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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utmaningar och bemötande i flyktingmottagandet

Eriksson-Sjöö, Tina January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med denna licentiatavhandling är att beskriva resultat från en kartläggning av hälsosituationen hos nyanlända flyktingar som genomgår SFI studier samt att belysa den självskattade hälsorelaterade livskvalitet som arabisktalande deltagare i en specifik hälsofrämjande gruppaktivitet (Hälsoskola) beskriver före, efter samt vid en sexmånaders uppföljning av aktiviteten. Design, metod, urval: Urvalet deltagare i delstudie I var nyanlända arabisktalande flyktingar bosatta i Fosie stadsdel i Malmö och som deltog i SFI utbildning. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av sammanlagt 67 personer, 52 procent män och 48 procent kvinnor. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av frågeformulär innehållande frågor om familj och anhöriga, nätverk och service, svenskundervisning och delaktighet, introduktion och hjälpbehov samt om sömn och återhämtning. I delstudie II bestod urvalet av arabisktalande nyanlända flyktingar som genomgick en sju veckors Hälsoskola som en del i sin introduktionsplanering. Dataunderlag bestod av kvalitativa data inhämtat vid deltagande observationer och muntliga grupputvärderingar med 65 kursdeltagare. Därutöver besvarades ett frågeformulär för självskattning av hälsorelaterad livskvalitet samt om sömn och återhämtning. Frågeformuläret besvarades vid kursstart, kursavslutning samt sex månader efter kursens slut. Respondenter i denna del var 39 kursdeltagare som besvarat samtliga tre frågeformulärsomgångar. Därutöver innehåller avhandlingen en artikel vars syfte är att beskriva kursen/metoden Hälsoskola, dess bakgrund och teoretiska kopplingar samt den samverkansprocess som utvecklats mellan professionella aktörer och brukare. Resultat: I delstudie I rapporterade respondenterna hög förekomst av sömn- och trötthetsbesvär. Sextioåtta procent av respondenterna hade sömnproblem motsvarande hälften av veckans dagar. Något färre 43 % rapporterade regelbundna besvär med sömnighet, till exempel att man nickade till under dagen. Fyrtioen procent (män 36 %, kvinnor 50 %) uppfyllde kraven för klinisk insomni baserat på att respondenterna hade både sömnbesvär och trötthetsbesvär under minst hälften av veckans dagar. Därutöver upplevde drygt 80 % av samtliga stor oro över sin familj eller andra anhöriga i hemlandet. Många kände sig isolerade och ensamma, hade svårt att få kontakter med föreningsliv, få tillgång till platser för kulturella aktiviteter, för religionsutövning och för sportaktivitet. Många upplevde också svårighet att få tillgång till hälso- och sjukvård samt tandvård. I utbildningssituationen upplevde drygt hälften stora svårigheter att förstå vad läraren sade och 68 % hade svårt att hinna med i tempot på lektioner. Drygt 64 % rapporterade koncentrationssvårigheter, de hade problem att förstå hemuppgifter liksom att kunna göra hemuppgifter i lugn miljö. För många respondenter rådde oklarhet om introduktionsplanen och cirka hälften av dem hade velat få mera hjälp av sin introduktionshandläggare med läkar- och sjukvårdskontakter samt med sin bostadssituation. I den kvalitativa delen av delstudie II vars syfte var att belysa de viktigaste frågorna från deltagarnas synvinkel, utkristalliserade sig fyra kategorier: 1) Fördjupningsfrågor beträffande innehåll i kursen/Hälsoskolan. 2) Kommentarer angående form och struktur på kursen/Hälsoskolan. 3) Vilka av kursdeltagarnas ”behovsområden” som kursen/Hälsoskolan täcker in och vilka områden som saknas? 4) Vad kursdeltagarna önskar få framfört till administratörer, beslutsfattare och politiker. I den kvantitativa uppföljningsstudien framkom att deltagarna upplevde en hög grad av sömn och koncentrationsproblematik vid kursstart. Denna problematik var betydligt mindre vid kursens avslutning och förändringen kvarstod vid uppföljning sex månader senare. Det framkom även att sömnproblematik var relaterad till de fem variablerna av hälsorelaterad livskvalitet;( rörlighet, aktivitet, egenvård, smärta och oro/depression) och till upplevelsen av det allmänna hälsotillståndet. Angående variablerna smärta och oro/depression kvarstod en signifikant förändring både vid uppföljning ett och vid uppföljning två sex månader efter kursavslut. Både män och kvinnor bedömde sitt allmänna hälsotillstånd som signifikant bättre vid båda uppföljningarna jämfört med vid kursstart, men förändringen var störst beträffande kvinnorna. Konklusion: De sammantagna resultaten visar att det finns en hög fysisk och psykisk ohälsoproblematik i den undersökta populationen med avseende på deras självskattade hälsa. Denna problematik har ett nära samband med sömn och koncentrationsproblem och får även konsekvenser för de nyanländas dagliga aktiviteter och etablering i det nya samhället. Det framkommer ett stort behov av hjälp från hälso- och sjukvården men också en brist på tillit till detsamma, bland annat beroende på svårtillgänglighet och brist på professionella tolkar. Å andra sidan visar resultaten i denna licentiatavhandling att mottagningssystemet med noga överlagda insatser kan åstadkomma betydande positiva förändringar för gruppen nyanlända flyktingar. Den självupplevda hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten för deltagare i kursen Hälsoskola visade på signifikanta förändringar inom de undersökta aspekterna för gruppen som helhet vid kursslut och vid senare uppföljning. De reella faktiska kunskaperna inom egenvård och om det svenska hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet hade ökat betydligt vid kursavslut. Nämnda effekter kan även få positiva följdverkningar för nästa generation och andra personer i kursdeltagarnas nära omgivning. / Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to describe the results of a survey of the health situation of newly-arrived refugees attending a course in Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) (study I) and elucidate the self-rated health-related quality of life that Arabic-speaking participants in a spe-cific health-promoting group activity (Health School) report before, immediately after and at a six-month follow-up of that activity (study II). Design, method, sample: The sample in study I comprised newly-arrived Arabic-speaking refugees living in the Malmö district of Fosie who were attending a SFI course. A total of 67 persons participated, 52 per cent men, 48 per cent women. Data were collected with the aid of a questionnaire with both open-ended and closed alternative responses about family and relatives, networks and services, Swedish language lessons and participation, introduction and needs, sleep and recovery. In study II the sample comprised newly-arrived Arabic-speaking refu-gees who attended a seven-week Health School as a part of their intro-ductory planning. The study was based on qualitative data obtained by participatory observation and oral group evaluations with 65 course participants. In addition, we used a questionnaire with closed response alternatives for self-rating health-related quality of life, including sleep and recovery. The questionnaire was administered at the beginning and end of the group activity as well as six months after the end. This sam-ple comprised 39 participants in the group activity who responded to the questionnaire on all three occasions. Furthermore, the thesis contains an article describing the Health School group activity/method, its background and theoretical links, as well as the collaborative process that developed between professionals and re-cipients. Results: The respondents in study I reported a high frequency of sleep- and fatigue-related complaints. Sleep disturbances on the equivalent of every other day were reported by 68 per cent and somewhat fewer, 43 per cent, reported regular problems with drowsiness, for instance drop-ping off during the day. Criteria for clinical insomnia were met by 41 per cent (36 per cent of the men, 50 per cent of the women), based on the combination of sleep disturbance and complaints of fatigue at least every other day. In addition, over 80 per cent of the sample experienced great anxiety about their family or other relatives in their home country. Many felt isolated and lonely, found it hard to get in touch with associations, have access to places for cultural activities, practicing religion and participating in sports. Many also experienced difficulties in gaining access to health care and dental care. In the educational situation (SFI), more than half had great difficulty in understanding what the teacher said and 68 per cent found it hard to keep up with the pace of the lessons. More than 64 per cent reported difficulties with concentration, problems with understanding homework and being able to do homework in a calm environment. Many respondents were uncertain about the introductory plan and roughly half had wanted their introductory officer to be more helpful in contacts with health care, including doctors, and housing matters. The qualitative part of study II, which aimed to elucidate the most im-portant issues according to the participants, gave rise to four categories: 1) More in-depth issues concerning the content of the group activi-ty/Health School, 2) Comments on the form and structure of the group activity/Health School, 3) Which of the participants’ “needs” were cov-ered by and which were missing, and 4) What the participants wanted to convey to administrators, decision-makers and politicians. The quantitative follow-up study showed that when the group activity started, the participants experienced a high degree of problems with sleep and concentration. Such problems were considerably less frequent at the end of the activity and this change persisted six months later. Moreover, the sleep disturbances were related both to the five variables of the health-related quality of life (mobility, activity, self-care, pain and anxiety/depression) and to the perception of general health. The variables pain and anxiety/depression showed significant improvements at the end of the activity as well as six months later. Men as well as women rated their general health as significantly improved at both follow-ups compared with baseline; the change was greatest for women. Conclusions: Taken together, the results show that in terms of self-rated health, the studied population has a high degree of problems with physical and mental ill-health. These problems are closely related to problems with sleep and concentration, besides having consequences for the newly-arrived persons’ daily activities and for settling in the host country. A great need of assistance from health care emerges, as well as a lack of trust in this, partly due to difficulty of access and a lack of professional interpreters. At the same time, the findings in this thesis show that the reception sys-tem with evidence-based inputs can achieve considerable positive changes for newly-arrived refugees. The self-rated health-related quality of life for participants in the group activity/Health School showed that for the group as a whole, the studied aspects had improved significantly both by the end of the activity and at the six-month follow-up. Proper actual knowledge about self-care and the Swedish health care system had increased significantly by the end of the activity. These effects can also have positive consequences for the next generation and others close to the participant. The group activity needs to be tested with other language groups of newly-arrived in order to warrant general conclusions.

Disease Severity and Disability in Persons with Peripheral Arterial Disease

Widener, Jeanne Malcom 19 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Williams, Ronnetta 01 January 2013 (has links)
From a BPS perspective, COPD and other chronic diseases may have a significant negative impact on those living with them and may be associated with higher rates of depression and anxiety and lower levels of health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Certain factors, such as spirituality, may influence the negative impact of chronic disease on the relationship between mood and functional independence and HRQOL. Also, gender may influence the relationship between mood, spirituality, and HRQOL for men and women living with chronic diseases. The current study included 136 patients undergoing physical rehabilitation at an IRF. Anxiety, depression, spirituality, HRQOL, and functional independence were evaluated for all. Mediation models were tested to determine the impact of spirituality on the relationships between mood and HRQOL and functional independence, and moderation models were tested to evaluate the impact of gender on the relationships between mood, spirituality, functional independence, and HRQOL. The current study yielded some inconclusive results but did evidence that COPD patients in acute inpatient physical rehabilitation facilities (IRF) have higher levels of anxiety than patients without COPD and also revealed that men with COPD have better HRQOL than do women with COPD. Spirituality was found to partially mediate the relationship between depression and HRQOL in IRF patients with COPD, but gender did not appear to moderate the relationships between mood, spirituality, functional independence, or HRQOL in IRF patients. As few studies on IRF patients with chronic diseases exist, continuing to evaluate patients in IRFs is important to enhance our BPS understanding of chronic disease.

Irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed in primary care : Occurrence, treatment and impact on everyday life

Olsen Faresjö, Åshild January 2006 (has links)
Background: IBS is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders and affects approximately 10-20 % of the general population and is widespread in all societies and socio-economic groups. Although the disorder does not have a life-threatening course, it still seriously affects the patients in their everyday life. Aim: The general aims of this thesis were to estimate the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome in the general population and to achieve a better understanding of present treatment of this disorder and impact on every-day life in those suffering from IBS. Material and methods: The LIPS study comprises two parts. Part I was a retrospective register study where the data collection was based on computerised medical records at three selected Primary Health Care centres in a defined region. Part II was a population based case-control study. The identified IBS cases from part I constitute the cases, while their control groups were randomly selected from the population census register in the same area as the cases. Data in part II were collected by means of a postal questionnaire to cases and controls. The study was conducted in Linköping, a city located in the south-east of Sweden with 135 000 inhabitants. Results: The female IBS patients reported lower influence on planning their work and working hours as well as fewer opportunities to learn new things at their work compared to their controls, even after adjustments in multiple logistic regressions for potential confounders like; mood, sleeping problems and perceived health. The female IBS patients had considerably lower HRQOL in all dimensions compared to their controls, even when compared to male patients. Younger female IBS cases (18-44 years) reported lower mental health on the SF-36 scale than the older IBS female cases (p=0.015). In the multivariate analysis these variables, lack of influence on planning the work, family history of IBS, anxiety and sleeping disturbance displayed an association with being diagnosed with IBS in women. In men, lack of influence on working pace, family history of IBS was associated with an IBS diagnosis.The consultation incidence of IBS in part I was 3.4 (95% CI 3.20-3.70) per 1000 person-years for all IBS cases, among females; the incidence rate was 4.6 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 4.16-4.97) and males; 2.3 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 2.01-2.59). The dominating pharmacological treatment prescribed for abdominal complaints were fibre and bulking laxatives agents as well as acid suppressive drugs. These variables had an independent impact on the probability of a follow-up consultation; diagnosed co-morbidity besides the IBS diagnosis, rectoscopy ordered and laboratory tests ordered. Conclusions: IBS patients identified in primary care are significantly affected in their working-life compared to individuals in the general population. Especially female IBS-patients report lower decision latitude at work and they also appear to have a particularly impaired psychosocial functioning in their every day life and impaired HRQOL. Factors associated with IBS diagnosis among females are anxiety as well as family history of IBS and lack of co-determination at work. The incidence rate of IBS was 3.4 per 1000 person-years which increased with age and with an overrepresentation of females. IBS patients did not appear to be heavy utilisers of primary care and those who attended were treated by their GP without further consultation. The strongest predictors for having a follow-up consultation were diagnosed co-morbidity, rectoscopy and laboratory tests ordered / Figure on page 8 reprinted from Lancet 360(9332), Nicholas, J Talley and Robin Spiller, "Irritable bowel syndrome: a little understood organic bowel disease?", pp. 555-564, Copyright 2006 with permission from Elsevier. On the day of the public defence of the doctoral thesis, the status of articles III and IV was Submitted.

Self-regulation and quality of life after a heart attack : a cross-cultural study

Nayoan, Johana January 2010 (has links)
Objective. Coronary heart disease has been on the rise in poorer countries and decreasing in developed countries over the last twenty years. However, the cardiac-related health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in poorer countries has not been studied. This study aimed to compare HRQOL following heart attack in a developing country in the East with that of a developed country in the West. Using the self-regulation of health and illness behaviour, the relationships between illness beliefs, coping cognitions and HRQOL are studied. Design. This study was a cross-sectional correlational survey and data were collected shortly before myocardial infarction patients were discharged from hospital. Methods. A sample of 243 individuals from the UK and Indonesia were recruited. Illness beliefs were assessed with the B-IPQ, along with coping cognitions (Brief-COPE) and health-related quality of life (MacNew questionnaire). Results. Illness beliefs and coping cognitions predicted HRQOL in the combined sample. Some aspects of socio-demographic and clinical variables were concurrently associated with HRQOL. Conclusion. The results demonstrate that people in the East have low illness beliefs and these are associated with worse HRQOL compared with those in the West. The findings suggest that there is an urgent need for smoking cessation campaigns in the East, while the West could benefit more from tailored-cardiac rehabilitation programme.

Delirium during Hospitalisation : Incidence, Risk Factors, Early Signs and Patients' Experiences of Being Delirious

Sörensen Duppils, Gill January 2003 (has links)
<p>Delirium is common among old patients admitted to hospital, but is often a neglected problem in patient care. The principal aim of this thesis was to evaluate aspects of delirium in relation to incidence, risk factors, behavioural changes, cognitive function and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). A further aim was to describe patients’ experiences of being delirious. The study was prospective, descriptive and comparative, with repeated measures (six-month follow up). The sample consisted of 225 consecutive patients, aged 65 years or older, who were to be operated on due to hip fracture or hip replacement. Exclusion criteria were serious cognitive disorder or delirium on admission. Data were collected via frequent daily observations, cognitive functioning tests (MMSE), HRQOL questionnaires (SF-36) and interviews. Delirium was assessed according to the DSM-IV criteria. A total of 45/225 became delirious, with an incidence of 24.3% among patients undergoing hip fracture surgery and 11.7% among those with hip replacement surgery. A predictive model for delirium included four factors: impaired hearing, passivity, low cognitive functioning, and waiting more than 18h for hip fracture surgery. Disorientation and urgent calls for attention were the most frequent behavioural changes in the prodromal phase prior to delirium. Delirium in connection with hip fracture revealed deteriorated HRQOL and cognitive functioning when measured at a six-month follow-up. The experience of being delirious was described by the patients as a sudden change of reality. Such an experience gave rise to strong emotional feelings, as did recovery from delirium. Nurses’ observations of behavioural changes in old patients with impaired cognitive function may be the first step in managing and reducing delirium. The predictive model of delirium ought to be tested further before use in clinical practice.</p>

Delirium during Hospitalisation : Incidence, Risk Factors, Early Signs and Patients' Experiences of Being Delirious

Sörensen Duppils, Gill January 2003 (has links)
Delirium is common among old patients admitted to hospital, but is often a neglected problem in patient care. The principal aim of this thesis was to evaluate aspects of delirium in relation to incidence, risk factors, behavioural changes, cognitive function and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). A further aim was to describe patients’ experiences of being delirious. The study was prospective, descriptive and comparative, with repeated measures (six-month follow up). The sample consisted of 225 consecutive patients, aged 65 years or older, who were to be operated on due to hip fracture or hip replacement. Exclusion criteria were serious cognitive disorder or delirium on admission. Data were collected via frequent daily observations, cognitive functioning tests (MMSE), HRQOL questionnaires (SF-36) and interviews. Delirium was assessed according to the DSM-IV criteria. A total of 45/225 became delirious, with an incidence of 24.3% among patients undergoing hip fracture surgery and 11.7% among those with hip replacement surgery. A predictive model for delirium included four factors: impaired hearing, passivity, low cognitive functioning, and waiting more than 18h for hip fracture surgery. Disorientation and urgent calls for attention were the most frequent behavioural changes in the prodromal phase prior to delirium. Delirium in connection with hip fracture revealed deteriorated HRQOL and cognitive functioning when measured at a six-month follow-up. The experience of being delirious was described by the patients as a sudden change of reality. Such an experience gave rise to strong emotional feelings, as did recovery from delirium. Nurses’ observations of behavioural changes in old patients with impaired cognitive function may be the first step in managing and reducing delirium. The predictive model of delirium ought to be tested further before use in clinical practice.

Kvalita života podmíněná zdravím (HRQoL) jako nástroj k hodnocení dopadů a účinků procedury Nordic walking / Health related quality of live as the evaluation instrument of the Nordic walking procedure impacts and effects

NOSKOVÁ, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
Chronic disorders of the locomotion organs belong to serious civilization diseases deteriorating the quality of human life. Medical literature generally accepts the opinion that the way of life is responsible for 50 % of our physical condition. Healthy lifestyle requires that we move regularly. Perceived as a kind of physical exercise, locomotion activities are expected to meet certain criteria - they should be attractive, easy to do, time unlimited, not expensive, and generally available. These criteria seem to be satisfied by what is known as Nordic Walking, an activity recently much promoted. This diploma paper uses a sample of 43 patients / clients suffering locomotion problems to evaluate the effect that Nordic Walking, as applied at the Rehabilitation Spa Sanatorium at Vráž, may have on the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), and it assesses the NW for its suitability of inclusion into the spa treatment as a part of group physical exercises. The sample of respondents comprised Czech patients having completed full spa treatment no shorter than 21 days, and German clients of the Spa, who paid for 3-week treatments between 1 July 2007 to 30 November 2007. The practical section of the paper relied on a quantitative method applied through the questionnaire technique, specifically the SF-36 HRQoL Questionnaire and the EDUTOOL Questionnaire. The SF-36 Questionnaire was used to investigate the health-related quality of life in eight principle areas, namely the physical functions; physical limitation of roles; emotional limitation of role; physical and emotional limitation of social functions; pain; mental health; vitality; and overall perception of the state of own health. The ninth area of investigation, employed primarily for internal supervision, rested in the changes of own health. The EDUTOOL Questionnaire (its balneology version designed to assess the basic nutritious, regimen and movement habits) was used to review the results of the educational interventions into the health & social sphere, and specify the period of their effectiveness after the balneology procedures were completed. The paper identified the procedure of Nordic Walking as an activity fit to be incorporated into the spa treatment, and proved it to be capable of improving the health-related quality of the patients' lives. Hypotheses formulated: a) Nordic Walking will enhance the health-related quality of life - confirmed b) The results will depend on proper observance of instructions and consistent application of stereotypes and habits instilled by the education - confirmed c) The German-speaking clients will be more consistent in the application of what they were taught than the Czech-speaking patients - confirmed The diploma paper can be a useful tool of social education suitable to enhance the awareness of this topic.

Factors, complications and health-related quality of life associated with diabetes mellitus developed after midlife in men

Pienimäki, T. (Tuula) 14 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract Type 2 diabetes is increasing overall in the world and is mostly associated with Western lifestyle including replete, unhealthy diet, sedentary life style and growing obesity. In the future the highest prevalence will be seen among older people due to longer life expectancy and changes in demography. Because diabetes is associated with increased morbidity, especially from cardiovascular causes, and a shortened life expectancy, an important aspect in the older population is the impact of diabetes on health related quality of life (HRQoL) and development of disability. To measure HRQoL we have many valid instruments, one of them the widely used RAND-36 survey. The 2-hour glucose value is important in screening subjects at high risk for diabetes, but it is time consuming and costly. Recently, 1-hour post load glucose has aroused interest in the prediction of diabetes. Few studies have focused on the effect of the age of onset of diabetes and how it effects on the HRQoL at an older age. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors for future diabetes in men healthy in midlife; the interest was especially focused on 1-hour post load glucose. The other objective was to estimate the HRQoL in men who develop diabetes at an old age. The present prospective study is based on the Helsinki Businessmen Study originally consisting of 3.490 men, born in 1919–1934 and followed since the 1960´s. All the men had socioeconomically similar status and belonged to the highest social group. The extensive baseline examinations were conducted in 1974, when the men were in midlife, mean age 48. At that time the men´s health, medication and cardiovascular risk factors were observed and self-related health (SRH) was rated on a five-step scale. The men who were healthy without medications were included in the follow-up group. The men were later investigated with postal questionnaires (1985/86, 2000, 2002/03, 2007). In 2000, at mean age of 73, the HRQoL of the survivors was examined using the RAND-36 instrument and was replicated in 2002/03, 2005 and 2007. Development of diabetes was evaluated using the National Drug Reimbursement register and self-reported diabetes in questionnaires. Baseline 1-hour post-load blood glucose and weight gain from the age of 25 to midlife predicted future diabetes, and especially a combination of 1-hour glucose >8.9 mmol/L and body mass index (BMI) of &#8805;30 was associated with a 10.1-fold increase of diabetes risk independently of cardiovascular risk factors. Men with late-onset of diabetes (age >75) tented to be healthier in midlife. Diabetes did not affect the HRQoL until after diabetes onset. According to the evaluation in 2000, three RAND-36 scales, i.e. physical functioning, general health and social functioning, worsened already after 0–4 years from diabetes onset but did not deteriorate thereafter. There was no consistent impact on mental health. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that in men, who develop diabetes later in old age, cardiovascular risk factors in midlife and elevated 1-hour post-load glucose and weight gain up to midlife are important predictors for future diabetes. Developing diabetes exerts clear effects on HRQoL, measured with RAND-36 very early after diagnosis, but affects only some of the domains. / Tiivistelmä Tyypin 2 diabetes on lisääntymässä maailmanlaajuisesti ja on suurelta osin yhteydessä länsimaisen elämäntyylin yleistymiseen. Keskeisimpinä tekijöinä ovat muuttunut, yltäkylläinen ruokavalio, vähentynyt fyysinen aktiivisuus ja niiden myötä lihavuuden lisääntyminen. Diabeteksen lisääntyminen näyttäisi olevan suurinta yli 65-vuotiaiden keskuudessa. Tähän vaikuttavat mm. eliniän pidentyminen ja väestörakenteen muutokset. Diabetesta sairastavien riski sairastua ja kuolla sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien komplikaatioihin on suurempi kuin ei-diabeetikoilla ja sairauksien myötä toimintakyky sekä elämänlaatu heikkenevät. Henkilön oma arvio hyvinvoinnista on tärkeä mittari. Elämänlaadun luotettava mittaaminen on tullut mahdolliseksi testattujen kysymyssarjojen myötä. Yksi laajasti käytetty mittari on RAND-36. Diabetesriskissä olevien henkilöiden löytämiseksi on käytetty 2-tunnin glukoosirasitustestiä, joka on aikaa vievä. Viimeaikoina onkin herännyt kiinnostus glukoosirasituksen jälkeistä yhden tunnin sokeriarvoa kohtaan. Useimmat tyypin 2 diabetekseen liittyvät tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet työikäiseen väestöön, minkä vuoksi tutkimuksia vanhemmalla iällä puhjenneesta diabeteksesta ja sen vaikutuksesta elämänlaatuun on vähemmän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää keski-iän riskitekijöitä, jotka ennustavat tulevaa tyypin 2 diabetesta myöhemmällä iällä. Yhtenä tutkimuskohteena oli yhden tunnin glukoosirasituksen jälkeinen sokeriarvo. Myöhemmällä iällä puhjenneen diabeteksen merkitystä elämänlatuun kartoitettiin RAND-36-mittarilla. Tutkimusaineistona oli ns. Helsingin Johtajatutkimuksen mieskohortti, jota on seurattu 1960-luvulta alkaen. Kaikki miehet (n=3.490) olivat alkuaan terveitä, vuosina 1919–1934 syntyneitä miehiä, jotka kuuluivat ylimpään sosiaaliryhmään. Heidän terveydentilaansa on kartoitettu nykypäiviin saakka. Laajempi perustutkimus tehtiin vuonna 1974, jolloin miehet olivat keski-iässä (48 v). Seurantaan valittiin terveet henkilöt, joilla ei ollut säännöllisiä lääkityksiä. Tällöin kartoitettiin sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien riskitekijöitä, mitattiin glukoosirasituksen jälkeinen yhden tunnin sokeriarvo ja selviteltiin elämäntapoja, minkä lisäksi sen hetkistä itse koettua hyvinvointia mitattiin 5-portaisella asteikolla. Postitse lähetettyjä kyselytutkimuksia on tehty tietyin väliajoin ja aineiston tiedot tähän tutkimukseen on kerätty 31.12.2007 mennessä. Vuonna 2000 kyselytutkimukseen liitettiin elämänlaatumittarina RAND-36-mittarin suomalainen versio. Diabeteksen puhkeamista on seurattu Kelan lääkekorvausrekisteristä sekä itse ilmoitettuna postikyselyiden kautta. Tässä keski-iässä terveessä mieskohortissa tulevan diabeteksen kannalta merkittävimmät ennusteelliset tekijät olivat painon nousu 25-vuoden iästä keski-ikään sekä keski-iässä mitattu glukoosirasituksen jälkeinen yhden tunnin sokeriarvo. Etenkin yhden tunnin sokeriarvo >8.9 mmol/L ja BMI &#8805;30 nostivat tulevan diabeteksen riskin 10-kertaiseksi. Näillä tekijöillä oli myös vahva yhteys sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien aiheuttamaan kuolleisuuteen. Glukoosirasituksen jälkeisellä yhden tunnin sokeriarvolla näyttäisi olevan merkitystä arvioitaessa tyypin 2 diabetesriskiä tulevaisuudessa, katkaisupisteenä plasman &#8805;7.8 mmol/L. Elämänlaatua diabetes näytti heikentävän pian diagnoosin jälkeen (0–4 vuotta diagnoosista), mutta sen jälkeen elämänlaatu ei huonontunut oleellisesti. RAND-36 mittarilla mitattuna elämänlaatu heikkeni merkittävästi diabeetikoilla ei-diabeetikoihin verrattuna fyysisen toimintakyvyn, yleisen elämänlaadun ja sosiaalisten toimintojen osa-alueilla, mutta mielenterveyteen diabetes ei näyttänyt vaikuttavan.

Perceptions of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) experienced by older ethnic Somalis aging transculturally in the U.S.: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Evans, Shelly D. 06 August 2021 (has links)
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