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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institucionální analýza a aplikace přístupu komunitního vlastnictví na příkladu Máchova jezera / Institutional Analysis and Application of Community Property Approach on Macha Lake

Bezuchová, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Water eutrophication is a major problem of pollution of water resources, which is caused by excessive nutrient inputs to the water. This study deals with the organization of institutions around the water source as possible cause of the decreasing status of water quality. The method of institutional analysis IAD framework examines the control, disposition and execution of the actors' rights in the Macha Lake in regard to the possible application of community ownership approach. The applied method shows that the administration of the Macha Lake is fragmented into many stages, where each individual has limited powers that are in the approval process depending on other actors. However, here we encounter a major moral attitude of the local community. Further analysis finds that any made efforts to improve the quality of the water are only focused in the treatment of the water of the lake and not in the correction and 6 more regulation of his sources. The cause of the eutrophication and subsequent steps must be performed at the level of the entire watershed, not just locally.

Eine Theorie der Modern Commons: Vernetzte Infrastrukturentwicklung für nachhaltige Mobilität: Struktur-funktionale Systemanalyse zur Rolle und Transformation von Infrastrukturnetzen

Hofmann, Klaus Markus 13 August 2019 (has links)
Abstract Bei der Gestaltung von Infrastruktursystemen kommt es immer wieder zu Interessenkonflikten der Akteure, für die keine Lösungsmechanismen zur Verfügung stehen. Daher besteht ein Bedarf an einem Instrumentarium, mit dem Interessen- und Zielkonflikte frühzeitig erkannt und verhandelt werden können. Zur Entwicklung eines solchen Rah-mens bieten sich die flexiblen Prinzipien der Commons Governance an. Am Gegen-stand der mehrstufigen Infrastrukturnetze für Verkehr, Energie und Telekommunikation überträgt diese Arbeit die Erkenntnisse der Commons-Forschung für sozial-ökologische Systeme (SES) auf Infrastruktursysteme (STS). Aufgrund struktur-funktionaler Paralle-len zwischen Commons und emergenten Infrastruktursystemen werden Letztere hier als Modern Commons konzeptualisiert. Dazu wurden die Bauprinzipien der Commons und das IAD-Framework (Ostrom 1990) für die polyzentrischen Prozesse der Infra-strukturentwicklung adaptiert. Auf Basis des AGIL-Schemas (Parsons 1961) wurden die infrakulturellen Rahmenbedingungen und Einflussfaktoren untersucht, um die Allokationsprinzipien, Legitimationsmechanismen und Systemwirkungen von Infrastrukturent-wicklung hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkung auf Nachhaltigkeit zu analysieren. Da in der Gestaltung von Infrastruktursystemen als kollektiv genutzte Kultur- und Wirt-schaftsgüter Ziele und Wertvorstellungen der Gesellschaft die Rollen von Staat, Wirt-schaft und Zivilgesellschaft prägen und für Entscheidungen über räumliche und öko-nomische Wertallokation handlungsleitend sind, wurde ein Designmodell für einen Governance-Prozess und ein infrakultureller Analyse- und Entwicklungsrahmen (IDF) entworfen, der die Entscheidungsfindung zur Transformation von Modern Commons unterstützt, was am Beispiel nachhaltiger Mobilität demonstriert wird. In eine ganzheitliche Analyse von Modern-Commons-Systemen sind die natürliche, technische, soziale, institutionelle und mentale Dimension von Infrastruktur sowie deren Wechselwirkungen einzubeziehen. Für mehrstufige Infrastruktursysteme lassen sich funktional die physische Plattform, die Programme und die Anwendungen als eigen-ständige Wertschöpfungsebenen unterscheiden, für deren Gestaltung und Betrieb ne-ben zentralen Systemanforderungen auch dezentrale Spezifika zu berücksichtigen sind. Prioritäten und Effekte können aus Akteurs-, System- und Nachhaltigkeitsperspektive im Infrastruktur-Lebenszyklus unterschiedlich bewertet werden. Der IDF empfiehlt ein iteratives Vorgehen und Kriterien, die dazu geeignet sind, Interessenkonflikte aufzuzei-gen und Beitrags- und Aneignungsdilemmata aufzulösen, und zwar insbesondere dort, wo Märkte eine nachhaltige Entwicklung von Infrastruktursystemen nicht gewährleisten können.:I. Abbildungsverzeichnis 9 II. Tabellenverzeichnis 10 1 Einleitung und Übersicht 11 1.1 Hintergrund und Bedeutung 11 1.2 Ziele und Forschungsfragen 13 1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit 17 1.4 Definitionen und Themenabgrenzung 19 1.5 Methodik und Vorgehen 27 1.6 Stand der Forschung 30 2 Commons als soziale Infrastruktursysteme 41 2.1 Ursprung, Bedeutung und Relevanz von Commons 41 2.2 Prinzipien und Merkmale von Commons-Systemen 46 2.3 Modern Commons – eine Definition und Abgrenzung 56 2.4 Physische Infrastruktur als multifunktionales Ressourcensystem 71 2.5 SES-Commons im Vergleich mit technischen Infrastruktursystemen 91 2.6 Fazit: Commons-Funktionen und Dilemmata technischer Infrastrukturen 103 3 Infrastruktur: Fundament der modernen Gesellschaft 107 3.1 Nutzen und Kosten von Infrastruktursystemen 107 3.2 Infrastruktur-Systeme und ihre Wertschöpfungsebenen 119 3.3 Epochen der infrakulturellen Ko-Evolution 143 3.4 Rollenwandel überregionaler Infrastruktursysteme 163 3.5 Infrastruktur-Entwicklung und ihre Dilemmata nach Smith 173 3.6 Grundlagen für eine Theorie der Modern Commons 199 3.7 Fazit: Dynamik von Infrastruktursystemen im kulturellen Kontext 204 4 Analyse- und Entwicklungsrahmen für Modern-Commons-Systeme 206 4.1 Designmodell einer ganzheitlichen Systemperspektive 211 4.2 Akteursperspektive in der Infrastruktur-Entwicklung 227 4.3 Kriterien für Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel Mobilitätssektor 238 4.4 Governance für eine nachhaltige Infrakultur 251 4.5 Förderung nachhaltiger Mobilitätskultur mittels IDF 264 4.6 Fazit: Leitplanken für eine nachhaltige Infrakultur 270 5 Zusammenfassung und Implikationen 273 5.1 Kernaussagen und Ausblick 273 5.2 Implikationen für eine nachhaltige Transformation im Verkehrssektor 278 5.3 Forschungsbedarf zu nachhaltiger Infrakultur 280 5.4 Kritische Reflexion 282 Literaturverzeichnis 284 Anhang I Symposien und Vorträge im Kontext dieser Arbeit (Auszug) 318 Anhang II Abkürzungsverzeichnis 319 / Abstract In the design of infrastructure systems, conflicts of interest arise frequently, for which actors lack effective solution mechanisms. Therefore, a toolset with which conflicts of goals and interest can be identified and negotiated at an early stage is required. To develop such a framework, the flexible principles of Commons Governance according to Ostrom proved appropriate. On the research subject of multilevel infrastructure net-works for transport, energy and telecommunications, this dissertation transfers findings of the commons research for socio-ecological systems (SES) to socio-technical infra-structure systems (STS). Due to structural-functional parallels between commons and emergent infrastructure systems, the latter are conceptualized here as Modern Commons. Therefore, the building principles of commons and the IAD framework (Ostrom 1990) were adapted for polycentric processes of infrastructure development. Based on the AGIL scheme (Parsons 1961), basic conditions and influencing factors were examined as an infra-cultural framework for the allocation principles, legitimation mechanisms and analysis of system-effects of infrastructure development regarding sustainability. Design of infrastructure systems as collectively used cultural and economic goods, is shaped by societal goals and belief-systems that determine the roles of state, economy and civil society and prove decisive for decision making on spatial and economic value allocation. A design model for a governance process and an Infracultural Analysis and Development Framework (IDF) were outlined, which supports decision-making regarding the transformation of Modern Commons, as will be demonstrated by the example of sustainable mobility. A comprehensive analysis of Modern-Commons-Systems must include interactions of the five dimensions of infrastructure, viz. their natural, technical, social, institutional and mental dimensions. In this context, the physical platform, the programs and the applications-layer can be functionally differentiated for multi-level infrastructure systems as interdependent levels of value creation. In addition to central system requirements decentralized specifics have to be taken into account for design and operation of such systems. Priorities and effects occurring in an infrastructure life cycle will be evaluated differently depending on the perspective, regarding actors, systems and sustainability. The IDF recommends an iterative approach and criteria that are suitable for identifying conflicts of interest and resolving contribution and appropriation dilemmas, especially where markets fail to ensure the sustainable development of infrastructure systems.:I. Abbildungsverzeichnis 9 II. Tabellenverzeichnis 10 1 Einleitung und Übersicht 11 1.1 Hintergrund und Bedeutung 11 1.2 Ziele und Forschungsfragen 13 1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit 17 1.4 Definitionen und Themenabgrenzung 19 1.5 Methodik und Vorgehen 27 1.6 Stand der Forschung 30 2 Commons als soziale Infrastruktursysteme 41 2.1 Ursprung, Bedeutung und Relevanz von Commons 41 2.2 Prinzipien und Merkmale von Commons-Systemen 46 2.3 Modern Commons – eine Definition und Abgrenzung 56 2.4 Physische Infrastruktur als multifunktionales Ressourcensystem 71 2.5 SES-Commons im Vergleich mit technischen Infrastruktursystemen 91 2.6 Fazit: Commons-Funktionen und Dilemmata technischer Infrastrukturen 103 3 Infrastruktur: Fundament der modernen Gesellschaft 107 3.1 Nutzen und Kosten von Infrastruktursystemen 107 3.2 Infrastruktur-Systeme und ihre Wertschöpfungsebenen 119 3.3 Epochen der infrakulturellen Ko-Evolution 143 3.4 Rollenwandel überregionaler Infrastruktursysteme 163 3.5 Infrastruktur-Entwicklung und ihre Dilemmata nach Smith 173 3.6 Grundlagen für eine Theorie der Modern Commons 199 3.7 Fazit: Dynamik von Infrastruktursystemen im kulturellen Kontext 204 4 Analyse- und Entwicklungsrahmen für Modern-Commons-Systeme 206 4.1 Designmodell einer ganzheitlichen Systemperspektive 211 4.2 Akteursperspektive in der Infrastruktur-Entwicklung 227 4.3 Kriterien für Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel Mobilitätssektor 238 4.4 Governance für eine nachhaltige Infrakultur 251 4.5 Förderung nachhaltiger Mobilitätskultur mittels IDF 264 4.6 Fazit: Leitplanken für eine nachhaltige Infrakultur 270 5 Zusammenfassung und Implikationen 273 5.1 Kernaussagen und Ausblick 273 5.2 Implikationen für eine nachhaltige Transformation im Verkehrssektor 278 5.3 Forschungsbedarf zu nachhaltiger Infrakultur 280 5.4 Kritische Reflexion 282 Literaturverzeichnis 284 Anhang I Symposien und Vorträge im Kontext dieser Arbeit (Auszug) 318 Anhang II Abkürzungsverzeichnis 319


呂佩安 Unknown Date (has links)
1998及2002年在中國的二波「ERP熱」,成為廿一世紀初中國信息產業中最引人注目者。尤其是本土ERP公司竟能在中國市場與國外知名同業分庭抗禮,更被賦予帶動民族軟件產業的重責。然而,與此同時卻從企業用戶中傳出來「上ERP是找死、不上ERP是等死」,「實施成功率近乎於零」等說法。此一特殊現象成為著手研究的動機。基於中國政經社情勢的複雜性及ERP本身的特殊性,特別採用IAD Framework作為研究架構。中國發展ERP的主要行動者及其行動狀態所形成的「行動論壇」是本研究的論述對象,並以物質條件、社群屬性(ERP文化)、實踐規則這一組概念組合作為中介變項,分析中國發展ERP的制度建立。本研究運用IAD Framework的一套名為「評價標準」的指標,對中國發展ERP的一系列相關制度安排進行評估、分析,並得出下列發現: 一、 政府行為明顯地向ERP業者傾斜,名為「發展新經濟」,卻仍屬舊思維,大力扶持供給面的結果是ERP廠商受益,企業用戶未蒙其利。 二、 財政補貼措施扭曲原有市場機制,提供錯誤市場信號,增生其他不必要的隱形成本與交易成本。 三、 從憲法到行政命令、中央到地方,普遍有法制而無法治,又欠缺明確的ERP市場相關規範,形成對行業內短期行為的不當激勵。 四、 相較於中國企業導入ERP有如業務營運之基礎設施重塑,反觀中國發展ERP的制度安排,政府也應開始採納「GRP」(Government Resource Planning、政府資源規劃系統)的精神。 / The “ERP fever” in 1998 and 2002 is most striking for the info-tech industry of China in the beginning of the 21st Century. Especially noteworthy is that the local ERP companies could compete as equal with famous foreign companies for the China market, and they are endowed with the leadership responsibility for the national software industry. However, at the same time, the ERP users have circulated a saying: “to execute ERP is to put to death, not to execute ERP is to wait for death”, “the rate of successful execution is almost zero,” etc. This particular situation has motivated this research. Due to the complexity of political, economic and social conditions in Mainland China and the peculiarity of ERP, I have chosen IAD Framework as my research tool on purpose. The “action arena” formed by those main actors and their action situation in the development of ERP in China is the content of discourse of research. Also, physical/material conditions, attributions of community, and rules-in-use that is a set conceptual unit. This unit of intermediate variables will be used to analyze the institutional building of ERP development in China. This research uses a set of index called “evaluative criteria” from IAD Framework to evaluate a series of institution arrangements of ERP development in China and has obtained the following: 1. In the name of “developing new economy”, the China government in fact holds onto old thoughts. It grants ERP companies’ privilege that does not benefit ERP end users. 2. Bonuses due to favorable financial policy distort market mechanism distorted and release false signals to the markets. This unnecessarily increases invisible and transaction costs. 3. From constitution to administrative orders and from central government to local governments, China is currently not ruled of law but ruled by law. Also, there is a lack of clear ERP market regulations, and consequently encourages lots of short-term behavior in this industry. 4. Introducing ERP into China enterprises is like reconstructing the infrastructure of operation. The government should start to apply the spirit of “GRP” (Government Resource Planning) to the institutional arrangement of ERP development in China. Keywords: ERP, IAD Framework, institutional building, national software industry.

Náhrada škody jako nástroj pro řešení škod způsobených povodněmi / Compensation for damage as an instrument for solution of damages in case of floods

Sztuková, Karolína January 2010 (has links)
Floods in The Czech Republic more often damage private property. Majority of such damages is caused by water stream itself. There are also situations, where damages are caused in case of dereliction, infringement or violation of statutory duty. The Czech legislature defines legal instrument - Compensation for Damage. This work examines how this instrument is used in cases of flood damages, where someone is guilty. We examine legal (court) processes for Compensation for Damage by an application of IAD Framework and Stakeholder Analysis. Results are as follows. The examined legal instrument is seldom used. In the conclusion there are discussed possible grounds of these research results and steps/provision for more frequent application of Compensation for Damage in consequence of floods.

Empresas e desenvolvimento territorial : razões da diferenciação nos impactos regionais de grandes investimentos privados

Silva, Ana Letícia January 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Arilson Favareto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Gestão do Território, 2013. / Grandes investimentos públicos e privados sempre se instalaram em territórios interioranos na América Latina e no mundo, propondo arranjos institucionais, resultando diretamente em transformações nas dinâmicas territoriais. As relações das empresas com os territórios presumem contradições que geram conflitos e provocam novas dinâmicas territoriais, sendo estas virtuosas ou viciosas. Diante deste quadro, os objetivos da dissertação foram: 1º) analisar os impactos da atividade empresarial nas dinâmicas territoriais e no desenvolvimento territorial; 2º) mapear a literatura sobre empresas, instituições e desenvolvimento territorial; 3º) analisar elementos empíricos que condicionam os efeitos da atividade empresarial em dinâmicas territoriais de regiões interioranas ou rurais; 4º) e, por último, buscar identificar aspectos que contribuam para uma melhor performance dos territórios rurais ou interioranos objetos de grandes investimentos empresariais. O trabalho apresenta a análise de dados sobre dezenove territórios que foram analisados a partir do modelo de análise institucional desenvolvido por Elinor Ostrom, o Institutional Analysis and Development framework, ou simplesmente IAD framework (OSTROM, 2005), inicialmente voltado para a análise da gestão de Common Pool Resources (CPRs), ou "recursos de uso comum". A opção pelo IAD framework se justifica metodologicamente pois este quadro de análise - além de comportar a diversidade institucional - insere as interações humanas e a questão ambiental no modelo, baseando-se em "arenas de ação". Estas arenas são assim constituídas por situações nas quais os participantes se enfrentam e mobilizam informações e recursos para a tomada de decisões.

The Dynamics of Institutional Design and Collective Action : Lessons from HELCOM

Viklund, Anton January 2024 (has links)
Intergovernmental cooperation on collective action problems and social dilemmas faces significant challenges, as difficulties often stem from conflicts between national self-interests and collective long-term goals, lack of trust, and uncertainty about other states' commitments. Transboundary environmental issues demonstrate a clear example of collective action problems and social dilemmas, in which the Baltic Sea and HELCOM constitute such a case.  The Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted seas in the world, which in turn has placed demands on the surrounding countries to address and rectify these issues through the establishment of an intergovernmental organization, in the shape of HELCOM. HELCOM is therefore the responsible body tasked with tackling this, through policymaking and cooperation within the Baltic Sea region. Despite efforts made in the area, HELCOM has not succeeded in achieving its many goals, making HELCOM an interesting case to study. This thesis aims to research how the key institutions of HELCOM are designed, and how they influence its governance and decision-making processes using the IAD framework, and to investigate how institutional design shapes collective action outcomes. These questions aim to contribute to the study's purpose, which is to analyze institutional choices within intergovernmental collaborations and to examine the relationship between institutional design and collective action. The thesis is conducted using qualitative text analysis, specifically applying qualitative content analysis to answer the study's research questions. The empirical data consists of official HELCOM documents, which form the basis for the results presented in this study.  The study's results show that HELCOM, like other intergovernmental organizations, can be explained and understood through the IAD framework. Based on this investigation, the IAD framework could highlight that HELCOM's key institutions are designed similar, even though their area of competence differentiates. Furthermore, the study's results indicate that the design of different rules within an organization has a significant impact on the outputs of actions characterized by collective action, as it turned out that the results of various measures within HELCOM's institutional arrangements varied between different working groups. Thus, there may be incentives and benefits in designing the institutional arrangements of intergovernmental organizations in different ways, to achieve a more effective approach to combating collective action problems.

Going with the flow or swimming against the current? : the influence of rules and norms on advocacy strategies of NGO coalitions along the Mekong River

Yasuda, Yumiko January 2014 (has links)
Nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) have come to play a major role in contemporary governance systems, and particularly in the fields of water and the environment. Adopting a new institutional theoretical perspective, this thesis examines how rules and norms affect the advocacy strategies of coalitions of NGOs in Vietnam and Cambodia, utilising a comparative case study analysis of the Xayaburi hydropower dam planned on the Mekong River in Laos. The comparison was conducted between the Rivers Coalition in Cambodia and the Vietnam Rivers Network during the planning period for the dams in 2011-2013.The main findings of the study is that rules, norms, actors, biophysical and material conditions interact with each other in creating influence over advocacy strategies. Different patterns of interactions were identified; these are 1) complementary interactions between formal rules, informal rules and norms 2) competing interactions between formal rules, informal rules and norms. Actors play important roles in both of these forms of interactions. Through identification of the barriers and opportunities NGO actors face within the Mekong region, the thesis concludes with two recommendations: 1) modifications to the formal rules which could facilitate further integration of NGOs and civil society actors into decision-making processes of transboundary water governance and 2) use of analytical framework by NGO and civil society actors in identifying windows of opportunities for advocacy strategies.

Vliv institucionálního nastavení na současnou tvorbu environmentálních strategií ve městech ČR / Impact of Institutional Setting on Current Creation of Environmental Strategies in Cities of the Czech Republic

Dubová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Urban areas play important role in relation to potential risks and impacts of climate change. Adaptation experience is accumulating in the public and private sector across the world. This diploma thesis evaluates current creation of adaptation strategies in cities of the Czech Republic with the use of institutional analysis by the IAD framework. The aim of the thesis is to identify the most common constraints on the adaptation strategies making process and to suggest possible solutions. Data collection method is based on in-depth interviews with stakeholders in the cities of Pilsen, Prague and Brno. Identified constraints include lack of policy support, different level of experiences with creation of conceptual documents and problem with funds for adaptation action. As a solution deepen partnership between self-government and non-profit institutions and deepen cooperation between politics and civil servants with focus on information exchange is needed. In addition conceptual characterization of problems in cities together with their identification, which can helps to obtain funding for implementation of adaptation actions (e.g. through the LIFE programme) is recommended.

Governance of Inter-sectoral reallocation of water within the context of Urbanization in Hyderabad, India

Jakhalu, Atoho 02 January 2020 (has links)
Der intersektorale Wasserkonflikt zwischen urbaner und agrarischer Wassernutzung in Hyderabad und die Konkurrenz zwischen den Bedürfnissen der Stadt und den Ansprüchen der Landwirtschaft werden verschärft durch willkürliche Verteilungspraktiken, die den offiziellen Zuteilungsrichtlinien oft widersprechen. Übersetzt in die Sprache von Ostrom, gilt die vorliegende Untersuchung der Kernfrage, warum bestimmte praktizierte Regeln (rules-in-use) fortbestehen, obwohl formale Regeln (rules-in-form) im Bereich der Nutzungsrechte an Wasser vorhanden sind. Die Arbeit versucht dementsprechend zu erklären, wie bestehende Institutionen und Governancestrukturen die Interaktionen beteiligter Akteure und deren Verhalten beeinflussen und wie daraus eine durch Willkür gekennzeichnete Umverteilung erwächst. Knights Verteilungstheorie institutionellen Wandels und sein Ansatz über Machtressourcen vermögen zu erklären, wie menschliche Interaktionen in Zusammenhang mit solchen Konflikten über begrenzte Ressourcen zustande kommen. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen ebenfalls, welche Wirkungen die Charakteristika verschiedener Gruppen von Wassernutzern und deren spezifische Abhängigkeit von Wasserressourcen auf ihre Fähigkeit zur politischen Einflussnahme ausüben. Solche Ausprägungen von Ressourcenabhängigkeiten bedingen Machtasymmetrien und erhöhen das Ausmaß willkürlicher Umverteilungen von Wasser. Die Untersuchung identifiziert eine Literaturlücke im Bereich der Politik der Wassergovernance, indem sie den Wählereinfluss als Machtressource im Land-Stadt-Konflikt um Wasserressourcen empirisch belegt. Die Arbeit zielt insgesamt darauf, das Erklärungspotential von Eigentumsrechtstheorien zu nutzen und anhand von Wasserkonflikten in Hyderabad ein Beispiel zur Anwendbarkeit aktueller Theorien institutionellen Wandels zu geben. / Hyderabad’s inter-sectoral water conflict and competition between the city’s urban needs and the agricultural sector have been fueled by persistent arbitrary water reallocations against the prescribed allocation guidelines. To translate the key question into Ostrom’s language; this study seeks to unravel the persistence of rules-in-use, despite the rules-in-form already in place within the realms of property rights. Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development framework identifies exogenous variables and its influences on the role of institutions which shapes human interaction and decision making processes. It attempts to explain how the existing water-allocation mechanism has propagated the way rules and actors currently interact to influence such arbitrary water re-allocation. Knight’s distributional theory of institutional change and his concept of power resources provide good explanations of human interaction in the context of such conflicts over limited resources. The study results also reveal how the characteristics of water-user groups and its dependence on water resource have the ability to exert political influence over water allocation. Such attributes of resource dependence characterizes power asymmetry, thereby increasing the scale of arbitrary water reallocations. Henceforth, this study addresses the gap in ‘politics of water governance’ in existing literature by empirically deriving ‘political electorate’ as a power resource in rural-urban water contestation. Overall, this study seeks to employ the theoretical explanations of property rights and attempts to provide a case on the applicability of contemporary theories of institutional change by taking the case study of Hyderabad’s water contestation.

The Role of Digital Commons in a Socio-Ecological Transition of Cities

Labaeye, Adrien, Labaeye, Adrien 20 November 2020 (has links)
Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht die Rolle die Bürgerinitiativen an der Schnittstelle zwischen städtischen und digitalen Räumen spielen können. Sie folgt drei Untersuchungslinien. Zunächst wird untersucht, wie die Forschung zu aus Graswurzelbewegungen entstandenen Alternativen für nachhaltige und gerechte Städte von einer besonderen Art des digitalen Gemeinguts profitieren kann: des kollaborativen kartografischen Mappings. Zweitens wird die Verflechtung von digitalen Gemeingütern mit physischen städtischen Gemeingütern untersucht, um zu verstehen, wie die gemeinsame Nutzung zu transformativen Effekten in der Stadt führen kann. Drittens wird versucht, das transformative Potenzial der Gemeingüter als ein Narrativ des Wandels für nachhaltige und gerechte Städte im digitalen Zeitalter zu bewerten. Methodisch stützt die Arbeit sich auf Aktionsforschung, primäre Einzelfallstudien sowie eine vergleichende Fallstudienanalyse. Ein vorläufiges Ergebnis ist die Identifizierung von basisgeleiteten kollaborativen Mappings – hier betrachtet als Initiativen des gemeinsamen Wirkens (Commoning) – als wertvolle Wissensquellen zu alternativer Stadtökonomik. Die Hauptergebnisse zwingen uns dazu, das klassisch-naturalistische Verständnis des Gemeinguts in Frage zu stellen, welches dazu neigt, ein Gemeingut als gegeben zu betrachten. Stattdessen wäre es für die Forschung von Vorteil, einen gemeinsamen Prozess zu untersuchen: die Rückgewinnung, Schaffung und Nutzung gemeinsamer städtischer Ressourcen. Über die künstliche Trennung zwischen materiellen und immateriellen Facetten des Gemeingutes hinaus lässt sich (urbanes) Commoning am besten als eine relationale Praxis in Pflege und Aufbau von Partnerschaften für die Reproduktion von Leben in der Stadt definieren. Dies ist umso wichtiger, dass digitale Werkzeuge zwar neue Potenziale eröffnen können, aber im Gegensatz zu anderen Diskursen (Sharing Economy, Smart Cities) für das Commoning der Stadt nicht von zentraler Bedeutung sind. / This doctoral research investigates the role that citizen-driven initiatives can play at the intersection of the urban and digital spaces. It follows three lines of investigation. First, it explores how research about grassroots alternatives for sustainable and just cities may benefit from a particular type of digital commons: collaborative cartographic mappings. Second, it investigates the intertwin of digital commons with physical urban commons to understand how commoning may lead to transformative impacts in the city. Third, it seeks to evaluate the transformative potential of the commons as a narrative of change for sustainable and just cities in the digital age. Methodologically, it relies on action research, primary individual case-studies as well as a comparative case-study analysis. A preliminary result is the identification of grassroots-led collaborative mappings – seen as commoning initiatives – as valuable sources of knowledge about alternative urban economies. Main results compel us to question the classical/naturalist understanding of the commons that tends to consider it as a given. Instead, research would benefit to investigate a commoning process: the reclaiming creation, and use of shared urban resources. And, further, transcending artificial divides between the tangible and intangible facets of the commons, (urban) commoning is best defined as a relational practice of caring for and building partnerships for the reproduction of life in the city. This is all the more important that another significant result of the present work is that, while they may open new potential, digital tools are not central to commoning the city, in contrast other discourses (Sharing Economy, Smart Cities). Epistemologically, the author recommends aligning the effort of researching urban commoning to the Diverse/Community Economies research agenda which calls for performative studies of more-than-human urban commoning-communities.

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