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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le comportement de manger en absence de faim chez l’enfant et l’adolescent : validation d’un questionnaire et études des facteurs prédictifs

Savard, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
Contexte : L’obésité est une problématique multifactorielle qui peut s’accompagner d’un lot de complications autant chez les enfants que chez les adultes. Certains comportements alimentaires ont été associés à l’obésité pédiatrique, comme manger en absence de faim (MAF). Or, les déterminants de MAF n’ont pas tous été élucidés, en partie parce que ce comportement est difficile à évaluer. Objectifs : Le premier objectif est d’effectuer une revue systématique sur les déterminants individuels, familiaux et environnementaux de MAF chez les enfants et les adolescents âgés de 3 à 17 ans. Le deuxième objectif est de valider une traduction française d’un questionnaire permettant de mesurer MAF chez les enfants québécois de 7 à 15 ans. Méthodes : Pour la revue systématique (objectif #1), les critères d’éligibilité incluaient, entre autres, une population pédiatrique (3 à 17 ans) et l’évaluation d’au moins un facteur associé à MAF. Pour la validation transculturelle du questionnaire (objectif #2), des garçons et des filles âgés de 7 à 15 ans ont rempli le questionnaire à deux reprises dans un intervalle de 4 semaines. Nous avons évalué la validité de construit (structure et association avec le score z d’IMC) et la fidélité du questionnaire (cohérence interne et stabilité temporelle). Résultats : La synthèse des 81 articles inclus dans la revue systématique a révélé que chez les enfants, MAF était positivement associé à l’âge, à l’adiposité et à la présence de l’allèle A du gène FTO (fat mass and obesity associated gene). MAF semblait également davantage présent les garçons que chez les filles, mais certains facteurs familiaux, comme l’utilisation de pratiques parentales restrictives, étaient davantage associés à la présence de MAF chez les filles. MAF semble se stabiliser et persister à l’adolescence. L’étude sur la validation du questionnaire a montré que le questionnaire traduit possède une structure similaire à celle du questionnaire original. Chacune des 3 dimensions (émotions négatives, la fatigue ou l’ennui et les facteurs externes) avait une cohérence interne et une stabilité adéquate et MAF en réponse aux émotions négatives était associé à un score z d’IMC plus élevé. Conclusion : Ce mémoire contribuera au développement des connaissances sur le comportement MAF chez les enfants et les adolescents, en faisant le point sur les facteurs qui sont associés à MAF et en fournissant un outil permettant de mesurer facilement MAF en français / Background: Obesity is a multifactorial problematic which can lead to a variety of complications in both children and adults. Eating behaviors have been associated with obesity during childhood, such as eating in the absence of hunger (EAH). However, not all determinants of EAH have been elucidated, in part because this behavior is difficult to assess. Objectives: The first objective is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on individual, familial and environmental factors associated with EAH in children and adolescents aged 3-17 years old. The second objective is to perform a transcultural validation of a French translation of a questionnaire for the assessment of EAH in children and adolescents aged 7-15 years old. Methods: For the systematic review (objective #1), eligibility criteria for the study selection included a pediatric population (3-17 years of age) and evaluation of at least one factor potentially associated with EAH. For the transcultural validation of the questionnaire (objective #2), boys and girls aged 7-15 years old completed the questionnaire twice within 4 weeks. We assessed construct validity (structural validity and associations with BMI z-score) and reliability (internal consistency and temporal stability) of the questionnaire. Results: Synthesis of the 81 included studies in this systematic review revealed that among children, EAH is positively associated with age, with adiposity and with the presence of the A allele of the FTO gene (fat mass and obesity associated gene. This behavior is also more prevalent among boys than girls, but some familial factors, such as parental restrictive feeding practices, were associated with more EAH in girls. EAH also appears to remain present into adolescence. The transcultural validation revealed that the French translated version of the questionnaire had a similar structure compared to the original questionnaire. All dimensions (negative affect, fatigue/boredom and external cues) had an adequate internal consistency and temporal stability and EAH in response to negative affect was associated with a higher BMI z-score. Conclusions: This dissertation will contribute to fill the knowledge gaps about EAH in children and adolescents, by identifying factors associated with EAH and by providing a tool to easily measure EAH in French.

An evaluation of the impact of food aid on food security: the case of Ngabu area in Malawi

Madziakapita, Anele 03 1900 (has links)
The study focused on an evaluation of the impact of food aid on food security in the area of Ngabu in the southern part of Malawi. An evaluation was needed to find out whether the food aid approach to food insecurity was the one best suited to Ngabu and whether the government's approach had produced the intended results. This study showed that food aid, when timely used, has helped to raise the dietary status and nutrition and consumption of many households in Ngabu in times of natural disaster. Food aid, however, has had a negative impact on food security by creating laziness, food aid dependency and low food production since the source of food it offers is easier to come by than that by production. The impact of food aid on the markets of Ngabu, however, has been minimal. / Development Studies / M.Admin. (Development Studies)

Das Problem der Welternährung: Simulationen zu Einflussfaktoren, die Bedeutung von Agrartechnologien und gesellschaftliche Einschätzungen in Deutschland / The Problem of World Food Security: Simulations on Influencing Factors, the Impact of Agricultural Technologies, and Public Opinion in Germany

Klümper, Wilhelm 13 November 2014 (has links)
Hunger ist nach wie vor ein weit verbreitetes Problem. Nach der jüngsten Schätzung der FAO hungern weltweit noch immer über 800 Mio. Menschen. Prognosen gehen davon aus, dass die Agrarproduktion bis 2050 verdoppelt werden muss, um der steigenden Nachfrage nach Agrarprodukten durch Bevölkerungswachstum, Bioenergieproduktion und sich verändernde Ernährungsgewohnheiten zu begegnen. Unter vielen Möglichkeiten, das Welternährungsproblem zu beschreiben, wird in dieser Dissertation das Konzept der Ernährungssicherheit nach der Definition der FAO herangezogen. Ernährungssicherheit umfasst als wichtigste Aspekte die Verfügbarkeit von Nahrungsmitteln und den ökonomischen Zugang zu Nahrungsmitteln. Nahrungsmittelverfügbarkeit ist in erster Linie von einer global ausreichenden Produktion abhängig, der Zugang zu Nahrung von der Kaufkraft der Haushalte. Die Kaufkraft wird sowohl durch das Einkommen wie auch die Agrarpreise beeinflusst. Die Nahrungsmittelverfügbarkeit kann vor allem durch Ertragssteigerungen erhöht werden. Sollen die Ertragssteigerungen ressourcenschonend erfolgen, muss die Produktivität der Agrarproduktion bezogen auf alle Produktionsfaktoren inkl. Umweltgütern steigen. Nur durch technische und organisatorische Innovation kann dies realisiert werden. Ertragssteigerungen in Entwicklungsländern erhöhen gleichzeitig die Einkommen von potenziell von Hunger Betroffenen. Eine Begrenzung der Nachfrage nach Agrargütern kann global in erster Linie in den Bereichen Bioenergie und Konsum tierischer Produkte erfolgen. Simulationen können helfen, den Einfluss einzelner Faktoren der globalen Nachfrage und des Angebots nach Agrarrohstoffen und -produkten auf die Welternährungslage genauer abzuschätzen. Ein Großteil der Simulationen in der Literatur kommt mithilfe von partiellen oder allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodellen zu Aussagen über gehandelte Mengen und Preise oder Wohlfahrtseffekte. In dieser Arbeit wird ein einfaches partielles Gleichgewichtsmodell für den Weltmarkt für Biotreibstoffe, Fleisch und Getreide entwickelt und mit der Methode der FAO zur Schätzung der Zahl der Hungernden gekoppelt. Dies ermöglicht die Abschätzung des Einflusses verschiedener Szenarien auf die Zahl der Hungernden. Für das Referenzjahr 2011 werden Szenarien alternativer Nachfrage nach Fleisch und Biotreibstoffen simuliert, ebenso wie ein Szenario alternativer landwirtschaftlicher Produktivität in der Europäischen Union. Die Schätzungen ergeben einen signifikanten Einfluss der simulierten Nachfrage- und Angebotsverschiebungen. Im Vergleich mit dem Status Quo führt eine Reduktion des Fleischkonsums in den OECD-Ländern um 50% zu einer Reduktion der Zahl der Hungernden um 5%. Eine ii Flächenproduktivität im Getreideanbau in der EU auf dem Niveau von 1980 steigert die Zahl der Hungernden um mehr als 5%, ein Anstieg der Biotreibstoffquote in der OECD auf 10% erhöht die Zahl der Hungernden gar um 10%. Die Durchsetzung geeigneter politischer Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Welternährungslage kann durch eine breite öffentliche Unterstützung beschleunigt oder erst ermöglicht werden. Über die öffentliche Meinung zu Fragen der Welternährung in Deutschland existieren bisher keine expliziten Studien. In den Themenbereichen landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Nahrungsmittelkonsum stellt das Thema Welternährung nur einen Aspekt dar, der neben Fragen nach z.B. der Lebensmittelsicherheit und Gesundheit sowie den Auswirkungen von Agrarproduktion auf Landschaft und Umwelt steht. Hier werden Ergebnisse einer Online-Befragung zum Thema Welternährung präsentiert, die im März 2012 mit einer repräsentativen Stichprobe 1.200 deutscher Internetnutzer durchgeführt wurde. Die Befragung beinhaltete im Wesentlichen die Bewertung der Wirkung verschiedener potenzieller Ursachen der weltweiten Unterernährung, sowie Maßnahmen und Entwicklungen zu ihrer Lösung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Thema Welthunger in erster Linie mit Merkmalen akuter (Hunger-) Krisen in Verbindung gebracht wird. Die vielversprechendsten Lösungsmaßnahmen sind in den Augen der Befragten der Ausbau des Fairen Handels, Absatzmärkte für Kleinbauern sowie ein Lebensmittelspekulationsverbot. Der intensiven Landwirtschaft in der Welt wie auch in Europa sowie insbesondere der Grünen Gentechnik wird kein Potenzial zur Lösung des Problems zugesprochen. Die Antwortmuster lassen auf die Präsenz eines Halo-Effekts mit einer Übertragung unterstellter negativer Umweltwirkungen auf das Thema Welternährung schließen. Die Grüne Gentechnik ist eine Agrartechnologie, die potenziell zur Angebotsausweitung von Agrarprodukten genauso beitragen kann wie zu einer ressourcenschonenderen Landwirtschaft. Bisherige Anwendungen, hauptsächlich Herbizidtoleranz sowie Insektenresistenz, haben u.a. zu einer Steigerung der effektiven Erträge, einer Einsparung von Insektiziden und einer Steigerung der Profite vor allem im Baumwollanbau beigetragen. Trotz zahlreicher Belege besteht über die Auswirkungen von gentechnisch veränderten (GV) Nutzpflanzen eine anhaltende Kontroverse. Ein Großteil der europäischen Bevölkerung lehnt den Anbau ebenso ab wie einen Verzehr von Produkten aus GV-Pflanzen. Unterstellte sozio-ökonomische Auswirkungen oder Auswirkungen auf die Welternährung sind nur zwei Determinanten von vielen, die zu den Einstellungen zur Grünen Gentechnik beitragen. Zur Konsolidierung des Wissens im Bereich agronomischer sowie sozio-ökonomischer Auswirkungen von GV-Pflanzen wurde eine Meta-Analyse durchgeführt. In wissenschaftlichen Datenbanken wurden iii 147 Primärstudien identifiziert, die für die Meta-Analyse verwendet wurden. Die Analyse beschränkt sich auf gentechnisch veränderte Sojabohnen, Mais und Baumwolle. Als mittlere Effekte des Anbaus von GV-Pflanzen ergibt die Meta-Analyse eine Steigerung des Ertrages um 22%, eine Reduktion der Menge der angewendeten Pflanzenschutzmittel um 37% und eine Steigerung der Profite der Bauern um 68%. Die Höhe der Effekte hängt stark von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Die Effekte sind für alle drei genannten Variablen in Entwicklungsländern betragsmäßig größer als in Industrieländern. Auch sind die Effekte des Anbaus von GV-Pflanzen bei Erträgen und beim Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatz betragsmäßig höher für insektenresistente Pflanzen als bei solchen mit Herbizidtoleranz. Aus den in der Arbeit gewonnenen Erkenntnissen kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass sowohl das Nahrungsmittelangebot gesteigert als auch die Nachfrage begrenzt werden sollte. Dies verlangt eine standortangepasste Ausnutzung vorhandener und die Entwicklung neuer Technologien. Auch die Gentechnik kann einen Beitrag leisten. Der Kleinbauernsektor muss vordringlich gefördert werden. Zur Begrenzung der Nachfrage können neben der Politik, welche vor allem die Biotreibstoffnachfrage beeinflussen kann, auch Konsumenten durch Verzicht auf tierische Produkte beitragen. Dies wie auch die Durchführung effektiver politischer Maßnahmen sind auf eine unverzerrte Sichtweise der Öffentlichkeit auf das Thema Welternährung angewiesen. Dazu muss das Thema in Wissenschaftskommunikation und Bildung stärker thematisiert werden.

An evaluation of the impact of food aid on food security: the case of Ngabu area in Malawi

Madziakapita, Anele 03 1900 (has links)
The study focused on an evaluation of the impact of food aid on food security in the area of Ngabu in the southern part of Malawi. An evaluation was needed to find out whether the food aid approach to food insecurity was the one best suited to Ngabu and whether the government's approach had produced the intended results. This study showed that food aid, when timely used, has helped to raise the dietary status and nutrition and consumption of many households in Ngabu in times of natural disaster. Food aid, however, has had a negative impact on food security by creating laziness, food aid dependency and low food production since the source of food it offers is easier to come by than that by production. The impact of food aid on the markets of Ngabu, however, has been minimal. / Development Studies / M.Admin. (Development Studies)

The relationship between employment status of the mother, household hunger and nutritional status of children in Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province

Phooko, Ditope Annah 18 May 2016 (has links)
MSCPNT / Department of Nutrition / Introduction: In the year 2012, South Africa had a prevalence rate of stunting in children aged 1- 3, 4 - 6 and 7 – 9 years at 26.5%, 11.9% and 9.4%, respectively (Shisana et al. (2013). The Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality (GSDM) also showed a high rate of stunting (36%) in children aged 13 to 215 months of age (FIVIMS, 2006). The GSDM had a high unemployment rate of 69% to 82.4% (Statistics SA, 2006; Department of Social Development, 2008).). South Africa has adequate food supplies to feed the entire population at the national level (Labadarios et al., 2011; du Toit et al., 2011); however, there is evidence of under-nutrition caused by lack of purchasing power, and not a shortage of food (Rose and Charlton, 2001). Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the employment status of the mother, household hunger and the nutritional status of children aged one to twelve years (1-12 years) in households of Sekhukhune District in Limpopo Province. Objectives : The objectives of the study were to determine the socio-economic status of the household; to assess the nutritional status of children using anthropometric measurements; to assess dietary patterns of children in households; to determine household food security using food inventories; to determine the prevalence of household hunger using the standardized hunger scale; to determine the coping strategies to food deprivation used in each household and to determine the association between employment status of the mother, nutritional status of children and household hunger. Methodology: The study design was a cross sectional, exploratory and correlational study. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. A simple random sampling method was used to select nine villages from Makhuduthamaga local municipality and twenty households per village were selected using the systematic random sampling. Data was collected in households and a sample size of 180 children was selected based on the availability of a child within the selected age group. If there were more than one child within the 1-12 years, each child was then allocated a number and the one with the least number was selected. Biological mothers were the preferred participants, however if the mother was unavailable, the primary caregiver was selected and180 mothers or caregivers Results: The majority (92.2%) of mothers were unemployed and 91% of them had an income of less than R500.00 per month, whereas 33.9% of households had total income of less than R1000.00 About 64.4% and 28.4% borrowed food from neighbours/family/friends and bought food on credit from the local shop. The anthropometric status of children indicated a high prevalence of stunting, a medium prevalence of underweight and a low prevalence of wasting. Most caregivers were overweight or obese. About 66% of children ate three meals per day. Almost 44% of households were food insecure, whereas 33.9% were at risk of hunger and only 21.7% were food secure. There was no association between employment status of the mother, household hunger and anthropometric status indicators. Conclusion: Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality has a high rate of unemployment, poor household income and purchasing power and high level of food insecurity. The employment status of the mother was not associated with the level of wasting, stunting and underweight. Furthermore, employment status was also not associated with the level of hunger. Caregivers employed various strategies to cope with periods of food deprivation

"Mot allt, som plågar mej, jag reagerar" : Känslorna och det proletära subjektet i Karl Östmans litterära verk / ”Against all that torments me, I react” : Feeling and the proletarian subject in the literary works of Karl Östman

Lillhannus, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the representation of emotion and feeling in the 1910’s and 1920’s fictional works of Swedish working class writer Karl Östman, against the historical background of the working class movement and its social communities. The material consists mainly of three collections of short stories (Pilgrims, A Fiddle and a Woman and Hunger) and one novel (The Broad Road). The author analyses how emotions arise and are represented, the relationship between emotion and action, the individual and collective practices of feeling, as well as the emotional reactions following suffering. Dreams of love and compassion are also addressed to investigate whether the texts point to the possibility of a new emotional community for the working class. The theoretical basis of the thesis is Barbara H. Rosenwein’s concept of ”emotional communities”, along with Sara Ahmed’s theories of emotions as patterns of action. The thesis argues that all actions in Östman’s fiction are, fundamentally, emotional reactions. To gain an understanding of capitalism and class society as the causes of oppression, Östman’s characters must first understand their own emotions from the perspective of a socialist emotional community, rather than the prevailing emotional community of working class men. Only then can their emotional response to suffering become anger and action rather than hopelessness. Östman identifies the great shame of the worker not as his vulnerable position under capitalism but as the culture of non-feeling that workers impose on one another – a change of perspective that becomes a call for action. If read attentive to the role of emotions in the text, the thesis argues, Östman’s fiction possesses an urgency and a complexity previously not accredited to him.

Leading to Peace: Prisoner Resistance and Leadership Development in the IRA and Sinn Fein

Delisle, Claire E. 15 June 2012 (has links)
The Irish peace process is heralded as a success among insurgencies that attempt transitions toward peaceful resolution of conflict. After thirty years of armed struggle, pitting Irish republicans against their loyalist counterparts and the British State, the North of Ireland has a reconfigured political landscape with a consociational governing body where power is shared among several parties that hold divergent political objectives. The Irish Republican Movement, whose main components are the Provisional Irish Republican Army, a covert guerilla armed organization, and Sinn Fein, the political party of Irish republicans, initiated peace that led to all-inclusive talks in the 1990s and that culminated in the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in April 1998, setting out the parameters for a non-violent way forward. Given the traditional intransigence of the IRA to consider any route other than armed conflict, how did the leadership of the Irish Republican Movement secure the support of a majority of republicans for a peace initiative that has held now for more than fifteen years? This dissertation explores the dynamics of leadership in this group, and in particular, focuses on the prisoner resistance waged by its incarcerated activists and volunteers. It is the contention here, that various prisoner resistance tactics enabled a wide-ranging group of captives to develop the skill set necessary to persuade their community to back the peace initiative, engage in electoral politics, mobilize their supporters to invest in attaining a united Ireland by peaceful negotiations, and put down their arms in a permanent and unequivocal manner. In this dissertation, the work of Paulo Freire is explored in order to capture the processes inherent the resistance-leadership continuum.

You Are What You Eat: Malnutrition and its Determinants in Ecuador:

Stone, Lindsay January 2017 (has links)
Thesis advisor: John Michalczyk / Why do we eat the foods that we do? This question is one that is not often considered by individuals as they go about their daily lives, but can have large implications on public health – for, there is a strong, physiological connection between food consumption and one’s health and wellbeing. Accordingly, when reflecting upon the health of a nation it is often important to consider its nutritional status. Ultimately, many determinants can contribute to how and why an individual eats certain foods, as can be seen in Ecuador. In this Latin American country, for instance, historical, socioeconomic, cultural, behavioral, socioeconomic, and environmental factors (among others) can be seen to influence the different diets – and by extension, the nutritional statuses – of different ethnic, regional, and geographic populations. Though common across Ecuador, discrepancies among these groups are particularly noticeable in the highland region, the Sierra. Overall, this paper examines the different forms of malnutrition, their implications on one’s health, and their prevalence across Ecuador. Additionally, it considers how the Ecuadorian diet was shaped, and how different subcuisines lend themselves to varying forms of malnutrition. Specifically, this paper focuses on the Sierra, given that levels of malnutrition are noticeably higher in this region, and that this highland area is home to large rural and indigenous communities who are most significantly impacted by the region’s nutritional conditions. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2017. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Arts and Sciences Honors Program. / Discipline: .

Potencialidades, impasses e interações entre políticas: um estudo sobre assistência social, segurança alimentar e nutricional e transferência de renda / Potentials, deadlocks and interactions among policies: a study on Social Assistance, Food Security and Income Transfer Program

Nazareno, Louise Ronconi de 04 August 2016 (has links)
Esta tese discute o entrelaçamento de três áreas de políticas sociais assistência social, segurança alimentar e nutricional e programas de transferência de renda na construção recente do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (MDS), no campo do desenvolvimento social brasileiro pós-Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF 88). Analiso como essas áreas e suas trajetórias se combinaram, interpenetraram e acabaram se reunindo sob o mesmo locus institucional ministerial e trouxeram à tona uma rediscussão sobre projetos de desenvolvimento social. Debati a suposição de que a criação do MDS teria propiciado o entrelaçamento de políticas estabelecendo um padrão de gerenciamento articulado com um projeto político de desenvolvimento social reconhecível, de tipo protetor e voltado à mitigação das condições de precariedade de vida da população. Adotei uma perspectiva longitudinal e o método de process tracing (COLLIER, 2011) na discussão das ocorrências e sua avaliação como evidências. Entendi que a criação e as mudanças institucionais são processos que passam por diferentes caminhos: da persistência de padrões com acréscimos incrementais até extinções e momentos ruptivos. No decurso argumentativo, examinei o desenvolvimento institucional das três áreas em estudo, discuti os caminhos paralelos de construção, suas sequências diferentes e condições que apresentaram quando se chegou à reconfiguração organizacional decorrente da criação do ministério de desenvolvimento social e combate à fome, em 2004. O MDS adquiriu um nível aceitável de autoridade para coordenação de planos e programas prioritários, dependente da agenda do executivo, e isso contribuiu para incentivos à integração, mesmo que apenas no plano normativo. Essa despretensiosa unificação acabou criando um corpo de coordenação diferenciado para conduzir a agenda social dos últimos governos. Assim, o MDS estruturou o espaço de rede de proteção no brasil, com primazia do estado, seja na mitigação de condições precárias de certos segmentos populacionais, seja no fortalecimento de serviços básicos na garantia de direitos. A cooperação entre as instâncias governamentais não se constitui em característica própria do funcionamento do aparelho estatal moderno, o que torna o entrelaçamento de políticas, apesar de um consenso discursivo, um processo inabitual/ incomum que requer maior esforço de articulação. / This dissertation discusses three intertwining areas of social policy social Assistance, food security, and income transfer programs in relation to the recently formed Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS) in Brazils post-democratization period (1988-present). I analyze how these social policy programs combined, interpenetrated, and ultimately coalesced under the same ministerial institutional locus, bringing forth a renewed discussion on social development. I started the research with the assumption that the creation of the MDS would have promoted hybridization of the policies, thus establishing a consolidated management system with a recognizable social development project united in its focus on improving living conditions for the most precarious sectors of the population. The assumption was based on the idea that the merging of the institutional locus for social policies could increase their interdependence, open new possibilities for working together, require negotiation of existing resources and priorities, and thereby result in institutional changes for all three policy areas. I adopted a longitudinal perspective and the process tracing method (COLLIER, 2011) for events and their evaluation as evidence. I conceptualized the creation and evolution of institutions as processes that may follow different paths: from persistence of patterns with incremental additions to extinctions and ruptures. My findings challenge the prevailing literature that suggests that cooperation between government bodies is rarely observed in the modern state apparatus. The conditions under which disparate policy domains are interwoven was in need of greater scholarly attention. My findings show that the MDS acquired enough legitimacy to coordinate once-atomized plans and priority programs that aligned with the executive agenda. This authority contributed to the incentive to integrate, even if only in normative terms. This unification created a distinctive coordination body for recent administrations social agendas. Thus, through the actions of a strong and integrating state, the MDS strengthened the social safety net in Brazil, mitigating hardships for the most precarious segments of the population, and improving access to basic services as rights.

Avaliação da potencialidade da farinha de banana verde como ingrediente funcional: estudo in vivo e in vitro / Evaluation of the unripe banana flour potential as a functional ingredient: In vivo and in vitro studies

Dan, Milana Cara Tanasov 01 August 2011 (has links)
A cada dia cresce o interesse por alimentos ricos em carboidratos não disponíveis em virtude da relação inversa entre seu consumo e o risco de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). No presente trabalho, foi avaliado o potencial fisiológico da farinha de banana verde (FBV) como ingrediente funcional. Em ratos adultos, foi realizado ensaio de média duração (28 dias) para avaliação do efeito trófico da FBV sobre o intestino grosso e de parâmetros relacionados à tolerância à glicose. Em humanos, foram realizados ensaios clínicos de curta e média duração para avaliação dos efeitos sobre resposta glicêmica; liberação de hormônios gastrintestinais relacionados à saciedade; status antioxidante; fome e saciedade; e funcionamento intestinal. A FBV foi produzida com banana verde, Musa acuminata, de acordo com patente depositada pelo grupo (Patente (RPI - 1941), 2008). A FBV é uma fonte concentrada de carboidratos não disponíveis, com 56% de AR e 8% de FAT na base integral. A adição de FBV nas rações provocou efeito trófico no ceco dos animais, evidenciado por aumento no índice metafásico, número de células da cripta e profundidade das criptas. Além disso, a ração com FBV proporcionou melhora nos parâmetros relacionados à tolerância à glicose. Em voluntários saudáveis, a ingestão de uma única refeição adicionada de 8 g de FBV proporcionou aumento na saciedade e boa correlação entre os parâmetros fome/saciedade e níveis plasmáticos de grelina e insulina, melhorou o funcionamento intestinal, além de resultar em alta fermentabilidade in vitro em relação à lactulose. Após ingestão diária da FBV por 14 dias, os resultados da ingestão de RC0 (refeição controle antes do tratamento) e de RC14 (RC0 após 14 dias de tratamento) mostraram que ocorre melhora na tolerância à glicose, evidenciada pela menor liberação de insulina durante o GTT. O efeito positivo sobre funcionamento intestinal, sobre saciedade e sobre liberação de hormônios gastrintestinais no plasma permaneceu após ingestão prolongada da FBV. A adição da FBV na refeição resultou em aumento da capacidade antioxidante in vitro. A FBV apresenta inúmeros atributos positivos para elaboração de produtos que ampliem as opções para uma alimentação saudável, bem como propiciem saúde intestinal, visando a diminuição do risco de DCNT. / The study of unavailable carbohydrates has been of great concern due to their inverse relation with the risk for non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCD). In the present study, the functional potential of unripe banana flour (UBF) was evaluated. In rats, a medium-term assay was carried in order to evaluate parameters related to glucose tolerance and the trophic effect of UBF on the large bowel. In healthy volunteers, short and medium-term clinical assays were carried to evaluate the effects of UBF on glycemic response; release of gastrointestinal hormones related to satiety (ghrelin, leptin and insulin); antioxidant status; hunger and satiety; and intestinal health. UBF was produced with unripe banana, Musa acuminata, subgroup Cavendish, maturation stage I, in industrial scale and according to a patent deposited by the group (Patent (RPI - 1941), 2008). UBF is a concentrated source of unavailable carbohydrates, with 56% RS and 8% DF (wet weight). Adding UBF in rat rations resulted in a trophic effect in the animals\' cecum, which was evidenced by increase in the metaphasic index, number of crypt cells and crypt depth. Moreover, the ration with UBF resulted in better glucose tolerance parameters. In healthy volunteers, adding UBF (8 g) to an only meal provided significant satiety and good correlation between the parameters hunger/ satiety and plasmatic levels of ghrelin and insulin, improved bowel habit, as well as resulted in high in vitro fermentability in relation to lactulose. After daily intake of UBF for 14 days, the results of the intake of RC0 (control meal before treatment) and RC14 (RC0 after 14 days treatment) showed that there is a positive post-prandial variation in the plasmatic concentrations of gastrointestinal hormones, as well as improvement in glucose tolerance, evidenced by lower insulin release during GTT. The positive effect on bowel habit, satiety and release of gastrointestinal hormones in plasma was kept after prolonged intake of UBF. Adding UBF to the meal provided significant increase in the in vitro antioxidant capacity. UBF presents several positive attributes for the elaboration of products that may increase the options for healthy eating habits, as well as provide intestinal health, always aiming to decrease the risk for NTCD.

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