Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rrr"" "subject:"2rr""
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High Range Resolution Micro-Doppler Radar Theory and Its Application to Human Gait ClassificationCammenga, Zachary Andrew 26 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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En studie om brandegenskaper som förändras hos en träfasad som exponeras av utomhusklimatNäsholm, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
Trä som byggnadsmaterial har ökat inom byggbranschen de senaste åren. Detta på grund av att trä är ett miljövänligt och förnybart material. Dock ställer trä som byggnadsmaterial en hel del utmaningar då trä är brandkänsligt och kan behöva brandskydds-behandlas innan användning. Detta görs för att minska risken för uppkomst av brand och kan göras på två sätt, antingen genom att brandskyddsimpregnera eller flamskyddsmåla träprodukten. Den främsta uppgiften brandskyddsmedel har är i det tidiga skeendet av brand då det kan förlänga tiden till antändning. Funktionen brandskyddsbehandlingen har på träprodukten kan över tid minska och kan variera kraftigt i dess duglighet. Tillvägagångsätten för att bestämma brandskyddsbehandlade träprodukters beständighet över tid är olika och det tas kontinuerligt fram olika studier, forskning och experiment. 2017 fastställdes en europeisk standard, EN 16755, som innehåller olika bruksklasser för brandskyddets beständighet. Standard togs framför att hjälpa och ge vägledning till användare för att hitta passande brandskyddade produkter och motivera tillverkarna till att producera och leverera bra produkter.I detta arbete har flera olika studier granskats och studerats över vilka brandegenskaper som förändras när brandskyddsbehandlade träfasader exponeras för utomhusklimat. Tre studier har utfört accelererad och naturlig åldring där huvudsyftet har varit att se hur träets beständighet förändras över tid. Andra studier har studerat och testat vilka egenskaper brandhämmandekemikalier har för träprodukten. Melaminformaldehydharts, borsyra och guanylureafosfatanvänds som brandhämmande kemikalie för att nämna några. Slutsatsen drogs att brandskyddsmedel kan avsevärt förbättra brandegenskaperna genom att förlänga antändningstiden, ge högre LOI-värden och ge lägre värmeavgivningshastighet, HRR. LOI är ett syreindex som är ett index för hur mycket syre som krävs för förbränning av träet. Men över tid minskar brandskyddet och dess funktion förloras då brandskyddsmedlet lakas ut från träprodukten. En av studierna använde predikteringsmodeller för att utvärdera vilken klass träpanelerna som har utsatts för naturlig åldring har. Studien klassade träpanelerna i euroklass D eller lägre. Vilket motsvarar samma klass som obehandlade och omålade träpaneler
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The Ordinal Serial Encoding Model: Serial Memory in Spiking NeuronsChoo, Feng-Xuan January 2010 (has links)
In a world dominated by temporal order, memory capable of processing, encoding and subsequently recalling ordered information is very important. Over the decades this memory, known as serial memory, has been extensively studied, and its effects are well known. Many models have also been developed, and while these models are able to reproduce the behavioural effects observed in human recall studies, they are not always implementable in a biologically plausible manner. This thesis presents the Ordinal Serial Encoding model, a model inspired by biology and designed with a broader view of general cognitive architectures in mind. This model has the advantage of simplicity, and we show how neuro-plausibility can be achieved by employing the principles of the Neural Engineering Framework in the model’s design. Additionally, we demonstrate that not only is the model able to closely mirror human performance in various recall tasks, but the behaviour of the model is itself a consequence of the underlying neural architecture.
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The Ordinal Serial Encoding Model: Serial Memory in Spiking NeuronsChoo, Feng-Xuan January 2010 (has links)
In a world dominated by temporal order, memory capable of processing, encoding and subsequently recalling ordered information is very important. Over the decades this memory, known as serial memory, has been extensively studied, and its effects are well known. Many models have also been developed, and while these models are able to reproduce the behavioural effects observed in human recall studies, they are not always implementable in a biologically plausible manner. This thesis presents the Ordinal Serial Encoding model, a model inspired by biology and designed with a broader view of general cognitive architectures in mind. This model has the advantage of simplicity, and we show how neuro-plausibility can be achieved by employing the principles of the Neural Engineering Framework in the model’s design. Additionally, we demonstrate that not only is the model able to closely mirror human performance in various recall tasks, but the behaviour of the model is itself a consequence of the underlying neural architecture.
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Interrogation of Small Molecule Therapeutics for BRCA Deficient CancersHewlett, Elizabeth D. January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of molecules that target proteins in a previously undescribed manner for the treatment of BRCA deficient cancers. ZINC 13403027, a clerodan-based natural product, was shown to target a protein called Rad52. Cancers possessing loss of function mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are dependent on Rad52 for DNA repair and replication while normal, healthy cells possess multiple DNA repair/replication pathways. Thus, inhibitors of Rad52 may serve as selective anti-cancer drugs for BRCA deficient tumors. ZNIC 13403027 was selected for its high activity in disrupting the ssDNA-Rad52 interaction in a gel-shift assay as well as exhibiting the required inactivity at disrupting the ssDNA-Rad51 interaction. Due to its lack of permeability, a synthetic route amenable to modification has been partially developed. It is thought that a prodrug or bioisostere of ZINC 13403027 could cross the membrane so that the cellular activity of this novel tool molecule may be established. Additionally, an allosteric PARP1 inhibitor, 5F02, was explored. Discussed here is the synthetic route to 5F02 and its analogs. Structure activity relationships were develop in an attempt to increase inhibitory activity and drug-like properties. This thesis reports the success to date on these two projects. / Pharmaceutical Sciences
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HEART RATE RECOVERY IN EXHAUSTION DISORDER : quadratic vagal interaction predicting work ability?Sandgren, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Exhaustion disorder (ED) is a Swedish criteria-based medical diagnosis related to burnout, that often requires long term rehabilitation and sick leave. Comorbidity of functional gastrointestinal (GI) problems and ED has been reported and may be mediated by dysregulated vagal function. This study aimed to explore whether vagus nerve regulation evaluated with the vagal estimate Heart rate recovery (HRR60s), is quadratically associated with severity of ED, affective, GI symptoms/diagnoses, and work ability, using data from a randomized controlled trial. On baseline 16.1% of participants (n = 155) showed attenuated (<25 beats/minute) or fast HRR60s (>51 beats/minute) (82.6/17.4% women/men; N = 161; M = 43yrs; SD = 8.5). Controlling for effects of BMI, fitness (Vo2max), age and sex all subjects were in the HRR60s range defined as normal (27-47, n = 152). The explanatory power of cross-sectional correlations where similar using a quadratic and a linear model. The main hypothesis was therefore not supported. Within-subject analyses showed a tendency that longitudinal increase in HRR60s was associated with a decrease in burnout symptoms up to a certain tip-point, where it contrariwise was associated with higher ratings. Lower prevalence of GI symptoms/diagnoses than in earlier publications indicate that these may be underreported in data. In conclusion preliminary results suggest that evaluating HRR60s in ED using an inverted U-shaped model of cardiac vagal regulation may add information of stage, degree of severity of ED and progress of treatment on an individual basis, which may not be transparent in cross-sectional analysis. / Utmattningssyndrom (ED) är en svensk kriterie-baserad diagnos som ofta kräver långvarig rehabilitering och sjukskrivning. Komorbiditet mellan ED och gastrointestinala (GI) symtom har rapporterats och kan vara medierade av dysreglerad vagusaktivitet. Denna studie avsåg att undersöka om vagusreglering utvärderad med Heart rate recovery (HRR60s) är kvadratiskt associerad med grad av ED, emotionella, GI symtom/diagnoser och arbetsförmåga, med data från en randomiserad kontrollerad studie. 16.1% av deltagarna (n = 155) hade låg (<25 hjärtslag/minut) eller hög HRR60s (>51 hjärtslag/minut) vid första mättillfället (82.6/17.4% kvinnor/män; N = 161; M = 43yrs; SD = 8.5). Mätvärden kontrollerade för BMI, fitness (Vo2max), ålder och kön låg alla inom definierad normalvariation (HRR60s 27-47, n = 152). Förklaringsgraden i tvärsnittsanalys var likartad för en linjär och kvadratisk modell. Resultatet stödde därmed inte huvudhypotesen. Upprepade mätningar per individ visade en tendens till att HRR60s som ökade longitudinellt var associerat med minskade utmattningssymtom upp till en brytpunkt, där de istället associerades med högre värden. I studien var prevalensen för GI-symtom lägre än tidigare visats för ED, vilket indikerar att det kan finnas en underrapportering i data. Sammantaget tyder preliminärt resultat på att en inverterad kvadratisk modell av hjärtvagusreglering utvärderad med HRR60s kan bidra med information om fas, grad av ED och behandlingsprogress på individnivå, som inte blir transparent vid tvärsnittsanalys.
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Developing Formaldehyde Free Flame Retardant for CelluloseHannan, MD.Abdul January 2011 (has links)
Two organophosphorus compounds, namely diethyloxymethyl-9-oxa-10- phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide (DOPAC) and diethyl (2,2-diethoxyethyl) phosphonate (DPAC) were applied on cotton cellulose to impart non-carcinogenic and durable (in alkaline washing) flame retardant property to it. Some acidic catalysts, sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4), ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (NH4H2PO4) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4), were successfully used to settle acetal linkage between cellulose and flame retardant (FR) compound. Appreciable limiting oxygen index (LOI) values of 24% and 23.9% were achieved in case of the samples treated with FR compound DPAC along with the combined acidic catalyzing effect of NaH2PO4+H3PO4 and NaH2PO4+NH4H2PO4. A distinguishing outcome of total heat of combustion (THC) 3.27 KJ/g was revealed during pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry (PCFC) test of the treated sample. In respect of thermal degradation, low temperature dehydration in conjugation with sufficient amount of char residue (30.5%) was obtained in case of DOPAC treated sample. Consistently, the temperature of peak heat release rate (TPHRR) (325°C) of DPAC treated sample supported the expected low temperature pyrolysis in condensed phase mechanism. Subsequent thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) also reported inspiring weight retention% of the treated samples. Furthermore, for both of the flame retardant compounds, effect of different catalysts, considering both individual and combined, effect of solvents, and overall the optimization of the process parameters were studied in detail. / Program: Magisterutbildning i textilteknologi
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Développement d'algorithmes pour la fonction NCTR - Application des calculs parallèles sur les processeurs GPU / Algorithm development for NCTR function - Parallel Computing application on GPU cardsBoulay, Thomas 22 October 2013 (has links)
Le thème principal de cette thèse est l'étude d'algorithmes de reconnaissance de cibles non coopératives (NCTR). Il s'agit de faire de la reconnaissance au sein de la classe "chasseur" en utilisant le profil distance. Nous proposons l'étude de quatre algorithmes : un basé sur l'algorithme des KPPV, un sur les méthodes probabilistes et deux sur la logique floue. Une contrainte majeure des algorithmes NCTR est le contrôle du taux d'erreur tout en maximisant le taux de succès. Nous avons pu montrer que les deux premiers algorithmes ne permettait pas de respecter cette contrainte. Nous avons en revanche proposé deux algorithmes basés sur la logique floue qui permettent de respecter cette contrainte. Ceci se fait au détriment du taux de succès (notamment sur les données réelles) pour le premier des deux algorithmes. Cependant la deuxième version de l'algorithme a permis d'augmenter considérablement le taux de succès tout en gardant le contrôle du taux d'erreur. Le principe de cet algorithme est de caractériser, case distance par case distance, l'appartenance à une classe en introduisant notamment des données acquises en chambre sourde. Nous avons également proposé une procédure permettant d'adapter les données acquises en chambre sourde pour une classe donnée à d'autres classes de cibles. La deuxième contrainte forte des algorithmes NCTR est la contrainte du temps réel. Une étude poussée d'une parallélisation de l'algorithme basé sur les KPPV a été réalisée en début de thèse. Cette étude a permis de faire ressortir les points à prendre en compte lors d'une parallélisation sur GPU d'algorithmes NCTR. Les conclusions tirées de cette étude permettront par la suite de paralléliser de manière efficace sur GPU les futurs algorithmes NCTR et notamment ceux proposés dans le cadre de cette thèse. / The main subject of this thesis is the study of algorithms for non-cooperative targets recognition (NCTR). The purpose is to make recognition within "fighter" class using range profile. The study of four algorithms is proposed : one based on the KNN algorithm, one on probabilistic methods and two on fuzzy logic. A major constraint of NCTR algorithms is to control the error rate while maximizing the success rate. We have shown that the two first algorithms are not sufficient to fulfill this requirement. On the other hand, two algorithms based on fuzzy logic have been proposed and meet this requirement. Compliance with this condition is made at the expense of success rate (in particular on real data) for the first of the two algorithms based on fuzzy-logic. However, a second version of the algorithm has greatly increased the success rate while keeping control of the error rate. The principle of this algorithm is to make classification range bin by range bin, with the introduction of data acquired in an anechoic chamber. We also proposed a procedure for adapting the data acquired in an anechoic chamber for a class to another class of targets. The second major constraint algorithms NCTR is the real time constraint. An advanced study of a parallelization on GPU of the algorithm based on KNN was conducted at the beginning of the thesis. This study has helped to identify key points of a parallelization on GPU of NCTR algorithms. Findings from this study will be used to parallelize efficiently on GPU future NCTR algorithms, including those proposed in the thesis.
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Colour Vision Test for Railway DispatchersRamaswamy, Shankaran 27 April 2009 (has links)
Colour codes are used extensively in railways to convey specific information governing movement of trains and equipment on the track. One such task is the railway traffic control display that uses colour coded video display terminals (VDTs) to convey information of the signal status, train movements and track status to the railway dispatcher. Because individuals with colour vision deficiencies (colour-defectives) may have problems with these colour-related tasks, questions were raised about the suitability of colour vision defectives to work as railway dispatchers. In order to answer that, a VDT based Dispatch Colour Vision Test based on the actual railway traffic display was developed previously.
The main purpose of this thesis is to establish the pass/fail scores and repeatability of the VDT based Dispatch Colour Vision Test that resulted from the previous work. Secondly, the study will also examine whether clinical colour vision tests can predict the performance on the practical task.
The Dispatch colour vision test was divided into three parts based on the colour sets that the dispatcher had to recognize. The testing computer system used the the same RGB colour settings, graphics card and monitor as in railway dispatch centres. Subjects viewed the display colours and entered their responses by using a mouse. One hundred colour-normals and fifty two colour-defectives participated in the initial session. The test was repeated approximately after 10 days. Ninety three colour-normals (93%) and 44 (85%) colour-defectives participated in the second session. The total number of errors and time to complete the test was recorded.
Pass/Fail on the VDT Dispatch colour vision test was based on colour-normal errors. Ignoring orange-red errors, two errors were allowed in the first session and one error was allowed in the second session. Based on this criterion, 42% of colour vision defectives could perform as well as colour normal subjects. The kappa coefficient of agreement between the sessions for the colour-defectives was 0.85.
Detailed analysis between the colour differences and the errors showed only a weak correlation between the two. However, the general trend was that colour-defectives made more errors on colours that were near or along the same lines of confusions and the colours were nearly equal in luminance. Nevertheless, the interaction between luminance and location with respect to the lines of confusion was not easy to interpret.
The time to complete the task for the colour-defectives who passed the test took 14% longer than colour-normals and colour-defectives who failed took 30% longer than colour-normals. All groups showed a similar learning effect with an 18% reduction in mean times to complete the task at the second session. There was no significant correlation between the number of errors and time to complete or the clinical tests and completion times for any of the groups.
Clinical colour vision tests have limited value in predicting performance of colour-defectives on the Dispatch test. Logistic analysis results showed that the Farnsworth D-15 along with the Nagel was the best predictor of the VDT Dispatch colour test pass/fail results. However, these results were similar to using the Farnsworth D-15 test alone. Ninety-five percent of the individuals who failed the Farnsworth D-15 also failed the Dispatch test. However, approximately 25% of the individuals who passed the Farnsworth D-15 failed the VDT Dispatch colour test which is an unacceptable false negative rate. These results indicate the Farnsworth D-15 can only be used to predict who is likely to fail the dispatch test.
Forty two percent of colour vision defectives could perform as well as colour-normals in identifying VDT railway display colours and time to complete the task. Clinical colour vision tests were inadequate predictors of performance in practical task, overall. However, the Farnsworth D-15 was a very good predictor of who would fail the VDT Dispatch test. Hence a practical VDT Dispatch test may be needed to test individuals who would want to work as railway dispatchers.
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Colour Vision Test for Railway DispatchersRamaswamy, Shankaran 27 April 2009 (has links)
Colour codes are used extensively in railways to convey specific information governing movement of trains and equipment on the track. One such task is the railway traffic control display that uses colour coded video display terminals (VDTs) to convey information of the signal status, train movements and track status to the railway dispatcher. Because individuals with colour vision deficiencies (colour-defectives) may have problems with these colour-related tasks, questions were raised about the suitability of colour vision defectives to work as railway dispatchers. In order to answer that, a VDT based Dispatch Colour Vision Test based on the actual railway traffic display was developed previously.
The main purpose of this thesis is to establish the pass/fail scores and repeatability of the VDT based Dispatch Colour Vision Test that resulted from the previous work. Secondly, the study will also examine whether clinical colour vision tests can predict the performance on the practical task.
The Dispatch colour vision test was divided into three parts based on the colour sets that the dispatcher had to recognize. The testing computer system used the the same RGB colour settings, graphics card and monitor as in railway dispatch centres. Subjects viewed the display colours and entered their responses by using a mouse. One hundred colour-normals and fifty two colour-defectives participated in the initial session. The test was repeated approximately after 10 days. Ninety three colour-normals (93%) and 44 (85%) colour-defectives participated in the second session. The total number of errors and time to complete the test was recorded.
Pass/Fail on the VDT Dispatch colour vision test was based on colour-normal errors. Ignoring orange-red errors, two errors were allowed in the first session and one error was allowed in the second session. Based on this criterion, 42% of colour vision defectives could perform as well as colour normal subjects. The kappa coefficient of agreement between the sessions for the colour-defectives was 0.85.
Detailed analysis between the colour differences and the errors showed only a weak correlation between the two. However, the general trend was that colour-defectives made more errors on colours that were near or along the same lines of confusions and the colours were nearly equal in luminance. Nevertheless, the interaction between luminance and location with respect to the lines of confusion was not easy to interpret.
The time to complete the task for the colour-defectives who passed the test took 14% longer than colour-normals and colour-defectives who failed took 30% longer than colour-normals. All groups showed a similar learning effect with an 18% reduction in mean times to complete the task at the second session. There was no significant correlation between the number of errors and time to complete or the clinical tests and completion times for any of the groups.
Clinical colour vision tests have limited value in predicting performance of colour-defectives on the Dispatch test. Logistic analysis results showed that the Farnsworth D-15 along with the Nagel was the best predictor of the VDT Dispatch colour test pass/fail results. However, these results were similar to using the Farnsworth D-15 test alone. Ninety-five percent of the individuals who failed the Farnsworth D-15 also failed the Dispatch test. However, approximately 25% of the individuals who passed the Farnsworth D-15 failed the VDT Dispatch colour test which is an unacceptable false negative rate. These results indicate the Farnsworth D-15 can only be used to predict who is likely to fail the dispatch test.
Forty two percent of colour vision defectives could perform as well as colour-normals in identifying VDT railway display colours and time to complete the task. Clinical colour vision tests were inadequate predictors of performance in practical task, overall. However, the Farnsworth D-15 was a very good predictor of who would fail the VDT Dispatch test. Hence a practical VDT Dispatch test may be needed to test individuals who would want to work as railway dispatchers.
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