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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of noise in hospital emergency departments

Mahapatra, Arun Kiran 08 November 2011 (has links)
The hospital sound environment is complex. Emergency Departments (EDs), in particular, have proven to be hectic work environments populated with diverse sound sources. Medical equipment, alarms, and communication events generate noise that can interfere with staff concentration and communication. In this study, sound measurements and analyses were conducted in six hospitals total: three civilian hospitals in Atlanta, Georgia and Dublin, Ohio, as well as three Washington, DC-area hospitals in the Military Health System (MHS). The equivalent, minimum, and maximum sound pressure levels were recorded over twenty-four hours in several locations in each ED, with shorter 15-30 minute measurements performed in other areas. Acoustic descriptors, such as spectral content, level distributions, and speech intelligibility were examined. The perception of these acoustic qualities by hospital staff was also evaluated through subjective surveys. It was found that noise levels in both work areas and patient rooms were excessive. Additionally, speech intelligibility measurements and survey results show that background noise presents a significant obstacle in effective communication between staff members and patients. Compared to previous studies, this study looks at a wider range of acoustic metrics and the corresponding perceptions of staff in order to form a more precise and accurate depiction of the ED sound environment.

The impact of ad, personal, and situational characteristics on positive affect and felt urge to buy impulsively.  A quantitative study in the Facebook context

Bjuhr, Beatrice, Pham, My Tra January 2015 (has links)
Social media has grown in importance as an advertising communication tool, and companies take advantages of this by using social media marketing to meet their marketing objectives. The research context in this study is chosen to be the social media Facebook, mainly since it is the biggest and most used social media in Sweden but also since Facebook offers companies many different commercial options. We detected a research gap, since there is a lack of theory on Facebook’s customized advertisements on a more specific context that is felt urge to buy impulsively. We could also identify a research gap since there is no study investigating how positive affect and felt urge to buy impulsively are affected by different characteristics in Umeå, Sweden or in the Facebook context among Umeå members. The purpose with this study is to investigate the effects of ad characteristics, personal consumption characteristics, and situational characteristics on positive affect and felt urge to buy impulsively. The characteristics consist of nine constructs; felt urge to buy impulsively, positive affect, promotional effect, atmospheric effect, impulse buying tendency, hedonic consumption, customized advertisement, time availability and money availability. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis, we conducted a quantitative study. In the quantitative study we conducted a web-based self-selected survey. The link to the survey was posted in four different Facebook groups and on our own Facebook pages. The link the survey was also distributed by flyers to randomly targeted people at Umeå University and Umeå center. By conducting a survey we were able to detect effects between the variables. When analyzing the results using regression analysis we concluded there are eight supported hypothesizes. The first multiple regression analysis showed that promotional effect, atmospheric effect, hedonic consumption tendency, customized advertisement and time availability had a significant positive effect on positive affect. In the second multiple regression analysis we concluded that hedonic consumption tendency and customized advertisement had a significant positive effect on felt urge to buy impulsively. The last regression analysis showed that positive affect had a significant positive effect on felt urge to buy impulsively. From the result we could confirm some of previous study’s findings and also contribute with new findings. We also suggest practical recommendations for companies using Facebook as an advertising channel, and how they can improve the advertising to make a good impression on the consumers.

Köper du, köper jag : En studie om hur influencers påverkar impulsköp genom sociala medier

Lydin, Elin, Olsson, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur interaktion med och bekräftelse av opinion leaders påverkar konsumenters impulshandlande genom företags marknadsföring via s-commerce. Denna studie genomfördes således för att tydliggöra om influencers genom olika faktorer kan påverka impulsköp online.  Metod: Metoden som användes för att genomföra denna studie var en kvantitativ studie genom webbaserade enkätundersökningar. Resultatet från denna analyserades sedan i programmet SPSS för att få fram en tydlig bild av hur faktorerna påverkar impulsköp. Populationen innehåller män och kvinnor från åldern 16 år och uppåt som följer en influencer på sociala medier. Urvalet är sedan de som är medlemmar i Facebookgruppen "Fredagspoddens vänner" samt de som följer Jessica Lagergren och Elin Lindqvist på Instagram.  Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visade att påverkan från influencers inte var speciellt stor och att konsumenter tenderar att impulshandla till en större grad om dessa inte var inblandade. Trots att påverkan var liten tydliggjordes det att bekräftelse från influencers var den faktor som påverkade respondenterna mest.  Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar till ökad förståelse för hur företag ska använda sig av influencers i sin marknadsföring för att generera impulsköp online och bygger vidare på det gap som tidigare forskning har observerat.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Till fortsatt forskning hade det varit intressant att se hur många impulsköp ett samarbete mellan företag och influencers i snitt genererar. En annan sak att undersöka är vilket socialt medie som genererar flest impulsköp. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyze how interaction with and confirmation from opinion leaders affect consumers' impulse buying through companies marketing via social commerce. This study was thus accomplished to clarify whether influencers, through different factors, can influence impulse purchases online. Method: The method that was used in this study was a quantitative study through web-based surveys. The results from these was then analyzed in the program SPSS to get a clear picture of how the factors affect impulse purchases. The population contains men and women from the age of 16 years and upwards that are following an influencer on social media. The selection group is then those who are members of the Facebook group "Fredagspoddens vänner" as well as those following Jessica Lagergren and Elin Lindqvist at Instagram. Result and conclusions: The result showed that the influence of influencers was not particularly great, and consumers tend to impulse buy to a greater extent if they were not involved. Although the impact was small, it was clear that the confirmation from influencers was the factor that affected the respondents the most.  Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to increased understanding of how businesses should use influencers in their marketing to generate impulse purchases online as well as it is built on the gap that previous research has observed. Suggestions for future research: For further research, it would be interesting to see how many impulse purchases that on average are generated by collaborations between companies and influencers. Another thing to investegate is what social media that generates the most impulse purchases.

Análise da influência de diferentes geometrias de retificador de fluxo no desempenho de um sensor tipo \"impulse swirl meter\" utilizado para medição de cabeçotes. / Analysis of influence for different flow straightener geometries in the performance of sensor type \"Impulse Swirl Meter\" used to swirl measurement in cylinder heads.

Mauricio Bishop Camata 16 November 2016 (has links)
O número de swirl de um cabeçote de motor de combustão interna pode ser medido pelo método de vazão em regime permanente. Nesse método o ar é forçado através do cabeçote para diferentes aberturas de válvula. O sensor comumente utilizado nas plataformas para a medição do swirl é o do tipo ISM (impulse swirl meter) que utiliza um retificador de fluxo como o componente principal para capturar o momento angular de rotação do fluxo de ar. Esse trabalho visa encontrar as dimensões geométricas para o retificador de fluxo utilizado em sensor tipo ISM, de tal forma que esse retificador possibilite a realização das medições com a menor interferência possível no resultado final. Dezesseis retificadores de diferentes dimensões foram construídos a partir do processo conhecido como prototipagem rápida. Vários ensaios foram realizados em uma plataforma que utiliza o método de vazão em regime permanente para a medição de swirl em cabeçotes. Para todos os ensaios foi utilizando um mesmo cabeçote de motor diesel como gerador de swirl. No capítulo conclusões são apresentadas as dimensões geométricas que resultaram em menor interferência no fluxo e uma maior eficiência do sensor, bem como sugestões para trabalhos futuros. / The swirl number of a cylinder head can be measured by a steady state flow method in which air is forced through the cylinder head for different valve openings. The sensors commonly used on the swirl measurement platform are of the ISM type (impulse swirl meter) that use a flow straightener as the main component to capture the rotational angular momentum of the air flow. This study objective is to determine the geometric dimensions for the flow straightener used in the ISM sensor, which still allows the measurement but causes the least interference on the measurement result. Sixteen different flow straighteners were constructed by rapid prototyping process. Several tests were performed on a platform that uses the steady state flow method to measure the swirl number of cylinder heads. For all tests the same cylinder head was used as swirl generator. The conclusion chapter presents the geometric dimensions that caused the least interference in the flow and resulted in a greater sensor efficiency, as well as suggestions for future studies.

How do SMIs’ Influence Our Impulsive Buying Behavior? : A consumers’ perspective: A qualitative study on SMIs’ influence on consumers’ impulsive buying behavior

Hämäläinen, Liisa, Tigerhielm, Sebastian January 2024 (has links)
With growing social media usage, social media influencers’ (SMIs) are getting more popular within the realm of social media marketing and are widely used by brands. Previous studies have shown SMI marketing influences consumers’ impulsive buying behavior in prominent ways such as by SMI-generated content, trust in SMI and SMI credibility, SMIs’ emotional appeal, SMI visual attractiveness and SMI expertise. Thus, to further elaborate on current knowledge, the purpose of this study is to describe the influence of social media influencers’ on consumers' impulsive buying behavior. A qualitative study including features of both a cross-sectional and a case study approach was conducted. It was found that SMIs’ individual characteristics and personal connections with consumers as well as SMI-generated content and SMIs’ demonstrated knowledge enhance trust and further influence impulsive buying behavior (IBB). Further, key patterns identified the interplay between SMI appearance, inspiration and trust showing that visually attractive SMIs increase trust, thus influencing impulsive buying behavior among consumers. Findings emphasize how characteristics influence each other to influence IBB as well as, how each characteristic recognized, independently influences IBB among consumers.

The financial crisis and household savings in South Africa : An econometric analysis / Itumeleng Pleasure Mongale

Mongale, Itumeleng Pleasure January 2012 (has links)
The "global" financial crisis (GFC) emerged during 2008 and it was mainly triggered by the sub-prime mortgage crisis (SMC) in the United States of America. The main aims of this thesis is to conduct an econometric analysis of the financial crisis and household savings in South Africa and also to provide a rationale that will facilitate a policy attention on Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) through household savings. The study uses quarterly time series data for the period 199401 to 201102 obtained on-line from the South African Reserve Bank (SARB). The research is based on the Keynesian saving function, which is a complement of the consumption function. The model will be estimated by using a cointegrating vector autoregressive (CVAR) framework, which allows for endogeneity of the regressors. To check robustness on the cointegration results, the study employs the second empirical technique based on Generalized Impulse Response Function (GIRF) analysis and Variance Decomposition. The regression equation of household savings is expressed as a function of household disposable income, household debt to disposable income, real GOP, interest rate, inflation rate and foreign savings. The variables are tested for the presence of a unit root by the application of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (AOF), Phillips-Perron (PP) Kwiatkowski, Phillips, Schmidt and Shin (KPSS) tests. The findings of the study are that all variables have unit roots. The cointegration model emphasises the presence of a long run equilibrium relationship between dependent and independent variables. The CVAR reveals the short run of the dynamic household savings model. Taking this into consideration, the study concludes that household debt has a huge influence on the level of household savings. The econometric analysis also revealed that household savings in South Africa actually improved during the period associated with the GFC. It could be postulated that South African households responded to their deteriorating financial situations by reducing their average spending and increasing their savings. Variance decomposition analysis revealed that 'own shocks' constitute the predominant source of variations in household saving therefore household savings can be explained by the disturbances in macroeconomic variables in the study. The study recommends the promotion of household savings and economic growth in order to reduce the dependence of South Africa on foreign savings. DRM is therefore enhanced by a higher level of household savings, which can facilitate higher levels of investment and economic growth. / Thesis (PhD (Economics) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2012

Exploring Natalia Pirozerskaya's piano method and teaching philosophy : an intrinsic case study / Olga Vladimirovna Tsihelashvili

Tsihelashvili, Olga Vladimirovna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the piano method and teaching philosophy practised by the Russian piano pedagogue, Natalia Pirozerskaya. Her piano method is not well known and as a former student of hers I firmly believe in its values and implications for piano pedagogy. The focus of her teaching is a holistic concept of the harmonious (organic) development of the artist-musician as expounded by Yakovlev in relation to vocal art and higher nervous activity. Pirozerskaya’s piano methodology addresses the delicate relations between the inner life of the individual and the process of piano playing. She advocates a self-connected pianism characterised by the integration of all processes with the self. Pirozerskaya links the aesthetic values of Glinka’s artistic tradition to piano pedagogy in relation to creative potentialities and self-expression. The participants of this intrinsic case study were Natalia Pirozerskaya, Olga Tsihelashvili (the researcher) and five of Tsihelashvili’s piano students in Johannesburg. I interviewed the five piano students and through validation strategy of crystallisation the themes emerged. Based on the interviews with the students several themes were identified: 1) They explained that they experience an interconnected unity which can be described as oneness; 2) There was also a sense of deep fondness in the way the pupils shared their feelings about the piano; 3) They pinpointed the existence of an inner driving force – a form of artistic energy emerging as a tangible component of their pianistic process; 4) Concerning the special piano touch advocated by Pirozerskaya, all the students unanimously agreed that it is an effortless transmission from the fingertips straight into the piano which “just happens by itself”. They willingly demonstrated this touch on the piano, thus enriching the evidence; 5) With regard to the physical interaction with the instrument, the students observed the element of the opposing spring-support and the feeling of lightness in the body, essential in Pirozerskaya’s piano technique; 6) They mentioned that when they play they experience a deeper perception of the self; 7) Regarding teaching strategies, a rigid teaching approach and inexpressive mechanical piano playing, their spontaneous reactions proved that they have assimilated the fundamentals of Pirozerskaya’s self-connected pianism and developed a deep insight into the pianistic process. / PhD (Music Performance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Exploring Natalia Pirozerskaya's piano method and teaching philosophy : an intrinsic case study / Olga Vladimirovna Tsihelashvili

Tsihelashvili, Olga Vladimirovna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the piano method and teaching philosophy practised by the Russian piano pedagogue, Natalia Pirozerskaya. Her piano method is not well known and as a former student of hers I firmly believe in its values and implications for piano pedagogy. The focus of her teaching is a holistic concept of the harmonious (organic) development of the artist-musician as expounded by Yakovlev in relation to vocal art and higher nervous activity. Pirozerskaya’s piano methodology addresses the delicate relations between the inner life of the individual and the process of piano playing. She advocates a self-connected pianism characterised by the integration of all processes with the self. Pirozerskaya links the aesthetic values of Glinka’s artistic tradition to piano pedagogy in relation to creative potentialities and self-expression. The participants of this intrinsic case study were Natalia Pirozerskaya, Olga Tsihelashvili (the researcher) and five of Tsihelashvili’s piano students in Johannesburg. I interviewed the five piano students and through validation strategy of crystallisation the themes emerged. Based on the interviews with the students several themes were identified: 1) They explained that they experience an interconnected unity which can be described as oneness; 2) There was also a sense of deep fondness in the way the pupils shared their feelings about the piano; 3) They pinpointed the existence of an inner driving force – a form of artistic energy emerging as a tangible component of their pianistic process; 4) Concerning the special piano touch advocated by Pirozerskaya, all the students unanimously agreed that it is an effortless transmission from the fingertips straight into the piano which “just happens by itself”. They willingly demonstrated this touch on the piano, thus enriching the evidence; 5) With regard to the physical interaction with the instrument, the students observed the element of the opposing spring-support and the feeling of lightness in the body, essential in Pirozerskaya’s piano technique; 6) They mentioned that when they play they experience a deeper perception of the self; 7) Regarding teaching strategies, a rigid teaching approach and inexpressive mechanical piano playing, their spontaneous reactions proved that they have assimilated the fundamentals of Pirozerskaya’s self-connected pianism and developed a deep insight into the pianistic process. / PhD (Music Performance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A Study of Impulse Response System Identification

Paluri, Suraj, Patluri, Sandeep January 2007 (has links)
In system identification, different methods are often classified as parametric or non-parametric methods. For parametric methods, a parametric model of a system is considered and the model parameters are estimated. For non-parametric methods, no parametric model is used and the result of the identification is given as a curve or a function. One of the non-parametric methods is the impulse response analysis. This approach is dynamic simulation. This thesis introduces a new paradigm for dynamic simulation, called impulse-based simulation. This approach is based on choosing a Dirac function as input, and as a result, the output will be equal to the impulse response. However, a Dirac function cannot be realized in practice, and an approximation has to be used. As a consequence, the output will deviate from the impulse response. Once the impulse response is estimated, a parametric model can be fitted to the estimation. This thesis aims to determine the parameters in a parametric model from an estimated impulse response. The process of investigating the models is a critical aspect of the project. Correlation analysis is used to obtain the weighting function from the estimates of covariance functions. Later, a relation formed between the parameters and the estimates (obtained by correlation analysis) in the form of a linear system of equations. Furthermore, simulations are carried out using Monte Carlo for investigating the properties of the two step approach, which involves in correlation analysis to find h-parameters and least squares and total least squares methods to solve for the parameters of the model. In order to evaluate the complete capability of the approach to the noise variation a study of signal to noise ratio and mean, mean square error and variances of the estimated parameters is carried out. The results of the Monte Carlo study indicate that two-step approach can give rather accurate parameter estimates. In addition, the least squares and total least squares methods give similar results.

Relativistic distorted wave analysis of neutrino-induced strange particle production on nuclei

Adera, Gashaw Bekele 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See fulltext for abstract. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir opsomming.

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