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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immigration and Income Inequality in Sweden

Grundsten, Ronja January 2015 (has links)
Income inequality has been on the rise in many industrialised countries since around the 1980’s. In Sweden the increase of income inequality has been particularly large. This in spite of Sweden’s extensive redistribution system and public policy that prioritize equality among its population. This paper investigates a potential factor for the rise in inequality that is yet fairly unexplored, namely immigration. As inequality has increased in Sweden, so has also immigration. Sweden experienced large refugee inflows after the 1970’s, the largest flow consisting of circa 100 000 Yugoslavs during the Bosnian war. This study provides indications on what way immigration shapes the income distribution and lays the ground for prospective studies. Results show that the inflow of new migrants during the early 1990’s in Sweden raises income inequality and it is almost entirely due to increased dispersion in the lower tail of the income distribution.

Globalizacijos įtakos pajamų nelygybei Europos Sąjungos šalyse įvertinimas / The impact of globalization on income inequality in Europe Union countries

Misiukonytė, Agnė 06 June 2013 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – pasiūlyta metodika įvertinti globalizacijos proceso įtaką pajamų nelygybės kitimui 1995-2011 metais Europos Sąjungos šalyse. Pirmoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami teoriniai globalizacijos veiksnių ir pajamų nelygybės sąryšiai, bei šių reiškinių kiekybinio įvertinimo metodai. Antroje dalyje pateikiama pajamų nelygybės ir globalizacijos situacijos analizė Europos Sąjungos šalims 1995-2011 metais, iškeliamos hipotezės nusakančios globalizacijos poveikį pajamų nelygybei ir pateikiama empirinio tyrimo metodika. Trečiame skyriuje pateikiami empirinio tyrimo rezultatai, jų analizė ir statistinis bei ekonominis vertinimas. Pateikiamos metodinės rekomendacijas tolesniems analogiškos tematikos tyrimams ir ekonominės rekomendacijos pajamų nelygybės mažinimui. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad globalizacija didina pajamų nelygybę per mokslo ir technologijų plėtrą bei tarptautinę prekybą, bei mažina per demokratijos lygio augimą. / The goal of this paper – to suggest a methodology and evaluate the impact of globalization on income inequality in Europe Union countries during period 1995-2011. The first part of the paper deals with theoretical aspects of relationship between globalization and unequal income distribution, as well as analyzes quantitative methods of measuring globalization and income inequality. In the second part, the analysis of factors and indexes of globalization and income inequality is made within Europe Union countries during period 1995-2011. The methodology of empirical research is presented, as well as hypotheses with respect to the goal of the paper. In the third part results are represented and analyzed. The recommendations are made: firstly, methodological ones for the future researches in the analogic topic, secondly, economic ones with a purpose of reducing income inequality. The empirical results showed that research and development increases income inequality as well as international trade, while democracy reduces the level of unequal income distribution.

Namų ūkių pajamų pasiskirstymas ir jų nelygybė Lietuvoje / Household income distribution and inequality in Lithuania

Kiaulakytė, Ilona 03 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamos namų ūkio pajamų pasiskirstymo ir jų nelygybės problemos Lietuvoje. Šį darbą sudaro teorinė ir tiriamoji dalis. Teorinėje darbo dalyje apžvelgiama mokslinė literatūra, leidžianti apibūdinti namų ūkio pajamų pasiskirstymą, pateikiami naudoti statistiniai duomenys ir internetiniai šaltiniai. Darbe išanalizuoti namų ūkių pajamų pasiskirstymą ir jų nelygybę sąlygojantys veiksniai, išskirtos namų ūkių pajamų pasiskirstymą ir jų nelygybę sąlygojančios priežastys bei pateiktos namų ūkių pajamų nelygybės problemos. Tiriamojoje darbo dalyje buvo palygintos namų ūkių disponuojamosios pajamos 2004-2008 m., siekiant nustatyti veiksnius, lemiančius didelį pajamų pasiskirstymą bei jų nelygybę. Įvertinus šalies pajamų pasiskirstymą ir jų nelygybę, buvo ieškoma veiksnių, dariusių įtaką namų ūkių pajamų pasiskirstymo ir jų nelygybės dinamikos skirtumams. Buvo tiriamas namų ūkių pajamų pasiskirstymas ir jų nelygybė apskrityse, priklausomybė nuo bendros ekonominės situacijos pokyčių. Patvirtintos darbo autorės suformuluotos mokslinio tyrimo hipotezės: 1. Namų ūkių disponuojamųjų pajamų struktūra ir dinamika, lyginant atskiras grupes pagal namų ūkio galvos socialinę-ekonominę grupę, namų ūkio tipą, namų ūkio dydį, namų ūkio galvos amžių ir išsilavinimą, gyvenamą vietą, pasižymi dideliais skirtumais. 2. Ekonomikos augimas yra susijęs su namų ūkių pajamų nelygybe. Pateiktos namų ūkių pajamų pasiskirstymo ir jų nelygybės mažinimo priemonės, kurios gali padėti išspręsti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's thesis deals with the household income distribution and inequality issues in Lithuania. This work consists of theoretical and research part. The theoretical part gives an overview of the scientific literature, allowing to describe the distribution of household income, the use of statistical data and online sources. The paper analyzed the distribution of household income inequality and the factors that underlie the isolated household income distribution and inequality and to give reasons for the household income inequalities. The exploratory part of this work has been compared to household disposable income in the period 2004-2008, in order to identify the factors that determine the high and the income distribution inequality. The assessment of the country's income distribution and inequality, and they were looking for factors that did impact on household income inequality in the distribution and dynamics of their differences. It has been studied in household income distribution and inequality in districts dependence on general economic situation changes. Approved by author of the research hypotheses were formulated: 1st Household disposable income structure and dynamics as compared separate groups according to head of household socio-economic group, household type, household size, household head age and education, residence, resulted in significant differences. 2nd Economic growth is linked to household income inequality. Given household income distribution and... [to full text]

Gyventojų pajamų nelygybė ir jų diferenciacijos mažinimo galimybių tyrimas / Analysis of personal income inequality and ways to reduce differentiation of it

Niūniavaitė, Indrė 03 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama gyventojų pajamų nelygybė 2004 – 2009 metais Lietuvoje. Šį darbą sudaro trys dalys. Teorinėje darbo dalyje išanalizuota Lietuvos bei užsienio autorių mokslinė literatūra gyventojų pajamų nelygybės klausimais. Sudaryta gyventojų pajamų dinamikos bei struktūros, jų lygio – struktūros bei pasiskirstymo netolygumo rodiklių sistema. Tiriamojoje dalyje atlikta namų ūkių vidutinių disponuojamųjų pajamų dinamikos bei struktūros analizė pagal gyventojų socialines ekonomines grupes, išskirtos diferenciaciją lėmusios priežastys, taip pat atliktas pajamų lygio bei struktūros ir pasiskirstymo netolygumo įvertinimas. Patvirtinta hipotezė, kad gyventojų pajamų nelygybė tarp skirtingų socialinių sluoksnių pasižymi dideliais skirtumais. Atliekant tyrimą naudoti Lietuvos Statistikos Departamento namų ūkių biudžetų atlikti tyrimai, Lietuvos bei komercinių bankų apžvalgų duomenys. Trečiojoje dalyje pateikiamos gyventojų pajamų nelygybę mažinančios kryptys bei priemonės. Siūloma įvesti progresyvinius mokesčius. / In this master‘s study have bee analysed inequality of personal income in 2004-2009 years in Lithuania. Study consists from three parts. First theorical part of study dedicated to analyse scientific literature of Lithuanian and foreign authors, their positions about personal income inequality. There was created system of indicators about personal finance dinamic, structure and levels. Searching part of this study is dedicated to analyse structure of dinamic of average households income, following social economical groups of residents. There was separated reasons, witch determinted differentiation of income. Also, have been researched levels ant structure of income and there was evaluated dispenses of unevens. Study confirm hipothesis, that income inequality between different social groups is very great. In this study was used researches of households budgets from Lithuanian Statistics Department, data from Lithuanian and other commercial banks. Third part shows course and remedies, how to reduce inequality of income. In conclusion, there is suggestion to introduce progressive taxes.

Lietuvos gyventojų pajamų nelygybės vertinimas europos sąjungos šalių kontekste / Lithuania income inequality measurement in the european union country context

Blanka, Donatas 30 July 2013 (has links)
Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje didėjanti ekonominė nelygybė neretai suvokiama kaip neišvengiamas pasaulio šalių modernizacijos ir ekonominio vystymosi padarinys. Tačiau naujos tendencijos patvirtino, kad ekonominę nelygybę galima (bent iš dalies) valdyti, taikant tikslines ekonomines-socialines politikos priemones. Siekiant minėto tikslo, itin svarbu analizuoti pajamų nelygybės atsiradimo prieţastis ir jos dinamiką, ieškoti priemonių, galinčių sumažinti ekonominės nelygybės mastą šalyje. Šiame darbe analizuojama gyventojų pajamų nelygybės samprata, jos prieţastys, problemos, ryšys su ekonomikos augimu, tiriama Lietuvos gyventojų pajamų nelygybė Europos Sąjungos šalių kontekste. / In modern society, the growing economic inequality is often seen as an inevitable world modernization and economic development outcome. However, new trends have proven that economic inequality can be (at least partially) operated, through targeted social-economic policies. In achieving this objective it is essential to analyze the causes of income inequality and its dynamics, look for measures that can reduce the extent of economic inequality in the country. This paper analyzes the concept of income nequality and its causes, problems, relationship with economic growth. The research in the analysis is income inequality in Lithuania in context of European Union countries.

IMF Conditionality, Fiscal Policy, and Income Inequality in Latin America

Egger-Bovet, Nicholas 01 January 2011 (has links)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is the leading international economic crisis manager, but the effects of its loans and conditionality reach far beyond overarching macroeconomic indicators. This paper will examine the consequences of IMF fiscal policy conditions on income inequality and poverty by examining cases in Latin America, and specifically Mexico during the 1980s. The role that internal politics within borrowing countries plays is also closely examined. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for the IMF to ensure the most equitable and effective means of overcoming balance of payments crises.

Capital Goods for the Common Good : The Capital-to-income Ratio's connection to Income Inequality in Sweden

Ryberg, Peter January 2015 (has links)
This thesis utilises the second fundamental law of capitalism in order to study the development of income inequality in Sweden, from the start of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21stcentury. The law is studied from a historical perspective (examination of national accounts as time series), and empirically analysed (regression analysis). The results retrieved indicate that the income diverging force of savings exceed the income converging force of growth (via income, innovation, and education). This means that income inequality is predicted to increase. The main conclusion drawn is that choosing whether to save or not on behalf of every individual affects the capital stock of the aggregate economy. When individual savings pile up the aggregate capital stock increases, and if this increase surpasses the growth in national income the capital-to-income ratio increases. This ratio is in a sense a measure of how capitalistic the country is. More income inequality is expected to be found the higher this ratio gets.

Gli effetti geopolitici della distribuzione del reddito. / GEOPOLITICAL EFFECTS OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION

GREGORINI, FILIPPO 22 December 2008 (has links)
Questa tesi si compone di tre parti e tratta di differenti aspetti inerenti l'organizzazione geopolica delle nazioni da un punto di vista teorico. Viene prestata particolare attenzione agli effetti della distribuzione del reddito. / This dissertation is composed of three papers and discusses different aspects of the geopolitical organization of countries from a theoretical point of view. Special attention is given to the effects of income distribution

The Puzzle between Economic Growth and Income Inequality

Jamal, Mahmoud, Sayal, Omar January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the correlation between income inequality and economic growth in a cross-section of 90 countries from 2002 to 2006. The controversial Kuznets Hypothesis, the economic model that hypothesizes the relationship between inequality and per capita income is an inverted U-shaped curve, is scrutinized and investigated to consider its viability and accuracy. A multiple linear regression model is estimated and the viability of the regression model is supported by several statistical tests. Based on the estimated model, a negative correlation between growth and inequality has been found.

Empirical Analysis of Causes of Income Inequality: A Level Playing Field for Children at the Start of School Career

Theint, Ei P 01 January 2014 (has links)
Numerous and countless factors have been theorized to be causes of inequality. This paper started with identifying the most important determinants of income inequality through theoretical research. Among the various theories of causes of inequality, I hypothesized creating a level playing for children at the very start of their career as students as an important determinant. In order to test the hypothesis that a level playing field is important to help fight inequality, a regression tailored for this question is created. I develop a regression model using the variable public expenditure on primary education as the variable to be tested while controlling for other important determinants of inequality including public expenditure per student on all stages of education, unemployment rate, GDP per capita, GDP growth, and governance indicator. The empirical model confirms theory that quality of primary education is highly beneficial for students. I conduct further theoretical research concerning ways to improve the quality of primary education and included them in policy recommendation section.

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