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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studying the Role of Peroxiredoxin 1 in ROS Modulation and Drug Resistance / Etude du rôle de la Peroxiredoxine 1 dans la modulation redox et la résistance aux drogues anticancéreuses

He, Tiantian 04 July 2014 (has links)
Les peroxyrédoxines sont des enzymes essentielles de la cellule. Outre leur rôle d’antioxydant, elles sont aussi des régulateurs de la signalisation cellulaire et des suppresseurs de tumeurs. La péroxiredoxine 1 (Prx1) est la plus abondante parmi les six isoformes de peroxyrédoxines humaines. Elle est fréquemment surexprimée dans plusieurs types de cellules cancéreuses, et on a pu associer Prx1 aux processus de carcinogenèse et de métastase, ainsi qu’à la résistance à la radiothérapie ou la chimiothérapie. Ainsi, Prx1 pourrait donc être une cible anticancéreuse intéressante. Au cours de ce travail de thèse, nous avons d’abord évalué l'impact d’une diminution de Prx1 (Prx1 knockdown (Prx1–)) sur la sensibilité cellulaire à des dizaines de médicaments anticancéreux dont la vinblastine, le taxol, la doxorubicine, la daunorubicine, l’actinomycine D, et le 5-fluorouracile, et d’agents connus pour provoquer la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS), dont le peroxyde d'hydrogène, le 2-phényléthyle isothiocyanate, le β-lapachone (β-lap) et la ménadione. Nous avons mis en évidence qu’une diminution de Prx1 augmente significativement la sensibilité des cellules à l'effet cytotoxique de la β-lap et de la ménadione, deux naphtoquinones possédant une activité anti-tumorale.Nous avons étudié les mécanismes responsables de l'augmentation de la cytotoxicité de la β-lap dans un contexte Prx1–. Nous montrons que la toxicité accrue de la β-lap dans des cellules Prx1– est due à une accumulation intracellulaire de ROS. Cet effet est dépendant de l’activité NADPH quinone oxydoréductase (NQO1) et s’accompagne d’une phosphorylation de c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), protein 38 (p38), extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk) et des mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), mais aussi d’une diminution des niveaux protéiques de la thiorédoxine 1. En se basant sur le fait que Prx1 est une enzyme antioxydante et un partenaire d'au moins ASK1 et JNK, deux éléments clés de la voie MAPK, nous proposons que la sensibilisation à la β-lap, observée après diminution de Prx1, est provoquée par une action synergique entre l'accumulation de ROS et l'induction de la voie MAPK, conduisant ainsi à l'apoptose.Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes responsables de l'augmentation de la cytotoxicité de la ménadione dans le contexte Prx1–. La sensibilité accrue des cellules à l'effet cytotoxique de la ménadione et également associée à l'accumulation rapide et massive des ROS intracellulaire et à une mort cellulaire ressemblant à la nécrose programmée (necroptosis). L’accumulation de ROS induite par la ménadione et très rapidement détectée dans le cytosol, le noyau, et de façon encore plus importante, dans la matrice mitochondriale. Ce phénomène est en corrélation avec l'oxydation importante des thiorédoxine 2 et peroxiredoxine 3, deux protéines antioxydantes localisées dans la mitochondrie. La diminution de l’expression de Prx1 s’accompagne d’une augmentation des quantités tant de l’ARNm que de la protéine NRH: quinone oxydoréductase 2 (NQO2). Cette augmentation de l'activité de NQO2 est en grande partie responsable de l'accumulation intracellulaire de ROS et de la mort cellulaire après le traitement à la ménadione. Nos données révèlent que l’accumulation de ROS dans les cellules Prx1– provient de la résultante entre l’augmentation de leur production par NQO2 au cours du métabolisme de la ménadione et la diminution de leur élimination par Prx1. Enfin et de façon surprenante, selon la nature des naptoquinones (β-lap ou ménadione), les voies métaboliques qui conduisent à l'accumulation des ROS, ou les voies de signalisation et les mécanismes de mort cellulaire impliqués semblent être distincts. / Peroxiredoxins have multiple cellular functions as major antioxidants, signaling regulators, molecular chaperones and tumor suppressors. Peroxiredoxin 1 (Prx1) is the most abundant among the six isoforms of human peroxiredoxins. It is frequently over-expressed in various cancer cells, which is known associated with carcinogenesis, metastasis and resistance to radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Prx1 could thus be an interesting anticancer target. In this study, we first evaluated the impact of Prx1 knockdown (Prx1–) on cellular sensitivity to dozens of anticancer drugs including vinblastine, taxol, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, actinomycin D, and 5-fluorouracil, and of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating agents, including hydrogen peroxide, 2-phenylethyl isothiocyanate, β-lapachone (β-lap) and menadione. We observed that Prx1 knockdown significantly enhanced cancer cell sensitivity to β-lap and menadione, two naphthoquinones with anti-cancer activity.We first investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the specifically enhanced cytotoxicity to β-lap in a Prx1 knockdown context. Prx1 knockdown markedly potentiated β-lap-induced cytotoxicity through ROS accumulation. This effect was largely NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1)-dependent and associated with the phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), protein 38 (p38) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases (Erk) proteins in mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, and a decrease in thioredoxin 1 protein levels. Based on the fact that Prx1 is a major ROS scavenger and a partner of apoptosis signaling kinase 1 (ASK1) and JNK, two key components of MAPK pathways, we propose that Prx1 knockdown-induced sensitization to β-lap is achieved through the combined action of ROS accumulation and MAPK pathway activation, leading to cell apoptosis.We then investigated the underlying mechanisms responsible for the specifically enhanced cytotoxicity to menadione in Prx1– cells. Enhanced sensitivity to menadione was associated with a rapid and significant intracellular ROS accumulation and necroptotic-like cell death. Menadione-induced ROS accumulation occurred immediately in the cytosol, the nucleus, and even more noticeably in the mitochondrial matrix, correlated with significant oxidation of both mitochondria-localized thioredoxin 2 and peroxiredoxin 3. Prx1 knockdown significantly up-regulated mRNA and protein levels of NRH: quinone oxidoreductase 2 (NQO2). Increased activity of NQO2 was largely responsible for menadione-induced ROS accumulation and consequent cell death. Our data indicate that massive ROS accumulation results from the combined effect of increased ROS generation by higher NQO2 activity during menadione metabolism, and diminished Prx1 scavenging activity. Finally and noteworthy, the metabolic pathways that lead to ROS accumulation, downstream signaling pathways and cell death mechanisms appear to be distinct for β-lap and menadione.

深海水域展示設計之研究 ─以台灣海生館之「世界水域館」為例

萬 榮 奭, Wang, Jung Shih Unknown Date (has links)
【中 文 摘 要】 博物館功能主要為「展示、教育、研究、典藏」,其中「展示」為博物館與大眾接觸最直接的方式。在現代科技發展中,「展示」的觀念與形式也有所改變,互動式展示日受重視,虛擬呈現的比例亦逐漸加重。 本研究以「國立海洋生物博物館」之BOT專案「世界水域館」《深海水域》電子展示設計為主題,以實務個案為例,探討自然博物館如何規劃與製作深海水域的生態展演,與如何利用〝虛擬實境〞、〝人工智慧〞與〝即時運算〞等尖端技術,架構出「世界第一」無水水族館的展示模式。 往昔自然生態展示以活體展示為主,即複製生態空間讓水中生物悠遊水族箱內。但為了超越時空,讓全球代表生態皆能集中於特定展示館內,遂有電子展示的觀念與製作,以擬仿物取代真實,創造尚‧布希亞的「超真實」世界。 本研究於製程的影音紀錄與相關人員的訪談中,歸納、整理出發展生態電子展示設計的因素與理想,探討製作上的困難之處,同時也以研究者觀點對展示設計過程提出檢討與建議。 深海水域生態在陸地上展示係屬跨越時空的創舉,本個案不但為台灣首例,在世界上亦為先驅。創新嘗試,成果雖不如預期,但以整個專案的具體呈現而言,實為相關領域之前鋒。本研究認為,整理與探討本個案,對未來電子展示設計與製作皆有參考價值;同時,由本個案所建置的生態電子展示平台,亦為台灣博物館界提供國際化的新思維,對博物館未來的展示設計奠定了新的基礎,創造一個新的開始。 / Abstract The main functions of museums are demonstration/exhibition, education, research and collection/preservation. “Exhibition” provides the most direct link between a museum and the public. As modern science and technology continue to develop, the concepts and formats of “exhibition” have also evolved. Interactive exhibits become more valued, and virtual simulation approaches have also increased in proportion. The focus of this research study is the electronic display design for the Waters of the World – BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) Project, pioneered by the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium. This study uses this project as a case study to explore how a Nature museum planned and produced an exhibit of The Deep Sea waters ecology, and with the use of the most advanced technology such as VR (Virtual Reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and the “real-time operation,” etc., how the museum built the world’s first protocol for a water-less aquarium. In the past, ecological exhibits mainly constituted real living creatures, by duplicating the ecological environment necessary for underwater creatures to survive in an aquarium. But, in order to go beyond the limitation of space and time, and to facilitate the presentation of global ecology within a specific exhibition space, the electronic display concept and production has thus been introduced. It is to imitate reality and create a world of hyper-reality, as depicted by Jean Baudrillard. Relying on historical video and audio records, and actual interviews with key people on the project, this research study summarized factors and objectives of the original design, and discussed difficulties encountered in the production process. In addition, the study also provided input and recommendations concerning the design process. The exhibition of The Deep Sea waters ecology on land is a pioneering act, second to none. The case is not only a 1st in Taiwan, but also a 1st of its kind in the world. Although the new attempt has not exactly achieved the expected outcomes, it did initiate a pioneering work within ecology demo field. The researcher believes that the case study is a valuable reference for future electronic display design and production. In the meantime, the ecological electronic-platform created by this project provides an international perspective, and establishes a new milestone for further development in the future.

Employing Cornish cultures for community resilience

Kennedy, Neil Patrick Martyn January 2013 (has links)
Employing Cornish Cultures for Community Resilience. Can cultural distinctiveness be used to strengthen community bonds, boost morale and equip and motivate people socially and economically? Using the witness of people in Cornwall and comparative experiences, this discussion combines a review of how cultures are commodified and portrayed with reflections on well-being and ‘emotional prosperity’. Cornwall is a relatively poor European region with a cultural identity that inspires an established ethno-cultural movement and is the symbolic basis of community awareness and aspiration, as well as the subject of contested identities and representations. At the heart of this is an array of cultures that is identified as Cornish, including a distinct post-industrial inheritance, the Cornish Language and Celtic Revivalism. Cultural difference has long been a resource for cultural industries and tourism and discussion of using culture for regeneration has accordingly concentrated almost exclusively on these sectors but an emergent ‘regional distinctiveness agenda’ is beginning to present Cornish cultures as an asset for use in branding and marketing other sectors. All of these uses ultimately involve commodification but culture potentially has a far wider role to play in fostering economic, social, cultural and environmental resilience. This research therefore uses multidisciplinary approaches to broaden the discussion to include culture’s primary emotional and social uses. It explores the possibility that enhancing these uses could help to tackle economic and social disadvantage and to build more cohesive communities. The discussion centres on four linked themes: multiple forms of capital; discourse, narrative and myth; human need, emotion and well-being; representation and intervention. Cultural, social, symbolic and human capital are related to collective status and well-being through consideration of cultural practices, repertoires and knowledge. These are explored with discussion of accompanying representations and discourses and their social, emotional and economic implications so as to allow tentative suggestions for intervention in policy and representation. A key conclusion is that culture may be used proactively to increase ‘emotional capital’.

Device-Circuit Co-Design Employing Phase Transition Materials for Low Power Electronics

Ahmedullah Aziz (7025126) 12 August 2019 (has links)
<div> <div> <p>Phase transition materials (PTM) have garnered immense interest in concurrent post-CMOS electronics, due to their unique properties such as - electrically driven abrupt resistance switching, hysteresis, and high selectivity. The phase transitions can be attributed to diverse material-specific phenomena, including- correlated electrons, filamentary ion diffusion, and dimerization. In this research, we explore the application space for these materials through extensive device-circuit co-design and propose new ideas harnessing their unique electrical properties. The abrupt transitions and high selectivity of PTMs enable steep (< 60 mV/decade) switching characteristics in Hyper-FET, a promising post-CMOS transistor. We explore device-circuit co-design methodology for Hyper-FET and identify the criterion for material down-selection. We evaluate the achievable voltage swing, energy-delay trade-off, and noise response for this novel device. In addition to the application in low power logic device, PTMs can actively facilitate non-volatile memory design. We propose a PTM augmented Spin Transfer Torque (STT) MRAM that utilizes selective phase transitions to boost the sense margin and stability of stored data, simultaneously. We show that such selective transitions can also be used to improve other MRAM designs with separate read/write paths, avoiding the possibility of read-write conflicts. Further, we analyze the application of PTMs as selectors in cross-point memories. We establish a general simulation framework for cross-point memory array with PTM based <i>selector</i>. We explore the biasing constraints, develop detailed design methodology, and deduce figures of merit for PTM selectors. We also develop a computationally efficient compact model to estimate the leakage through the sneak paths in a cross-point array. Subsequently, we present a new sense amplifier design utilizing PTM, which offers built-in tunable reference with low power and area demand. Finally, we show that the hysteretic characteristics of unipolar PTMs can be utilized to achieve highly efficient rectification. We validate the idea by demonstrating significant design improvements in a <i>Cockcroft-Walton Multiplier, </i>implemented with TS based rectifiers. We emphasize the need to explore other PTMs with high endurance, thermal stability, and faster switching to enable many more innovative applications in the future.</p></div></div>

Aplicação do algoritmo genético adaptativo com hipermutação no ajuste dos parâmetros dos controladores suplementares e dispositivo FACTS IPFC /

Cordero Bautista, Luis Gustavo January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Percival Bueno de Araujo / Resumo: As perturbações ou variações de carga produzem oscilações eletromecânicas que devem ser amortecidas o mais rápido possível para garantir confiabilidade e estabilidade da rede. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma análise do dispositivo FACTS Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) e o controlador Proporcional Integral (PI) no gerenciamento dos fluxos de potência e a influência dos Estabilizadores do Sistema de Potência (ESP) e do IPFC Power Oscillation Damping (POD) sobre a estabilidade do sistema elétrico de potência. Neste trabalho enfoca-se nos estudos de estabilidade a pequenas perturbações usando um Algoritmo Genético Adaptativo com Hiper-mutação (AGAH) para ajustar os parâmetros dos controladores suplementares de amortecimento, o Estabilizador de sistema de potência (ESPs) e o Power Oscillation Damping (POD) em forma coordenada. O AGAH tem como objetivo encontrar os parâmetros ótimos do controlador para melhorar o amortecimento fraco das oscilações de baixa frequência locais e inter-área. Neste trabalho representa-se o sistema de elétrico de potência com a inclusão do dispositivo Interline Power Flow Controller com o modelo de sensibilidade de corrente (MSC). Considera-se como sistema teste o sistema Simétrico de Duas Áreas e o sistema New England como o intuito de avaliar o algoritmo proposto. As simulações são feitas no ambiente do MatLab. Por fim, apresenta-se a comparação do algoritmo genético com o desempenho do algoritmo proposto. / Abstract: Small-magnitude disturbances happen to produce electro-mechanical oscillations which should be damped as quickly as possible to ensure reliability and stability of the network. This work presents an analysis of Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) FACTS device and PI controller to control and manage power flow and also how Power System Stabilizers and IPFC Power Oscillations Damping (POD) controller influence over an electric power system stability. This work focuses on small-signal stability studies using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm with Hyper-mutation (AGAH) in order to tune controller parameters in a coordinated way ensuring proper damping. AGAH aims to find optimal controller parameters to enhance the poor damping of local and inter-area low frequency oscillations. This works represents the electric power system and Interline Power Flow Controller device by a current sensitivity model (CSM). This paper considers two areas 14 bus symmetrical power system and New England power system in order to assess proposed algorithm. Coding and Simulations take place in MatLab platform. AGAH and GA get compared by time convergence and performance. This paper shows AGAH is an interesting optimization technique which outweighs GA. / Mestre

Anticipatory realism : constructions of futures and regimes of prediction in contemporary post-cinematic art

Dernbach, Rafael Karl January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines strategies of anticipation in contemporary post-cinematic art. In the Introduction and the first chapter, I make the case for anticipation as a cultural technique for the construction of and adjustment to future scenarios. This framing allows analysis of constructions of futures as culturally and media-historically specific operations. Via anticipation, constructions of futures become addressable as embedded in specific performative and material economies: as regimes of prediction. The hypothesis is that cultural techniques of anticipation do not only serve to construct particular future scenarios, but also futurity, the very condition for the construction of futures. Drawing upon the philosophical works of, in particular, Vilem Flusser, Jacques Derrida and Elena Esposito, and the theory of cultural techniques, I conceptualize anticipation through the analysis of post-cinematic strategies. I argue that post-cinematic art is particularly apt for the conceptualization of anticipation. The self-reflexive multi-media interventions of post-cinematic art can expose the realisms that govern regimes of prediction. Three cultural techniques of anticipation and their use as artistic strategies in post-cinematic art are theorized: enactment, soft montage and rendering. Each of these techniques is examined in its construction of futures through performative and material operations in art gallery spaces. The second chapter examines strategies of enactment in post-cinematic installations by Neïl Beloufa. My readings of Kempinski (2007), The Analyst, the Researcher, the Screenwriter, the CGI tech and the Lawyer (2011), World Domination (2012) and Data for Desire (2014) propose that enactment allows for an engagement with futures beyond extrapolation. With Karen Barad's theory of agential realism, the construction of futures becomes graspable as a political process in opposition to a mere prolonging of the present into the future. The third chapter focuses on the strategy of soft montage in works by Harun Farocki. I interpret Farocki's application of soft montage in the exhibition Serious Games I-IV (2009-2010) as a critical engagement with anticipatory forms of organizing power and distributing precarity. His work series Parallel I-IV (2012-2014) is then analyzed as a speculation on the future of image production technologies and their role in constructing futures. The final chapter analyses the self-referential use of computer-generated renderings in works by Hito Steyerl. The installations How Not To Be Seen (2013), Liquidity Inc. (2014), The Tower (2015) and ExtraSpaceCraft (2016) are read as interventions in the performative economies of contemporary image production. I argue that these works allow us to grasp the reality-producing and futurity-producing effects of rendering as anticipatory cultural technique. My thesis aims to contribute to the discussions on a 'turn towards the future' in contemporary philosophy and cultural criticism. My research thus focuses on the following set of questions. What can we learn about the operations of future construction through encounters with post-cinematic art? How are futures and future construction framed in such art? What realisms do future constructions rely on? And how can anticipation as a cultural technique be politicized and democratized?

Diffusion hyper Rayleigh des assemblages moléculaires

Revillod, Guillaume 29 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le caractère cohérent du processus de doublage de fréquence, processus de<br />conversion de deux photons à la fréquence fondamentale en un photon à la fréquence<br />harmonique, permet de sonder la matière à des échelles sub-longueur d'onde. Pour mettre en<br />évidence cette propriété, la technique de diffusion hyper Rayleigh a été employée pour sonder<br />l'organisation dans des assemblages moléculaires dispersés en solution liquide. Après une<br />étude initiale de quelques solvants usuels purs, l'influence de l'environnement sur la réponse<br />du cristal violet, une sonde moléculaire octupolaire de référence, a été étudiée. Ces études ont<br />été poursuivies pour des sondes moléculaires amphiphiles afin d'étudier des solutions mixtes<br />comprenant à la fois des sondes libres et des sondes engagées dans des assemblages<br />moléculaires appelés micelles. En raison de la centrosymétrie de ces assemblages, la<br />composante dipolaire de la réponse harmonique diffusée s'affaiblit, laissant la réponse<br />harmonique totale dominée par une forte contribution quadripolaire clairement mise en<br />évidence par ces mesures de diffusion hyper Rayleigh résolue en polarisation. Un modèle<br />complet décrivant les différentes composantes de la réponse harmonique totale est introduit<br />pour interpréter globalement les observations sur ces solutions mixtes. Enfin, les études<br />préliminaires d'un système biomimétique reconstitué à l'interface air-eau par doublage de<br />fréquence sont présentées.


WIRKIERMAN, ARIEL LUIS 01 March 2012 (has links)
La presente tesi studia la nozione di produttività dal punto di vista Classico. In primo luogo, si connette la distinzione tra produttività (productivity) e profittabilità (productiveness) a quella tra il lato della spesa e quello del valore aggiunto dell'economia, vista come un flusso circolare. In secondo luogo, si collegano vari schemi teorici alle strutture empiriche del sistema di contabilità nazionale. Si calcolano quindi sia degli indicatori dei cambiamenti della produttività fisica, utilizzando come unità dell'analisi i subsistemi in crescita, che delle misure del grado di capacità delle singole industrie di generare sovrappiú. Si ottengono ed utilizzano regole di aggregazione e procedure di riduzione al fine di tenere correttamente conto dell'eterogeneità dei mezzi di produzione prodotti. In tutta la tesi, i risultati analitici ottenuti sono corredati da applicazioni empiriche. In larga misura, tale lavoro empirico concerne l'economia italiana (1999-2007); tuttavia, alcuni risultati riguardano un insieme di paesi industrializzati (Germania, Francia, Italia, Giappone, GB e USA) nel decennio 1995-2005. / This is a study on the notion of productivity, viewed from a Classical perspective. First, the distinction between physical productivity and productiveness (i.e. profitability) is connected to the distinction between the expenditure side and value added side of the economy, seen as a circular flow. Second, a mapping of some theoretical frameworks into empirical structures of the System of National Accounts is advanced. Then, indicators of physical productivity changes with the (growing) subsystem as a unit of analysis are obtained, together with measures reflecting the degree of surplus generating capacity at the level of individual industries. Aggregation rules and reduction procedures are devised and applied to deal with the heterogeneous nature of produced means of production. All throughout the study, empirical applications of the analytical results are provided. For the most part, empirical work is referred to the case of Italy (1999-2007), though some results concern a set of advanced industrial economies (Germany, France, Italy, Japan, UK and the US) during the 1995-2005 decade.

Saggi sulla Teoria della Dinamica Economica Strutturale - crescita, progresso tecnico, e domanda effettiva / Essays on the theory of structural economic dynamics: technical progress, growth, and effective demand

GARBELLINI, NADIA 21 February 2011 (has links)
La presente tesi ha due scopi paralleli. In primo luogo, intende essere una rilettura concettuale attraverso di `Structural Change and Economic Growth' (Pasinetti 1981), alla luce del chiarimento di alcune questioni sia metodologiche che concettuali, e della contestualizzazione dell'opera all'interno dell'intero percorso intellettuale che, dal 1962 al 1988, ha condotto Pasinetti alla definizione esplicita e rigorosa del concetto di settore verticalmente iper-integrato. In secondo luogo, fornisce una generalizzazione dell'intero schema teorico sviluppato da Pasinetti (1981), attraverso la reintroduzione dell'intero insieme delle relazioni inter-industriali, la riformulazione per mezzo di matrici partizionate, e la presentazione dei sistemi dei prezzi e delle quantità in termini di ricerca di autovalori e autovettori. La parte dinamica dell'analisi è stata generalizzata con la discretizzazione del tempo, originariamente continuo, e l'introduzione di saggi di crescita non stabili delle variabili esogene. Il primo e l'ultimo capitolo sono dedicati al raggiungimento del primo obiettivo; il secondo e il terzo a quello del secondo. / The present dissertation has two parallel aims. First of all, it intends to provide a conceptual excursus through Pasinetti's `Structural Change and Economic Growth', in the light of the clarification of some methodological and conceptual issues, and of the contextualisation of the book within the whole intellectual path, going from 1962 to 1988, which led Pasinetti to the completion of the explicit and rigorous definition of the concept of vertically hyper-integrated sector. Secondly, it performs a generalisation of the whole theoretical framework put forward by Pasinetti (1981), through the re-introduction of the whole set of inter-industry relations, the reformulation by means of partitioned matrices, and the restatement of the price and quantity systems as eigenproblems. The dynamic part of the analysis is generalised by the introduction of discrete, rather than continuous, time, and of non-steady rates of change of the exogenous variables. The first and the last chapters are devoted to the achievement of the first task; the second and the third to that of the second.

Felt_space infrastructure : hyper vigilant spatiality to valence the visceral dimension

Emmett, Mathew Henry January 2013 (has links)
This thesis evolves perception as a hypothesis to reframe architectural praxis negotiated through agent-situation interaction. The research questions the geometric principles of architectural ordination to originate the ‘felt_space infrastructure’, a relational system of measurement concerned with the role of perception in mediating sensory space and the cognised environment. The methodological model for this research fuses perception and environmental stimuli, into a consistent generative process that penetrates the inner essence of space, to reveal the visceral parameter. These concepts are applied to develop a ‘coefficient of affordance’ typology, ‘hypervigilant’ tool set, and ‘cognitive_tope’ design methodology. Thus, by extending the architectural platform to consider perception as a design parameter, the thesis interprets the ‘inference schema’ as an instructional model to coordinate the acquisition of spatial reality through tensional and counter-tensional feedback dynamics. Three site-responsive case studies are used to advance the thesis. The first case study is descriptive and develops a typology of situated cognition to extend the ‘granularity’ of perceptual sensitisation (i.e. a fine-grained means of perceiving space). The second project is relational and questions how mapping can coordinate perceptual, cognitive and associative attention, as a ‘multi-webbed vector field’ comprised of attractors and deformations within a viewer-centred gravitational space. The third case study is causal, and demonstrates how a transactional-biased schema can generate, amplify and attenuate perceptual misalignment, thus triggering a visceral niche. The significance of the research is that it progresses generative perception as an additional variable for spatial practice, and promotes transactional methodologies to gain enhanced modes of spatial acuity to extend the repertoire of architectural practice.

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