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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tro och psykisk ohälsa : Om religiositet och andlighet hos personer med psykiska problem relaterat till IPS/Borderline och beteendeproblematik

Gustavsson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
The relationship between religion and mental healthcare are somewhat complicated with the psychiatric need for control and religions attempt to accept what we cannot control. Swedish mental healthcare is undergoing a change towards a more individualistic and patient ruled care. Throughout the world clinicians are more and more convinced with the positive effects religion and spirituality can have on the recovery process for the mentally ill. This paper will show a variety of different studies made on the effect of combining religious coping with mental illness as well as showing result from interview made especially for the context of this paper. The result of these combined studies shows an overall positive effect of religious coping for the mentally ill. Focus within the primary study is behaviourproblematics with extra attention on IPS, emotionally instable personalitydisorder formerly known as borderline personalitydisorder and posttraumatic stresssymptom.

Núcleos de interface de memória DDR SDRAM para sistemas-em-chip

Bonatto, Alexsandro Cristóvão January 2009 (has links)
Dispositivos integrados de sistemas-em-chip (SoC), especialmente aqueles dedicados às aplicações multimídia, processam grandes quantidades de dados armazenados em memórias. O desempenho das portas de memória afeta diretamente no desempenho do sistema. A melhor utilização do espaço de armazenamento de dados e a redução do custo e do consumo de potência dos sistemas eletrônicos encorajam o desenvolvimento de arquiteturas eficientes para controladores de memória. Essa melhoria deve ser alcançada tanto para interfaces com memórias internas quanto externas ao chip. Em sistemas de processamento de vídeo, por exemplo, memórias de grande capacidade são necessárias para armazenar vários quadros de imagem enquanto que os algoritmos de compressão fazem a busca por redundâncias. No caso de sistemas implementados em tecnologia FPGA é possível utilizar os blocos de memória disponíveis internamente ao FPGA, os quais são limitados a poucos mega-bytes de dados. Para aumentar a capacidade de armazenamento de dados é necessário usar elementos de memória externa e um núcleo de propriedade intelectual (IP) de controlador de memória é necessário. Contudo, seu desenvolvimento é uma tarefa muito complexa e nem sempre é possível utilizar uma solução "sob demanda". O uso de FPGAs para prototipar sistemas permite ao desenvolvedor integrar módulos rapidamente. Nesse caso, a verificação do projeto é uma questão importante a ser considerada no desenvolvimento de um sistema complexo. Controladores de memória de alta velocidade são extremamente sensíveis aos atrasos de propagação da lógica e do roteamento. A síntese a partir de uma descrição em linguagem de hardware (HDL) necessita da verificação de sua compatibilidade com as especificações de temporização pré-determinadas. Como solução para esse problema, é apresentado nesse trabalho um IP do controlador de memória DDR SDRAM com função de BIST (Built-In Self-Test) integrada, onde o teste de memória é utilizado para verificar o funcionamento correto do controlador. / Many integrated Systems-on-Chip (SoC) devices, specially those dedicated to multimedia applications, process large amounts of data stored on memories. The performance of the memories ports directly affects the performance of the system. Optimization of the usage of data storage and reduction of cost and power consumption of the electronic systems encourage the development of efficient architectures for memory controllers. This improvement must be reached either for embedded or external memories. In systems for video processing, for example, large memory arrays are needed to store several video frames while compression algorithms search for redundancies. In the case of FPGA system implementation, it is possible to use memory blocks available inside FPGA, but for only a few megabytes of data. To increase data storage capacity it is necessary to use external memory devices and a memory controller intellectual property (IP) core is required. Nevertheless, its development is a very complex task and it is not always possible to have a custom solution. Using FPGA for system prototyping allows the developer to perform rapid integration of modules to exercise a hardware version. In this case, test is an important issue to be considered in a complex system design. High speed memory controllers are very sensitive to gate and routing delays and the synthesis from a hardware description language (HDL) needs to be verified to comply with predefined timing specifications. To overcome these problems, a DDR SDRAM controller IP was developed which integrate the BIST (Built-In Self-Test) function, where the memory test is used to check the correct functioning of the DDR controller.

Nätverkssäkerhet med IPS : Förbättrad nätverkssäkerhet med Intrusion Prevention Systems

Dubell, Michael, Johansson, David January 2013 (has links)
Att skydda sin IT-miljö mot olika typer av intrång och attacker som till exempel trojaner,skadliga Java applets eller DoS attacker med hjälp av brandväggar och antivirusprogramär två viktiga lager i skalskyddet. I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur väl ett Intrusion Prevention System skulle kunna fungera som ett ytterligare lager i skalskyddet. Fokus ligger på hur väl IPS-systemet klarar av att avvärja attacker, hur mycket tid som går åt till konfigurering och drift för att få ett fungerande IPS samt hur prestandan i nätverket påverkas av implementationen. För att mäta hur väl IPS systemet klarar av att upptäcka och blockera attacker utförs två experiment där ett mindre nätverk attackeras på olika sätt. I det första experimentet skyddas infrastrukturen av en brandvägg och klienterna är utrustade med antivirusprogram. I det andra experimentet genomförs samma attacker igen fast med ett Snort IPS implementerat i nätverket. Resultatet av de genomförda experimenten visar att en IPS klarar att blockera ca 87% av attackerna, men nätverksprestandan påverkas negativt. Slutsatsen är att endast brandväggar och antivirusprogram inte ger ett fullgott skydd.

Modeling sporadic Alzheimer's disease using induced pluripotent stem cells

McLaughlin, Heather Ward 01 January 2015 (has links)
Despite being the leading cause of neurodegeneration and dementia in the aging brain, the cause of Alzheimer's disease (AD) remains unknown in most patients. The terminal pathological hallmarks of abnormal protein aggregation and neuronal cell death are well-known from the post-mortem brain tissue of Alzheimer's disease patients, but research into the earliest stages of disease development is hindered by limited model systems. In this thesis, an in vitro human neuronal system was derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell lines reprogrammed from dermal fibroblasts of AD patients and age-matched controls. This allows us to investigate the cellular mechanisms of AD neurodegeneration in the human neurons of sporadic AD (SAD) patients, whose development of the disease cannot be explained by our current understanding of AD. We show that neural progenitors and neurons derived from SAD patients show an unexpected expression profile of enhanced neuronal gene expression resulting in premature differentiation in the SAD neuronal cells. This difference is accompanied by the decreased binding of the repressor element 1-silencing transcription/neuron-restrictive silencer factor (REST/NRSF) transcriptional inhibitor of neuronal differentiation in the SAD neuronal cells. The SAD neuronal cells also have increased production of \(amyloid-\beta\) and higher levels of tau protein, the main components of the plaques and tangles in the AD brain.

Geração de células de pluripotência induzida (iPS) humanas utilizando vetores lentivirais e determinação do perfil de integração lentiviral / Generation of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell using lentiviral vector and determination of the lentiviral integration profile

Luiza Cunha Junqueira Reis 28 November 2012 (has links)
As células iPS surgiram com a promessa de contornar as limitações das células-tronco embrionárias, como questões éticas, segurança, compatibilidade e disponibilidade. Essas células podem ser obtidas a partir de células somáticas de indivíduos normais ou de pacientes com doenças genéticas, fazendo destas uma importante ferramenta para o screening de drogas, modelos de doenças e testes toxicológicos. Grandes avanços ocorreram na reprogramação de células diferenciadas pela expressão forçada de fatores de transcrição (FT), principalmente, através de vetores lentivirais (VL), que proporcionam uma reprogramação eficiente. Entretanto, a inserção lentiviral no genoma humano e sua influência na reprogramação é pouco conhecida. Neste trabalho, avaliamos o perfil de inserção dos VL utilizados na geração de iPS. As iPS foram geradas e caracterizadas por nosso grupo a partir de fibroblastos humanos transduzidos com VL contendo 3 FT [SOX2, TCL-1A e C-MYC (célula TSM)], e de células mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo com um vetor lentiviral policistrônico contendo 4 FT [OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 e C-MYC (iPS 4FT)]. Cinco colônias isoladas de cada iPS foram mapeadas e analisadas quanto aos sítios de inserção pela técnica de LM-PCR. O DNA genômico digerido foi amplificado com um primer específico para o LTR viral e outro para um linker sintético. Os produtos foram clonados, sequenciados, e analisados em bancos de dados para identificar similaridades com o genoma humano, entre outras análises. Na célula TSM, 176 sequências, obtidas com a técnica de LM-PCR, apresentaram identidade com o genoma humano, sendo que cerca de 50% ocorreram em regiões gênicas com 94% destas em introns. Já nas iPS 4FT, 251 sequências apresentaram identidade, com cerca de 45% atingindo genes, 92% destas em introns. As inserções distribuíram-se por todos os cromossomos, com preferência pelos cromossomos 16, 17 e 20 para a TSM e pelos cromossomos 11, 15 e 17 para a iPS 4FT. Analisamos a distância da inserção ao sítio de início de transcrição (TSS), e inserções próximas a ilhas CpG, que em geral correspondem a regiões regulatórias. A maior proporção de inserção ocorreu a partir de ±30Kb de distância desses sítios. Os sítios frágeis e as regiões repetitivas do genoma foram atingidas, mas com uma frequência baixa. Os resultados mostraram uma preferência de inserção lentiviral por regiões gênicas nas iPS, indicando a possível participação de proteínas como LEDGF/p75 na integração nas células estudadas. Este trabalho mostrou que o local da integração pode contribuir para a reprogramação e, apesar de possíveis efeitos negativos das integrações, estas as células iPS ainda são uma ferramenta importante para estudos in vitro. E identificar fatores que influenciem a seleção do sítio de inserção é importante para determinar regiões cromossômicas \"seguras\" para a integração, aumentando a segurança no uso clínico. / The induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells came with the promise of circumvent some of the limitations in the use of embryonic stem cells, like ethical issues, biological safety, immune compatibility and availability. This cells can be generated from somatic cells of normal individuals or from patients with some genetic disease, making then an important tool for drug screening, construction of disease models and toxicological trials. Great advances have happened in reprogramming differentiated cells through the forced exogenous expression of transcription factors (TF), mostly by lentiviral vectors (LV), which provide an efficient reprogramming. However, the lentiviral insertion in the human genome and its influence in reprogramming is not well known. In this work, we evaluate the insertion profile of LV used to generate human iPS cells. The iPS cells were generated, by our group, from human fibroblasts transduced by LV containing 3 TF [SOX2, TCL-1A and C-MYC (TSM reprogrammed cell)], and from mesenchymal cells derived from human adipose tissue transduced by a polycistronic LV containing 4 TF [OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and C-MYC (iPS 4TF)]. Five isolated colonies of each iPS cell were mapped and analyzed for the insertion sites through LM-PCR technique. The digested genomic DNA was amplified with a primer for the viral LTR e another for a synthetic linker. The products were cloned, sequenced and analyzed in database to identify similarities with the human genome, among other analyzes. In TSM cell, 176 sequences, derived from the LM-PCR technique, presented identity with the human genome, and about 50% of those occurred in genic regions with 94% in introns. In iPS 4TF, 251 sequences showed identity, with about 45% reaching genes, 92% of these in introns. The insertions were distributed on all chromosomes, with preference for the 16, 17 and 20 for the TSM cell, and for the 11, 15 and 17 for the iPS 4TF. We analyzed the distance of the insertion from de transcription start site, and insertions near CpG islands, which, overall, correspond to regulatory regions. The highest proportion of insertion occurred starting ±30Kb distance from these sites. The fragile sites and the repetitive regions of the genome were also reached, but with low frequency. The results showed a preference of lentiviral insertion for genic regions in iPS, indicating the potential participation of proteins like LEDGF/p75 in integration in the cells of this work. This work shows that the integration site may contribute to the reprogramming, and, despite possible negative effects of integration, these iPS cells are still an important tool for in vitro studies. Identify factors that influence the selection of insertion site is important for determination of \"safe\" chromosomal regions for the integration, increasing the safe in clinical use.

Monitorování provozu sítě pomocí dlouhodobě pracujícího analyzátoru / Network Traffic Monitoring using Long Working Analyser

Gilík, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on network monitoring. The theoretical part describes using of detection and prevention systems, properties of these systems, their components and detection techniques. Next part of the thesis is focused on EndaceProbe analyzer and analytic application EndaceVision. Also web services, programming language WSDL and protocol SOAP are described. The practical part is focused on creating three laboratory exercises for network monitoring and for using EndaceProbe. Components of the exercises are the traffic generator IXIA and Cisco switches with the application of remote switched port analyzer. There are also used web services EndaceProbe, programming language WSDL and SOAP protocol.

Plateforme de spécification pour le développement de bibliothèques de cellules et d'IPs / Specification Platform for Library IP Development

Chae, Jung Kyu 09 July 2014 (has links)
Une plateforme de conception est une solution totale qui permet à une équipe de conception de développer un système sur puce. Une telle plateforme se compose d'un ensemble de bibliothèques et de circuits réutilisables (IPs), d'outils de CAO et de kits de conception en conformité avec les flots de conception et les méthodologies supportés. Les spécifications de ce type de plateforme offrent un large éventail d'informations, depuis des paramètres de technologie, jusqu'aux informations sur les outils. En outre, les développeurs de bibliothèque/IP ont des difficultés à obtenir les données nécessaires à partir ces spécifications en raison de leur informalité et complexité. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des méthodologies, des flots et des outils pour formaliser les spécifications d'une plateforme de conception et les traiter. Cette description proposée vise à être utilisée comme une référence pour générer et valider les bibliothèques et les IPs. Nous proposons un langage de spécification basé sur XML (nommé LDSpecX). De plus, nous présentons une méthode basée sur des références pour créer une spécification fiable en LDSpecX et des mots-clés basés sur des tâches pour en extraire les données efficacement. A l'aide des solutions proposées, nous développons une plateforme de spécification. Nous développons une bibliothèque de cellules standard en utilisant cette plateforme de spécification. Nous montrons ainsi que notre approche permet de créer une spécification complète et cohérente avec une réduction considérable du temps. Cette proposition comble également l'écart entre les spécifications et le système automatique existant pour le développement rapide de bibliothèques/IPs. / A design platform (DP) is a total solution to build a System-On-Chip (SOC). DP consists of a set of libraries/IPs, CAD tools and design kits in conformity with the supported design flows and methodologies. The DP specifications provide a wide range of information from technology parameters like Process-Voltage-Temperature (PVT) corners to CAD tools’ information for library/IP development. However, the library/IP developers have difficulties in obtaining the desired data from the existing specifications due to their informality and complexity. In this thesis, we propose methodologies, flows and tools to formalize the DP specifications for their unification and to deal with it. The proposed description is targeting to be used as a reference to generate and validate libraries (standard cells, I/O, memory) as well as complex IPs (PLL, Serdes, etc.). First, we build a suitable data model to represent all required information for library/IP development and then propose a specification language named Library Development Specification based on XML (LDSpecX). Furthermore, we introduce a reference-based method to create a reliable specification in LDSpecX and task-based keywords to efficiently extract data from it. On the basis of the proposed solutions, we develop a specification platform. Experimentally, we develop a standard cell library from the specification creation to library validation by using the specification platform. We show that our approach enables to create a complete and consistent specification with a considerable reduction in time. It also bridges the gap between the specification and current automatic system for rapid library/IP development.


太田, 翔 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第18419号 / 生博第299号 / 新制||生||39(附属図書館) / 31277 / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科統合生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 西田 栄介, 教授 上村 匡, 教授 豊島 文子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Generation of hepatocellular cell line capable of supporting the full replication cycle of Hepatitis B Virus / B型肝炎ウイルスの完全複製を支持する肝細胞株の樹立

Yao, Wan-Ling 23 May 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第20592号 / 生博第380号 / 新制||生||50(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科統合生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤田 尚志, 教授 朝長 啓造, 教授 豊島 文子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

NK cell alloreactivity against KIR-ligand-mismatched HLA-haploidentical tissue derived from HLA haplotype-homozygous iPSCs. / HLAハプロタイプホモ接合型iPS細胞に由来するKIRリガンド不適合HLA半合致組織に対するNK細胞のアロ反応性

Ichise, Hiroshi 24 November 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医科学) / 甲第20758号 / 医科博第81号 / 新制||医科||6(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医科学専攻 / (主査)教授 江藤 浩之, 教授 三森 経世, 教授 杉田 昌彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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