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Unwilling allies? : Tommy-Poilu relations on the Western Front 1914-1918Kempshall, Chris January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationships and interactions between British and French soldiers on the Western Front of the First World War. To date the historical approaches to inter-allied relations has been predominantly focused on those interactions taking place at governmental or command levels. Whilst previous studies have touched on the relations between common soldiers, this has often been within specific case studies. I have drawn particularly on the contemporary diaries, letters and written records of British soldiers within the Imperial War Museum and also the postal censorship records of the French army at the Archives de l'armee de terre in order to trace the nature and evolution of these relations across the war. My study covers the time-period of 1914-1918 and focuses on periods of sustained contact in 1914, 1916 and 1918. This focus shows that the arrival of Kitchener's New Armies in 1915-16 was a crucial development in forming strong relations between British and French soldiers. British military command took little interest and made no substantial plans for ensuring friendly relations between soldiers of the two armies and, as a result, these early interactions were largely self-directed by the soldiers. They were also driven by the apparent insecurities of the British volunteer soldiers who viewed themselves as being less accomplished than their French fellows, who were largely well-disposed to welcoming and teaching the new British arrivals in order to achieve swift victory. I argue that, although serendipitous in nature, this uneven starting point allowed relations between British and French armies to evolve positively whilst allowing both sides to maintain a sense of their own national identity without having to overly sacrifice their own ideals. However, the French desire for a decisive victory and a professional response in the trenches led to a rupture in Tommy-Poilu relations following the British failures in 1918. This changed the dynamic between the two nations in the build up to, and aftermath of, the armistice and provided a prelude to the difficult inter-war relationships at governmental levels.
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Desenvolvimento de método de recuperação de 131I no processo de produção de 99Mo pela fissão de 235U / Development of a recovery method of 131I in the 99Mo process through the fission of 235UAline Moraes Teixeira Bignardi 24 June 2013 (has links)
O 131I é um radioisótopo de iodo amplamente utilizado em medicina nuclear, pode ser utilizado tanto para diagnóstico quanto para tratamento devido às suas características físicas de decaimento - e sua elevada emissão de raios-y. Sua produção no IPEN é realizada utilizando um reator nuclear a partir da reação indireta: 130Te (n,y) 131mTe 131Te 131I, onde são irradiados alvos contendo Te. Pode também ser produzido via produto de fissão de 235U, onde, o 235U irradiado produz cerca de 300 elementos diferentes, entre eles o 131I. O 131I produzido nesse método apresenta altas atividade específica e concentração radioativa, o que facilita a produção de compostos marcados com o radionuclídeo. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um método de recuperação de 131I no processo de produção de 99Mo pela rota de dissolução ácida de alvos de 235U, com a qualidade necessária para ser utilizado em Medicina Nuclear. O 131I encontra-se em 2 fases no processo, tanto na fase gasosa produzida na dissolução ácida dos alvos de U metálico e a menor parte em solução. Foram utilizados diversos materiais para captura e recuperação de 131I nas 2 fases do processo, a fase gasosa e a solução de dissolução dos alvos de U. Foram testadas colunas de alumina com Cu, alumina ácida com Cu, nanoesferas de Ag, cartuchos aniônicos, resina aniônica, colunas de carvão ativado, microesferas de Ag e microesferas de Cu. Soluções contendo 131I em NaOH 0,1 mol.L-1 foram percoladas pelos materiais e os eluídos foram analisados em calibrador de dose. Foi também estudada a precipitação de AgI e dissolução desse precipitado em NH4OH 0,1 mol L-1 e Na2S2O3 5%. Dentre os testes realizados, a princípio, os resultados de recuperação variaram de acordo com o material, o carvão ativado apresentou rendimento de recuperação entre 42% a 83%. Já o rendimento de recuperação da coluna de alumina com Cu variou de 20% a 85%. Os testes com nanoesferas de Ag apresentaram rendimento de recuperação de 26% utilizando NaOH 0,1 mol L-1 e 72% utilizando Na2S2O3 como eluentes. Testes com cartuchos aniônicos apresentaram os melhores resultados com uma porcentagem de recuperação de 81 a 90%. Testes utilizando 131I na sua forma gasosa apresentaram uma retenção de 66,45% e não foram realizados testes para recuperação do 131I retido. Nos testes utilizando precipitação de AgI a porcentagem de retenção de 131I foi de 100%. É possível concluir que os cartuchos aniônicos e a precipitação de AgI foram as melhores opções para a retenção de 131I, e as colunas de alumina com Cu tem um grande potencial para eluição do radionuclídeo 131I na forma química adequada. / 131I is an iodine radioisotope widely used in nuclear medicine that can be used either for diagnostic or for treatment due to its physical decay by - and its high emission of -rays. It is produced at IPEN using the indirect reaction: 130Te(n,)131mTe 131Te 131I where TeO2 targets are irradiated in a Nuclear Reactor. There is also the possibility of producing 131I by the fission of 235U, where about 300 different elements are produced together with 131I. The 131I produced through this method presents high specific activity and radioactive concentration suitable for the labeling of molecules. The aim of this work was to develop a recovery method of 131I with the required quality to be used in Nuclear Medicine in the 99Mo production process through the route of acid dissolution of metallic 235U targets. 131I can appear in two phases of the process, both in the gaseous phase produced during the dissolution of metallic U targets and in the dissolution solution. This work studied the recovery of 131I in these two phases. Several materials were used for the capture and recovery of 131I at the two phases of the process, the gaseous one and the solution of dissolution of U targets. Columns of alumina with Cu, acid alumina with Cu, Ag microspheres, Cu microspheres, Ag nanospheres, anionic cartridges, Ag cartridges, anion exchange resin and activated charcoal columns were tested. Solutions containing 131I in 0.1 mol.L-1 NaOH were percolated through the materials and the eluted solutions were analyzed in a dose calibrator. The precipitation of AgI was also studied wth further dissolution of this precipitate with 0.1 mol L-1 NH4OH and 5% Na2S2O3. The recovery results varied according to the material, activated charcoal showed recovery yields between 42% and 83% but the recovery yield of the alumina column with Cu ranged from 20% to 85%. Tests with Ag nanospheres showed recovery yield of 26% using 0.1 mol L-1NaOH and 72% for Na2S2O3. Tests with anionic cartridges showed the best results with a recovery percentage ranging between 81 to 90%. Tests using 131I in the gaseous phase presented retention of 66.45% and its elution was not studied. The experiments with the AgI precipitation showed total retention of 131I. It can be concluded that the anionic cartridges and the precipitation of AgI have higher affinity for the retention of 131I, and alumina columns with Cu have great potential for its elution in a suitable chemical form.
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Efeitos da terapia de reposição enzimática com início tardio no modelo miurino de mucopolissacaridose do tipo IPasqualim, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
A Mucopolissacaridose do tipo I (MPS I) é uma doença autossômica recessiva causada pela deficiência da hidrolase lisossomal α-L-iduronidase (IDUA, EC Essa deficiência leva ao acúmulo progressivo dos glicosaminoglicanos (GAGs) heparan e dermatan sulfato nos tecidos com subsequente alteração da função celular e dano em múltiplos órgãos. Existem evidências na literatura de que a introdução precoce da Terapia de Reposição Enzimática (TRE) leva a um melhor prognóstico, principalmente para pacientes com a forma grave da doença (Síndrome de Hurler), prevenindo ou minimizando danos irreversíveis. Tendo em vista que a maioria dos pacientes brasileiros com MPS I é diagnosticada tardiamente e não recebe tratamento imediato, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da TRE na reversibilidade dos sintomas no modelo murino de MPS I. Animais com MPS I foram tratados dos 6 aos 8 meses com laronidase na dose de 1,2mg/kg a cada duas semanas e comparados com camundongos normais e MPS I não tratados de 8 meses. A TRE tardia foi efetiva na redução de GAGs urinários e viscerais. Apesar da normalização dos GAGs do miocárdio e da fração de encurtamento ventricular esquerda, a função cardíaca não foi completamente restaurada. A fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda e a razão entre aceleração e ejeção na artéria pulmonar dos camundongos tratados atingiram apenas níveis intermediários entre camundongos normais e não tratados. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas na espessura da parede da aorta, mas as válvulas cardíacas foram significativamente reduzidas no grupo tratado. Uma grande variabilidade nos resultados dos testes comportamentais foi encontrada nos animais tratados. Esse achado não pode ser correlacionado com nenhuma outra variável como níveis de GAGs ou atividade de catepsina D no córtex cerebral, além da função cardíaca ou formação de anticorpos. Todos os animais que receberam laronidase desenvolveram anticorpos contra a enzima, sem que os níveis de anticorpos apresentassem correlação com os outros parâmetros analisados. Em conclusão, a administração da TRE tardia melhora diversos aspectos da doença e deve ser considerada sempre que possível. / Mucopolysaccharidosys type I (MPS I) is a rare disorder caused by deficiency of the lysosomal hydrolase α-L-iduronidase (IDUA, EC This deficiency leads to progressive storage of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) heparan and dermatan sulphate, with subsequent disturbances in cell function and multiorgan damage. There is a consensus in the literature that early Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT) leads to a better outcome, particularly in patients with the severe form of the disease (Hurler syndrome), preventing or minimizing irreversible damage. Since most Brazilian patients are diagnosed late and don’t receive immediate treatment, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of late ERT on symptom reversibility in a MPS I murine model. We treated 10 MPS I mice from 6 to 8 months (ERT 6-8mo) with 1.2mg laronidase/kg every 2 weeks and compared to 8 months-old wild-type (Normal) and untreated animals (MPS I). Late ERT was effective reducing urinary and visceral GAGs to normal levels. Although myocardium GAGs and left ventricular (LV) shortening fraction were normalized, cardiac function wasn’t completely restored. LV ejection fraction and acceleration/ejection ratio at the pulmonary valve reached intermediary levels between normal and untreated MPS I mice. While no significant results were found on aortic wall width, heart valves were significantly smaller in the ERT 6-8mo than in untreated mice. A wide variability was found on the behavior tests of treated animals. No correlation was found between this finding and any other variable, such as GAG levels, cerebral cortex cathepsin D activity, heart function or antibody formation. All animals treated with laronidase developed antibodies against the enzyme but no correlation was found with other parameters analyzed. In conclusion, late ERT improves many aspects of the disease and should be considered whenever possible.
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Anticorpos anti-DNase I: nova reatividade sorológica na síndrome de Sjogren primária / Anti-DNase I antibody: new serological reactivity in primary Sjögren\'s syndromeGriffo, Priscilla 12 November 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de Sjögren primária (SSp) é uma doença autoimune inflamatória crônica que afeta principalmente as glândulas exócrinas, levando aos sintomas de síndrome sicca. O olho seco é uma das características mais importantes dessa síndrome e um estudo recente relatou redução da atividade da DNase I em lágrimas de pacientes com olho seco de várias etiologias. Portanto, postulamos que pacientes com SSp possam ter anticorpos direcionados à DNase I. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos em um estudo de corte transversal 85 pacientes com SSp (conforme os critérios de classificação do American European Consensus Group Criteria, 2002), 50 pacientes com artrite reumatoide (AR) (American College of Rheumatology Criteria/ 1987) sem sintomas de síndrome sicca e 88 voluntários saudáveis. A reatividade IgG anti-DNase I foi detectada por ELISA utilizando a enzima de pâncreas bovino como antígeno e confirmada por Imunoblotting. RESULTADOS: A idade e sexo foram comparáveis nos três grupos (p > 0,05). A anti-DNase I foi detectada em 43,5% dos pacientes com SSp, conforme determinado por ELISA. Em contraste, essa reatividade estava ausente em todos os pacientes com AR (p= 0,0001). Comparações adicionais dos pacientes com SSp com (n= 37) e sem (n= 48) anti-DNase I revelaram que o primeiro grupo tinha níveis séricos de IgG mais altos (2293,2 ± 666,2 vs. 1483,9 ± 384,6 mg/dL, p= 0,0001) e uma frequência maior de leucopenia não induzida por drogas (43% vs. 19%, p= 0,02). A análise de regressão logística multivariada mostrou que apenas os níveis de IgG foram independentemente associados com o anti-DNase I. CONCLUSÃO: Descrevemos uma alta frequência de anticorpos anti-DNase I em pacientes com SSp associados a níveis séricos de IgG mais elevados. A falta dessa reatividade em pacientes com AR sem sintomas de sicca sugere que esse anticorpo pode ser útil no diagnóstico diferencial dessas doenças / INTRODUCTION: Primary Sjögren\'s syndrome (pSS) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that mainly affects exocrine glands. Dry eye is one of the most important features of this syndrome and a recent study reported reduced DNase I activity in tears of patients with dry eye of various etiologies. We therefore postulated that patients with pSS may have antibodies targeting DNase I. METHODS: We have evaluated in a cross-sectional study 85 pSS patients (American European Consensus Group Criteria/ 2002), 50 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients (American College of Rheumatology Criteria/ 1987) without sicca symptoms and 88 healthy volunteers. The IgG anti-DNase I reactivity was detected by ELISA using bovine pancreas enzyme as antigen and confirmed by Immunoblotting. RESULTS: Age/ gender were comparable in the three groups (p > 0.05). Anti-DNase I was detected in 43.5% of the pSS patients as determined by ELISA. In contrast, this reactivity was absent in all RA patients (p= 0.0001). Further comparison of pSS patients with (n= 37) and without (n= 48) anti-DNase I revealed that the former group had higher IgG serum levels (2293.2 ± 666.2 vs. 1483.9 ± 384.6 mg/dL, p= 0.0001) and a higher frequency of non-drug induced leukopenia (43% vs. 19%, p= 0.02). A multivariate logistic regression analysis identified that only IgG levels were independently associated with anti-DNase I. CONCLUSION: We describe a high frequency of anti-DNase I antibodies in pSS patients associated with higher serum IgG levels. The lack of this reactivity in RA patients without sicca symptoms suggests that this antibody may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of these diseases
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Computer modeling of the application of mechanical forces to biomolecules / Modélisation numérique de l'application de forces mécaniques aux biomoléculesSingh, Raghvendra Pratap 27 November 2013 (has links)
Dans les derniers 20 ans, les expériences de traction sur molécule unique par l’action d’une force mécanique ont donné plein d’informations autour des propriétés mécaniques des biomolécules, des modifications structurelles induites par des contraintes mécaniques, ainsi qu’éclaircir les mécanismes d’adhésion et décohésion des paires ligand-recepteur. Suivant cette analyse microscopique, outre que révéler des propriétés biologiques intéressantes, plusieurs de ces systèmes ont montré une nouvelle face, celle de nouveaux matériaux aux propriétés parfois uniques, et ont notamment induit des spéculations sur leur possibles utilisations dans des dispositif de nanotechnologie. Dans cette thèse, par le biais de simulations de dynamique moléculaire, notamment avec les méthodes dites “steered molecular dynamics” et “umbrella sampling”, nous avons réalisé des études concernant : (a) la caractérisation structurelle et mécanique de fragments d’ADN atypiques, comme le tétramère dénommé i-motif, ainsi que (b) la reconstruction des profils d’énergie libre de la liaison et dissociation entre des paires bromodomaine – queues d’histone acétylés (H3 et H4). Nous avons ainsi étudié la structure moléculaire de ces nanostructures particulières d’ADN, formées par l’intercalation de quatre brins d’ADN en un tétramère, et nous en avons déterminé pour la première fois les propriétés mécaniques de base : module de Young, module de flexion, longueur de persistance, et résistance mécanique. Dans la dernière partie du travail, nous avons étudié la manière d’appliquer ces mêmes méthodes à l’étude de paires ligand-recepteur dans le processus de transcription de l’ADN. Nous avons montré que les expériences simulées de traction, dans lesquelles la paire ligand-recepteur est séparée de manière contrôlée par une force mécanique aux extrémités, peuvent donner des informations sur l’hypersurface d’énergie libre. Nous avons essayé, avec un partiel succès, l’application au cas de l’interaction entre bromodomaines et queues d’histones, dans des conditions comparables aux expériences. / In the past 20 years, single-molecule pulling experiments of biomolecules under mechanical forces provided a wealth of information about the mechanical properties of such molecules, and the structural changes that may happen under stress in mechanical proteins, as well as shedding light upon many receptor-ligand binding and unbinding mechanism. Upon such microscopic analysis, besides revealing interesting biological properties, many such systems appeared as unique novel materials, and suggested routes to include such materials in nanotechnology assembly processes. This thesis reports on our studies of the structural and mechanical characterization of DNA i-motif and free-energy based profiling of bromodomain and acetylated histone tails (H3 and H4) binding and dissociation, by using molecular dynamics simulations, and in particular steered “molecular dynamics” and “umbrella sampling” methods. We studied the molecular structure of a peculiar class of DNA-based nanostructures, the i-motif, resulting from the intercalation of four DNA strands into a tetramer, and obtained for the first time its basic mechanical properties: Young’s modulus, bending modulus, persistence length and mechanical toughness. In a final part of the work, we also studied the applicability of the same computational methods to ligand-binding interactions in DNA trasncription. We showed that simulated pulling experiments on ligand-binding pairs, in which the pair is taken apart in a controlled way, can give informations about its free-energy landscape. We attempted, with mixed success, the application to the case of bromodomain-histone tail interactions under conditions comparable to the experiments.
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Förebyggande brandskyddGeorgeborn, Viktor, Ullrich, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
<p>The number of residential fires has not declined sufficiently since the smoke alarm entranced the Swedish homes, fires lead to devastating consequences in which possessions, homes and worst of all human lives are at stake. Every year, about 80 people get killed and more than 500 get´s injured in residential fires, often due to lack of safety equipment. The number of fires caused by electrical appliances has risen and taken over a period of ten years the fire caused by a forgotten stove has increased by 70 percent. Preventing the risk that a fire would start on the stove would saves money, worry and most importantly, lives.</p>
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Förebyggande BrandskyddUllrich, Åsa, Georgeborn, Viktor January 2009 (has links)
<p>The number of residential fires has not declined sufficiently since the smoke alarm entranced the Swedish homes, fires lead to devastating consequences in which possessions, homes and worst of all human lives are at stake. Every year, about 80 people get killed and more than 500 get´s injured in residential fires, often due to lack of safety equipment. The number of fires caused by electrical appliances has risen and taken over a period of ten years the fire caused by a forgotten stove has increased by 70 percent. Preventing the risk that a fire would start on the stove would saves money, worry and most importantly, lives.</p>
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Matematik i förskolan - möjligheter och svårigheter : En undersökning om tankar och attityder hos förskolans personalCarlsson, Tina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på vilka möjligheter och svårigheter personalen på förskolor ser med att synliggöra matematiken i den dagliga verksamheten. Frågeställningar utgår från detta och även en frågeställning om hur kompetensutveckling påverkar personalens sätt att se dessa möjligheter och svårigheter. En sammanfattning gjordes av de ifyllda enkäterna med tabeller och diagram. Dessa sammanställdes sedan till resultatet. På frågorna med längre svarsalternativ kategoriserades svaren för att kunna göra tabeller av dem. Med hjälp av dessa kategoriseringar kunde enkäterna sedan grupperas efter svaren, där en grupp stod för de avdelningarna som planerar matematiska aktiviteter och prioriterar synliggörandet av matematiska begrepp, en annan grupp för de som prioriterar annat än matematiken och som, som mest är medvetna om vardagsmatematiken. Den tredje gruppen är de som inte alltid planerar så mycket matematikaktiviteter men får in matematiken främst genom att synliggöra den i vardagssituationer. De tre enkäter som tydligast motsvarade en av varje grupp valdes ut till intervjuerna. Hela intervjuerna spelades in på band och sedan skrevs det väsentliga ner på papper för en kategorisering. Eftersom frågorna i intervjuerna var tagna från enkäterna så passade denna kategorisering in i sammanställningen av enkäterna och vävdes in där. Undersökningens resultat visar att personal i förskolan ser stora möjligheter med att synliggöra matematiken, framförallt i vardagssituationer som måltider, lek och samlingar men ett flertal nämner också planerad verksamhet som möjlig. De flesta avdelningarna förklarade att de inte såg några svårigheter med att synliggöra matematik i vardagen, och främsta anledningen till det förklarade de med att matematik finns överallt. De som såg någon svårighet nämnde tiden, både planeringstid och annan tid samt stora barngrupper och personalbrist. Kompetensutveckling påverkar användningen av matematik på många avdelningar mycket genom att ge tips och idéer, kunskap och även inspiration att ta fram eget material.</p>
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Film i skolundervisningen : Ett didaktiskt material för gymnasietSjödin, Maja January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Ny i klassen : en studie av hur elever med annat modersmål än svenska samspelar med lärare och andra eleverBarake, Manal, Hognert, Jenny-Anne January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Vår studie utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet vilket säger att barn lär sig handlingsmönster, begreppssystem, språk och värderingar i samspel med andra. Samspelet med omvärlden spelar stor roll för individens utveckling och inlärning. I ett sociokulturellt perspektiv sker lärandet genom interaktion och socialt samspel. Inbyggt i oss finns en social drift och därför är vi utrustade med en språk- och kommunikationsförmåga. Vi behöver kommunicera med varandra för att göra oss förstådda liksom för att förstå andra. Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att belysa hur nya elever med ett annat modersmål än svenska som kommer nya från förberedelseklass till ordinarie klass, samspelar med lärare och andra elever i teoretiska respektive praktiska ämnen, samt vad samspelet har för innehåll och med vilka samspelet sker. Metod: Vi har gjort en kvalitativ undersökning i form av en fallstudie där vi använt oss av observation. Vi har observerat tre nya elever med ett annat modersmål än svenska i två olika klasser. Under observationens gång har vi använt oss av ett kategorischema. Resultat: Genom vår analys har vi funnit ett mönster i de teoretiska kontra de praktiska ämnena. Detta mönster visar att samspelet mellan elev-lärare och elev-elev är mer öppet och naturligt i de praktiska ämnena än i de teoretiska ämnena. Det öppna klimatet under de praktiska lektionerna inbjuder till ett naturligt samspel eleverna och elev-lärare emellan, vilket handlar mycket om allmänna ting och händelser. Klimatet, som ofta är lärarövervakat och lugnt och tyst under de teoretiska lektionerna påverkar samspelet, som då utformas i första hand från det aktuella ämnet och med bänkkamraterna</p>
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