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Romantismo e história nas páginas de II Conciliatore (setembro de 1818 - outubro de 1819): uma investigação sobre as origens do movimento romântico na Itália / Romanticism and History on the pages of Il Conciliatore (September 1818 October 1819): an investigation on the origins of romantic movement in ItalyBarros, Ivan Kowaleski Figueira de 19 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga como as ideias românticas foram introduzidas na Itália após 1816. Isso é feito através da análise de artigos do periódico milanês Il Conciliatore. Esse jornal literário circulou em Milão de setembro de 1818 a outubro de 1819 e teve entre seus colaboradores Silvio Pellico, Giovanni Berchet, Ermes Visconti entre vários outros. Nosso objetivo é abordar o nosso objeto de estudo em duas perspectivas: nós exploramos o papel de Il Conciliatore como difusor das concepções românticas na Itália e procuramos, através de seus artigos, reconstruir algumas visões históricas contemporâneas ao período da Restauração Italiana. / This work investigates how romantic ideas were introduced in Italy after 1816. It is done through the analysis of articles from the Milanese periodic Il Conciliatore. This literary newspaper circulated in Milan from September 1818 to October 1819, having as its contributors Silvio Pellico, Giovanni Berchet, Ermes Visconti among a lot of others. Our aim is to approach our studying object by two perspectives: we explore Il Conciliatores role in spreading romantic conceptions in Italy and we seek through its articles to reconstruct some historical views contemporary to the Italian Restauration period.
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Inflammation and immune-mediated neurobehavioral alterations : a critical role for microglia / Inflammation et altérations neurocomportementales immuno-induites : le rôle crucial de la microglieLacabanne, Chloé 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les microglies, les cellules de l’immunité innée, résidentes du cerveau, sont impliquées dans la réponse inflammatoire cérébrale et le modelage des réseaux neuronaux au cours du développement. La perturbation de leurs activités par des stimuli environnementaux pouvant conduire à des altérations psychopathologiques, dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des microglies dans les effets neurobiologiques et comportementaux d’un stimulus inflammatoire. Les travaux précédents ont révélé que l’administration de lipopolysaccharide (LPS), une endotoxine bactérienne, provoque des comportements de type dépressifs. Le rôle des microglies dans ces altérations a fait l’objet de la première étude de cette thèse (Chapitre 2). Afin de dépléter les microglies du cerveau, des souris adultes ont reçu par voie d’administration intra-hippocampique des liposomes contenant du clodronate, provoquant ainsi l’apoptose des microglies phagocytaires. L’administration de LPS active dans l’hippocampe la synthèse de cytokines pro-inflammatoires [interleukine (IL)-1b et facteur de nécrose tumorale (TNF)-a] et anti-inflammatoires (IL-10), et de l'indoleamine 2,3-dioxygénase, une enzyme impliquée dans le métabolisme du tryptophane aux activités pro-dépressives. La déplétion des microglies phagocytaires atténue les effets du LPS, à l’exception de l’IL-1b, dont l’expression est exacerbée. De plus, l’administration de clodronate prévient les effets du LPS sur les comportements de type dépressif. Dans leur ensemble, ces résultats ont révélé que les microglies phagocytaires sont impliquées dans les effets inflammatoires et comportementaux de type dépressif induits par le LPS. Nous avons ensuite étudié le rôle des microglies dans les effets comportementaux d’une inflammation maternelle précoce provoquée lors de la colonisation du cerveau fœtal par les microglies (Chapitres 3 & 4). Ainsi, nous avons administré au jour gestationnel (JG)9.5 du LPS à des souris gestantes et évalué la trajectoire développementale pré- et post-natale des microglies et du comportement de la progéniture (Chapitre 3). L’administration de LPS à JG9.5 provoque une réduction du pourcentage représenté par les microglies matures aux JG14.5 et 18.5 et des déficits comportementaux persistants à l’âge adulte avec un dimorphisme sexuel prononcé. Nous avons alors recherché à identifier les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans les effets du LPS administré à JG9.5, en étudiant la piste de l’action des cytokines inflammatoires (Chapitre 4). Pour cela, nous nous sommes focalisé sur l’IL-1b, la cytokine inflammatoire effectrice principale de l’activité microgliale. L’expression de l'IL-1b et des cytokines associées (IL-6, TNFa et IL-10) augmente dans le plasma maternel, le placenta et le cerveau fœtal, 2 et 4 heures après l’administration de LPS. Ces changements sont accompagnés d'un phénotype microglial immature à JG18.5 et d’une réduction de la population microgliale totale au jour postnatal (JPN)9. À l’âge adulte (JPN65), nous avons observé une modification morphologique de la microglie dans plusieurs structures cérébrales. Enfin, les souris adultes, prénatalement traitées au LPS, développent des altérations des comportements de type sociaux et des comportements répétitifs. Les altérations du nombre de microglies induites par le LPS sont corrélées aux troubles comportementaux, et ce, de façon spécifique en fonction du sexe des souris. Enfin, la co-administration de l'antagoniste du récepteur de l'IL-1 et de LPS chez les femelles gestantes au JG9.5 réduit, voire prévient les effets inflammatoires et comportementaux du LPS. [...] / Recent research on microglia has uncovered a multitude of activities that extends the role of these cells well beyond their traditional function as immune sentinels. The most prominent of these newly described activities is an intricate role in neuronal network remodeling notably upon environmental challenge or during brain development, the disruption of which can result in long lasting consequences relevant to several psychopathologies. We sought, in the current thesis, to identify some of the mechanisms involved. Our initial approach was to target the immune function of microglia, based on our previous findings linking systemic immunogenic challenge with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in mice with the development of despair-like behavior/depression. Here, we sought to identify immune mediators activated in microglia following a single systemic challenge with LPS (Chapter 2). These studies were conducted in adult mice in which phagocytic microglia were depleted using a single injection of liposomal clodronate in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. LPS challenge significantly upregulated the expression of both pro-inflammatory [interleukin (IL)-1b and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a] and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines compared to saline treated animals. In addition, LPS highly increased the expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), an important rate limiting enzyme for metabolizing tryptophan in the brain and an established indicator of the activation of this depression mediating pathway. Clodronate-mediated depletion attenuated all of these effects apart from IL-1b expression which was further exacerbated. Behavioral assessment of the mice demonstrated a significant LPS-induced increase of immobility in the forced swim test (FST), which was prevented by clodronate. This experimental approach provided a snapshot of the role of inflammation in the development of brain dysfunction mediated by microglia. In subsequent studies (chapter 3 & 4), and in order to perform a more comprehensive, longer-term investigation of microglia activity in neurodevelopment, we utilized a prenatal infection model using LPS to activate maternal immunity at a relatively early [Gestational Day (GD)9.5] time point when microglia colonize the fetal brain to assess the impact on microglial population during development and the subsequent behavior of the progeny (Chapter 3). The results demonstrated LPS reduced the percentage of mature microglial population at GD14.5 and GD18.5 representing mid to late gestation. In addition, prenatal LPS had a significant effect on the offspring’s neonatal as well as adult behavior, with a clear divergence along sex lines in adulthood. In the final study (Chapter 4), we sought to investigate the mechanisms underlying the changes we noted in microglial development and the sexually dimorphic behavioral deficits. For this, we focused on the role played by pro-inflammatory cytokines, particularly IL-1b which represents the main effector of microglial activation following infection or injury. Detailed analysis of the expression of IL-1b and other related cytokines (IL-6, TNF-a and IL-10) revealed an increased expression of these mediators in maternal plasma, placenta and fetal brain, 2 and 4 hours after the prenatal LPS treatment. These changes were accompanied with a decreased percentage of mature microglia in the brain of embryos at GD18.5 and of total microglia population at post-natal day (PND)9. In the adult offspring (PND65), we detected an increased density and altered microglial morphology in specific higher-order structures implicated in complex behaviors, as well as altered social preference and memory and increased repetitive actions. [...]
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Investigating the role of eosinophils in cardiac remodelling following myocardial infarctionToor, Iqbal Singh January 2018 (has links)
Myocardial infarction (MI) occurs following acute thrombotic occlusion of a coronary artery, and triggers a robust inflammatory response. Within hours, neutrophils are recruited to the infarcted myocardium followed by the infiltration of pro-inflammatory Ly6Chi monocytes. Transition from the pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype (M1) to an anti-inflammatory, pro-resolution phenotype (M2-like) is critical to successful infarct healing. Interventions that polarize macrophages towards an anti-inflammatory 'M2-like' phenotype improve infarct healing in the experimental MI mouse model and reduce subsequent adverse remodelling of the myocardium, but the endogenous mechanisms that regulate repair are not well understood. Furthermore, differences in the resolution of inflammation in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice, which are two of the commonly used wild-type mouse strains in experimental MI have not been characterised. We previously found that low peripheral blood eosinophil count is associated with increased short-term risk of mortality in low-intermediate risk patients with ischaemic heart disease. This suggests that eosinophils may have a role in the successful remodelling and repair of the heart following myocardial infarction. Eosinophils express a number of immuno-modulating cytokines and lipid mediators implicated in the resolution of inflammation. Increasingly prominent is interleukin-4 (IL-4), a cytokine that has been found to maintain the anti-inflammatory M2-like phenotype in macrophages. We therefore hypothesised that IL-4Rα signalling and recruitment of eosinophils to the myocardium following infarction are key in regulating the subsequent inflammatory response and scar tissue formation during infarct repair and cardiac remodelling. Experimental MI was induced by permanent left anterior descending artery ligation in isofluorane anaesthetized 12-15 week-old male wild-type (WT) BALB/c, WT C57BL/6, IL4Rα-/-, IL-4Rαflox/-, IL-4Rαflox/-LysMCre mice and eosinophil-deficient ΔdblGATA mice. Cardiac function was characterised by high-resolution ultrasound and immune cell infiltration by flow cytometry of single cell infarct and remote zone tissue digests. Blood eosinophil count and 6-month all-cause mortality were assessed in 732 consecutive patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The rate of mortality due to cardiac rupture was significantly higher in C57BL/6 mice in comparison with BALB/c mice at Day 7 post-MI. This was associated with a higher proportion of pro-inflammatory Ly-6Chi macrophages infiltrating the infarct zone tissue of C57BL/6 mice following MI. An accompanying reduction in the number of splenic Ly-6Chi monocytes post-MI, suggestive of splenic monocyte mobilisation, was seen in C57BL/6 mice but not found in BALB/c mice. Furthermore, C57BL/6 mice had a delayed transition in macrophage polarisation towards an anti-inflammatory phenotype. Disruption of IL4Rα signalling, in mice null for the IL4Rα gene, resulted in increased F4/80+ macrophage and pro-inflammatory Ly6Chi macrophage infiltration of the infarct zone and reduced expression of the anti-inflammatory macrophage marker CD206, compared to wild-type controls. Furthermore, expression of GATA3 and ST2, both associated with the immunosuppressive function of (CD4+ Foxp3+) regulatory T cells, was reduced in infarct zone regulatory T cells from IL4Rα-/- mice. These findings were associated with defective wound healing with impaired angiogenesis, increased scar size, disarrayed infarct zone collagen deposition, accompanied by modified expression of plod2 that encodes the collagen cross-linking enzyme lysyl hydroxylase 2. Resulting in greater left ventricular dilatation and loss of cardiac function, as well as a higher 7- day mortality due to cardiac rupture in IL4Rα-/- mice. This indicates that successful infarct repair requires the engagement of IL-4Rα signalling to facilitate the accumulation of anti-inflammatory macrophages and highly immunosuppressive ST2+ regulatory T cells in the heart following MI. Resident cardiac macrophages from naïve hearts of IL-4Rαflox/-LysMCre mice failed to undergo LysMCre-mediated deletion of the IL-4Rα gene, potentially because low or absent expression of Lyz2 (encoding lysozyme M). In both ST-elevation MI (STEMI) patients and mice after acute MI, there was a decline in peripheral blood eosinophil count, with activated eosinophils being recruited to the infarct zone and paracardial adipose tissue of mice. The transcription factors GATA-1 plays a role in the differentiation of eosinophils from eosinophil progenitor cells. Deletion of GATA-1 results in loss of the eosinophil lineage and has been exploited to develop the eosinophil-deficient ΔdblGATA mouse. ΔdblGATA mice were used to address the role of eosinophils in cardiac remodelling following MI. ΔdblGATA mice had increased left ventricular dilatation and reduced ejection fraction after induction of MI, relative to wild-type mice. ΔdblGATA mice had increased scar size with disarrayed infarct zone collagen deposition, accompanied by modified expression of the genes plod2 and lox, which are associated with collagen cross-linking. The proportion of CD206+ anti-inflammatory macrophages was less in the infarct zone of ΔdblGATA mice, but was restored by adoptive transfer of eosinophils from WT mice. Furthermore, adverse cardiac remodelling in eosinophil-deficient ΔdblGATA mice was rescued by provision of IL-4 complex following MI. In conclusion, an enhanced inflammatory response following MI underlies the increased risk of cardiac rupture seen with WT C57BL/6 mice in comparison to WT BALB/c mice. WT BALB/c mice are protected from cardiac rupture, which was associated with an absence of splenic monocyte mobilisation following ischaemic injury. The resolution of inflammation was found to be dependent on IL4Rα signalling which is crucial for cardiac repair and remodelling, through modulating inflammatory cell recruitment and phenotype, as well as scar formation. Eosinophils are recruited to the heart post-MI and are essential for regulating cardiac repair and remodelling, likely through provision of IL-4. Therefore, we were able to show that IL-4Rα signalling and recruitment of eosinophils to the myocardium following infarction are both key in regulating the subsequent inflammatory response and scar tissue formation during infarct healing and cardiac remodelling.
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Modulation des mécanismes inflammatoires impliquant les polynucléaires éosinophiles au cours de la polypose naso-sinusienne associée à l'asthme / Regulation of inflammatory processes in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Immune profile of the eosinophil in relation with asthmaMortuaire, Geoffrey 20 May 2015 (has links)
Contexte : La polypose naso-sinusienne (PNS) est une maladie inflammatoire chronique multifactorielle dont l’étiologie reste imprécise. Les acteurs de l’immunité innée et acquise sont diversement impliqués avec un rôle central joué par l’éosinophile(EO). L’asthme associé à la PNS est un facteur de résistance à la corticothérapie constituant à l’heure actuelle la seule option thérapeutique médicale.Objectifs : Caractériser sur le plan histologique, biologique et cellulaire les patients atteints de PNS afin de définir des profils phénotypiques inflammatoires en relation avec l’asthme et de préciser les mécanismes d’immuno-modulation de l’EO.Matériel: Une étude prospective était menée incluant les patients atteints de PNS réfractaires au traitement médical. Après recueil du consentement éclairé et accord institutionnel, les sécrétions nasales et les polypes étaient prélevés au bloc opératoire. Les corticoïdes locaux et généraux étaient au préalable arrêtés pendant 1 mois. Etaient réalisés un dosage des marqueurs d’inflammation (interleukine 5 (IL-5), Immunoglobulines E (IgE), eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), IL-9), une analyse histologique du polype sous microscopie optique et une analyse cytométrique des récepteurs d’adhésion (béta(β) intégrines, CD44), d’activation (CD69) et du récepteur alpha à l’IL-5 (IL-5Rα) sur les EOs purifiés sanguins et tissulaires. Ces paramètres étaient comparés à la présence d’un asthme.Résultats: Une classification histologique des polypes en 3 sous-types était établie: le polype œdémateux riche en EOs (64% des cas), le polype fibreux riche en collagène et glandes sous-muqueuses (9%) et le polype intermédiaire à composante mixte fibreuse et œdémateuse mais à prédominance éosinophile (27%). Il n’existait pas de corrélation entre cette classification et le statut clinique. L’asthme était associé à une plus forte éosinophilie tissulaire (p=0.026). Cette infiltration cellulaire était associée à la présence d’une plus forte concentration en IL-5, IgE et EDN dans les sécrétions nasales et dans le polype chez les patients asthmatiques (p≤0.04). La domiciliation des EOs dans le polype était favorisée par une diminution de l’expression membranaire des βintégrines et du CD44 après migration tissulaire (p≤0.02). Cette migration s’accompagnait d’une activation cellulaire CD69+ et d’une augmentation de l’expression membranaire de l’IL-5Rα sur les EOs purifiés quel que soit le statut clinique des patients. L’expression de l’IL-5Rα sur les EOs tissulaires était relativement plus faible en cas d’asthme associé (p≤0.04). Les analyses fonctionnelles par mise en culture d’EOs purifiés confirmaient le rôle anti-apoptique de l’IL-5 à forte concentration chez les patients asthmatiques. La co-culture IL-5/IL-9 permettait de renforcer cette action anti-apoptotique IL-5 dépendante en induisant l’expression membranaire de l’IL-5Rα chez les patients asthmatiques.Discussion: Ces résultats confirment le rôle majeur de l’EO en particulier chez les patients asthmatiques. L’architecture du polype conséquence du remodelage tissulaire ne détermine pas la cortico-résistance habituellement associée à l’asthme dans la mesure où les sous-types histologiques sont distribués de manière équivalente quel que soit le statut clinique des patients. Le profil inflammatoire (IL-5, IgE, IL-9) conditionne la domiciliation tissulaire des EOs en modulant l’expression des protéines d’adhésion et d’interaction. Il influence aussi la survie tissulaire des EOs en contrebalançant une diminution d’expression de l’IL-5Rα IL-5 dépendante par une synergie d’action IL-5/IL-9 anti-apoptotique [...] / Background: The chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a plurifactorial inflammatory disease whose etiology is still unknown. Innate and acquired immune agents are key factors with a pivotal role of the eosinophil (EO). Asthma is recognized as a major factor of medical failure. Objectives: Setting histological, biological and cellular patterns of inflammation in CRSwNP in accordance with the asthmatic status of the patient and describing the membrane immune phenotype of EOs both in blood and polyp compartments. Materiel: A prospective study was conducted enrolling patients with medical refractory CRSwNP. With institutional review board agreement, nasal secretions and polyp specimens were harvested through endoscopic surgical procedure. A 1-month corticosteroid wash-out was required prior to surgery. Inflammatory biomarkers measurements (interleukin-5 (IL-5), Immunoglobulins E (IgE), eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), IL-9), histological study on microscopic slides and cytometric analyses of adhesion receptors (beta(β) integrins, CD44), activation proteins (CD69) and of the IL-5 receptor alpha (IL-5Rα) were performed on purified EOs collected from the blood and the polyp. Data were compared with the asthmatic status of the patients.Results: A histological classification was established. Three subtypes were observed. The edematous polyp with huge EO infiltration (64%), the fibrous polyp with a collagen framework and a large amount of seromucous glands (9%) and the intermediate polyp with mixed fibro-edematous stroma and EO infiltration (27%). No correlation was described between this classification and the clinical status. CRSwNP with concomitant asthma was depicted with a major eosinophilia (p=.026). High IL-5, IgE and IL-9 concentrations in nasal secretions and polyp were also associated with asthma (p≤.04). EO homing into the polyp was partly promoted by the β integrins and CD44 membrane downregulation observed during tissular migration (p≤.02). CD69 activation process and IL-5Rα surface enhancement on EOs were observed in CRSwNP with or without asthma during tissue migration. The IL-5Rα expression was slightly reduced in asthmatic CRSwNP patients by comparison with the non-asthmatic counterparts (p≤.04). In vitro analyses showed the anti-apoptotic function of IL-5 in EOs of the asthmatic patients. The co-culture with IL-5 and IL-9 led to the up-regulation of the IL-5Rα surface expression. Discussion: Our results stress the major role of the EO in particular in asthmatic CRSwNP patients. The remodeling process implied in the polyp formation is not directly involved in the corticosteroid resistance as the 3 subtypes of polyps were evenly observed whatever the clinical status. High IL-5, IgE and Il-9 environment promotes EO polyp migration and activation by the regulation of adhesion and activation proteins on the EO membrane. The synergistic action of pro Th2 cytokines (IL-5/IL-9) balances the IL-5Rα downregulation observed in high IL-5 rate conditions. Conclusion: The cellular and inflammatory phenotype profiles in CRSwNP are correlated to the asthmatic status of the patients. Taken together, our results suggest that processes of immune modulation are key factors of inflammatory homeostasis in CRSwNP. Intricate mechanisms of up and down regulation of cytokines receptors expression could be involved in the incomplete efficacy of targeted therapies whose evaluation is still pending.
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Mécanismes d’activation de l’inflammasome NLRP3 par les micro- et les nano- particules dans un modèle d’inflammation pulmonaire chez la souris / Mechanisms of activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome by micro- and nano- particles in a murine model of lung inflammationBaron, Ludivine 19 November 2013 (has links)
Les mécanismes de défense de l’organisme contre des pathogènes ou des particules toxiques sont regroupés sous le terme d’Immunité. L’Immunité a développé plusieurs familles de récepteurs dont les NLR (Nod Like Receptors) spécialisés dans la reconnaissance de motifs de pathogènes (PAMP), de signaux de danger endogènes (DAMP) et de désordres métaboliques et capables d’engager une réponse inflammatoire. L’inflammation est dite stérile si elle n’est pas déclenchée par des agents infectieux mais par des molécules endogènes en excès comme l’acide urique et l’ATP ou par des polluants environnementaux tels que la silice et les nanoparticules. Nous nous sommes d’une part intéressés aux mécanismes d’activation de l’inflammasome NLRP3 qui permet la maturation d’une cytokine pro-inflammatoire, l’Interleukine (IL)-1β. Nous montrons que les cristaux d’acide urique, de silice et d’Alum ainsi que les nanoparticules de titane et de silice induisent une libération active d’ATP dépendante d’hémicanaux par les cellules. Nous mettons en évidence un nouveau mécanisme d’activation de l’inflammasome NLRP3 qui fait intervenir l’ATP et ses différents métabolites, en particulier l’adénosine, via des familles de récepteurs purinergiques. Nous nous sommes d’autre part focalisés sur l’inflammation pulmonaire induite par l’administration de nanoparticules dans un modèle murin. Nous avions montré dans une étude précédente que cette inflammation est dépendante des IL-1α et IL-1β et de leur récepteur IL-1R1. Nos résultats montrent que l’adénosine est impliquée in vivo dans la réponse inflammatoire aux nanoparticules et que l’inflammation des voies respiratoires est modulée par l’IL-33 et son récepteur ST2. / The mechanisms of defense of the organism against pathogens or oxious particles are termed Immunity. The Immunity developed several receptors’ families among which the NLR (Nod-Like Receptors), specialized in the recognition of pathogen patterns (PAMPs), of endogenous danger signals (DAMPs) and of metabolic disorders, and capable of triggering an inflammatory response. The inflammation is named “sterile” if it is not activated by infectious agents but by endogenous molecules in excess, as uric acid and ATP, or by environmental pollutants, such as silica and nanoparticles. We first became interested in the mechanisms of activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome which allows the maturation of a pro-inflammatory cytokine, the Interleukine (IL) -1β. We show that uric acid, silica or Alum crystals but also titanium and silica nanoparticles induce an active release of ATP by cells, dependent of hemichannels. We highlight an innovative mechanism of activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome which involves ATP and its metabolites, in particular adenosine, through purinergic receptor families. We then focused on the nanoparticle-induced lung inflammation in a murine model. We had shown in a previous study that this inflammation is dependent on IL-1α, IL-1β and their common receptor IL-1R1. Our in vivo results show that adenosine is involved in nanoparticle-induced inflammatory response and that airway inflammation is modulated by IL-33 and its receptor ST2.
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Romantismo e história nas páginas de II Conciliatore (setembro de 1818 - outubro de 1819): uma investigação sobre as origens do movimento romântico na Itália / Romanticism and History on the pages of Il Conciliatore (September 1818 October 1819): an investigation on the origins of romantic movement in ItalyIvan Kowaleski Figueira de Barros 19 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga como as ideias românticas foram introduzidas na Itália após 1816. Isso é feito através da análise de artigos do periódico milanês Il Conciliatore. Esse jornal literário circulou em Milão de setembro de 1818 a outubro de 1819 e teve entre seus colaboradores Silvio Pellico, Giovanni Berchet, Ermes Visconti entre vários outros. Nosso objetivo é abordar o nosso objeto de estudo em duas perspectivas: nós exploramos o papel de Il Conciliatore como difusor das concepções românticas na Itália e procuramos, através de seus artigos, reconstruir algumas visões históricas contemporâneas ao período da Restauração Italiana. / This work investigates how romantic ideas were introduced in Italy after 1816. It is done through the analysis of articles from the Milanese periodic Il Conciliatore. This literary newspaper circulated in Milan from September 1818 to October 1819, having as its contributors Silvio Pellico, Giovanni Berchet, Ermes Visconti among a lot of others. Our aim is to approach our studying object by two perspectives: we explore Il Conciliatores role in spreading romantic conceptions in Italy and we seek through its articles to reconstruct some historical views contemporary to the Italian Restauration period.
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Polimorfismo e concentraÃÃo sÃrica da interleucina-10 em hansenÃase / Serum and polymorphism of the interleukin-10 in leprosyAna CecÃlia de Brito Saunders 16 August 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A hansenÃase continua sendo um problema de saÃde mundial, sendo o Brasil o segundo paÃs em maior em nÃmero de casos novos. No Cearà a doenÃa à considerada endÃmica e em 2009 foram diagnosticados 1.952 casos novos, alcanÃando um coeficiente de detecÃÃo geral de 22,8/100.00 habitantes. A doenÃa à causada pelo M. leprae, manifesta-se atravÃs de sinais e sintomas dermatoneurolÃgicos e à transmitida de pessoa a pessoa atravÃs do convÃvio de indivÃduos suscetÃveis com doentes bacilÃferos sem tratamento. A interaÃÃo do M. leprae com os subtipos de cÃlulas T produz citocinas do tipo Th1 e Th2, responsÃveis pelas diferentes formas clÃnicas da doenÃa. PadrÃes de citocinas Th1 (IL-2, IFN-γ e TNF-α) foram encontrados em lesÃes de pele das formas tuberculÃides e padrÃes de citocinas Th2 (IL-4, IL-5 e IL-10) foram encontrados em lesÃes das formas virchovianas. A hansenÃase à influenciada por vÃrios fatores, sendo os genÃticos os mais estudados no momento. Os genes das citocinas aparecem como fortes candidatos capazes de influenciar a interaÃÃo patÃgeno- hospedeiro e favorecer ou nÃo o desenvolvimento da doenÃa. A IL-10 à uma citocina anti-inflamatÃria e imunomoduladora que possui regiÃes promotoras bastantes polimÃrficas, contendo regiÃes de microssatÃlites e SNPs que formam vÃrios haplÃtipos que estÃo associados a diferentes nÃveis de produÃÃo de citocina in vitro. VÃrios estudos tentam reportar associaÃÃes entre os polimorfismos de IL-10 e o risco ou proteÃÃo para diversas doenÃas. Contudo, os dados relatados tem sido contraditÃrios e a maioria das associaÃÃes entre os polimorfismos e a produÃÃo dessa citocina sÃo baseados em estudos in vitro. Dessa forma o presente estudo teve o objetivo de definir como os polimorfismos da regiÃo promotora da citocina afetam a produÃÃo in vivo frente à infecÃÃo pelo M. leprae. Foram quantificadas as concentraÃÃes sÃricas de IL-10 de 181 indivÃduos, sendo 77 casos Ãndices de hansenÃase, 74 indivÃduos contactantes e 30 controles saudÃveis. Sendo que destes, 31 possuÃam anÃlise genotÃpica de IL-10 no grupo caso, 33 no grupo contactante e 29 no grupo controle. Os pacientes com anÃlise genotÃpica foram estratificados em baixo, mÃdio e alto produtor da citocina. As diferenÃas nos nÃveis da citocina foram comparadas entre os grupos dentro do espectro da hansenÃase (paucibacilar e multibacilar), dos controles externos, dos controles internos, dos genÃtipos e alelos encontrados nos grupos. Foram realizados testes de Kruskall-Wallis e Mann-Whitney para anÃlise das medianas de IL-10 em pg/mL. NÃo foi encontrada diferenÃa significante entre os grupos caso, contactante e controle (p=0,7450), entre os indivÃduos pauci e multibacilar (p=0,7898), entre os fenÃtipos de nÃvel de produÃÃo de citocina (baixo, mÃdio e alto) (p=0,4355). Foi encontrada diferenÃa significante na produÃÃo de IL-10 entre os alelos -1082A,-819C e -592C do grupo caso em relaÃÃo aos controles (p<0,05) e dos alelos -819C e -592C do grupo caso em relaÃÃo aos contactantes (p<0,05). NÃo foi encontrada diferenÃa significante entre os grupos contactante e controle (p>0,05). Em conclusÃo, os genÃtipos de IL-10, -1082G>A, -819C>T e -592G>C nÃo influenciaram a produÃÃo e/ou o desfecho da infecÃÃo pelo M. leprae. Por outro lado, os alelos -1082A,-819C e -592C determinaram menor produÃÃo de IL-10 em indivÃduos com hansenÃase. / Leprosy is a world problem of health and Brazil has the second higher rates of new cases in the world. It is considered an endemic disease at Cearà and a total of 1,952 new cases were detected, reaching a detection rate of 22.8/100,000 inhabitants. The interaction between the M. leprae and different T cells stimulates the production of a Th1 or a Th2 pattern of cytokines, which are responsible for the different clinical forms of leprosy. Th1 cytokines (IL-2, IFN-γ and TNF-α) were found in tuberculoid skin lesions while Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10) were found in lepromatoid lesions. Leprosy is influenced by many distinct factors, among them, genetic factors are the most studied at this moment. Cytokine genes seem to influence the interaction between the pathogen and the host and contribute to the development or not of the disease. The IL-10 is an antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory cytokine which has too much polymorphic promoter regions with microsatellites and SNPs. Different haplotypes are associated to distinct levels of cytokine production in vitro. Many studies reported associations between IL-10 polymorphisms and the risk or the protection against many diseases. However, the data reported have been contradictory and most of the associations between these polymorphisms and the production of IL-10 are showed in in vitro studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate how the promoter region polymorphisms of IL-10 influence the cytokine levels production in vivo, during the M. leprae infection. Serum levels of IL-10 were analyzed by ELISA in 181 individuals, 77 of them were leprosy cases, 74 household contacts and 30 healthy controls. Among them, 31 had IL-10 polymorphism typed in the case group, 33 in household contact group and 29 in healthy controls. Cases with polymorphism typed were stratified in low, medium and high levels of cytokine production. Differences in the IL-10 production were compared among leprosy cases (pauci and multibacillary), household contacts, healthy controls, genotypes and alleles distribution found in the groups. Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to analyze mean values of IL-10 levels. No differences were observed between cases, contacts and controls (p=0.7450), pauci and multibacillary (p=0.7898), phenotypes of IL-10 production (low, medium or high) (p=0.4355). A significant difference in the IL-10 levels between cases and controls was found associated to the alleles -1082A,-819C and -592C (p<0.05) and between cases and contacts associated to the alleles -819C and -592C (p<0.05). No differences were found between contacts and controls (p>0.05). In conclusion, the -1082G>A, -819C>T and -592G>C IL-10 genotypes did not influence the IL-10 production or the M. leprae infection outcome. On the other hand, -1082A,-819C e -592C alleles determined a lower production of IL-10 in cases of leprosy.
Keywords: Leprosy; Polymorphisms; IL-10; Serum levels; Contacts
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Presença de IL33 em amostras de carcinoma espinocelular / Presence of IL 33 in squamous cell carcinoma samplesPerri, Graziela 07 October 2016 (has links)
O carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) é a segunda forma de neoplasia cutânea mais prevalente. Os mecanismos exatos envolvidos na progressão desse tipo de tumor ainda não estão elucidados. Estudos recentes têm mostrado que a citocina IL33 é uma citocina reguladora da resposta imune adaptativa, principalmente como potente indutor do perfil Th2. Juntamente com seu receptor ST2, apresenta-se com os níveis elevados em alguns tipos de câncer, corroborando para a evidência de que essa citocina contribui para a carcinogênese. Baseado nessas informações, testamos a hipótese de que a presença de IL33 em carcinoma espinocelular, poderia estar relacionada a um melhor prognóstico. Neste estudo foram utilizadas amostras de carcinoma espinocelular, em diferentes gradações de malignidade tumoral (Grau I, Grau II e Grau III). Os resultados mostraram um infiltrado inflamatório mais intenso em tumores com Grau I e II. Imunorreatividade para IL33 foi observada em tumores de Grau I e II tanto por células epiteliais como por células do infiltrado inflamatório. A análise por microscopia confocal evidenciou que um grande número de células TCD4+ e TCD8+ que expressavam IL33 foi observado em tumores de Grau II. Esses resultados indicam a presença de um intenso infiltrado inflamatório e expressão de IL33 em amostras de carcinoma espinocelular com níveis menores de malignidade tumoral. / Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common form of cutaneous neoplasm. The exact mechanisms involved in the progression of this type of tumor have not yet been elucidated. Recent studies have shown that the cytokine IL33 is a cytokine regulating the adaptive immune response, mainly as a potent inducer of Th2 profile. Together with its ST2 receptor, its presents with elevated levels in some types of cancer, corroborating to evidence that this cytokine contributes to carcinogenesis. Based on this information, we tested the hypothesis that the presence of IL33 in squamous cell carcinoma could be related to a better prognosis. In this study, squamous cell carcinoma samples were used in three different gradations of tumor malignancy (Grade I, Grade II and Grade III). The results showed that a more intense inflammatory infiltrate in Grade I and II tumors. Immunoreactivity for IL33 was observed in Grade I and Grade II tumor, by epithelial cells and by inflammatory infiltrate cells. The analysis by confocal microscopy evidenced that a great number of TCD8+ and TCD4+ cells expressing IL33 was observed in grade II tumors. These results indicate the presence of an intense inflammatory infiltrate and expression of IL33 in samples of squamous cell carcinoma with lower levels of tumor malignancy.
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Analyse des propriétés antivirales de l’interleukine-26 / Analysis of the antiviral properties of the interleukin-26Larochette, Vincent 18 December 2018 (has links)
L’interleukine 26 (IL-26) a initialement été décrite comme une molécule surexprimée par des lymphocytes humains transformés par un virus. L’IL-26 a ensuite été classée comme cytokine pro-inflammatoire en raison de sa capacité à induire la production de cytokines par les cellules myéloïdes et épithéliales. Toutefois, ses fonctions biologiques restent méconnues, notamment en raison de l’absence d’orthologue chez le rat et la souris. Le laboratoire avait précédemment rapporté que l’IL-26 est surexprimée chez les patients présentant une inflammation hépatique associée à une infection chronique par le virus de l’hépatite C (HCV) et qu’elle participe à l’immunité antivirale, notamment en conférant aux cellules NK la capacité de tuer des hépatocytes infectés par le virus. Les résultats montraient également que l’IL-26 s’accumule dans les hépatocytes infectés en l’absence d’expression du transcrit. Cette observation, suggérant un rôle non conventionnel pour une cytokine associé à une localisation inhabituelle, a constitué la base de ce projet de recherche. Utilisant un modèle original de réplication du virus HCV in vitro, nos travaux montrent que l’IL-26 protège les hépatocytes de l’infection par HCV en inhibant la réplication de l’ARN viral. Cette propriété repose notamment sur la capacité de l’IL-26 à se lier à l’ARN viral. Ces données identifient l’IL-26 comme un nouvel acteur de l’arsenal antiviral, agissant notamment en inhibant la réplication du virus HCV, et suggèrent que cette molécule peut être classée dans la famille des kinocidines. / Initially identified as a molecule over expressed in virus-transformed human T cells, IL-26 has been classified as a pro inflammatory cytokine due to its capacity to induce inflammatory cytokines production by myeloid and epithelial cells. Nevertheless, its biological functions remain largely unknown, in part because of its absence of orthologs in rat and mouse.Our team has previously reported that IL-26, overexpressed in HCV-infected patients, activates NK cells, rendering them able to kill HCV-infected hepatocytes. Results also showed that IL-26 accumulates in hepatocytes of HCV-infected patients, a localization that is not usual for a cytokine. This observation led us to evaluate whether IL-26 may exhibit non-conventional properties. In this study, we demonstrate that IL-26 protects in vitro hepatocytes from HCV infection. Confocal microscopy revealed that IL-26 colocalizes with viral dsRNA. This direct antiviral activity appears to rely on the capacity of IL-26 to bind to viral RNA and to inhibit its replication. Moreover, we investigated the capacity that IL-26 complexed to viral RNA could trigger an antiviral response by immune cells. Collectively, results show that IL-26 may have a manifold protective role during HCV infection: (i) an indirect role via its capacity to confer NK cell the capacity to kill HCV-infected cells, (ii) a direct role through its ability to inhibit viral replication, and (iii) a stimulatory role by rendering viral DNA inflammatory.
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Adaptations cellulaires et moléculaires de la réponse inflammatoire à l'activité physique chez les enfants atteints d'arthrite juvénile idiopathique / Cellular and molecular adaptations to exercise-induced inflammatory response in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritisGallion-Rochette, Emmanuelle 03 December 2018 (has links)
L'arthrite juvénile idiopathique (AJI) est une maladie rare chronique caractérisée par une inflammation persistante qui se manifeste par des douleurs articulaires, le gonflement des articulations et la limitation des mouvements articulaires. La fatigue et les douleurs entraînent une diminution de l'activité physique et une sédentarité accrue. Ce manque d'activité physique a pour conséquence une altération de la qualité de vie et une aggravation de la fatigue chronique, des troubles de l'humeur et des troubles métaboliques chez ces enfants. Les études sur les programmes d'exercices physiques montrent que l'exercice physique est bénéfique pour cette population. Mais les mécanismes d’action permettant de comprendre comment elle améliore la qualité de vie et la santé de l'enfant atteint d'arthrite juvénile idiopathique sont encore mal connus. Notre objectif était d’explorer la réponse physiologique à l’exercice des enfants et adolescents atteints d’arthrites juvéniles idiopathiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés principalement au métabolisme énergétique à l’exercice et à la fonction musculaire chez ces enfants. Nous avons étudié l’impact de la pathologie, des traitements par anti-TNF-α et de l’activité de la maladie sur ce métabolisme. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la sécrétion induite par l’exercice des myokines telles que l’IL-6 et les calgranulines en post exercice immédiat et dans les 24h suivant l’exercice. / Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a rare chronic inflammatory disease characterized by persistent inflammation that is manifested by joint pain, swelling of the joints and limitation of range of motion. Fatigue and pain are the most frequent complaints in patients with JIA, lead to a decline in physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle of these children. This lack of physical activity results in impaired quality of life and worsening of chronic fatigue, mood disorders and metabolic disorders in these children. Studies of exercise programs show that exercise is beneficial for this population. But the mechanisms of action to understand how it improves the quality of life and health of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis are still poorly understood. Our aim was to explore the physiological response to exercise in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. We focused primarily on energy metabolism to exercise and muscle function in these children. We looked at the impact of the pathology, anti-TNF-α treatments and the activity of the disease on this metabolism. Next, we adressed the exercise-induced secretion of myokines such as IL-6 and calgranulins in immediate post exercise and within 24 hours after exercise.
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