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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engenharia de sistemas em sistemas sociotécnicos. / Systems engineering in sociotechnical systems.

Marcel Jacques Simonette 06 May 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os métodos consensuais como uma proposta para reduzir as insatisfações das pessoas envolvidas no processo de levantamento de requisitos e respeitar as dimensões humanas e sociais já no inicio do ciclo de vida de um sistema sociotécnico, considerando a aderência desses métodos às demais fases do ciclo de vida. / This text proposes the use of consensual methods to reduce people dissatisfaction in take part of requirement elicitation process and indentify, and respect, the human and social dimensions since the beginning of a sociotechnical system life cycle, evaluating the adhesion of these methods to the other phases of the lifecycle.


IRIS CARLOTA DOS SANTOS ARRAES 29 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] A acessibilidade é uma qualidade ainda pouco considerada na prática de projetos em Design, porém, cada vez mais necessária na nos diversos modos de interação entre o ser humano e os sistemas diversos. Existem nos dias atuais, muitas abordagens intencionadas a universalizar métodos para a produção de produtos, sistemas e ambientes que sejam acessíveis às pessoas com deficiências. A existência de tantas abordagens culmina, na mesma proporção, em frustrações no desenvolvimento de projetos em Design que objetivam o desenvolvimento produtos que sejam de fato eficazes, eficientes e que tragam satisfação aos usuários, no escopo da diversidade humana. Isto pode ser confirmado na rotina da pessoa com deficiência visual, que pode apresentar diferentes necessidade funcionais de acordo com o componente do olho que foi acometido. Essa dissertação se apresenta em uma pesquisa qualitativa, a partir de observação participante em campo, de caráter exploratório e experimental; fundamentada pela análise documental das leis relacionadas com a deficiência visual, acessibilidade, e com Educação Superior. Para investigar o usuário, foram utilizados questionários e entrevistas, que revelaram lacunas para as quais a Ergonomia apresenta métodos para a melhorar a qualidade na interação do usuário com deficiência visual, para as questões de Usabilidade e Interação Humano Computador; do Design Universal e do Design Universal para a Aprendizagem para as questões de acessibilidade. / [en] The accessibility is a quality that is still under-considered in Design projects, but increasingly necessary in different ways of interaction between humans and systems. There are many approaches at present intended to universalize methods to design accessible products, systems, and environments for people with disability. The existence of so many procedures culminates, in the same proportion, in frustration in the development of Design projects that aim to develop products to be really effective, efficient, and bring satisfaction to users, in human diversity scope. It is possible to verify this fact by the routine of people with visual impairment that can present different functional necessities, according to the component of the eye that was affected. This dissertation presents qualitative research, outlined from participatory field observation, wich character is exploratory and experimental, substantiated by the documentary analysis of the laws related to visual impairment, accessibility and also to Higher Education. Questionnaires and enquiries were used to investigate the users. This data showed up gaps where the Ergonomics features methods to improve quality in user interaction to usability issues and Human-computer interaction; and Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning can improve Accessibility issues.


Efstathiou, Teresia January 2019 (has links)
Automatiska flygningssystem och kontrollpresentationsenheter utvecklas hela tiden inom flygteknik. Avionik företag skapar datoriserade system som ska kunna automatisera ytterligare aspekter av de operationer som sker i cockpit. Att flyga ska inte bedömas vara något riskfyllt och för att säkerställa säkerhetssynen är det betydelsefullt att ta reda på om människor uppfattar teknikens framgång som positiv. Syftet är att ta reda på människans uppfattning och inställning till automatiserade flygplan. Frågeställningen besvaras genom en empirisk studie där först en noggrann bakgrundsundersökning gjorts för att få fram information om var automatiserade flygplan befinner sig gällande dess utveckling och framgång. Med hjälp av en gedigen bakgrund har en kvantitativ enkät undersökning genomförts som på bästa sätt ger svar på frågeställningen om automatiserade flygplan anses vara ett säkert transportmedel. Majoriteten av respondenterna, 86,9%, anser det vara viktigt eller väldigt viktigt att det finns en pilot som styr flygplanet. Automatiserade fraktflygplan är det som ligger närmast i framtiden jämfört med civila flygplan. Det har framförts att ökad förståelse om teknik ger en ökad tillit till AI och ju mer tillit till AI desto större chans till att skapa en bättre trygghetskänsla till automatiserade flygplan. Det kan även konkluderas att pilotlösa flygplan som styrs från kontrollrum på marken inte bör agera som en övergång till helt automatiserade flygplan. Istället föredras en stegvis automatisering i form av en digital andrepilot som hjälpmedel. Det måste dessutom skapas en större medvetenhet i hur flygplanen opererar för att få passagerare mottagbara till vidare utveckling. Slutligen måste inte automatiserade flygplan vara helt perfekta och eftersträva en omöjlig standard. / Automatic flight systems and control presentation units are constantly being developed in aviation technology. Avionic companies create computerized systems that will be able to automate additional aspects of the operations that take place in the cockpit. Flying should not be judged to be somewhat risky and to ensure safety, it is important to find out whether people perceive the technology's success as positive. The purpose is to find out about the people’s perception and attitude towards automated aircraft. The question is answered through an empirical study in which a thorough background study was first made to obtain information about where automated aircraft are located in relation to its development and success. With the help of a solid background, a quantitative questionnaire survey has been conducted that best answers the question of whether automated aircraft are considered a safe means of transport. The majority of respondents, 86.9%, consider it important or very important that there is a pilot who controls the aircraft. Automated cargo aircraft are the closest in the future compared to civil aircraft. It has been argued that increased understanding of technology gives increased confidence in AI and the more confidence in AI the greater the chance of creating a better sense of security for automated aircraft. It can also be concluded that pilotless aircraft controlled from control rooms on the ground should not act as a transition to fully automated aircraft. Instead, a step-by-step automation in the form of a digital second pilot is preferred. In addition, a greater awareness must be created in how the aircraft operate to get passengers susceptible to further development. Finally, automated aircraft need not be perfectly perfect and strive for an impossible standard.

Development and evaluation of a methodology for developing websites

Issa, Tomayess Boutros January 2007 (has links)
This research focuses on the development of a new methodology for creating effective websites, especially those used for marketing. It was found that existing methodologies were missing some key stages - user participation and “real interaction” (i.e. monitoring of user interaction with a prototype site). This has led to users being frustrated and lacking loyalty to the website. There is great potential for combining aspects of methodologies from different disciplines; however, these need to be integrated in a coherent way. To address these problems, a new integrated methodology was developed in this research. The new methodology was created from basic concepts derived from: lifecycle models; Information Systems development methodologies; methodologies with explicit human factors aspects; websites methodologies; marketing methodologies; and additional techniques such as task analysis and detailed website design and implementation. After studying the lifecycle model, the researcher identified four key principles, which were the foundation of the research: user participation; iteration; usability and “real interaction”. The way in which these four principles were incorporated in each methodology was evaluated in order to choose the strongest stages to utilize in the new combined methodology. After reviewing techniques for methodology integration, a new draft methodology was produced. To assess the new methodology, two research phases were used - interviews and a questionnaire. In the former phase, the researcher interviewed representatives from nine website development companies in Western Australia to discuss their current methodologies and compared these with the new methodology. / Most of the industry participants were pleased with the structure of the new methodology, as most agreed that it incorporates the necessary requirements to develop a successful website. The interviews generated some recommendations for revisions to the methodology, which assisted the researcher to improve the new methodology. In the latter phase, an online questionnaire was completed by a total of website industry participant andInformation Systems Professionals, in order to assess the revised methodology. Results from the interviews and questionnaire supported the research hypothesis – i.e. that the new integrated methodology can provide a more effective way of developing websites, utilizing the four key principles. This thesis points to the need for further research, including the development of a website describing the new methodology. This website will incorporate a software tool to facilitate selection of particular stages, steps and techniques from theintegrated methodology to produce a tailored methodology for any specific project, thereby implementing the concept of “contingency”.

Analysis of the management of people in the process of outsourcing of core activities in the financial sector in Cearà / AnÃlise da gestÃo de pessoas nos processos de terceirizaÃÃo de atividades-fim no setor financeiro cearense

Maria AntÃnia do Socorro Rabelo AraÃjo 16 September 2005 (has links)
The present study aims to verify how outsourced (contracted) sale teams are managed by commercial banks which operate in credit on consignation competitive business in Ceara State, in order to assure a continuous, qualified and increasing business tide. First, were done teorethical approaches as âthirdâ and âfourthâ outsourcing, strategic administration, human capital management, financial market and credit on consignation negotiation. After bibliographical review, an exploratory and descriptive field research was done with commercial banks placed in Ceara which operate with lending on consignation product. Were administered four semi-structured quetionnaires to banks managers, banks correspondents, internal collaborators and collectors. After, collected iformations were tabulated and received qualitative and quantitative treatment, detecting that the outsourcing of selling activities by banks are motivated by margin, funding, decentralization of sale points and by operational simplicity, as well as was identified as a disadvantage of this outsourcing process the low managing and technical capacity of its correspondent (contracted).This operational simplicity setting, as well as low managing and technical capacity, roughly contribute towards the fragility of staff employee in third and fourth outsourcing sales team management techniques by contracted companies. We believe that the lack of human resources management practices within outsourcing work endangers strategic results of action of both companies involved on this process. / O presente trabalho objetiva verificar como as equipes de vendas terceirizadas (contratadas) sÃo geridas por bancos comerciais que operam no competitivo mercado de crÃdito consignado no Estado do Cearà para garantir um fluxo contÃnuo, qualificado e crescente de negÃcios. Primeiramente, foram feitas abordagens teÃricas tais como: terceirizaÃÃo; quarteirizaÃÃo; administraÃÃo estratÃgica; gestÃo do capital humano; mercado financeiro e o negÃcio crÃdito em consignaÃÃo. ApÃs a revisÃo bibliogrÃfica, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratÃria, descritiva e de campo junto a bancos comerciais instalados no Cearà e operando com o produto emprÃstimo consignado, para a aplicaÃÃo de quatro questionÃrios semi-estruturados junto aos gestores dos bancos, correspondentes bancÃrios, colaboradores internos e angariadores. Em seguida, as informaÃÃes coletadas foram tabuladas e tratadas quantitativa e qualitativamente, constatando que a terceirizaÃÃo das atividades fins de vendas pelos bancos sÃo motivadas pela margem, funding, descentralizaÃÃo de pontos de vendas e pela simplicidade operacional, como tambÃm. Identificou-se como desvantagem desse processo de terceirizaÃÃo a baixa capacitaÃÃo gerencial e tÃcnica do correspondente (contratado). Esse cenÃrio de simplicidade operacional e baixa capacitaÃÃo gerencial e tÃcnica da gestÃo contribuem fortemente para a fragilidade das tÃcnicas da gestÃo de pessoal empregadas nas equipes de vendas terceirizadas e âquarteirizadasâ, pelas empresas contratadas. Acredita-se que a ausÃncia das prÃticas da gestÃo de recursos humanos no trabalho terceirizado compromete resultados estratÃgicos de atuaÃÃo das duas empresas envolvidas nesse processo.

Análisis correlacional entre las variables gestión de personas y desempeño laboral en el personal administrativo de un call center / Management Of People And Job Performance In The Administrative Staff Of A Call Center

Soldevilla Urquiaga, Cesar Augusto, Rodriguez Bellido, Jhon Amstrong 04 September 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la gestión de personas y el desempeño laboral en el personal administrativo de un Call Center de Lima. La población estuvo conformada por los trabajadores administrativos de una empresa de Call Center de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 53 trabajadores administrativos de dicha empresa dedicada a brindar servicios de Call Center. La metodología de investigación consistió en una investigación de tipo aplicada de diseño descriptivo correlacional y corte transeccional. Se emplearon como instrumentos de recolección de datos dos escalas construidas por los autores para determinar los niveles de Gestión de personas y de Desempeño Laboral. Los resultados de la investigación demostraron que existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre Gestión de personas y el Desempeño Laboral en el personal administrativo de un Call Center de Lima. / This research has the general objective of determining the relationship between people management and job performance in the administrative staff of a Call Center in Lima. The population was made up of administrative workers from a Call Center company in Metropolitan Lima. The sample was made up of 53 administrative workers from said company dedicated to providing Call Center services. The research methodology consisted of an applied type research with a correlational descriptive design and a transeccional cut. Two scales constructed by the authors were used as data collection instruments to determine the levels of People Management and job performance. The research results showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between People Management and job performance in the administrative staff of a Call Center in Lima. / Tesis

Der Ingenieur an seinem Arbeitsplatz - gesund und kompetent!

Schleidt, Bettina 07 September 2021 (has links)
Seit Jahren steigen psychische und psychosoziale Belastungen im Arbeitsalltag von Ingenieuren* an, was unter anderem an der zunehmenden Zahl von Erkrankungen, die beispielsweise auf permanenten Stress zurückzuführen sind, erkennbar ist. Durch die Pandemie, die seit mehr als einem Jahr Alltag und Arbeitsleben maßgeblich beeinflusst, treten diese Belastungen noch deutlicher in den Vordergrund. Nach einer kurzen Einführung werden zunächst theoretische Grundlagen dargelegt und wesentliche Begriffe definiert. Mit Blick auf den Arbeitsplatz werden potenzielle Belastungen skizziert und die Bedeutung von Kompetenzen herausgearbeitet, die unterstützen können, um mit diesen Belastungen umzugehen. Außerdem wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob Ingenieure das nötige „Kompetenz bezogene Rüstzeug“ - sprich die persönlichen psychischen Ressourcen - haben, um mit den Anforderungen und Belastungen, die sich am Arbeitsplatz ergeben, adäquat umgehen zu können und welche Bedeutung der Hochschulausbildung dabei zukommt. Den Abschluss bildet ein Plädoyer für eine systematische (Neu-)Ausrichtung und regelmäßige Weiterentwicklung bzw. Anpassung der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Ingenieuren anhand von ermittelten Anforderungen bzw. Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz – nicht zuletzt basierend auf einem Constructive Alignment.

Posouzení zdrojů environmentálního rizika v průmyslovém podniku / Resource assessment of environmental risks in industrial enterprise

Černá, Monika January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on evaluating the sources of environmental risks in the safety domain of the Honeywell Aerospace Olomouc company. First part of the diploma thesis is theoretical and serves as an entry to problematics of severe accidents prevention, risks identification and assessment. In the next part all the chemical substances stored in this international industrial company are valorised, the substances most dangerous to the environment are identified and certain precautions to prevent serious accidents are suggested according to valid legislation and recommended methods of the Ministry of the Environment.

Nejčastější příčiny chybovosti řídícího letového provozu při poskytování služeb ŘLP / The most frequent causes of air traffic controller errors in the process of providing ATS

Čeremetová, Erika January 2013 (has links)
In my Master´s thesis I am concerned with the questions of the human factor in air traffic control. The work is mainly focused on the air traffic controller and discusses the influences that directly or indirectly affect the air traffic controller. Considerable attention is paid to the errors that may occur during the management, their analysis and proposals for their elimination, respectively their complete disposal. The main idea is to understand the thinking of the air traffic controller as the human element in an organization and applying theories to reduce the errors in the air traffic control.

Analýza rizik obsluhy jeřábu / Risk analysis of crane operation

Attasek, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this master's thesis is focused on the area of safety in lifting technology. Specifically, to prevent mistakes during bridge crane operations and to increase reliability of the human factor. The thesis summarizes the most important legislative regulations for crane operators, including the requirements for operation. Furthermore, there are analysis of bridge crane accidents including data about number of occupational accidents. Other part of the thesis deals with analysis HTA, human HAZOP, BOMECH and FMEA. Conclusions are set based on these analyzes and preventive measures are suggested.

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