Results --- p.v / List of Tables --- p.vi / List of Figures --- p.vii / Chapter Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2. --- Literature Review --- p.4 / Chapter 2.1 --- Real Estate Literature --- p.4 / Chapter 2.2 --- Financial Literature --- p.8 / Chapter Chapter 3. --- Methodology --- p.15 / Chapter 3.1 --- Augmented Dickey Fuller Test --- p.15 / Chapter 3.2 --- Band-Pass Filter --- p.18 / Chapter Chapter 4. --- Data Description --- p.20 / Chapter Chapter 5. --- Empirical Results --- p.23 / Chapter 5.1 --- Contemporaneous Correlation --- p.24 / Chapter 5.2 --- Results after Band-Pass Filtering --- p.26 / Chapter 5.3 --- Lead-lag Relationship Analysis --- p.30 / Chapter Chapter 6. --- Conclusion --- p.35 / Appendix 1. Variable Definition --- p.38 / Appendix 2. Limitation --- p.41 / Appendix 3. Results of Chosen Samples --- p.45 / Appendix 4. Tables --- p.54 / Appendix 5. Figures --- p.109 / Bibliography --- p.187

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