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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representação de conhecimento : programação em lógica e o modelo das hiperredes / Knowledge representation: logic programming and the hypernets model

Palazzo, Luiz Antonio Moro January 1991 (has links)
Apesar de sua inerente indecidibilidade e do problema da negação, extensões da lógica de primeira ordem tem se mostrado capazes de superar a questão da monotonicidade, vindo a constituir esquemas de representação de conhecimento de expressividade virtualmente universal. Resta entretanto solucionar ou pelo menos amenizar as conseqüências do problema do controle, que limitam o seu emprego a aplicações de pequeno a médio porte. Investigações nesse sentido [BOW 85] [MON 88] indicam que a chave para superar a explosão inferencial passa obrigatoriamente pela estruturação do conhecimento, de modo a permitir o exercício de algum controle sobre as possíveis derivações dele decorrentes. O modelo das hiperredes [GEO 85] parece atingir tal objetivo, dado o seu elevado potencial de estruturação e o instrumental que oferece para o tratamento de construções descritivas, operacionais e organizacionais. Além disso, a simplicidade e uniformidade sintática de suas entidades primitivas possibilita uma interpretação semântica bastante clara do modelo original, por exemplo, baseada em grafos. O presente trabalho representa uma tentativa de associar a programação em lógica ao formalismo das hiperredes, visando obter um novo modelo capaz de preservar as expressividade da primeira, beneficiando-se simultaneamente do potencial heurístico e estrutura do segundo. Inicialmente procura-se obter uma noção clara da natureza do conhecimento e de seus mecanismos com o objetivo de caracterizar o problema da representação de conhecimento. Diferentes esquemas correntemente empregados para esse fim (sistemas de produções, redes semânticas, sistemas de frames, programação em lógica e a linguagem Krypton) são estudados e caracterizados do ponto de vista de sua expressividade, potencial heurístico e conveniência notacional. A programação em lógica é objeto de um estudo em maior profundidade, sob os enfoques modelo-teorético e prova-teorético. Sistemas de programação em lógica - particularmente a linguagem Prolog e extensões em nível meta - são investigados como esquemas de representação de conhecimento, considerando seus aspectos sintáticos e semânticos e a sua retação com Sistemas Gerenciadores de Bases de Dados. O modelo das hiperredes é apresentado introduzindo-se, entre outros, os conceitos de hipernodo, hiperrelação e protótipo, assim como as propriedades particutares de tais entidades. A linguagem Hyper, para o tratamento de hiperredes, é formalmente especificada. Emprega-se a linguagem Prolog como formalismo para a representação de Bases de Conhecimento estruturadas segundo o modelo das hiperredes. Sob tal abordagem uma Base de Conhecimento é vista como um conjunto (possivelmente vazio) de objetos estruturados ou peças de conhecimento, que por sua vez são classificados como hipernodos, hiperrelações ou protótipos. Um mecanismo top-down para a produção de inferências em hiperredes é proposto, introduzindo-se os conceitos de aspecto e visão sobre hiperredes, os quais são tomados como objetos de primeira classe, no sentido de poderem ser valores atribuídos a variáveis. Estuda-se os requisitos que um Sistema Gerenciador de Bases de Conhecimento deve apresentar, do ponto de vista da aplicação, da engenharia de conhecimento e da implementação, para suportar efetivamente os conceitos e abstrações (classificação, generalização, associação e agregação) associadas ao modelo proposto. Com base nas conclusões assim obtidas, um Sistema Gerenciador de Bases de Conhecimento (denominado Rhesus em alusão à sua finalidade experimental é proposto e especificado, objetivando confirmar a viabilidade técnica do desenvolvimento de aplicações baseadas em lógica e hiperredes. / In spite of its inherent undecidability and the negation problem, extensions of first-order logic have been shown to be able to overcome the question of the monotonicity, establishing knowledge representation schemata with virtuatLy universal expressiviness. However, one still has to solve, or at Least to reduce the consequences of the control problem, which constrains the use of Logic-based systems to either small or medium-sized applications. Investigations in this direction [BOW 85] [MON 88] indicate that the key to overcome the inferential explosion resides in the proper knowledge structure representation, in order to have some control over possible derivations. The Hypernets Model [GEO 85] seems to reach such goat, considering its high structural power and the features that it offers to deal with descriptive, operational and organizational knowledge. Besides, the simplicity and syntactical uniformity of its primitive notions allows a very clear definition for its semantics, based, for instance, on graphs. This work is an attempt to associate logic programming with the hypernets formalism, in order to get a new model, preserving the expressiveness of the former and the heuristic and structural power of the latter. First we try to get a clear notion of the nature of knowledge and its main aspects, intending to characterize the knowledge representation problem. Some knowledge representation schemata (production systems, semantic networks, frame systems, Logic programming and the Krypton Language) are studied and characterized from the point of view of their expressiveness, heuristic power and notational convenience. Logic programming is the subject of a deeper study, under the model-theoretic and proof-theoretic approaches. Logic programming systems - in particular the Prolog Language and metateuel extensions- - are investigated as knowledge representation schemata, considering its syntactic and semantic aspects and its relations with Data Base Management Systems. The hypernets model is presented, introducing the concepts of hypernode, hyperrelation and prototype, as well as the particular properties of those entities. The Hyper language, for the handling of h y pernets, is formally specified. Prolog is used as a formalism for the representation of Knowledge Bases which are structured as hypernets. Under this approach a Knowledge Brie is seen rrG a (possibly empty) set of structured objects, which are classified as hypernodes, hyperreLations or prototypes. A mechanism for top-down reasoning on hypernets is proposed, introducing the concepts of aspect and vision, which are taken as first-class objects in the sense that they could be (-Ysigned as values to variables. We study the requirements for the construction of a Knowledge Base Management System from the point of view of the user's need-1', knowledge engineering support and implementation issues, actually supporting the concepts and abstractions (classification, generalization, association and aggregation) rYsociated with the proposed model. Based on the conclusions of this study, a Knowledge Base Management System (called Rhesus, refering to its experimental objectives) is proposed, intending to confirm the technical viability of the development of applications based on logic and hypernets.

Cloud computing v herním průmyslu / Cloud Computing in Gaming Industry

Gleza, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes current status of software distribution in gaming industry and its biggest challenges. Thesis also includes insight in completely different approach to the software distribution -- Cloud Gaming. In practical part are thoroughly tested existing solutions and done functionality analysis. Practical part also includes experiment which regards to building own platform using currently existing tools and it is followed by discussion of results.

Contribution aux architectures protocolaires pour un système de localisation dans un réseau de capteurs sans fil basé sur une couche physique 802.15.4a UWB / Contribution to protocol architectures for a location system in a wireless sensor network based on a 802.15.4a UWB physical layer

Fofana, Nezo Ibrahim 06 July 2017 (has links)
Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil ont connu depuis quelques années un intérêt majeur dans tous les domaines d’activités. Une des informations attendue est la localisation des nœuds capteurs ; pourtant, compte-tenu des contraintes imposées aux capteurs en termes d’encombrement et d’énergie, il est peu envisageable d’équiper le capteur d’équipements spécifiques dédié à la localisation comme un récepteur GPS. Dès lors, localiser le capteur en exploitant le signal de communication est une option intéressante. A l’inverse des techniques Range-Free exploitant des hypothèses de connectivité du réseau, les techniques généralement connues pour atteindre une bonne précision de localisation par la radio sont de type Range-Based, et se basent, dans notre cas, sur la mesure du temps de vol du signal radio UWB. Nos contributions portent alors sur le choix d’une couche physique performante, sur la mise en place d’outils favorisant une bonne précision temporelle dans les échanges radio, et l’élaboration d’un protocole original d’évaluation de la distance. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit visent donc à aborder la problématique générale de la localisation d’intérieur dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, et en particulier la fonctionnalité de ranging qui est le mécanisme d’évaluation de la distance entre les nœuds. Dans un premier temps, nous implémentons puis évaluons les protocoles de référence rencontrés dans la littérature. Nous identifions et corrigeons par la suite, les erreurs susceptibles de biaiser la métrique du temps de vol. Nous proposons alors le protocole 2M-TWR (2 Messages – Two Way Ranging) comme une amélioration du protocole de référence TWR. Enfin, nous proposons et implémentons le protocole BB-TWR (Beacon Based –TWR), qui permet d’effectuer le ranging, de manière séquentielle et non séquentielle, en incluant les informations temporelles nécessaires dans tout trafic natif diffusé existant. Les preuves de concept ont été prototypées et évaluées sur un banc de test réel. / In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks has gained an important interest in all fields of activity. One of the expected information is the sensor nodes localization; However, due to the sensors constraints in terms of memory and energy, it is not possible to equip the sensor with specific equipment dedicated to the localization as the GPS receiver. Thus, locating the sensor by using the communication signal is an interesting option. In contrast to Range-Free techniques which use assumptions of network connectivity, the Range-Based techniques are known to reach good localization accuracy and, in our case, they are based on the measurement of the time of flight of the radio signal UWB. Our contributions focus on the choice of an efficient physical layer, on the implementation of tools that promote a good temporal accuracy in radio exchanges, and the development of an original distance evaluation protocol. Research works presented in this manuscript aim to address the global general problem of indoor localization in wireless sensor networks, and particularly the ranging functionality which is the distance evaluation mechanism between nodes. At first we implemented and evaluated the well-known protocols encountered in the literature. Then, we identify and correct errors that may bias the Time of flight metric. We propose the 2M-TWR protocol (2 Messages - Two Way Ranging) as an improvement to the TWR reference protocol. Finally, we propose and implement the BB-TWR (Beacon Based-TWR) protocol, which is able to perform ranging, sequentially and non-sequentially, by including the necessary time information in any existing broadcast native traffic. The proofs of concept were prototyped and evaluated on a real testbed.

Influence du couple de transfert de spin sur les fluctuations magnétiques thermiquement activées dans les jonctions tunnel magnétiques

Petit, Sébastien 23 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La réduction croissante des tailles des dispositifs de l'électronique de spin s'accompagne d'une diminution du rapport signal sur bruit, notamment du fait de l'augmentation des fluctuations magnétiques à l'approche de la limite super paramagnétique. Simultanément la réduction des dimensions de ces dispositifs a entraîné l'apparition d'un nouveau phénomène : le transfert de spin, qui se traduit par un couple exercé par un courant polarisé en spin sur l'aimantation d'une couche ferromagnétique. Pour une densité de courant supérieure à une valeur seuil appelée courant critique, l'aimantation de la couche ferromagnétique peut être renversée ou être mise en précession. De nombreuses études ont été réalisées sur ces deux effets que ce soit d'un point de vue fondamental ou appliqué. Mais peu ont été effectuées pour des courants inférieurs au courant critique, c'est-à-dire dans un régime où le transfert de spin doit exister sans présenter d'effets macroscopiques sur la dynamique de l'aimantation.<br /><br />Dans ce contexte, nous avons montré que le couple de transfert de spin agit fortement sur les fluctuations de l'aimantation à la résonance ferromagnétique dans les jonctions tunnel magnétiques, même pour des courants bien inférieurs au seuil critique. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en place un banc de mesure de bruit large bande : DC − 26 GHz dont le seuil de détection est inférieur à 0, 5 nV/pHz. De plus, grâce à un modèle développé à partir du théorème de fluctuation-dissipation, nous avons pu expliquer les modifications du spectre des fluctuations magnétiques induites par le courant. Nous avons ainsi pu mettre en évidence l'existence de deux termes de couple de transfert de spin.

Enquête sur le vivre-ensemble et les potentialités totalitaires

Lévy-Tessier, Maxime 21 April 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse propose de situer et d’analyser les potentialités totalitaires participant de la réalité contemporaine. Pour ce, notre démarche se déploie en deux temps. Dans un premier temps, nous retraçons l’évolution philosophique du vivre-ensemble pour ainsi établir les principes et les origines d’un monde non-totalitaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous penchons sur les conditions assurant à la fois la destruction du vivre-ensemble et l’essor des potentialités totalitaires. En mettant les deux composantes de notre démarche en rapport l’une avec l’autre, nous arrivons à une meilleure compréhension du processus par lequel le totalitarisme passe de son principe virtuel à sa réalisation effective en régime politique. La première partie de ce travail s’appuie sur les écrits de Hannah Arendt, de Herbert Marcuse et d’Aristote et s’intéresse surtout à l’œuvre et la responsabilité, à la misère privée et au bonheur public. La deuxième partie élabore la notion de la chrématistique dans la pensée d’Aristote et développe son mode de vie correspondant appelé hyper-responsabilité en invoquant Malcolm Gladwell, Georg Lukàcs, Thomas Hobbes, Léo Strauss et Hannah Arendt.

Enquête sur le vivre-ensemble et les potentialités totalitaires

Lévy-Tessier, Maxime 21 April 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse propose de situer et d’analyser les potentialités totalitaires participant de la réalité contemporaine. Pour ce, notre démarche se déploie en deux temps. Dans un premier temps, nous retraçons l’évolution philosophique du vivre-ensemble pour ainsi établir les principes et les origines d’un monde non-totalitaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous penchons sur les conditions assurant à la fois la destruction du vivre-ensemble et l’essor des potentialités totalitaires. En mettant les deux composantes de notre démarche en rapport l’une avec l’autre, nous arrivons à une meilleure compréhension du processus par lequel le totalitarisme passe de son principe virtuel à sa réalisation effective en régime politique. La première partie de ce travail s’appuie sur les écrits de Hannah Arendt, de Herbert Marcuse et d’Aristote et s’intéresse surtout à l’œuvre et la responsabilité, à la misère privée et au bonheur public. La deuxième partie élabore la notion de la chrématistique dans la pensée d’Aristote et développe son mode de vie correspondant appelé hyper-responsabilité en invoquant Malcolm Gladwell, Georg Lukàcs, Thomas Hobbes, Léo Strauss et Hannah Arendt.

Laser-based hybrid process for machining hardened steels

Raghavan, Satyanarayanan 13 February 2012 (has links)
Cost-effective machining of hardened steel (>60 HRC) components such as a large wind turbine bearing poses a significant challenge. This thesis investigates a new laser tempering based hybrid turning approach to machine hardened AISI 52100 steel parts more efficiently and cost effectively. The approach consists of a two step process involving laser tempering of the hardened workpiece surface followed by conventional machining at higher material removal rates using lower cost ceramic tooling to efficiently cut the laser tempered material. The specific objectives of this work are to: (a) study the characteristics of laser tempering of hyper-eutectoid 52100 hardened steel, (b) model the laser tempering process to determine the resulting hardness, and (c) conduct machining experiments to evaluate the performance of the laser tempering based hybrid turning process in terms of forces, tools wear and surface finish. First, the microstructure alterations and phase content in the surface and subsurface layers are analyzed using metallography and x-ray diffraction (XRD) respectively. Laser tempering produces distinct regions consisting of - a tempered white layer and a dark layer- in the heat affected subsurface region of the workpiece. The depth of the tempered region is dependent on the laser scanning conditions. Larger overlap of laser scans and smaller scan speeds produce a thicker tempered region. Furthermore, the tempered region is composed of ferrite and martensite and weak traces of retained austenite (~ 1 %). Second, a laser tempering model consisting of a three dimensional analytical model to predict the temperature field generated by laser scanning of 52100 hardened steel and a phase change based hardness model to predict the hardness of the tempered region are developed. The thermal model is used to evaluate the temperature field induced in the subsurface region due to the thermal cycles produced by the laser scanning step. The computed temperature histories are then fed to the phase change model to predict the surface and subsurface hardness. The laser tempering model is used to select the laser scanning conditions that yield the desired hardness reduction at the maximum depth. This model is verified through laser scanning experiments wherein the hardness changes are compared with model predictions. The model is shown to yield predictions that are within 20 % of the measured hardness of the tempered region. Using the laser scanning parameters determined from the laser tempering model, cutting experiments using Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) tools and low cost alumina ceramic tools are conducted to compare the performance of laser tempering based hybrid turning with the conventional hard turning process. The machining experiments demonstrate the possibility of higher material removal rates, lower cutting forces, improved tool wear behavior, and consequently improved tool life in the laser tempering based process. In addition, the laser tempered based hybrid turning process produce is shown to yield lower peak-to-valley surface roughness height than the conventional hard turning process. Furthermore, it is found that lower cost ceramic tools can be used in place of CBN tools without compromising the material removal rate.

Hyperspectral Image Analysis Algorithm for Characterizing Human Tissue

Wondim, Yonas kassaw January 2011 (has links)
AbstractIn the field of Biomedical Optics measurement of tissue optical properties, like absorption, scattering, and reduced scattering coefficient, has gained importance for therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Accuracy in determining the optical properties is of vital importance to quantitatively determine chromophores in tissue.There are different techniques used to quantify tissue chromophores. Reflectance spectroscopy is one of the most common methods to rapidly and accurately characterize the blood amount and oxygen saturation in the microcirculation. With a hyper spectral imaging (HSI) device it is possible to capture images with spectral information that depends both on tissue absorption and scattering. To analyze this data software that accounts for both absorption and scattering event needs to be developed.In this thesis work an HSI algorithm, capable of assessing tissue oxygenation while accounting for both tissue absorption and scattering, is developed. The complete imaging system comprises: a light source, a liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF), a camera lens, a CCD camera, control units and power supply for light source and filter, and a computer.This work also presents a Graphic processing Unit (GPU) implementation of the developed HSI algorithm, which is found computationally demanding. It is found that the GPU implementation outperforms the Matlab “lsqnonneg” function by the order of 5-7X.At the end, the HSI system and the developed algorithm is evaluated in two experiments. In the first experiment the concentration of chromophores is assessed while occluding the finger tip. In the second experiment the skin is provoked by UV light while checking for Erythema development by analyzing the oxyhemoglobin image at different point of time. In this experiment the melanin concentration change is also checked at different point of time from exposure.It is found that the result matches the theory in the time dependent change of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. However, the result of melanin does not correspond to the theoretically expected result.

Quadratic Optical Nonlinearity And Geometry Of 1:1 Electron Donor Acceptor Complexes In Solution

Ghosh, Sampa 01 June 2008 (has links)
The knowledge of geometry of molecular complexes formed via molecular association in solution through weak interactions is always important to understand the origin of stability and function of an array of molecules, supramolecular assemblies, and macromolecular networks. Simple 1:1 molecular complexes are very useful in this regard as they provide a model to understand both the nature of these interactions and their structural implications. Several weak noncovalent forces from long range (van der Waal’s, electrostatic, induction, dispersion) to short range (charge transfer) govern the geometry, that is, relative orientation of the two molecules in such a complex. On one hand, we find 1:1 electron donor acceptor (EDA) complexes such as naphthalene-tetracyanobenzene, hexamethylbenzene-chloranil etc. which stack parallel or in slipped parallel geometry in their crystals. On the other, benzene dimer has been found to stabilize in T shaped geometry in all its three physical states. In this thesis, I focus on 1:1 EDA complexes in solution. A good volume of literature is available which deals with the optical studies on the formation of such complexes. It has been suggested that the nature of the intermolecular interactions stabilizing these complexes in the gas phase or in their crystals is modified by the presence of solvent-solute interactions in solution thus bringing in difference in the solution geometry. However, the existing experimental techniques, both optical and magnetic, are unable to determine the exact geometries of 1:1 EDA complexes in solution. This opens an opportunity to probe their geometry in solution. The quadratic nonlinearity or first hyperpolarizability (β) of a molecule is a measure of the change in dipole moment (or polarization) in the second order of the applied electrical field and thus has a purely electronic origin. It is a tensorial property and can be resolved in components along the three dimensions. The number of β components and the nonlinear optical anisotropies in a typical donor-acceptor type dipolar molecule, defined as (equation) (where1, 2, 3 axes define the molecular frame, 1 being the direction along the principal axis of symmetry and pointing from the acceptor toward the donor), are determined by the symmetry /structure of the molecule. It has been shown theoretically that the 1:1 EDA complexes possess large hyperpolarizabilities. In the case of pNA dimers calculation revealed that the geometry of the dimer and its symmetry is important for obtaining the correct estimate of β from its tensorial components. Therefore, it should be possible to use the values of tensorial β components to construct the unknown geometry of such complexes. Experimentally macroscopic depolarization ratios (D and D′) in the laboratory fixed frame (XYZ, X being the direction of polarization and Z the direction of propagation of the incident light), are measured from the polarization resolved intensities of second harmonic scattering from molecules in solution using the hyper-Rayleigh scattering technique. The depolarization ratios are correlated to the anisotropy parameters, u and v through a co-ordinate transformation. In this thesis I, have first, characterized the quadratic nonlinear optical property of a variety of 1:1 electron donor acceptor complexes and used the values of u and v obtained from depolarized hyper-Rayleigh scattering to deduce their geometry in solution. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the 1:1 electron donor acceptor complexes, their relevance to chemistry and biology. It also contains an introduction to nonlinear optical processes in molecules. The objective of the present work and scope of the investigation carried out in this thesis is presented in this chapter. Chapter 2 describes the details of the experimental polarization resolved HRS technique. The geometrical model adopted for the analysis of the HRS data has also been introduced and the method of analysis has been described in detail in this chapter. Chapter 3 presents the measurement of β values of two series of 1:1 EDA complexes of variously substituted methylbenzenes donors with tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone (CHL) and dicyanodichloro-p-benzoquinone (DDQ) acceptors at 1064 nm. In agreement with recent theoretical results we find large first hyperpolarizabilities for these complexes. The β values are greater than that of the typical push-pull molecule p-nitroaniline (pNA). We also find that in general β decreases with decrease in the donor strength. Chapter 4 presents the β values for the two series of EDA complexes of CHL and DDQ acceptors at 1907 nm. The values of β are less in magnitude at 1907 nm than that at 1064 nm which is due to the dispersion effect in β. In Chapter 5 and 6, it is described how depolarized hyper-Rayleigh scattering can be utilized to probe geometries of 1:1 complexes in solution. Chapter 5 concentrates mainly on 1:1 EDA complexes of CHL and DDQ and TCNB (tetracyanobenzene), while chapter 6 contains examples of other 1:1 molecular complexes where the noncovalent interactions are much weaker, such as in benzene-naphthalene, benzene-methoxybenzene, benzene-hexafluorobenzene and benzene-chlorobenzene pairs. We find the geometry of 1:1 EDA complexes in solution in terms of tilt angle (θ) and twist angle (ϕ) between the donor and acceptor pairs. The angle θ varies from 29°-47° for different pairs of EDA complexes, while ϕ varies within 34° and 38°. We find that the geometry of 1:1 EDA complexes in solution is different (twisted and tilted cofacial and twisted ‘V’) from those in the crystalline or gaseous states (cofacial), if known. We find that both benzene-naphthalene and benzene-chlorobenzene pairs assume twisted ‘T’ shape geometry with θ = 82° and 85°, respectively, and φ = 38°, while benzene-hexafluorobenzene assumes a twisted ‘V’ shape. A strong solvent effect is seen in the geometry of the benzene- methoxybenzene complex. The tilt angle is 55° when chloroform is used as a solvent and it is 82° without chloroform. Chapter 7 is the concluding chapter where the main work done in this thesis is summarized and future directions are presented.

Postmoderniara : En revy över en postmodern idévärld i Harry Martinsons Aniara

Almroth, Klas January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen ämnar belysa hur Harry Martinsons Aniara (1956) förebådar postmodernismen trots att verket är rotat i den modernistiska traditionen. Analysen tar upp två aspekter med fokus på innehåll och berättarteknik där verket visar prov på en postmodern idévärld. Först behandlas miman, och resonemang förs kring att hon och hennes produktion bör ses som en masskulturell företeelse snarare än som elitistisk diktkonst. Analysen anknyter till Baudrillards teori om hyperverklighet och simulacrum och visar på hur miman skapar detta med sin kultur­produktion. Här framstår två tolkningsalternativ: ett där miman i egenskap av masskultur upp­värderar synen på masskulturen och pekar framåt mot postmodernismen, och ett andra där hon blir en negativ symbol för masskulturen. Detta eftersom hon döljer verkligheten för befolkningen så pass länge att de slutar försöka lösa sin situation. Den andra aspekten är Aniaras förhållande till metanarrativ, vilket belyses utifrån Lyotards teorier om vad som kännetecknar det postmoderna samhället. Analysen visar hur metanarrativen ses som omöjliga inom fiktionen och istället byts ut mot lokalt meningsskapande. Verket i sin helhet bjuder också på motstånd mot metanarrativ genom att (1) utge sig för att vara en klart av­gränsad händelse, (2) skriva ut ett motstånd mot djuplodande tolkningar och slutligen genom att (3) mimaroben som ska förmedla revyn över människan i tid och rum inte är pålitlig nog att lägga fram en allmän sanning. Sammantaget konstateras att verket är rotat i modernismen men att det samtidigt förebådar postmodernismen i dess syn på masskultur, hyperverklighet och meta­narrativ. / The aim of this essay is to highlight tendencies of postmodernism in Harry Martinson’s Aniara (1956), a work that has traditionally been placed in a modernist context. The analysis centers around two aspects in the text with the aim of finding traces of a postmodern world view. First the “mima”, an enigmatic machine that consoles the passengers in the first six years of the journey, is reasoned to be a mass cultural phenomenon rather than an elitist poetic device, as pre­vious studies have suggested. The cultural production of the machine is then analyzed in the light of the theories of hyper reality and simulacrum, as conceived by Jean Baudrillard. The analysis renders two possible implications, one where the machine can be viewed as a precursor to a post­modern positive attitude of mass culture, and one more modernistic where the machine in its role as mass culture numbs the passengers and prevents them from acting on their situation in time. The second part of the analysis focuses on the view of metanarratives, as expressed within the fiction and in the wok as a whole. Jean-François Lyotard and his explanation of postmodernism’s incredulity towards metanarratives is used as a theoretical standpoint. The analysis shows that metanarratives are considered impossible within the fiction of Aniara as during the course of the journey, they are replaced with more local methods of creating meaning. On the whole, the book could be seen to replace the metanarrative of human progress by one telling of the inadequacy and inert destructibility of humanity. However, the analysis shows that metanarratives are rejected all together. The construction of a new metanarrative is made impossible by (1) the fictitious accounts clearly being a local event, (2) the text openly stating the impossibility of deeper interpretation and finally (3) the work employing a narrator too unreliable to be able to convey the unarguable truths necessary to create a new metanarrative.

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