Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1mpact evaluation"" "subject:"compact evaluation""
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Avaliação de impacto de formação docente e serviço: o programa Letra e Vida / Impact evaluation of professional development for teachers: the Letra e Vida programAdriana Bauer 16 May 2011 (has links)
O objeto deste trabalho é o programa de formação continuada Letra e Vida, oferecido pela Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo a professores alfabetizadores da rede entre 2003 e 2006. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram avaliar os impactos do Programa nos resultados de desempenho dos alunos de 1ª série mensurados por meio do Sistema de Avaliação do Rendimento Escolar do estado de São Paulo (Saresp), considerada a aferição de 2007, e também seus possíveis efeitos sobre concepções e práticas de alfabetização dos professores que dele participaram. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, aplicou-se o método misto, que integra abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa. Assim, realizaram-se entrevistas em três escolas, com coordenadores, diretores e professores de 1ª a 4ª série que tivessem participado do Programa, com prioridade dos professores do Ciclo 1. Os dados provenientes do Questionário para os Professores de 1ª e 2ª série do Ensino Fundamental e os resultados dos alunos na prova de 1ª série, ambos instrumentos do Saresp 2007, foram reorganizados e reinterpretados para as análises baseadas em técnicas de árvores de decisão e de regressão linear múltipla e para a comparação entre grupos de escolas com diferentes proporções de professores que participaram do Programa. Concluiu-se que o Letra e Vida influenciou o discurso dos docentes, sobretudo em sua concepção de alfabetização, embora nem sempre se tenham percebido, nas visitas às escolas, evidências da transposição desse discurso para a prática da sala de aula. No que tange aos impactos do Programa sobre o desempenho dos alunos, pode- -se afirmar que, em alguns contextos e em conjunto com outras características estudadas, o Letra e Vida se destacou na explicação dos resultados dos alunos, mas, sozinho, não teve impactos significativos. / This dissertation focuses on the continued literacy teacher education program called Letra e Vida, offered by the Sao Paulo state Department of Education during the period of 2003 to 2006. The research objectives were to assess the impact of the Program in the first grade students performance and also its possible effects on concepts and practices of teaching literacy from teachers who participated in it. To achieve these goals the São Paulo Education Achievement Assessment System (Saresp) was used, considering the evaluation of 2007 and a mixed method study was developed to integrate qualitative and quantitative approaches complementarily. Thus, interviews in three schools were conducted with coordinators, principals and 1st to 4th grade teachers with priority given to teachers of 1st and 2nd grades who attended the program. The data from the questionnaire for teachers of 1st and 2nd grades, and the results of students in the 1st grade, both collected by SARESP 2007, were reorganized and reinterpreted to be used in statistical analysis using multiple linear regression, decision trees and comparison between groups of schools with different proportions of teachers who participated in the Program. It was possible to conclude that the effects of the program in teachers discourse were considerable, although evidence of implementation of such discourse was not always possible to observe during visits to schools. With regard to the impact of the Program on student performance, it is clear that in some contexts the Letra e Vida in conjunction with other variables were able to offer some explanation to the student outcomes, but its effects are not significant when standing alone.
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Efeitos educacionais da expansão repentina de vagas em educação infantil: Petrolina e Juazeiro, um experimento natural / Educational effects of a sudden expansion in early childhood school supply: Petrolina and Juazeiro, a natural experimentLucas Reis Correia 14 May 2018 (has links)
Há grande evidência internacional e nacional sobre a importância da primeira infância no desenvolvimento humano, entre as principais políticas públicas com este foco, destaca-se a criação de creches. No presente projeto, analisar-se-á o impacto do programa de criação de creches em Petrolina (PE), o Nova Semente. Mais especificamente, a partir dos dados do Censo Escolar e do Cadastro Único, deseja-se observar se a introdução de creches contribui para melhora do desempenho educacional dos alunos através de suas aprovações e frequência escolar. / There is extensive literature worldwide on the importance of early childhood on human development, childcare policies stand out as one of the main public policies with this aim. This Project intends to evaluate the impact of Nova Semente, a program in Petrolina (PE), which increases childcare supply. Specifically, educational development, through approvals and frequency, will be assessed using data from Censo Escolar and Cadastro Único.
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Avaliação de impacto do Fies / The Impact Evaluation of FiesRafael Pontuschka 29 August 2016 (has links)
O Fundo de Financiamento ao Estudantil (Fies), programa de financiamento estudantil a taxas de juros subsidiadas, foi criado em 1999, mas passou por uma forte expansão após 2010, ano em que ocorreu a reformulação das condições de financiamento, como a redução dos juros para 3,4% a.a., ampliação dos prazos de carência e de pagamento e a dispensa da exigência de fiador para estudantes de menor renda. A partir de então, mais de 1,1 milhão de estudantes formalizaram contratos com o Fies, envolvendo recursos orçamentários da ordem de R$ 14 bilhões. A partir do Censo da Educação Superior de 2009 a 2012 e dos dados do Enade de 2009 a 2010, e utilizando a metodologia de diferenças em diferenças, este estudo avalia o impacto do Fies na quantidade de matrículas e nas taxas de evasão nos cursos presenciais de instituições privadas brasileiras de ensino superior. Como resultados, foram encontrados efeitos do Fies sobre as matrículas de 6,3% a 9% e sobre a taxa de evasão de -2 a -2,6 pontos percentuais. Como forma de testar a robustez dos resultados realizaram-se testes de placebo, em que os resultados foram replicados para a rede pública, para cursos não habilitados ao Fies e para o período pré-tratamento. Não foram encontrados efeitos estatisticamente significativos para nenhum dos casos, exceto para o teste de placebo para a taxa de evasão utilizando os dados anteriores ao início do tratamento, e estes significativos a 10%. / The Financing Fund the Higher Education Student (FIES), a student financing program of subsidized interest rates was established in 1999, but passed by a strong expansion after 2010 when there was an overhaul of the financing conditions, as the reduction of interest to 3.4% per year, expansion of grace period and payment deadlines to dispenses a guarantor requirement paragraph students of lower income. From then on, over 1.1 million students formalized contracts with Fies involving budgetary resources of the order of R$ 14 billion. At from the Census of the Higher Education from 2009 to 2012 and Enade data from 2009 and 2010, this study uses differences in differences methodology with the objective of evaluating the impact of Fies on enrollment amount and evasion rates in courses of brazilian higher education private institutions. The results suggest increase on enrollment from 6.3% to 9% and the dropout rate of -2 to -2.6 percentage points. In order to test the robustness of the results were performed placebo tests where the results were replicated to the public courses, for courses not entitled to Fies and for the pre-treatment period. No statistically significant effects were found for any of the cases, except for the placebo test for the dropout rate using data prior to the start of treatment, and these significant 10%.
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Impacto do Programa Bolsa Família sobre as decisões de trabalho das crianças: uma análise utilizando os microdados da PNAD / Impact of the conditional cash transfer Bolsa Familia on the decisions of child labor: an analysis using microdata from PNADAdriana Rosa do Nascimento 16 January 2014 (has links)
O trabalho infantil foi amplamente estudado sob diferentes enfoques como seus efeitos sobre a educação, seus determinantes, trabalho infantil e saúde, persistência do trabalho infantil entre gerações e avaliações de impacto de programas sociais sobre o trabalho infantil. No entanto, ainda se verifica incidência de trabalho infantil no Brasil.Em 2011, 4,33% das crianças entre 5 e 15 anos trabalhavam ou exerciam atividade para consumo próprio ou construção para uso próprio sendo a agropecuária, pesca e silvicultura o ramo de atividade que mais emprega a mão-de-obra infantil. A maior parte das crianças trabalhadoras em 2011 eram meninos de 11 a 15 anos, mais de 10% das crianças deste gênero nesta faixa etária. A jornada média de trabalho ultrapassa 20 horas semanas sendo que 4,34% das crianças brasileiras trabalhadoras também estudam. Além de tecer um panorama atualizado da situação do trabalho infantil no Brasil, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é examinar o impacto do Programa Bolsa Família sobre o trabalho infantil. O impacto foi estimado através do método de Propensity Score Matching. Também se estimaram regressões utilizando, alternativamente, a renda proveniente de transferência social como variável explicativa. Os dados utilizados são os da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) de 2011 e 2009. O resultado mostra que o programa não tem impacto significativo sobre a probabilidade de a criança trabalhar e sobre as horas trabalhadas. Adicionalmente, observa-se que a renda proveniente de transferência social tem impacto negativo e significativo sobre a probabilidade de a criança trabalhar e sobre o número de horas trabalhadas. Assim, embora a participação no programa não tenha impacto sobre o trabalho infantil, a renda proveniente do programa atua no sentido de reduzir a probabilidade de a criança trabalhar e o número de horas trabalhadas. / Child labor has been widely studied under various approaches and their effects on education, its determinants, child labor and health, the persistence of child labor across generations and impact evaluations of social programs on child labor. However, there is still the incidence of child labor in Brazil. In 2011, 4.33% of children between 5 and 15 years were working or engaged in activity for own consumption or building for their own use and the field of activity that employs more children is agriculture, fishing and forestry. Most working children in 2011 were boys 11-15 years old, over 10 % of children in this age group and gender. The average hours worked per week exceeds 20 hours and 4.34% of Brazilian children workers also studied. Besides presenting an overview of the current of the situation of child labor in Brazil, the main goal of this paper is to examine the impact of the conditional cash transfer program Bolsa Família on child labor. The impact was estimated by the method of propensity score matching. Also was estimated regressions using, alternatively, income from conditional cash transfers as an explanatory variable. The data used are from the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio (PNAD), the Brazilian annual household survey of 2011 and 2009. The results show that the program has no significant impact on the probability of work and on hours worked. Additionally, it is observed that the income from social cash transfer has negative and significant impact on the probability of child work and on the number of hours worked. Thus, although participation in the program has no impact on child labor, the income from the program acts to reduce the probability of child labor and the number of hours worked.
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Violência contra a mulher: uma análise do caso brasileiro / Violence against women: an analysis of the Brazilian experienceBruna Pugialli da Silva Borges 26 September 2014 (has links)
A violência contra a mulher constitui um grave problema nacional, apesar do esforço feito pelo governo brasileiro na última década no enfrentamento a esse tipo de violência. A introdução da Lei Maria da Penha, em 2006, representou uma grande mudança na proteção legal nos casos de violência doméstica. Todavia, o cumprimento pleno da referida lei está condicionado à existência dos Serviços Especializados de Atendimento à Mulher, tais como juizados especializados, delegacias de mulheres, casas - abrigo, etc., e a abrangência desses serviços nos municípios brasileiros ainda é limitada. Utilizando um painel de municípios, o objetivo da dissertação é avaliar se os municípios onde há Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher apresentaram uma queda nos casos de violência contra a mulher, supondo que essas cidades tiveram melhor aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha. A distribuição municipal dos juizados especializados é obtida através da Pesquisa de Informações Básicas Municipais de 2009, do IBGE. A medida de violência contra a mulher utilizada é o número de internações femininas cuja causa é a agressão, cuja base de dados é Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Ministério da Saúde. A metodologia utilizada na investigação dos efeitos causais da Lei Maria da Penha é o estimador de diferenças - em - diferenças com Propensity Score Matching. Os resultados sugerem uma queda na violência contra a mulher em municípios onde os juizados foram implementados. Além disso, os resultados indicam que o efeito dos juizados sobre a violência é potencializado na presença de outros serviços de apoio às mulheres vitimadas. Conclui-se que uma maior disseminação dos JVDFM, aliada a uma expansão dos demais serviços da malha de assistência às mulheres vitimadas, aumentará a eficácia da Lei Maria da Penha, ajudando o Brasil a evoluir no combate à violência contra a mulher. / Violence against women is a serious national problem, despite all the efforts made by the Brazilian Government in the last decade to confront this type of violence. The enactment of Maria da Penha Law, in 2006, represented a major breakthrough in legal protection in cases of domestic violence. However, the thorough implementation of the law is subject to the existence of Specialized Support Services to Women, such as specialized courts and police stations, shelters, etc., and the scope of these services in municipalities is still limited. Using a panel of municipalities, the aim of this work is to evaluate whether the municipalities where there are Courts of Domestic and Familiar Violence Against Women presented a drop in violence against women, assuming that these cities had a better enforcement of the Maria da Penha Law. Municipal distribution of specialized courts is obtained through the Survey of Basic Municipal Information 2009, from IBGE. To measure violence against women, we used the number of women\'s hospitalizations whose cause is aggression, gathered from the Ministry of Health, through the System of Hospital Information. The methodology used in the investigation of the causal effects of the Maria da Penha Law is the differences-in-differences estimator with Propensity Score Matching. The results suggest a decrease in violence against women in municipalities where the courts were implemented. Furthermore, the results indicate that the effect of the courts on violence is potentiated in the presence of other support services to battered women. We conclude that a greater dissemination of specialized courts, combined with an expansion of other support services to battered women, will increase the effectiveness of the Maria da Penha Law, helping Brazil to advance in combating violence against women.
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Impact de l'accès à l'énergie sur les conditions de vie des femmes et des enfants en milieu rural : analyse d'impact du programme des plate-formes multifonctionnelles au Burkina Faso / Impact of energy access on the living conditions of women and children in rural areas : impact analysis of program of multifunctional platforms in Burkina FasoBeguerie, Victor 05 May 2015 (has links)
De par sa multi dimensionnalité, l’accès à l’énergie permet de contribuer grandement à l’atteinte de nombreux Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement et notamment l’OMD3 qui vise à promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes. Dans les zones rurales, le faible accès à l’énergie contraint les femmes dans leurs activités quotidiennes, et les freine dans leur développement et leur émancipation. Ce constat est à la base de la création du concept des plates-formes multifonctionnelles (PTFM). Une PTFM est un ensemble d’équipements qui fournit des services énergétiques. La configuration de base d’une PTFM comprend un moteur diesel qui entraine un moulin, une décortiqueuse et un alternateur. Ce dernier fournit de l'électricité. Au Burkina Faso, le Programme National Plates-formes Multifonctionnelles pour la Lutte Contre la Pauvreté (PN-PTFM/LCP) a été lancé en 2005. Une enquête ménage à deux passages (2009 et 2011) a été mise au point afin d’analyser l’impact de ce programme sur les conditions de vie des femmes et des enfants, et afin de déterminer si les PTFM sont un bon moyen de contribuer à l’atteinte des OMD au Burkina Faso.Les analyses en variables instrumentales et en double différence menées dans cette thèse montrent que les PTFM permettent de réduire le temps quotidien consacré aux travaux domestiques de certaines femmes. Pour ces femmes, les analyses montrent que ce gain de temps est réinvesti dans la création d’AGR. En revanche, il existe peu d’effets de diffusion bénéfiques sur l’éducation ou la santé des enfants. Ainsi, le programme PTFM au Burkina ne contribue que partiellement à la réalisation des OMD relatifs aux bien être des femmes, en effet les résultats positifs obtenus ne concernent qu’une catégorie de ces dernières. En ce qui concerne les OMD relatifs à la santé ou à l’éducation des enfants, le programme PTFM ne semble pas avoir les effets bénéfiques escomptés. Nous estimons que ces résultats mitigés du programme PTFM au Burkina Faso sont le fruit de problèmes de fonctionnement récurrents des plates-formes, et du faible degré de multifonctionnalité des PTFM. / Through its multidimensionality, energy access actively contributes to the achievements of several Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and especially MDG3 which aims at promoting gender equity and women empowerment. Lack of access to energy is a major issue for women in rural areas since it limits their choices in their daily activities and, therefore, undermines their development and their empowerment. This statement is at the core of the creation of the concept of the multifunctional platform (MFP). MFPs are a set of equipment which provides energy services. The basic version of MFPs comprises a diesel engine turning a mill, a husker and an electric alternator which furnishes electricity. In Burkina Faso, the Programme National Plates-formes Multifonctionnelles pour la Lutte Contre la Pauvreté (PN-PTFM/LCP) was launched in 2005. A household survey with two rounds (2009 and 2011) have been implemented in order to analyze the impact of the MFP program on woman and child living conditions, and in order to determine if MFP are a good way to contribute to achieving the MDGs in Burkina Faso. Instrumental variable and double difference analyses lead in this thesis conclude that MFPs enable to reduce the daily time dedicated to domestic tasks for some women. For these women, this time saved is reinvested in creating income generating activities. By contract, little evidence has been found regarding positive externalities on child education and health. Thus, the MFP program only partially contributes to achieving the MDGs related to woman well-being, since the positive effects only concern some women. Concerning the MDGs related to child health and education, the MFP program doesn’t seem to have the expected results. We consider that these mixed results of the MFP program in Burkina Faso are mainly due to repeating technical problems, and to the weak degree of multifunctionality of the MFPs.
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Les Analyses du Premier Programme 'Paiement à la Performance' pour les Hôpitaux Français - Design, Mise en oeuvre, et Evaluation / The Analysis of the First Hospital Pay-for-Performance Program in the French Health Care Context - Design, Implementation and EvaluationJiang, Shu 12 July 2016 (has links)
Le programme ‘rémunération à la performance’ (P4P) a, au cours des dernières années, devenu populaire pour les fournisseurs de soins de santé. Contrairement aux régimes de paiement traditionnels de soins de santé mesurés par le volume, il récompense les fournisseurs (individus ou institutions) qui répondent à certaines attentes en matière de la performance en ce qui a trait aux soins de santé de qualité ou de l'efficacité. Son développement à l’étranger a bien connu des avancées, au cours de la dernière décennie, même si les preuves empiriques sont mitigées. En septembre 2012, le gouvernement français a lancé son premier programme national de P4P pour les hôpitaux - Incitations Financières à l'Amélioration de la Qualité (IFAQ). Compaqh-MOS-EHESP a élaboré les principes de cette expérimentation.L’objectif de cette thèse est d’examiner et d'analyser les controverses autour du P4P, par l’analyse de la conception, de la mise en œuvre et de l'évaluation de l’impact d’IFAQ. Inspirés de programmes étrangers, IFAQ est conçu dans le contexte des soins de santé en France. Le processus de mise en œuvre d’IFAQ inclut la sélection de critères de jugement, la construction de score composite, et la décision des modes de valorisation financiers. L'évaluation de l'impact d’IFAQ est effectuée en comparant un groupe intervention et un groupe de contrôle, tout en tenant compte de l'évolution de la tendance des indicateurs de qualité et de l'effet d'une série de caractéristiques des hôpitaux.Un cadre d'analyse d’évaluation médico-économique des programmes P4P a également été construit. Enfin, la capacité de transfert du modèle IFAQ a été appréhendée par l’étude de son application potentielle dans un autre contexte, à savoir la Chine. / Pay-for-Performance (P4P) has, in recent years, become a popular remuneration method for health care providers. Unlike traditional health care payment schemes that focus on volume, It rewards providers (individuals or institutions) who meet certain performance expectations with respect to health care quality or efficiency. Internationally, P4P has experienced wide development over the last decade, though empirical evidences are mixed. In September 2012, the French government launched its first national P4P program for hospitals, named Financial Incentives for Quality Improvement (IFAQ). COMPAQH-MOS has developed the principles of this experiment.The aim of this thesis is to test and to analyse the existing P4P controversies, through the design, implementation and evaluation of IFAQ. Based on previous international programs, a new P4P initiative is designed under the actual French health care context. The implementation process of IFAQ involves selection of quality judgement criteria, construction of scoring method, and decision of financial incentive structures. The impact evaluation of IFAQ is conducted by comparing the treatment and control hospitals’ quality results, while taking into account time trend evolution of quality indicators and the effect from a group of hospital characteristics.A framework of cost-effectiveness analysis on P4P programs has also been constructed, and the feasibility of transferring P4P into another context, namely China, has been studied by conducting a case study of P4P in the Chinese health care market.
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Facilitating Training Transfer for Entrepreneurs Enrolled in Business Training Programs in PeruKarlsven, Matthew J. 06 August 2021 (has links)
Entrepreneurship and business training programs have been created and administered throughout the world and particularly in developing economies to help entrepreneurs open new businesses and grow their current businesses. Evaluations of these programs have shown that most of them successfully help entrepreneurs expand their knowledge and understanding of business principles and practices, but few entrepreneurs will then apply or transfer what they learn into their businesses. Without many entrepreneurs making changes in how they run their businesses, it is no surprise that these training programs generally show little impact on sales or profits. This research explores how business training programs in developing economies can help entrepreneurs go beyond just learning about business principles to making changes in their businesses based on those principles. Put simply, this research explores how training programs can help entrepreneurs act on what they learn. The research for this dissertation is presented in three articles. Article 1 includes a review and analysis of findings from a decade of evaluations and research on entrepreneurship training programs in developing economies around the world. In this analysis, I identified factors that have been found to positively affect training transfer, and then based on these findings I developed a theoretical framework of how training transfer can be facilitated. Article 2 is a multiple case analysis of seven trainers from two different entrepreneurship training programs based in Lima, Peru. This article includes an analysis of six months of in-field observations and interviews conducted in Peru, revealing several challenges trainers face while helping entrepreneurs apply what they learn as well as strategies the trainers use in their efforts to overcome those challenges. Article 3 includes a field experiment to test if using learning contracts in a training program will help more entrepreneurs begin following new business practices. This article also includes a quasi-experimental impact evaluation of the training program as a whole on entrepreneurs' business knowledge, application of business principles, and sales and expenses. The learning contracts showed some impact but not on all business practices. The training program as a whole had a statistically significant impact on knowledge and application but the impact on sales was not statistically significant.
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Evaluation of Overall Environmental Impacts of Alternatives for Emission Control Systems applied for Waste to Energy Process / Utvärdering av miljöpåverkan hos alternativa rökgas- och kondensatreningssystem för avfallsförbränningSundin, Camilla January 2017 (has links)
Vattenfall operates a cogeneration plant where household and industrial waste is incinerated to generate electricity and district heating. The waste incineration generates flue gases, and the energy in the hot flue gases is recovered by condensation. Both flue gases and the flue gas condensate are treated by emission control systems before being released into nature. The emission control system is planned to be updated with better technologies currently applied in Sweden. In this study, a comparison of the overall environmental impact of the current emission control system and the new system for emission control is performed. Vattenfall will perform a comparative life cycle assessment, LCA, of the two emission control systems. A part of the LCA is an inventory analysis. In this study, data required for the inventory analysis will be collected and quantified. The parameters considered are emissions to air and water, consumption of chemicals, produced solid residue, and water utilization. The objectives with the planned upgrade of the emission control system, which are evaluated in this study, are to obtain a cleaner condensate stream that can be reused in the system, to reach a higher tolerance of sulphur content in the fuel, and to reach a better reduction of emissions, for future stricter regulation. From the perspective of this study, the new system for emission control system seems to be the choice for emission control system with the least environmental impact. The results show that the reasons for upgrading the emission control system are met with the new system. The condensate is significantly cleaner with the new alternative emission control system than in the current one, the total amount of emissions decreases by 99,98 w%. The significantly smaller amount of emissions results in a condensate flow that can be reused in the system, which could save a considerable amount of raw water each year. The SO2 emissions are reduced by 99,5 w%, which show that a higher sulphur content in the fuel could be tolerated with the new emission control system. Furthermore, the total amount of emission content in the flue gas decreases with 61,9 w% with the new emission control system. The emission parameters that are deemed likely to be more strictly regulated in coming regulations, NOx and Hg, are both significantly reduced with the new emission control system. On the other hand, both the consumption of chemicals and the production of solid residue increases in the new emission control system, compared to the current one. These aspects are important drawbacks with the new system, and the environmental impact of these aspects needs to be further investigated in the planned LCA. / Vattenfall driver ett kraftvärmeverk där avfall från hushåll och industrier förbränns för att generera el och fjärrvärme. Avfallsförbränningen genererar rökgaser, och energin i rökgaserna utvinns genom kondensering. Rökgaserna och kondensatet renas från föroreningar innan de släpps ut i naturen. Systemet för rökgas- och kondensatrening ska uppdateras till nyare tekniker. I det här arbetet jämförs den totala miljöpåverkan av det nuvarande och det nya systemet för rökgas- och kondensatrening. Vattenfall kommer i framtiden att utföra en jämförande livscykelanalys av de två rökgas- och kondensatreningssystemen. En del i en livscykelanalys är en inventeringsanalys. Syftet med det här arbetet är att samla in och kvantifiera den data som behövs för inventeringsanalysen. Parametrarna som tas med i inventeringsanalysen är utsläpp till luft och vatten, kemikalieförbrukning, restprodukter samt vattenförbrukning. Målen med uppdateringen av rökgas- och kondensatreningssystemen är att erhålla ett renare kondensat som kan återanvändas i systemet, att kunna elda bränsle med en högre halt svavel och fortfarande hålla utsläppen under utsläppsgränserna, samt att få en bättre rening av föroreningar för att kunna möta framtida utsläppskrav. Målet med detta arbete är att utvärdera hur väl dessa aspekter möts i det nya systemet för rökgas- och kondensatrening. Utifrån de aspekter som utvärderats i denna studie verkar det nya systemet för rökgas- och kondensatrening ha en mindre miljöpåverkan än det nuvarande. Resultaten visar att alla målen med att uppdatera rökgas- och kondensatreningssystemet nås med det nya systemet. Kondensatet blir signifikant renare med det nya systemet jämfört med det nuvarande, den totala mängden föroreningar i kondensatet minskar med 99,98 vikts%. Det innebär att kondensatet kan återanvändas i systemet, och en betydande mängd råvatten kan sparas varje år. Utsläppen av SO2 minskar med 99,5 vikts%, vilket visar att en högre svavelhalt i bränslet skulle kunna tolereras. Vidare minskar den totala mängden föroreningar i rökgaserna med 61,9 vikts%. De föroreningsparametrar som bedöms bli mer strikt reglerade inom en snar framtid, NOx och Hg, reduceras signifikant med det nya systemet för rökgas- och kondensatrening. Däremot ökar både kemikalieförbrukningen och mängden producerad restprodukt. Ökningarna är betydande nackdelar för det nya systemet, och miljöpåverkan av detta bör undersökas vidare i den planerade livscykelanalysen.
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Can an intervention increase access to higher education for disadvantaged students? : Quasi-experimental evidence from PeruCanales Carballido, Gloria Fatima January 2023 (has links)
Heterogeneity in the school education quality plays an important role for those who want to pursue a bachelor's degree in Peru since access to higher education is highly correlated with socioeconomic status. In that sense, an intervention for disadvantaged students took place for the first time in 2022 and was constrained to the assessment of a scholarship called “Beca 18”, the biggest scholarship that the public institution called PRONABEC addresses every year since 2012. The intervention included additional tools for a group of applicants: (i) full-time online classes for 2 to 4 months; (ii) an electronic device with an internet connection; and (iii) the admission exam payment fully covered up to 2 times. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention in increasing the likelihood of the treated to access higher education through the 2022 “Beca 18” scholarship process. As the treatment was not randomly assigned, a control group was estimated using the Propensity Score Matching methodology based on individual characteristics. Results showed that there is no statistically significant effect of the intervention in the treated applicants and invite to re-evaluate its design and implementation.
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