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Role of miR-155 and miR-146a in Mast Cell FunctionAbdul Qayum, Amina 01 January 2017 (has links)
Mast cells are resident immune cells abundantly found in the tissue at the host-environment interface, where they play a critical role in inflammatory allergic responses. Mast cell responses may be regulated by the cytokine milieu at the site of inflammation. Recent studies have revealed microRNAs to be important in altering cytokine signaling in immune cells. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that IL-10 and IL-33 induce miR-155 and miR-146a, respectively, to alter mast cell functions. We report that IL-10 enhanced IgE induced activation of mast cells. IL-10 effects are dependent on Stat3 activation, which elicits miR-155 expression, resulting in a loss of suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 (SOCS-1). The importance of miR-155 was demonstrated by the inability of IL-10 to enhance anaphylaxis in miR-155–deficient mice. Additionally, we show that IL-33 treatment greatly enhances miR-146a expression in mast cells and in mast cell derived exosomes. miR-146a induction is dependent on MyD88 and NFκB and seems to negatively regulate ST2 signaling, which is demonstrated by the hyperresponsiveness of miR-146a knockout BMMC in response to IL-33. Our preliminary data suggest that miR-146a serves as a feedback negative regulator of IL-33 signaling by targeting IRAK proteins. miR-155 and miR-146a are key microRNAs that regulate a range of immune functions. Taken together, our results reveal two novel microRNA pathways that regulate mast cell IgE and IL-33 induced responses.
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Dérèglement des cytokines inflammatoires chez les schizophrènes avec abus de substancesBah, Ramatoulaye January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Contribution à l'analyse immunogénétique de la susceptibilité aux bilharzioses hépatospléniquesSertorio, Mathieu 16 January 2012 (has links)
Les bilharzioses hépatospléniques sont des maladies parasitaires provoquées essentiellement par Schistosoma japonicum et Schistosoma mansoni. Ces infections provoquent une fibrose hépatique sévère chez 5 à 20% des sujets infectées vivant en zone endémique. Plusieurs études ont démontré que le développement de cette fibrose était régulé par des cytokines et chemokines et que la susceptibilité génétique à cette maladie dépendait chez l'homme d'un locus majeur sur le chromosome humain 6 en position q23. L'IL-22 est une cytokine produite essentiellement par les lymphocytes T auxiliaires et les cellules NK et qui a été impliqué dans la protection du foie et de l'intestin chez la souris. Le gène IL22RA2 codant pour le récepteur inhibiteur soluble de l'IL-22 (IL-22BP) est localisé dans la région de susceptibilité à la FH (6q23). Nous avons donc étudié l'implication de l'IL-22 dans la pathologie bilharzienne par une approche immunogénétique. Notre étude démontre que la production d'IL-22 est augmentée en réponse aux œufs de S. japonicum et aux antigènes d'œufs de S. mansoni dans des cultures de cellules mononuclées du sang périphérique d'individus chinois et brésiliens vivant dans des zones endémiques. Le traitement par le Praziquantel, qui favorise l'élimination des parasites et la réversion de la fibrose, est associé à une augmentation des taux d'IL-22 en culture. Nous avons observé que dans le sang des patients chinois, l'IL-22 est produit majoritairement par les lymphocytes T CD4+ et des cellules CD3-CD4- ne produisant pas d'IL-17A. Les taux d'IL-22 en culture et la proportion des cellules CD3-CD4-IL22+ sont inversement corrélés à la FH. / Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused primarily by Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mansoni. These infections cause severe hepatic fibrosis (HF) in 5-20% of infected subjects living in endemic areas. Several studies have shown that the development of this fibrosis was regulated by cytokines and chemokines. Our laboratory has shown that genetic susceptibility to HF map to a major locus on human chromosome 6 at position q23. IL-22 is a cytokine produced primarily by T cells and NK cells and has been involved in protecting the liver and intestine in mice. The gene IL22RA2, encoding the soluble inhibitor receptor of IL-22 (IL-22BP), is located in the region of susceptibility to HF (6q23). We therefore examined the involvement of IL-22 in schistosomiasis pathology by an immunogenetic approach. Our study shows that the production of IL-22 is increased in response to eggs of S. japonicum and egg antigens of S. mansoni in cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from Chinese and Brazilian subjects living in endemic areas. Treatment with praziquantel, which helps eliminate parasites and reversion of HF, is associated with increased levels of IL-22 in culture. We observed that in the blood of Chinese patients, IL-22 is produced mainly by CD4+ T cells and CD3-CD4-cells that do not produce IL-17A. The levels of IL-22 in culture and the proportion of CD3+CD4-IL22+ are inversely correlated with HF. These observations suggest that IL-22 may play a protective role in HF. To confirm this implication, we performed association studies between SNPs located in IL22 and IL22RA2 genes and HF.
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Conception et affinité d’ADN-galactomimes à aglycone aromatique ciblant la lectine I de Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (PA-IL) / Design and affinity of ADN-galacomimics with aromatic aglycon targeting lectin I of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA-IL)Casoni, Francesca 30 September 2014 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) représente un véritable problème de santé publique étant l'une des principales causes d'infections nosocomiales et de mortalité chez les patients atteints de fibrose cystique. Cette bactérie provoque des pathologies respiratoires chroniques qui persistent malgré une thérapie antibiotique agressive à cause de l'émergence de souches résistantes et de la formation du biofilm. Une stratégie prometteuse consiste à inhiber les facteurs de virulence de PA tels que PA-IL qui est une lectine soluble impliquée dans la reconnaissance des résidus galactose et qui semble jouer un rôle dans l'adhésion de la bactérie au glycocalyx autour de la cellule hôte ainsi que dans le développement du biofilm. Alors que les interactions lectine-carbohydrate sont caractérisées par une spécificité élevée, l'affinité entre les lectines et les saccharides simples est faible et une présentation multivalente des unités saccharidiques est généralement requise pour atteindre une interaction significative d'un point de vue physiologique. Ce manuscrit décrit la synthèse de glycooligonucléotides dont l'affinité envers PA-IL a été étudiées par DNA Direct Immobilisation microarray. Les blocs de construction saccharidiques ont été assemblés sur des échafaudages phosphorylés en utilisant une combinaison de synthèse en phase solide d'ADN et « click chemistry » (cycloaddition 1,3-dipolaire azide/alcyne). Grâce à la technologie glycoarray, les glycomimétiques ont été analysés à une échelle nanomolaire. Les résultats expérimentaux ont permis d'établir des relations structure-activités précises. En outre, des études des docking ont confirmé les résultats expérimentaux. La synthèse des candidats les plus affins envers PA-IL a été conduite sans l'étiquette d'ADN et à plus grande échelle pour vérifier par des analyses biologiques leurs propriétés anti-adhésives ou inhibitrices du biofilm. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) is a major public health issue due to its impact on nosocomial infections as well as its impact on cystic fibrosis patient mortality. It often leads to chronic respiratory infection despite aggressive antibiotic therapy due to the emergence of resistant strains and to the formation of biofilm. A promising approach is to inhibit the virulence factors of PA such as PA-IL which is a soluble lectin implicated in the recognition of galactose residues that seems to be involved in the adhesion of the bacterium to the glycocalyx surrounding host's cells as well as in the biofilm development.If carbohydrate-lectin interactions proceed with high specificity, the affinity between lectins and simple saccharides is low and a multivalent display of saccharidic units is generally required to attain physiologically significant association. This manuscript reports the synthesis of high affinity glycooligonucleotides toward PA-IL for its inhibition and their bindings properties were studied on a DNA direct immobilisation microarray. Glycoside building blocks were assembled on phosphorylated scaffolds using a combination of DNA solid phase synthesis and microwave assisted « click chemistry » (copper (I) catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition). Thanks to glycoarray technology the glycomimetics were studied at the nanomole scale. The experimental results have been used to assess structure binding relationships. In addition, docking studies have confirmed ours experimental results. The synthesis of the best hits as anti-biofilm or anti-adhesive molecules have been synthesized at upper scale without their DNA tag for biological studies as anti-adhesive compounds and biofilm inhibitors of PA.
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Análise da expressão do inflamassoma em melanoma cutâneo e nevo melanocítico / Expression of inflammasome in melanoma and melanocytic nevusSá, Daniel Coelho de 03 August 2018 (has links)
A resposta inflamatória está envolvida em muitos aspectos da biologia do câncer. O inflamassoma é um complexo multiprotéico intracelular compostos por três elementos: um receptor de reconhecimento de padrões moleculares (PRR), uma proteína ligadora ASC (proteína speck-like associada à apoptose com domínio de recrutamento de caspase) e o zimogênio pró-caspase-1. A ativação da caspase-1 é responsável pela síntese de IL-18 e, principalmente, de IL-1?. A ativação da caspase-1 é ainda capaz de induzir a piroptose, um tipo de morte celular inflamatória. O papel dos inflamassomas no câncer ainda é mal definido, devido às suas funções contrastantes na oncogênese, variando a depender do tipo de tecido e do estágio da tumorigênese em que são ativados. Estudos recentes mostraram uma ativação do inflamassoma à medida que o melanoma progride. Avaliamos a expressão de componentes do inflamassoma, incluindo dois tipos de PRR (NLRP1 e NLRP3), da enzima caspase-1, e da IL-1beta em neoplasias melanocíticas benignas e malignas, por meio de técnica de imunohistoquímica. Foram analisadas amostras de tecidos embebidos em parafina de 25 pacientes com melanoma (16 melanomas finos e 9 melanomas intermediários-espessos) e 22 pacientes com nevo melanocítico (12 nevos intradérmicos e 10 nevos displásicos). Todas as amostras de pele foram recuperadas dos arquivos do Departamento de Dermatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Evidenciamos uma maior expressão de NLRP1, NLRP3 e caspase-1 nos melanomas quando comparados aos nevos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto a expressão de IL-1beta entre os grupos. De forma inesperada, a descoberta mais interessante foi uma maior expressão de NLRP1 em melanomas finos do que nos tumores mais espessos. Esses achados sugerem que um aumento de NLRP1 poderia representar um evento promotor na transformação de melanócitos, mas que não estaria envolvido na progressão tumoral. Estudos adicionais são necessários para esclarecer esta complexa relação entre as proliferações melanocíticas e o inflamassoma / Inflammatory response is involved in many aspects of cancer biology. Inflammasomes are a group of cytosolic multiprotein complexes, classically consisting of an upstream sensor protein of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) family, the adaptor protein ASC, and the downstream effector caspase-1. Its activation leads to the production of biologically active IL-1beta and IL-18, and consequently contributing to the inflammatory process. Caspase-1 activation can also induce pyroptotic cell death, that is accompanied by the release of cytosolic contents to the extracellular space eliciting local inflammation. The roles of the inflammasomes in cancer are still ill defined, due to their contrasting roles in oncogenesis. Recent studies have shown an activation of the inflammosome as melanoma progresses. We evaluated the expression of inflamassome components (NLRP1, NLRP3, caspase-1) and of IL-1beta in melanocytic neoplasms, by immunohistochemistry. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples from 25 patients with melanoma (16 thin melanomas and 9 intermediate-thick melanomas), and 22 patients with melanocytic nevus (12 intradermal nevi and 10 dysplastic nevi) were analyzed. All skin samples were retrieved from the files of the Department of Dermatology at Clinics Hospital of Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Comparing all nevi with all melanomas, we found a higher expression of NLRP1, NLRP3 and caspase-1 in melanomas. There was no difference of IL-1beta expression between the groups. For the first time, to our knowledge, we reported an increasing expression of NLRP1 in melanoma compared to melanocytic nevus. Unexpectantly, NLRP1 expression resulted augmented NLRP1 in thin melanomas compared with intermediate-thick melanomas. These data may suggest a role of NLRP1 in oncogenesis, but that its expression decreases as disease progresses. We can hypothesize that an increase of NLRP1 could represent a promoter event in melanocyte transformation, but it does not be involved in tumour progression. The association between nevus, melanoma and inflammasomes seems to be complex and further studies are necessary to clarify this
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Papel de inflamassomas e vias lisossomais na morte celular e resposta imune induzidas pela flagelina. / Role of inflammasomes and lysosomal pathway in cell death and immunity induced by flagellin.Lage, Silvia Lucena 24 November 2015 (has links)
A flagelina é um agonista natural do sensor TLR5 e do inflamassoma NAIP/NLRC4 que é responsável pela secreção de IL-1β e IL-18 e pela indução de morte celular necrótica, via ativação da caspase-1. Entretanto, nós observamos que a inserção da flagelina de B. subtilis no citosol celular por meio de vesículas lipídicas, induz um processo atípico de morte nos macrófagos peritoneais (PMs) deficientes em NLRC4, ASC e caspase-1/11. A morte dos PMs manteve seu resultado antimicrobiano, sendo acompanhada da liberação de IL-1α. A morte celular e a secreção das citocinas IL-1α e IL-1β, foi mediada por catepsinas lisossomais, sugerindo uma cooperação entre a via lisossomal e os inflamassomas nas respostas induzidas pela flagelina. Além disso, a flagelina de S. typhimurium foi capaz de induzir dano lisossomal e secreção de IL-1α e IL-1β mediada pelo eixo caspase-catepsinas, na ausência de carreadores, e estas citocinas tiveram um impacto na imunidade adaptativa induzida pela flagelina, no modelo de ativação de linfócitos T específicos por células dendríticas, in vitro. / Flagellin is a natural agonist of TLR5 and NAIP/NLRC4 inflammasome that is responsible for IL-1β and IL-18 secretion and for the induction of a necrotic cell death, both mediated by caspase-1. However, we observed that flagellin from B. subtilis inserted into lipid vesicles, induced an atypical cell death in peritoneal macrophages (PMs) in the absence of NLRC4, ASC and caspase-1/11. This inflammasome-independent cell death retained its antimicrobial outcome, being accompanied with IL-1α secretion. Importantly, cell death and caspase-1-dependent IL-1α and IL-1β secretion were regulated by lysosomal cathepsins, suggesting a cooperation between the inflammasome and lysosomal pathway in response to flagellin. We also observed that flagellin from S. typhimurium is able to induce lysosomal damage and IL-1α and IL-1β secretion by PMs in the absence of a carrier, through a caspase-catepsins-dependent manner, and that cytokines were important to the ability of flagellin in to induce adaptive immune response by antigen-specific T cells.
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O fenômeno da tolerância oral e a regulação de células patogênicas Th17 no modelo de encefalomielite experimental auto-imune. / The oral tolerance phenomenon and the regulation of pathogenic Th17 cells during the EAE model.Peron, Jean Pierre Schatzmann 16 May 2008 (has links)
Recentemente demonstrou-se o papel de células T produtoras de IL-17 na patogênese da esclerosa múltipla e de seu modelo, a EAE. Através da produção desta e de outras citocinas, a população chamada Th17 promove o rompimento da barreira hematoencefálica e a conseqüente infiltração de células patogênicas para dentro do SNC. Nesse contexto, em nosso trabalho utilizamos o fenômeno da tolerância oral para avaliar a capacidade deste em suprimir a resposta imune durante o modelo de EAE, mais especificamente as células Th17. Nossos dados demonstram uma diminuição de IL-17 tanto na periferia como no SNC dos animais tolerados. Além disso, detectamos menos CCL2 e IL-6 em células extraídas do CNS dia 10 pós-imunização. Não observarmos diferença na produção de IL-4,5,10, 13, IL-12p70, TNF-<font face=\"symbol\">a, e IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g entre os grupos. Em suma, nossos resultados mostram que o fenômeno da tolerância oral é capaz de suprimir parâmetros de EAE devido a uma menor capacidade linfoproliferativa associada a uma supressão de células patogênicas Th17 tanto na periferia como no SNC. / It has recently been shown the role of IL-17 secreting cells on the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and also in its model, EAE. Due to the secretion of this and other cytokines, the population so called Th17, promotes the disruption of the blood-brain barrier and the following infiltration of pathogenic cells into the CNS. In this context, in our work we used the oral tolerance phenomenon to evaluate its supressive capacity, more specifically over the Th17 cells. We showed that oral tolerated mice has a diminished production of IL-17 both in the periphery and in the CNS. Futhermore, we detected lower levels of CCL2 and IL-6 also from brain and spinal cord extracted mononucear cells at day 10th post-immunization. We were not able to detect differences on IL-4,5,10, 13, IL-12p70, TNF-<font face=\"symbol\">a, e IFN-<font face=\"symbol\">g between the groups. Thus, our results show that the oral tolerance phenomenon suppresses EAE findings, mainly due to a lower lymphoprolipherative response associated to a supression over the expansion of Th17 pathogenic T cells both in the periphery and inside the CNS.
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Terapia gênica contra Paracoccidioidomicose experimental utilizando camundongos BALB/c e B10.A e vetores de expressão de P10, HSP60 e IL-12. / Gene therapy against experimental paracoccidioidomycosis using BALB/c and B10.A mice and expression vectors encoding P10, HSP60 and IL-12.Rittner, Glauce Mary Gomes 13 March 2009 (has links)
A paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma doença sistêmica de caráter granulomatoso, causada pelo fungo termodimórfico Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. A PCM é endêmica nas Américas do Sul e Central. Vacina de DNA é uma abordagem promissora e atual na imunoterapia. O peptídeo P10 contem um epítopo da gp43 reconhecido por linfócitos T-CD4+ e é protetor contra a PCM experimental. No presente trabalho analizamos o uso de vacinas de DNA usando vetores de expressão de P10, IL-12 e HSP60 em camundongos infectados intratraquealmente (i.t.) com P. brasiliensis. Esquema Profilático: camundongos BALB/c foram imunizados com pCDNA3 com sequências codificadoras de P10, HSP60 ou IL-12 e foram infectados i.t com 3x105 leveduras do isolado Pb18. Esquema Terapêutico: Camundongos BALB/c e B10.A foram infectados i.t. e após 30 dias foram submetidos à imunização por 4 semanas, ou 5 meses somente para B10.A, com pCDNA3 codificando P10 e/ou IL-12. Níveis de anticorpos, unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) e produção de citocinas foram analizados. Foi observada redução significativa de UFC nos pulmões dos camundongos imunizados com vetor contendo P10/IL-12. A histopatologia dos pulmões mostrou áreas preservadas e redução de inflamação nestes animais. O nível de citocinas nos pulmões mostrou aumento de IFN-g e IL-12 caracterizando uma resposta Th1. Tratamento de animais B10. A com pP10 até 5 meses, reduziu o número de leveduras infectantes perto de esterilização. / Paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) is a systemic granulomatous disease caused by the thermo-dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. It is widespread in South and Central America. Gene therapy is a promising approach to Ag-specific immunotherapy. Peptide 10 contains the T-cell epitope of gp43 and is protective against experimental infection in mice. Presently, we analyzed the used of DNA-based vaccine encoding P10, IL-12 and HSP60 in mice intratracheally infected with P. brasiliensis. Prophylactic protocol: BALB/c mice were immunized with pCDNA3 encoding P10, HSP60 or IL-12 prior to intratracheal infection with 3x105 yeast cells of isolate Pb18. Therapeutic protocol: BALB/c and B10. A mice were infected and after 30 days, they were immunized for 4 weeks, or 5 months for B10.A only, with pCDNA3 encoding P10 and/or IL-12. Antibody titers in sera, colony forming units (CFU) and cytokine production were measured. A significant reduction of CFU in the lungs of mice immunized with plasmid encoding P10/IL-12 was observed. The lung histopathology confirmed the results showing preserved areas and reduction of inflammation in vaccinated animals. The cytokine levels in lungs showed enhanced levels of IFN-g and IL-12 characterizing a Th1 response. Further treatment of B10.A mice up to 5 months with pP10 reduced the number of infective yeasts close to sterilization.
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Papel da IL- na malária experimental causada pelo Plasmodium chabaudi / Role of IL-1 in experimental P. chabaudi malariaMenezes, Maria Nogueira de 15 August 2018 (has links)
A malária causa complicações envolvendo diversos órgãos, inclusive o fígado, onde se sabe que ocorrem inflamação e dano hepáticos, os quais contribuem para a severidade da doença. A interleucina (IL)-1 α é uma citocina pró-inflamatória que pertence à família da IL-1 e que pode ser produzida e liberada tanto por células não-hematopoiéticas, como hematopoiéticas em contextos como dano tecidual, infecção e doenças autoimunes em diversos órgãos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a produção e o papel da IL-1 na imunopatogênese e na proteção durante a malária experimental. A produção da IL-1 foi investigada durante a inflamação e necrose no fígado em camundongos C57BL/6 infectados com o estágio eritrocítico do Plasmodium chabaudi. A fonte de IL-1 no fígado dos camundongos infectados foi determinada por imunofluorescência e citometria de fluxo. Camundongos IL1A-/- foram utilizados para avaliar o papel da IL-1 neste contexto. Durante a infecção aguda com o P. chabaudi, a inflamação hepática e o desenvolvimento das lesões necróticas são acompanhados pelo aumento nos níveis de IL-1 no fígado, que ocorre de forma independente do inflamassoma NLRP3 (Nod-like receptor protein 3). Os neutrófilos foram identificados como sendo a fonte de IL-1 α no fígado dos camundongos C57BL/6 infectados. De forma sistêmica, a deficiência em IL-1 α resultou numa diminuição da perda de peso e da hipotermia causados pela malária, mas teve um efeito menos significativo no controle da parasitemia. No fígado, a ausência de IL-1 reduziu o número de células TUNEL+, atenuando a necrose induzida pela infecção. A melhora no dano hepático nos camundongos IL1A-/- infectados está associada com uma menor resposta inflamatória em comparação aos camundongos C57BL/6 infectados, incluindo uma menor produção do TNF- α (Tumor necrosis factor alpha), citocina associada à apoptose de hepatócitos e, consequentemente, à necrose do tecido hepático durante a malária causada pelo P. chabaudi. Apesar de exercer um importante papel na imunopatogênese do dano e inflamação do fígado durante a fase eritrocítica da infecção pelo P. chabaudi, a ausência da IL-1 α não impediu a proteção conferida pela presença das formas eritrocíticas contra a reinfecção com esporozoítos. Em conclusão, neutrófilos produzem IL-1 α no fígado durante a fase aguda da malária causada pelo P. chabaudi. Esta citocina amplifica a resposta inflamatória à infecção e promove a necrose hepática, assim como exacerba a perda de peso e a hipotermia. / Malaria causes complications involving several organs, including the liver, where there are inflammation and damage that contribute to the disease severity. Interleukin (IL)-1 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine from the IL-1 family that can be released by non-hematopoietic or hematopoietic cells during tissue damage, infection and autoimmune diseases in different organs. The present study aims to evaluate the production and the role of IL-1 in the immunopathogenesis and in the protection during experimental malaria. IL-1 production was assessed during hepatic inflammation and necrosis in C57BL/6 mice infected with blood stages of Plasmodium chabaudi. The source of IL-1 in the liver of infected mice was determined by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry analyses. IL1A-/- mice were used to assess the role of IL-1 in this context. During acute P. chabaudi infection, hepatic inflammation and development of necrotic lesions were accompanied by an increase in IL-1 levels in the liver, which occurred independently of the Nod-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome. Neutrophils were identified as the source of IL-1 α in the liver of infected C57BL/6 mice. Systemically, IL-1 deficiency resulted in reduction of weight loss and hypothermia caused by P. chabaudi malaria, but had minor effect on parasitemia control. In the liver, the absence of IL-1 reduced the number of TUNEL+ cells and attenuated the necrotic process induced by infection. The amelioration of liver damage in infected IL1A-/- mice was associated with lower inflammatory response compared to infected C57BL/6 mice, in particular with a decrease in tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF- α) production, which has been directly implicated in the apoptosis of hepatocytes and, in consequence, the necrosis of the liver tissue during P. chabaudi malaria. Despite the important role in liver damage and inflammation immunopathogenesis during the blood-stage P. chabaudi infection, the absence of IL-1 α did not impair the protection conferred by blood stages against sporozoite reinfection. This study shows that neutrophils produce IL-1 α in the liver during acute P. chabaudi malaria. This cytokine amplifies the inflammatory response to infection and promotes liver necrosis, as well as exacerbates the weight loss and hypothermia.
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Rôle de Clec9a dans l'athérosclérose / Role of Clec9a in atherosclerosis developmentHaddad, Yacine 13 October 2017 (has links)
L’athérosclérose est une maladie inflammatoire chronique. L’une des caractéristiques des lésions d’athérosclérose est l’accumulation anormale de corps apoptotiques et nécrotiques, due à un défaut d’efferocytose, ceci entraînant la formation du cœur nécrotique. L’évolution de ce cœur nécrotique est également associée à une augmentation de l’inflammation et de la taille des plaques d’athérosclérose, mais aussi dans la survenue de complications telle que la rupture de plaque. Clec9a est un récepteur transmembranaire de type lectine C, majoritairement exprimé par une sous population de cellules dendritiques les DC-CD8α+. Il est capable de reconnaître un ligand spécifiquement exprimé par les corps nécrotiques, l’actine F. L’objectif de notre travail a été de savoir si Clec9a, qui est capable de reconnaître les corps nécrotiques, pouvait être impliqué dans la modulation de l’inflammation observée au cours du développement de l’athérosclérose. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons montré, in vivo partir de deux modèles murins (ApoE-/- et LDLr-/-), que la délétion de Clec9a entraîne une diminution significative de la taille des lésions dans un contexte d’hypercholestérolémie modérée. Cette athéro-protection observée en l’absence de Clec9a, est associée à une augmentation de l’expression de l’IL-10, qui est une interleukine anti-athérogène et anti-inflammatoire. Cet effet athéroprotecteur de l’absence de Clec9a n’est plus observé lorsque l’IL-10 est totalement invalidée. De plus, nous avons montré que l’invalidation de Clec9a spécifiquement dans les DC-CD8α+ entraîne, in vivo, une diminution de l’infiltration des macrophages et des lymphocytes T dans les lésions, ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’expression de l’IL-10, favorisant une diminution de la taille des lésions. La compréhension des mécanismes inflammatoires dans l’athérosclérose constitue un enjeu majeur pour prévenir les risques de complications comme la rupture de plaque ou la thrombose. Ainsi, ce travail met en évidence un nouveau rôle de Clec9a dans la régulation de l’inflammation dans l’athérosclérose et pourrait donc représenter une cible thérapeutique potentielle. / Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease. One of the characteristics of atherosclerotic lesions is the abnormal accumulation of apoptotic and necrotic cells, due to a deficiency of efferocytosis, which leads to the formation of the necrotic heart. The evolution of this necrotic core is also associated with an increase in inflammation and lesions of atherosclerosis, but also in the occurrence of complications such as plaque rupture. Clec9a is a C type lectin receptor, mainly expressed by a subpopulation of dendritic cells, which are the CD8α+ dendritic cells. This receptor is able to recognize a ligand expressed by necrotic cells, the actin F. The aim of our work was to find out if Clec9a, which can sense necrotic cells, could be involved in modulating the inflammation observed during the development of atherosclerosis. In this study, we have shown, in vivo with two mouse models (ApoE - / - and LDLr - / -), that the deletion of Clec9a leads to a significant decrease in the incidence of moderate hypercholesterolemia. This athero-protection observed in the absence of Clec9a, is associated with an increase in the expression of IL-10, which is an anti-atherogenic and anti-inflammatory cytokine. This athero-protective effect of the absence of Clec9a is abolished after total invalidation of IL-10. Furthermore, we report that specific knockdown of Clec9a in CD8α+-DC, in vivo, leads to a decrease in macrophage and lymphocyte infiltration in lesions, as well as an increase in IL-1 expression. 10, which promotes a decrease in lesions size. Understanding of inflammatory mechanisms in atherosclerosis is a major challenge to prevent the risk of complications such as plaque rupture or thrombosis. Thus, this work highlights a new role of Clec9a in the regulation of inflammation in atherosclerosis and could be therefore a potential therapeutic target.
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