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PROGETTO «MENABO'» (1959-1967). GENESI E SVILUPPO DELLA RIVISTA EINAUDIANA ATTRAVERSO LO STUDIO DELLE CARTE D'ARCHIVIO INEDITE / «Menabò» project (1959-1967). Genesis and development of the magazine by Einaudi through the study of unedited archival documentsCAVALLI, SILVIA 25 March 2015 (has links)
Il lavoro è un’indagine sulla genesi e lo sviluppo della rivista «il menabò» (1959-1967), diretta da Elio Vittorini e Italo Calvino e pubblicata da Einaudi, a partire dai materiali epistolari inediti, conservati nel Fondo Giulio Einaudi Editore presso l’Archivio di Stato di Torino e nel Fondo Elio Vittorini presso il Centro Apice dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. L’analisi approfondita dei carteggi ha permesso di ricostruire la storia di una rivista, la quale ha ricoperto un ruolo centrale all’interno del panorama letterario e culturale italiano, ha contribuito a portare notorietà a giovani scrittori esordienti e ha promosso un dibattito critico che ancora oggi può dirsi attuale. / The thesis is an analysis of the genesis and the development of the magazine «il menabò» (1959-1967), directed by Elio Vittorini and Italo Calvino and published by Einaudi, starting from unedited epistolary materials, preserved in the Fondo Giulio Einaudi Editore in the Archivio di Stato in Turin and in the Fondo Elio Vittorini in the Centro Apice of Università degli Studi of Milan. The deep analysis of this correspondence allowed us to reconstruct the history of a magazine which played a key role in the Italian literary and cultural scene, contributed to give fame to newcomer young writers and promoted a critical debate still present nowadays.
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Chansons madecasses : om Ravels kvartett i tre satserLarsson, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Prevention of Cardiometabolic Disease in Familial HypercholesterolemiaAwan, Zuhier 11 1900 (has links)
L’hypercholestérolémie familiale (FH) est un désordre lipidique associé aux maladies cardiovasculaires les plus fréquentes. La FH est causée par des mutations dans les gènes LDLR, APOB et PCSK9. Toutefois, chez 20% des patients souffrant de FH, aucune mutation dans ces gènes n'a été détectée et ceci suggère que d’autres gènes seraient à l’origine de la FH. Actuellement, le seul traitement de la FH est une thérapie aux statines. En général les statines sont bien tolérées, cependant, une monothérapie ne permet pas d’atteindre des niveaux thérapeutiques acceptables et dans bien des cas, une thérapie combinée devient nécessaire. De plus, l’intolérance aux statines est présente dans environ 12% des patients. Dans les trois dernières décennies, la survie des patients avec la FH a augmentée de façon notoire mais on observe aussi l’apparition d’une calcification vasculaire sévère chez certains d’entre eux. Il est donc primordial de développer des nouvelles approches thérapeutiques afin de prévenir ces complications tardives.
Dans cette thèse doctorat, nous présentons l’étude d’une famille avec un phénotype de FH sévère non causé par des mutations dans les gènes LDLR, APOB et PCSK9. Par des études biochimiques et par séquençage d’ADN utilisant les technologies de nouvelle génération (NextGenSeq), nous avons découvert une mutation dans le gène de l’APOE (Leu167del). Ceci nous permet de proposer le gène codant pour l’APOE comme le 4e locus responsable de la FH (FH4). Par la suite, nous avons effectué deux études de cohortes chez les patients atteints de FH. Premièrement, dans l’étude JUPITER, nous avons démontré que la rosuvastatin augmente les niveaux sanguins de la protéine PCSK9 et ceci limiterait l’efficacité du traitement aux statines. Nous avons aussi étudié l’influence du mutant naturel R46L (perte de fonction de la PCSK9) dans la réponse aux statines. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné les effets de la perte de fonction de la PCSK9 sur le profil cardiométabolique au sein d’une population pédiatrique. Nous avons déterminé que le génotype de l’APOE est déterminant dans ce profil cardiométabolique. Enfin, nous avons étudié la calcification vasculaire chez les patients atteints de FH. Cette calcification vasculaire progresse de façon indépendante des niveaux de cholestérol sérique et n’est pas associée aux anomalies de l’homéostasie du calcium. En utilisant des modèles murins, nous avons démontré que les souris Ldlr-/- et Tg(Pcsk9) développent des calcifications vasculaires semblables à celles observées chez l’homme. De plus, nous avons confirmé l’implication de la voie de signalisation LRP5/Wnt dans la pathophysiologie de la calcification artérielle. Avec une étude interventionnelle, nous avons trouvé que l’inhibition de l’interleukine 1β (IL-1β) diminue fortement l’apparition de calcifications vasculaire dans notre modèle murin.
En conclusion, nos études ont permis l’identification d’un nouveau gène impliqué dans la FH, ont démontré aussi que les statines augmentent les niveaux sériques de PCSK9 et que la perte de fonction de la PCSK9 altère le profil cardiométabolique. Enfin, nous avons établi que la calcification vasculaire représente une complication tardive chez les patients atteints de FH et que, dans notre modèle murin, la calcification vasculaire peut être retardée par l’inhibition d’IL-1β. Ces découvertes peuvent avoir d’importantes répercussions cliniques chez l’humain. / Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is the most common lipoprotein disorder associated with premature cardiovascular disease. Mutations in the LDLR, APOB and PCSK9 genes cause the FH phenotype, but in 20% of FH patients, no mutations in these genes are identified, suggesting that mutations in other genes cause FH. Treatment with statins has been the cornerstone of therapy. While statins are generally well tolerated, statin intolerance is found in approximately 12% of patients. Furthermore, statin use may not allow reaching LDL-C goals and combination therapy is often required. Nevertheless, survival of FH patients over the past 3 decades has improved significantly. As FH patients live longer, severe vascular calcifications have been described as a late complication in these patients. Given the increased survival rate and late complications, novel approaches and therapies are needed.
In the present thesis we examined a kindred with a severe FH phenotype, where sequencing of candidate genes failed to identify a causal mutation. Through biochemical analysis and next-generation exome sequencing we report a mutation (Leu167del) within the APOE gene that identifies the 4th locus causing FH (FH4). Next, we performed two cohort-based studies. Firstly, in the JUPITER trial we report that 20mg rosuvastatin treatment increases PCSK9 levels by 30%, thereby possibly limiting the efficacy of statin therapy. Then we show the effect of a loss-of-function (LOF) mutation of PCSK9, p.R46L, on the response to rosuvastatin. Secondly, we report that two PCSK9 gene variants, p.R46L and insLEU, were more frequent in French Canadian individuals. We also report that the APOE genotype determine the metabolic risk profile in these mutations. Finally, we studied vascular calcifications in FH individuals. These calcifications appear to progress independently of cholesterol levels and are not associated with disturbances in calcium homeostasis. Using mouse models, we show that Ldlr-/- and Tg(Pcsk9) mice develop aortic calcifications similar to that observed in humans. Furthermore, the involvement of the LRP5/Wnt pathway in the pathogenesis of calcification is illustrated. In a proof-of-concept experiment, inhibiting the upstream pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β attenuates calcification in mice.
In conclusion, we have contributed to the identification of a novel locus responsible for FH, reported the increase in PCSK9 levels with a statins treatment and the associated altered cardiometabolic profile in PCSK9 LOF. Finally, we demonstrated that vascular calcifications represent a severe complication of FH that can be prevented by inhibiting IL-1β in a mouse model. The latter novel approach may have an important translational application in human.
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PKA Signaling in ABCA1 Function: A Role in Modulation of Cholesterol Efflux and Macrophage InflammationMa, Loretta T. K. 28 October 2013 (has links)
Formation of lipid-laden macrophage foam cells and inflammation are the central components in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. ABCA1 is well established as an anti-atherogenic factor that facilitates cellular cholesterol and phospholipid efflux, promotes reverse cholesterol transport, and suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion. Through these functions, ABCA1 is capable of reducing the lipid burden in atherosclerotic plaque. PKA signaling is an integral factor in promoting many anti-atherogenic functions of ABCA1; however, mechanistic aspects of PKA signaling associated with ABCA1 remain poorly defined. Thus, the first part of this study investigates the involvement of spatially regulated PKA signaling in ABCA1 activities through the use of st-Ht31, a PKA de-anchoring peptide. It appears that de-anchoring PKA robustly increases ABCA1-mediated microparticle release, one of the cholesterol efflux pathways of ABCA1, and reverses macrophage foam cell formation. These results highlight the significance of subcellular compartmentalization of PKA signaling in ABCA1 functions and present PKA de-anchoring as a potential therapeutic strategy for atherosclerotic lesion regression. The second part of this study provides evidence that ABCA1 activates PKA and promotes the secretion of anti-inflammatory IL-10, a cytokine crucial for inflammation resolution. Furthermore, we provide evidence that this elevated PKA activity is the underlying mechanism in which macrophage ABCA1 promotes M2-like inflammatory response. Our results also suggest that ABCA1 activates PKA by regulating cholesterol, which poises macrophages towards an anti-inflammatory or M2-activated phenotype. Collectively, we demonstrate that PKA signaling plays a crucial multifactorial role in anti-atherogenic functions of ABCA1.
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Human candidate polymorphisms and malaria susceptibility in sympatric ethnic groups, The Fulani and The Dogon of MaliMaiga, Bakary January 2014 (has links)
In malaria endemic regions, resistance to malaria constitutes a critical selective pressureon genetic polymorphisms that regulate immune defense and inflammatory pathways.Differences in malaria susceptibility between sympatric ethnic groups have been described inMali. The Fulani are less susceptible to malaria compared to the neighboring group the Dogon,in spite of similar socio-economic and environmental conditions. Paper I is focused on IL-4-590 T/C polymorphism and correlation with levels of malariaspecific IgG, IgG (1-4) subclasses as well as malaria specific and total IgE level in the two ethnicgroups. Our data show that the Fulani individual carrying the IL-4-590 T allele found to havehigher parasite carriage rate and had higher levels of malaria-specific IgG4 and IgE compared tothe individual carrying the C allele. No such differences were seen within the Dogon.Paper II investigated 166 SNPs in the human host in individuals belonging to the Fulani and theDogon ethnic groups. These SNPs were correlated with total IgG against AMA-1, MSP-1, MSP-2 and CSP antigens as well as total IgE level. All antibody levels were higher in the Fulanicompared to the Dogon and strengthens previous finding that antibodies might play a role in theprotection seen in the Fulani. We identified higher frequencies of the protective blood group O.Several allelic differences between the two ethnic groups were found in CD36, IL-4, RTN3 andADCY9. Moreover several polymorphisms in SLC22A4, IRF1, IL5, LTA and TNF have beenfound to be correlated with anti-MSP antibody level; TLR6, IL3, TNF, and IL22 found to becorrelated with anti-MSP-2 antibody level in the Fulani. Such association was not seen in theDogon. In Paper III, the same individuals, as in paper II, were investigated with a focus on the FcγRIIapolymorphism and correlation with levels of anti-AMA-1, MSP-1, MSP-2, CSP specificantibodies as well as total IgE level. The genotype distribution and allele frequency weresignificantly different between the Fulani and the Dogon with the Fulani being HH, H allele- andthe Dogon RR, R allele carriers. A correlation between the HH genotype and the H allele andprotection against mild malaria was seen in the Fulani but not in the DogonTaken together our study has found significant genetic differences between the Fulani and theDogon Ethnic groups, which suggest that ethnicity should be taken into account in monitoring ofimmunological studies and vaccines trials in malaria endemic areas.
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Étude in vitro de l’implication des cytokines de type Th17 dans la fibrose hépatiqueFabre, Thomas 01 1900 (has links)
Introduction: L’activation des cellules stellaires hépatiques (CSHs) est un point clé du processus de fibrose hépatique. Les lymphocytes T CD4+ intra-hépatiques sont une source majeure de cytokines anti-inflammatoires comme l’IL-10 et pro-inflammatoire (IL-17A), hépatoprotectrice (IL-22) produites par les Th17. Les Th17 sont impliqués dans de nombreuses pathologies inflammatoires mais l’effet de ces cellules sur les CSHs n’est pas encore élucidé. Objectif: Comprendre le rôle des cytokines de type Th17 dans le processus d’activation des CSHs. Méthodes: La lignée de CSHs humaine LX2 a été stimulée par l’IL-17A ou l’IL-22 puis comparée à des cellules traitées par le TGF-b et le tampon phosphate salin (PBS). L’activation des CSHs a été évaluée en examinant les molécules profibrotique alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA), collagène de type I (COL1A1) et inhibiteur produits par les tissus des métalloprotéases matricielles I (TIMP-I) par q-PCR. L’expression protéique a été validée par immunobuvardage ou coloration au rouge de picro Sirius. L’expression membranaire de l’IL-10Rb, du TGF-b-RII et de l’IL-17RA a été mesurée par cytométrie en flux. Résultats: L’IL-17A et l’IL-22 n’activent pas les cellules LX2, car aucune induction d’a-SMA, de COL1A1 et de TIMP-I n’a été observée. Cependant, l’IL-17A et l’IL-22 sensibilisent les CSHs à l’action du TGF-b, tel que démontré par une forte expression et production d’a-SMA, collagène type I et TIMP-I. L’IL-17A, mais pas l’IL-22, induit la surexpression à la surface cellulaire du TGF-b-RII et inhibe partiellement la baisse d’expression du TGF--RII après stimulation au TGF-b. Conclusion: Nos résultats démontrent une fonction pro-fibrotique de l’IL-17A et de l’IL-22, car les deux cytokines sensibilisent les CSHs à l’action du TGF-b. L’IL-17A agit via la surexpression et la stabilisation du TGF-b-RII tandis que l’IL-22 agit probablement par des mécanismes intracellulaires. / Background: Activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are key initiators of the fibrogenic process. Intrahepatic CD4+ T cells are major producers of hepatoprotective cytokines such as IL-10 produced by regulatory T cells (Tregs) or inflammatory and regulatory cytokines like IL-17 and IL-22 produced by Th17 cells. Th17 cells have been implicated in various conditions or liver damage but the mechanism of action of Th17 cytokines on HSC is still poorly understood.
Aims: To understand the role of the different Th17 cytokines (IL17-A and IL-22) in modulating HSC activation.
Methods: The HSC line LX2 was stimulated with increasing doses of IL-17A or IL-22, and compared to TGF-b and PBS-treated cells. Activation of HSCs was evaluated by examining the expression of the pro-fibrotic molecules alpha-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA), collagen type I (COL1A1) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase I (TIMP-I) by q-PCR. Protein expression was validated by either western blot or picro Sirius red stain. Cell surface expression of the cytokine receptors IL-10Rb, TGF-b-RII and IL-17RA was evaluated by flow cytometry.
Results: IL-17A and IL-22 alone did not induce LX2 activation, as no induction of a-SMA, COL1A1 and TIMP-I was observed. However, both IL-17A and IL-22 sensitized HSCs to the action of suboptimal doses of TGF-b, confirmed by strong a-SMA, collagen type I and TIMP-I gene expression and protein production. IL-17A but not IL-22 upregulated TGF-b-RII cell surface expression and partially inhibited TGF-b-RII downmodulation upon TGF-b stimulation. Conclusion: Our results demonstrated a pro-fibrotic function for IL-17A and IL-22, as both cytokines sensitize HSC to the action of TGF-b. IL-17A acts through upregulation and stabilization of the TGF-b-RII while IL-22 probably acts through an intracellular mechanism.
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Mechanisms of Recombinant Heat Shock Protein 27 Atheroprotection: NF-κB Signaling in MacrophagesSalari, Samira 05 March 2012 (has links)
The O’Brien lab has demonstrated that Heat shock protein 27 (HSP27)shows attenuated expression in human coronary arteries as the degree of atherosclerosis progresses. Moreover, over-expression of HSP27 reduces
atherogenesis in mice. The precise mechanism(s) for HSP27-mediated "atheroprotection" are incompletely understood. Nuclear Factor-kappaB (NF-κB)
is a key signaling modulator in atherogenesis. Hence, this project sought to determine if recombinant HSP27 (rHSP27) alters NF-κB signaling to affect atheroprotection. Treatment of THP1 macrophages with rHSP27 resulted in degradation of IκBα, coincided with nuclear translocation of the p65 subunit and produced transcriptional evidence of activation of NF-κB signaling. When the transcriptional profile of THP1 macrophages treated with rHSP27 was analyzed using NF-κB-pathway-specific qRT-PCR arrays, among the regulated genes, IL-10 and GM-CSF mRNA levels were markedly increased, as were parallel translational effects observed. These data provide new mechanistic insights into the atheroprotective effects of HSP27.
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance metabolomic fingerprint of the Interleukin 10 gene deficient mouse model of Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseTso, Victor Key 11 1900 (has links)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that occurs as a consequence of a genetic mutation that results in an overly aggressive immune response to normal bacteria. Metabolomics is a new born cousin to genomics and proteomics and involves a high throughput identification, characterization and quantification of small molecule metabolites generated by the organism. This study will show that metabolomics can be an effective tool in studying the differences between wild type and IL 10 KO mice as they age in axenic and conventional environments, and the onset of disease in a conventional environment. I show specific changes upon colonizing axenic mice with fecal bacteria that are similar to changes occurring over 16 weeks of conventional growth. Several bacterial metabolites have been identified that may play a role in the pathogenesis or provide clues to the interactions of the gut microbiota with the intestinal immune system. / Experimental Medicine
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Beyond Th1 and Th2: A non-classical immune pathway induced by Interleukin (IL)-23 complements IL-12 in immunity to Cryptococcus neoformans infectionKleinschek, Melanie 23 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The interleukin (IL)-12 family of cytokines plays a key role in the orchestration of cellular immune responses, bridging innate and adaptive immunity. The founding member, IL-12, was discovered in the late 1980s as the first heterodimeric cytokine, composed of a 40 kDa (p40) and 35 kDa (p35) subunit. Years of basic and clinical research on this prototypical T helper type (Th)1 cytokine revealed its importance in immunity to intracellular non-viral infections, as well as in cancer and autoimmune diseases. Since the discovery of IL-23 as another cytokine composed of the p40 subunit of IL-12 in the year 2000, IL-23, rather than IL-12, could be shown to be the key player in rodent models of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. With accumulating evidence revealing IL-23 as the crucial regulator of a non-classical pathway of cellular immunity which is hallmarked by IL-17 producing T cells it is intriguing to gain understanding of the importance of such findings in immunity to infections. The present work describes a series of in vivo studies investigating the role of endogenous as well as exogenous IL-23 in a murine model of chronic fungal infection, cryptococcosis. To address the role of endogenous IL-23, wild-type (WT), IL-12- (IL-12p35-/-), IL-23- (IL-23p19-/-) deficient, as well as IL-12- and IL-23- double deficient (p40-deficient) mice on a C57BL/6 background were infected with Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans). Following infection, p40-deficient mice demonstrated higher mortality than IL-12p35-/- mice. Reconstitution of p40-deficient mice with recombinant murine IL-23 prolonged their survival to levels similar to IL-12p35-/- mice. IL-23p19-/- mice showed a moderately reduced survival time and delayed fungal clearance in the liver. While interferon (IFN)-γ production was similar in WT and IL-23p19-/- mice, production of IL-17 was strongly impaired in the latter. IL-23p19-/- mice produced fewer hepatic granulomata relative to organ burden and showed defective recruitment of mononuclear cells to the brain. Moreover, activation of microglia cells and expression of IL-1β, IL-6, and MCP-1 in the brain was impaired. SUMMARY - 80 - The second part of the present work explores the mechanisms underlying the IL-23 effects by characterizing the role of exogenous IL-23. C. neoformans-infected C57BL/6 WT mice treated with recombinant murine IL-23 showed significantly prolonged survival time as compared to mock-treated control mice. However, complete survival throughout the observation period (100 days) was only achieved following IL-12 treatment. At day 21 post infection (p.i.) the IL-23-treated mice as well as the IL-12 group had a significantly lower fungal burden in the brain than the control mice. However, while IL-12 treatment was associated with elevated serum levels of the proinflammatory mediators IFN-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and nitric oxide, IL-23-treated animals, although more resistant, developed a Th2 response similar to the control group as measured by serum IgE levels. Further experiments to assess the mechanism of action were based on the finding of reduced fungal burden at the site of infection, the peritoneal cavity, at day 8 p.i. following IL-23 treatment. This microbicidal effect was also seen in p40-deficient as well as in T and B cell deficient (RAG-deficient) mice. Administration of IL-23 led to enhanced recruitment of inflammatory cells, not only of T cells but also cells of the innate immune system such as DCs, natural killer cells and granulocytes to the infected site. Although numbers of macrophages were not altered following IL-23 treatment, co-stimulatory molecules were markedly up-regulated on such cells. The chemokine/cytokine pattern induced by IL-23 treatment was hallmarked by proinflammatory mediators such as MCP-1, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-17, but also the Th2 associated cytokine IL-5. From these results it can be concluded that a non-classical immune pathway induced by IL-23 complements the more dominant role of IL-12 in protection against C. neoformans. This novel immune response is characterized by an enhancement of the inflammatory cell response and the production of a proinflammatory cytokine pattern hallmarked by IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-17.
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Untersuchungen zur Expression von Interleukin-10 nach Transfektion humaner retinaler Pigmentepithelzellen und dessen Einfluss auf die Proliferation von T-Lymphozyten in vitroPoschinger, Katharina 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration (AMD) handelt es sich um eine Erkrankung des Auges, die die Macula lutea, die Stelle des schärfsten Sehens betrifft. Sie ist verbunden mit der Degeneration von RPE-Zellen, die zur Dystrophie von Photorezeptoren und damit zum Verlust des zentralen Sehvermögens führt. Eine ähnliche Pathophysiologie ist bei der sogenannten Retinalen Pigmentepitheldystrophie (RPED) des Hundes zu beobachten. Die Transplantation von gesunden RPE-Zellen in das betroffene Gebiet stellt eine vielversprechende Therapiemöglichkeit dar. Die Transplantatabstoßung als Kom-plikation schränkt die klinische Anwendung ein. Eine beim Patienten nach Transplantation lebenslang durchgeführte systemische Immunsuppression ist mit erheblichen Nebenwirkungen verbunden. Deshalb bietet die Gentherapie unter Einbezug immunsuppressiver Zytokine wie beispielsweise des Interleukin-10 (IL-10) eine Lösung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein selbst konstruierter IL-10-Expressionsvektor (Plasmid pCIneoIL-10) mittels Gentransfer in humane RPE-Zellen in vitro eingebracht. Untersucht wurde die Wirkung des sezernierten IL-10 auf die Proliferation von allogenen T-Lymphozyten mit und ohne allogene Makrophagen als professionelle antigenpräsentierende Zellen (APC). Neben humanen Spender RPE-Zellen (Spender-hRPE-Zellen) wurde eine immortalisierte Permanent-Zelllinie (hTERT-RPE1-Zellen) eingesetzt, deren Hauptvorteil in einer gleichbleibend hohen Wachstumsrate lag. Als transientes Transfektions-system für den Transfer von IL-10-DNA in hRPE-Zellen wurden kationische Lipide gewählt. Drei verschiedene Lipidformulierungen wurden miteinander verglichen und das optimale Transfektionsreagenz:DNA-Verhältnis, mit dem die höchste Transfektionseffizienz erreicht werden konnte, evaluiert. Eine Transfektionseffizienz von 23,3 ± 9,0 % (hTERT-RPE1-Zellen) beziehungsweise 10,3 ± 4,5 % (Spender-hRPE-Zellen) konnte erreicht werden. Die Transfektion hatte weder einen negativen Einfluss auf die Vitalität der hRPE-Zellen, noch wurde der natürliche Zelltod, die Apoptose, erhöht. Die IL-10-mRNA-Expression wurde mittels RT-PCR nachgewiesen. Lediglich bei den transfizierten hRPE-Zellen konnte IL-10-mRNA gefunden werden. Mittels ELISA konnte das IL-10-Protein gemessen werden. Die Sekretion des IL-10 in den Kulturüberstand von transfizierten hRPE-Zellen wurde dafür über einen Zeitraum von 7 Tagen untersucht. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass die maximale IL-10-Proteinkonzentration bei beiden Zelllinien am Tag 3 mit Werten von 10,3 ± 0,8 ng/ml (hTERT-RPE1-Zellen) und 3,1 ng/ml (Spender-hRPE-Zellen) lag. Es bestand überdies eine positive Korrelation zwischen Transfektionseffizienz und synthetisiertem IL-10. Es wurde außerdem gezeigt, dass durch Stimulation mit dem immunmodulatorischen Zytokin Interferon-gamma (IFN-g) hRPE-Zellen MHC Klasse II-Moleküle vermehrt exprimierten. Damit sind sie ebenso wie die Makrophagen zur Antigenpräsentation fähig. Die Wirkung des von den transfizierten hRPE-Zellen sezernierten IL-10 auf die Proliferation von T-Lymphozyten wurde zwischen Tag 2 und Tag 6 (hTERT-RPE1-Zellen) beziehungsweise zwischen Tag 2 und Tag 4 (Spender-hRPE-Zellen) photometrisch untersucht. Die Proliferation allogener T-Lymphozyten mit beziehungsweise ohne Makrophagen konnte durch das sezernierte IL-10 supprimiert werden. Bei den hTERT-RPE1-Zellen lag ohne die Anwesenheit von professionellen APC am Tag 6 eine signifikante Reduktion der T-Lymphozytenproliferation vor, während bei Kokultivierung mit Makrophagen Signifikanzen am Tag 5 und Tag 6 erkennbar waren. Die immunsuppressive Wirkung von IL-10 konnte mittels Anti-IL-10-Antikörper neutralisiert werden. Damit wurde bewiesen, dass die proliferations-supprimierende Wirkung auf IL-10 zurückzuführen war. Diese Ergebnisse könnten demnach neue Möglichkeiten zur Verhinderung einer Abstoßungsreaktion nach RPE-Zelltransplantation bei Patienten mit AMD eröffnen / Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease of eyes affecting the macula lutea, the area of the retina with the highest density of retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE cells). The disease is characterized by degeneration of RPE cells resulting in dystrophy of photoreceptors and finally loss of central vision. Transplantation of healthy RPE cells is a promising possibility for therapy but rejection of the allotransplant limits clinical application. One way to avoid this complications is a systemic immunosuppression of the recipient but this is combined with many side effects. In this thesis a self-constructed IL-10 expression vector (plasmid pCIneoIL-10) has been transferred into human RPE cells in vitro by gene transfer. In addition to human donor RPE cells a permanent RPE cell line (hTERT-RPE1 cells) was employed. Kationic lipids were used as transient transfection system for transfer of pCIneoIL-10 into hRPE cells. Three different lipid formulations and various ratios of transfection reagent:DNA were evaluated for highest transfection efficacy. With the optimized protocols a transfection efficacy of 23,3 ± 9,0 % (hTERT-RPE1 cells) and 10,3 ± 4,5 % (donor hRPE cells) was achieved. A negative influence on the viability of the hRPE cells after transfection was not observed. The IL-10 mRNA expression was analysed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Only in transfected hRPE cells the IL-10 mRNA-amplicon with 383 bp in size was found. Secretion of IL-10 protein in the cell culture supernatants of transfected hRPE cells was investigated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) daily for 7 days. The IL-10 protein concentrations peaked at day 3 with 10,3 ± 0,8 ng/ml (hTERT-RPE1 cells) and 3,1 ng/ml (donor hRPE cells). The amount of secreted IL-10 positively correlated with transfection efficacy. After stimulation with the immunmodulatory cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-g) the expression of MHC class II molecules on hRPE cells is increasing. Therefore they are able to present antigens similar to macrophages. Hence, the effects of recombinantly expressed IL-10 on the proliferation of allogeneic T lymphocytes were investigated both with and without allogeneic macrophages as professional antigen presenting cells (APC). Proliferation of T lymphocytes has been investigated colorimetrically between day 2 and day 6 (hTERT-RPE1 cells) and day 2 and day 4 (donor hRPE cells) respectively. The proliferation of allogeneic T lymphocytes with and without macrophages could be suppressed by the secreted IL-10. Signifikant reduction of proliferation was observed at day 6 in absence of professional APC (14,1 ± 1,1 % to 100% of untransfected control) and between day 5 (44,1 ± 4,9 %) and day 6 (37,4 ± 6,3%) in the presence of macrophages. It was possible to neutralize the immunosuppressive effect of IL-10 with anti-IL-10 antibodies. Proving that the suppressive effect of T lymphocyte proliferation was caused by IL-10. Thus, the specific IL-10 gene transfer into hRPE cells prior to transplantation may prevent rejection process and could prove a reliable method to help prevent loss of central vision due to AMD.
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