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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přesnost stanovení viskozity kapalin / Accuracy of the determination of liquid viscosity

Zikmund, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the rheological properties of liquids, especially on the viscosity and the standard uncertainty. It explains methods of the viscosity measurement and the calibration selected viscometers, the principle of the determination of standard uncertainty by indirect measurement of the viscosity and the density. The main object of this thesis was to create a specialized centre for viscosity measurement and to create a document which could be used by teaching of diagnostics.

Emissão de gases de efeito estufa e pegada de carbono na produção de pepino, tomate e alface em dois sistemas de cultivo /

Pereira, Breno de Jesus January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Arthur Bernardes Cecílio Filho / Resumo: O cultivo consorciado de hortaliças é considerado uma alternativa ao sistema convencional, pois caracteriza-se pela maior eficiência do uso da terra e de insumos. Por esta razão, acredita-se ser este um modelo de cultivo mais sustentável e de baixa emissão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE). Assim, objetivou-se estimar a emissão direta e indireta de GEE e a pegada de carbono por quilograma de hortaliça produzida nos sistemas de consórcio e monocultivo, em ambiente protegido. Para isso, baseado em trabalhos publicados sobre a eficiência agronômica destes sistemas, foram comparados consórcios de pepino-alface e de tomate-alface com monocultivos de pepino, tomate e alface. Duas unidades funcionais foram selecionadas para estimar o impacto de cada sistema, um quilograma de hortaliça produzido e um hectare de cultivo. O total de GEE emitido para cada sistema de cultivo foi convertido em CO2 equivalente (CO2eq), utilizando a metodologia do IPCC e fatores específicos (Tier 2). As emissões totais de GEE nos dois consórcios (16.368 kg CO2eq ha-1 ) foram cerca de 35 % menores que o total emitido quando em monocultivos (25.273 kg CO2eq ha-1 ), sendo a infraestrutura e fertilizantes sintéticos as principais fontes contribuintes nos dois sistemas. A pegada de carbono para a produção de um quilograma de hortaliça em consórcio (0,105 kg CO2eq kg-1 ) é cerca de cinco vezes menor que em monocultivo (0,516 kg CO2eq kg-1 ), e essa diferença se deve, também, às diferentes produtividades das cultura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Vegetables intercropping cultivation is considered an alternative to the conventional system, as it is characterized by greater efficiency of land use and inputs. For this reason, it is believed to be a more sustainable and low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission cultivation model. Thus, the aim of this study was estimate direct and indirect GHG emission and the carbon footprint per kilogram of vegetables produced in intercropping and monoculture systems, in protected environment. Based on published works about agronomic efficiency of these systems, it was compared intercropping of cucumber-lettuce and tomato-lettuce with cucumber, tomato and lettuce monoculture. Two functional units were selected to estimate the impact of each system, one kilogram of vegetables produced and one hectare of cultivation. Total GHG emissions for each cropping system were converted in CO2 equivalent (CO2eq) using the IPCC methodology and specific factors (Tier 2). GHG emissions in both intercropping cultivation (16,368 kg CO2eq ha-1 ) were about 35% lower than the total emitted in monocultures (25,273 kg CO2eq ha-1 ). The main contributing GHG emission sources were infrastructure and synthetic fertilizers in both systems. Carbon footprint for production of one kilogram vegetables in intercropping (0.105 kg CO2eq kg-1 ) is about five times lower than in monoculture (0.516 kg CO2eq kg-1 ), and this difference is also due to the different crop productivity. The results confirm that intercropping cultivati... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

In search of international tort law : civil liability of arms manufacturers for indirect sales to embargoed conflict zones

Simonsz, David January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to demonstrate the practical possibilities of holding arms companies liable under the common law of torts as a possible instrument in support of the enforcement of public international law and international human rights law. The United Kingdom is used as primary example because its tort law has been widely spread across the world by colonialism, so any case that is successful in the UK may be successful in other common law countries with (relatively) little modification. This increases the relevance of this dissertation. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2007. / A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Prof Alejandro Lorite of the Department of Law, American University - Cairo. / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Aerosol indirect effects in POLDER satellite data and the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique–Zoom (LMDZ) general circulation model

Quaas, Johannes, Boucher, Olivier, Bréon, François-Marie January 2004 (has links)
The POLDER-1 instrument was able to measure aerosol and cloud properties for eight months in 1996–1997. We use these observational data for aerosol concentration (the aerosol index), cloud optical thickness, and cloud droplet effective radius to establish statistical relationships among these parameters in order to analyze the first and second aerosol indirect effects. We also evaluate the representation of these effects as parameterized in the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique–Zoom (LMDZ) general circulation model. We find a decrease in cloud top droplet radius with increasing aerosol index in both the model and the observations. Our results are only slightly changed if the analysis is done at fixed cloud liquid water path (LWP) instead of considering all LWP conditions. We also find a positive correlation between aerosol index and cloud liquid water path, which is particularly pronounced over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes. This may be interpreted as observational evidence for the second aerosol indirect effect on a large scale. The model-simulated relationship agrees well with that derived from POLDER data. Model simulations show a rather small change in the two relationships if preindustrial rather than present-day aerosol distributions are used. However, when entirely switching off the second aerosol indirect effect in our model, we find a much steeper slope than we do when including it.

Evaluating parameterisations of subgrid-scale variability

Quaas, Johannes, Grützun, Verena, Schemann, Vera, Weber, Torsten 26 November 2015 (has links)
Parameterisations of fractional cloudiness in large-scale atmospheric models rely on information about the subgrid-scale variablity of the total water specific humidity, qt , provided in form of a probability density function (PDF). In this contribution, four different approaches to evaluate such total-water PDFs are discussed: (i) Satellite spectroradiometers with high spatial resolution allow to construct at the scale of model grid boxes a histogram, and subsequently to derive the moments of the PDF, of the vertical integral of qt . This can be compared to the same quantity diagnosed from the model parameterisation. Although the vertical integral mostly focuses on the boundary layer, and involves issues in grid-boxes with orographic variability, it allowed nevertheless in the example presented to pinpoint deficiencies of a model parameterisation. (ii) Assuming a simple PDF shape and saturation within clouds, the simple “critical relative humidity” metric can be derived from infrared sounders and/or cloud lidar in combination with reanalysis data with a vertical resolution. It allows to evaluate the underlying PDF of any cloud scheme, but is sensitive to the assumptions. (iii) Supersites with a combination of ground-based lidar, radar and microwave data provide high-resolution high-quality reference data. In a “virtual reality” framework, we showed, however, that it is difficult to evaluate higher moments of a spatial PDF with this temporally-varying data. (iv) From a hierarchy of models from general circulation models to direct numerical simulations, we find that the variance of the qt follows a power-law scaling with an exponent of about -2. This information is very useful to improve the parameterisations.

Electronic properties of the topological insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3

Gühne, Robin 22 January 2020 (has links)
Die drei-dimensionalen Topologische Isolatoren Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 sind Modell-Systeme einer neuen Klasse von Isolatoren mit metallischen Oberflächenzuständen. Ihre kleinen Bandlücken und die schweren Elemente sind essentiell für die topologisch nicht-triviale Bandstruktur, sind aber ebenso verantwortlich für andere bemerkenswerte Eigenschaften, wie etwa für ihre Leistungsfähigkeit als Thermoelektrika. Diese Arbeit untersucht die elektronischen Eigenschaften der Topologischen Isolatoren Bi2Se3 und Bi2Te3 mittels zahlreicher experimenteller Methoden. Es wird gezeigt, dass Ferromagnetismus in Mn gedoptem Bi2Te3 durch sintern unterdrückt werden kann. Zudem werden ein überraschend großer Magnetoresistiver Effekt und ein ladungsträgerunabhängiger Vorzeichenwechsel des Seebeck-Koeffizienten mit zunehmenden Mn Gehalt diskutiert. Kernmagnetische Resonanz (NMR) von 125Te Kernen in Bi2Te3 Einkristallen lässt auf eine ungewöhnliche elektronische SpinSuszeptibilität and komplexe NMR Verschiebungen schließen. Es wird gezeigt dass die Quadrupolwechselwirkung von 209Bi Kernen in Bi2Se3 Einkristallen eine Signatur der Bandinversion ist, in quantitativer Ubereinstimmung mit DFT Rechnungen. Weiterhin wird argumentiert dass die starke Spin-Bahn Kopplung der Leitungselektronen zu einer nicht-trivialen Orientierungsabh¨angigkeit der 209Bi Quadrupolaufspaltung führt.:Contents List of Figures List of Tables List of abbreviations Introduction 1 Topological insulators in three dimensions 2 Theoretical background 3 Methods I: structural, electronic and magnetic properties 4 Methods II: nuclear magnetic resonance 5 Sample preparation and basic characterisation6 Magnetic and electronic properties of Mn doped Bi2Te3 7 NMR of spin 1/2 nuclei: 125Te in Bi2Te3 8 NMR of quadrupole nuclei: 209Bi in Bi2Se3 Conclusions and outlook Appendix Bibliography / The three-dimensional topological insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 are model systems of a new class of materials with an insulating bulk and gapless surface states. Their small band gaps and the heavy elements are essential for the topologically non-trivial band structure, but these features are similarly responsible for other remarkable properties, such as their high thermoelectric performance. This thesis investigates the electronic properties of the topological insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3 with a broad range of experimental methods. Ferromagnetism in Mn doped Bi2Te3 is shown to disappear under sample sintering. A surprisingly large magnetoresistance and a charge carrier independent change in the sign of the thermopower with increasing Mn content are discussed.125Te nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of Bi2Te3 single crystals suggest an unusual electronic spin susceptibility and complex NMR shifts. The quadrupole interaction of 209Bi nuclei in Bi2Se3 single crystals is shown to be a signature of the band inversion in quantitative agreement with first-principle calculations. Furthermore, it is proposed that the strong spin-orbit coupling of conduction electrons causes a non-trivial orientation dependent quadrupole splitting of the 209Bi resonance.:Contents List of Figures List of Tables List of abbreviations Introduction 1 Topological insulators in three dimensions 2 Theoretical background 3 Methods I: structural, electronic and magnetic properties 4 Methods II: nuclear magnetic resonance 5 Sample preparation and basic characterisation6 Magnetic and electronic properties of Mn doped Bi2Te3 7 NMR of spin 1/2 nuclei: 125Te in Bi2Te3 8 NMR of quadrupole nuclei: 209Bi in Bi2Se3 Conclusions and outlook Appendix Bibliography

Vliv vztahu délky dolní končetiny a velikosti ráfku na psychofiziologickou odezvu organismu / Effect of lower limb length-bike rime size relationship on psychophysilogocal response of the organism

Sukovič, Richard January 2020 (has links)
VLIV VZTAHU DÉLKY DOLNÍ KONČETINY A VELIKOSTI RÁFKU NA PSYCHOFZIOLOGICKOU ODEZVU ORGANISMU Cíle: Cílem této práce je posoudit vliv délky dolní končetiny (DK) na psychofyziologickou odezvu organismu při jízdě na horském kole s odlišnými velikostmi ráfků. Metody: Soubor probandů tvořilo 20 mužů ve věku 26,4 ± 4,2 let. Jednalo se o experiment. Psychofyziologická odezva byla stanovena na základě výkonu (zajetého času), tepové frekvence a subjektivním hodnocení jízdních vlastností horského kola a vlastního vynaloženého úsilí hodnoceného na Borgově škále. Ke kontrolní analýze při testování byl použit přístroj MetaMax 3B. Testovány byly tři velikosti ráfků o stejné šíři plášťů. Jízdy byly realizovány na 800 m dlouhém okruhu. Testované osoby absolvovali každou jízdu s individuálně zvoleným fixním převodem v poloze v sedle s maximálním možným úsilím. Výsledky: Při jízdě na různě velkých ráfcích jsme u skupiny č. 2 (85 -90 cm DK) shledali velký rozdíl (P = 0,016) v dosažených časech při jízdě na různě velkých ráfcích. U skupiny č. 1 jsme shledali významné rozdíly v průměrné tepové frekvenci (P = 0,010), který činil 3 tepy a u subjektivního hodnocení vlastního vynaloženého úsilí pomocí Borgovy škály jsme se pohybovali na hranici významnosti (P = 0,060). Skupina č. 3 (97 - 101 cm DK) se pohybovala na hranici...

Zhodnocení ekonomiky lezení a fyziologické odezvy organizmu při různých rychlostech lezení / Movement economy and physiological response during differing climbing speeds in sport climbers

Podoba, Peter January 2020 (has links)
Title: Movement economy and physiological response during differing climbing speeds in sport climbers. Aims: The work aims to evaluace climbing economy and physiological responses of intermediate and advanced climbers in different climbing speeds. Methodology: 32 climbers (11 advanced men, 11 intermediate men, 10 intermediate women) performed 3 submaximal tests in treadwall at slope of 90ř at speeds 4, 6 and 9 m.min-1 . Each of the tests lasted exactly 4 minutes. Oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate (HR), ventilation (VE), respiratory ratio (RER) and energy expenditure were monitored. Results: Advanced men reported lower energy expenditure than intermediate men in all climbing speeds (4 m.min-1 : -0,06 kcal.kg-1 , P = 0,007; 6 m.min-1 : -0,06 kcal.kg-1 P = 0,048; 9 m.min-1 : -0,07 kcal.kg-1 P = 0,022). Intermediate women reported only slightly lower energy expenditure than intermediate men (4 m.min-1 : -0,01 kcal.kg-1 P = 0,051; 6 m.min-1 : 0,06 kcal.kg-1 P = 0,091; 9 m.min-1 : -0,03 kcal.kg-1 P = 0,115). Energy expenditure was significantly lower at 4 m.min-1 than at 6 m.min-1 (-9,82 kcal, p = 0,001) and also signicantly lower at 6 m.min-1 than at 9 m.min-1 (-8,3 kcal, p = 0,001). Advanced men reported significantly lower VO2 at speeds 4 a 6 m.min-1 (- 2,2 ml.kg- 1 .min-1, P = 0,022; -3,9 ml.kg-1...

Imagining publics, negotiating powers: the parallel evolutions of romantic social structure and Jane Austen’s free indirect discourse

Seatter, Lindsey Marie 29 January 2021 (has links)
The Romantic era, from roughly the middle of the eighteenth century to the middle of the nineteenth century, was a period of rapid and revolutionary social change. Progressing in parallel was the form of the novel, which rose from relative disrepute to the foremost literary genre. While neither a prolific writer nor one that was very popular during her lifetime, I argue that Jane Austen and her inimitable style can be figured at the nexus of these two transitions. This dissertation presents a comprehensive study of Austen’s style across her body of work, from her early manuscripts through her published novels and ending with her unfinished draft. Using historical, digital, sociological, and narratological methods, I interrogate Austen’s style on three interrelated levels—moving from the most insular effects to the broadest applications of her narrative technique. First, I explore the progression of Austen’s style across her canon, particularly focusing on the development and maturation of her free indirect discourse. Second, I locate Austen’s style in the evolution of the novel. I begin with constructing her literary lineage, which I argue is tied to female writers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and move towards understanding how her use of free indirect discourse was necessary for the emergence of the novel’s modern form. Third, I consider Austen’s style as a means of imagining and critiquing the changing social spaces of her contemporary moment, specifically in terms of how the layered vocality of her narrative technique reflected Britain’s movement from the rigid structures of rank and honour to the fluid categories of class and dignity. / Graduate

Nepřímé pachatelství / Indirect perpetration

Repáňová, Patrícia January 2019 (has links)
Indirect perpetration Abstract The topic of this diploma thesis is the analysis of an institute of indirect perpetration, which is one of many possible ways of committing a crime. Its essence lies in using other person who cannot be liable for his/her actions, also called an innocent agent or instrumentality. Such a person is controlled by an indirect perpetrator in the backround who must have double intentions towards committing a crime and also an abuse of a person who for some reason will not be held criminally liable. The reasons for staying out of criminal liability are enumeratively listed in the Criminal Code and include the lack of age, insanity, mistake, emergency, necessity and other defenses, as well as the fact that the person acted with no culpability or at all. It also deals with a matter when the innocent agent acts with no mental state (or motive) sufficient for commision of the offense which is required for particular criminal act and in those cases his liability can be measured at least as negligence and does not exclude his liability for another offense. This institute sought its way into the Criminal Code for quite a long time, until the enaction in 2009. The new Criminal Code was considered a groundbreaking legal regulation. By that time, the institute of indirect perpetration was only...

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