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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Em busca da cidade moderna: as ações de saúde, de higiene e as intervenções urbanas em São Paulo durante a gestão de Antonio da Silva Prado (1899 1910)

Maestrini, Karla Aparecida 08 April 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:31:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Karla Aparecida Maestrini.pdf: 7579773 bytes, checksum: e11207cf87a0cc9f825329facfd090e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation seeks to undertake an analysis of the actions and health practices developed in São Paulo during the years 1899 to 1910. This period corresponds to administration of the first mayor of São Paulo, Antonio da Silva Prado, a conservative man, member one of the most traditional families of São Paulo aristocracy. During the years before the establishment of the prefecture, the actions relating to hygiene and public health were in charge of the administration of the Municipality of São Paulo and its Quartermaster Police and Hygiene. Supported on the remaining administrative structure of the old intendancies the counselor Prado, to assume the newly created municipality, opened the implementation of the modern city project to São Paulo. In these terms, Meadow sought to bring "European feel" for the metropolis in accelerated development process, in the late nineteenth to the twentieth century, aiming to make it a city ruled and ordered the point of view of its material development. Thus, we seek to understand the role played by health and urban actions in the implementation of city project for the state capital, noting the arising conflicts and clashes between the local authority and certain constituencies the São Paulo population facing the interventions promoted in the public space / A presente dissertação busca empreender uma análise sobre as ações e práticas sanitárias desenvolvidas na cidade de São Paulo durante os anos de 1899 a 1910. O referido período corresponde a administração do primeiro prefeito de São Paulo, Antonio da Silva Prado, um homem conservador, membro de uma das famílias mais tradicionais da aristocracia paulistana. Durante os anos anteriores à constituição da prefeitura, as ações referentes à higiene e saúde pública estavam a cargo da administração da Câmara Municipal de São Paulo e sua Intendência de Polícia e Higiene. Apoiado na estrutura administrativa remanescente das antigas intendências, o conselheiro Prado, ao assumir a recém criada prefeitura, dá início a implantação do projeto de cidade moderna para São Paulo. Nesses termos, Prado procurou trazer ares europeus para a urbe em acelerado processo de desenvolvimento, na passagem do XIX para o século XX, objetivando torná-la uma cidade regrada e ordenada do ponto de vista de seu desenvolvimento material. Desta forma, objetivamos compreender o papel desempenhado pelas ações sanitárias e urbanísticas na execução do projeto de cidade destinado à capital paulista, atentando para os conflitos e embates surgidos entre a edilidade e determinados grupos constituintes da população paulistana frente às intervenções promovidas no espaço público

Elaboração e aplicação de uma ferramenta de avaliação de estruturas físicas, leiaute e materiais de construção utilizados em cozinhas industriais com impacto na segurança de alimentos

Perini, Fabiana Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para avaliar estruturas físicas, leiaute e materiais de construção de cozinhas industriais. Na primeira etapa do trabalho, diversas legislações sanitárias e documentos técnicos foram avaliados, a fim de identificar itens pertinentes à construção da ferramenta. Com base nisso, foram elaboradas 196 perguntas, divididas em 24 itens, as quais compuseram a ferramenta de avaliação de estruturas (check-list). O check-list foi encaminhado para especialistas da área de segurança de alimentos, para que estes verificassem a adequação das perguntas e conferissem pesos para cada uma delas, conforme a possibilidade na contaminação e o impacto na segurança dos alimentos. O peso 1 (um) foi atribuído aos itens da estrutura física das cozinhas, que poderiam causar impacto na segurança de alimentos, porém que dificilmente resultariam em contaminação dos alimentos ou causariam surtos alimentares, como, por exemplo, as áreas externas, portas externas e fechamento automático de portas de sanitários. O peso 2 (dois) foi atribuído às perguntas sobre a estrutura física da cozinha que poderiam causar contaminação indireta nos alimentos, exemplos: portas internas ajustadas aos pisos e batentes, caixas de gordura e de esgoto compatíveis ao volume de resíduos, entre outros. O peso 4 (quatro) foi atribuído às questões sobre a estrutura física das cozinhas que poderiam causar contaminação direta aos alimentos, como, por exemplo, estrutura dos telhados e tetos, áreas de produção com fluxo linear, entre outras Após a revisão do check-list, foram retiradas as perguntas que não foram consideradas pertinentes ao setor de alimentação e então foi calculado um peso médio para cada pergunta, tendo como base os pesos atribuídos por cada avaliador. A versão final do check-list resultou em 23 itens, compostos por 126 perguntas. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, foi realizada a utilização prática do check-list com o objetivo de testar a aplicação da ferramenta de avaliação e identificar os problemas mais frequentes na construção civil de cozinhas industriais. Para tanto, as cozinhas industriais existentes na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS (RMPA) foram consideradas e identificadas como o universo da pesquisa, possibilitando a visita a um número significativo de cozinhas industriais. O número de cozinhas identificado na RMPA foi de 248 unidades, das quais 52 foram visitadas. Para avaliar cada unidade visitada com relação à adequação sanitária de suas instalações, foi elaborado o Índice Sanitário de Edificações (ISE). O ISE é uma média harmônica ponderada dos itens aplicáveis, a qual leva em consideração os pesos conferidos a cada pergunta e se o item foi conforme ou não. As respostas do check-list foram analisadas no Microsoft Excel 2010 e a análise estatística foi realizada no programa IBM® SPSS® STATISTICS versão 18.0, adotando o nível de significância de 5% As principais não conformidades observadas foram infiltrações, goteiras, tubulações sem capacidade para vazão adequada, pias e sifões entupidos, pouca quantidade de ralos, caimento dos pisos, caixa de gordura, pouca luminosidade, ventilação e conforto térmico. Do total de unidades avaliadas, 1 (2%) apresentou índice de adequação excelente, 14 (27%) índice de adequação bom, 32 (61%) índice de adequação médio e 5 (10%) índice de adequação ruim. Além do índice de adequação ao check-list, foi calculado um índice de adequação aos itens requeridos por legislação. O volume de empresas que apresentaram índices entre os níveis de adequação excelente e bom aumentou quando comparado ao índice de adequação ao chek-list, passando para 4 (8%) com índice excelente, 27 (51%) com índice bom, 20 (39%) com índice médio e 1 (2%) com índice ruim. Os resultados indicam que as cozinhas industriais apresentaram inadequações em suas instalações, já que em sua maioria apresentaram índices medianos ou inferiores de adequação aos itens da legislação e ao ISE. Cozinhas com estas falhas nas instalações podem ter prejudicadas suas condições higiênico- sanitárias do processo, trazendo riscos potenciais para a produção de alimentos. Com a identificação dos problemas nas edificações e leiutes, pôde- se indicar soluções para contribuir na gestão de segurança dos alimentos em serviços de alimentação, prevenindo a contaminação de alimentos. / This study aimed to develop a tool to evaluate physical structures, layout and materials of industrial kitchens. In the first stage of the work, several sanitary legislations and technical documents were evaluated in order to identify items pertinent to the construction of the tool. Based on this, check-list tool were elaborated containing196 questions, divided into 24 items. The checklist was assessed to food safety experts to verify the appropriateness of the questions and to check weights for each one, depending on the possibility of contamination and impact on food safety. Weight 1 (one) was attributed to the items in the kitchen's physical structure, which could impact on food safety, but would hardly result in contamination of food or food outbreaks, such as external areas, external doors and automatic door closing of toilets. Weight 2 (two) was attributed to the questions about the physical structure of the kitchen that could cause indirect contamination in the food, some examples: internal doors adjusted to the floors and stops, fat and sewage boxes compatible with the volume of waste. Weight 4 (four) was attributed to questions about the physical structure of the kitchen that could cause direct contamination of food, such as the structure of roofs and ceilings, production areas with linear flow. After reviewing the checklist, the questions that were not considered pertinent to the food sector were removed, and then an average weight was calculated for each question, based on the weights assigned by each evaluator The final version of the checklist resulted in 23 items consisting of 126 questions. In the second stage of the work, the practical check-list was used, with the objective of testing the application of the evaluation tool and identifying the most frequent problems in the civil construction of industrial kitchens. To this end, the industrial kitchens in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre / RS (RMPA) were considered and identified as the research universe, allowing the visit of a significant number of industrial kitchens. The number of kitchens identified in the RMPA was 248 units, of which 52 were visited. To evaluate each unit visited in relation to the sanitary adequacy of its facilities, the Sanitary Building Index (ISE) was elaborated. The ISE is a weighted harmonic mean of the applicable items, which takes into account the weights given to each question and whether or not the item was compliant. The checklist responses were analyzed in Microsoft Excel 2010 and statistical analyzes were performed using the IBM® SPSS® STATISTICS version 18.0 program, adopting the 5% significance level. The main nonconformities observed were infiltrations, gutters, pipes with no adequate flow capacity, clogged sinks and siphons, few drains, floor trim, grease box, low luminosity, ventilation and thermal comfort Of the total number of units evaluated, 1 (2%) presented an excellent suitability index, 14 (27%) were adequately matched, 32 (61%) were adequately matched, and 5 were considered adequately matched. In addition to the index of adequacy to the checklist, an index of adequacy to the items required by legislation was calculated. The volume of companies that presented excellent and good levels of adequacy increased when compared to the index of adequacy to the former chek-list, passing to 4 (8%) with excellent index, 27 (51%) with good index, 20 (39 %) with average index and 1 (2%) with poor index. The results indicate that the industrial kitchens presented inadequacies in their facilities, since in their majority they presented medium or inferior indexes of adequacy to the items of the legislation and the ISE. Kitchens with these facility failures may have impaired their hygienic-sanitary conditions of the process, bringing potential risks to food production. With the identification of problems in buildings and law, it was possible to indicate solutions to contribute to the management of food safety in food services, preventing the contamination of food.

Etude expérimentale et comparative de la myrmécochorie : le cas des fourmis dispersatrices Lasius niger et Myrmica rubra / Experimental and comparative study of myrmecochory: the case of seed-disperser ants Lasius niger and Myrmica rubra

Servigne, Pablo 21 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la dispersion des graines par les fourmis et se divise en deux parties : l’une expérimentale (Chapitres 1, 2 & 3) et l’autre synthétique (Chapitres 4 & 5). L’approche expérimentale a consisté en une exploration en conditions de laboratoire des comportements des fourmis à deux étapes du processus de myrmécochorie: à la source de graines et dans le nid. Des graines des plantes myrmécochores Viola odorata et Chelidonium majus ont été présentées aux fourmis Lasius niger et Myrmica rubra. Chaque étape de la séquence myrmécochorique a généré une variabilité des comportements propre à chacun des quatre couples fourmis-graines. L’élaiosome n’attire pas les fourmis à distance. Les fourmis suivent toujours la même séquence de comportements : antennation, manipulation et prise des graines. Le nombre d’antennations et de manipulations avant la prise de graines peut être considéré comme un indicateur de l’« hésitation » des fourmis à prendre les graines. L’espèce à tendance carnivore Myrmica rubra a été plus rapide et efficace dans la prise de graines que l’espèce éleveuse de pucerons Lasius niger. Parallèlement, les fourmis ont moins antenné, moins manipulé et plus pris de graines de Chelidonium majus, ce qui montre un intérêt particulier pour cette espèce. Un jour après l’expérience, toutes les graines des deux espèces se trouvaient dans les déchets à l’extérieur du nid, avec au moins la moitié des élaiosomes consommés (Chapitre 1). Lors du passage des graines à l’intérieur du nid, les fourmis Myrmica rubra ont également montré une capacité à traiter les graines rapidement, en montrant une dynamique d’arrachage de l’élaiosome et de rejet des graines hors du nid plus rapide. Le taux d’arrachage de l’élaiosome a été influencé par l’espèce de graine, plus important pour les graines de Chelidonium majus. Nous avons montré qu’une proportion variable de graines rapportées au nid (moins de la moitié) étaient déposées directement au contact des larves, les autres étant traitées ailleurs par les ouvrières ou laissées temporairement à l’abandon dans le nid. Par ailleurs, les dynamiques de rejet des items hors du nid ont curieusement été peu influencées par l’espèce de graine. Pour une graine, le fait de ne plus avoir d’élaiosome diminue le nombre moyen d’ouvrières qui la contacte simultanément. Parallèlement, même si la réponse n’est pas de type « tout ou rien », l’absence d’élaiosome accroit aussi la probabilité qu’une graine a d’être rejetée. (Chapitre 2). Nous avons isolé expérimentalement le paramètre de dessiccation des graines afin mesurer son influence sur le taux de prises. La dessiccation progressive des graines réduit les taux de prises par les fourmis Myrmica rubra. La réhydratation des mêmes graines leur permet de retrouver une attractivité et donc une valeur fonctionnelle prolongée. Les graines de Viola odorata perdent presque toute attractivité après 4 jours de dessiccation et leur réhydratation ne rétabli que faiblement leur attractivité. A l’inverse, les graines de Chelidonium majus gardent un tiers de leur attractivité après un mois de dessiccation et leur réhydratation restaure presque entièrement leur attractivité (Chapitre 3). La synthèse bibliographique a permis de dresser un aperçu des principales caractéristiques des fourmis dispersatrices de graines myrmécochores. Certains traits « généralistes » rendent les rencontres entre fourmis et graines très probables : leur ubiquité et diversité taxonomique, leur régime alimentaire omnivore, et leur fourragement « diffus » et opportuniste. Les fourmis possèdent des traits qui les rendent uniques par rapport aux autres insectes : le fourragement au sol, la capacité à transporter de la nourriture, ainsi que la nidification. Certains traits des fourmis ont une influence considérable sur la dispersion des graines : leur taille, les préférences de régime alimentaire, la phénologie, la capacité d’apprentissage et la fréquence de déménagement des nids. Nous développons également l’hypothèse que la rapidité et l’efficacité du traitement des graines par les fourmis seraient une conséquence d’un comportement hygiénique des fourmis à tendance carnivore, habituées à gérer des proies périssables (Chapitre 4). Nous avons dressé pour la première fois une liste des espèces de plantes myrmécochores et potentiellement myrmécochores des régions d’Europe tempérée (260 spp.). Nous montrons que ces dernières sont majoritairement herbacées, et ont tendance à fleurir plus précocement que les autres espèces. La proportion de graines myrmécochores comprises entre 1 et 3 mm et entre 0,6 et 10 mg est plus importante que dans le reste de la flore (Chapitre 5). / This study concerns seed dispersal by ants and is divided in two parts: one experimental (chapters 1, 2 & 3), and one synthetic (chapters 4 & 5). Experimental work consisted in a series of laboratory experiments, in which ant behaviour was studied at two stages of the dispersal process: at the seed source and inside the nest. Seeds of the myrmecochorous plants Viola odorata and Chelidonium majus were presented to two ant species: Lasius niger and Myrmica rubra. Each stage of the myrmecochory sequence generated a variability of behaviours for each of the four ant-seed pairs. The elaiosomedo not attract seed at a distance. Ants followed always the same behavioural sequence: antennations, manipulations, and removal. The number of antennations and manipulations before removal can be considered as a measure of ants’ “hesitation” to remove seeds. The carnivorous species Myrmica rubra was faster and more efficient at taking seeds than the aphid-tending Lasius niger. At the same time, ants antennated and manipulated less Chelidonium majus seeds, which shows a particular interest for this seed species. One day after the experiment, all seeds of both species were located outside the nest in the refuse piles. At least half of their elaiosomes had been consumed (chapter 1). Inside the nest, Myrmica rubra also showed a great ability to treat seeds quickly, i.e. quicker dynamics of elaiosome removal and seed rejection outside the nest. Elaiosome removal rates were influenced by seed species (higher for Chelidonium majus). We showed that a variable proportion of seeds (less than half) was directly deposited in contact with larvae. The rest of the seeds were handled elsewhere by workers, or left temporarily unattended in the nest. Dynamics of seed rejection outside the nest were curiously little influenced by the seed species. For a seed, to loose the elaiosome decreased the number of workers manipulating it. At the same time, even if the rejection response is not automatic, the absence of elaiosome increases the probability for a seed to be rejected (Chapter 2). We isolated the desiccation parameter in order to measure its influence on seed removal rates. Progressive seed desiccation reduced Myrmica rubra removal rates. Rehydration of the same seeds restored their attractiveness, thereby prolonging their functional life. Viola odorata seeds lost almost all their attractiveness after 4 days of desiccation, and rehydration only restored a reduced part of their attractiveness. On the contrary, Chelidonium majus seeds kept one third of their attractiveness after one month of desiccation, and recovered almost all their attractiveness after rehydration (Chapter 3). The bibliographic review allowed us to compile an outline of the main features of seed-disperser ants. Some generalist features highly increase the probability that ants encounter seeds: their ubiquity and taxonomic diversity, omnivorous diet and their opportunistic “diffuse” foraging. Among insects, ants have unique traits that make them broad dispsersers: ground foraging, the ability to transport items, and nesting behaviour. Some other traits have a great influence on the seed dispersal system: the ant body size, their diet preferences, the phenology of the colony, the learning, and the frequence of nest relocation. We also develop the hypothesis according to which, handling efficiency of ants is a byproduct of hygienic behaviour of carnivorous oriented species, since they are used to manage perishable preys (Chapter 4). We compiled the first list of myrmecochorous and potentially myrmecochorous plants species of European temperate regions (260 spp.). We show that these plants are mainly herbaceous. They also tend to flower earlier than the whole flora. The proportions of myrmecochorous seeds having a size range between 1 and 3 mm, and a weight range between 0.6 and 10 mg are higher than in the rest of the flora (Chapter 5).

EHEDG - Wegweiser zu Kosteneinsparungen durch Hygienic Design

Lorenzen, Knuth 09 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Meine Präsentation beschreibt die „Einsparpotentiale bei der CIP-Reinigung von Produktionsanlagen durch konsequentes Hygienic Design“ und basiert auf der Diplomarbeit von Andreas Dorner, Technische Universität München. Es ist eine Analyse des möglichen Einsparpotentials für die Lebensmittelindustrie bei Verwendung von neuesten, hygienegerecht konstruierten Anlagenbauteilen gegenüber herkömmlichen, industriell verwendeten Bauteilen mit Hygienerisiken . Durch vergleichende Reinigungsversuche werden Ventile und Einbaugehäuse von Sensoren miteinander verglichen, um so dem Nahrungsmittelproduzenten eine Hilfestellung bei der Auswahl dieser Bauteile bei einer Neuanschaffung bzw. beim Austausch von Anlagenkomponenten hinsichtlich der Reinigbarkeit geben zu können. Bei den Untersuchungen wurden die Reinigungs- und Verschmutzungsparameter für die zu vergleichenden Bauteile konstant gehalten, um nur den Einfluss der Konstruktion auf die Reinigung zu ermitteln. Um deine gesundheitliche Bedrohung von Lebensmittel-Konsumenten zu reduzieren, bzw. so gering wie möglich zu halten ist eine gründliche Reinigung von Produktionsanlagen wichtig. Das lässt sich jedoch nur mit hygiene gerechten, totraum-freien Bauteilen erreichen, die nach der CIP-Reinigung keim arm sind. Korrektes hygienisches Design verbessert die Reinigung und Sterilisation durch verbessertem Massen- und Wärmeübergang des CIP-Reinigungsmittels. Mangelhafte Reinigung sind heute Auslöser von bis zu 20% der GMP-Beanstandungen Reinigungsschritte sind essentiell für die Lebensmittelsicherheit und können bis zu 70% des gesamten Wasserverbrauchs und der Abwassermenge eines Werkes ausmachen. Reinigung ist nicht nur aus Sicherheitsgründen ein zu beachtender Prozess, sondern birgt auch ein großes finanzielles Einsparpotential, nicht nur hinsichtlich der Wasserkosten. In der Lebensmittelindustrie werden zum Teil immer noch sinnvolle Investitionen in Hygienic Design konforme Anlagenbauteile gescheut, da sie aufgrund hoher Anschaffungskosten vermeintlich teurer erscheinen. Dabei werden jedoch die gesamten Lebenszykluskosten (Life Cycle Costs) oftmals außer Acht gelassen.

Aspectos higiênico-sanitários, físico-químicos e microbiota lática de leite cru, queijo de coalho e soro de leite produzidos no Estado da Paraíba

Freitas, Wilma Carla de 29 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:49:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1419809 bytes, checksum: 9b1c297f8a6dc2a2623ffb7fc7b76004 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The coalho cheese is a traditional product made in northeastern Brazil, is widely consumed in the state of Paraiba and knowledge of their indigenous microflora is of the fundamental importance. Thus, this study aim to: verify the microbiological and physical-chemistry characteristics of raw milk, whey and coalho cheese the three properties (A, B and C), respectively located in the regions of Paraiba and compare them with the legislation; to evaluate the profile of consumers of coalho cheese; isolate, characterize and identify lactic acid bacteria in these samples using two methods, comparing them and check the antimicrobial activity against these bacteria identified as Salmonella enterica, S. aureus and L. monocytogenes. Samples of raw milk and nine of cheese were submitted the following tests: standard plate count (SPC), the Most Probable Number (MPN) of total and thermotolerant coliforms, S. aureus, Salmonella; and analysis of pH, water activity, acid, protein, fat, total solids, nonfatty solids, fat in dry matter, humidity, ashes, chlorides and density. The samples of milk, whey and cheese, thermotolerant coliforms and S. aureus were present in numbers above the recommended level, indicating inadequate sanitary conditions of the raw milk and the final product. Regarding the physical-chemical analysis, was found high acidity in milk samples from the producers B and C and cheese samples were considered fat, high and very high humidity. The lactic acid bacteria counts of raw milk from producers B and C were in the order of 106 CFU/ mL in the whey and three producers of 107 CFU/mL, while cheese producer C obtained the highest counts (109 CFU/g). The 112 typical colonies of lactic acid bacteria were isolated and yours distribution of from the products were: Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Streptococcus and Leuconostoc. From a total of twenty isolates, twelve were identified by the API kit. The two methods used for comparison in the identification of genera, only 25% coincided and diverged with the majority of identifications performed by the second method of the Cogan et al., (1997). Of the twenty isolates, nineteen showed inhibition halos on three pathogenic bacteria, with inhibition zones 2 to 15 mm being the largest halos formed by Lactococcus lactis ssp lactis on S. enterica and S. aureus. However, the antimicrobial activity displayed by some lactic acid bacteria isolates suggest the possibility of its use against pathogens and can act as a barrier in the development of these micro-organisms and biological preservatives in coalho cheese. / O queijo de coalho é um produto tradicional do nordeste brasileiro, sendo amplamente consumido no estado da Paraíba, todavia o conhecimento da sua microbiota autóctone é de fundamental importância. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos: avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias e físico-químicas de leite cru, queijo de coalho e soro de leite de três propriedades (A, B e C), situadas respectivamente nas mesorregiões do Agreste, Borborema e Sertão paraibanos e compará-los com os padrões da legislação; avaliar o perfil dos consumidores de queijo de coalho; isolar, caracterizar e identificar as bactérias láticas dessas amostras usando duas metodologias, comparando-as e verificar a atividade antimicrobiana dessas bactérias identificadas frente a Salmonella enterica, S. aureus e L. monocytogenes. Em nove amostras de leite, queijo coalho e de soro de leite, foram realizadas às seguintes análises: contagem de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas, NMP de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, contagem de S. coagulase positiva, pesquisa de Salmonella, umidade, proteína, lipídios, extrato seco total, sólidos não gordurosos, gordura no extrato seco, cinzas, acidez, pH, densidade e atividade de água. Nas amostras de leite, queijo e soro provenientes das três propriedades os coliformes termotolerantes e S. aureus estiveram presentes em números acima do recomendado, indicando condições higiênico-sanitárias insatisfatórias da matéria-prima e produto final. Nas análises físico-químicas, foi verificada acidez elevada nas amostras de leite dos produtores B e C e quanto à gordura e umidade as amostras de queijo de coalho foram consideradas queijos gordos, de alta a muito alta umidade. As contagens de bactérias láticas do leite cru dos produtores A, B e C foram de 104 a 106 UFC/mL, nas do soro dos três produtores na ordem de 107 UFC/mL, e as do queijo 106 (A e B), enquanto que o queijo do produtor C obteve as maiores contagens (109 UFC/g). Foram isoladas 112 colônias típicas de bactérias láticas das três amostras e os gêneros predominantes foram: Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Streptococcus e Leuconostoc. De um total de vinte isolados de queijo, doze foram identificadas pelo KIT API. As duas metodologias utilizadas para comparação na identificação dos gêneros coincidiu 25%, divergindo com a maioria das identificações realizadas pela metodologia segundo Cogan et al. (1997). Dos vinte isolados, dezenove apresentaram halos de inibição sobre as três bactérias patogênicas, com zonas de inibição de 2 a15 mm sendo os maiores halos formados por Lactococcus lactis ssp lactis sobre S. enterica e S. aureus. Entretanto, a atividade antimicrobiana revelada por alguns isolados de bactérias láticas sugerem a possibilidade de seu uso contra patógenos e podem atuar como uma barreira no desenvolvimento destes micro-organismos, bem como conservantes biológicos no queijo de coalho.

Ošetřovatelská péče ve zvýšeném hygienicko-epidemiologickém režimu z pohledu pacienta / Nursing care in a hygienic and epidemiological regime from the patient's perspective.

KŘEPELOVÁ, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Considering contemporary lifestyle and possibility of travelling imported infections accrued and some illnesses come back that have not occurred nearly at us more. Not only haemorrhagic fevers and other highly infectious illnesses but also hospital multiresistant bacterial strains that mean high risk for patients constitute a threat. The number of nosocomial infectious grows still. The patient is in the case of suspicion or already diagnosed infectious illness isolated and treated in the infectious department or in the tribal department in the room with increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime. The patient is saved in a single room, the possibility of visits is reduced and the staff uses personal protective equipment. The man is holistic being and it can come due to isolation to lack of satisfaction of his/her bio-psycho-social needs. The aim of this thesis is to identify unsatisfied bio-psycho-social needs of patients in increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime and to describe changes in needs of the patient depending on the time of hospitalisation. The theoretic part describes the problematics of infectious illnesses, system of the care for the patient with infectious illness and changes in human needs in the period of the illness. The empiric part of the thesis deals with unsatisfied bio-psycho-social needs of isolated individual through quantitative research. The research suite was made up of 10 patients who were hospitalised in the room with increased hygienic-epidemiologic regime. The survey was carried out in the Hospital Jihlava by semistructured interview and the results of the survey were processed by opened coding by method paper and pencil. It is emphasized that the most needs of the patient have biological, psychical, social and even spiritual aspects. The rate of satisfaction with caregiving depends on the health condition and personality of the patient. Not small influence has the length of the hospitalisation, too. It was found out during the survey that the patients have not enough information about specifics of the care in the infectious department and that is why there is often a misunderstanding of necessity of barrier measures. It is possible to avoid useless misunderstanding through timely and suitable education. It was created an educational material with the title "Guide for patients hospitalised in the infectious department of Hospital Jihlava" for this purpose. Employees of the infectious department of Hospital Jihlava were informed with results of the research during a workshop, too.

Caracterização da qualidade da farinha de mandioca produzida no agreste alagoano. / Characterization of the cassava flour quality produced in the rural from Alagoas.

Brandão, Thaysa Barbosa Cavalcante 14 December 2007 (has links)
The culture of the cassava assumes high social importance, because it has been one of the main energetic kind of food for over 500 million people in the world. It is diffused in all Brazilian territory, mainly in the northeast area. In Alagoas, more particularly in the rural area, it represents an important source of income for a lot of families. Among all products, the cassava flour stands out like being the most important product. The flour processing is very traditional and it mostly uses family labor in all the stages of the processing, where a big part of the production happens without technical orientations favouring the hygiene lack. The units of processing are known as "flour houses , where they are usually houses or hangars with precarious installations, plus the hygiene lack that exposes the product to several dangers. In Alagoas, due to the producers disorganization, price oscillation and quality of the final product, many flour houses are closed. So, in the regional market it is common to have a competition of flours produced by other states, mainly Pernambuco and Sergipe. To check competitiveness to the local flour it is indispensable to improve the quality of the product. To obtain a cassava flour with good quality, it is essential to have special cares along all the industrial process. With the intention of contributing for the evaluation and optimization of the technological processes used, the objective of this work was to characterize the quality of the cassava flour produced in flour houses located in the rural areas in Alagoas. Visits to the flour houses were made, for questionnaire application and sample collection, in 51 flour houses located in the ambit of the Local Productive Arrangement (APL). The samples were analyzed as to microbiological and physical-chemical parameters defined in specific legislations. The results of this research reinforce the need of the development of a program to qualify the producers, guiding them for the implantation of Good Manufacturing Practices in their industrial units. / A cultura da mandioca assume elevada importância social, pois tem sido um dos principais alimentos energéticos para mais de 500 milhões de pessoas no mundo. Está difundida por todo território brasileiro, principalmente na região nordeste. Em Alagoas, mais particularmente na região do agreste, representa uma importante fonte de renda para muitas famílias. Dentre os inúmeros produtos, a farinha de mandioca se destaca como sendo seu derivado mais consumido. O processamento da farinha é bastante tradicional e utiliza em sua maioria mão-deobra familiar em todas as etapas do processamento, onde em grande parte, a produção ocorre sem orientações técnicas favorecendo a falta de higiene. As unidades de processamento são conhecidas como casas de farinha , onde normalmente são casas ou galpões com instalações precárias, isto somado a falta de higiene expõe o produto a vários perigos. Em Alagoas, em virtude da desorganização dos produtores, oscilação de preço e qualidade do produto final, muitas casas de farinha encontram-se fechadas. Com isto, no mercado estadual é comum à concorrência de farinhas produzidas por outros estados, principalmente Pernambuco e Sergipe. Para conferir competitividade à farinha local é indispensável melhorar a qualidade do produto. Para se obter uma farinha de mandioca com qualidade, é essencial cuidados ao longo de todo o processo industrial. Com intuito de contribuir para a avaliação e otimização dos processos tecnológicos utilizados, este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a qualidade da farinha de mandioca produzida em casas de farinhas localizadas no agreste alagoano. Foram realizadas visitas, para aplicação de questionário e coleta de amostra, em 51 casas de farinha localizadas no âmbito do Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL). As amostras foram analisadas quanto a parâmetros microbiológicos e físico-químicos definidos em legislações específicas. Os resultados desta pesquisa reforçam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de um programa que vise capacitar os produtores, orientando-os para a implantação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação nas suas unidades industriais.

Elaboração e aplicação de uma ferramenta de avaliação de estruturas físicas, leiaute e materiais de construção utilizados em cozinhas industriais com impacto na segurança de alimentos

Perini, Fabiana Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para avaliar estruturas físicas, leiaute e materiais de construção de cozinhas industriais. Na primeira etapa do trabalho, diversas legislações sanitárias e documentos técnicos foram avaliados, a fim de identificar itens pertinentes à construção da ferramenta. Com base nisso, foram elaboradas 196 perguntas, divididas em 24 itens, as quais compuseram a ferramenta de avaliação de estruturas (check-list). O check-list foi encaminhado para especialistas da área de segurança de alimentos, para que estes verificassem a adequação das perguntas e conferissem pesos para cada uma delas, conforme a possibilidade na contaminação e o impacto na segurança dos alimentos. O peso 1 (um) foi atribuído aos itens da estrutura física das cozinhas, que poderiam causar impacto na segurança de alimentos, porém que dificilmente resultariam em contaminação dos alimentos ou causariam surtos alimentares, como, por exemplo, as áreas externas, portas externas e fechamento automático de portas de sanitários. O peso 2 (dois) foi atribuído às perguntas sobre a estrutura física da cozinha que poderiam causar contaminação indireta nos alimentos, exemplos: portas internas ajustadas aos pisos e batentes, caixas de gordura e de esgoto compatíveis ao volume de resíduos, entre outros. O peso 4 (quatro) foi atribuído às questões sobre a estrutura física das cozinhas que poderiam causar contaminação direta aos alimentos, como, por exemplo, estrutura dos telhados e tetos, áreas de produção com fluxo linear, entre outras Após a revisão do check-list, foram retiradas as perguntas que não foram consideradas pertinentes ao setor de alimentação e então foi calculado um peso médio para cada pergunta, tendo como base os pesos atribuídos por cada avaliador. A versão final do check-list resultou em 23 itens, compostos por 126 perguntas. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, foi realizada a utilização prática do check-list com o objetivo de testar a aplicação da ferramenta de avaliação e identificar os problemas mais frequentes na construção civil de cozinhas industriais. Para tanto, as cozinhas industriais existentes na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS (RMPA) foram consideradas e identificadas como o universo da pesquisa, possibilitando a visita a um número significativo de cozinhas industriais. O número de cozinhas identificado na RMPA foi de 248 unidades, das quais 52 foram visitadas. Para avaliar cada unidade visitada com relação à adequação sanitária de suas instalações, foi elaborado o Índice Sanitário de Edificações (ISE). O ISE é uma média harmônica ponderada dos itens aplicáveis, a qual leva em consideração os pesos conferidos a cada pergunta e se o item foi conforme ou não. As respostas do check-list foram analisadas no Microsoft Excel 2010 e a análise estatística foi realizada no programa IBM® SPSS® STATISTICS versão 18.0, adotando o nível de significância de 5% As principais não conformidades observadas foram infiltrações, goteiras, tubulações sem capacidade para vazão adequada, pias e sifões entupidos, pouca quantidade de ralos, caimento dos pisos, caixa de gordura, pouca luminosidade, ventilação e conforto térmico. Do total de unidades avaliadas, 1 (2%) apresentou índice de adequação excelente, 14 (27%) índice de adequação bom, 32 (61%) índice de adequação médio e 5 (10%) índice de adequação ruim. Além do índice de adequação ao check-list, foi calculado um índice de adequação aos itens requeridos por legislação. O volume de empresas que apresentaram índices entre os níveis de adequação excelente e bom aumentou quando comparado ao índice de adequação ao chek-list, passando para 4 (8%) com índice excelente, 27 (51%) com índice bom, 20 (39%) com índice médio e 1 (2%) com índice ruim. Os resultados indicam que as cozinhas industriais apresentaram inadequações em suas instalações, já que em sua maioria apresentaram índices medianos ou inferiores de adequação aos itens da legislação e ao ISE. Cozinhas com estas falhas nas instalações podem ter prejudicadas suas condições higiênico- sanitárias do processo, trazendo riscos potenciais para a produção de alimentos. Com a identificação dos problemas nas edificações e leiutes, pôde- se indicar soluções para contribuir na gestão de segurança dos alimentos em serviços de alimentação, prevenindo a contaminação de alimentos. / This study aimed to develop a tool to evaluate physical structures, layout and materials of industrial kitchens. In the first stage of the work, several sanitary legislations and technical documents were evaluated in order to identify items pertinent to the construction of the tool. Based on this, check-list tool were elaborated containing196 questions, divided into 24 items. The checklist was assessed to food safety experts to verify the appropriateness of the questions and to check weights for each one, depending on the possibility of contamination and impact on food safety. Weight 1 (one) was attributed to the items in the kitchen's physical structure, which could impact on food safety, but would hardly result in contamination of food or food outbreaks, such as external areas, external doors and automatic door closing of toilets. Weight 2 (two) was attributed to the questions about the physical structure of the kitchen that could cause indirect contamination in the food, some examples: internal doors adjusted to the floors and stops, fat and sewage boxes compatible with the volume of waste. Weight 4 (four) was attributed to questions about the physical structure of the kitchen that could cause direct contamination of food, such as the structure of roofs and ceilings, production areas with linear flow. After reviewing the checklist, the questions that were not considered pertinent to the food sector were removed, and then an average weight was calculated for each question, based on the weights assigned by each evaluator The final version of the checklist resulted in 23 items consisting of 126 questions. In the second stage of the work, the practical check-list was used, with the objective of testing the application of the evaluation tool and identifying the most frequent problems in the civil construction of industrial kitchens. To this end, the industrial kitchens in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre / RS (RMPA) were considered and identified as the research universe, allowing the visit of a significant number of industrial kitchens. The number of kitchens identified in the RMPA was 248 units, of which 52 were visited. To evaluate each unit visited in relation to the sanitary adequacy of its facilities, the Sanitary Building Index (ISE) was elaborated. The ISE is a weighted harmonic mean of the applicable items, which takes into account the weights given to each question and whether or not the item was compliant. The checklist responses were analyzed in Microsoft Excel 2010 and statistical analyzes were performed using the IBM® SPSS® STATISTICS version 18.0 program, adopting the 5% significance level. The main nonconformities observed were infiltrations, gutters, pipes with no adequate flow capacity, clogged sinks and siphons, few drains, floor trim, grease box, low luminosity, ventilation and thermal comfort Of the total number of units evaluated, 1 (2%) presented an excellent suitability index, 14 (27%) were adequately matched, 32 (61%) were adequately matched, and 5 were considered adequately matched. In addition to the index of adequacy to the checklist, an index of adequacy to the items required by legislation was calculated. The volume of companies that presented excellent and good levels of adequacy increased when compared to the index of adequacy to the former chek-list, passing to 4 (8%) with excellent index, 27 (51%) with good index, 20 (39 %) with average index and 1 (2%) with poor index. The results indicate that the industrial kitchens presented inadequacies in their facilities, since in their majority they presented medium or inferior indexes of adequacy to the items of the legislation and the ISE. Kitchens with these facility failures may have impaired their hygienic-sanitary conditions of the process, bringing potential risks to food production. With the identification of problems in buildings and law, it was possible to indicate solutions to contribute to the management of food safety in food services, preventing the contamination of food.

Mládeží uplatňovaná prevence vybraných alimentárních nákaz v regionu Milevsko / The Youth of selected infectious alimentary disease preventiv in the region Milevsko

VINKLEROVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Foodborne diseases form a large group of infectious diseases. These substantial diseases are occurring more in developing countries but they do not avoid developed countries. The originators of the disease are bacteria and their toxins, viruses, parasites and prions, whose source is an infected person or animal. The disease is passed on by contaminated soil, contaminated water and food, sometimes contaminated items. Greatest importance in the prevention of foodborne disease are nonspecific measures, protection of drinking water, safe food production, waste disposal, functional sewer system, rodenticides and insecticides measures and of course the principles of personal hygiene, certain standards of hygiene and health education of the population. Intestinal infections are preventable. The consumer can effectively protect by following the fundamental principles established by the World Health Organization. The aim of this study was to explore knowledge of foodborne disease prevention measures and compliance with these principles by adolescents in the Milevsko region. The theoretical part of the study summarizes the basic information about intestinal diseases and describes their effect on health from a variety of perspectives. The preventive measures which everyone should be aware of and apply them in everyday life to protect health are described in great detail. The paper summarizes the information about the process of spreading foodborne diseases and epidemiological measures focused on supply, routes of transmission and susceptible individuals. The theoretical part includes basic information about specific intestinal infections which are most significant for the population in the Czech Republic. Briefly described are treatment of these diseases and the most important legislative measures. In the research part quantitative research was applied by questionnaire. The research groups were students of higher secondary vocational schools and vocational schools in the region Milevsko. Three hypotheses were formulated. Statistical hypothesis testing was performed using the t test. The values of the achieved significance level are compared with a predetermined level of significance. The first hypothesis assumed that knowledge about prevention of intestinal diseases is higher among girls than boys. This statement has not been confirmed. Knowledge of the principles of prevention does not differ according to the criteria of gender. Two further hypotheses assumed that the observance of hygienic measures in the prevention of foodborne disease is higher among girls than among boys and higher for high-school graduates than apprentices. These hypotheses are valid. Precautionary principles are indeed respected more by girls than boys and high-school graduates than apprentices. The carried out research shows that adolescents in the region Milevsko have a good knowledge of foodborne infections and do known also essential preventive measures. However, knowledge of these rules does not mean they are applied in practice. The results showed that some rules, such as washing fruits and vegetables before eating, adequate boiling or roasting of food, especially hand hygiene before eating food or after contact with an animal are observed by a smaller percentage of respondents than that reported knowledge of these principles. A positive finding is that respondents comply with certain rules, without being aware of them, such as the principle of proper preservation of precooked food. Foodborne diseases are diseases which can be prevented in compliance with precautionary principles. Especially in the Czech Republic, where nonspecific principles are at a high level. It is up to each user/consumer how consistent these principles will be. Respecting preventive measures is a prerequisite for reducing the incidence of foodborne disease in the population.

Elaboração e aplicação de uma ferramenta de avaliação de estruturas físicas, leiaute e materiais de construção utilizados em cozinhas industriais com impacto na segurança de alimentos

Perini, Fabiana Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para avaliar estruturas físicas, leiaute e materiais de construção de cozinhas industriais. Na primeira etapa do trabalho, diversas legislações sanitárias e documentos técnicos foram avaliados, a fim de identificar itens pertinentes à construção da ferramenta. Com base nisso, foram elaboradas 196 perguntas, divididas em 24 itens, as quais compuseram a ferramenta de avaliação de estruturas (check-list). O check-list foi encaminhado para especialistas da área de segurança de alimentos, para que estes verificassem a adequação das perguntas e conferissem pesos para cada uma delas, conforme a possibilidade na contaminação e o impacto na segurança dos alimentos. O peso 1 (um) foi atribuído aos itens da estrutura física das cozinhas, que poderiam causar impacto na segurança de alimentos, porém que dificilmente resultariam em contaminação dos alimentos ou causariam surtos alimentares, como, por exemplo, as áreas externas, portas externas e fechamento automático de portas de sanitários. O peso 2 (dois) foi atribuído às perguntas sobre a estrutura física da cozinha que poderiam causar contaminação indireta nos alimentos, exemplos: portas internas ajustadas aos pisos e batentes, caixas de gordura e de esgoto compatíveis ao volume de resíduos, entre outros. O peso 4 (quatro) foi atribuído às questões sobre a estrutura física das cozinhas que poderiam causar contaminação direta aos alimentos, como, por exemplo, estrutura dos telhados e tetos, áreas de produção com fluxo linear, entre outras Após a revisão do check-list, foram retiradas as perguntas que não foram consideradas pertinentes ao setor de alimentação e então foi calculado um peso médio para cada pergunta, tendo como base os pesos atribuídos por cada avaliador. A versão final do check-list resultou em 23 itens, compostos por 126 perguntas. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, foi realizada a utilização prática do check-list com o objetivo de testar a aplicação da ferramenta de avaliação e identificar os problemas mais frequentes na construção civil de cozinhas industriais. Para tanto, as cozinhas industriais existentes na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre/RS (RMPA) foram consideradas e identificadas como o universo da pesquisa, possibilitando a visita a um número significativo de cozinhas industriais. O número de cozinhas identificado na RMPA foi de 248 unidades, das quais 52 foram visitadas. Para avaliar cada unidade visitada com relação à adequação sanitária de suas instalações, foi elaborado o Índice Sanitário de Edificações (ISE). O ISE é uma média harmônica ponderada dos itens aplicáveis, a qual leva em consideração os pesos conferidos a cada pergunta e se o item foi conforme ou não. As respostas do check-list foram analisadas no Microsoft Excel 2010 e a análise estatística foi realizada no programa IBM® SPSS® STATISTICS versão 18.0, adotando o nível de significância de 5% As principais não conformidades observadas foram infiltrações, goteiras, tubulações sem capacidade para vazão adequada, pias e sifões entupidos, pouca quantidade de ralos, caimento dos pisos, caixa de gordura, pouca luminosidade, ventilação e conforto térmico. Do total de unidades avaliadas, 1 (2%) apresentou índice de adequação excelente, 14 (27%) índice de adequação bom, 32 (61%) índice de adequação médio e 5 (10%) índice de adequação ruim. Além do índice de adequação ao check-list, foi calculado um índice de adequação aos itens requeridos por legislação. O volume de empresas que apresentaram índices entre os níveis de adequação excelente e bom aumentou quando comparado ao índice de adequação ao chek-list, passando para 4 (8%) com índice excelente, 27 (51%) com índice bom, 20 (39%) com índice médio e 1 (2%) com índice ruim. Os resultados indicam que as cozinhas industriais apresentaram inadequações em suas instalações, já que em sua maioria apresentaram índices medianos ou inferiores de adequação aos itens da legislação e ao ISE. Cozinhas com estas falhas nas instalações podem ter prejudicadas suas condições higiênico- sanitárias do processo, trazendo riscos potenciais para a produção de alimentos. Com a identificação dos problemas nas edificações e leiutes, pôde- se indicar soluções para contribuir na gestão de segurança dos alimentos em serviços de alimentação, prevenindo a contaminação de alimentos. / This study aimed to develop a tool to evaluate physical structures, layout and materials of industrial kitchens. In the first stage of the work, several sanitary legislations and technical documents were evaluated in order to identify items pertinent to the construction of the tool. Based on this, check-list tool were elaborated containing196 questions, divided into 24 items. The checklist was assessed to food safety experts to verify the appropriateness of the questions and to check weights for each one, depending on the possibility of contamination and impact on food safety. Weight 1 (one) was attributed to the items in the kitchen's physical structure, which could impact on food safety, but would hardly result in contamination of food or food outbreaks, such as external areas, external doors and automatic door closing of toilets. Weight 2 (two) was attributed to the questions about the physical structure of the kitchen that could cause indirect contamination in the food, some examples: internal doors adjusted to the floors and stops, fat and sewage boxes compatible with the volume of waste. Weight 4 (four) was attributed to questions about the physical structure of the kitchen that could cause direct contamination of food, such as the structure of roofs and ceilings, production areas with linear flow. After reviewing the checklist, the questions that were not considered pertinent to the food sector were removed, and then an average weight was calculated for each question, based on the weights assigned by each evaluator The final version of the checklist resulted in 23 items consisting of 126 questions. In the second stage of the work, the practical check-list was used, with the objective of testing the application of the evaluation tool and identifying the most frequent problems in the civil construction of industrial kitchens. To this end, the industrial kitchens in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre / RS (RMPA) were considered and identified as the research universe, allowing the visit of a significant number of industrial kitchens. The number of kitchens identified in the RMPA was 248 units, of which 52 were visited. To evaluate each unit visited in relation to the sanitary adequacy of its facilities, the Sanitary Building Index (ISE) was elaborated. The ISE is a weighted harmonic mean of the applicable items, which takes into account the weights given to each question and whether or not the item was compliant. The checklist responses were analyzed in Microsoft Excel 2010 and statistical analyzes were performed using the IBM® SPSS® STATISTICS version 18.0 program, adopting the 5% significance level. The main nonconformities observed were infiltrations, gutters, pipes with no adequate flow capacity, clogged sinks and siphons, few drains, floor trim, grease box, low luminosity, ventilation and thermal comfort Of the total number of units evaluated, 1 (2%) presented an excellent suitability index, 14 (27%) were adequately matched, 32 (61%) were adequately matched, and 5 were considered adequately matched. In addition to the index of adequacy to the checklist, an index of adequacy to the items required by legislation was calculated. The volume of companies that presented excellent and good levels of adequacy increased when compared to the index of adequacy to the former chek-list, passing to 4 (8%) with excellent index, 27 (51%) with good index, 20 (39 %) with average index and 1 (2%) with poor index. The results indicate that the industrial kitchens presented inadequacies in their facilities, since in their majority they presented medium or inferior indexes of adequacy to the items of the legislation and the ISE. Kitchens with these facility failures may have impaired their hygienic-sanitary conditions of the process, bringing potential risks to food production. With the identification of problems in buildings and law, it was possible to indicate solutions to contribute to the management of food safety in food services, preventing the contamination of food.

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