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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The work-family balance experiences of production couples operating Chinese Cut, Make and Trim factories in Newcastle, South Africa

Ma, Yuh-Wen 06 March 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a deep understanding into the unique work family balance experiences of women in production couples in cut, make and trim factories in Newcastle, South Africa. A production couple is first and foremost a business partnership that involves joint ownership of a clothing factory, however the relationship is also a strategy the women use to satisfy their emotional needs and over time the relationship plays an important role in their return migration intention. Using a phenomenological research design, eight in depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with women in a production couple. Though the study set out to explore both the male and female partners, all the male partners eventually declined, citing Covid-19 related reasons such as having the only male in the researcher network dropping out, significantly lowering the likelihood of recruiting willing male participants. A potential reason for this is that men in Chinese culture are expected to carry the family name and with the persisting patriarchal gender roles (Sun & Chen, 2014), they are confronted with greater risk of losing face if exposed that they are in this type of relationship. Thematic analysis conducted on the data revealed three key themes: (1) Factors affecting the work-family balance of women in production couples, (2) Transnational care practices and, (3) Boundary management practices used by the women to maintain work-family balance. The findings challenged the nuclear family ideal and contributed new knowledge on how work family balance is perceived and maintained from a transnational perspective.


INCE BEQO, GUL 17 May 2018 (has links)
Lo scopo di questa ricerca è quello di analizzare l'impatto della migrazione sulle relazioni familiari degli immigrati turchi in Italia e il modo in cui i legami con il paese d’origine possono influenzare le loro esperienze migratorie e i loro piani futuri. Questi aspetti sono stati analizzati in uno studio qualitativo ed esplorativo, attraverso 38 interviste a migranti turchi attualmente residenti nel Nord Italia e identificati con la tecnica del campionamento snowball. L'intervista semi-strutturata è stato il principale strumento di ricerca e, di conseguenza, ha rappresentato la principale fonte di dati primari di questa ricerca. Le relazioni familiari e le esperienze migratorie hanno costituito il focus delle interviste; le domande sono state delineate intorno ad alcuni argomenti ritenuti cruciali come la storia della famiglia, la loro scelta migratoria, il confronto tra "qui" e "là", l'esperienza migratoria e i cambiamenti che questa produce a livello di relazioni familiari, le difficoltà e le reti di comunità. Analizzando una comunità poca studiata in Italia come quella turca, in una prospettiva di relazioni familiari, questa ricerca vuole fornire un contributo originale sia allo studio della migrazione turca sia agli studi familiari in generale. / This research seeks to analyse the impact of migration on family relations of Turkish immigrants in Italy, and the way ties with the country of origin can affect their migration experiences and future plans. These aspects have been analysed in a qualitative study, exploratory in nature, through 38 interviews with Turkish migrants identified by snowballing who are currently residing in Northern Italy. The semi–structured interview is the main research instrument and consequently, it provides the main sources of primary data for this research. The main focus of the interviews was on family relations and the migration experiences; interview questions were outlined around a few major topics such as the history of the family, their migration choice, the comparison between ‘here’ and ‘there’, the migration experience, the changes that it produces at the level of family relations, the difficulties and community networks. By considering such an understudied community in Italy as the Turkish –within a perspective of family relations– this research seeks to provide an original contribution both to the study of the Turkish migration and to family studies in general.

台灣地區跨國初婚與繼親家庭之比較研究:以台北縣地區為例 / Comparing Transnational Families and Stepfamilies in Taiwan:An Example of Taipei County

楊惠萱, Yang, Hui -hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
國內跨國婚姻家庭的數量逐年升高,主要是因為近十年東南亞籍女性配偶的大量移入。各界討論跨國婚姻的視角鮮少以微觀的家庭互動觀點論之,並且未詳細理解跨國家庭在成因與家庭型態上的不同。因此本研究以質的研究方式,著重互動與詮釋等微視觀點,重新理解跨國家庭本身,並比較初婚及繼親跨國家庭間的異同;比較的面向包括家庭形成之過程與基礎,家庭角色規範,家庭界域,夫妻與親子互動關係等。同時,本研究也探索國內大眾或媒體對跨國家庭的偏見與歧視作用在跨國家庭中所可能造成的影響。本研究資料是經由對來自四個跨國初婚家庭與四個跨國繼親家庭中之家長及子女進行深入訪談而取得。研究結果顯示,跨國初婚與繼親家庭的家庭成因略有差異,而跨國家庭在外部關係上,皆具有結構上的困境,並影響家人互動關係。家庭內部關係上,夫妻關係與親子關係也有其個別的異同之處。在文化與適應上,跨國家庭傾向具有雙元的飲食文化特色,以及多元的語言接觸機會。並且,台籍配偶包容度能提升外籍配偶的適應情況。總體而論,跨國繼親家庭需面對較多家庭問題,並且容易因為「跨國」的因素,而使問題越加複雜。跨國家庭成員大多也對仲介婚姻存有偏見,因此將多將自身婚姻視為是「交往成婚」類型,藉此降低社會偏見可能對其造成的污名化影響。研究歸結,跨國家庭之家庭經驗具有獨特性,此一獨特性,除了受社會結構性因素影響之外,也受家庭人際互動的影響,某些層次上,更反映岀了初婚與繼親家庭的差異。 / Due largely to the escalating volume of immigration from Southeast Asia, the number of transnational families in Taiwan has increased significantly in the past decade. A number of studies have been conducted on these transnational families. However, these studies focused mostly on the macro-structural aspect of the phenomenon, and none approached the issue from the micro viewpoint. This study adopted a micro perspective to examine the experiences of transnational families established by Taiwanese and Southeast Asians. I used qualitative methods to compare transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) in grounds of family formation, family boundaries, rules governing roles of family members, and marital as well as parent-child relationships. This study also assessed the possible influence of prejudice and discrimination in the mass media and the general public on these transnational families. Data were collected through interviews with parents and children from four transnational families established by first marriages and four established by remarriages. The findings indicated that cultural difference was often associated with the difficulties faced by transnational families. Moreover, transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) were quite different, in that the latter often encountered more difficulties in managing family relationships, constructing family boundaries, establishing unambiguous rules directing roles of family members, and following these rules. Members of transnational families tended to have more exposure to diverse religions and languages, and dietary practices may differ among family members. Family’s economic status is influential in shaping the relationships among family members, especially in families with financial problems. Most of the informants interviewed were inclined to distance their families from the stereotypical image of a transnational family in the eyes of the media as well as the general public, which can be seen as a strategy to avoid stigmatization. In conclusion, the results showed that the unique experiences of transnational families were embedded in social contexts and shaped by various social factors on the one hand, and developed by family members through daily interactions on the other. Furthermore, such experiences reflected the distinctions between transnational families established by first marriages and those established by remarriages.

Na vida, única vez fabricando famílias e relacionalidades entre decasséguis no Japão

Silva, Victor Hugo Martins Kebbe da 05 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:01:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4816.pdf: 7070711 bytes, checksum: 9c6b31b88c01fcac248b28d0ea5c228b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-05 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The Dekasegi Phenomenon reveals a migratory flow that has caused suffering in the Japanese Brazilian community by fragmenting several families, with second and third generation descendants migrating to Japan, leaving behind parents, children and/or wives in Brazil. In this context we face several changes of previous roles and functions of each family member at home, forcing these people to overcome the distance and change their routines at home, rising questions to ponder in Social Anthropology, especially in its Kinship Theories. Characterized in contemporary Anthropological Theory as transnational families precisely for being constituted of members living apart in more than one country, dekasegi families live with a paradox and are still little studied in Anthropology: a series of economic, cultural, political, and other reasons makes it necessary for family members to be separated and sent to another country in order to keep the family united. This research proposes a study of dekasegi families living in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka, known for being home to one of the largest contingents of Brazilians living in Japan. The main objective of this thesis is to shed light on how these Japanese Brazilians build their relationships not only with one another but also with family members left behind in Brazil aiming a better understanding of the internal dynamics of this migratory flow that has lasted for more than 20 years. / O Fenômeno Decasségui é um fluxo migratório que causa dentro da comunidade nipobrasileira a fragmentação de várias famílias com descendentes de segunda e terceira geração migrando para o Japão, muitas vezes deixando pais, filhos e/ou esposas no Brasil. Nesse sentido, o surgimento do Fenômeno Decasségui obrigou e ainda obriga estas pessoas a reordenarem suas próprias relações familiares que agora estão distendidas entre dois países, obrigadas a contornar a distância e alterar a própria rotina dentro de casa, trazendo evidentemente uma série de questões para pensarmos nas Teorias de Parentesco. Caracterizada na Teoria Antropológica contemporânea como uma família transnacional justamente por ser constituída por membros que vivem separados em mais de um país, as famílias de decasséguis convivem dentro de um paradoxo e ainda são pouco estudadas na Antropologia: dada uma série de razões, econômicas, culturais, políticas, etc, para a família se manter unida é necessária a separação dos membros familiares e o envio destes para outro país. Esta pesquisa propõe o estudo das famílias decasséguis vivendo na cidade de Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, conhecida por abrigar o maior contingente de brasileiros vivendo no Japão. O principal objetivo desta tese é compreender como estes nipo-brasileiros constroem suas relações não apenas entre si como também com os familiares que ficaram no Brasil, visando o melhor entendimento das dinâmicas internas deste fluxo migratório que tem mais de 20 anos.

台灣與東南亞跨國家庭青少年外表形象、自我概念及族群認同間關連性之初探 / Understanding the Relations among Self-concept, Ethnic Identification and the Perception of Physical Appearance in the Adolescents from Transnational Families Composed of Taiwanese and Southeast Asians

趙佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探索台灣與東南亞籍跨國婚姻子女其自我概念、外表形象與族群認同之內涵及三者概念之間的關連性。本研究以質性研究方法進行,透過參與觀察、焦點團體以及個別深入訪談等多元方式從事資料蒐集並以歸納方式進行分析。本研究對象主要包括了五個類別的青少年:外表具有明顯族群特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年、外表不具有明顯族群特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年、外表具有明顯族群特徵的跨國繼親家庭青少年、親生父母皆為台灣人的跨國繼親家庭青少年以及特殊類別青少年。本研究產生幾項主要發現:(1) 跨國家庭青少年在自我概念上的形塑與一般青少年無異;他們皆能以抽象字眼描述自己,並運用多種不同面向以建構其自我概念。在當中,父母和同儕為影響其自我概念的重要他人。(2)外表亦為跨國家庭青少年自我概念的重要面向之一,尤其是女性。此外,跨國家庭青少年所持之審美觀與一般青少年並無明顯差異。(3)跨國家庭青少年均已發展出初步的族群認同,能選擇自身的族群身份以及運用族群相關線索來區分「我群」和「他群」。同時,外表特徵影響自身揭露族群身份的經驗與方式,具有明顯族群外表者較無彈性選擇族群身份界定與揭露方式。(4)對於擁有明顯族群外表特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年與特殊類別青少年而言,他人對其族群身份與外表特徵的評價,會明顯地對其自我概念產生雙重影響,其中性別亦為一個重要因素。對女性來說,明顯的族群外表特徵(例如膚色黑)容易降低她們對外表的自信。本研究的結果,期望能對跨國家庭及族群研究,相關決策者,以及台灣社會大眾做出有意義的貢獻。 / The aim of this research is to understand the relations among self-concept, ethnic identification and the perception of physical appearance in the adolescents from transnational families composed of Taiwanese and Southeast Asians. The study uses qualitative research methods to collect and analyze data, and the sample comprises five categories: the adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic physical features, the adolescents from transnational families without identifiable ethnic physical features, the adolescents from transnational stepfamilies with identifiable ethnic physical features, the Taiwanese-born adolescents from transnational stepfamilies, and the special category. There are several findings from this research. First, the construction of self concept is similar between adolescents from transnational families and the general Taiwanese adolescents; they are able to describe themselves in abstract sense and present their self-concepts in multiple dimensions. Parents and peers are significant sources of influence in their construction of self concepts. Second, the perception of physical appearance is a significant aspect of self concept in adolescents from transnational families, and this is especially so to female adolescents. Moreover, the perceptions of beauty and physical appearance of adolescents from transnational families tend to coincide with those of the general Taiwanese adolescents. Third, the adolescents from transnational families have developed preliminary ethnic identities, which are shown by their abilities to indicate their ethnic memberships and to distinguish the ethnic in-groups from out-groups. Furthermore, physical appearance tends to affect the ways and experiences of revealing ethnic identities. Adolescents with identifiable ethnic physical features generally have less power to negotiate their ethnic identities. Fourth, to those adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic physical features and the adolescent in the special category, others’ opinions of their ethnic memberships and their ethnically denoted physical appearances can powerfully shape their self-concepts, and gender acts as an important factor affecting this linkage. To the female adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic features, their self-esteem is likely to be negatively influenced by their ethnically denoted physical appearances. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the academic fields of transnational family study and ethnicity, as well as to policy makers and the general Taiwanese society.

智慧型手機跨國家庭溝通:以在台印尼家傭移工為例 / Smartphone-mediated communication with transnational families: Understanding the experiences of Indonesian domestic workers in Taiwan

王路易, Barui Kurniawan Waruwu Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究探討印尼家傭,使用智慧型手機維護家庭親密關係的經驗。透過對台灣20名印尼家傭工進行深入訪談並觀察他們的在臉書的活動來究探討智慧型手機在跨國母親和遠距離婚姻中的複雜性,同時強調了家庭中的性別權力動態。部分由於智慧型手機作為相對較新的出現,智慧型手機與跨國母親尚未得到系統的研究。雖然已有若干研究探究了印尼家傭雖使用智慧型手機的經驗,但其獨特的社會文化特徵尚未得到充分和獨立的探究。 研究發現,智慧型手機是家傭維持家庭親密關係的不可或缺的工具。WhatsApp和LINE的語音通話和簡訊,是最被偏好的通訊模式。他們的溝通方式常受雇主控制;然而,一般來說,他們享有使用智慧型手機的通訊自由。智慧型手機的永續連結性為家傭提供了一個虛擬環境創造與孩子的共存感,增溫了他們的關係,並且使家傭能夠向子女提供宗教指導,履行他們作為穆斯林母親的教育責任。智慧型手機也用於配偶間的溝通,儘管頻率往往由妻子或其就業情況決定。 以Goffman的被寵壞的認同(spoiled identity)作為視角,本研究指出印尼家傭在工作期間遭受「作為與雇主同居女傭」之污名化,他們使用各種策略,用智慧型手機進行形象管理來應對他們的生活,包括與丈夫選擇性的分享他們的生活。這項研究進一步假定,在女性移工透過智慧型手機進行密集的網路互動不僅可以作為再現性別角色規範的場所。相反來說,它也是性別規範不斷被挑戰和重建的場所。本研究強調,受污名化的印尼女性家傭移工在其所居的社區之地位的再協商、。控制、賦權、應對策略之要素。 / Abstract This study explores the experience of Indonesian domestic workers in using smartphones to maintain family intimacy. By conducting in-depth interviews with 20 Indonesian domestic workers in Taiwan and observing their Facebook activities, this study examines the intricacy of smartphone use in transnational mothering and distant marriage while highlighting the gender power dynamics in the family. Partly due to its relatively recent emergence, smartphone use for transnational mothering has not been systematically investigated. While Indonesian domestic workers have been included in several studies on this subject, their unique sociocultural characteristics have not been sufficiently and independently examined. The findings suggest that smartphones are an indispensable instrument for family intimacy among domestic workers. Voice calls and text messages via mobile application such as WhatsApp and LINE are the most preferred modes of communication. Their communication practices are often conditioned by their employers; however, in general, they enjoy freedom to use smartphones for communication. Perpetual connectivity of smartphones gives the domestic workers the perception of co-presence with their children in virtual environment which enhances the warmth of their relationship and allows domestic helpers to fulfil their spiritual duties as Muslim mothers by providing religious guidance to their children. Smartphones are also used for spousal communication although the frequency is often dictated by the wives or their employment circumstances. Based on Goffman’s concept of spoiled identity, this study argues that Indonesian domestic workers face social stigma during their work as live-in maids and device various strategies in order to cope with their living condition by using smartphone activities for impression management, including with their husbands by selectively share their life stories. This study further posits that the intensive networked interaction via smartphones during feminized migration does not only serve as a site for the reproduction of normative gender roles. Instead, it is also a venue where these gender norms are challenged and reconstructed constantly. This study highlights the elements of control, empowerment and coping strategies of Indonesian maids to renegotiate their position within their communities during feminized (and stigmatized) migration.

Migrants brésiliens hautement qualifiés : parcours migratoires, incorporations socioprofessionnelles et familles transnationales

Schlobach, Monica 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à comprendre et à caractériser l’expérience et le parcours migratoire et socioprofessionnel, ainsi que la dynamique des liens familiaux transnationaux, de couples brésiliens ayant migré à Montréal entre 2004 et 2013 et dont un des membres travaillait au Brésil comme professionnel en ingénierie ou dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC). Trois raisons ont présidé au choix de ce sujet de recherche : (1) l’importance de la migration des travailleurs hautement qualifiés (THQ) dans le flux des migrations internationales, laquelle est insuffisamment étudiée ; (2) la formation d’une nouvelle vague migratoire de Brésiliens qualifiés arrivés à Montréal à partir du milieu des années 2000 et (3) une volonté de porter un nouveau regard sur la migration des THQ, afin de comprendre leur expérience et cheminement à partir de leur point de vue et de celui de leur famille. La décision de comparer les parcours migratoires des ingénieurs et des professionnels des TIC tient au fait que les ingénieurs font face à davantage d’obstacles socioprofessionnels (liés aux exigences de l’ordre professionnel des ingénieurs) et à une plus difficile reconnaissance des titres de compétence et de l’expérience acquise à l’étranger que les professionnels des technlogies de l’information et des communications (TIC), dont l’expertise est davantage reconnue internationalement et localement. Cette recherche vise à répondre au comment plutôt qu’au pourquoi. Comment devient-on émigrant dans la société de départ ? Comment, comme immigrant, s’adapte-t-on à la société de destination ? Comment s’y insère-t-on socioprofessionnellement ? Comment est maintenu le sentiment familial en dépit de la « tyrannie de la distance » ? Quel est, dans chaque cas, le rôle de l’agentivité des migrants, celui des contraintes et des opportunités, des ressources mobilisées dans la formation et la dynamique des parcours migratoires, professionnels et familiaux. J’ai choisi l’approche des parcours de vie car elle s’est avérée utile au double plan analytique et méthodologique. Sur le plan analytique, elle offre certains concepts, comme ceux de transition et de parcours, qui amènent à analyser la migration comme processus affectant des sphères de la vie des migrants. Sur le plan méthodologique, elle en fournit la méthode des récits de vie comme moyen de saisir, de façon diachronique, l’expérience des participants car les récits de vie aident à reconstruire « par en bas » le jeu des actions, des contraintes et opportunités dans la vie des migrants lors de certains contextes clés de leur existence. Cette approche biographique m’a permis d’identifier quatre transitions de vie significatives dans le parcours migratoire soit l’émigration du pays de départ, l’immigration dans le pays d’arrivée, l’incorporation socioprofessionnelle et la reconfiguration familiale, ce qui entraîne des changements de positions, de statuts ou de rôles dans divers espaces sociaux, professionnels et familiaux. Chacune de ces transitions constitue autant d’épreuves qui obligent à des engagements dans de nouveaux rôles et à des changements de positions sociales dont l’issue dépend autant des capacités stratégiques des migrants, de leur encastrement dans des liens sociaux et de l’ensemble des ressources et capitaux possédés qu’ils réussissent à reconvertir pour faire face aux épreuves rencontrées. J’ai été amenée, dans ce cadre, à identifier une pluralité de profils migratoires et d’incorporation professionnelle et une diversité de modes de gestion de la « tyrannie de la distance », pour continuer à faire famille. La thèse se divise en trois grandes parties, correspondant à chacune des thématiques de cette recherche, soit (1) la migration dans sa dimension émigration (chapitre 2) et immigration (chapitre 3), (2) l’incorporation socioprofessionnelle (chapitres 4 et 5) et (3) la famille transnationale (chapitre 6). Dans la conclusion générale, je rappelle les principaux résultats par rapport aux questionnements initiaux et identifie quelques limites de la recherche. / This thesis aims to understand the migratory experience of Brazilian engineers and information and communications technology (ICT) professionals who migrated to Montreal between 2004 and 2013. It focuses on the dynamics of their socio-professional incorporation and transnational family changes. There were three reasons for choosing this research topic: (1) the importance of highly skilled workers’ (HSW) migration in the flow of international migration, which is insufficiently studied; (2) the arrival of a new migratory wave of skilled Brazilians in Montreal in the mid-2000s; and (3) a willingness to take a different look at HSW migration, in order to understand migrants’ experience and journey from their point of view and the one of their family members. I decided to compare engineers’ and ICT professionals’ migration paths because engineers face supplementary socio-professional barriers (related to the requirements of the engineers’ regulatory body (Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec) and the more difficult recognition of credentials and experience gained abroad faced by these migrants as compared to ICT professionals, whose expertise is more easily recognized internationally and locally. This research aims to answer to questions concerning “how,” rather than “why:” How does one become an emigrant before leaving the sending society? How, having migrated, does one adapt to the receiving society? How does one insert oneself professionally? How is the familyhood maintained despite the “tyranny of distance”? What is the role of the migrant’s agency, which are the constraints and the opportunities, and the resources mobilized in the migratory dynamics and changes concerning both migratory, professional and family changes? I chose the life course approach because it proved to be analytically and methodologically useful. It offers certain concepts, such as transition and pathways, which lead to the analysis of migration as a process affecting different spheres of migrants’ lives. Methodologically, the life history approach allows us to grasp the experience of the participants in a diachronic manner. Life stories help to reconstruct "from below" the dynamics of actions, constraints and opportunities in the lives of migrants in certain key contexts of their existence. This biographical approach allowed me to identify four significant life transitions in the migration pathways: emigration from the country of origin, immigration to the country of arrival, socio-occupational incorporation and family reconfiguration, resulting in changes of position, status or role in social, professional and family spaces. Each of these transitions involves hardships that lead to commitments into new roles and changes in social positions. Their outcome depends as much on migrants' strategic abilities as on their integration into social ties and on assets that they manage to convert to face the hardships encountered. In this context, I was led to identify a plurality of migratory profiles and professional incorporation paths and a variety of modes of management of the tyranny of distance, to continue to make family. The thesis is divided into three main parts, corresponding to each of the themes of this research, namely (1) emigration (chapter 2) and immigration (chapter 3), (2) socio-occupational incorporation (chapters 4 and 5) and (3) the transnational family (chapter 6). In the general conclusion, I recall the main results in relation to the initial research questions and identify some of the limits of the research.

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