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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maturation finale des lymphocytes B : de la commutation de classe aux conséquences pathologiques de la production d'immunoglobulines anormales / Final maturation of B lymphocytes : from class switch recombination to pathological consequences of abnormal immunoglobulin production

Bonaud, Amélie 20 April 2015 (has links)
La commutation de classe (CSR) est une étape clef de la réponse immunitaire. Ce phénomène va permettre de changer le type d’immunoglobuline (Ig) produite en réponse à un antigène donné. Ces Ig seront ensuite produites par les plasmocytes, qui constituent le stade ultime de la différenciation de la lignée cellulaire B. Lors de dérèglements de la prolifération de ces cellules, certaines Ig monoclonales anormales peuvent être produites et conduire à des situations pathologiques. La première partie de ce travail s’inscrit dans une logique de compréhension des éléments minima requis pour l’établissement de ce phénomène de CSR. Grace à un modèle animal d’insertion dirigée dans le locus kappa murin, naturellement ciblé par l’enzyme AID responsable de ce phénomène, nous avons mis en évidence que la présence de deux régions « switch » transcrites et fortement mutées par AID, n’était pas suffisante pour permettre ce phénomène. Un modèle murin reproduisant une maladie due à une Ig anormale a aussi été établi. Ce modèle de HCDD (Heavy Chain Deposition Disease) nous a permis de mettre en évidence la nécessité de la délétion du CH1 des chaînes lourdes d’Ig pour la génération des dépôts et nous a également permis de montrer que l’efficacité des thérapies à base d’inhibiteur de protéasome observée chez les patients atteint de HCDD, était en partie due à l’Ig pathogène elle-même, qui induit une élévation du stress du réticulum endoplasmique (UPR) au sein des plasmocytes producteurs de ces Ig. / Class Switch Recombination (CSR) is a key step during the immune response. CSR results in a switch to a more specific Ig isotype in response to a specific antigen. Plasma cells, the ultimate stage of B cell lineage differentiation, will synthesize this Ig. During plasma cell disorders, the production of an abnormal monoclonal Ig can lead to pathogenic situations. The aim of the first part of this study is to determine the minimal requirements for CSR induction with a mouse model in which we inserted a “switch cassette” composed of two transcribed S regions into a kappa locus which is naturally targeted by AID. However, despite efficient transcription and AID targeting of S regions, the “switch cassette” was not sufficient to induce effective CSR. We also developed a mouse model of HCDD (Heavy Chain Deposition Disease) which reproduced typical Randall-type renal lesions due to production of a pathogenic truncated heavy chain. This model demonstrated that the effective response to proteasome inhibitors observed in patients, is the consequence of the presence of a truncated HC that sensitizes plasma cells to this type of therapy through an elevated unfolded protein response (UPR).

Estudo do polimorfismo dos genes KIR e HLA em pacientes com câncer de mama e grupo controle

Jobim, Maria Regina Sampaio Leite January 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar a frequência dos diversos polimorfismos dos genes KIR (Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptors) e HLA C1 e C2 em um grupo de pacientes com câncer de mama e comparar com um grupo controle de indivíduos sadios. As células natural killer (NK) são linfócitos que diferem das células T e B e que fazem parte da imunidade natural, reconhecendo as moléculas HLA (Antígenos Leucocitários Humano) de classe I em células infectadas por vírus ou em células tumorais, através de seus receptores de membrana. Os principais receptores das células NK são conhecidos como receptores KIR, sendo codificados por genes localizados no cromossomo 19q13.4 e classificados em grupos funcionais supressores e ativadores. Neste estudo, analisamos 15 genes KIR e alelos do sistema HLA de classe I em 230 pacientes caucasóides e em 278 controles, usando a técnica de PCR com primers específicos (PCR-SSO e PCR-SSP). Nossos resultados demonstraram uma frequência maior do genótipo supressor 2DL2 (P<0,001) em pacientes com câncer de mama, quando comparados ao grupo controle. Os genes HLA-C2 e HLA-BW4 não apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os grupos. Contudo, o gene HLA-C1 foi observado em maior frequência nos pacientes com câncer de mama. Considerando que estes achados sugerem uma potencial associação entre o sistema de genes KIR, HLA classe I e o câncer de mama, estudos adicionais sobre este tema são necessários. / We investigated the frequency of various KIR (Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptors) and HLA C1 and C2 gene polymorphisms in a group of patients with breast cancer and healthy controls. Natural Killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes that differ from T and B cells and are part of the innate immune system, recognizing class I Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) molecules on target cells (virus-infected as well as cancer cells), through specific cell surface receptors. KIR comprises the main class of NK receptors, being encoded by genes located in chromosome 19q13.4. They possess both suppressor and activating functional groups. Fifteen KIR genes and class I HLA alleles obtained from 230 Caucasians patients, as well as 278 controls were studied, using PCR techniques with specific primers (PCR-SSO and PCR-SSP). Our results showed a higher frequency of suppressor genotype 2DL2 (P<0,001) in patients with breast cancer as compared to controls. No significant difference between HLA-C2 and HLA-BW4 alleles were observed between the study groups. Notably, a higher frequency of HLA-C1 gene was noted in patients with breast cancer. Our results suggest a potential association between KIR genes, HLA class I and breast cancer, deserving further investigation.

Neuromielite óptica recorrente - aspectos clínicos, imunológicos e imagenológicos / Recurrent neuromyelitis optica in brazilian patients: clinical, immunological, and neuroimaging characteristics

Adoni, Tarso 15 February 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A neuromielite óptica (NMO) recorrente não foi completamente estudada em pacientes brasileiros após a descoberta do autoanticorpo sérico NMO-IgG e seu antígeno específico aquaporina-4. Neste trabalho, descrevemos os aspectos clínicos, imunológicos e de ressonância magnética (RM) de pacientes portadores de NMO recorrente. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente vinte e oito pacientes portadores de NMO recorrente regularmente acompanhados no Ambulatório de Doenças Desmielinizantes do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e que preenchiam os critérios diagnósticos originalmente propostos em 1999. Foram analisados os dados relativos ao resultado da pesquisa sérica do NMO-IgG, características clínicas e de RM. RESULTADOS: Três homens e 25 mulheres foram estudados. A mediana de idade de instalação da doença foi 26 anos (intervalo: 755); a mediana do tempo de seguimento foi de sete anos (intervalo: 214). O tempo médio decorrido entre o primeiro e o segundo episódios clínicos foi de 17 meses (mediana: 8,5; intervalo 288). A mediana da Escala Expandida do Estado de Incapacidade (EDSS) na última avaliação foi de 5,5 (intervalo de 2 a 10). Não houve diferença estatística entre o resultado do NMO-IgG e o grau de incapacidade medido pela EDSS (p = 0,03; teste de Mann-Whitney). O autoanticorpo NMO-IgG foi detectado em 18 pacientes (64,3%). A desordem associada mais comumente encontrada foi a disfunção da tireóide (quatro casos de hipotireoidismo e um caso de hipertireoidismo subclínico). A alteração laboratorial mais encontrada foi a presença do fator antinúcleo (FAN) em 13 pacientes (46,4%). Dois pacientes apresentaram positividade concomitante para o FAN e para o SSA/SSB (um paciente com positividade para o FAN e SSA e outro paciente para o FAN e o SSB. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a prevalência dos autoanticorpos FAN, SSA e SSB entre os pacientes NMO-IgG positivos e NMO-IgG negativos (p = 0,52; teste exato de Fisher). Quatro pacientes faleceram por insuficiência respiratória secundária a mielite cervical (3 casos) ou a tromboembolismo pulmonar (1 caso). Em relação aos achados de RM, a maioria dos pacientes apresentou mielite cervical (36%) e cérvico-torácica (46,4%) na análise longitudinal. O padrão mais comum de acometimento no plano axial foi holoespinhal (50%). Não houve associação estatística entre a extensão longitudinal da mielite e o resultado do autoanticorpo NMO-IgG. CONCLUSÕES: Nesta série de pacientes brasileiros portadores de NMO recorrente foi encontrada uma idade mais precoce de instalação da doença do que aquela previamente relatada na literatura. Em contraste com séries internacionais, não houve correlação entre maior extensão longitudinal da mielite e positividade aumentada do anticorpo NMO-IgG / INTRODUCTION: Neuromyelitis optica has not been thoroughly studied in Brazilian patients following the discovery of NMO-IgG and its specific antigen aquaporin-4. In this study we aimed to describe the clinical NMO-IgG immunological status and neuroimaging characteristics of recurrent neuromyelitis optica in a series of Brazilian patients. SUBJECTS and METHODS: We undertook a retrospective study of 28 patients with recurrent neuromyelitis optica, according to 1999 Wingerchuks diagnostic criteria followed at the Center for Myelin Disorders of the Neurologic Clinic of São Paulo University School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil. Data on NMO-IgG status, clinical features, and MRI findings were analyzed. RESULTS: Three men and 25 women were evaluated .Median age at onset of disease was 26 years (range 755); median time of follow-up was 7 years (range 214). The mean time elapsed between the first and the second attack was 17 months (median 8.5; range 288). Median Kurtzkes Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score on last visit was 5.5 (range 210).There was no statistical difference between positive and negative NMO-IgG groups regarding EDSS score (p = 0.03, Mann-Whitney U test). NMO-IgG was detected in 18 patients (64.3%). The most common associated abnormality was thyroid dysfunction. Hypothyroidism was found in four patients: isolated in two patients and associated with hyperprolactinemia and diabetes mellitus type 1 in two other patients. In one patient subclinical hyperthyroidism was detected. Autoantibodies were detected in 13 patients: anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), with titers ranging from 1/40 to 1/320, in all of them; one patient had both ANA and SSA and another had both ANA and SSB. There was no statistical difference in the prevalence of ANA and SSA/SSB antibodies between patients NMO-IgG positive and NMO-IgG negative (p = 0.52, Fishers exact test). Four patients died due to respiratory failure: three of them because of cervical myelitis and one of them because of pulmonary thromboembolism. Most patients presented with cervical (36%) and cervical-thoracic myelitis (46.4%). Holocord lesion was the most common pattern of involvement (50%) on the axial plane. We did not find a statistical association between myelitis extension and NMO-IgG result. CONCLUSIONS: Our series of Brazilian patients showed a younger age of onset than previously reported. In our series, in contrast to previous reports, there was no correlation between the extension of myelitis and NMO-IgG positivity

Altered performance in attention tasks in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis: seasonal dependency and association with disease characteristics

Trikojat, K., Buske-Kirschbaum, A., Schmitt, J., Plessow, F. 11 June 2020 (has links)
Background. Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) is a chronic disease affecting about 23% of the European population with increasing prevalence rates. Beside classical symptoms (i.e. sneezing, nasal congestion), patients frequently complain about subjective impairments in cognitive functioning during periods of acute allergic inflammation. However, objective evidence for such deficits or the role of potential modulators and underlying mechanisms is limited. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of SAR on attention-related cognitive processes. In addition, relationships between attention performance, sleep and mood disturbances as well as specific disease characteristics as potential modulators of this link were explored. Method. SAR patients (n = 41) and non-allergic healthy controls (n = 42) completed a set of attention tasks during a symptomatic allergy period and during a non-symptomatic period. Influences of sleep, mood, total immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels and individual allergy characteristics on cognitive performance were evaluated. Results. Compared to healthy controls, SAR patients had a slower processing speed during both symptomatic and nonsymptomatic allergy periods. Additionally, they showed a more flexible adjustment in attention control, which may serve as a compensatory strategy. Reduction in processing speed was positively associated with total IgE levels whereas flexible adjustment of attention was linked with anxious mood. No association was found between SAR-related attention deficits and allergy characteristics or sleep. Conclusions. SAR represents a state that is crucially linked to impairments in information processing and changes in attentional control adjustments. These cognitive alterations are more likely to be influenced by mood and basal inflammatory processes than sleep impairments or subjective symptom severity.

Syntéza kvantových teček pro detekci proteinů / Synthesis of quantum dots for proteins detection

Šibíková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on synthesis of quantum dots (QDs) for protein detection. It comprises three parts. The first part summaries the theory of QDs, their synthesis, functionalization, interactions and applications in medicine. In the second part synthesis of CdTe/ZnS core/shell QDs modified by glutathione (GSH) is described, followed by the conjugation with biomolecules BSA and IgG. Several coupling agents such as EDC with NHS and CDI were used. In the last part, the final products were characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis. The results show the dependence of the fluorescence intensity of the QDs on pH range, concentration of BSA and IgG concentrations using different crosslinkers.

Impact des anomalies moléculaires dans l'histoire naturelle de la leucémie lymphoïde chronique / Impact of molecular abnormalities in chronic lymphocytic leukemia natural history

Chauzeix, Jasmine 11 December 2018
La leucémie lymphoïde chronique (LLC) est le lymphome avec phase circulante le plus fréquent chez l’adulte dans les pays occidentaux. Elle est caractérisée par une grand hétérogénéité dans son évolution naturelle avec des formes indolentes ne nécessitant jamais de traitement spécifique et des formes agressives requérant une chimiothérapie rapidement après le diagnostic. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons posé la question du rôle des anomalies moléculaires et en particulier des gènes des immunoglobulines dans l’histoire naturelle de la maladie, tant au plan mécanistique que pour le pronostic. Nous avons étudié trois remaniements atypiques impliquant un gène des immunoglobulines et un partenaire inconnu dans la LLC/lymphome lymphocytique. Les points de cassure ont pu être identifiés et nous ont permis de mettre en évidence l’implication dans 2 cas d’ARN longs non codants en 17q25 et 8q24. De plus, deux cas ont des points de cassure dans une région chromosomique restreinte (espacés de 200 kb en 17q25). Il pourrait s’agir d’un locus important dans la lymphomagénèse, de même que pour la région 8q24 contenant MYC et de nombreux gènes non codants jusqu’ici peu explorés. Par ailleurs, dans l’ère du séquençage haut débit, de nombreux marqueurs pronostiques moléculaires sont décrits dans la LLC. Nous avons démontré que l’électrophorèse des protéines sériques normale (immunoglobulines polyclonales sans hypogammaglobulinémie) au diagnostic, un marqueur simple et peu couteux, reste dans l’ère du NGS, un marqueur indépendant de bon pronostic dans la LLC. Sa combinaison avec un statut IGHV muté identifie un groupe de patients qui n’auront probablement jamais besoin de traitement spécifique. Ce travail nous a conduit à mettre au point un outil performant de détection des anomalies de nombre de copies par séquençage haut débit. Celui-ci permet la mise en évidence de disomies uniparentales dont la signification pronostique n’est actuellement pas établie dans la LLC. Ces anomalies pourraient être le reflet d’une instabilité chromosomique et il serait intéressant d’étudier leur impact pronostique dans la LLC. / Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent lymphoma with leukemic phase in the elderly in Western countries. It is characterized by a great heterogeneity in its natural history with indolent forms never requiring any specific treatment and aggressive forms needing chemotherapy rapidly after diagnosis. In this work of thesis, we asked the question of the role of molecular abnormalities, and in particular of the immunoglobulin genes in the natural history of the disease, at mechanistic level and for prognosis. We studied three atypical rearrangements implicating an immunoglobulin gene and an unknown partner in CLL/lymphocytic lymphoma. The breakpoints have been identified and the implication of long non coding RNA was highlighted in two cases in 17q25 and 8q24. Moreover, two cases harboured breakpoints in a restricted chromosomic region (200 kb spaced in 17q25). It could be an important locus in lymphomagenesis, as is 8q24 region containing MYC and numerous other non coding genes poorly characterized by now. Furthermore, in high throughput sequencing (HTS) era, many molecular prognosis markers have been described in CLL. We demonstrated that normal serum protein electrophoresis (polyclonal immunoglobulin without hypogammaglobulinemia) at diagnosis, a simple and unexpensive marker, stays in HTS era an independent good prognosis marker in CLL. Its combination with unmutated IGHV genes status identifies a group of patients who will probably never require any specific treatment. This work led us to develop an efficient tool to detect copy number variations by THS. This tool allows to highlight uniparental disomy whose prognosis signification is not established in CLL. These abnormalities could reflect chromosomal instability and it could be interesting to study their prognosis impact in CLL.

Dysregulace imunitního systému u pacientů s běžným variabilním imunodeficitem / Dysregulation of immune system in the patients with Common Variable Immunodeficiency

Milota, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis includes set of published experimental results, which were obtained at the Department of Immunology, Second Faculty of Medicine Charles University within the project focused on the basal and applied research of the Primary immunedeficiencies (PID), particularly Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). The first, theoretical part, is divided into two sections. The first section is dedicated to the general aspects of Primary antibody deficiencies (PAD). The second section is focused on epidemiology, ethiopathogenesis, classification, clinical and therapeutical aspects of CVID. The main consideration is devoted particularly to non-infectious complications, which significantly contribute to morbidity and mortality of CVID patients. The second part consists of the set of publications describing specific mechanisms of immune system dysregulation and their clinical manifestation, which are briefly commented. The spectrum of issues resolved within the project covers following basic aspects: 1) characteristics of lung complications in CVID from the point of view of bronchial asthma, 2) characteristics of associated malignancies, 3) significance of genetic background for the specific treatment, 4) therapy of CVID focused on aspects of immunoglobulin substitution. The results of the other...

Fabrication of a label-free electrochemical immunosensor using a redox active ferrocenyl dendrimer

Chandra, Sudeshna, Gäbler, Christian, Schliebe, Christian, Lang, Heinrich, Bahadur, Dhirendra 06 March 2017 (has links)
We report an IgG (=immunoglobulin) electrochemical immunosensor using a newly synthesized redox-active ferrocenyl dendrimer of generation 2 (G2Fc) as a voltammetric transducer. The ferrocenyl dendrimer N(CH2CH2C(O)NHCH2CH2NHC(O)Fe(η5-C5H4)(η5-C5H5))(CH2CH2N(CH2CH2C(O)NHCH2CH2NHC(O)Fe(η5-C5H4)(η5-C5H5))2)2 (G2Fc) was used as a functional moiety to immobilize the antibody on the surface of the electrode. A sandwich immunosensor of the type IgG/Bovine serum albumin (BSA)/anti-IgG/G2Fc/glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was fabricated. The electrochemical properties of G2Fc were thoroughly studied in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes with varying scan rates. The incubation time was optimized for better analytical performance of the immunosensor. It is found that the developed amperometric immunosensor is sensitive to a concentration of IgG as low as 2 ng mL−1. / Dieser Beitrag ist aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in febrile patients from an endemic region of dengue and chikungunya in Peru

Tarazona-Castro, Yordi, Troyes-Rivera, Lucinda, Martins-Luna, Johanna, Cabellos-Altamirano, Felipe, Aguilar-Luis, Miguel Angel, Carrillo-Ng, Hugo, Del Valle, Luis J., Kym, Sungmin, Miranda-Maravi, Sebastian, Silva-Caso, Wilmer, Levy-Blitchtein, Saul, del Valle-Mendoza, Juana 01 April 2022 (has links)
Introduction The rapid expansion of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus has raised serious public health concerns due to the possibility of misdiagnosis in regions where arboviral diseases are endemic. We performed the first study in northern Peru to describe the detection of SARSCoV-2 IgM antibodies in febrile patients with a suspected diagnosis of dengue and chikungunya fever. Materials and methods A consecutive cross-sectional study was performed in febrile patients attending primary healthcare centers from April 2020 through March 2021. Patients enrolled underwent serum sample collection for the molecular and serological detection of DENV and CHIKV. Also, serological detection of IgM antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 was performed. Results 464 patients were included during the study period, of which (40.51%) were positive for one pathogen, meanwhile (6.90%) presented co-infections between 2 or more pathogens. The majority of patients with monoinfections were positive for SARS-CoV-2 IgM with (73.40%), followed by DENV 18.09% and CHIKV (8.51%). The most frequent co-infection was DENV + SARS-CoV-2 with (65.63%), followed by DENV + CHIKV and DENV + CHIKV + SARSCoV-2, both with (12.50%). The presence of polyarthralgias in hands (43.75%, p<0.01) and feet (31.25%, p = 0.05) were more frequently reported in patients with CHIKV monoinfection. Also, conjunctivitis was more common in patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 IgM (11.45%, p<0.01). The rest of the symptoms were similar among all the study groups. Conclusion SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibodies were frequently detected in acute sera from febrile patients with a clinical suspicion of arboviral disease. The presence of polyarthralgias in hands and feet may be suggestive of CHIKV infection. These results reaffirm the need to consider SARS-CoV-2 infection as a main differential diagnosis of acute febrile illness in arboviruses endemic areas, as well as to consider co-infections between these pathogens. Copyright: / Revisión por pares

MicroRNA-155 Regulates Interferon-γ Production in Natural Killer Cells via Tim-3 Signalling in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Cheng, Yong Q., Ren, Jun P., Zhao, Juan, Wang, Jia M., Zhou, Yun, Li, Guang Y., Moorman, Jonathan P., Yao, Zhi Q. 01 August 2015 (has links)
Host immune responses must be tightly regulated by an intricate balance between positive and negative signals while fighting pathogens; persistent pathogens may usurp these regulatory mechanisms to dampen host immunity to facilitate survival in vivo. Here we report that Tim-3, a negative signalling molecule expressed on monocytes and T cells, is up-regulated on natural killer (NK) cells in individuals chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Additionally, the transcription factor T-bet was also found to be up-regulated and associated with Tim-3 expression in NK cells during chronic HCV infection. MicroRNA-155 (miR-155), an miRNA that inhibits signalling proteins involved in immune responses, was down-regulated in NK cells by HCV infection. This Tim-3/T-bet over-expression and miR-155 inhibition were recapitulated in vitro by incubating primary NK cells or NK92 cell line with Huh-7 hepatocytes expressing HCV. Reconstitution of miR-155 in NK cells from HCV-infected patients led to a decrease in T-bet/Tim-3 expression and an increase in interferon-γ production. Blocking Tim-3 signalling also enhanced interferon-γ production in NK cells by improving signal transducer and activator of transcription-5 phosphorylation. These data indicate that HCV-induced, miR-155-regulated Tim-3 expression regulates NK cell function, suggesting a novel mechanism for balancing immune clearance and immune injury during chronic viral infection.

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