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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilizing Energy Storage System to Improve Power System Vulnerability

Curtis Martinez, Ivan 03 July 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, security measures and vulnerability mitigation are mainly addressed. How to improve the system vulnerability is one of the main issues for power system operation and planning. Recent research revealed that Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) have a great potential to be used to improve system vulnerability. A vulnerability assessment is proposed in this thesis to identify the impact factors in the power systems due to generation outage and line outage. A Bus Impact Severity (BIS) analysis is then proposed and used to find the vulnerable buses in the system. The buses with the larger BIS value defined in this thesis are the better locations for ESSs placement. Formulations for optimal locations and capacities of ESSs placement are derived and then solved by Genetic Algorithm (GA). Test results show that the proposed method can be used to find the optimal locations and capacities for ESSs for system vulnerability improvement.

Η δομή του κόστους των νοσοκομείων στην Ελλάδα : η επίδραση του παράγοντα της εκπαίδευσης (teaching impact cost) στο κόστος των πανεπιστημιακών νοσοκομείων της Ελλάδας / The cost structure fo Greek hospitals : the effect of teaching impact factor in the operating cost of Greek University hospitals

Θανάσας, Γεώργιος 12 April 2013 (has links)
Μια από τις κυριότερες δαπάνες, τις οποίες είναι αναγκαίο να πληρώσουν οι διάφορες χώρες, είναι αυτή για τις υπηρεσίες παροχής υγείας προς τους πολίτες. Από τα μέσα του προηγούμενου αιώνα (δεκαετία 1940), αρκετές προηγμένες χώρες του δυτικού κόσμου, ξεκίνησαν την αναμόρφωση στα συστήματα υγείας τους, αρχικά με την εισαγωγή των Οικονομικών της Υγείας και έπειτα με την Λογιστική Επιστήμη. Η ανάγκη αυτή προήλθε εξαιτίας της προσπάθειας συγκράτησης των δαπανών τους, μέσω και της μείωσης του λειτουργικού κόστους των Νοσοκομείων. Παράλληλα, ενέτειναν τις έρευνες τους όχι μόνο για τη διάρθρωση του λειτουργικού κόστους των Νοσοκομείων τους, αλλά και για τον προσδιορισμό ειδικότερων παραγόντων, οι οποίοι προσαυξάνουν το κόστος. Ένας από τους παράγοντες, οι οποίοι προσδιορίστηκαν, είναι και αυτός της εκπαίδευσης του μελλοντικού ιατρικού και νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού από τα Πανεπιστημιακά Νοσοκομεία. Στην ουσία, πρόκειται για το επιπρόσθετο ποσοστό κόστους το οποίο δαπανούν τα Πανεπιστημιακά Νοσοκομεία, έναντι των Γενικών, για την επιμόρφωση των φοιτητών των Ιατρικών και Νοσηλευτικών Σχολών, ώστε να μπορέσουν να στελεχώσουν μετέπειτα τον τομέα της Υγείας. Στην Ελλάδα, η αρχή της ένταξης της Λογιστικής Επιστήμης στα Νοσοκομεία έγινε με το Π.Δ. 143/2003. Παρόλο όμως το γεγονός της υποχρεωτικής εφαρμογής των αρχών και πρακτικών της Λογιστικής στα Ελληνικά Νοσοκομεία από την 1/1/2004, ελάχιστα είναι αυτά που τις εφάρμοζαν. Από το 2009, που η χώρα εισέρχεται στην οικονομική κρίση, η ανάγκη για διαφάνεια σε όλους τους τομείς των δημοσίων δαπανών καθίσταται επιτακτική και αναγκαία. Αυτό δεν άφησε ανεπηρέαστο τον τομέα της Υγείας και «επέβαλε» στα Νοσοκομεία την έκδοση οικονομικών καταστάσεων και καταστάσεων δαπανών. Η παρούσα διατριβή, πραγματεύεται τον προσδιορισμό του ποσοστού του επιπρόσθετου κόστους το οποίο αναλαμβάνουν τα Πανεπιστημιακά Νοσοκομεία, έναντι των αντίστοιχων Γενικών, στην Ελλάδα. Για τον προσδιορισμό του ποσοστού αυτού, λαμβάνονται υπόψη διάφοροι παράγοντες από την διεθνή βιβλιογραφία, οι οποίοι χρησιμοποιήθηκαν σε παρόμοιες μελέτες. Επίσης, στη παρούσα διατριβή παρουσιάζεται η δομή και οι παράγοντες εκείνοι, που επιδρούν στη διαμόρφωση του λειτουργικού κόστους των Πανεπιστημιακών Νοσοκομείων της Ελλάδας. Για τον προσδιορισμό αυτό, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οικονομικά και λειτουργικά στοιχεία, τα οποία παραχωρήθηκαν από Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο της Ελλάδας. / One of the main expenditure, that countries among world are required to pay, is that for the provision of health services to their citizens. From the middle of last century (decade 1940), several western countries, began to reform their health systems, initially with the introduction of the Health Economics and afterward introducing the Accounting Science in Hospitals. This need derived because of the effort to contain costs and by reducing the operating costs of Hospitals. At the same time, these countries developed their research not only in the structure of the operating costs of Hospitals, but also to identify specific factors that increases the cost. One of these factors were identified, and this is the education, by the Teaching Hospitals, of future medical and nursing staff. In essence it is the additional rate costs that are required to spend by the Teaching Hospitals, for the training of students of medical and nursing schools so that they can later be deployed by the Health Sector In Greece, the principle of inclusion of Accounting Science in Hospitals was done by Presidential decree 143/2003. Although the fact that the application of the principles and practices of Accounting by the Greek Hospitals was compulsory from 1/1/2004, few are those who practice it. Since 2009, when the country enters the economic crisis, the need for transparency in all areas of public spending is imperative and necessary. This is not left unaffected by the Health Sector and “forced” Greek Hospitals to issue financial and cost statements. This thesis deals with the determination of the percentage of additional costs that being undertaken by the Teaching Hospitals, opposite the General ones, in Greece. To determine this percentage, several factors from the international literature are taking into account and have been used in similar studies. Also, this thesis shows the structure and the factors that affect the configuration of the operating costs of Teaching Hospitals in Greece. For this assay, financial and operating data are used and were provided by a Teaching Hospital in Greece.

Comparing the scientific impact of conference and journal publications in computer science

Rahm, Erhard 25 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring Gender Disparities In Collaboration Networks: An Analysis Of H-Indices And Collaborator Proximity

Estrada, Andrew R 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Research is crucial for expanding the boundaries of what is known, driving innovation, and solving problems faced by communities. It is carried out across all sectors of society by all matter of institutions. Academic research is one such sector that contributes to a plethora of disciplines. Research often compels collaboration among researchers, and as with any team, the dynamics and outcomes are affected by the individuals who contribute to the research. For instance, researchers can be from different institutions; therefore research teams can differ in collaboration distance -- the geographic distance between the organizations of authors. In a similar vein, facets of individual researchers may impact their collaboration patterns. Two such known sources of difference are gender and an author's measured impact. This thesis investigates differences in geographic collaboration distance and correlations between impact and network metrics based on the inferred gender of authors from the California Public University system. In particular, this thesis uses publication data primarily from the area of computing with contributions from authors of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and University of California schools. From this data, two collaboration networks are constructed with one used to calculate two measurements of collaboration distance for each author -- distance of individual collaborations and reach of collaborations over time -- and the other to calculate network metrics by author impact. This thesis provides evidence suggesting a differences in collaboration distance over time and network metrics of inferred female and male authors. These differences tend to favor male authors.


Weishaupt, Karin 11 June 2009 (has links)
Bei aller Aufmerksamkeit, die das Thema Open Access seit einigen Jahren erfährt, ist die praktische Nutzung längst noch nicht so weit gediehen, wie es von den technischen Voraussetzungen her möglich wäre: Nur 0,8 % aller Zeitschriften in Deutschland oder 2 % der wissenschaftlichen sind frei zugänglich. Es mangelt an Akzeptanz seitens der Autor/inn/n. Auf der Basis einer Befragung von ca. 1000 Personen, die bereits mindestens einen Aufsatz in einer Open-Access-Zeitschrift veröffentlicht haben, werden Maßnahmen entwickelt, wie die Akzeptanz verbessert werden kann. Bei der Analyse der Antworten erweisen sich die Unterschiede für mögliche Fördermaßnahmen zwischen den einzelnen Fachdisziplinen als längst nicht so ausgeprägt, wie es aufgrund des unterschiedlichen Standes von Open Access in den verschiedenen Fächern zu erwarten wäre. Von elementarer Bedeutung ist vielmehr die Frage, welche Ziele der/die einzelne beim Open-Access-Publizieren verfolgt; daraus ergeben sich Ansatzpunkte für fördernde Maßnahmen. Die größte Barriere für die Durchsetzung des Open-Access-Publizierens stellt das etablierte System der Forschungsevaluation dar, das sich fachübergreifend im Begutachtungsverfahren und in den Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin im Impact Factor manifestiert. Hieraus entstehen Akzeptanzhindernisse, die sachlich nicht gerechtfertigt sind und kritisch hinterfragt werden müssen. Mittelfristig ist der Ersatz des Impact Factors durch Verfahren anzustreben, die modernen Publikationsformen besser gerecht werden. Ein internationaler Vergleich zeigt, dass die Schwellenländer nicht nur durch Open Access unterstützt werden, sondern ihrerseits bemerkenswerte Aktivitäten und Erfolge vorzuweisen haben, die weltweit Vorbildcharakter haben und Anregungen für Maßnahmen zur Akzeptanzsteigerung in Deutschland bieten können. Bezüglich Open Access ist daher anstelle der Förderung der Dritten Welt eher ein Eine-Welt-Denken angebracht, bei dem alle Beteiligten voneinander lernen können / Although open access has been discussed intensively for some years, it is far away from being practised to a degree that would meet the actual technical standard. Only 0.8 % of all journals produced in Germany or 2 % of all German scientific journals are in open access. The problem to be overcome is the lack of acceptance by authors. As result of a survey among about 1000 persons who have already published at least one article in an open access journal, measures are suggested how acceptance can be improved. Considering the varying status open access has reached, differences between possible measures in the discliplines prove to be less distinctive as expected. The core question rather is which are the aims of the authors publishing in open access journals. Knowing their aims, measures to enhance acceptance can be derived. The highest barriere for open access is the established system of evaluating scientific research. Accross all disciplines the most important practise is peer reviewing of articles, in sciences and medicine the impact factor is of special importance. This is why the acceptance of open access journals without impact factor is low even if these journals may be characterized by high quality. Therefore the system of evaluation should be reviewed critically, and the impact factor might be substituted by other methods that take into account the specific qualities of modern forms of publications. An international comparison shows that open access does not only support the developing countries in their academic development. Rather, these countries offer considerable activities and achievements that can serve as models for the rest of the world and provide incitations for the improvement of the situation in Germany. This taken as a fact, we should not speak of less developed countries that need support, but rather of one world in which all countries are partners who can learn from each other.

A influência de autores estrangeiros no aumento de citações em periódicos brasileiros de medicina: uma análise bibliométrica / The influence of foreign authors on citations increase in Brazilian medical journals: a bibliometric analysis

Adilson Marcos Montefusco 23 February 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Muito se tem discutido sobre o desafio de aumentar o impacto das publicações brasileiras. Comparado com outros países, o Brasil possui alta taxa de publicação, mas com baixo índice de citação por documento. Enquanto instituições de fomento e de pesquisa propõem a cooperação internacional como meio de aumentar o impacto das publicações científicas, os editores de periódicos contestam essa exigência. Objetivo: Avaliar se nos periódicos brasileiros de medicina, o número de citações recebidas é influenciado pelo tipo de afiliação dos autores e por outras variáveis relacionadas ao documento ou ao periódico. Métodos: Foram analisados 61 periódicos de medicina publicados no Brasil em 2012, utilizando o SCImago e o Scopus para a extração dos artigos e seus dados. O número de citações de um documento num período de cinco anos foi analisado de acordo com a afiliação dos autores (nacional, internacional ou colaboração), idioma e tipo do documento, indicador SCImago e categoria do assunto do periódico. Resultados: Análises univariadas mostraram que todas as variáveis testadas influenciaram o número de citações recebidas. Após ajuste de covariáveis pela análise multivariada observamos aumento de citações em 0,17 (IC 95%: 0,094-0,246) para documentos com afiliação em colaboração quando comparado à afiliação nacional. Aumento significativo no número de citações foram observados em documentos em idioma bilíngue (Inglês e Português) 0,329 (IC 95%: 0,256-0,402) e apenas em Inglês 0,158 (IC 95%: 0,086-0,231) quando comparado a documentos em português, do tipo artigo 1,716 (IC 95%: 1,410-2,021) e artigo de Revisão 2,931 (IC 95%: 2,618-3,245) quando comparados a artigo no prelo e que possuem categoria de assunto Hematologia 1,280 (IC 95%: 1,019-1,540), entre outros, quando comparado ao assunto geriatria e gerontologia. Conclusão: Documentos com autoria em colaboração, aumentaram, de modo discreto, o índice de citação nos periódicos de interesse, quando comparados aos de autoria nacional. Idioma, tipo do documento, indicador Scimago (cites per doc - 2 years) e categoria do assunto do periódico influenciaram significantemente o número de citações recebidas / Introduction: The challenge of increasing the impact of Brazilian science has been much discussed. Compared with other countries, Brazil has a high publication rate, but with low citation index per document. While sponsoring and research institutions are proposing international cooperation as a means of increasing the impact of science, journal editors question this demand. Objective: To evaluate whether, in Brazilian medical journals, the number of received citations is influenced by the type of authors affiliation and other variables related to the document or to the journal. Methods: A total of 61 medical journals published in Brazil in 2012 were analyzed, SCImago and Scopus were used to extract the articles and their data. The number of citations of a document over five years was analyzed according to the authors\' affiliation (national, international or in collaboration), language and document type, SCImago index and journal subject category. Results: Univariate analyses showed that all tested variables influenced the number of received citations. After adjusting for covariates by multivariate analysis, we observed an increase of citations in 0.17 (95% CI: 0.094-0.246) for documents with affiliation in collaboration when compared to national affiliation. A significant increase in the number of citations was observed in bilingual documents (English and Portuguese) 0.329 (95% CI: 0.256-0.402) and only English 0.158 (95% CI: 0.086-0.231) when compared to documents in Portuguese, document type: Article 1.716 (95% CI: 1.410-2.021) and Review 2.931 (95% CI: 2.618-3.245) when compared to Article-in-Press and that have subject category Hematology 1.280 (95% CI: 1.019-1.540), among others, when compared to geriatrics and gerontology. Conclusion: Documents with authorship in collaboration increased, in a discreet way, the citation index in journals of interest, when compared to those with national authorship. Language, document type, SCImago index (cites per doc 2 years) and journal subject category significantly influenced the number of received citations

A influência de autores estrangeiros no aumento de citações em periódicos brasileiros de medicina: uma análise bibliométrica / The influence of foreign authors on citations increase in Brazilian medical journals: a bibliometric analysis

Montefusco, Adilson Marcos 23 February 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Muito se tem discutido sobre o desafio de aumentar o impacto das publicações brasileiras. Comparado com outros países, o Brasil possui alta taxa de publicação, mas com baixo índice de citação por documento. Enquanto instituições de fomento e de pesquisa propõem a cooperação internacional como meio de aumentar o impacto das publicações científicas, os editores de periódicos contestam essa exigência. Objetivo: Avaliar se nos periódicos brasileiros de medicina, o número de citações recebidas é influenciado pelo tipo de afiliação dos autores e por outras variáveis relacionadas ao documento ou ao periódico. Métodos: Foram analisados 61 periódicos de medicina publicados no Brasil em 2012, utilizando o SCImago e o Scopus para a extração dos artigos e seus dados. O número de citações de um documento num período de cinco anos foi analisado de acordo com a afiliação dos autores (nacional, internacional ou colaboração), idioma e tipo do documento, indicador SCImago e categoria do assunto do periódico. Resultados: Análises univariadas mostraram que todas as variáveis testadas influenciaram o número de citações recebidas. Após ajuste de covariáveis pela análise multivariada observamos aumento de citações em 0,17 (IC 95%: 0,094-0,246) para documentos com afiliação em colaboração quando comparado à afiliação nacional. Aumento significativo no número de citações foram observados em documentos em idioma bilíngue (Inglês e Português) 0,329 (IC 95%: 0,256-0,402) e apenas em Inglês 0,158 (IC 95%: 0,086-0,231) quando comparado a documentos em português, do tipo artigo 1,716 (IC 95%: 1,410-2,021) e artigo de Revisão 2,931 (IC 95%: 2,618-3,245) quando comparados a artigo no prelo e que possuem categoria de assunto Hematologia 1,280 (IC 95%: 1,019-1,540), entre outros, quando comparado ao assunto geriatria e gerontologia. Conclusão: Documentos com autoria em colaboração, aumentaram, de modo discreto, o índice de citação nos periódicos de interesse, quando comparados aos de autoria nacional. Idioma, tipo do documento, indicador Scimago (cites per doc - 2 years) e categoria do assunto do periódico influenciaram significantemente o número de citações recebidas / Introduction: The challenge of increasing the impact of Brazilian science has been much discussed. Compared with other countries, Brazil has a high publication rate, but with low citation index per document. While sponsoring and research institutions are proposing international cooperation as a means of increasing the impact of science, journal editors question this demand. Objective: To evaluate whether, in Brazilian medical journals, the number of received citations is influenced by the type of authors affiliation and other variables related to the document or to the journal. Methods: A total of 61 medical journals published in Brazil in 2012 were analyzed, SCImago and Scopus were used to extract the articles and their data. The number of citations of a document over five years was analyzed according to the authors\' affiliation (national, international or in collaboration), language and document type, SCImago index and journal subject category. Results: Univariate analyses showed that all tested variables influenced the number of received citations. After adjusting for covariates by multivariate analysis, we observed an increase of citations in 0.17 (95% CI: 0.094-0.246) for documents with affiliation in collaboration when compared to national affiliation. A significant increase in the number of citations was observed in bilingual documents (English and Portuguese) 0.329 (95% CI: 0.256-0.402) and only English 0.158 (95% CI: 0.086-0.231) when compared to documents in Portuguese, document type: Article 1.716 (95% CI: 1.410-2.021) and Review 2.931 (95% CI: 2.618-3.245) when compared to Article-in-Press and that have subject category Hematology 1.280 (95% CI: 1.019-1.540), among others, when compared to geriatrics and gerontology. Conclusion: Documents with authorship in collaboration increased, in a discreet way, the citation index in journals of interest, when compared to those with national authorship. Language, document type, SCImago index (cites per doc 2 years) and journal subject category significantly influenced the number of received citations

Algoritmiese rangordebepaling van akademiese tydskrifte

Strydom, Machteld Christina 31 October 2007 (has links)
Opsomming Daar bestaan 'n behoefte aan 'n objektiewe maatstaf om die gehalte van akademiese publikasies te bepaal en te vergelyk. Hierdie navorsing het die invloed of reaksie wat deur 'n publikasie gegenereer is uit verwysingsdata bepaal. Daar is van 'n iteratiewe algoritme gebruik gemaak wat gewigte aan verwysings toeken. In die Internetomgewing word hierdie benadering reeds met groot sukses toegepas deur onder andere die PageRank-algoritme van die Google soekenjin. Hierdie en ander algoritmes in die Internetomgewing is bestudeer om 'n algoritme vir akademiese artikels te ontwerp. Daar is op 'n variasie van die PageRank-algoritme besluit wat 'n Invloedwaarde bepaal. Die algoritme is op gevallestudies getoets. Die empiriese studie dui daarop dat hierdie variasie spesialisnavorsers se intu¨ıtiewe gevoel beter weergee as net die blote tel van verwysings. Abstract Ranking of journals are often used as an indicator of quality, and is extensively used as a mechanism for determining promotion and funding. This research studied ways of extracting the impact, or influence, of a journal from citation data, using an iterative process that allocates a weight to the source of a citation. After evaluating and discussing the characteristics that influence quality and importance of research with specialist researchers, a measure called the Influence factor was introduced, emulating the PageRankalgorithm used by Google to rank web pages. The Influence factor can be seen as a measure of the reaction that was generated by a publication, based on the number of scientists who read and cited itA good correlation between the rankings produced by the Influence factor and that given by specialist researchers were found. / Mathematical Sciences / M.Sc. (Operasionele Navorsing)

"A produção científica brasileira em odontologia e sua visibilidade nacional e internacional" / The brazilian scientific production in dentistry and its national and international visibility

Carvalho, Telma de 14 November 2006 (has links)
O tema produção científica é estudado neste trabalho sob o enfoque da visibilidade do conhecimento científico produzido por autores brasileiros da área de odontologia publicado sob a forma de artigos de revistas. Entendendo-se por visibilidade a posição de referência que um periódico possui em relação à sua indexação em renomados bancos de dados nacionais e internacionais, buscou-se identificar onde estariam publicando os autores de odontologia e qual seria o impacto da produção gerada perante a comunidade científica. Método: Este estudo compreendeu o período de quatro anos tendo por base os anos de 2000 a 2003. O critério adotado para o levantamento dos autores que serviram de amostra para o estudo foi a autoria de artigos concomitantes nas revistas brasileiras - Brazilian Dental Journal, da Fundação Odontológica de Ribeirão Preto e Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira, da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica – as duas únicas indexadas na base de dados internacional Medline, da National Library of Medicine. Desta forma a amostra do trabalho constitui-se de 90 autores. As bases de dados Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia e Medline, através do PubMed, foram as fontes de informação utilizadas para a recuperação da produção científica nacional e internacional dos autores da amostra no período analisado. Para verificar a visibilidade internacional dos artigos de autores brasileiros, publicados em revistas estrangeiras, considerou-se, a partir de levantamento realizado junto ao Web of Science, do International Institute for Scientific Information, o índice de citação dos artigos, tendo por base o autor do trabalho. Em termos de visibilidade nacional, o banco de dados SciELO não oferece relatórios estatísticos que possibilitem identificar, por autor, o número de vezes que um determinado artigo foi citado pelos pares, o que impossibilitou, neste trabalho, a análise nesse parâmetro. Resultados: No período analisado foram recuperados 1278 registros de autorias, dos quais 855 referiram-se a artigos divulgados em revistas nacionais e 423 em revistas internacionais. Como alguns resultados deste estudo, destacam-se: os autores da área de odontologia situaram-se como médios e grandes produtores, não havendo diferença significativa entre publicar no Brasil e publicar no Exterior. Em relação à vinculação institucional dos autores da amostra, a grande maioria pertence à Universidades Estaduais de Ensino Superior localizadas na região Sudeste do Brasil, com ênfase para UNICAMP, USP e UNESP. Com relação à citação dos artigos produzidos, observou-se que dos 254 artigos publicados em revistas internacionais, 174 (68,50%) foram citados por outros autores, conforme dados obtidos pelo Web of Science utilizando-se o Social Citation Index. O fator de impacto das revistas internacionais foi localizado pelo Journal Citation Report (JCR) de 2004 e variaram de 0,692 a 1,569 / The subject of scientific production is studied in this paper under the focusing of the visibility of scientific knowledge produced by Brazilian authors of the dentistry area as published as journals articles. Being understood as visibility the reference position that a periodical has in relation to its indexing in renowned national and international databases, a search was made in order to identify where the dentistry authors are being published and what would be the impact caused by the production generated before the scientific community. Method: This study comprised the period of four years having as basis the years from 2000 to 2003. The criteria adopted for the authors research used as sample for the study was the production of concomitant articles in brazilian journals - Brazilian Dental Journal, of the Dental Foundation of Ribeirão Preto and Brazilian Oral Research, of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research - the only two indexed in the international Medline database of the National Library od Medicine. In this manner the sample of the paper consists of 90 authors. The Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry and Medline database, by means of PubMed, were the information resources used for the recovery of the national and international scientific production from authors of sample in analysed period. To check the international visibility of articles from Brazilian authors published in the foreign journals, being considered the citation index of the articles mentioned, as from a survey made at the Web of Science, of the International Institute for Scientific Information. In terms of national visibility, the SciELO database doesn´t supply statistical reports that make possible to identify by author the number of times that a given article was named by other authors in this parameter, what has made unable the analysis of such item in this paper. Results: In the analyzed period, 1278 authorships records were recovered, from which 855 concerning articles published in national magazines and 423 concerning publications in international journals. Some of the results of this study that outstands were: authors in the dentistry area appear as medium sized and big producers, without any significant difference in being published in Brazil or abroad. Concernig the institutional affiliation of the sample authors, most of them belong to the State Universities of Higher Education located in the Southeast region of Brazil, mainly from UNICAMP, USP and UNESP. Concernig the cited articles mentioned, it was observed that from the 254 articles published in international journals, 174 (68,50%) were mentioned by other authors, according to data obtained at the Web of Science using the Social Citation Index. The impact factor the international journals has been located by the Journal Citation Report (JRC) of 2004 and varied from 0,692 to 1,569


Luz, Willame de Araújo 10 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:39:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WILLAME DE ARAUJO LUZ.pdf: 1820148 bytes, checksum: d404a21b9be2e992dc332263aaf6ba32 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-10 / Cancer is defined as a chronic multifactorial disease, characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells that invade tissues and organs and can spread to other body regions. It s a major public health problem worldwide, especially in developing countries due to the accelerated growth of the population of higher age group. This scientometric study emphasized in the evaluation of prostate adenocarcinoma using FISH as citomolecular tool for analysis of the PTEN gene in Scopus database in the period 2005-2015. The study survey was conducted using the keywords: "prostatic neoplasms and PTEN and FISH". Different approaches have been made to go throught the analysis of the scientific production of the articles included in this study as the type of publication (experimental or review ), the number of articles - year , authors, scientific areas, journals, impact factor of the journals that published, among others. As a result, it was observed that the number of publications throughout the study period undergoes variation over ten years. Magazines belonging to developed countries show that they invest in cutting-edge research and are dominant as to its scientific prestige. The Brazilian scientific production has grown significantly in recent years. The intellectual, social and economic impact of publications produced in Brazil is still low significance and has much to grow, a fact that should be changed with greater financial investment by government as private institutions in scientific production area, thus improving the credibility of research institutions and our researchers. Therefore, it is concluded that this scientometrical analysis have shown the quantitative studies on prostate carcinoma, highlighting the importance of each of the proposed objectives, seeking alternatives to improve the growth of science and the visibility of productions on this topic in the global scientific activity. / O câncer é definido como uma enfermidade multicausal crônica, caracterizada pelo crescimento descontrolado das células, que invadem os tecidos e órgãos, podendo espalhar-se para outras regiões do corpo. É um importante problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento, devido ao acelerado crescimento da população de faixa etária mais elevada. Esse estudo cienciométrico se deteve na avaliação do adenocarcinoma de próstata utilizando a FISH como ferramenta citomolecular para análise do gene PTEN, na base de dados SCOPUS no período de 2005 a 2015. Para isso, o levantamento do estudo foi realizado utilizando as palavras-chave: prostatic neoplasms and PTEN and FISH . Diferentes abordagens foram realizadas para se fazer a análise da produção científica dos artigos incluídos nesse estudo como: tipo de publicação (experimental ou revisão), número de artigos-ano, autores, áreas científicas, revistas, fator de impacto das revistas que mais publicaram, dentre outros. Como resultado, observou-se que a quantidade de publicações ao longo do período estudado sofre uma variação no decorrer dos dez anos. Revistas pertencentes a países desenvolvidos, mostram que estes investem em pesquisa de ponta e são dominantes quanto ao seu prestígio científico. A produção científica brasileira tem crescido significativamente nos últimos anos, o impacto intelectual, social e econômico das publicações produzidas no Brasil continua com baixa significância e tem muito a crescer, fato esse que deve ser alterado com maiores investimentos financeiros por parte governamental quanto das instituições privadas, na área de produção científica, melhorando assim, a credibilidade das instituições de pesquisa e dos nossos pesquisadores. Portanto, conclui-se que nesta análise cienciométrica, foram apresentados os dados de estudos quantitativos sobre o adenocarcinoma de próstata, evidenciando a importância de cada um dos objetivos propostos, buscando alternativas para melhorar o crescimento da ciência e a visibilidade das produções sobre este tema no contexto da atividade científica mundial.

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