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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att mäta effektivitet i utvecklingsarbete : En kartläggning av förutsättningarna på Saab Aerosystems / How to measure development efficiency : A study at Saab Aerosystems

Hellstrandh, Petter, Holmqvist, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ökad kunskap och kännedom om sin organisations prestanda är något som alla företag eftersträvar. Att kunna prediktera vilka resurser ett utvecklingsarbete kräver är en förutsättning för att kunna genomföra ett bra offertarbete. Dessutom krävs prestandakännedom för att kunna sätta mål för det interna målstyrningsarbetet. Kännedomen uppnås genom ett etablerat mätsystem, som innefattar insamlande och användande av mätdata, det är inom detta område som vårat examensarbete har sitt fokus. Närmare bestämt belyses framgångsfaktorer vid implementationen samt hur användandet av mätdata bör gå till. Det som gör vår studie unik är att vi tittar på dessa två aspekter samtidigt. Tidigare studier inom området har enbart fokuserat på faktorer som påverkar implementationen av mätsystemet. Vi hävdar att användandet är ytterligare en faktor som är viktigt för att få mätsystemet etablerat och accepterat.</p><p>Genom intervjuer på Saab Aerosystems, företaget där vi utfört vår studie, har organisationens nuläge identifierats. Med vår teoretiska referensram som grund analyseras och diskuteras situationen på företaget och slutligen återges de fem rekommendationer vi kommit fram till. Vi menar att Saab Aerosystems, genom att följa våra rekommendationer i sitt fortsatta förändringsarbete, kan skapa bättre förutsättningar för mät- och analysarbete inom organisationen.</p> / <p>Increased knowledge and understanding of the performance of its organization is something that all companies strive after. Being able to predict the necessary resources for a development project is a prerequisite in the work of making offers. This knowledge regarding performance is also needed to be able to set goals for the goal-driven management. The knowledge is acquired through an established measurement system, which contains the gathering and use of the data and it is in this field this thesis has its focus. More precise, this thesis discusses the factors of success when implementing a measurement system and the use of the data it produces. What makes our study unique is that we are looking into these two areas jointly. Prior studies in this field have focused solely on the success factors regarding the implementation of a measurement system. We argue that the use of data is another important factor in getting the measurement system established and accepted by its users.</p><p>Through interviews at Saab Aerosystems, were we conducted this study, has the organization’s present situation been identified. With our theoretical frame of reference as a foundation, we analyze and discuss the situation at the company and at the end the five recommendations that we reached are given. We argue that Saab Aerosystems, by using these recommendations in their continued work with improvements, can create better conditions for their work with measurement and analysis within the organization.</p>

Analytics for Management : En modell som beskriver framtagandet av ett beslutsunderlag där rätt mätetal visualiseras på rätt sätt utifrån en formulerad strategi / Analytics for Management : A model that describes the development of decision making tools that visualize the right KPIs based on corporate strategy

Sandén, Louise, Chowdhury, Tanima January 2015 (has links)
Hur strategiarbete och processmätning bör gå till behandlas i befintliga teorier var för sig även om vikten av att sammankoppla dessa också beskrivs. Dock anses det saknas en enhetlig modell som förenar strategiarbete och processmätningar fullt ut och beskriver hur genomförandet praktiskt ska gå till. Med bakgrund i detta syftar examensarbetet Analytics for Management (AFM) till att utveckla en modell som beskriver hur mätetal (Key Performance Indicators, KPI:er) tas fram utifrån ett företags strategi och visualiseras på rätt sätt för att kunna beskriva enskilda processers kapacitet och förmåga. Detta resulterar i ett beslutsunderlag på ledningsnivå där strategiarbete och processmätning kopplas samman. Framtagandet av AFM-modellen inleddes med teoretiska studier inom ämnet vilket resulterade i en konceptuell modell. Därefter testades den konceptuella modellen genom fallstudier på tre företag med olika struktur och storlek. Genom att kombinera den konceptuella modellen med resultaten från fallstudierna färdigställdes sedan den slutgiltiga AFM-modellen. AFM-modellen består av tre faser där den första fasen involverar strategikonkretisering och målnedbrytning. Fasen innefattar att strategin bryts ner till strategiska mål och en strategikarta, formulering av kritiska framgångsfaktorer (KFF:er) och slutligen framtagning av taktiska mål. I den andra fasen sker KPI-framtagning genom att först generera preliminära KPI:er utifrån de taktiska målen och sedan kartlägga dem för att identifiera två typer av KPI:er. Dessa är utfallsmått (Key Performance Outcomes, KPO:er), som beskriver processprestandan och påverkansmått (Key Performance Drivers, KPD:er), som påverkar utfallen som KPO:er illustrerar. Genom att KPD:erna förbättras kan även KPO:erna förbättras och därför är det viktigt att styrning sker med hjälp av KPD:erna. Efter att KPI:er har kartlagts väljs vilka KPI:er som ska användas för mätning. I den sista fasen sker mätningsförberedelser genom att göra en datainsamlingsplan. Därefter sker mätningar och slutligen sammanställs mätdata för att visualisera KPI:erna på ett bra sätt. Hur KPI:er ska visualiseras beror på KPI-typ eftersom KPO:er och KPD:er ska användas för olika syften. KPO:erna ska visualiseras med enkla diagram i ett resultatkort som ledningen ska använda sig utav i ett första steg för att följa upp verksamheten. För att sedan finna orsaken till KPO:erna och kunna förbättra dem, ska ett styrkort användas. I styrkortet sammanställs KPD:erna med hjälp av styrdiagram, vilka visar variation över tid i processerna, för att tidigt upptäcka förändringar och därmed styra processer. AFM-modellen resulterar med hjälp av resultatkortet och styrkortet i ett beslutsunderlag där rätt KPI:er visualiseras på rätt sätt. Resultaten från fallstudieföretagen har visat att AFM-modellen har hög generaliserbarhet. Vidare kan AFM-modellen användas av olika typer av organisationer då strategiarbete och processmätning är aktuellt och viktigt för det dagliga arbetet oavsett bransch. Modellen ska genom beslutsunderlaget underlätta för organisationer att agera handlingskraftigt och arbeta mer proaktivt med hjälp av beslut baserat på data framtaget utifrån företagets strategi. AFM-modellen möjliggör därmed en enhetlig användning av mätetal i organisationen, där uppföljningsarbetet i hela verksamheten genomsyras av strategin. / In existing theory, strategic management and process measurements are commonly treated separately even though the importance of connecting them is also mentioned. However, a comprehensive model or theory that combines strategic management and process measurement fully and describes how the implementation should be done in practice has not been found in literature. Thereby, the aim of the thesis Analytics for Management (AFM) is to develop a model that describes how to develop the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on corporate strategy and visualize them correctly in order to describe process performance. This results in a decision-making tool that combines strategic management and process measurement to be used by management. The model was initially developed through theoretical studies that resulted in a conceptual model. Thereafter, the conceptual model was tested through case studies at three companies with different organizational structure and size. By combining the theories and the results from the field studies the AFM model was finalized. The AFM model consists of three phases, where the first phase involves strategy decomposition and goal formulation. This is done by a stepwise decomposition of the strategy through strategic objectives and a strategy map, formulation of critical success factors finally resulting in tactical objectives. In the second phase, KPIs are developed by generating preliminary KPIs based on the tactical goals and then mapping them. KPI mapping is used to distinguish between different types of KPIs resulting in identification of Key Performance Outcomes (KPO) that describe the process performance and Key Performance Drivers (KPD) affecting the outcome that the KPOs represent. The KPDs drive the results of the organization, and should therefore be used for monitoring and controlling the business. When the KPI mapping has been completed the KPIs that will be used for measurement are chosen. In the final phase, measurement preparations are done through a data collection plan. Thereafter measurements are performed and compiled in order to visualize KPIs correctly. As the KPOs and KPDs should be used for different purposes they should also be visualized differently. KPOs should be visualized through simple charts in a scorecard that the management should use as a first step for monitoring. Then, in order to find the cause of the KPOs and be able to improve them, a controlcard should be used. The KPDs are compiled in the controlcard through control charts, which show variation in processes, and enables early detection of changes and process control. The AFM model thereby, through the use of a scorecard and a controlcard, results in a decision-making tool where the right KPIs are visualized correctly. The results from the field studies and the different characteristics of the companies have proven a high level of generalizability of the model. Furthermore, the AFM model addresses highly important and pressing issues involving strategic management and process measurement, which all types of companies need to consider in daily operations. The AFM model aims to make it easier for organizations to act energetically and proactive through the decision-making tool. In conclusion, the AFM model enables a uniform use of metrics aligned with the strategy, in order to monitor and control process performance.

Διαδικασία ανάπτυξης βιομηχανικών εφαρμογών ελέγχου και εργαλείο υποστήριξής της

Τρανώρης, Χρήστος Σ. 13 February 2009 (has links)
Η αναβάθμιση της διαδικασίας ανάπτυξης εφαρμογών λογισμικού που αφορούν τον έλεγχο βιομηχανικών συστημάτων, είναι ένα θέμα που απασχολεί για δεκαετίες του μηχανικούς ελέγχου αλλά και τους μηχανικούς λογισμικού. Κατά την ανάπτυξη των βιομηχανικών εφαρμογών, οι μηχανικοί καλούνται να ικανοποιήσουν πληθώρα απαιτήσεων μεταξύ των οποίων: συμβατότητα με το υπάρχον εγκατεστημένο υλικό, συμβατότητα με τις ήδη εγκατεστημένες παλαιότερες εφαρμογές και επαναχρησιμοποίηση τμημάτων λογισμικού. Για τους παραπάνω λόγους, αναζητούνται συνεχώς λύσεις οι οποίες: θα προσφέρουν μια περισσότερο φιλική προς το μηχανικό ελέγχου διαδικασία ανάπτυξης η οποία θα υποστηρίζει επεκτασιμότητα των εφαρμογών, θα διευκολύνει την επαναχρησιμοποίηση τμημάτων του λογισμικού, θα ενισχύει την συντήρηση του λογισμικού και θα είναι ανεξάρτητη από το υλικό εκτέλεσης των βιομηχανικών συστημάτων. Η International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) για να αντιμετωπίσει τις απαιτήσεις των σύγχρονων συστημάτων δημιούργησε το πρότυπο IEC61499 το οποίο έρχεται να επεκτείνει το Function Block του IEC61131. Το IEC61499, καθορίζει μια μεθοδολογία σχεδιασμού, όπου το Function Block είναι το βασικό δομικό συστατικό για την ανάπτυξη διαλειτουργικών κατανεμημένων εφαρμογών αυτοματισμού και ελέγχου. Οι εφαρμογές ελέγχου μπορούν να υλοποιηθούν από Function Block δίκτυα διασυνδέοντας τις εισόδους και εξόδους τους. Το IEC61499 προτείνει επίσης τον σχεδιασμό εργαλείων λογισμικού για την υποστήριξη (εν μέρει αυτοματοποίηση) της διαδικασίας ανάπτυξης. Στην παρούσα διατριβή, παρουσιάζεται μια νέα προσέγγιση για τον σχεδιασμό κατανεμημένων βιομηχανικών εφαρμογών και πιο συγκεκριμένα Συστημάτων Μέτρησης και Ελέγχου Βιομηχανικών Διεργασιών1 (IPMCSs) όπως τα ορίζει το πρότυπο IEC. Η προσέγγιση εστιάζει στον ορισμό μιας μεθοδολογίας για την φάση της ανάλυσης και κύρια την τεκμηρίωση των απαιτήσεων και τον μετέπειτα μετασχηματισμό του μοντέλου ανάλυσης σε μοντέλο σχεδιασμού. Η προτεινόμενη προσέγγιση βασίζεται σε κατάλληλα οριζόμενες έννοιες και τεχνικές και αξιοποιεί τελευταίες τάσεις από το χώρο της Μηχανιστικής Λογισμικού (Software Engineering), όπως είναι η έννοια της μετα-μοντελοποίησης (Meta-modeling) όπως αυτή ορίζεται στα πλαίσια της βασισμένης σε μοντέλα ανάπτυξης (Model Driven Development) και της Unified Modeling Language (UML) και των επεκτάσεων της (UML Profiles) και εφαρμογή αυτών στο σχεδιασμό βιομηχανικών εφαρμογών. Για την ομαλή μετάβαση από τις καταγεγραμμένες απαιτήσεις σε μοντέλα σχεδιασμού τεκμηριώθηκε και παρουσιάζεται ένα σύνολο κανόνων μετασχηματισμού το οποίο περιγράφηκε αυστηρά με χρήση της Object Constraint Language. Για να αξιοποιηθεί η προτεινόμενη προσέγγιση από μηχανικούς ελέγχου, σχεδιάστηκε και υλοποιήθηκε ένα εργαλείο λογισμικού συμβατό με το πρότυπο IEC61499. Το εργαλείο που έχει το όνομα CORFU ESS έρχεται να υποστηρίξει: α) την φάση της ανάλυσης, β) τον μετασχηματισμό του μοντέλου ανάλυσης σε μοντέλο σχεδιασμού, γ) τον σχεδιασμό εφαρμογών με Function Blocks όπως ορίζει το IEC61499, δ) την κατανομή των Function Block στις συσκευές των βιομηχανικών δικτύων και ε) τον έλεγχο των τελικών Function Block δικτύων. Η προσέγγιση εφαρμόσθηκε σε μελέτες περίπτωσης για να επιδείξει την εφαρμοσιμότητα της προτεινόμενης διαδικασίας, την αποτελεσματικότητα του εργαλείου που αναπτύχθηκε και την δυνατότητα της διαδικασίας και του εργαλείου να καλύψουν απαιτήσεις μικρής ή μεγάλης κλίμακας εφαρμογών. / Following technology’s trends, engineers in the industrial and control sector continuously face problems on developing distributed industrial control applications that should meet various functional, interface, operational and performance requirements by conforming on engineering concerns such as maintainability and reliability. During the development of industrial applications, engineers deal with aspects on device compatibility, software compatibility and software reusability. To deal with these challenges, control engineers are underway in applying Software Engineering practices in the development process of distributed industrial control applications that will enhance reusability, maintainability and will be independent of the underlying platform. A proof of this motion is the standard 61499 of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) which is affected from practices and current trends in Software Engineering. The IEC 61499 standard extends the FB concept of IEC1131 to share many of the well defined and already widely acknowledged benefits of concepts introduced by object technology. This standard describes also a methodology that defines the FB as the main building block and specifies the way that FBs can be used to define robust, re-usable software components that constitute complex IPMCSs. Complete control applications, can be built from networks of FBs that are formed by interconnecting their inputs and outputs. IEC 61499 proposes also that, Engineering Support Systems (ESSs) are highly required to support the whole development process. This dissertation presents a new approach for the design of distributed industrial control applications or Industrial Process Measurement and Control Systems (IPMCSs) as defined in the IEC 61499. The approach defines a methodology for the analysis phase, based on object-oriented concepts, and mainly focuses in the requirements specification and the transformation from the analysis model to the design model. The approach is based on properly defined concepts and adopts modern techniques and latest trends from Software Engineering such as the concept of metamodeling, Model Driven Development (MDL), the Unified Modeling language (UML), UML extensions as defined in UML profiles and applies them to the design of distributed industrial control applications. For the transition from requirements specification to design models a set of transformation rules is presented, formally specified by means of the Object Constraint Language, that are used to later to automate the transition process. Towards the automation and the exploitation from control engineers of the proposed approach, a prototype ESS that supports the development process and is compatible with IEC61499 was implemented. The ESS named CORFU ESS comes to support all the phases of the proposed process: the object-oriented analysis, the automated transformation process from the analysis to the design model, the design with Function Blocks as proposed from the IEC 61499 standard, the verification of Function Block diagrams and the distribution of Function Blocks to industrial field devices. In order to verify the development process, several case studies have been designed and are presented in the context of this dissertation in order to prove: the applicability of the proposed approach, the effectiveness of the implemented prototype ESS and the ability of the approach to cover small and large scale applications.

Att mäta effektivitet i utvecklingsarbete : En kartläggning av förutsättningarna på Saab Aerosystems / How to measure development efficiency : A study at Saab Aerosystems

Hellstrandh, Petter, Holmqvist, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
Ökad kunskap och kännedom om sin organisations prestanda är något som alla företag eftersträvar. Att kunna prediktera vilka resurser ett utvecklingsarbete kräver är en förutsättning för att kunna genomföra ett bra offertarbete. Dessutom krävs prestandakännedom för att kunna sätta mål för det interna målstyrningsarbetet. Kännedomen uppnås genom ett etablerat mätsystem, som innefattar insamlande och användande av mätdata, det är inom detta område som vårat examensarbete har sitt fokus. Närmare bestämt belyses framgångsfaktorer vid implementationen samt hur användandet av mätdata bör gå till. Det som gör vår studie unik är att vi tittar på dessa två aspekter samtidigt. Tidigare studier inom området har enbart fokuserat på faktorer som påverkar implementationen av mätsystemet. Vi hävdar att användandet är ytterligare en faktor som är viktigt för att få mätsystemet etablerat och accepterat. Genom intervjuer på Saab Aerosystems, företaget där vi utfört vår studie, har organisationens nuläge identifierats. Med vår teoretiska referensram som grund analyseras och diskuteras situationen på företaget och slutligen återges de fem rekommendationer vi kommit fram till. Vi menar att Saab Aerosystems, genom att följa våra rekommendationer i sitt fortsatta förändringsarbete, kan skapa bättre förutsättningar för mät- och analysarbete inom organisationen. / Increased knowledge and understanding of the performance of its organization is something that all companies strive after. Being able to predict the necessary resources for a development project is a prerequisite in the work of making offers. This knowledge regarding performance is also needed to be able to set goals for the goal-driven management. The knowledge is acquired through an established measurement system, which contains the gathering and use of the data and it is in this field this thesis has its focus. More precise, this thesis discusses the factors of success when implementing a measurement system and the use of the data it produces. What makes our study unique is that we are looking into these two areas jointly. Prior studies in this field have focused solely on the success factors regarding the implementation of a measurement system. We argue that the use of data is another important factor in getting the measurement system established and accepted by its users. Through interviews at Saab Aerosystems, were we conducted this study, has the organization’s present situation been identified. With our theoretical frame of reference as a foundation, we analyze and discuss the situation at the company and at the end the five recommendations that we reached are given. We argue that Saab Aerosystems, by using these recommendations in their continued work with improvements, can create better conditions for their work with measurement and analysis within the organization.

Autos eletrônicos na Justiça Federal da 2ª Região: a contribuição do processo eletrônico na redução do tempo de tramitação dos processos

Olivieri, Rosângela do Carmo January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Mizukami (pedro.mizukami@fgv.br) on 2011-08-17T22:05:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DMPPJ - ROSÂNGELA OLIVIERI.pdf: 4814344 bytes, checksum: d767b7d40429dd4631c936543af77882 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pedro Mizukami (pedro.mizukami@fgv.br) on 2011-08-19T17:44:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DMPPJ - ROSÂNGELA OLIVIERI.pdf: 4814344 bytes, checksum: d767b7d40429dd4631c936543af77882 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-09-01T13:02:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DMPPJ - ROSÂNGELA OLIVIERI.pdf: 4814344 bytes, checksum: d767b7d40429dd4631c936543af77882 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Este estudo teve o objetivo de examinar a contribuição do processo eletrônico na redução do tempo médio de tramitação do processo. Para alcançar este objetivo, realizou-se pesquisa descritiva documental, com dados de campo coletados, em junho de 2009, em catorze Juizados Especiais Federais e três Turmas Recursais da 2ª Região, totalizando 1444 processos (físicos e eletrônicos) que atingiram a baixa finda no referido mês. Os principais resultados indicam que, no período observado, o processo eletrônico foi mais célere do que o processo físico, alcançando, em média, 70% de redução do tempo de tramitação do processo. Sustentam também que essa redução é variável no tempo transcorrido entre fases distintas do processo. Nesse contexto, propõe-se a criação de indicador de Tempo Médio de Tramitação do Processo, que indique a ocorrência atualizada de cada fase selecionada, em comparação com o passado, pois ambos constituem referência para análise e estudo de situações e tomadas de decisão relativas à celeridade na prestação jurisdicional, sem perda da qualidade dos resultados já obtidos. Em síntese, os resultados sustentam a premissa de que o processo eletrônico é uma das ferramentas valiosas para combater a morosidade no Poder Judiciário e auxiliar no aumento do Índice de Confiança na Justiça no Brasil, fortalecendo o Poder Judiciário e ampliando o acesso à Justiça. Ao final, apresentam-se conclusões e sugestões que têm em vista acelerar e ampliar o acesso à justiça. / This study aimed to examine the contribution of the electronic process in reducing the average length of the proceedings. To achieve this goal, we carried out descriptive documentary, with field data collected in June 2009, in fourteen Special Federal Courts and three Courts of Appeal in the 2nd Region, totaling 1444 cases (physical and electronic) that reached their conclusion that month. The main results indicate that during the period observed, the electronic process is faster than the physical process, reaching on average 70% reduction in length of the proceedings. It was also found that this reduction is variable in time among distinct stages of the processo Based on these results and directions of the doctrine, it is proposed to create an indicator of average time of proceedings, which indicates the current occurrence of each stage selected, as well as past behavior, since both make reference to analysis and study of situations and future decision-making associated with the speed of adjudication, without loss of quality of the results already obtained. The electronic process is one of the tools used to address delays in the judicial branch and can help increase the Index of Confidence in Justice in Brazil, strengthening the judiciary and enhancing access to justice. In the end, we present conclusions and suggestions which are intended to accelerate and expand access to justice.

Způsobilost měření karoserie na In-line 3D měřícím zařízení / Capability of body measurement on an in-line 3D measuring device

Čada, Michal January 2020 (has links)
By developing optical measurement technologies of shapes and elements, it is now possible to measure the carbody directly in the production flow of the welding company's line for the production of cars, the so-called „In-line measurement“. When deploying this control process, you also need to process the amount of data measured using the standard described procedure for process control. The thesis presents a proposal for the introduction and control of the dimensional inspection process of the final product of the welded body.

Modélisation et caractérisation des défauts de structure de machine-outil 5 axes pour la mesure in-process / Modelling and identification of geometric errors on 5-axis machine tools with the aim of in-process measurement

Viprey, Fabien 18 November 2016 (has links)
Le principe de la métrologie en cours d’usinage est d'obtenir des données de mesure directement dans le flot de production. Ce principe fait suite au besoin croissant des industriels de réaliser des mesures en ligne durant une opération ou entre deux opérations d'usinage en employant le moyen de production pour mesurer la pièce usinée. La maîtrise des sources d’erreur de mesure telles que les erreurs géométriques est une condition sine qua non pour garantir la métrologie dimensionnelle traçable directement sur les machines-outils. Ces travaux portent sur la modélisation géométrique de machine-outil 5 axes, basée sur une paramétrisation normalisée des erreurs géométriques. Ce modèle est simulé et simplifié par l’utilisation d’une machine virtuelle développée comme un outil d’aide à la compréhension et à la visualisation des effets des erreurs géométriques sur l’erreur volumétrique. Un nouvel étalon matériel thermo-invariant a été développé : la Multi-Feature Bar. Raccordé à la définition internationale du mètre par un étalonnage et une intercomparaison européenne, il permet d’envisager des mesures traçables sur machine-outil dans un environnement hostile. L’identification de trois paramètres intrinsèques à cet étalon, couplée à une procédure de mesure, assure une identification complète et traçable des erreurs de mouvement d’axes linéaires. Suite à cela, l’identification des erreurs entre axes est quant à elle basée sur une analyse de combinaisons de paramètres suffisants pour caractériser au mieux l’erreur volumétrique. Une procédure d’identification des paramètres du modèle est proposée en minimisant la dérive temporelle de la structure ainsi que les effets des erreurs de mouvement précédemment identifiées. Une analyse de sensibilité des paramètres de réglages de la procédure de mesure ainsi que des effets de bruits permet de garantir la qualité de l’identification proposée. / In-process metrology consists in obtaining measurement data directly into the manufacturing process. This method results from an increasing need of manufacturers to carry out on-line measurements during one manufacturing task or between two manufacturing tasks by using the mean of production to measure the machined part. Monitoring the sources of errors like geometric errors is one of the prerequisites to ensure the traceable dimensional metrology directly on the machine tool.This thesis deals with the geometric modeling of 5-axis machine tool based on a standardized parameterization of geometric errors. This model is simulated and simplified by the use of a virtual machine developed in order to help understand and visualize the effects of geometric errors on the volumetric error.A new standard thermo-invariant material namely Multi-Feature Bar has been developed.After its calibration and after a European intercomparison, it provides a direct metrological traceability to the SI meter for dimensional measurement on machine tool in a hostile environment. The identification of three intrinsic parameters of this standard, coupled with a measurement procedure ensures complete and traceable identification of motion errors of linear axes. The identification of position and orientation errors of axis is based on an analysis of combinations of necessary parameters to characterize volumetric error and at best. A model parameter identification procedure is proposed by minimizing the time drift of the structural loop and the effects of previously identified motion errors. Asensitivity analysis of the measurement procedure settings and of the noise effects ensures the quality of this proposed identification.

Dokumentace procesů / Process Documentation

Dostalík, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this project is the identification with management, analysis and documentation of processes which are used in software development and creating prototype which support these processes. It explains why is important to create new working processes, measure their efficiency and improve them subsequently. Next, it describes the methods which help with the integration of these processes at work and, manage them, especially the Rational Unified Process from the IBM company. Then, I describe the ways how to develop www applications and, consequently, how to work with these applications. The thesis also involves the specification of the requirements and the scheme for the program support application of the process documentation and the description of this application. Another part of the thesis is the system in the active web side form serving to the utilization of a process library in the software projects developing.

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