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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Smejkalová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma project deals with a post-industrial factory area Zbrojovka Brno. It proposes a strategy for its revitalisation and development. On contrary to official studies of one time reconstruction and creation of a residential site, the proposal brings an idea of step by step transformation into a multifunctional city quarter with preservation and new use of original industrial architecture. The strategy has four main phases, which are characterised by addition of functions, metamorphoses of public space and opening of the area and connecting it to neighbourhoods. After the four phases, the area should become a healthy and sustainable city with a compact structure with mixed functions, high quality public spaces linked with greenery, sustainable system of transportation and energetic concept and with use of community sharing.

Västberga Artistkollektiv

Fored, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Västberga Artistkolletiv (VAK), as a project, is an investigation into the self-image of my home town, Stockholm. It is a mapping of both the experienced and factual cultural scene in order to understand how and where an addition would be suitable. The end goal has been a physical building, a platform that strategically helps raising the creative potential of this city. The idea is to design a place dedicated to creating the best possible environment for recording live concerts, in regard to both audio and video. Hence, an acoustically perfected live venue for broadcasting and recording artists of various levels. The purpose is to provide a platform where they can grow, as well as spread their music and art. Furthermore, it is a meeting point for people, so experiencing a concert on site should not be regarded as less of a priority than the recorded material. On the larger scale the investigation aims to establish the link between the architecture - the venue, and the self-image of the city and its citizens, to see how they are nurturing each other. This is also a residential building, and a gathering spot for anyone that feels like they want to be a part of a creative environment, living inside a concert venue, while working on their own music or collaborating with the platform and radio station.


林靈宏, LIN, LIN-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
自1970年以後,「泛行銷」(Broading of Mar-Keting)的觀念引進了所有組織,因 為所有的組織都會有行銷的問題,行銷學大師Kotler認為這些問題都可以藉由行銷原 則的運用來加以解決;佔經濟活動四分之一以上的非營利事業及公共事業部門,對於 改善管理與行銷實務,正感迫切需要。 一、研究動機及目的 工業區的成立已迄十八年,逐漸由幼年期走入青年期,而其對我國經濟成長的貢獻正 受到肯定與重視,但近三年來,我國經歷了前所未有的快速變動,政治的解嚴、匯率 自由化、關稅保護逐漸解除、大陸禁忌的消失、環保意識的抬頭、勞工意識的高漲、 使得國內的廠商面臨了前所未有的挑戰與機會,值此之時,工業區的策略與所應扮演 的角色就更難界定,因此本研究利用行銷研究的方法,來確定工業區所應提供的服務 組合,及提供這些服務組合的最佳形式,以輔導國內廠商,建立國際競爭能力。 二、選樣設計 本研究採人員訪問方式,預計收集380 個樣本、工業區內廠商280 個、工業區外100 個,抽樣採分層隨機抽樣,分層方式產業則按食品製造業、金屬基本製造業、化學材 料製造業、電子及電力機械器材製造修配業等四種製造業。區內廠商由工業局提供名 冊從中隨機抽取,工業區外則由訪問人員自由抽取,或透過各縣市公商課取得訪問名 冊。

A tecelagem Tognato e as transformações do espaço industrial em São Bernardo do Campo / Tognato weaving and the transformations of the industrial spaces in São Bernardo do Campo

Jesus, Leandra Brito de 15 December 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo compreende a relação entre a Tecelagem Tognato e as transformações do bairro Baeta Neves. Para tanto abordamos a história da industrialização brasileira, paulista e do ABC, especialmente o segmento têxtil. A indústria do ABC, obedece a dinâmica nacional, sua origem com as indústrias têxteis no século XIX, desenvolvimento no século XX com a implantação das indústrias de bens de produção e no final do século a reestruturação industrial marcada pela transformação do modo de produção fordista para o modelo flexível, que implicou em mudanças na dinâmica interna e externa as fábricas. A Tognato, esta inserida dentro dessas transformações observadas ao longo do século XX. Estudá-la, nos possibilitou compreender como as novas dinâmicas produtivas relacionam-se com a sociedade promovendo mudanças na região do ABC, especialmente em São Bernardo. / This stydy includes the relationship between the weaving and the transformation of the Tognato neighborhood Baeta Neves. For this we approached the history of Brazilian industry, in São Paulo State and the ABC metropolitan area, with especially focus, the textile segment. The industry ABC follow the dynamic national origin in the textile industries in the nineteenth century, development in the twentieth century with the establishment of industries and production assets in the late industrial restructuring marked the transformation using the Fords mode of production to the flexible model, which resulted in change in the dynamic internal and external of the factories. The Tognato textile industry it is inserted within these transformation observed during the twentieth century. Study it, give us the potencial to understand how the new dynamics of production relate to the society and promoted changes in the ABC metropolitan area, especially in São Bernardo do Campo.

A tecelagem Tognato e as transformações do espaço industrial em São Bernardo do Campo / Tognato weaving and the transformations of the industrial spaces in São Bernardo do Campo

Leandra Brito de Jesus 15 December 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo compreende a relação entre a Tecelagem Tognato e as transformações do bairro Baeta Neves. Para tanto abordamos a história da industrialização brasileira, paulista e do ABC, especialmente o segmento têxtil. A indústria do ABC, obedece a dinâmica nacional, sua origem com as indústrias têxteis no século XIX, desenvolvimento no século XX com a implantação das indústrias de bens de produção e no final do século a reestruturação industrial marcada pela transformação do modo de produção fordista para o modelo flexível, que implicou em mudanças na dinâmica interna e externa as fábricas. A Tognato, esta inserida dentro dessas transformações observadas ao longo do século XX. Estudá-la, nos possibilitou compreender como as novas dinâmicas produtivas relacionam-se com a sociedade promovendo mudanças na região do ABC, especialmente em São Bernardo. / This stydy includes the relationship between the weaving and the transformation of the Tognato neighborhood Baeta Neves. For this we approached the history of Brazilian industry, in São Paulo State and the ABC metropolitan area, with especially focus, the textile segment. The industry ABC follow the dynamic national origin in the textile industries in the nineteenth century, development in the twentieth century with the establishment of industries and production assets in the late industrial restructuring marked the transformation using the Fords mode of production to the flexible model, which resulted in change in the dynamic internal and external of the factories. The Tognato textile industry it is inserted within these transformation observed during the twentieth century. Study it, give us the potencial to understand how the new dynamics of production relate to the society and promoted changes in the ABC metropolitan area, especially in São Bernardo do Campo.

Hidrocarbonetos (C6-C11) : fontes, reatividade e concentrações atmosféricas na área de influência do Polo Petroquímico de Capuava, Região do Grande ABC

Coelho, Monique Silva January 2018 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa Dra Cláudia Boian / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia/Química, 2018. / As concentrações dos compostos orgânicos voláteis (COV) nos centros urbanos são provenientes da exaustão do motor de veículos e/ou de processos industriais e evaporação de solventes. Juntamente com os óxidos de nitrogênio (NOx = NO + NO2), os COV são precursores do ozônio troposférico (O3), que é formado a partir de processos fotoquímicos. A Região do Grande ABC (RGABC), São Paulo, Brasil, apresenta peculiaridades, pois além de uma grande frota veicular também possui forte caráter industrial, com a presença do Polo Petroquímico de Capuava, na divisa das cidades de Mauá e Santo André. Este Polo apresenta características especiais em relação aos demais distribuídos pelo Brasil, pois é o único com a localização no entorno de uma área residencial e urbana densamente ocupada. Um estudo de 15 anos mostrou que houve um aumento na incidência de Tireoidite Crônica Autoimune (TCA) em indivíduos que moram nos arredores deste Polo, sugerindo que fatores ambientais, incluindo agentes químicos poluidores, poderiam ser a causa. No Brasil apesar dos conhecidos efeitos adversos à saúde, não há padrão de qualidade do ar para os COV, bem como avaliações de suas características ou concentrações. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar as concentrações dos hidrocarbonetos, HC (C6-C11), na região do entorno do Polo, sob diferentes condições meteorológicas. As amostras de ar foram coletadas em tubos TENAX e, em seguida, analisadas por cromatografia gasosa com detector de ionização de chama (GCFID). As coletas de amostras de ar foram horárias em períodos que variaram entre 08:00 e 22:00h. O total de 91 amostras foram coletadas em 5 campanhas nas seguintes datas: 05/07/2016; 19/08/2016; 16/11/2016; 23/11/2016; 28/11/2016; 09/12/2016; 28/03/2017; 03/05/2017; 14/07/2017 e 17/07/2017. E em dois pontos, sendo P1 uma área urbana sob a influência das emissões industriais (Universidade Federal do ABC) e P2 uma área urbana e industrial (Escola Estadual Beneraldo de Toledo Piza). Os resultados mostraram que o cis-2-hexeno (1,80 ± 1,20 ppb) e o n-undecano (0,52 ± 0,51 ppb) apresentaram as maiores concentrações médias, seguido do grupo BTEX, sendo o tolueno (1,55 ± 0,66 ppb) e o m+p-xileno (1,22 ± 0,55 ppb) com as maiores concentrações. A análise combinada das concentrações medidas e dos parâmetros meteorológicos mostrou que a circulação da brisa marítima desempenha um papel fundamental na dispersão desses poluentes na região. / The volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in urban centers are due, mainly to engine exhaust and/or industrial processes and solvent evaporation. Together with nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2), VOCs are precursors of tropospheric ozone (O3), which is formed from photochemical processes. The Region of great ABC (RGABC), São Paulo, Brazil, presents peculiarities because besides a significant vehicular fleet also has a strong industrial character, with the presence of the Capuava Petrochemical Complex, at the border of Mauá and Santo André cities. This complex is special when compared with others distributed countrywide, as it is the only one centralized in a urban residential area densely occupied. A 15-year study showed that there has been an increase in the incidence of Autoimmune Chronic Thyroiditis (TCA) in individuals living in the vicinity of this complex, suggesting that this disease must be caused by pollutant chemical agents. In Brazil, despite the knowledge of adverse health effects, there is no air quality standard for VOC, as well as evaluations of their characteristics or concentrations. In this context, this work aims to determine the concentrations of hydrocarbons, HC (C6-C11), around the Capuava Petrochemical Complex under different meteorological conditions. The air samples were collected in TENAX tubes, followed by the gas chromatographic with flame ionization detector (GCFID) analysis. Air sample collections were hourly in periods ranging from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. The total 91 samples collected in 5 campaigns on the following dates: 7/5/2016; 8/19/2016; 11/16/2016; 11/23/2016; 11/28/2016; 12/9/2016; 3/28/2017; 5/3/2017; 7/14/2017; 7/17/2017. And in two points, P1 being an urban area under the influence of industrial emissions (Universidade Federal do ABC) and P2 an urban and industrial area (Escola Estadual Beneraldo de Toledo Piza). The results showed that cis-2-hexene (1.80 ± 1.20 ppb) and n-undecane (0.52 ± 0.51 ppb) presented the highest hydrocarbon concentrations, followed by the BTEX group, being toluene (1.55 ± 0.66 ppb) and m+p-xylenes (1.22 ± 0.55 ppb) the ones with higher concentrations. The combined analysis of measured concentrations and meteorological parameters showed that the sea breeze circulation plays a key role in the dispersion of these pollutants in the region.


Babka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis brings a possible way of transformation of an old decaying garden centre into new residential and commercial quarter, connected with the surroundings fluently. Proposal interprets former industrial environment of the garden company and complete the nearest parts of the town by the well-structured and graded public space. Project restores the type of suburban market hall.

Современное искусство в структуре арт-кластера: потенциал развития, формы взаимодействия : магистерская диссертация / Contemporary art in the structure of the art-cluster: the development potential, forms of interaction

Казакова, К. И., Kazakova, K. I. January 2017 (has links)
Master's thesis of Kazakova K. "Contemporary Art in the Art Cluster Structure: Development Potential and Forms of Interaction" is devoted to the study of the problem of searching for new forms and methods of interaction between the viewer and the representation of works in the field of contemporary art in the art cluster space. The task of the art cluster is to create a certain platform, scenery, conditions for the existence and change of scale of contemporary art and modern culture. Such spaces create favorable conditions for the development of art, due to the fact that festivals and educational programs in the field of contemporary art, cinema, architecture and design, as well as charitable events are regularly held on the territory of the art cluster. In this regard, there is a need for a careful and detailed study of the activities of such new practices as art clusters. The aim of the work is to reveal the potential of the art cluster as a platform for the development of contemporary art, to identify the prospect of creating an art cluster for the Sverdlovsk region (for example, the city of Yekaterinburg). Modern art in the structure of an art cluster is an object of study, under the subject of research is understood the methods and tools for the promotion and development of contemporary art in the structure of the art cluster. The structure of the work is two chapters with paragraphs. In the first chapter, the main points of the formation and development of art clusters are considered, the phased dynamics of their creation is traced, and their contribution to the formation of the creative environment is assessed. The second chapter considers successful mechanisms and existing practices of interaction between contemporary art and business, reveals the potential of new sites as a tool for the development and support of contemporary art in the city. / Магистерская диссертация Казаковой К.И "Современное искусство в структуре арт кластера: потенциал развития и формы взаимодействия" посвящена изучению проблемы поиска новых форм и методов взаимодействия зрителя и репрезентации произведений в сфере современного искусства в пространстве арт кластера. Задача арт кластера – это создать некую площадку, декорации, условия для существования и смены масштаба современного искусства и современной культуры. Такие пространства создают благоприятные условия для развития искусства, в связи с тем, что на территории арт кластера регулярно проводятся фестивали и образовательные программы в сфере современного искусства, кинематографа, архитектуры и дизайна, а также благотворительные мероприятия.В связи с этим появляется необходимость внимательного и детального изучения деятельности таких новых практик как арт кластеры. Целью работы является раскрытие потенциала арт кластера, как площадки для развития современного искусства, в выявлении перспективности создания арт кластера для Свердловской области (на примере города Екатеринбург). Современное искусство в структуре арт кластера выступает объектом исследования, под предметом исследования понимается методы и инструменты продвижения и развития современного искусства в структуре арт кластера. Структура работы представляет собой две главы с параграфами. В первой главе рассматриваются основные моменты становления и развития арт кластеров, прослеживается поэтапная динамика их создания, дается оценка их вклада в формирование творческой среды.Материал второй главы рассматривает успешные механизмы и существующие практики взаимодействия современного искусства и бизнеса, раскрывает потенциал новых площадок как инструмент развития и поддержку современного искусство в городе.

Sustainable Urban Development : Development Option Using Nature-based Solutions

Maxter, Melissa January 2018 (has links)
The paper evaluates nature-based solutions for a retrofitting proposal for the combined regeneration, climate adaptation, and green space management of the industrial area Gåsebäck in Helsingborg, Sweden. The objective of this study was to evaluate options for how Gåsebäck could be sustainably regenerated and developed, while providing additional security against future negative effects of climate change, through the implementation of nature-based solutions. The methods used were unstructured interviews, literature study, thematic data analysis, and scoping review. Some urban societal challenges the area is facing were identified as Urban regeneration, Climate adaptation, and Green space management. The suggested NBSs to address these challenges are phytoremediation, mycoremediation, street trees and bushes, green walls, green roofs, flower beds, permeable surfaces, roadside greenery, rain gardens, de-culvertation and pocket parks. Examples of how the identified nature-based solutions can be retrofitted to block Italien are installing green walls on the old fire station for noise and pollution abatement, biodiversity increase, climate regulation, and enhancement of green elements; green roofs on various buildings for e.g. water management, increased biodiversity and green elements; street trees and bushes along the streets Södergatan and Malmöleden/Gåsebäcksvägen for noise and pollution abatement, water management, biodiversity increase, and enhancement of green elements; site specific installation or pocket park with phyto- or mycoremediation; flower beds and roadside traffic to increase attractiveness; and rain gardens and permeable surfaces for water management. / <p>20180620</p>

Omvandling av ett industriområde till blandstad / Redevelopment of an industrial area to a mixed-use city

Sandström, Robin, Mörsare, David January 2021 (has links)
Dagens samhällsutveckling riktar stort fokus på att skapa en blandstad. En blandstad är en stad eller en stadsdel som har en funktionell blandning av bostäder, handel, arbetsplatser och nöjesliv. För att begreppet ska uppfyllas så eftersöker idealet att dessa funktioner samsas inom samma byggnad eller kvarter. Att uppföra nya stadsdelar är inte alltid förenligt med en hållbar utveckling eftersom det kräver stora resurser. Därför kan det vara lämpligt att utveckla underutnyttjade industriområden som ofta har ett centrumnära läge i städerna. En omvandling av sådana områden ger goda förutsättningar för en hållbar utveckling.  Växjö kommun vill skapa en hållbar, trivsam och hälsosam stad och verkar för att stadsstrukturen ska bli mer sammanhängande. Dagens renodlade verksamhetsområden i staden ska på sikt kunna bli en blandstad. Sydöstra delen av Västra Mark är stadens första stora industriområde där Växjö kommun föreslår en omvandling. Visionen är att området ska få behålla sin industriella karaktär samtidigt som en variation av funktioner blandas för att skapa en blandstad.  Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka de viktigaste faktorerna för vad som gör en blandstad attraktiv för boende, besökande och arbetande. Målet är att ta fram ett förslag för hur betraktat område i Västra Mark kan omvandlas till blandstad över tid genom en illustrationsplan på kvartersutveckling. Illustrationsplanen visar vilka byggnader som anses lämpliga att bevara samt var nybyggnation kan utföras. Vidare redovisar den lämpliga funktioner för området. Visionen är att området ska få utvecklas till blandstad över tid och delas därför in i etapper för att uppmuntra till initiativ hos fastighetsägarna.  För att utföra arbetet har olika metoder använts. Arbetets tillvägagångssätt bygger på tre steg som är intervjuer, fallstudier och förslag. Intervjuer har genomförts med sakkunniga stadsutvecklare för att få deras uppfattning om hur en omvandling till blandstad kan genomföras. Fallstudierna omfattade en granskning av två andra industri- och verksamhetsområden som har pekats ut för omvandling till blandstad. Fallstudier av de två områdena gjordes för att undersöka vilka riktlinjer och faktorer som har påverkat en omvandling. Förslaget har sedan tagits fram utifrån en områdesanalys och resultatet från intervjuerna och fallstudierna.  Resultatet bygger på den empiri som erhållits med hjälp av metoderna i studien. Resultatet från intervjuerna visar att viljan från fastighetsägarna är den viktigaste faktorn för att en omvandling ska vara möjlig. För att ett område ska bli attraktivt krävs det att det finns en stor variation av funktioner som korsbefruktar varandra. Offentliga och privata platser, torg, stråk, grönytor och rekreationsytor är några viktiga parametrar för att blandstaden ska få en karaktär som gör att människor vill vistas och ta sig till området. Resultatet från fallstudierna visar att områdena ska utvecklas etappvis och på sikt få en kvartersstruktur likt den traditionella staden. Det läggs även stor vikt på funktionsvariation där människor kan bo, verka och leva. Vikten av att området får behålla sin identitet genom att förhöja och bevara arkitektur är också grundläggande för att området ska locka olika typer av människor. Slutligen visar både intervjuer och fallstudier att aktiva bottenvåningar med blandad bebyggelse är väsentligt för att det ska bli blandstad med innerstadskaraktär. / Several industrial areas are facing transformation to mixed-use city, where a variety of functions such as housing, workplaces and commerce are integrated with each other. The purpose of this study is to investigate what factors make a mixed-use city attractive for the people that resides there. This study presents a proposal of how such an area in Växjö can be redevelop to a mixed-use city over time. The proposal is based on interviews with experts within the subject and on case studies of similar areas undergoing redevelopment.  The result shows that the key factors are the willingness of the property owners and that a variety of functions is created that cross-pollinate each other. Active ground floors and a mix of public and private zones, green structure and squares are also essential for the mixed-use city to become an attractive urban area.

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