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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apontamentos sobre a transcendência do recurso de revista / Comments on the principle of transcendence in labor case appeals

Souza, José Pedro de Camargo Rodrigues de 13 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a transcendência, requisito específico de cabimento do recurso de revista trabalhista, instituído pela Medida Provisória n.º 2226, de 05 de setembro de 2001. Quase uma década depois, essa criação legislativa não surtiu qualquer efeito prático, porque dependente de regulamentação por parte do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST), o qual, todavia, depois de vários estudos, inclina-se por descartar esse critério de admissibilidade, em face da evidente dificuldade de se conceituar o que é transcendência econômica, política, social e jurídica. A celeuma envolvendo esse requisito recursal, no entanto, abriu oportunidade para se discutir um pouco o papel da Justiça do Trabalho e, particularmente, a atuação do TST, incumbido de julgar um número cada vez maior de recursos de revista, o que pode comprometer a credibilidade de sua missão. O surgimento da transcendência, portanto, instiga a revisitar as origens do próprio recurso de revista, procurando-se identificar na herança histórica romana, ibérica e lusitana, como surgiram a recorribilidade extraordinária das decisões e a jurisprudência e de que maneira isso se transferiu para o Brasil. Examinam-se, também, o processo legislativo de criação desse requisito, as experiências similares e a influência estrangeira e aborda-se a constitucionalidade da transcendência à luz da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, que, desde 1999, não admite o uso de medida provisória para legislar direito processual. A dificuldade de operacionalização desse pressuposto, fato declarado em entrevistas por alguns Ministros do TST e reconhecido pela última Comissão incumbida de estudá-lo, resultou na elaboração de anteprojeto de lei, alternativo à transcendência, que é revelado e comentado neste trabalho. Porque, na maioria das vezes, o direito do trabalho envolve interesses de grupos de indivíduos e de categorias profissionais e econômicas, com reflexos em todo o mercado de trabalho, a uniformidade de sua aplicação e de sua interpretação continua necessária, mas não pode restringir-se ao TST; deve, antes, ser compartilhada com os Tribunais Regionais, obrigados à unificação de sua jurisprudência interna. São urgentes alterações no sistema recursal trabalhista, com a adoção de medidas, mais simples, objetivas e práticas, em sintonia com os propósitos de celeridade, qualidade, eficácia, segurança e justiça nos julgamentos. / This work discusses the principle of transcendence of appeals, a specific requirement for the admission of an appeal in a labor case instituted by the Provisional Presidential Decree no. 2226 of September 5, 2001. After almost a decade, such legislative creation has not had any practical effect because it depends on regulation by the Superior Labor Court (TST) which, however, after several studies, tends to discard such criterion of admissibility in light of the clear difficulty of defining what is economic, political, social and legal transcendent. Notwithstanding, the argumentation involving such requirement has opened the door to discussions about the role of Labor Courts and, in particular, the action of the TST that is responsible for adjudging an increasing number of appeals, which might compromise the credibility of its mission. Hence, the rising of the principle of transcendence directs us to revisit the origins of the appeal in labor cases with the purpose of identifying in the Roman, Iberian and Portuguese historical heritage the source of the extraordinary appealability of decisions and the related case law and how this was transferred to Brazil. The legislative process of creation of such requirement is also examined, as well as similar experiences and foreign influences, and the constitutionality of the principle of transcendence in light of case law of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, seeing that it has not admitted the use of provisional presidential decrees to legislate on procedural right since 1999. The difficult operationalization of such principle, as stated in interviews by some TST Justices and recognized by the last Commission incumbent on studying it, has resulted in the preparation of a bill alternative to the principle of transcendence that is disclosed and commented herein. Considering that Labor Law, more often than not, involves interests of groups of individuals and professional and economic categories with reflexes in the labor market as a whole, it is required be consistently applied and constructed, albeit not restricted to the TST; it should, above all, be shared with the Regional Courts, compelling them to unify their internal case law. The changes in the labor appealing system are urgent, with the adoption of simpler, more objective and practical measures in accordance with the principles of celerity, quality, effectiveness, safety and justice in judgments.

Características de la canal y calidad de la carne, composición mineral y lipídica del cerdo Chato Murciano y su cruce con Ibérico. Efecto del sistema de manejo

Galián Jiménez, Miguel 06 July 2007 (has links)
El cerdo Chato Murciano (CH) es una raza en peligro de extinción. Se estudiaron parámetros de calidad de la canal y de la carne de esta raza autóctona de la Región de Murcia, cerdo CH, y sus cruces con cerdo Ibérico, bajo los sistemas de explotación intensivo y al aire libre. Para ello se diseñaron dos experiencias. Sobre los animales vivos y sus canales fueron tomadas las siguientes medidas: peso vivo, peso de la canal caliente y fría, rendimientos de canal, pérdidas por oreo, medidas morfométricas, pesos de piezas nobles y espesores de tocino dorsal. Adicionalmente, se realizaron una serie de determinaciones sobre parámetros de calidad de carne (sobre el músculo longísimo lumbar): pH y color, porcentaje de grasa intramuscular, pérdidas por goteo, pérdidas por cocción, resistencia al corte, composición mineral, y perfil de ácidos grasos en tocino y músculo. / The Chato Murciano pig is an autochthonous pig breed from the Region of Murcia which is in danger of extinction. The objective of this thesis was the study of the quality parameters for the carcass and the meat of the Chato Murciano, and its cross with the Iberian pig, in both indoor and outdoor farming. Two studies were designed for this purpose. The methods used were those necessary to take the following measurements in live animals and carcasses: live weight, hot and cold carcass weight, carcass yields, storage weight losses, morphometric parameters, weight of most valuable meat cuts and dorsal fat thicknesses. In addition, taking the Longissimus lumbar muscle as our reference, we tested for the following meat quality parameters: pH and colour, intramuscular fat percentage, drip losses, cooking losses, shear force, mineral composition and fatty acid profile in muscle and backfat.

El armamento de influencia La Tène en la Península Ibérica (siglos V-I a.C.)

García Jiménez, Gustavo 07 October 2011 (has links)
El armamento de tipo La Tène se ha venido relacionando habitualmente con la Segunda Edad del Hierro europea, y en general con un territorio dominado por poblaciones de etnia celta. Sin embargo, en la actualidad su alcance llega a un territorio más amplio, que en particular afecta a buena parte de la Europa occidental. En este trabajo se analizan y estudian las armas de influencia La Tène en la Península Ibérica a partir de la información directa del material arqueológico. Además de un catálogo exhaustivo de estas armas para el territorio, se realizan una serie de propuestas tipológicas y se procede al estudio de los conjuntos de armas (panoplias) y a procurar resolver las cuestiones de la llegada de estos influjos, de las vías de propagación de las armas, de sus características y peculiaridades morfológicas y tecnológicas y, finalmente, de su evolución a lo largo de más de cuatro siglos de historia. / The La Tène-type weapons have been usually associated with the Second Iron Age in Europe, and in general with a territory dominated by peoples of Celtic ethnicity. However, today its research extends to a larger area, which in particular affects a large part of western Europe. In this project we analyze and study the weapons of La Tène influence in the Iberian Peninsula from the information taken directly from the archaeological data. In addition to a complete catalogue of the weapons in this territory, a series of typologies are suggested and the study of sets of weapons (outfits) is also discussed. Finally, some questions such as the issues of the arrival of these influences, the ways of propagation of these weapons, their peculiarities (morphological and technological characteristics) and their evolution over more than four centuries of history, are taken into account.

Modélisation et observation de la dynamique haute fréquence de la circulation du Golfe de Gascogne

Herbert, Gaëlle 26 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse je me suis intéressée à l'observabilité de la variabilité de la dynamique océanique de surface du Golfe de Gascogne à partir d'observations satellite et in situ et de simulations numériques basées sur le code SYMPHONIE. Les objectifs sont d'améliorer notre connaissance des processus haute fréquence (de quelques heures à quelques jours) forcés par l'atmosphère et d'évaluer l'adéquation des outils disponibles pour l'observation et la représentation de ces processus. Dans une première approche, j'ai estimé la capacité d'un jeu de données altimétriques côtier à observer la variabilité de l'Iberian Poleward Current (IPC) durant l'hiver 2004. Les résultats ont montré qu'un tel jeu de données était capable de détecter les pulses de l'IPC et que l'altimétrie est un outil complémentaire aux observations de SST et in situ pour le suivi de l'IPC. Dans une seconde approche, j'ai étudié la réponse de l'océan au passage de la tempête Klaus du 24 janvier 2009 simulée par le modèle. J'ai caractérisé la réponse en température et salinité et les processus de mélange associés, la réponse en courant de surface et le phénomène de surcote. Le réalisme du modèle a été évalué par comparaison avec des observations satellites et in situ. Une part importante de mon travail a été accordée à l'amélioration des performances de ma configuration du modèle avec la réalisation de tests sur les paramétrisations.

Language, identity, and power in colonial Brazil, 1695-1822

Scarato, Luciane Cristina January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the diverse ways in which the Portuguese language expanded in Brazil, despite the multilingual landscape that predominated prior to and after the arrival of the Europeans and the African diaspora. It challenges the assumption that the predominance of Portuguese was a natural consequence and foregone conclusion of colonisation. This work argues that the expansion of Portuguese was a tumultuous process that mirrored the power relations and conflicts between Amerindian, European, African, and mestizo actors who shaped, standardised, and promoted the Portuguese language within and beyond state institutions. The expansion of Portuguese was as much a result of state intervention as it was of individual agency. Language was a mechanism of power that opened possibilities in a society where ethnic, religious, and economic criteria usually marginalised the vast majority of the population from the colonial system. Basic literacy skills allowed access to certain occupations in administration, trading, teaching, and priesthood that elevated people’s social standing. These possibilities created, in most social groups, the desire to emulate the elites and to appropriate the Portuguese language as part of their identity. This research situates the question of language, identity, and power within the theoretical framework of Atlantic history between 1695 and 1822. Atlantic history contributes to our understanding of the ways in which peoples, materials, institutions and ideas moved across Iberia, Africa and the Americas without overlooking the new contours that these elements assumed in the colony, as they moved in tandem, but also contested each other. Focusing on the mining district of Minas Gerais for its economic and social importance, this dissertation draws on multiple ecclesiastical and administrative sources to assess how ordinary people and authoritative figures daily interacted with one another to shape the Portuguese language.

Entre conflitos e alianças : uma análise da política episcopal de Diego Gelmírez através da Historia Compostelana (séc. XII) / Between conflicts and alliances : an analysis of the episcopal policy of Diego Gelmírez through Compostelana Historia (XII century)

Monteiro, Hericly Andrade 28 March 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Historia Compostelana is a twelfth-century work that narrates the trajectory and politicians made of Diego Gelmírez, bishop and later archbishop of Santiago de Compostela between the years 1100 and 1140. Arising low Galician nobility and from a young age linked not only to the clergy as also the high nobility, Gelmírez was responsible for the movement that propelled the growth of compostelana diocese and increasing pilgrimage to the shrine dedicated to St. Thiago. It has become even more important due to its activity as bishop, because it was under his command that the See climbed the archbishopric position after annexing territories of other Churches and also promote the theft of relics. This research present examined the role played by Diego Gelmírez during the years of his activity as bishop and later of Santiago de Compostela archbishop, moments that involved not only in episcopal activity, but also in military activities, assuming many times the leading role among the Galicians, gathering troops, were for their own benefit or service of the Castilian-Leonese monarchs Urraca I (1109-1126) and Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Through the analysis of his figure expressed in compostelana history, we seek to understand the complexity of their political actions both in episcopal level, as the warrior within and how both are intertwined taking into account the conflicts and alliances present in the context of the Iberian Peninsula of its time . / A Historia Compostelana é uma obra do século XII que narra a trajetória e os feitos políticos de Diego Gelmírez, bispo e posterior arcebispo de Santiago de Compostela entre os anos 1100 e 1140. Advindo da baixa nobreza galega e desde jovem ligado não somente ao clero como também a alta nobreza, Gelmírez foi responsável pelo movimento que impulsionou o crescimento da diocese compostelana e pelo aumento da peregrinação até o santuário dedicado a São Thiago. Tornou-se ainda mais importante devido à sua atividade enquanto bispo, pois, foi sob o seu comando que a Sé galgou a posição de arcebispado após anexar territórios de outras Igrejas e ainda promover o roubo de relíquias. A presente pesquisa de mestrado analisou o papel desempenhado por Diego Gelmírez durante os anos de sua atuação enquanto bispo e, posteriormente, arcebispo de Santiago de Compostela, momentos em que se envolveu não só em atividades episcopais, mas também, em atividades militares, assumindo muitas vezes o papel de líder entre os galegos, reunindo tropas, fosse para proveito próprio ou à serviço dos monarcas castelhano-leoneses Urraca I (1109-1126) e Alfonso VII (1126-1157). Através da análise da sua figura expressa na História compostelana, buscamos entender a complexidade das suas ações políticas tanto em âmbito episcopal, quanto no âmbito guerreiro e como ambos se entrelaçaram levando em consideração os conflitos e as alianças presentes no contexto da Península Ibérica de seu tempo.

Apontamentos sobre a transcendência do recurso de revista / Comments on the principle of transcendence in labor case appeals

José Pedro de Camargo Rodrigues de Souza 13 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a transcendência, requisito específico de cabimento do recurso de revista trabalhista, instituído pela Medida Provisória n.º 2226, de 05 de setembro de 2001. Quase uma década depois, essa criação legislativa não surtiu qualquer efeito prático, porque dependente de regulamentação por parte do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST), o qual, todavia, depois de vários estudos, inclina-se por descartar esse critério de admissibilidade, em face da evidente dificuldade de se conceituar o que é transcendência econômica, política, social e jurídica. A celeuma envolvendo esse requisito recursal, no entanto, abriu oportunidade para se discutir um pouco o papel da Justiça do Trabalho e, particularmente, a atuação do TST, incumbido de julgar um número cada vez maior de recursos de revista, o que pode comprometer a credibilidade de sua missão. O surgimento da transcendência, portanto, instiga a revisitar as origens do próprio recurso de revista, procurando-se identificar na herança histórica romana, ibérica e lusitana, como surgiram a recorribilidade extraordinária das decisões e a jurisprudência e de que maneira isso se transferiu para o Brasil. Examinam-se, também, o processo legislativo de criação desse requisito, as experiências similares e a influência estrangeira e aborda-se a constitucionalidade da transcendência à luz da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, que, desde 1999, não admite o uso de medida provisória para legislar direito processual. A dificuldade de operacionalização desse pressuposto, fato declarado em entrevistas por alguns Ministros do TST e reconhecido pela última Comissão incumbida de estudá-lo, resultou na elaboração de anteprojeto de lei, alternativo à transcendência, que é revelado e comentado neste trabalho. Porque, na maioria das vezes, o direito do trabalho envolve interesses de grupos de indivíduos e de categorias profissionais e econômicas, com reflexos em todo o mercado de trabalho, a uniformidade de sua aplicação e de sua interpretação continua necessária, mas não pode restringir-se ao TST; deve, antes, ser compartilhada com os Tribunais Regionais, obrigados à unificação de sua jurisprudência interna. São urgentes alterações no sistema recursal trabalhista, com a adoção de medidas, mais simples, objetivas e práticas, em sintonia com os propósitos de celeridade, qualidade, eficácia, segurança e justiça nos julgamentos. / This work discusses the principle of transcendence of appeals, a specific requirement for the admission of an appeal in a labor case instituted by the Provisional Presidential Decree no. 2226 of September 5, 2001. After almost a decade, such legislative creation has not had any practical effect because it depends on regulation by the Superior Labor Court (TST) which, however, after several studies, tends to discard such criterion of admissibility in light of the clear difficulty of defining what is economic, political, social and legal transcendent. Notwithstanding, the argumentation involving such requirement has opened the door to discussions about the role of Labor Courts and, in particular, the action of the TST that is responsible for adjudging an increasing number of appeals, which might compromise the credibility of its mission. Hence, the rising of the principle of transcendence directs us to revisit the origins of the appeal in labor cases with the purpose of identifying in the Roman, Iberian and Portuguese historical heritage the source of the extraordinary appealability of decisions and the related case law and how this was transferred to Brazil. The legislative process of creation of such requirement is also examined, as well as similar experiences and foreign influences, and the constitutionality of the principle of transcendence in light of case law of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, seeing that it has not admitted the use of provisional presidential decrees to legislate on procedural right since 1999. The difficult operationalization of such principle, as stated in interviews by some TST Justices and recognized by the last Commission incumbent on studying it, has resulted in the preparation of a bill alternative to the principle of transcendence that is disclosed and commented herein. Considering that Labor Law, more often than not, involves interests of groups of individuals and professional and economic categories with reflexes in the labor market as a whole, it is required be consistently applied and constructed, albeit not restricted to the TST; it should, above all, be shared with the Regional Courts, compelling them to unify their internal case law. The changes in the labor appealing system are urgent, with the adoption of simpler, more objective and practical measures in accordance with the principles of celerity, quality, effectiveness, safety and justice in judgments.

Quel(s) tropisme(s) atlantique(s) pour les cultures de la péninsule ibérique ? : le mobilier métallique du XIIIe au VIIIe a.C. : entre innovation et tradition / Which atlantic tropism for the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula ? : the study of the metallic artifacts from the XIIIth a.C. to the VIllth a.C.

Pérez, Claire 20 December 2013 (has links)
Dans l'historiographie de l'âge du Bronze final, le tiers ouest de la péninsule Ibérique est considéré comme une province atlantique, qui interagit avec les autres "membres" du complexe atlantique, c'est-à-dire, les territoires de la France, de la Grande-Bretagne et de l'Irlande principalement. Dans ce réseau, les populations échangeraient individus, objets, idées et savoir-faire ; elles créeraient ainsi un espace délimité par la présence d'un lot d'artefacts communs (des outils, des armes, de la parure...) et par des pratiques communes (le festin, la déposition d'objets métalliques, etc.). Il est à noter que pratiques funéraires, architecture de l'habitat et matériel céramique sont de nature différentes et ont très tôt été exclus de cette définition, empêchant de qualifier cet ensemble de culture homogène. Un premier constat concernant la dispersion du mobilier métallique, réputé de types atlantiques, démontre qu'il existe en péninsule Ibérique des réseaux d'échanges puissants entre l'Atlantique et la Méditerranée, qui amènent à questionner le rôle et la place du territoire au sein du "complexe atlantique" européen. Ces remarques naissent d'un regard nouveau porté au vestige archéologique et amènent à questionner l'existence d'un faciès atlantique en péninsule Ibérique, et peut-être même en Europe. L'analyse des correspondances multiples, qui consiste à confronter plusieurs paramètres, répond à ce besoin de considérer le vestige archéologique comme un objet fonctionnel, fabriqué et utilisé par des hommes de l'âge du Bronze final. Dans le cas des épées, des haches et des pointes de lance, il s'agit de relever des critères quantitatifs et qualitatifs qui seront comparés successivement les uns avec les autres. L'objectif est de répondre à une série de questions précises, déterminées par des hypothèses relatives à la fabrication, à la fonction et à l'usage de l'objet. Ce travail est développé en trois temps qui se veulent les reflets des différents questionnements mis en place dès l'introduction. Le premier chapitre présente les enjeux du débat et la question principale qui oriente l'argumentation : Existe-t-il un faciès atlantique ? Le deuxième chapitre est dédié à l'étude des objets, particulièrement les épées, les haches et les pointes de lance. Cette étude rend compte du traitement statistique effectué mais également de l'analyse technique et fonctionnelle des objets. Le troisième chapitre constitue la synthèse de ces différentes approches et propose plusieurs éléments de réponse à la question de départ : existe-t-il un faciès atlantique en péninsule Ibérique ? / In the MBA and LBA historiography, the west lands of Europe - Great-Britain, Ireland, France and Iberian Peninsula - are gathered under the name "Atlantic complex". In this network, populations trade artifacts, ideas and Knowledge. Thus, they create a territory delimited by a set of communal artifacts (tools, weapons, jewellery, etc.) and by communal practices like feasts and hoards. It should be noted that burial practices, domestic architecture or potteries are of different natures, which make it impossible to call it an homogeneous culture. Since a few years, we wonder about the existence of this complex and we try to identify its features. How can we define a culture? How can we identify economic, technical or cultural areas? Does the Atlantic complex really exist? In order to answer these questions, the study of the Iberian Peninsula proved very interesting. The discovery of metallics artifact known as atlantic types let us think that Peninsula was an atlantic territory. However, facing the differences between artifacts from Peninsula and GB or France, we are allowed to challenge the existence of this complex. I propose here another approach of the Atlantic world, based on metallic artifacts found in the Iberian Peninsula. This work will be held in three parts. In the first part, I will show the problems of this work by presenting a short historiography of the methodology and its limits. I will then propose a new approach, elaborated upon my PHD work. In the second part, i will present three examples of this new approach: swords, axes and spearheads from the Iberian Peninsula. Finally, I will try to answer the question at issue : Does the Atlantic complex exist in The Iberian peninsula and in Europe in general ?

Interactions climatiques et hydrologiques du système Méditerranée/Atlantique au Quaternaire

Penaud, Aurélie 04 December 2009 (has links)
Tandis que la variabilité climatique à long terme du Quaternaire terminal (oscillations glaciaire/interglaciaire) est relativement bien appréhendée aujourd’hui, l'origine et la modalité des variations climatiques haute-fréquence séculaires à millénaires, depuis la très haute fréquence des cycles de Dansgaard-Oeschger (D/O) jusqu'à la plus grande périodicité des événements d'Heinrich, restent toujours matière à débat. Parmi les éléments encore équivoques se trouvent notamment les modalités de transferts de chaleur méridiens et latitudinaux. A ce titre, la connexion hydrologique entre l’Atlantique et la Méditerranée apparaît comme un exemple d’étude particulièrement approprié vu qu’elle illustre le couplage de phénomènes jouant selon un double gradient Est-Ouest et Nord-Sud, reliant ainsi processus subtropicaux et nord atlantiques. Nous avons ainsi ciblé nos analyses sur des séquences prélevées autour du détroit de Gibraltar, avec pour objectif d’étendre les connaissances spatiales et temporelles de la variabilité climatique haute fréquence des derniers 50 000 ans dans le secteur de l’Atlantique Est subtropical et de la Méditerranée occidentale. La méthodologie de cette thèse est ainsi basée sur une comparaison multi-proxies qui inclut des analyses micropaléontologiques (dinokystes et foraminifères planctoniques) et géochimiques (isotopes stables et alkénones). Nous avons ainsi pu tester la cohérence des changements hydrologiques de surface inter- et intra-bassins et tenter de caractériser la migration des fronts hydrologiques associés. Grâce aux sites des marges marocaine et portugaise, notamment, nous avons pu vérifier l’impact des cycles de D/O sur la variabilité de l’intensité des cellules d’upwelling côtières dans ce secteur et sur la dynamique de la veine d’eau méditerranéenne profonde (MOW), couplant signaux des masses d’eau superficielles (température, salinité et productivité) aux paléo-intensités de la MOW. / While the long-term climatic variability of the Quaternary is relatively well understood today, the causes and processes at the origin of the rapid and brutal climatic variability that characterized the last glacial period (Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles), including meridional and latitudinal heat transfer mechanisms, are still subject to debate. As such, studying the hydrological connection between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea appears particularly appropriate since it illustrates the coupling acting on a double East-West and North-South gradient. It furthermore links subtropical processes and North Atlantic ones. We focused our analysis on sedimentary sequences retrieved around the Strait of Gibraltar, in order to extend the spatial and temporal knowledges about the impact of the high frequency climatic variability of the last 50 000 years in the sector of the eastern subtropical Atlantic and of the western Mediterranean Sea. The methodology of this thesis is based on a multi-proxy compilation coupling micropaleontological (dinocysts and planktonic foraminifera) and geochemical (stable isotopes and alkenones) approaches. We have tested the consistency of the sea-surface paleohydrological changes at inter-and intra-basins scales and tried to characterize the associated migration of the hydrological fronts. Sites of the Portuguese and Moroccan margins, in particular, allowed us to document the impact of the D/O cycles on the intensity of coastal upwelling cells as well as on the dynamics of the MOW, by coupling sea surface signals (temperature, salinity and productivity) to paleointensity of the MOW.

Teatro religioso en el siglo XVI : encuentro cultural entre Japón y el mundo ibérico

Georgieva, Elitsa 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’inscrit dans le cadre disciplinaire d’études théâtrales. Son but est d’approfondir les connaissances concernant le théâtre d’évangélisation du XVIe siècle qui s’est développé au Japon après l’arrivée de missionnaires jésuites en 1549, afin de mieux saisir l’envergure et les éléments qui le définissent. En premier lieu, ce type d’art dramatique est situé dans le contexte du théâtre religieux européen du XVIe siècle en considérant, en plus, sa relation avec le théâtre d’évangélisation en Nouvelle Espagne. Ensuite, en tenant compte des investigations de Bourdon, Leims, Rubiera et Ruiz-de-Medina et après une analyse des quatre principaux recueils de lettres des missionnaires jésuites au Japon, nous dédions notre recherche à la lecture intégrale du seul parmi ces-derniers traduit entièrement en castillan : Cartas que los padres y hermanos de la Compañía de Jesús que andan en los reinos del Japón escribieron a los de la misma Compañía, desde el año de 1549 hasta el de 1571 (Alcalá, 1575), avec l’objectif d’extraire et analyser toute l’information pertinente reliée à l’art dramatique évangélisateur. En plus, nous effectuons une comparaison du segment principal de texte épistolaire concernant ce théâtre (De una [carta] del hermano Juan Fernández, de Bungo para los padres y hermanos de la Compañia de Jesús, a ocho de octubre de mil y quinientos y sesenta y uno) qui est identifiable dans les quatre principales collections de correspondance mentionnées ci-haut, afin de confirmer la possible divergence du contenu qui circulait dans les différentes compilations publiées. Les résultats de cette recherche permettent de mettre à jour l’information disponible reliée au théâtre missionnaire japonais du XVIe siècle. En plus, ceux-ci offrent de nouvelles possibilités d’étude principalement à travers l’édition critique de Ruiz-de-Medina et à l’aide du recueil de missives d’Évora (1598). / This thesis explores a topic attributed to the field of theatre studies. Its purpose is to deepen the knowledge concerning the evangelization theater of the 16th century that developed in Japan after the arrival of Jesuits in 1549, in order to better grasp the scope and the elements that define it. Firstly, this type of dramatic art is studied within the context of the European religious theatre of the 16th century and in relation to the New Spain evangelization theater. Then, considering the investigations of Bourdon, Leims, Rubiera and Ruiz-de-Medina and after analysis of the four main collections of Jesuit letters in Japan, we dedicate our research to the only work, of those four, written entirely in Castilian: Cartas que los padres y hermanos de la Compañía de Jesús que andan en los reinos del Japón escribieron a los de la misma Compañía, desde el año de 1549 hasta el de 1571 (Alcalá, 1575), with the purpose of extracting and analysing all relevant information related to evangelisation dramatic art . In addition, we make a comparison of the main segment of epistolary text concerning this theatre (De una [carta] del hermano Juan Fernández, de Bungo para los padres y hermanos de la Compañía de Jesús, a ocho de octubre de mil y quinientos y sesenta y uno), which is identifiable in the four main correspondence collections mentioned above, in order to confirm possible content discrepancies. The results of this research allow to update the available information related to Japanese missionary theatre of the 16th century, as well as to identify potential new study paths primarily through analysis of the critical edition of Ruiz-de-Medina and the missive collection from Évora (1598). / Esta memoria se inscribe en el marco disciplinar de los estudios teatrales. Su objetivo es profundizar en el conocimiento del teatro de evangelización del siglo XVI desarrollado en Japón después de la llegada de los misioneros jesuitas en 1549, para comprender mejor su significación y los elementos que lo definen. En primer lugar, este tipo de arte dramático se sitúa en el contexto del teatro religioso europeo del siglo XVI, considerando, además, su relación con el teatro misionero en Nueva España. A continuación, teniendo en cuenta las investigaciones de Bourdon, Leims, Rubiera y Ruiz-de-Medina, y tras un análisis de las cuatro principales recopilaciones de cartas enviadas por los misioneros jesuitas desde Japón, se dedica la atención a la lectura integral de la única de estas últimas traducida al castellano (Cartas que los padres y hermanos de la Compañía de Jesús que andan en los reinos del Japón escribieron a los de la misma Compañía, desde el año de 1549 hasta el de 1571, Alcalá, 1575), con el objetivo de extraer y analizar toda la información pertinente relacionada con el arte dramático evangelizador. Además, se realiza una comparación del segmento principal de texto epistolar relativo a este teatro (De una [carta] del hermano Juan Fernández, de Bungo para los padres y hermanos de la Compañía de Jesús, a ocho de octubre de mil y quinientos y sesenta y uno), que es identificable en las cuatro principales colecciones de correspondencia mencionadas anteriormente, con el fin de observar la posible divergencia del contenido que circulaba en las diferentes compilaciones. Los resultados de la presente investigación permiten actualizar la información disponible relacionada con el teatro misionero japonés del siglo XVI y ofrecen posibles nuevas pistas de estudio principalmente a través de la edición crítica de Ruiz-de Medina apoyándose, además, en la colección de misivas de Évora (1598).

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