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The epidemiology and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis cases in Lesotho between 2009 and 2019Montsi, Sello January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (MPH. (Epidemiology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a fatal disease globally, if not managed well, with a million or more people dying by the disease annually in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). Around two billion people are thought to be asymptomatically (latently) infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, putting them at risk of acquiring active tuberculosis. Tests that identify immunoreactivity to mycobacterial antigens rather than live bacteria, as well as mathematical modelling, are used to estimate the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection. According to reports, tuberculosis (TB) was the cause of 1.3 million fatalities among HIV-negative people in 2016, surpassing the global number of HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) deaths. In addition, TB was a factor in 374,000 HIV-related deaths. Despite the effectiveness of chemotherapy over the last seven decades, tuberculosis remains the world's leading infectious killer. In 2016, 10.4 million new cases were reported, a number that has remained constant since the dawn of the twenty-first century, confounding public health specialists tasked with designing and implementing measures to lessen the global burden of tuberculosis disease. As a result, the current study aims to look into the epidemiology of tuberculosis in Lesotho in order to help policymakers make decisions on TB control in the country.
Methodology:. In the current investigation, a cross-sectional, retrospective descriptive study design was used, as well as a probability sampling strategy. The National TB-Database from the Ministry of Health in Lesotho was used as the source of data for this quantitative investigation, which was analyzed using STATA statistical software version 12 for Windows (STATA Corporation, College Station, Texas). A Chi-Squared test was used to compare categorical variables, while a t-test was used to examine continuous variables. A statistically significant P-value of 0.05 was used.
Results: A total of 18 836 TB patient records were recovered, with 45 percent of the TB patients being females. The average age of the TB patients was 35.9 years, with a standard deviation of 12.7%, and the ages ranged from one year to 84 years. There
was a statistically significant difference between the age groups (p value 0.001), with 33.1 percent of TB patents being in the age group 25–34 years, followed by 29 percent, 15.4 percent, 11.2 percent, and 5.5 percent in the age groups 35–44 years, 45–55 years, 15–24 years, and 55–64 years 65 years.. There has been a fluctuating treatment outcome of TB from 63.5% for cured patients in 2012 to 57.2% in 2013 and this rose to 60.4% in 2014 then eventually reached 76.7% in 2019. The TB treatment success rate in Lesotho also showed a similar trend as the cure rate. The overall TB death rates in the current study was found to be increasing on an annual basis from 7.4% in 2012 to 9.2% in 2018 then dropped to 8.5% in 2019. The TB patients who have not been evaluated for treatment outcomes have been decreasing annually from 4.4% in 2012 to 0.8% in 2019. The proportion of TB patients with known HIV status increased from 22.3% in 2015 to 90.5% in 2019 and similarly to the proportion of TB patients with HIV status positive increased from 15.1% in 2015 to 60.4% in 2019. The proportion of TB patients with HIV status positive increased with increasing age group all age groups.
Conclusion: TB is still a concern in Lesotho, where treatment target goals have not yet been fulfilled, the findings of this study underline the importance of addressing the underlying socio-economic causes of TB. The most important goal in TB control is to detect 70% and cure at least 85% of sputum smear positive cases. If these goals are met, the prevalence, incidence, transmission, and medication resistance to tuberculosis (TB) could all decrease. Despite the National Tuberculosis Control Programme's attempts to enhance TB patients' access to treatment and adherence to therapy, the percentage of patients who have good treatment outcomes remains low. Despite having an 84 percent detection rate and using the DOTS technique, the available data did not identify the types of tuberculosis, therefore we were unable to forecast multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).
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The use of a culturally sensitive video in presenting AIDS information to a Hispanic populationBarboa, Elvia 01 January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
There is a growing number of Hispanics contracting the AIDS virus. Very little comprehensive culturally sensitive information is available to less acculturated Hispanics. Research has supported that the most effective channel of AIDS information is electronic media. Pamphlets and other print media appear to be an effective source of information for more acculturated literate Hispanics. The present study compared the effectiveness of two videos which differ in cultural sensitivity versus a control group to teach AIDS awareness to less acculturated Hispanics. Ninety (44 males and 46 females) Spanish speaking Hispanics were randomly assigned to the three groups. It was predicted that the more culturally sensitive video would be more informative and would reduce erroneous beliefs more than the standard factual, less culturally sensitive video. There were no significant differences found between the two video groups as measured by the AIDS knowledge questionnaire. Significant differences were found when the video groups were compared to the control group. Video groups scored higher on the AIDS knowledge questionnaire. Implications of the study are discussed.
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Evaluation of Epigenetic Biomarkers in Primary and Iatrogenic Immune DeficienciesSchulze, Janika 03 December 2021 (has links)
Ein neuartiger Ansatz für die Immunphänotypisierung wird vorgestellt. Die Durchflusszytometrie (FACS) ist die übliche Methode für die Charaketrisierung des Immunsystems. Jedoch ist die Verfügbarkeit von frischem Vollblut, sowie ein schnelle Probenlogistik Vorraussetzung für die Analyse. Als potentialle Alternative werden epigentische qPCR Assays vorgestellt.
Für die Quantifizierung von B- und NK-Zellen wurden epigenetische qPCR Systeme etabliert. Anhand eines erweiterten epigenetischen Markerpanels wurde die klinische Anwendung in drei Kohorten getestet: a) 41 Patienten mit primären Immundefizienzen (PID); b) 19 Neugeborene mit und ohne PID und c) 28 Patienten nach einer Stammzelltransplantation (SZT).
In Kohorte a) und c) konnte die Äquivalenz der Ergebnisse mit FACS bestätigt werden. Diskrepanzen bei der regulatorischen T-Zell Quantifizierung in einzelnen PID Patienten wurde festgestellt, welche durch Mutationen verursacht wurden, die die Integrität der analysierten Proteine beeinflussen. Zudem konnte die Anwendung der epigentischen Quantifizierung in Trockenblutkarten von Neugeborenen gezeigt werden. Dies würde die Anwendung auch im Neugeborenen-Screening für die Erkennung von PIDs ermöglichen.
Für die Anwendung in der SZT konnte gezeigt werden, dass das epigenetische System eine frühe Analyse der Immunrekonstitution ermöglicht, welche eine prädiktive Aussage über das Überleben der Patienten erlaubt. Patienten, welche eine Immunantwort der Lymphozyten gegen eine Virusinfektion bereits am Tag 26 nach Transplantation aufwiesen, hatten eine signifikant höhere Überlebenschance als Patienten ohne Immunantwort.
Zusammengefassend zeigen die Daten, dass die epigenetische Systeme für klinische Anwendungen eine zuverlässige Methode darstellt. Die Aussagekraft der Daten ist aufgrund der Studiengröße noch limitiert, und komplizierte klinische Szenarien erschweren die Evaluierung. Deshalb sind weitere Studien erforderlich, um das gezeigte Potenzial zu validieren. / A novel approach for immunophenotyping for clinical applications is presented here. Flow cytometry is currently a common method to characterize the immune system but requiring fresh whole blood and good sample logistics which is not always available. To overcome this limitations, epigenetic qPCR assays are introduced as potential alternative.
New epigenetic qPCR systems to quantiy B and NK cells have been established. Using an extended epigenetic marker panel, clinical applications were tested in three patient cohorts: a) 41 patients with different primary immunodeficiencies (PID); b) 19 newborns with and without PID and c) 28 patients after stem cell transplantation (SCT).
In cohort a) and c) the equivalence of the epigenetic quantification with flow cytometry was confirmed. However, discrepancies between both methods for regulatory T-cell quantification were found in individual PID patients caused by disease-associated mutations affecting the integrity of the respective protein. Furthermore, the epigenetic quantification using dried blood spots from newborns was demonstrated. This would allow the implementation of epigenetic immunophenotyping in neonatal screening for the detection of congenital immunodeficiencies.
For the application in SCT, it was shown that the epigenetic system allows an early analysis of immune reconstitution, which may allow a prediction of the patients' overall survival. Patients who showed an immune response of lymphocytes against viral infections at day 26 after transplantation had a significantly higher survival rate.
In summary, the available data show that epigenetic immunophenotyping is a reliable analytical method for various clinical applications. The significance of the data is still limited due to the size of the study and complicated clinical scenarios make the evaluation of individual measurements difficult. Therefore, further extensive investigations are needed to clinically validate the demonstrated potential.
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Perceptions and beliefs of physicians about adherence to anti-retroviral treatment by patients in the south-east district of BotswanaDzinza, Irene 31 July 2007 (has links)
This study sought to explore and describe the perceptions and beliefs of physicians about adherence to antiretroviral treatment by patients in the South-East district of Botswana. The Health Belief Model (Naidoo & Willis 2003:222) was adapted to suit and be used in the study. A descriptive, exploratory qualitative design was used. Unstructured interviews and unstructured observation data collection methods were applied. Informed consent was obtained prior to data collection. For triangulation purposes, observations were done following interviews, and data analysis was done by two different people. The findings of the study revealed that the perceptions and beliefs of treating physicians contributed towards adherence. Physicians perceived adherence as an important aspect in the success of antiretroviral treatment. Giving patients correct information, personal motivation, patients' understanding of treatment, traditional and religious beliefs were among other factors perceived by physicians to be impacting on adherence. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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The puberty rites for girls (vukhomba) in the northern region of the Northern Province of South Africa: implications for women's health and health promotionMaluleke, Thelmah Xavela 01 January 2001 (has links)
Puberty rites are practised in many countries including South Africa. In South Africa the puberty rites have different names and different practices. This study focused on vukhomba among the Manchangana/Vatsonga. Vukhomba is conducted exclusively for girls who have reached menarche.
The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of utilising vukhomba for the improvement of the health status of women. The study design is a qualitative, exploratory, descriptive contextual research study conducted in the Northern region of the Northern Province among Vatsonga\Manchangana in four selected areas. The ethnographic strategy was used to gain access to the vukhomba to view and describe the rite from an emic perspective.
The sample included all girls who were initiates during January 1998 and December 1999 in the four selected areas, as well as Vadzabi, varileri, initiated girls, initiated women and vukhomba elders who attended the initaitions.
The techniques for data collection included participant observation, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and feedback workshops.
The findings indicate that vukhomba is conducted during the school holidays in order to cater for girls who are still attending school. The sexuality education in this rite is mainly about encouraging initiates to maintain their virginity for their future husbands. Vukhomba therefore teaches girls attending the initiation the facts of life. It was however, found that girls often attend the initiation for material gain and respect for elders. The content of sexuality education information given to girls during the rite is inadequate. Initiated women and girls wanted to gain more knowledge about their bodies, their health, menstruation, child bearing and pregnancy, contraceptives and pregnancy.
After reviewing the findings of the research an intervention programme was developed and discussed with the initiated women and initiated girls. Vukhomba elders accepted the intervention programme, however, certain topics were not approved e.g. contraception. The intervention programme is expected to form part of the initiation programme in the future. Initiated community members will be trained to facilitate the activities of this programme. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil.
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An investigation of the challenges and coping mechanisms of home-based caregivers for patients living with HIV in MamelodiMabusela, Mmalesiba Dorothea 11 1900 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is a global challenge and its impact is evident. This places a burden on hospitals and health professionals. To ease this burden there are home-based care programmes which, through home-based caregivers, provide patients living with HIV/AIDS with physical and palliative care.
However, these HBCGs face various challenges such as poverty, discrimination and stigma when caring for PALHIV, and their own emotional strain, which becomes burdensome without sufficient support from the home-based care centre.
The qualitative study undertaken investigates the challenges and coping mechanisms of the HBCGs. Thirteen research participants were drawn from a centre in Mamelodi.
Data was gathered through interviews and observations, categorised into themes and analysed. Major findings revealed that social challenges faced by HBCGs include poverty, stigmatisation and discrimination. Emotions experienced by HBCGs include guilt, anger, hopelessness, but they have spiritual reliance through prayer as one of their coping mechanisms. / Sociology / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)
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An investigation into the non-disclosure of HIV statusSelebogo, Tryphina Matlholoe 15 July 2014 (has links)
A quantitative, explorative, descriptive research approach was used to investigate why HIV
positive people have a problem with disclosing their status. The HIV infection spread is
increasing globally, nationally and locally and disclosing would help reduce the spread of
infection through preventive measures. Interviews were conducted with 106 respondents
at Kagiso primary health care clinics in the West Rand Health Region.
Reasons given by the respondents for non-disclosure of the HIV status were:
discrimination, stigma to the HIV positive person and the family by the community,
isolation and rejection by the family members, discrimination and possible dismissal at the
workplace, fear of losing a partner. The findings illustrate that a large percentage of the
population know about HIV and its spread and know that by disclosing, one can get
support from health resources and family, but people will not make their status public
unless stigmatisation is addressed / Health Studies
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HIV and AIDS in the workplace : the role of the employee assistant practitionersMatarose-Molehe, Martha Mpuseng 12 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the EAP environment and provide a better understanding of the related roles of the Employee Assistant Practitioners/Professionals (EAPs) in respect of their treatment of various forms of illnesses in the workplace – particularly HIV and AIDS. The EAP role is not aligned to any individual profession, as it is designed to match employees’ holistic needs. It is in this context that the repertoire of EAP roles would include caring, psycho-social, therapeutic and technical skills. The EAP role is therefore endowed with the potential to meet a range of inter-departmental and multi-disciplinary needs – such as Nursing, Allied Health Professions, and Healthcare Sciences.
A generic Assistant Practitioners Performance Management system (scorecard) had to be developed and agreed to with the City of Johannesburg’s (CoJ) Management in order to maintain consistency when developing APE programmes and roles. Notwithstanding the fact that the Employee Assistant Practitioners do also address the growing HIV/AIDS concerns in the workplace – including psycho-social problems of employees and their families – there is minimal acknowledgment of the EAPs’ roles, and little recognition of their welfare and well-being programmes.
Drawing eclectically from various inter-related disciplinary terrains, the study centripetally explores the roles of EAPs as well as HIV/AIDS frameworks in the workplace. Quantitative and qualitative descriptive research methods were employed to assess challenges encountered by the City of Johannesburg (C.o.J) employees and their dependants. Questionnaires were used for the data collection of this study. The repertoire of participants in the study (n=55) comprised of doctors, social workers, nurses, HR officers, and other CoJ employees themselves.
The questionnaire became the pivotal quantitative data analysis reference point ias it focused on numbers or quantities, and less on the qualitative analysis, which focused on differences in quality. The results of the study are based on numeric analysis and statistics to quantify the qualitative analysis. The prevalence of fewer participants was largely influenced by the depth of the data collection process, which did not allow for large numbers of research participants.
The findings of the study revealed, amongst other factors, that there was an unsurpassed need to integrate different HIV/AIDS frameworks in order that the roles of EAPs becomes more effectively and efficiently defined and executed. The roles of EAPs were hitherto not well defined, resulting in duplication and confusion of service delivery to some employees utilising the EAP services. However, some of the EAP roles are highly appreciated and increasingly supported by managers and employees. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made for clarifying and extending the criticality of EAP roles and functions. / Health Studies / Ph. D. (Health Studies)
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Factors associated with delayed entry into HIV medical care among HIV positive people who are aware of their status in Bulawayo ZimbabweMakasi, Tasara 02 1900 (has links)
Using non-experimental descriptive exploratory survey, this study sought to find out factors associated with delayed entry into HIV medical care among HIV positive people who are aware of their status. A quantitative design was used and a structured questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. Respondents were patients in a hospital’s Opportunistic Infection Department whose hospital records indicated that they were HIV positive during the time of the study. The study found out that as much as 71.6% (n =43) first entered HIV medical care more than 12 months after testing HIV positive while 40% (n = 24) did so as a result of illness. Low education levels, unemployment and being single are associated with delayed entry into HIV medical care. A percentage of the population uses and trusts non-biomedical approaches to dealing with HIV/AIDS. Being diagnosed HIV positive is therefore not necessarily a strong reason enough for one to immediately enter into medical care. Intensive health education needs to be done at work places, health facilities, schools, through print and electronic media, churches and other community settings to equip the population with knowledge of the advantages of early entry into HIV care. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Support programme for facilitating the integration of nutrition and food security with HIV prevention, treatment and careNigusso, Fikadu Tadesse 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a support programme for facilitating the integration of nutrition and food security with HIV prevention, treatment and care. The study was organised in three phases. Phase one was a quantitative cross-sectional survey that employed a structured interview with people living with HIV among selected two public hospitals and three health centres. The second phase employed focus group discussion with senior health experts to explore their perspective and experience in integrating nutrition and food security with HIV prevention, treatment, and care.
The findings indicated that malnutrition and food insecurity were highly prevalent and significantly affected the treatment outcome and quality of life of PLWHA in the region. Socio-economic, clinical features and structural factors, such as educational status, place of residence, household income, source of drinking water, kind of toilet facility, inadequate dietary diversity, poor asset possession, opportunistic infections, duration on ART, CD4 cell count, and health system-related factors such as lack of viral and CD4 analysis laboratories and inconsistent antiretroviral medication supply were found as predictors of malnutrition and food insecurity. To cope up with the dire impact of malnutrition and food insecurity, short term, erosive and unsustainable food consumption coping strategies were employed.
Based on the findings, the researcher developed a support programme for facilitating the integration of nutrition and food security with HIV prevention, treatment and care as phase three of the study. The developed programme is holistic and focuses on multi- and intersectoral collaboration to improve the treatment outcome, quality of life and overall wellbeing people living with HIV. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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