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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of high-purity, multi-segmented germanium detectors / Charactérisation de détecteurs multi-segmentés au germanium hyper pur

Ginsz, Michaël 30 September 2015 (has links)
L’apparition de la segmentation électrique des détecteurs au GeHP et de l’électronique numérique a ouvert la voie à des applications prometteuses, telles que le tracking γ, l’imagerie γ ou la mesure bas bruit de fond, pour lesquelles une connaissance fine de la réponse du détecteur est un atout. L’IPHC a développé une table de scan utilisant un faisceau collimaté, qui sonde la réponse d’un détecteur dans tout son volume en fonction de la localisation de l’interaction. Elle est conçue pour utiliser une technique innovante de scan 3D, le Pulse Shape Comparison Scan, qui a été d’abord simulée afin de démontrer son efficacité. Un détecteur AGATA a été scanné de manière approfondie. Des scan 2D classiques ont permis, entre autres, de mettre en évidence des effets locaux de modification de la collection des charges, liés à la segmentation. Pour la première fois, une base de données 3D, complète, de formes d’impulsions fonction de la position d’interaction a été établie. Elle permettra notamment d’améliorer les performances du spectromètre AGATA. / Recent developments of electrical segmentation of HPGe detectors, coupled with digital electronics have led to promising applications such as γ-ray tracking, γ-ray imaging or low-background measurements which will benefit from a fine knowledge of the detector response. The IPHC has developed a new scanning table which uses a collimated γ-ray beam to investigate the detector response as a function of the location of the γ-ray interaction. It is designed to use the Pulse Shape Comparison Scan technique, which has been simulated in order to prove its efficiency. An AGATA detector has been thoroughly scanned. 2D classical scans brought out, for example, local charge collection modification effects such as charge sharing, due to the segmentation. For the first time, a 3D, complete pulse-shape database has been established. It will especially allow to improve the overall AGATA array performances.

Models and algorithms applied to metabolism : from revealing the responses to perturbations towards the design of microbial consortia / Modéliser le métabolisme : expliciter les réponses aux perturbations et composer des consortia microbiens

Julien-Laferriere, Alice 08 December 2016 (has links)
Lors de cette thèse, je me suis intéressée à la modélisation du métabolisme des micro-organismes. Nous nous sommes focalisé sur le métabolisme des petites molécules qui ne prend pas en compte les réactions associées aux macromolécules, telle que la synthèse des protéines.Nous avons ainsi utilisé différents formalismes de modélisation.Tout d'abord, nous avons développé TOTORO où les réseaux métaboliques sont représentés par des hypergraphes dirigés et qui permet d'identifier les réactions ayant participé à une transition métabolique. TOTORO a été utilisé sur un jeu de données sur la levure en présence de cadmium. Nous avons pu montrer que nous retrouvons les mécanismes connus de désintoxication.Ensuite, en utilisant une méthode de modélisation par contraintes, nous discutons d'un développement en cours, KOTOURA, qui propose d'utiliser les connaissances actuelles de concentrations de métabolites entre différentes conditions pour inférer de manière quantitative les possibles asynchronies des réactions lors du passage d'un état stable à un autre. Nous avons testé son implémentation sur des données simulées.Enfin, nous proposons MULTIPUS, une méthode d'extraction d'(hyper)-arbres de Steiner dirigés qui permet de sélectionner les voies métaboliques pour la production de composés au sein d'une communauté bactérienne. Les réseaux métaboliques sont modélisés en utilisant des hypergraphes dirigés et pondérés. Nous proposons un algorithme de programmation dynamique paramétré ainsi qu'une formulation utilisant la programmation par ensemble réponse. Ces deux propositions sont ensuite comparées dans deux cas d'applications / In this PhD work, we proposed to model metabolism. Our focus was to develop generic models, that are not specific to one organism or condition, but are instead based on general assumptions that we tried to validate using data from the literature.We first present TOTORO that uses a qualitative measurement of concentrations in two steady-states to infer the reaction changes that lead to differences in metabolite pools in both conditions.TOTORO enumerates all sub-(hyper)graphs that represent a sufficient explanation for the observed differences in concentrations. We exploit a dataset of Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) exposed to cadmium and show that we manage to retrieve the known pathways used by the organisms. We then address the same issue, but using a constraint-based programming framework, called KOTOURA, that allows to infer more quantitatively the reaction changes during the perturbed state. We use in this case exact concentration measurements and the stoichiometric matrix, and show on simulated datasets that the overall variations of reaction fluxes can be captured by our formulation.Finally, we propose MULTIPUS, a method to infer microbial communities and metabolic roads to produce specific target compounds from a set of defined substrates. We use in this case a weighted directed hypergraph. We apply MULTIPUS to the production of antibiotics using a consortium composed of an archae and an actinobacteria and show hat their metabolic capacities are complementary. We then infer for another community the excretion of an inhibitory product (acetate) by a 1,3-propanediol (PDO) producer and its consumption by a methanogene archae

A local network neighbourhood artificial immune system

Graaff, A.J. (Alexander Jakobus) 17 October 2011 (has links)
As information is becoming more available online and will forevermore be part of any business, the true value of the large amounts of stored data is in the discovery of hidden and unknown relations and connections or traits in the data. The acquisition of these hidden relations can influence strategic decisions which have an impact on the success of a business. Data clustering is one of many methods to partition data into different groups in such a way that data patterns within the same group share some common trait compared to patterns across different groups. This thesis proposes a new artificial immune model for the problem of data clustering. The new model is inspired by the network theory of immunology and differs from its network based predecessor models in its formation of artificial lymphocyte networks. The proposed model is first applied to data clustering problems in stationary environments. Two different techniques are then proposed which enhances the proposed artificial immune model to dynamically determine the number of clusters in a data set with minimal to no user interference. A technique to generate synthetic data sets for data clustering of non-stationary environments is then proposed. Lastly, the original proposed artificial immune model and the enhanced version to dynamically determine the number of clusters are then applied to generated synthetic non-stationary data clustering problems. The influence of the parameters on the clustering performance is investigated for all versions of the proposed artificial immune model and supported by empirical results and statistical hypothesis tests. AFRIKAANS: Soos wat inligting meer aanlyn toeganglik raak en vir altyd meer deel vorm van enige besigheid, is die eintlike waarde van groot hoeveelhede data in die ontdekking van verskuilde en onbekende verwantskappe en konneksies of eienskappe in die data. Die verkryging van sulke verskuilde verwantskappe kan die strategiese besluitneming van ’n besigheid beinvloed, wat weer ’n impak het op die sukses van ’n besigheid. Data groepering is een van baie metodes om data op so ’n manier te groepeer dat data patrone wat deel vorm van dieselfde groep ’n gemeenskaplike eienskap deel in vergelyking met patrone wat verspreid is in ander groepe. Hierdie tesis stel ’n nuwe kunsmatige immuun model voor vir die probleem van data groepering. Die nuwe model is geinspireer deur die netwerk teorie in immunologie en verskil van vorige netwerk gebaseerde modelle deur die model se formasie van kunsmatige limfosiet netwerke. Die voorgestelde model word eers toegepas op data groeperingsprobleme in statiese omgewings. Twee verskillende tegnieke word dan voorgestel wat die voorgestelde kunsmatige immuun model op so ’n manier verbeter dat die model die aantal groepe in ’n data stel dinamies kan bepaal met minimum tot geen gebruiker invloed. ’n Tegniek om kunsmatige data stelle te genereer vir data groepering in dinamiese omgewings word dan voorgestel. Laastens word die oorspronklik voorgestelde model sowel as die verbeterde model wat dinamies die aantal groepe in ’n data stel kan bepaal toegepas op kunsmatig genereerde dinamiese data groeperingsprobleme. Die invloed van die parameters op die groepering prestasie is ondersoek vir alle weergawes van die voorgestelde kunsmatige immuun model en word toegelig deur empiriese resultate en statistiese hipotese toetse. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Enquête sur le vivre-ensemble et les potentialités totalitaires

Lévy-Tessier, Maxime January 2011 (has links)
La présente thèse propose de situer et d’analyser les potentialités totalitaires participant de la réalité contemporaine. Pour ce, notre démarche se déploie en deux temps. Dans un premier temps, nous retraçons l’évolution philosophique du vivre-ensemble pour ainsi établir les principes et les origines d’un monde non-totalitaire. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous penchons sur les conditions assurant à la fois la destruction du vivre-ensemble et l’essor des potentialités totalitaires. En mettant les deux composantes de notre démarche en rapport l’une avec l’autre, nous arrivons à une meilleure compréhension du processus par lequel le totalitarisme passe de son principe virtuel à sa réalisation effective en régime politique. La première partie de ce travail s’appuie sur les écrits de Hannah Arendt, de Herbert Marcuse et d’Aristote et s’intéresse surtout à l’œuvre et la responsabilité, à la misère privée et au bonheur public. La deuxième partie élabore la notion de la chrématistique dans la pensée d’Aristote et développe son mode de vie correspondant appelé hyper-responsabilité en invoquant Malcolm Gladwell, Georg Lukàcs, Thomas Hobbes, Léo Strauss et Hannah Arendt.

Incorporating complex cells into neural networks for pattern classification

Bergstra, James 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Explosion en temps fini de solutions d’équations dispersives ou dissipatives non-linéaires / Finite time blowup of solutions of dispersive or dissipative nonlinear equations

Cortez, Manuel Fernando 15 October 2015 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse est la formation de singularités pour certaines équations d'évolution dispersives et/ou dissipatives non-linéaires. Notre travail est axé sur les problèmes de Cauchy, généralement avec des conditions aux limites périodiques ou dans tout $\mathbb{R}^n$. Notre objectif est de fournir les conditions nécessaires ou suffisantes (ou les deux) sur les données initiales $u_0(x)$, garantissant que la durée de vie $T^{*}$ de la solution résultant de $u_0$ est finie ou non. Nous étudions deux types d'équations : une équation parabolique non linéaires et une classe d'équations d'ondes dispersives. La première équation étudiée est un modèle $1D$ de propagation d’ondes non-linéaires, qui apparaît par exemple dans l'étude des vagues dans un canal ou des déformations d’une barre hyper-élastique. L'une des contributions décisives de notre travail sera celle-ci : la seule solution forte globale périodique du problème de Cauchy de la barre hyper-élastique qui s’annule en au moins un point est la solution identiquement nulle. Nous établissons également l'analogue de ce résultat dans le cas des solutions non-périodiques définies sur toute la droite réelle, avec limite nulle à l'infini. Notre analyse repose sur l'application de nouveaux critères d'explosion "locaux en espace” (local-in-space blowup criteria). Une deuxième équation étudiée est une généralisation de l'équation de la barre hyperélastique qui a été proposée par H. Holden et X. Raynaud. Cette généralisation peut couvrir de nombreux autres types d'équations avec des propriétés mathématiques intéressantes. Nous établirons alors des critères d'explosion locaux en espace pour les solutions de ce modèle. Plus précisément, il s'agira de critères qui ne font intervenir que les propriétés de la condition initiale $u_0$ au voisinage d'un seul point. Ils simplifient et étendent de précédents critères d'explosion pour cette équation. Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés à une famille d'équations connue dans la littérature sous le nom $b$-family equations. L'un des cas les plus notables de cette famille d'équations est l'équation de Degasperis-Procesi. Pour cette famille, nous avons obtenu des résultats similaires à ceux décris précédemment. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, il s'agit d'étudier le caractère bien posé, local ou global en temps, dans des espaces fonctionnels issus de l'analyse harmonique et ayant les bonnes propriétés d'invariance par rapport aux changements d'échelle. Nous étudions le problème de Cauchy non linéaire de l'équation de la chaleur. Après avoir établi une extension du résultat d'Y. Meyer sur l’existence de solutions globales à données petites dans les espaces de Besov homogènes $\dot{B}_{p}^{-\sigma, \infty}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$, où $3 < p < 9$ et $\sigma=1-3/p$, nous prouvons que les données initiales $u_0\in \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$, arbitrairement petites dans ${\dot B^{-2/3,\infty}_{9}}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$, peuvent produire des solutions qui explosent en temps fini. En outre, cette explosion peut se produire après un temps arbitrairement court / The subject of this thesis is the formation of singularities for some nonlinear evolution equations of dissipative and/or dispersive type. Our work is focused on the Cauchy problems, usually with periodic boundary conditions or on the whole $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. Our aim is to provide the necessary or sufficient conditions (or both) on the initial data $u_0 (x)$, ensuring that the lifetime $T^{*}$ of the solution resulting from $u_0$ is finite or not. We study two types of equations: a nonlinear parabolic equation and a class of dispersive wave equations. In the first case, we study a one-dimensional model which describe the propagation of nonlinear waves in a channel or the deformations of a hyper-elastic rod. One decisive contibutions of our work will be this: the only global strong periodic solution of the rod equation vanishing in at least one point is the identically zero solution. We also establish the analogue of this result in the case of non-periodic solutions defined on the whole real line which vanish at infinity. Our analysis is based on the application of new local-in-space blowup criteria. The second equation that we consider is a generalization of the rod equation which was proposed by H. Holden and X. Raynaud. This generalization covers many other equations with interesting mathematical properties. We will establish criteria for the blowup in finite time that involve only the properties of the data $u_0$ in a neighborhood of a single point, thus simplifying and extending earlier blowup criteria for this equation. After, we study family of equations known in the literature as the $b$-family equations. One of the most notable cases of this family of equations is the Degasperis-Procesi equation. For this family we obtain similar results as those described above. Finally, the last part, we study the well-posedness, locally or globally in time of the nonlinear heat equation, in functional spaces having appropriate invariance properties relative to scale changes. After extending Y. Meyer's result establishing the existence of global solutions, under a smallness condition of the initial data in the homogeneous Besov spaces $\dot{B}_{p}^{-\sigma, \infty}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$, where $3 < p < 9$ and $\sigma=1-3/p$, we prove that initial data $u_0\in \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$, arbitrarily small in ${\dot B^{-2/3,\infty}_{9}}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$, can produce solutions that explode in finite time. In addition, the blowup may occur after an arbitrarily short time.

Geometric model of a dual-fisheye system composed of hyper-hemispherical lenses /

Castanheiro, Letícia Ferrari January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Maria Garcia Tommaselli / Resumo: A combinação de duas lentes com FOV hiper-hemisférico em posição opostas pode gerar um sistema omnidirecional (FOV 360°) leve, compacto e de baixo custo, como Ricoh Theta S e GoPro Fusion. Entretanto, apenas algumas técnicas e modelos matemáticos para a calibração um sistema com duas lentes hiper-hemisféricas são apresentadas na literatura. Nesta pesquisa, é avaliado e definido um modelo geométrico para calibração de sistemas omnidirecionais compostos por duas lentes hiper-hemisféricas e apresenta-se algumas aplicações com esse tipo de sistema. A calibração das câmaras foi realizada no programa CMC (calibração de múltiplas câmeras) utilizando imagens obtidas a partir de vídeos feitos com a câmara Ricoh Theta S no campo de calibração 360°. A câmara Ricoh Theta S é composto por duas lentes hiper-hemisféricas fisheye que cobrem 190° cada uma. Com o objetivo de avaliar as melhorias na utilização de pontos em comum entre as imagens, dois conjuntos de dados de pontos foram considerados: (1) apenas pontos no campo hemisférico, e (2) pontos em todo o campo de imagem (isto é, adicionar pontos no campo de imagem hiper-hemisférica). Primeiramente, os modelos ângulo equisólido, equidistante, estereográfico e ortogonal combinados com o modelo de distorção Conrady-Brown foram testados para a calibração de um sensor da câmara Ricoh Theta S. Os modelos de ângulo-equisólido e estereográfico apresentaram resultados melhores do que os outros modelos. Portanto, esses dois modelos de projeção for... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The arrangement of two hyper-hemispherical fisheye lenses in opposite position can design a light weight, small and low-cost omnidirectional system (360° FOV), e.g. Ricoh Theta S and GoPro Fusion. However, only a few techniques are presented in the literature to calibrate a dual-fisheye system. In this research, a geometric model for dual-fisheye system calibration was evaluated, and some applications with this type of system are presented. The calibrating bundle adjustment was performed in CMC (calibration of multiple cameras) software by using the Ricoh Theta video frames of the 360° calibration field. The Ricoh Theta S system is composed of two hyper-hemispherical fisheye lenses with 190° FOV each one. In order to evaluate the improvement in applying points in the hyper-hemispherical image field, two data set of points were considered: (1) observations that are only in the hemispherical field, and (2) points in all image field, i.e. adding points in the hyper-hemispherical image field. First, one sensor of the Ricoh Theta S system was calibrated in a bundle adjustment based on the equidistant, equisolid-angle, stereographic and orthogonal models combined with Conrady-Brown distortion model. Results showed that the equisolid-angle and stereographic models can provide better solutions than those of the others projection models. Therefore, these two projection models were implemented in a simultaneous camera calibration, in which the both Ricoh Theta sensors were considered i... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Generación de mapa de amenaza para disminuir el impacto de daños ocasionados por flujos hiperconcentrados en la quebrada del Diablo, distrito Alto de la Alianza, haciendo uso de FLO-2D / Generation of a hazard map to reduce the impact of damage caused by hyper-concentrated flows in the Quebrada del Diablo, Alto de la Alianza district, using FLO-2D

Talledo Walde, Roberto Alejandro, Cardoso Cusihuallpa, Sergio Ignacio 06 April 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo se basa en un modelamiento hidrológico e hidráulico de la quebrada del Diablo que se ubica en el distrito de Alto de la Alianza de la ciudad de Tacna. Cuyo fin es plantear un mapa de amenaza para reducir el impacto de los flujos hiperconcentrados y mejorar la planificación urbana de dicho distrito. Para el modelamiento hidrológico, se procedió con la caracterización de la zona de estudio a través de informes e imágenes satelitales, asimismo, se realizó un análisis de las precipitaciones en la zona de la cabecera de la quebrada. Generando así, una base de datos de entrada para el HEC-HMS para obtener los caudales máximos para periodos de retorno de 50, 100, 200, 250 y 500 años. El modelamiento hidráulico de los flujos se realizó con el software FLO-2D, teniendo en cuenta las diversas metodologías existentes en los artículos para definir los parámetros reológicos como son el esfuerzo de cedencia y la viscosidad propios de la zona de estudio. Posteriormente, se obtuvo los tirantes y velocidades máximas de las diversas simulaciones para los diferentes periodos previamente mencionados. Por último, se realizó un análisis del nivel de amenaza en la zona urbana a través de mapas generados por el software FLO-2D Mapper para los diferentes escenarios planteados. Además, se evaluó el efecto de colocar estructuras de mitigación a lo largo del cauce de la quebrada del diablo y contrastar los valores de profundidades, velocidades y nivel de amenaza en la zona urbana. / This work is based on hydrological and hydraulic modeling of the Diablo creek located in the Alto de la Alianza district of the city of Tacna. The purpose of this is to create a hazard map to reduce the impact of hyper-concentrated flows and improve the urban planning of said district. For the hydrological modeling, we proceeded with the characterization of the study area through reports and satellite images, also, an analysis of the rainfall in the area of ​​the head of the stream was carried out. Thus, generating an input database for the HEC-HMS to obtain the maximum flows for return periods of 50, 100, 200, 250, and 500 years. The hydraulic modeling of the flows was carried out with the FLO-2D software, taking into account the various existing methodologies in the articles to define the rheological parameters such as the yield stress and the viscosity of the study area. Subsequently, the maximum tie rods and speeds were obtained from the various simulations for the different periods previously installed. Finally, an analysis of the level of threat in the urban area was carried out through maps generated by the FLO-2D Mapper software for the different scenarios proposed. In addition, the effect of placing mitigation structures along the creek of the devil was evaluated and contrasting the values ​​of depths, speeds, and levels of threat in the urban area. / Tesis

Masculinity and Vulnerability in United States Jails and Prisons

Osborne, Taryn Frances January 2018 (has links)
No description available.


FABIANA DA SILVA SANTOS 18 May 2023 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente, pesquisas envolvendo metais e suas ligas têm como um de seus objetivos o controle microestrutural, como forma de aprimorar as propriedades de interesse, para as aplicações desejadas. Um fator importante que possui influência nas propriedades dos materiais policristalinos são os tipos, e distribuições de contornos de grãos e/ou de fase. A aplicação de processos que envolvam altas temperaturas, como tratamentos térmicos ou processos de soldagem, podem levar a transformações de fase, as quais modificam a cristalografia, composição química, distribuição e tamanho dos grãos. Os aços inoxidáveis duplex são ligas bifásicas constituídas de proporções aproximadamente iguais de ferrita e austenita pertencentes ao sistema Fe-Cr-Ni. Essa estrutura bifásica combina elevada resistência, boa tenacidade e excelente resistência à corrosão. Devido à essas excelentes propriedades são utilizadas em vários setores industriais como: indústrias químicas, petroquímicas, de petróleo e gás, e de construção naval. Incrementos na concentração de Cr e Ni nestes aços levam a formação de duas novas classes, os aços super e hiper duplex, cujas propriedades são semelhantes aos aços duplex, porém superiores. Neste caso, devido ao aumento no teor dos elementos de liga os processos de soldagem podem levar a formação de fases intermetálicas e/ou precipitados, as quais são deletérias as propriedades dos aços, facilitando o processo de corrosão. Muitas das transformações no estado sólido que ocorrem nos aços, seguem determinadas relações de orientação cristalográfica. Essas relações descrevem as interfaces de baixa energia que determinam os processos de nucleação e crescimento de novas fases. Portanto a determinação das relações de orientação presente nos aços duplex, super-duplex e hiper-duplex, a partir de transformações de fase obtidas em condições de equilíbrio e paraequilíbrio foram estudadas com a intenção de correlacionar com a susceptibilidade à corrosão por pites. Foram estudados os aços UNS S32205, UNS S32750 e UNS S33207, respectivamente pertencendo as classes duplex, super e hiperduplex A determinação das relações de orientação e fração de fases foi obtida por difração de elétrons retroespalhados (Electron Backscattering Diffraction - EBSD). A composição química das fases foi obtida por Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva (Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy - EDS). Estes dados foram correlacionados com os resultados obtidos após testes de corrosão ASTM G-48. Para todos os aços se observa a tendência do aumento da relação de orientação KS após submissão aos ciclos térmicos. No entanto, para as condições estudadas não foi encontrada uma correlação clara entre a presença da orientação KS com a formação de pites na ferrita. / [en] Currently, research involving metals and their alloys has microstructural control as one of its objectives, to improve the properties of interest, for the desired applications. An important factor that influences the properties of polycrystalline materials are the types and distributions of grain and/or phase boundaries. The application of processes involving high temperatures, such as heat treatments or welding processes, can lead to phase transformations, which modify the crystallography, chemical composition, distribution and size of the grains. Duplex stainless steels are biphasic alloys made up of approximately equal proportions of ferrite and austenite belonging to the Fe-Cr-Ni system. This two-phase structure combines high strength, good toughness and excellent corrosion resistance. Due to these excellent properties, they are used in various industrial sectors such as: chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, and shipbuilding industries. Increases in the concentration of Cr and Ni in these steels lead to the formation of two new classes, super and hyper duplex steels, whose properties are like duplex steels, but superior. In this case, due to the increase in the content of alloying elements, the welding processes can lead to the formation of intermetallic phases and/or precipitates, which are deleterious to the properties of the steels, facilitating the corrosion process. Many of the solid-state transformations that occur in steels follow certain crystallographic orientation relationships. These relationships describe the lowenergy interfaces that determine the processes of nucleation and growth of new phases. Therefore, the determination of orientation relationships presents in duplex, super-duplex and hyper-duplex steels, from phase transformations obtained under equilibrium and paraequilibrium conditions, were studied with the intention of correlating with the susceptibility to pitting corrosion. The UNS S32205, UNS S32750 and UNS S33207 steels were studied, respectively belonging to the duplex, super and hyperduplex classes. of the phases was obtained by Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS). These data were correlated with the results obtained after ASTM G-48 corrosion tests. For all steels, there is a trend towards an increase in the KS orientation ratio after submission to thermal cycles, however no clear correlation between the presence of the KS orientation and the formation of pits in the ferrite was found.

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