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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Living withlow intensity and warm light:Designing light in living roomsthrough Nordic daylight qualities

Çelik, Selen January 2019 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on lighting preferencesin living rooms concerning Nordic lightqualities in winter. Living rooms are spaceswhere we relax, communicate, eat, gather andread. Lighting in living rooms gives hints aboutour perception and character.Nordic countries, there is something uniquethan others; use of light and daylight sensiblyand wisely. In the Nordic countries, where thelight and darkness change dramatically betweenthe seasons, the transitions have a specialsignificance. Higher the latitude, twilight hoursare getting longer, and it creates a homogeneoustransition between daylight and night.The thesis consists of literature research andsurvey. Literature research concerning the topicbriefly explains different aspects of the color oflight, its effects on performance, basic lightingsolutions and Nordic daylight qualities in winter.Furthermore, the culture of window lightingand use of daylight as a background are studiedand added to the survey in order to understandthe relation between indoor and outdoor lightqualities from the participants’ perspective.The survey with twenty-one questions andseventy-two participants tries to evaluatehow Nordic light affects people’s preferences.Evaluation and results followed by thediscussion of desired color temperature, lightinglevel, comfortability under Nordic daylight inwinter. Additionally, paintings from differentseasons help me to understand awareness oflocal daylight and attention of participants.Results show us that the attention people giveto the desired light intensity and colors aremore related to the people’s interests than totheir background, profession and length ofstay in Stockholm. It would be interesting toinvestigate this topic with more people who livein Stockholm more than five years.The concentration of the thesis is understandinghow local daylight conditions can affect people’slighting preferences in their living room.Results will help us to implement the knowledgeand collected information into the lightingdesign process in living rooms in Nordic countries.

Numerické modelování zdrojů světla / Numerical Modelling of the Light Source

Pavelka, Adam January 2011 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with photometry units used in light engineering. There are defined the methods of modelling the illumination systems, their advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of using. Furthermore, the thesis deals with modelling of two illumination systems by ray-tracing in programming environment of MATLAB. The master’s thesis describes the analysis of the problem and the program designing process. Acquired model results are then compared with the real measurements of both illumination systems which allow the discussion of the results and the deviations of the models.

Illumination properties and energy savings of a solar fiber optic lighting system balanced by artificial lights

Lingfors, David January 2013 (has links)
A solar fiber optic lighting system, SP3 from the Swedish company Parans Solar Lighting AB, has been installed in a study area/corridor test site. A collector is tracking the sun during daytime, focusing the direct sun irradiance via Fresnel lenses into optical fibers, which guide the solar light into the building. The illumination properties of the system have been characterized. The energy saving due to reduced need of artificial lighting have been calculated and methods for balancing the artificial lights in the test site have been evaluated. The illumination at the test site using solar light was at least as high as when using the artificial lights and even higher at very clear days. The luminous flux output (500 lm) was somewhat lower than specified by the manufacturer (550 lm) at 100 000 lx direct sun illuminance. The output at 130 000 lx was high 767±33 lm the sunlight coupling efficiency 23 %. However, for a 20 m SP3 system the luminous flux output (400 lm) at 100 000 lx was higher than specified (350 lm). The SP3 system of Parans provides high quality solar light. It has a fuller spectrum close to the spectrum of the sun compared to the fluorescent lights at the test site. The correlated color temperature of the system was 5800±300 K and the color rendering index 84.9±0.5. The lighting energy saved due to decreased need for artificial light was estimated to 19 % in Uppsala which has 1790 annual sun hours. The savings in Italy, which has 3400 sun hours, is 46 %. Additional saving, especially in warmer countries can be obtained due to decreased need for cooling in the building as the solar luminaires provide negligible heat to the indoor air. Economical saving could also be realized by improved well-being of the occupants spending time under the solar luminaires. Three ways of balancing the artificial light due to sunshine fluctuations have been investigated. The global horizontal irradiance could not be used as a control signal for balancing the artificial lights but a pyranometer attached to the SP3 sun tracking collector was usable. Also the signal from an indoor luxmeter sensor could be used for balancing the light. However the signal from the light sensor which makes the SP3 collector to track the sun is probably the most cost effective method as it would serve two purposes; tracking the sun and balancing the artificial lights.

Efeito de diferentes sistemas de vedação de aviários no comportamento e bem estar de frangos de corte / Rimena do Amaral Vercellino

Vercellino, Rimena do Amaral 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Daniella Jorge de Moura, Irenilza de Alencar Nääs / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T09:48:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vercellino_RimenadoAmaral_M.pdf: 2050247 bytes, checksum: 0cf15560acbe898d7738ec481f92cb5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Com a intensificação da produção na avicultura brasileira, o emprego de aviários com sistema de pressão negativa está cada vez mais frequente, onde o controle do ambiente interno favorece a produtividade dos lotes de frangos de corte. Um ponto que vem chamando a atenção da avicultura industrial é em relação à influência que uma determinada cor de cortina utilizada nos aviários possui sobre as aves, pois não se sabe ao certo qual o impacto causado nas questões relacionadas ao bem-estar destas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar as diferentes cores dos sistemas de vedação (cortinas), com o intuito de verificar qual luminosidade é a ideal para os sistemas de criação comercial de frangos de corte em relação ao bem-estar, ambiência e produtividade. Foram estudados três aviários localizados na região de Tietê /SP e Cerquilho /SP, sendo T1 aviário de pressão negativa com coloração de cortina preta, T2 aviário de pressão negativa com cortina de coloração azul e T3 aviário de pressão negativa com cortina de coloração amarela. Foram monitorados as condições dos aviários (luminosidade, temperatura de bulbo seco, umidade relativa, velocidade do ar, gases e intensidade dos raios UV), comportamento animal e a incidência de problema locomotor, durante o ciclo total de produção de três lotes, em quatro horários distribuídos pelo período da manhã e tarde. Criou-se também a variável denominada "Conforto TA" para avaliar qual aviário possuiu melhor condição ambiental. Houve diferença significativa para os comportamentos entre os tratamentos e que alguns deles são estimulados pela luz. O tratamento T1 apresentou comportamentos não relacionados à atividade física das aves, enquanto que os tratamentos T2 e T3 apresentaram os comportamentos que tem relação com a movimentação física dos frangos, sendo os comportamentos de agressividade relacionados com a luminosidade. Os resultados sobre a incidência de problemas locomotores mostram que não houve influência da luz e dos raios ultravioletas nessa questão, e sim ao ato das aves terem corrido mais na fase inicial durante o T2, cuja incidência de problemas locomotores foi maior. Em termos de ambiência, o tratamento T2 foi o que mostrou melhores valores da variável "Conforto TA". Conclui-se que o comportamento que um animal expressa é função da combinação entre as variáveis ambientais e sua idade, sendo o tratamento T3 o aviário que permitiu os animais expressarem a maior quantidade de comportamentos / Abstract: With the intensification of poultry production in Brazil, the use of buildings with negative pressure system is increasingly common, where controlling the internal environment conducive to productivity of broilers. One point that has caught the attention of the poultry industry is in relation to the influence that certain color of curtain used in poultry have on birds, it is not know for certain what the impact on issues related to the welfare of these. Considering the above, this research aimed to evaluate the different colors of curtain, in order to determine which light intensity is the ideal for commercial breeding of broilers in issues related to welfare, environment and productivity. Three broiler farms located in region of Tietê / SP and Cerquilho / SP were studied, where treatment T1 used a negative pressure with black curtain; treatment T2 had negative pressure with blue curtain; and treatment T3 had negative pressure with yellow curtain. The environmental conditions of the building was monitored (light intensity, dry bulb temperature, humidity, air velocity, gases and intensity of UV rays), as well as the animal behavior and the incidence of leg problem during the whole cycle of production of three flocks, at four distinct times in the morning and in the afternoon. Also, the variable "Comfort TA" was established to assess which building showed better environmental condition. There was significant difference in behavior between treatments and some of them were related to the light intensity. The behaviors which indicates physical movement was not observed with a high frequency at treatment T1, while treatments T2 and T3 showed best levels of these behaviors, and also, showed more aggressive behaviors indicating they are related to light intensity. There was no relation between the incidence of leg problems with the light intensity and ultraviolet rays. However, the broilers run more at the first two weeks of age in treatment T2, which was the treatment with the most incidences of leg problems. In terms of environment, treatment T2 showed the best values of the variable "Comfort TA" comparing the whole cycle of production, but if it was analyzed by age, had the coldest environment. For conclusion, broilers express their behavior in function of the combination of the environmental variables and their age and the treatment T3 allowed the animals to express the greatest amount of behavior / Mestrado / Construções Rurais e Ambiencia / Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola

Mapa osvětlení v GIS / Map of lighting in GIS

Suchý, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with legislation and public lighting. Furthermore, this topic is closely related to describing the characteristics of lighting and hygiene levels in comparison with the IEC standards. The work focuses on theoretical training, follow-field measurement and analysis of data obtained. The paper discussed aspects related to the light, physiology of vision and optical comfort. Outdoor lighting and its technical characteristics. Brief description of standards and their use in planning practical measurement of public lighting. A substantial part of the work is focused on graphical analysis of values and their comparison with the standard.

Tepelné a světelné poměry u automobilového světelného zdroje nové generace / Study of the thermal and light conditions in the automobile headlamp with built-in light source of the new generation

Zachar, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with automotive headlamps, focusing on layout of temparature field and its influence on thermal stress of used materials, describes their history, kinds and ongoing research. Thesis shortly describes light and its characteristics, heat and heat transfer and means of temperature measurement. Main part of the tesis is dedicated to measuring front headlamp serving as a fog light, concretely measuring temperature field and illuminance depending of ambient temperature. Thesis contains everything from the first preparations, creation of measuring circuit, programming of measuring to processing acquired data. Thesis also compares cooler used for cooling luxmeter sensor, the comparision is between measured values and created simulation.

Minska ångest i väntrumsmiljöer med belysning : Effekten av ljusnivå, ljusupplevelse och fönster ur ett patientperspektiv / Decrease anxiety in waiting room enviroments with lighting : The effect of light level, light experience and windows from a patient perspective

Runslätt, Emilia, Sundqvist, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
Väntrum och ångest har en stark koppling med varandra. Majoriteten av Sveriges befolkning besöker ett väntrum som patient minst en gång per år. I dagsläget planeras belysningen i första hand för vårdpersonalens behov och förutsättningar. På grund av detta blir ljusmiljön och väntrumsupplevelsen för patienter kan bli lidande. För att kunna skapa tillfredställande väntrumsmiljöer undersöktes det om det finns någon koppling mellan ångest och ljusnivå. I studien undersöktes även ljusupplevelsen och inverkan av fönster med utsikt på patienters ångest.  Studien undersökte påverkan av låg och hög belysningsstyrka samt påverkan av fönster på ångest. Dessutom undersöktes hur olika rumsutformning och belysningslösning påverkar upplevelsen av ljusmiljön och miljöns inverkan på måendet. Med hjälp av en förstudie kunde ett experiment utformas där fyra olika ljusscener testades. För att undersöka om fönster och utsikt har en påverkan, har två typrum skapats: ett med fönster och ett utan fönster.  Deltagarna i studien bestod av 16 kvinnor och 8 män med en blandning av studenter och yrkesverksamma som fick svara på 5 enkäter. Enkäter utvecklades från väl validerade metoder för att få svar från deltagarna angående hur de har mått de senaste två veckorna. Även hur deltagarna kände och upplevde ljusscenerna under experimentet, detta för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar.  Resultatet visade inga signifikanta skillnader gällande belysningsstyrkans eller fönsters påverkan på ångest. Men resultatet visade också att det fanns signifikanta skillnader i ljusupplevelsen när det kommer till ljushet, trygghet, ljusfärg samt bländning. Slutsatsen av studien är att belysningen kan påverka ljusupplevelsen och måendet. Men mer forskning behövs när det kommer till belysningsstyrkans samt fönster och utsikts påverkan på ångest. / Waiting rooms and anxiety have a strong connection with each other. Most of the Sweden's population visit a waiting room as patient at least once a year. At present, the lighting is primarily planned for the health professionals´ needs and conditions. Because of this, the lighting environment and the waiting room experience for patients suffers. To be able to create satisfying waiting room environments, this study wants to examine whether there is a connection between anxiety and light level. Also, it studies how the light will be experienced and if windows with views affects patient’s anxiety.  The study examined the influence of low and high illuminance and the influence of windows on anxiety. In addition, it was investigated how different room shapes and lighting solution affect the experience of the light environment and the environmental impact on the mood. With the help of a prestudy, an experiment could be designed where four different light scenes were tested. To investigate whether windows and views have an impact, two types of test rooms have been created: one with windows and one without windows. The participants in the study consisted of 16 women and 8 men with a mixture of students and professionals who had to answer 5 questionnaires. The questionnaires were developed from well-validated methods to get answers from the participants regarding how they have felt the last two weeks. Also, how the participants felt and experienced the light scenes during the experiment, in order to be able to answer the questions of the study.  The result showed no significant differences regarding the effect of illuminance or window on anxiety. The result showed however that there were significant differences in the light experience when it comes to brightness, safety, colour of the light and glare. The conclusion of the study is that the lighting can affect the light experience and the mood. But more research is needed when it comes to illuminance and windows and views impact on anxiety.

Att Ljussätta Ett Rum : En ljusstudie och ljussättning av en sjukgymnastikavdelning / To Illuminate a Room : A light study and light planning of a physiotherapy practice

Larsson, Klara, Lindeskog Markus, Sarah January 2015 (has links)
Ljus påverkar människan psykiskologiskt och fysiskt, trots detta är de krav som idag finns på belysningen inte tillräckliga för att beakta de miljöegenskaper ljuset bidrar med. Ett visst ljus i kombination med en viss färg och material påverkar människan på olika sätt. De krav som ställs tar bara hänsyn till de tekniska aspekterna. Hur ljus estetiskt påverkar ett rum är en faktor detta arbete tar hänsyn till, då det påverkar människans välmående. Detta projekt behandlar två olika rum, ett rum för träning och behandling samt ett väntrum på en sjukgymnastikavdelning tillhörande Södersjukhuset i Stockholm. Dessa två rum har genomgått en ljusstudie och ljusplanering med syfte att skapa en ljussättning som är anpassad för sitt ändamål och som upplevs trivsam och behaglig. Vissa skillnader mellan projektets framtagna förslag och ett verkligt projekterat förslag har även jämförts. För att genomföra ljusstudien och ljusplaneringen har beräkningar utförts i belysningsprogrammet RELUX. På grund av att ljus inte enbart kan simuleras med hjälp av datorprogram har även fysiska modeller byggts för att analysera valet av färgtemperatur. Studiebesök på sjukgymnastpraktiker och träningsanläggningar har gjorts för att få inspiration. Även intervjuer med sjukgymnaster har gjorts för att få förståelse för vilka faktorer som måste tas hänsyn till vid en ljusplanering för denna typ av verksamhet. Litteraturstudier har gjorts för att få en djupare kunskap i hur ljus agerar i olika miljöer. Ljusplaneringen har resulterat i en jämn och god belysning i de två rummen. Kraven för belysning enligt SS-EN 12464–1:2011, har uppfyllts. Ljuskällornas färgtemperaturer har fastställts med hänsyn till färgerna i rummen, varmvit i väntrummet och neutral i tränings-/behandlingsrummet. Armaturer med uppljus och nedljus har valts i syfte att minska bländning och luminansskillnader. Downlights har valts för att belysa väggar och föremål. För att skapa en upplivande atmosfär i rummen har även dekorbelysning använts. Slutsatsen av detta arbete har visat att det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till en jämn belysning, anpassa belysningen och ljuskällans färgtemperatur efter färgsättning och material samt att anpassa belysningen efter alla synuppgifter som kan komma att krävas av personen som skall utföra arbetsuppgifter i rummet. / Light affects humans psychologically and physically, despite this the lighting requirements does not pay regard to the environmental characteristics that light contributes with. A specific light in combination with a specific color and material affects the human being in different ways. The lighting requirements only takes the technical aspects into account. In this project consideration will be given to how the light aesthetic affects the well-being. In this project two rooms will be processed, a waiting room as well as a room meant for rehabilitation. The rooms are placed in a building that includes physiotherapy at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm. The rooms have participated in a light study to create a light environment that is adjusted to its purpose as well as it is pleasantly perceived. Some differences between this lighting project and an actual lighting project have been compared. To perform this light study, various calculations have been done in the lighting planning software RELUX. Light can not solely be simulated with computer software, therefore physical models have been built to analyze the choice of color temperature. Visits to physiotherapy practices and training facilities have been done for inspirational purposes. Interviews with physiotherapists have also been done to reach a better understanding of what factors are needed to be taken under consideration while planning the lighting. Literature studies have been made to get a deeper knowledge in how light reacts in different environments. The lighting planning has resulted in an even lighting in both rooms. The requirements for lighting according to SS-EN 12464-1:2011 have been fulfilled. The different color temperatures of the light sources have been determined regarding the colors of the rooms, warm white in the waiting room and neutral in the rehabilitation room. Armatures with up and down lights have been chosen with the purpose of decreasing glare luminary differences. Downlights have been chosen to lighten up the walls and various objects. To create an uplifting atmosphere in the room, decor lighting have also been used. The conclusion of this work has shown that it is important to take luminance uniformity, adapt the light and color temperature to the room and its colors and materials into account. It is also important to adapt the light to all the different visual works that can take place in the room.


Franklin Vargas Davila (12466701) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Over the last two decades, an increasing number of highway construction and maintenance projects in the United States have been completed at night to avoid or mitigate traffic congestion delays. Working at night entails several advantages, including lower traffic volumes at night, reduced impact on local businesses, more freedom for lane closures, longer possible work hours, lower pollution, cooler temperatures for equipment and material, and fewer overall crashes due to lower traffic volumes at night. Although nighttime roadway operations may minimize traffic disruptions, there are several safety concerns for motorists passing by and for workers in the nighttime work zone. For instance, just in 2019, there were 842 work zone fatalities reported in the United States, with 48% of these being associated with fatalities on night shifts. Additionally, 70% of these fatalities involved drivers/occupants under the age of 50. Moreover, improper lighting arrangements or excessive lighting levels produced by temporary lighting systems installed at the job site could cause harmful levels of glare for the traveling public and workers leading to an increase level of hazards and crashes in the vicinity of the work zone. </p> <p>To address the issue of glare, very few studies have been conducted to evaluate and quantify glare at work zones. Most of these studies were limited to the determination of disability glare levels of lighting systems (balloon lights and light towers) with a metal-halide type light source by using the veiling luminance ratio (<em>VL ratio</em>) as a criterion for limiting disability glare. However, deeper evaluation of the effects of driver’s age on the veiling luminance ratio, and the use of energy-efficient lighting systems which employ light-emitting diode (LED) type light sources were not performed.</p> <p>This thesis focuses on determining and evaluating disability glare on nighttime work zones as a step towards developing appropriate lighting strategies for improving the safety of workers and motorists during nighttime highway construction and maintenance projects. Disability glare is the glare that impairs our vision of objects without necessarily causing discomfort and it can be evaluated using the veiling luminance ratio (<em>VL ratio</em>). In this study, disability glare values were determined by using lighting data (vertical illuminance and pavement luminance measurements) from testing 49 lighting arrangements. Two LED balloon lights, a metal-halide light tower, and an LED light tower were utilized for the field lighting experiments. The disability glare level evaluation examines the effects of mounting height, power output, rotation angle, and aiming angle of luminaires on the veiling luminance ratio values (which is a criterion for limiting disability glare). </p> <p>The analysis of the disability glare values revealed four major findings regarding the roles played by the mounting height, power output, lighting system orientation, aiming angles of luminaries, and driver’s age on disability glare levels as follows: (i) an increase in mounting heights of both balloon lights and light towers resulted in lower veiling luminance ratio values (or disability glare); (ii) compared to the "perpendicular" and "away" orientations, orienting the light towers in a "towards" direction (45 degrees) significantly increases the disability glare levels of the lighting arrangement; (iii) increasing the tilt angles of luminaires of the portable light towers resulted in an increase in veiling luminance ratio values; (iv) for balloon lights, at observers ages over 50, <em>VL ratio</em> values were found to be greater than the maximum recommended; (v) for LED light towers oriented towards the traffic, at driver’s ages over 40, <em>VL ratio</em> values exceed the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) recommended value; and (vi) for metal-halide light towers oriented towards the traffic, at driver’s ages over 50, <em>VL ratio</em> values exceed the IES recommended value. The results from this research study can provide State Transportation Agencies (STAs) and roadway contractors with a means to improve glare control strategies for nighttime work.</p>

Daylight Optimization - A Parametric Study of Atrium Design : Early Stage Design Guidelines of Atria for Optimization of Daylight Autonomy / Dagsljusoptimering - En Parameterstudie av Atriumdesign : Riktlinjer för Tidiga Skeden av Atriumdesign för Optimal Dagsljusautonomi

Erlendsson, Örn January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the design of atria for daylighting in large scale buildings. Athree dimensional test building with a central atrium was constructed and various parameters of the atrium altered. The impact of these changes was studied through computer simulations of annual daylight distribution by implementing state of theart software. Daylight autonomy is simulated for an annual climate file for Stockholm, Sweden. In the thesis, notion is made of basic daylighting concepts, the importance of bringing daylight into buildings is argued, and the daylighting criteria of three environmental certification tools introduced. Furthermore, a detailed comparison is made on several well known daylight simulation tools. A newly developed, state of the art, daylight simulation tool called Honeybee, is used in the simulation process. The tool utilizes the calculation engines of wellknown daylight simulation software Radiance and Daysim, which apply backward ray-tracing to reach accurate results. Honeybee is coupled to the graphical algorithmeditor Grasshopper for Rhinoceros 3D, which allows for an efficient way of parametric modelling. The comparison of five different daylight simulation tools showed that Honeybee outweighs the capabilities of many of them by offering a wast range of simulation capabilities and also giving the user exceptional control of result data within multiple zones of the test building. The results of the daylight study have been compiled into a document which purpose is to serve as early stage design guidelines of atria for architects. Many factors have been shown through simulation to have a dramatic impact on daylighton an annual basis, and several suggestions have been made on how to maximize the quantity of daylight within buildings containing atria.

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