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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low Power IC Design with Regulated Output Voltage and Maximum Power Point Tracking for Body Heat Energy Harvesting

Brogan, Quinn Lynn 14 July 2016 (has links)
As wearable technology and wireless sensor nodes become more and more ubiquitous, the batteries required to power them have become more and more unappealing as they limit lifetime and scalability. Energy harvesting from body heat provides a solution to these limitations. Energy can be harvested from body heat using thermoelectric generators, or TEGs. TEGs provide a continuous, scalable, solid-state energy source ideal for wearable and wireless electronics and sensors. Unfortunately, current TEG technology produces low power (< 1 mW) at a very low voltage (20-90 mV) and require the load to be matched to the TEG internal resistance for maximum power transfer to occur. This thesis research proposes a power management integrated circuit (PMIC) that steps up ultralow voltages generated by TEGs to a regulated 3 V, while matching the internal resistance. The proposed boost converter aims to harvest energy from body heat as efficiently and flexibly as possible by providing a regulated 3 V output that can be used by a variable load. A comparator-based burst mode operation affords the converter a high conversion ratio at high efficiency, while fractional open circuit voltage maximum power point tracking ensures that the controller can be used with a variety of TEGs and TEG setups. This control allows the converter to boost input voltages as low as 50 mV, while matching a range of TEG internal source resistances in one stage. The controller was implemented in 0.25 µm CMOS and taped out in February 2016. Since these fabricated chips will not be completed and delivered until May 2016, functionality has only been verified through simulation. Simulation results are promising and indicate that the peak overall efficiency is 81% and peak low voltage, low power efficiency is 73%. These results demonstrate the the proposed converter can achieve overall efficiencies comparable to current literature and low power efficiencies better than similar wide range converters in literature. / Master of Science

The Design of an Asic Control Chip for a Forward Active Clamp Converter and the Investigation of Integratable Lateral Power Devices

Dong, Wei 01 October 1997 (has links)
In Part I, the design of an ASIC control chip for a forward active clamp converter is presented. Integration of the control and drive circuit into one IC chip results in higher power density, higher reliability for the converter module. The designed ASIC control chip uses a 2.0 um N well Analog CMOS process, and is fabricated at MOSIS. The design procedures of the ASIC chip are explained, and experimental results are presented. Part II of the thesis focuses on the numerical investigation of several integratable lateral power devices. Lateral power devices are used in power IC designs because of their compatibility with analog & digital IC process. To obtain devices with high current density, large safe operating area, fast response and low cost is highly desirable for power ICs. In Part II of this thesis, several lateral power devices are discussed and simulated, including lateral IGBT, lateral MCT and double gate lateral MCTs. It is shown that lateral IGBT and lateral MCTs are good candidates for power IC applications. / Master of Science

On-Chip Isotropic Microchannels for Cooling Three Dimensional Microprocessors

Renaghan, Liam Eamon 14 January 2010 (has links)
This thesis reports the fabrication of three dimensionally independent on-chip microchannels using a CMOS-compatible single mask deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) process for cooling 3D ICs. Three dimensionally independent microchannels are fabricated by utilizing the RIE lag effect. This allows complex microchannel configurations to be fabricated using a single mask and single silicon etch step. Furthermore, the microchannels are sealed in one step by low temperature oxide deposition. The micro-fin channels heat transfer characteristics are similar to previously published channel designs by being capable of removing 185 W/cm2 before the junction temperatures active elements exceed 85°C. To examine the heat transfer characteristics of this proposed on-chip cooler, different channel geometries were simulated using computational fluid dynamics. The channel designs were simulated using 20°C water at different flow rates to achieve a laminar flow regime with Reynolds numbers ranging from 200 to 500. The steady state simulations were performed using a heat flux of 100 W/cm2. Simulation results were verified using fabricated test chips. A micro-fin geometry showed to have the highest heat transfer capability and lowest simulated substrate temperatures. While operating with a Reynolds number of 400, a Nusselt number per input energy (Nu/Q) of 0.24 W-1 was achieved. The micro-fin geometry is also capable of cooling a substrate with a heat flux of 100W/cm2 to 45ºC with a Reynolds number of 525. These channels also have a lower thermal resistance compared to external heat sinks because there is no heat spreader or thermal interface material layer. / Master of Science

Análise energética, ambiental, e econômica de biodigestores de circulação interna e concentradores de vinhaça para geração de eletricidade, fertilizantes e créditos de carbono em diferentes cenários econômicos / Energy analysis, environmental, and economic issues of internal circulation bio-digesters and vinasse concentrators for electricity generation, fertilizer and carbon credit in different economic scenarios

Araujo, Geraldo José Ferraresi de 11 July 2017 (has links)
A vinhaça é um dos resíduos da produção de etanol, considerada de elevada capacidade poluidora. Estima-se que para cada litro de etanol produzido, produz-se entre 10 até 15 litros de vinhaça. Porém, este mesmo subproduto pode ser utilizado para geração de eletricidade, fertilizantes, biogás e obtenção de créditos de carbono a partir de biodigestores e concentradores. Logo, a vinhaça pode vir a contribuir para um incremento na geração de energia elétrica e de outros produtos para fomento de renda para o setor sucroenergético e resolver o problema ambiental no que se refere ao descarte in natura. Ante o exposto, justifica-se um estudo sobre a utilização da vinhaça, norteada pela problemática: qual a viabilidade econômica, ambiental e energética da utilização do biodigestor IC, concentrador de vinhaça e o conjugado de ambos? O objetivo geral foi analisar a viabilidade energética, ambiental e econômica da utilização de vinhaça em concentradores, biodigestores IC e em ambos para geração de eletricidade, fertilizantes e créditos de carbono. Para responder à pergunta, a metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi a análise de viabilidade econômica, aonde foi calculado o VPL, TIR, payback e o payback descontado. Sendo qual foi calculado o consumo anual de Diesel no transporte de vinhaça biodigerida e concentrada, balanço de energia no consumo de Diesel e gerada pelo biogás por ano, balanço de geração e consumo de eletricidade e equivalente populacional de geração de eletricidade de vinhaça e, por fim, a análise ambiental, aonde foi calculado o equivalente populacional de vinhaça biodigerida e concentrada, balanço de emissão e mitigação de NOx, SOx e CO2 eq. pelo concentrador, transporte de vinhaça concentrada, ambas as três análises para uma faixa de produção de etanol de 500 até 4.000 m3/dia, como também para estados brasileiros produtores desse combustível. Como resultado pode-se constatar que os fertilizantes têm importância na viabilidade econômica dos biodigestores IC e concentradores de vinhaça, em cenários sem isenções tributárias e taxa mínima de atratividade 15% a.a. A eletricidade por si só terá viabilidade em cenário com baixa taxa mínima de atratividade de 11% e isenções fiscais. No que se refere a análise energética, destacam-se os resultados do biodigestor IC nas dimensões equivalente populacional e balanço de geração e consumo de eletricidade e na análise ambiental destaca-se o conjugado biodigestor IC e concentrador para as dimensões equivalente populacional e dióxido de carbono equivalentes emitidos e mitigados. Pode-se constatar a partir dos resultados alcançados e da revisão bibliográfica realizada os seguintes cenários desfavoráveis em potêncial para reutilização de vinhaça: baixo preço do MWh tanto no ACR quanto no ACL, incipiência no mercado de eletricidade, elevado investimento em transmissão, ausência de políticas públicas de incentivo a utilização de matéria orgânica proveniente da agropecuárias, ausência de políticas públicas de incentivo a utilização de energias renováveis, experiências não exitosas pelas usinas de utilização de vinhaça para produção de biogás, biodigestores em processo de consolidação tecnológica, incapacidade de financiamento do setor sucroenergético, preço dos concentradores de vinhaça, omissão legislativa referente ao descarte de vinhaça e descapitalização das usinas sucroenergeticas. / Vinasse is one of the residues from the production of ethanol, considered polluting high capacity. It is estimated that for every liter of ethanol produced, produces between 10 to 15 liters of vinasse. However, this same byproduct can be used for generating electricity, fertilisers, biogas and obtaining carbon credits from bio-digesters and concentrators. Soon, vinasse might contribute to an increase in the generation of electricity and other products to promote income for the sugar-energy sector and solve the environmental problem as regards disposal in natura. Against the above, if a study on the use of vinasse, guided by the problem: what is the economic viability, environmental and energy use of the biodigestor, vinasse concentrator and the conjunction of both? The overall objective was to analyze the energy, environmental and economic feasibility of the use of vinasse in hubs, biodigestors IC and in both for electricity generation, fertilizer and carbon credits. To answer, the methodology used in the research was the economic feasibility analysis, where it was calculated the NPV, IRR, payback and discounted payback. Being what was calculated the annual Diesel consumption of biodigerida and concentrated vinasse, energy balance in the consumption of Diesel and biogas generated per year, generation and balance electricity consumption and electricity generation population equivalent of vinasse and, finally, the environmental analysis, where it was calculated the population equivalent of biodigerida and concentrated vinasse emission and mitigation balance of NOx, SOx and CO2 eq. by concentrator, concentrated vinasse transport, both three analysis for a range of ethanol production from 500 to 4,000 m3/day, as well as to the Brazilian States that fuel producers. As a result one can note that fertilizers have importance in the economic viability of bio-digesters IC and vinasse concentrators, in scenarios without tax exemptions and minimum rate of 15% p.a. attractiveness The electricity itself will have viability in scenario with lower minimum rate of 11% attractiveness and tax exemptions. With regard to energy analysis, include the results of the biodigestor IC equivalent dimensions of population and balance of generation and electricity consumption and environmental analysis is the conjugate biodigestor IC and concentrator for the dimensions and equivalent carbon dioxide equivalent emitted and mitigated. You can see from the results achieved and the literature review carried out the following unfavourable scenarios on potential for reuse of vinasse: low price of MWh in both the ACR and the ACL, the effects on the market of electricity, high investment in transmission, absence of public policies to encourage the use of organic matter from the cattle-breeding, absence of public policies to encourage the use of renewable energy , not successful experiences through the use of vinasse plants for production of biogas, biodigesters consolidation technology, inability to finance the sugar ethanol sector, price of vinasse concentrators, legislative omission concerning the discharge of vinasse and decapitalization of sucroenergeticas plants.

A interação de projetos educacionais para o aprendizado em ciências: o laboratório, a monitoria e a pré-iniciação científica / The interaction of educational projects for learning in science: laboratory, tutoring, and scientific pre-initiation

Gama, Marcus Vinicius Monteiro 26 September 2016 (has links)
Ensinar é sem dúvida um dos grandes desafios do século XXI. A busca por alternativas ao tradicional sistema de ensino mostra a necessidade de mudanças, que é inerente à sociedade do conhecimento em contínua evolução. Desta forma, esta pesquisa pretende investigar se as ações desenvolvidas na Escola E. E. Arnolfo Azevedo pelo projeto Laboratório de Ciências e sua interação com a Universidade por meio do programa de Préiniciação Científica contribuem para a construção e manutenção de um modelo que busca a melhoria da qualidade do ensino e aprendizagem em ciências exatas e biológicas nas Escolas Públicas. Foram utilizados questionários qualitativos e quantitativos para construção dos gráficos em forma de barras e linhas de tendência, associando estes dados ao referencial proposto por meio da triangulação. Assim, os resultados indicam que a participação dos alunos nos respectivos projetos: Laboratório e a Pré-iniciação científica, promovem significativa mudança de comportamento associado à dedicação e responsabilidade com os estudos representada pela melhora significativa em seu rendimento escolar e conseqüente melhora na qualidade do ensino na área de ciências naturais. / Teaching is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The search for alternatives to the traditional teaching system shows the need for changing, which is inherent to knowledge society in continuous development. Therefore, this research deals with the investigation whether the actions carried out in the Project of the Laboratory of Sciences at E.E. Arnolfo Azevedo and its interaction with the University through Scientific Pre-Initiation Program have contributed to the construction and maintenance of a model which seeks to improve the teaching and learning quality in Exact and Biological Sciences in Public Schools. Qualitative and quantitative surveys were used to build graphs of trend lines and error bars, associating these data with the proposed framework through triangulation. The results indicate that the students\' participation in the respective projects (Laboratory and Scientific Pre-Initiation) has promoted meaningful behavior change associated with studies dedication and responsibility represented by the significant improvement in their school performance and, consequently, in the teaching quality in Natural Sciences area.

校園智慧卡系統應用與發展之研究 / A Study of the Application and Expansion of Campus Smart Card

游麗珠, You, Lai-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
政府推動IC金融卡業務已近八年,然其成效仍十分有限。國內金融機構為區隔消費市場,以IC金融卡延伸之應用功能,結合校園識別證件、圖書證、學生證、停車證…等功能,與各大學院校共同發行校園智慧卡,並以IC金融卡之電子錢、預付電話等功能作為校園內各項支付之工具。民國86年政大智慧卡率先發行,迄今已有二、三十家大學院校發行校園智慧卡,累積發卡量達近百萬張,惟其刷卡消費之實績一直未如預期,且發卡量亦呈趨緩之趨勢,這與金融機構積極推展校園卡,由年輕族群帶動消費市場、改變國人消費習性之理想有所違背。本研究即針對國內IC金融卡之推廣瓶頸、及金融機構推廣校園智慧卡所遭遇之問題進行探討與分析,自財金資訊公司蒐集國內金融機構IC金融卡發卡量與營運量統計資料,以探索性研究方法,進行次級資料分析,以期發現校園智慧卡在推動過程中所遭遇的問題,並提出改善之建議,使校園智慧卡達到多卡合一之功效,同時對未來政府推動各類多功能智慧卡提出建議方案。 / The government implements the IC Card business for almost eight years, but the effects are very limited. To segment consumer market, financial institutions and some universities in Taiwan co-issue Campus Smart Cards. This card has extensible functions of IC Card and can be used as campus identification card, including library ID, student ID, parking ID, etc. Furthermore, Campus Smart Card provides some functions of IC Card that can be used as payment tools on campus, such as electronic money and prepaid phone. In 1997, National Chengchi University took the lead to issue smart cards. To date, about 30 universities have issued Campus Smart Cards for almost million people. However, the total expenditure of Campus Smart Cards is not so good as expected earlier, and the volume of card issue declines. At the beginning, financial institutions issued Campus Smart Cards aggressively to let young people stimulate consumer market and to change consumers' behavior. But the situation doesn't achieve the goal. This paper discusses and analyzes the bottleneck of IC Card issue and the problems that financial institutions face when they push Campus Smart Cards. The research data are collected from FISC (Financial Information Service Co., Ltd.), including volume of card issue and card operation for IC Card. A discovery research method is used to do secondary data analysis. The purposes of this research are listed below: To find out problems during the implementation of Campus Smart Card and provide suggestions. Secondly, try to let Campus Smart Card be a popular multi-function card. Also, provide workable suggestions for the government to implement multi-function Smart Cards in the future.


丁金樹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣IC設計公司,探討其創新資源、創新活動、創新能力與產品轉型能力的關係,本研究希望能從中找出因不同個案所造成的模式,提供IC設計業在選擇新產品開發策略的最佳模式。   本研究歸納分析研究如下:   【研究發現一】IC設計業的創新能力來源為知識的吸收、創造與蓄積,並以核心能力四個構面的知識和技能、實體技術系統、管理系統、價值觀和規範為平台。   【研究發現二】IC設計業的創新活動以原型試製之專案為主。   【研究發現三】IC設計業者可以創新能力區分為兩種:一為創新能力較高的市場領導者,另一為創新能力較低的市場跟隨者。   【研究發現四】IC設計業者的新產品開發模式,其技術路徑相依度較高者,新產品技術由公司自行開發,而區分為增加新產品線的多產品線產品轉型模式與精進原產品線的集中漸進產品轉型模式。   【研究發現五】IC設計業者的新產品開發模式,其技術路徑相依度較低時,新產品技術透過購買、合資、合作開發、購併與技術授權取得,而區分增加新產品線的為多元化產品轉型模式與轉換產品線的脫胎換骨產品轉型模式。   【研究發現六】市場龍頭者由於核心能力介面多、有較多之創新資源,故可採用集中漸進、多產品或多元化轉型方式,永續經營。   【研究發現七】跟隨者由於核心能力少、創新資源欠缺,故以集中資源方式,切入利基型產品之脫胎換骨的轉型。   【研究發現八】跟隨者由於核心能力少、創新資源欠缺,故以集中資源方式於現有領域,爭取市場龍頭而形成集中漸進式的產品轉型。   【研究發現九】IC設計公司可以取得授權或買斷IP,配合既有核心能力,快速使產品轉型。   【研究發現十】由於市場競爭,IC設計業者須先爭第一名才能賺大錢,最終目標才是多元化Diversification,增加產品線、擴大營運規模以分散風險。   研究結果發現,IC設計業者的創新管理是產品轉型的基礎,且四種產品轉型模式可提供IC設計業在選擇新產品開發策略的參考。因此本研究建議IC設計業者在做產品轉型時可依自身的條件選擇適合自己的新產品開發策略。 / This thesis is focused on the relationship of Taiwan IC design companies’innovation resources, innovation activities, innovation capabilities and products transition ability. Also hope to find a model based on different cases, and provide IC design industry an optimal model when choosing new product develop strategies.   We could summarize this thesis to the following findings:   (1) The innovation capability of the IC design industry comes from absorption of knowledge, creation and accumulation, and as a platform of the four construction (knowledge and skills, real technology system, management system, value proposition and regulation) of the core capability.   (2) The innovation ofIC design industries is focused on the projects of prototype pilot run.   (3) There are two kinds ofIC design industries based on their innovation capability, one is the market leader with higher innovation capabilities, and the other is the market follower with lower innovation capabilities.   (4) Regarding the new product develop model of the IC design industries, those companies with higher technology path dependence will develop their own product technology, and therefore separating into multi-product line product transition model and original product line central incremental product transition model.   (5) The new product develop model of the IC design industries, those companies with lower technology path dependence will get the new product technology by acquirement, joint venture, co-development, merge and technology transfer, and separating into adding new product line product transition model and revolution product transition model.   (6) Market leader have higher core capability and innovation resource, so they can use the method of concentrate incremental, multi-product or multi-way transition, and therefore their business could last long.   (7) The follower has less core capability and lack of innovation resource, so they use central resource way and cut in niche product transition model.   (8) The follower has less core capability and lack of innovation resource, so they use central resource way in the current field, and fight for the market leader position to become central incremental product transition.   (9) IC design companies accelerate their product transition by acquiring IP and with their own capability.   (10) Due to the market competition, IC design companies need to fight for number one to make money. The last objective is to reduce risk by diversification, add product line and increase operation scale.   The innovation management of the IC design companies is the base of product transition, and the four product transition models can provide references for choosing new product develop strategy. So this research recommends IC design companies to choose their own new product develop strategy based on their own condition when doing the product transition.

IC設計產業經營模式分析 - 以台灣、美國、中國為例 / A Strategic Analysis on IC Design Industry

曾忠銘, Tseng, Chung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
台灣IC設計產業的產值佔全球IC產值約6%,意謂著台灣IC設計產業還有很大的成長空間,但也代表台灣業者必須面對全球性的激烈競爭。而台灣IC設計業者的主要競爭對手,就是美國與中國的IC供應商。 2011年第一季台灣IC設計公司的獲利大幅衰退,第二季又因淡季與匯率的雙重影響,淨利持續往下探底。但是美國與中國的相關業者,在同時期的狀況卻不是如此,究竟台灣IC設計產業出了什麼問題? 本研究使用多元迴歸,分析台美中三地IC供應商的財務資訊,藉以找出影響獲利的關鍵因素。以下列出本文的三個關鍵議題:(1)比較各國業者獲利模式的差異;(2)探討各國業者的經營模式;(3)提供實務的建議給台灣業者。 關鍵詞:IC設計、多元迴歸、經營模式 / Basing on output value, Taiwan IC Design Industry has a nearly 6% global market share. It means that there is a large growing space for Taiwan’s, which must face the strong competition from international rivals. The major competitors come from USA and China for Taiwan IC design houses. In first quarter of 2011, many Taiwan IC design houses had an obvious decline in profit. The net incomes ran down continuously under the influences of low season and exchange rate next quarter. At the same time, USA and China made a difference with Taiwan. What happen to Taiwan IC design industry? In order to find the elements of profit by area, this research has analyzed the financial data of Taiwan, USA, and China IC suppliers by “Multiple Regression”. There are three key subjects in this thesis: The first is to find the differences of individual profit pattern. The second is to work out the business models in each country. The third is to give the practical suggestions to Taiwan’s. Keywords: IC design, Multiple Regression, business model

Factors determining growth and vertical distribution of planktonic algae in extremely acidic mining lakes (pH 2.7)

Bissinger, Vera January 2003 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit den Faktoren, die das Wachstum und die Vertikalverteilung von Planktonalgen in extrem sauren Tagebaurestseen (TBS; pH 2-3) beeinflussen. Im exemplarisch untersuchten TBS 111 (pH 2.7; Lausitzer Revier) dominiert die Goldalge Ochromonas sp. in oberen und die Grünalge Chlamydomonas sp. in tieferen Wasserschichten, wobei letztere ein ausgeprägtes Tiefenchlorophyll-Maximum (DCM) ausbildet. Es wurde ein deutlicher Einfluss von Limitation durch anorganischen Kohlenstoff (IC) auf das phototrophe Wachstum von Chlamydomonas sp. in oberen Wasserschichten nachgewiesen, die mit zunehmender Tiefe von Lichtlimitation abgelöst wird. Im Vergleich mit Arbeiten aus neutralen Seen zeigte Chlamydomonas sp. erniedrigte maximale Wachstumsraten, einen gesteigerten Kompensationspunkt und erhöhte Dunkelrespirationsraten, was auf gesteigerte metabolische Kosten unter den extremen physikalisch-chemischen Bedingungen hinweist. Die Photosyntheseleistungen von Chlamydomonas sp. waren in Starklicht-adaptierten Zellen durch IC-Limitation deutlich verringert. Außerdem ergaben die ermittelten minimalen Zellquoten für Phosphor (P) einen erhöhten P-Bedarf unter IC-Limitation. Anschließend konnte gezeigt werden, dass Chlamydomonas sp. ein mixotropher Organismus ist, der seine Wachstumsraten über die osmotrophe Aufnahme gelösten organischen Kohlenstoffs (DOC) erhöhen kann. Dadurch ist dieser Organismus fähig, in tieferen, Licht-limitierten Wasserschichten zu überleben, die einen höheren DOC-Gehalt aufweisen. Da die Vertikalverteilung der Algen im TBS 111 jedoch weder durch IC-Limitation, P-Verfügbarkeit noch die in situ DOC-Konzentrationen abschließend erklärt werden konnte (bottom-up Kontrolle), wurde eine neue Theorie zur Entstehung der Vertikalverteilung geprüft. Grazing der phagotrophen und phototrophen Alge Ochromonas sp. auf der phototrophen Alge Chlamydomonas sp. erwies sich als herausragender Faktor, der über top-down Kontrolle die Abundanz der Beute in höheren Wasserschichten beeinflussen kann. Gemeinsam mit der Tatsache, dass Chlamydomonas sp. DOC zur Wachstumssteigerung verwendet, führt dies zu einer Akkumulation von Chlamydomonas sp. in der Tiefe, ausgeprägt als DCM. Daher erscheint grazing als der Hauptfaktor, der die beobachtete Vertikalschichtung der Algen im TBS 111 hervorruft. Die erzielten Ergebnisse liefern grundlegende Informationen, um die Auswirkungen von Strategien zur Neutralisierung der TBS auf das Nahrungsnetz abschätzen zu können. / In this thesis, I investigated the factors influencing the growth and vertical distribution of planktonic algae in extremely acidic mining lakes (pH 2-3). In the focal study site, Lake 111 (pH 2.7; Lusatia, Germany), the chrysophyte, Ochromonas sp., dominates in the upper water strata and the chlorophyte, Chlamydomonas sp., in the deeper strata, forming a pronounced deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM). Inorganic carbon (IC) limitation influenced the phototrophic growth of Chlamydomonas sp. in the upper water strata. Conversely, in deeper strata, light limited its phototrophic growth. When compared with published data for algae from neutral lakes, Chlamydomonas sp. from Lake 111 exhibited a lower maximum growth rate, an enhanced compensation point and higher dark respiration rates, suggesting higher metabolic costs due to the extreme physico-chemical conditions. The photosynthetic performance of Chlamydomonas sp. decreased in high-light-adapted cells when IC limited. In addition, the minimal phosphorus (P) cell quota was suggestive of a higher P requirement under IC limitation. Subsequently, it was shown that Chlamydomonas sp. was a mixotroph, able to enhance its growth rate by taking up dissolved organic carbon (DOC) via osmotrophy. Therefore, it could survive in deeper water strata where DOC concentrations were higher and light limited. However, neither IC limitation, P availability nor in situ DOC concentrations (bottom-up control) could fully explain the vertical distribution of Chlamydomonas sp. in Lake 111. Conversely, when a novel approach was adopted, the grazing influence of the phagotrophic phototroph, Ochromonas sp., was found to exert top-down control on its prey (Chlamydomonas sp.) reducing prey abundance in the upper water strata. This, coupled with the fact that Chlamydomonas sp. uses DOC for growth, leads to a pronounced accumulation of Chlamydomonas sp. cells at depth; an apparent DCM. Therefore, grazing appears to be the main factor influencing the vertical distribution of algae observed in Lake 111. The knowledge gained from this thesis provides information essential for predicting the effect of strategies to neutralize the acidic mining lakes on the food-web.

A Study of Business Model on IC Design Industry in Taiwan

Chen, Chien-hung 24 June 2004 (has links)
Abstract The developing trend toward the integreation of many function in application market of semiconductor, makes the original business model of IC design industry to change. From open structure (named ¡§Wintel¡¨ structure) till today, what we can see it shows as transition stage. It will be end in the situation the all devices can interlink to each other. All of us don¡¦t know how long we will overcome this transition stage. But it really challenges the orginal business model of IC design industry. The business model of IC design industry changes along with the changing in product application market. In this study, we do analysis of IC design industry¡¦s business model by four dimensions¡Xmarket strategies, capabilities of technology, the types of organization, financial resources. We will discuss the differents between Taiwan and American IC design industry In market strategy dimension, there are more and more difficults to distinguish between past strategy model including niche and volume strategies. Because the revolution of electronics application market, the better ways for Taiwan IC design industry to develop its market strategy are depending on capability focusing and the capture of market demend. When mentioning about the IC design skill, Taiwan IC design industry can choose several ways to cumulate its design capabilities according to the market strategy it chose. About types of the organization, the combination of fabless and fabless is the trend. Also 1¡¦st tier IDM will be the key roles who dominate the future IC industry. More than all, fabless who belong to system assembly factory or fabless who belong to foundry will be the mainstream in the IC industry and in electronics application market, too. Depending on what kinds of organzation IC design companies chose, it will affect the ability when they rising money. These four factors interaction built the business model of the Taiwan IC design industry.

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