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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traces psychiques sociales et cognitives comme traces mnésiques et productions de savoirs de dix infirmiers hospitaliers formés à l'université

Roman, Valérie 09 September 2011 (has links)
L'occupation infirmière française montre dans son histoire des périodes évolutives marquantes. L'occupation passe par des étapes transitoires qui la conduisent lentement, sous l'impulsion d'initiatives personnelles et collectives, vers la professionnalisation. L'universitarisation de la formation représente une ultime transition vers l'affirmation d'un savoir autonome. / The french occupation nurse showes in his history of significant evlutionary periods. The occupation goes through transitional stages that lead slowly, driven by personal and collective efforts towards the profesionaliation. The universitarization of trainning represents a final transition to the assertion of self-knowledge.

Incorporation économique et participation transnationale : étude de la migration palestinienne à la ville de Guatemala

Kayayan, Alexi Vicken 07 1900 (has links)
Bien qu’ils soient installés dans un des pays les plus inégalitaires d’Amérique latine, les migrants palestiniens de la ville de Guatemala ont réussi à expérimenter une ascension économique notable. Ce succès a été atteint grâce au commerce en gros (venta al por mayor) et l’industrie textile, activité économique menée spécifiquement dans les rues 18, 19 et la 6ème avenue de la zona uno (zone urbaine-commerciale dédiée à la vente de produits importés). À partir des données collectées auprès de plusieurs commerçants palestiniens venus dans les 30 dernières années et de quelques personnes d’origine palestinienne, nous avons constaté que les Palestiniens s’incorporent au système économique guatémaltèque par le biais d’une « enclave migrante » (Portes et Böröcz 1989; Portes et Manning 2013); ils contrôlent une niche commerciale distinctive (tissus et vêtements), leurs magasins sont installés dans une même zone géographique, et le développement – et succès – des activités commerciales dépend intimement des réseaux et gages de solidarité entre les membres du groupe. Par ailleurs, nous avons remarqué que, quand bien même ils construisent des intérêts économiques au Guatemala, l’accumulation de biens économiques et financiers les mène, parallèlement, vers diverses pratiques transnationales (Itzigsohn et Giorgulli 2002). Au travers de celles-ci, les migrants forgent des liens extérieurs aux frontières et contribuent à la transformation économique de leur terre natale. Comme nous le verrons à partir du cas des Palestiniens, les processus sociaux d’incorporation économique et de participation transnationale s’articulent autour du commerce. Ces processus sont tantôt séquentiels, tantôt interdépendants. / Even though they settled in one of the most inegalitarian countries in Latin America, Palestinian immigrants in Guatemala City have successfully managed to progress economically. Wholesale trade of textile products made their success possible, an economic activity mainly conducted in the 18th and 19th street and 6th avenue of Zone 1 (an urban-commercial zone dedicated to the sale of imported products). With the data collected from several Palestinian wholesale traders, I found that migrants have incorporated to the Guatemalan economic system through an “immigrant enclave” (Portes et Böröcz 1989; Portes et Manning 2013): they control a distinctive commercial niche (fabrics and clothing) and their stores are all located in the same geographical area. The success of their activities depends solely on their networks and the solidarity that prevails among members of the group. At the same time their economic success has allowed them to carry out a variety of transnational practices (Itzigsohn et Giorgulli 2002). Palestinians build strong connections beyond the borders of Guatemala and contribute to the economic transformation of their homeland. As we will see, based on the case of the Palestinians, the social processes of economic incorporation and transnational participation are closely articulated with commercial activities. These processes can be sequential and are sometimes interdependent.

Migrants brésiliens hautement qualifiés : parcours migratoires, incorporations socioprofessionnelles et familles transnationales

Schlobach, Monica 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à comprendre et à caractériser l’expérience et le parcours migratoire et socioprofessionnel, ainsi que la dynamique des liens familiaux transnationaux, de couples brésiliens ayant migré à Montréal entre 2004 et 2013 et dont un des membres travaillait au Brésil comme professionnel en ingénierie ou dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC). Trois raisons ont présidé au choix de ce sujet de recherche : (1) l’importance de la migration des travailleurs hautement qualifiés (THQ) dans le flux des migrations internationales, laquelle est insuffisamment étudiée ; (2) la formation d’une nouvelle vague migratoire de Brésiliens qualifiés arrivés à Montréal à partir du milieu des années 2000 et (3) une volonté de porter un nouveau regard sur la migration des THQ, afin de comprendre leur expérience et cheminement à partir de leur point de vue et de celui de leur famille. La décision de comparer les parcours migratoires des ingénieurs et des professionnels des TIC tient au fait que les ingénieurs font face à davantage d’obstacles socioprofessionnels (liés aux exigences de l’ordre professionnel des ingénieurs) et à une plus difficile reconnaissance des titres de compétence et de l’expérience acquise à l’étranger que les professionnels des technlogies de l’information et des communications (TIC), dont l’expertise est davantage reconnue internationalement et localement. Cette recherche vise à répondre au comment plutôt qu’au pourquoi. Comment devient-on émigrant dans la société de départ ? Comment, comme immigrant, s’adapte-t-on à la société de destination ? Comment s’y insère-t-on socioprofessionnellement ? Comment est maintenu le sentiment familial en dépit de la « tyrannie de la distance » ? Quel est, dans chaque cas, le rôle de l’agentivité des migrants, celui des contraintes et des opportunités, des ressources mobilisées dans la formation et la dynamique des parcours migratoires, professionnels et familiaux. J’ai choisi l’approche des parcours de vie car elle s’est avérée utile au double plan analytique et méthodologique. Sur le plan analytique, elle offre certains concepts, comme ceux de transition et de parcours, qui amènent à analyser la migration comme processus affectant des sphères de la vie des migrants. Sur le plan méthodologique, elle en fournit la méthode des récits de vie comme moyen de saisir, de façon diachronique, l’expérience des participants car les récits de vie aident à reconstruire « par en bas » le jeu des actions, des contraintes et opportunités dans la vie des migrants lors de certains contextes clés de leur existence. Cette approche biographique m’a permis d’identifier quatre transitions de vie significatives dans le parcours migratoire soit l’émigration du pays de départ, l’immigration dans le pays d’arrivée, l’incorporation socioprofessionnelle et la reconfiguration familiale, ce qui entraîne des changements de positions, de statuts ou de rôles dans divers espaces sociaux, professionnels et familiaux. Chacune de ces transitions constitue autant d’épreuves qui obligent à des engagements dans de nouveaux rôles et à des changements de positions sociales dont l’issue dépend autant des capacités stratégiques des migrants, de leur encastrement dans des liens sociaux et de l’ensemble des ressources et capitaux possédés qu’ils réussissent à reconvertir pour faire face aux épreuves rencontrées. J’ai été amenée, dans ce cadre, à identifier une pluralité de profils migratoires et d’incorporation professionnelle et une diversité de modes de gestion de la « tyrannie de la distance », pour continuer à faire famille. La thèse se divise en trois grandes parties, correspondant à chacune des thématiques de cette recherche, soit (1) la migration dans sa dimension émigration (chapitre 2) et immigration (chapitre 3), (2) l’incorporation socioprofessionnelle (chapitres 4 et 5) et (3) la famille transnationale (chapitre 6). Dans la conclusion générale, je rappelle les principaux résultats par rapport aux questionnements initiaux et identifie quelques limites de la recherche. / This thesis aims to understand the migratory experience of Brazilian engineers and information and communications technology (ICT) professionals who migrated to Montreal between 2004 and 2013. It focuses on the dynamics of their socio-professional incorporation and transnational family changes. There were three reasons for choosing this research topic: (1) the importance of highly skilled workers’ (HSW) migration in the flow of international migration, which is insufficiently studied; (2) the arrival of a new migratory wave of skilled Brazilians in Montreal in the mid-2000s; and (3) a willingness to take a different look at HSW migration, in order to understand migrants’ experience and journey from their point of view and the one of their family members. I decided to compare engineers’ and ICT professionals’ migration paths because engineers face supplementary socio-professional barriers (related to the requirements of the engineers’ regulatory body (Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec) and the more difficult recognition of credentials and experience gained abroad faced by these migrants as compared to ICT professionals, whose expertise is more easily recognized internationally and locally. This research aims to answer to questions concerning “how,” rather than “why:” How does one become an emigrant before leaving the sending society? How, having migrated, does one adapt to the receiving society? How does one insert oneself professionally? How is the familyhood maintained despite the “tyranny of distance”? What is the role of the migrant’s agency, which are the constraints and the opportunities, and the resources mobilized in the migratory dynamics and changes concerning both migratory, professional and family changes? I chose the life course approach because it proved to be analytically and methodologically useful. It offers certain concepts, such as transition and pathways, which lead to the analysis of migration as a process affecting different spheres of migrants’ lives. Methodologically, the life history approach allows us to grasp the experience of the participants in a diachronic manner. Life stories help to reconstruct "from below" the dynamics of actions, constraints and opportunities in the lives of migrants in certain key contexts of their existence. This biographical approach allowed me to identify four significant life transitions in the migration pathways: emigration from the country of origin, immigration to the country of arrival, socio-occupational incorporation and family reconfiguration, resulting in changes of position, status or role in social, professional and family spaces. Each of these transitions involves hardships that lead to commitments into new roles and changes in social positions. Their outcome depends as much on migrants' strategic abilities as on their integration into social ties and on assets that they manage to convert to face the hardships encountered. In this context, I was led to identify a plurality of migratory profiles and professional incorporation paths and a variety of modes of management of the tyranny of distance, to continue to make family. The thesis is divided into three main parts, corresponding to each of the themes of this research, namely (1) emigration (chapter 2) and immigration (chapter 3), (2) socio-occupational incorporation (chapters 4 and 5) and (3) the transnational family (chapter 6). In the general conclusion, I recall the main results in relation to the initial research questions and identify some of the limits of the research.

Identifisering en ontleding van stresfaktore aan 'n tersiêre onderwysinrigting in 'n periode van verandering

Schutte, Orgelina Fredrika 11 1900 (has links)
Verandering vind voortdurend op alle gebiede van mense se lewens plaas. Ten einde met 'n veranderende wereld te kan tred hou en aan die behoeftes van die land en sy mense te voldoen, vind daar ook op onderwysgebied in Suid-Afrika, groot veranderinge plaas. Inrigtings betrokke by onderwysersopleiding het oo k die afgelope paar j aar ingrypende herstrukturering ondergaan. Volgens wetgewing moet aile tersiere onderwysinrigtings by die Hoeronderwys-sektor inskakel, wat inkorporering by 'n universiteit oftechnikon beteken. Hierdie studie fokus daarop om vas te stel hoe die dosente verbonde aan 'n tersiere onderwysinrigting die veranderingsproses beleef. Die navorser maak van die k:walitatiewe navorsingsmetode gebruik deur individuele onderhoude met 'n aantal dosente te voer. Hierdie inligting is met behulp van 'n oudio-bandopnemer opgeneem en verbatim transkripsies is daarvan gemaak. Na die ontleding van die transkripsies is faktore geidentifiseer wat emstige stres by die deelnemers veroorsaak tydens die veranderingsproses. Ten slotte is aanbevelings in hierdie verband gemaak. / Change is a constant in all sphere of people's lives. To keep abreast of the changing world and to meet the needs of its people, vast changes are also being implemented in education in South Mrica. Institutions involved in teacher training have also undergone far-reaching restructuring over the past few years. Legislation requires that tertiary education institutions be incorporated into the Higher education sector, which means incorporation into a university or technikon. This study focuses on establishing how the lecturers employed at a tertiary education institution " experience this process of change. The researcher has used the qualitative research method by conducting individual interviews with a number oflecturers. This information was taped and verbatim transcriptions were made of the interviews. Analysis of these transcriptions made it possible to identify factors that have caused serious stress in participants during the process of change. In the end recommendations were made concerning these factors. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

The project is completed! What now?

Legowski, Aris 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The Book of the Dead-Project Bonn started in the early 1990s. Prof Ursula Rößler-Köhler, who had previously laid the foundation for modern Book of the Dead studies by her work on BD chapter 17 applying the method of textual criticism, achieved a 10-year funding from the German Research Society (DFG). In 2004 the project was granted another 9-year funding by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of North Rhine-Westphalia. One aim of the project was to gather all available evidence of Book of the Dead manuscripts spread across collections around the world. Today, the archive comprises approximately 3000 records of BD sources. In 2012 the corresponding database, after undergoing a transfer from FileMaker to XML format in collaboration with the department of e-Humanities at the University of Cologne, was launched and made publicly available online. The data sets include various different kinds of information about the objects and the sets of BD spells and vignettes found on them. These are now easily accessible for statistic analyses such as evaluations of neighbouring spells and sequences or occurrences in specific locations or time periods. Furthermore, the database includes several metadata such as bibliographical information, translations of spells and a motif index. It is cross connected with other Egyptological databases such as Trismegistos and the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae. After the project was completed at the end of 2012, the online database has been operating for a considerable amount of time with scholars using it and trying the several opportunities it provides. Now is the time for a first evaluation to actually see which functions of the database work well, which might have been ignored by users and what information the database could provide scholars with for their actual research. Naturally, there is a need for a continuous maintenance and update on new findings and the latest research. Furthermore it is important to understand which possibly missing functions or information the users wish to be included and if this is actually realisable. On the other hand, there might be opportunities for analyses that have not been fully understood and therefore have not been made use of. This presentation aims to address some of these issues concerning the BD online database and to gather ideas and possible collaborators for future BD project plans.

The touchable and the untouchable : an investigation of touch in modern Japanese literature

Innami, Fusako January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines how the experience of touch is depicted in modern/contemporary Japanese literature and culture. Employing touch-related 20th century French thought (Merleau-Ponty, Derrida, Nancy) and psychoanalytic theory (Klein, Anzieu, Kimura), it discusses how the representations of touch illuminate various aspects of human existence, specifically: the mediated nature of touch, the process of the bodily encounters, the formation of subject identity, sexual differences, and the way memories of touch depicted in literature affect our sense of temporality. Touch is a particularly interesting way of approaching Japanese literature because touching between people (apart from mother and child, called skinship) has been considerably repressed at least until after WW2, due to the relative absence of public practices of touch, authors’ aesthetic choices and censorship. Opposing this tendency, female authors born postwar write freely about touch. In comparison to Judeo-Christian cultures, Japanese culture has historically not been open to tactile communication, nor is explicit articulation of internal experience, as in psychoanalysis, particularly prominent. Japanese literary characters are thus especially self-conscious about touch. Following a theoretical and historical overview regarding touch and contact in the Introduction, Chapter 1 discusses different ways of mediating touch in the works of Yoshiyuki Junnosuke, Tanizaki Jun’ichirō, and Abe Kōbō. Chapter 2 argues how high levels of mediation affect the manners of engaging in direct encounters with others in Yoshiyuki, Kawabata Yasunari, and Matsuura Rieko. Chapter 3 discusses the temporality of tactile memories in Yoshiyuki, Kawabata, and Ogawa Yoko. Reflecting on such a complicated portrayal of touch in Japanese culture will help fill a gap in the existing scholarship regarding touch in literature. By critically examining the relationship between theories and literature in the East and West, this thesis also significantly contributes to the field of comparative literature and cultural studies as an example of cross-cultural research on touch.

L'expertise corporelle à l'épreuve : téléphonie, physiologie, épilepsie : corps et techniques dans l'expérimentation

Soler, Julien 13 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette recherche analyse trois projets de recherche dans lesquels des technologies sont portées sur le corps et productrices d'informations sur celui-ci. Au carrefour de la sociologie du corps et des techniques, nous interrogeons des formes de couplage qui ne sont jamais données a priori mais sont en constantes négociations. La situation d'expérimentation se révèle en tant qu'épreuve pour le corps comme pour la technique. L'un et l'autre transportent un véritable réseau socio-technique d'objets, de lieux, d'expériences, de personnes, de routines et d'expertises ; leur confrontation fait émerger des définitions multiples du corps et de la technique. Nous montrons comment l'expertise corporelle, cette intime connaissance de son propre corps et de celui des autres, cette profonde expérience de l'interaction et de la médiation, resurgit dans l'action comme autant de résistances. L'expertise corporelle arbitre ces définitions parfois concurrentes. Nous analysons alors ces épreuves et la façon dont elles questionnent le corps et le processus de conception technologique.

"För att komma runt det kruxet" : En kvalitativ undersökning om arbetet med Barnkonventionen och barn i behov av särskilt stöd i två kommuner

Håkansson, Marianne, Palmberg, Mia January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine the ways in which the Children’s rights convention is used to develop early childhood education for children with special needs. We want to examine how preschool teachers and municipalities relate to the Children’s rights convention when decisionmaking concerning children with special needs, and the resources that will be relevant for these children. In order to answer our questions, we conducted interviews with preschool teachers and officials in two municipalities in Sweden. This in order to identify any differences between theory and practice; does this correspond with what is said in the Children’s rights convention, the Education Act, various policy documents that are in and around the preschool or is there a need to develop this work further, so that the guidelines are followed to a greater extent? We have used a qualitative method with phenomenological and phenomenographic basis. We describe the ecological systems theory of child development, individual, and relational perspective, which we use to analyze our collected material. We also shed light on previous research in the Children’s rights convention and children's right to education, the incorporation of the Children’s rights convention, special education and resources, children's perspective and inclusion and exclusion. We have concluded that the need for an education initiative for the Convention should be used to strengthen children's rights, but also the need for a more active work to actualize what is said in the Children’s rights convention.

Založení, vznik a neplatnost obchodní společnosti / Formation, incorporation and invalidation of a business corporation

Slavík, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis titled "Formation, incorporation and invalidation of the business company" is a description of a complicated two-stage process of establishment of a business company. In connection with the recodification of civil law the thesis focuses on the changes that recodification brought, points out its weaknesses and tries to propose possible solutions. The aim of this work is not to be a guide for potential founders, but rather to discuss the different phases from the theoretical point of view and with regard to the recent changes. The work also does not deal with general issues relating to business companies and even the process of establishing a European company and European Economic Interest Grouping. The thesis is divided into five chapters, each of them dealing with different stage or question of the establishment of a business company. The chapters are further subdivided into sub-chapters that discuss the individual phases in detail. The first chapter provides a general introduction and a basic description of the discussed topic. The second chapter deals mainly with the requirements of the founder, his position and the nature of the founding legal action. In the third chapter the thesis mainly addresses the issue of legal action of the preliminary business company and other...

Společnosti v mezinárodním právu soukromém / Companies in private international law

Flutka, David January 2014 (has links)
COMPANIES IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW - ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to familiarize the reader with the regulation of companies in private international law, with special regards to status of the company. The topic is mainly overtaken by the conflict between the incorporation principle and real seat principle. This conflict is reflected in the legal regulation of companies in private international law on both national law level and European law level. It is also connected to the question of competition between legal systems, which the thesis also deals with. Considering the globalizing world we live in and in which the perpetual need to reduce costs plays more and more important role, the topic is highly current. The thesis is divided into 7 chapters. The introductory chapter introduces the topic and points out the objectives of the thesis. The second chapter explains the basic concepts it is going to work with, namely the concept of a company and private international law (conflict of laws). The following chapter discusses the question of status of the company. It explains the definition of status of the company and afterwards describes the individual theories of determining it, i.e. incorporation theory, real seat theory and a few other rarely used theories. In the fourth chapter, the author pays...

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